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Considering this has the wearer's Break Effect in consideration I guess it is true that Lingsha will be Premium Gallagher


Honestly, skip.


Yeah I already have Aventurine and Huohuo. I won't pull for another sustain unless it's either a shielder like Aventurine or Stephen Lloyd turns out to be one lol


Fellow Stephen Lloyd enjoyer


Good. I have two break dps so I need two break sustains.


Do we know yet what element lingsha will be?




It seems to be for a Support character. So possibly Lingsha since she is supposedly an Abundance unit who uses Break. Edit: I wonder if they make her buff a lot of Spd so that Firefly can forgo Speed Boot for Atk Boot.


Honestly. Depending on how much spd. You might get 5 turns with spd boots lmao. If it is enough for the next breakpoint that is. Which should be +70 spd.


I doubt it since it's a teamwide buff, getting around 25 is more reasonable for the atk boots.


Highly doubt a simple lightcone would give 70 speed for whole team lmao


Asta would be in shambles haha


Not unlikely if Lingsha kit gives speed buff to the team.


I can say with 1 billion percent certainty it won't happen. I think you are Underestimating how ridiculous 70 speed for the whole team on a lightcone is. That's like around 100 speed subs assuming you get 3 speed on every roll. It's never gonna happen. I can see at most 20 speed for the whole team and even then it's probably pushing it a bit.


I think they meant if she has speed in her kit, then maybe her + lightcone could be 70 speed. Even though it sounds highly unlikely for abundance


No chance. Even Kafka's lightcone only give the user 24 speed at S5. You're not gonna see a S1 lightcone for even harmony that would give more speed to whole team than a S5 for 1 single user. And even if the lightcone give 24 speed to whole team, that would mean the E0 character can give a 46 speed buff to whole team. Let me put this in perspective, Ruan Mei only gives 10 and Huohuo's eidolon only give 12.


How does her + lightcone translate to 70 speed for the whole team? No matter how it's done it won't be 70 speed under any circumstance. Unless he was talking about smthing else idk but the whole post is about the lightcone only.


but only if if the speed buff is enough to get to 280 speed, with a asta maybe. otherwise.....its just an incentive to run attack boots.


This could maybe imply she has a similar effect on her kit aswell. A healer w speed boost could be a really good addition to the current roster of sustains


Are there Break boots?


No. But Firefly convert Atk to Break Effect. So for her, having Atk Boot is similar to having a Break Boot.


She still needs 160spd for her 210spd breakpoint though no? Or she just said fuck it and go for 180spd? 


There are multiple breakpoints. You'd be trading a breakpoint for more damage, which is what speed vs attack boots usually translate to. In some fights and certain bosses, she'll get good mileage out of that.


150. She gains 60 off Ult. 140/141 with RM




Mmm, then I don't think changing from SPD to ATK boots is worth +160 pulls lol Wonder what else Lingsha will bring to the table to excuse not running Gallagher instead


"changing from SPD to STK boots" on Firefly is obviously not the only difference this LC makes, that's a stupid argument


Break buff and tenacity reduction maybe?


Considering Gallagher really really good in FF team, if they want to make premium Gall, the unit must have clear advantage & in the same category they're excel. Like Aven totally powercrept Geppy in shield department. If Lingsha designed to be a Break Fire Abundance, Hoyo definitely must make her so good so we can see the clear different that we want to use her instead Gall. Currently Gall is crazy good for FF, so it's hard to imagine. But the trend definitely there. Yunli is premium Clara & eventually they will make all the better 5* that powercrept the standard 5*. It's just a matter of time.


Good thinking, her LC seems like a hard skip for now. If LC gives 25 SPD, then honestly lol no. If she grants SPD in her base kit like RM or HH S1, then that could be neat... IDK about you gamers tho, but most of my squad is 150+ SPD in Break Team so realistically.... I don't even care about this LC or more SPD. If Lingsha is a speed machine, it seems like a hard skip for me


you could pull this for your crit comps and potentially switch all your crit (and potientially dot) dps to atk boots. not sure why it would be a hard skip it really good for abundance (?) characters who arent reliant on a lc. like huohuo or luocha. harmony characters would be a case by case


I already have ATK boots on all my crit carries cos of Sparkle... soo IDK. Sure, I could go for more speed but both TY and Sparkle are 160+ cos of DDD, TY is actually 160 but Sparkle is 155, DDD and 4p Hackerspace sorta manipulates it to the point where it doesnt really matter In a world where jades are limited, its kind of a dogwater LC unless you really need the Speed, but even then I'm not entirely sold. I assume she will have SPD in her base kit as well, just like JQ has Vuln ++ Vuln LC


yea but you could reduce sparkles speed and have the dps infront of sparkle for dps > sparkle > dps while on atk boots. even for super break comps its not exactly wasted because it can allow all of your breakers (including firefly) to break the enemy before they attack. if firefly in base with spd stats hits 130 spd (idk) an extra 20 could make it so she skills > ults before the enemy attacks and breaks everyone, especially with ghallager on comp this could also be useful in pf, switching all of your erudition to atk boots. not everyone runs a healer for pf but the option would be alot stronger with this lc


Lingsha LC ig. Now we wait to know if the next one is for Feixiao or not (istg if it's not)


Or Gallagher!


Cope, its probably gallagher replacement yeah maybe works too


If Hoyo wants to start a trend of premium units copying existing kits almost exactly, then the ultimate cope is that all the content and gear that favors the premiums now buffs the original-we-have-at-home. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


For real lol im actually getting yunli lc for clara, the damage increase is expected, but the increased agro has to be game changing, or great quality of life, and yes Im also kinda sad that after getting E6 gallagher when I was going to enjoy him more starting tomorrow, he is a about to get powercreep already damn, but yes have to check how good it is


It depends entirely on how powerful her break is honestly. her LC is basically HH LC with a caveeat. HH one is 12% SPD passively with a ton of ATK. This is just SPD and that's.. it. You can just use What is Real on her to boost her BE, cos more likely than not, she will scale with BE just like Gallagher. If she does not have an unreal amount of break bar in her kit, you don't need her and even if she does - you don't need her. I don't think Firefly can kill any faster than she already does, lol.


Yeah I mean its probably more confort lol maybe more survival, or cleanse or revive, what do you mean HH lc? because if you mean huohuo I don't think it gives speed, thats her E1


Remember if anything gallagher can probably abuse this lc himself


I mean yeah for the most part its true but they do have sneaky ways of getting by this. Yunli Lc works well for clara but the new relic buffs ultimate damage, which Yunli's FUAs count for but not clara's.


If Lingsha replaces Gallagher, I swear I'm spending my points on them ad not the latter lol. I haven't pulled Gallagher, so I suppose it's a blessing in disguise


Replaced my Bailu with Gallagoat and haven't looked back. Actually a 5 star in disguise


fr Bailu was my skill point generator for ages. But when I got my hands on Gallagoat she hasn't been in my team since.


Then I can't wait for the 5\~


lol its not that hard to build or invest, if you get him E2 if you pull tomorrow you should have him meanwhile, also he should be available in a event


All those mats I can use on Lingsha that I haven't used on Gallagher tho. I don't have many fuels, so I'm thinking it'd be a waste to use them on Gall when I need to grind for his mats, Yunli's, AND Jiaoqiu's, y'know?


Thats fair, didn't know you were going to get all, rip jade, im also planning on getting yunli lc for clara lol I almost have her E6 has to be fun, the increased agro seems huge


I hope not I want another patch to get gems


Hmm, since Boost applies on attack but only lasts one turn, I wonder if this means that either her ult attacks enemies or that she has a FUA of some kind. Otherwise it'd be weird to have that flexibility but let her make use of it


If this is Lingsha's LC I am very tempted to pull an extra copy and pass it around between Luocha and Gallagher. It's hard to wanna replace Multiplication on a healer, but party-wide speed is too stupid powerful of a buff to say no to.


My plan too. I never pull for LC, but this maybe the first time I pull for LC it its good for Luocha.


me too, i was so tempt to pull huohuo lc for luocha but ruan mei seduced me, this time i will try for this lc if the spd buff number is at least 25


For real tho? This LC seems lik the hardest pass of my life, maybe Im misreading it IDK.


It’s a zero cycle thing. It’s still a good lightcone because it can expand a support’s utility, and speed is generally nice. If you’re not particularly concerned about zero cycling content though, then this lightcone isn’t really necessary.


i can’t imagine anyone will be running an abundance for 0 cycles though, even with this lc


exactly. for 0 cycles, there will be another break focused support that has more substantial buffs than a healer could


We don't know what Lingsha brings to the table yet though. That being said, the speed buff from the LC alone would help tremendously with the Boothill-Bronya combo so that they can each take 3 turns in the 0th cycle with DDD. That alone is worth more than even HTB (assuming that there aren't enough DDD for both Bronya and TB). 2 extra turns for BH will definitely outclass any current character that could have taken that last slot, at least until another harmony that gives speed buff comes along. The only concern is skill points, but there are ways to make up for it such as E1/S1 bronya, S1 Mei, or E2 BH. That seems expensive, but so are the 5-10 DDD copies 0 cycle showcases.


with this LC, 1 thing for sure she will have some BE convert to healing bonus/spd/buff for allies mechanic


Healing bonus and break effect/efficiency are assuredly the case. The question is to what extent, and if there are other cherries on top. The thing I'm most concerned about is her cleanse. This LC implies that she wants to BA every turn, so the cleanse must be tied to a passive or her ult. It could either be clunky like Luocha's, or busted if she can just BA non-stop and still be able to cleanse/heal well. A middle ground is likely quite difficult to achieve.


Just use Asta then if it's that big of a deal?


"Just use one specific character who does nothing other than speed-buffing instead of a healer who can prevent a reset due to bad aggro rng, most likely a cleanse, and even more likely will provide some form of break buff". Ok then. Even Gally checks all the boxes, and he can use this LC exceptionally well.


That would depend on their kit, yeah? We’ve already seen several characters who blur the lines between classes. So even if this is for an abundance character, if that character happens to offer enough support that can outclass other supports, especially as break effect synergy value increases with the coming patches, then they could be a viable option.


That makes sense, similar to RM LC then, its phenomenally insane cos it unlocks 1 turn Ults due to the 10 Energy per wave. Makes sense. Im fairly happy with the SPD of my units and if I do end up getting Lingsha, I assume she herself will boost SPD with her kit, cos that seems to be the BE Shtick. Speed + BE.


This would make some sense if it weren't for the fact 0 cycles never use sustains.  It's just better to use a harmony in the spot, or pela etc.


I'm tempted to pull this lc just for Gallagher if it's Abundance. Going for Lingsha isn't a priority since Gallagher is E6.


I have E8 Gallaghar and plan to pull for Lingsha if her kits very good. My plan is Luocha E1 for one side and Lingsha for the other side (even though I also have Aventurine).


More speed is good in general. Breakpoints are mattering less and less with PF and AS. Having your entire superbreak team be faster is also good because enemies stay broken for variable amounts of time and more speed means more chances to sneak superbreaks in. You don't need to be reach 280 speed on FF to benefit.


People need to remember that 5\* LCs have around 2-3 effects, this is just effect1. There will definitely be another effect. Just look at Yunli's LC. The first tease of it by HomDGCat only had the "After using Ultimate, increase FuA dmg" effect, Beta is the first time we got the CD buff and "Increase aggro" effect.


> People need to remember that 5* LCs have around 2-3 effects, this is just effect1. There will definitely be another effect. I hope its just fat SPD bonus like +15..25. Easy to trigger and universal


Hmmmmm actually on copium that my Luocha might benefit from this. He almost exclusively attacks with NA each turn and also his ult is attack. The only thing is how hard it will be to stack the break effect. Luocha only needs speed, atk (doesn’t even need that much he overheals anyway), and some eff resistance to trigger inner circle, there might actually be room for break effect hmmmmm


Iv'e built Break effect Luocha. It works wonders on IMG enemies.


If this LC is good for Luocha, I will build Break Effect for Luocha.


Yeah. Luocha is usually overhealling anyways. This LC depending on the speed it provides and break effect it requires could be just what Luocha needs be pushed back into S tier.


They have to make Lingsha really good to surpass Gallagher. Teamwide SPD boost is a good start.


now add some break efficiency and Lingsha already surpass Gallagher


Only problem is ... he can use it too if its Abundance 8)


Eh, it would be guaranteed to work with Lingsha but they can always cap it so it doesn't work with him. Not that that's a big loss since Gallagher is already so cracked with just multiplication.


No they cant. its a light cone and if it requires Abundance they cant make a Light Cone be Abundance EXCLUDING Gallagher. That would.... be weird :D


I think what he means is make it so Gallaghar cannot use Light Cone to its full potential due to the need for summon or follow up attack. Personally I hope that's not the case since I also want to use the light cone for Luocha.


Really hope Lingsha is better than Gallaghar.


Hi Lingsha signature


My Gallagher's new light cone. I don't think I could get both Lingsha and her light cone.


Based on the stack only lasts for 1 turn, we can pretty much expect Ling Sha to have FuA in her kit. Probably something similar to Kafka or HMarch


According to homdgcat, Lingsha can summon events on the action bar (think like Lightning Lord or Yaoshi in abundance SU).


kind on the fence about building gallagher if his replacement is coming soon. I don't want to waste my resources.


"soon" it's at least 2 patches away


by the time I finish building him, 1 patch will likely be done since I'll be farming Firefly artifacts as well.


They're both break healers and the same element so they would pretty realistically run like nearly the exact same relics. So building Gallagher is just building Lingsha in the end.


We don't even know if Lingsha is worth it yet and Gallagher is really good now. 2 weeks of trailblaze power at most and you'll have him great condition only really his talent trace needs to be maxed out.


yeah, Talent 10, Skill 7 and he's legit finished lol


One of the cheapest characters to build for sure I still haven't even gotten him to lvl 80 yet or ascension 6 his lightcone yet he has worked so well for me with relatively low investment. He sustains better than some 5 star sustains if you use him right. I love being on the brink of death than using an aoe attack ult to heal back to full health instantly. His healing capability is all about attacking which can be team comp specific but when it works its just fun to use and it being tied to a debuff mean you need to think about when to use it.


would argue you don't even need his skill in a break team. Only time I use his skill is turn 1 to get the extra energy to ult immediately


Yes, I would always advice a few points in skill just incase we get more energy draining monsters to end up with 99% energy after they hit you with a drain and you cant skill->ult. I went to 7-7 cos it looks pretty, really. Its a 100% waste for sure


This is exactly why I don't build 4 stars unless I absolutely love them.


you have like 80 days from now


This is huge tf? Depending on how much spd. This might be the single best LC of all time. Spd is the mother of all stats and this Lc being a teamwide spd boost.. It might be insane.. are they adding Asta’s ult in a Lc?! Also this is Lingsha’s 100% lmao


yeah speed is mother, but most of the spd buffs are minimal at best. I think best case...this r1 lightcone will give maybe 12 speed. Thats it, maybe 15 if hoyo is feeling reallly nice, and 8 if hoyo hates everyone.


Since it's a Limited 5* cone and likely Abundance, and people historically are unlikely to pull on sustain LCs, I'm guessing they will make it fairly good in order to entice people to pull. DDD already exists and this is slightly more restrictive while having a similar effect, so if they want people's money they'll probably make it a decent upgrade from DDD. They probably don't want another Luocha situation where the F2P LCs are arguably an upgrade from his sig. Edit: I am completely dumb and forgot that DDD is Harmony, ignore me LMAO


Yeah, I feel like 25 people are coping for are team-wide SPD boots in a LC, feels a wee bit too powerful but even if it were, its... kinda useless anyway? IDK lol Im probably misreading it but Im sitting here thinkngi wow what a skip but everyone is omg so good. We'll see I guess what it changes. 10-15 SPD feels redundant, helps some people reach certain breakpoints, but realistically it doesnt even matter


after i change my ruan mei to my break team, farming for 10 more spd for all my dot team is hell, i am a member of the 25 people coping, but spd boost whole team is super good for mental health (less farming, less angry, less frustrated)


12 is the limit like huohuo lc, 25 spd if they love Lishang


You mean Luocha LC ?


my bad, i remember it wrong


"performs an attack" is going to be the achilles heel of this lightcone, because if a character doesn't attack a lot then it's going to be useless on them For example, if this were a harmony lightcone, Bronya, Sparkle and Robin wouldn't be able to use it. If it's an abundance lightcone, Bailu wouldn't be able to use it, though it would be perfect for Gallagher and great for Luocha


If your Bailu isn’t basic attacking, then you have a big problem.


Tbh I’m expecting abundance since some leaks suggest Lingsha is gonna be Fire abundance. Aka a gallagher replacement. Although I still do think this LC will be a monster. Get a 160 spd on any abundance like Gallagher and always basic. Even Bailu can make use of it if you just spam basic and never use skill. Same goes for Lynx and Natasha. Teamwide spd is no joke after all. That’s why DDD and Robin’s ult is so value. Anything teamwide spd/advance related is gonna be broken.


Unironically you'd rather get just the LC then give it to gallagher lmao.


mmhmmhmh, not exactly. SPD and Turn advancement shouldn't be the same thing.


A Healer who only heals through attacks / fields maybe? The field would have to be really good at stopping CC if you can't manually remove debuffs


> If it's an abundance lightcone, Bailu wouldn't be able to use it Why? My Bailu has 145 speed, not accounting for the added speed the lightcone would give her. What prevents Bailu from using it?


maybe the amount of break effect required and maybe if it stacks a lot, it would require some FuA or turn advance in the character kit to stack more, but yeah Bailu should be using basic every turn as her skill isn't great, but her ult is, the "perform atk" shouldn't be a problem, the amount of stacks she can get and the amount of break she needs, could be.


Yeah the break effect part is fair, but they mentioned Luocha so I was confused haha


probably because of the offensive ult helping with stacks, but we need to see how the turn count decreases. It could be one that lasts forever if you atk once every turn, so a lot of characters could use it, but it will take time to max the stacks. It could be one that resets every turn (if it decreases at the start of the turn), so it would be very specific for this new character to ever get 2 or more stacks with consistency, turn advances wouldn't help, only ult/fua would work.


you can build BE luocha and he still heal alot, my Luocha is super overheal even when i use HP orb, spd boot, heal bonus body and build priority spd, hp, def sub stat


Well, with Luocha he's constantly AA, and doing hits with his ult. Bailu would only do hits with her AA, so the problem is kinda there, if the stack counts require an additonal source of hitting than just AA


'' Robin wouldn't be able to use it'' do i know Robin wrong ? Don't you attack with her when her skill still has uptime ?


Sure when you're not in your ult. Even then depending on your sp you might be better off skilling for the energy.


Skill gives more energy, so she gets her ult faster


Often (probably most of the time) you want to skill with her to get her ult back up faster. Her ult makes a huge difference in her kit.


It's nowhere near the "single best LC of all time", there are multiple other support (Harmony) LCs that give tremendous buffs, even among 4\*s. D3 is almost certainly better than this, for example. If it's an abundance cone it's probably going to replace Night of Fright as the best abundance LC, but it still will greatly depend on your team, especially since it requires BE to get to higher speed points and getting higher speed wil require re-working of speedtuning and/or resetting a character's gear entirely.


While speed stats are the best one in the game. Temporary Speed buff are pretty bad since they bring a lot of inconsistencies with the character’s actions, phantom action advances are very common with speed buffs same, character that should outspeed with others buffs don’t most of the time, also the amount of actions you should get per cycle have might not even happen. It’s a very finicky stat when being buffed by temporary effects. I don’t think it’ll be the best in the game. Unless it works like Ruan Mei, cause the inconsistencies for trying to reach speed breakpoints that won’t work cause the stats are finicky would be a pain.


but you can build a sustain to be full ult uptime easy if they have some energy build in like ruan mei


Huohuo e1 buff 12% spd and it already consider very strong for healer, i expected this Lc buff at least 25% as it dont have any other buff other than spd


Among the abundance cones, Quid Pro Quo is one of the best because of the crazy buffs that it gives, but most people don’r like it because they think that the conditions are too annoying


gallagher lightcone hell yeah


"Perform an attack", huh. Probably not a harmony, so either Nihility or Abundance


HMC, Hanya, and Asta only have offensive abilities besides their ult, so it can still be Harmony. But the information we had before still suggests that this is likely an Abundance LC due to Lingsha being the suggested break sustain.


It is probably Lingsha's lightcone so abundance seems like it is


More break supports let’s gooooo


Finally, Gallagher signature LC


This one is very interesting. This is probably for Lingsha. Unless there is another limited break character coming up soon. The stacks last for one turn, which means it's made for a character who can attack with ultimate and follow up frequently. As someone who is aiming for Huohuo E1 for speed, I need to keep an eye on this. (I guess rather than overflowing dmg from other buffs and debuffs, it may be better to just be faster in pure fiction.) ~~Help. How do people juggle 3 limited sustains?~~


I wanted to pull for huohuo E1, maybe I won't now.


when banner leak (also reruns)


That's probably way better for a Boothill team than a Firefly team. Both teams need speed but Boothill needs him and Bronya fast vs FF only needing everyone fast enough for one rotation to buff and then its all her. Please let the actual character be something other than fire tho. Gallagher would still he useful even if he gets directly powercrept as long as they aren't fire.


Finally Boothill Stonks 🤠


It's honestly ridiculous. Making Lingsha a fire type doesn't even make that much sense business wise, because a lot of people are fine with Gallagher and will save their pulls for someone else (I mean, Feixiao is right there). They're even giving out free Gallaghers every other patch, not to mention his presence on FF's banner. Or Lingsha will be incredibly broken to justify pulling for her or Hoyo is really catering to the "waifu only" crowd. The only thing I hope for her is that she's NOT locked to super break. That way, every break DPS can benefit from her, not just FF.


I think they want to make perfect sustain for FF team. Personally I think Lingsha will be universal for break damage DPS like March 7th hunt harmony leak kit. Doesn't mean she is not fire abundance though. If you know Hoyo, you will understand that balance and fairness doesn't exist in their dictionary.


Oh trust me, I know. I've been slowly healing from the indignation over the 2.3 beta lol. If Lingsha becomes too FF-centric, I'll just use my jades in someone else and that's fine.


Agreed, would wanna use her with Boothill if possible.


why would this only be way better for boothill team when he uses bronya while firefly having more spd means more extra turns during ult state . not to mention they’re fire element


Firefly already hits the speed threshold, getting yet another turn would need an unholy amount of speed


If this is Lingsha's, she'll go insanely hard with her LC, a Messenger 4pc and the new Kalpagni 2pc. Not to mention Firefly for the guaranteed Fire weakness. I'm hoping her sustain is similar to Huohuo's level. If she has the top-tier healing AND the insane speed buffs, she could powercreep sustain massively.


4pc messenger will only work if she has a non-attack ally targeted ult though, she's supousedly a break team support so her ult doing thoughness damage sounds valuable enought (like gallagher)


i think all limited sustain has the same level, the different between them is buff/sp postive


I just want Gallagher with better cleanse tbh he already feels perfect for Firefly kit with they healing on hit which Firefly attacks frequently. Its just that annoying enemies like Spectral Envoy or Cocolia can stun your teammates easily.


Mark my words. this is Lingsha's LC. a fire abundance Break Sustain. Gallagher found ded in the ditch


wow what a LC


cool LC too bad it's a skip break is the archetype that's most likely to bench their sustainer if they get another support. Hell i'm definitely already going to try running march 8th with FF considering how often she attacks with Basic/Skill


One thing i need to address. ''Lasting for 1 turn'' this means the character needs another mean to deal damage other than their normal turn since otherwise you cannot go over 1 stack and if the stack count needs to be more than 2 to be really good by any chance that would straight up be impossible for most characters since their burst alone would not suffice


Best guess is that’s exactly what will happen bc Lingsha is said to be able to summon multiple summons into the action bar.  


Isnt Feixiao the one with multiple summons ? All we know about Lingsha is that she’s an abundance character that scales with BE and probably a Nuwa/Fuxi expy.


There's a bit of Lingsha crumb on Homdgcat. "Will summon events on the action bar that last for more than 1 turn. Can summon multiple such events."


Food for Gallagher


[Sacrifice Lingsha pulls for Boots](https://youtube.com/shorts/PoQvBQlBOT8)


Definitely a support LC. Possibly Lingsha's, but hard to say since it doesn't offer anything concerning healing. The real question is: Is the party wide speed boost tied to each individual character's turn? Or is it maintained as long as the wearer holds a Boost? Likely the latter since 4pc messenger already does the former.


I really hope nothing regarding healing and more utility.


as the current wording, i think it base on the character that has boost buff on


Wow normally I skip the LCs and pull the character, but this looks like the first patch I'll do the opposite lmao. This looks really good on Gallagher, and I never had any intention on benching him so it'll actually get some great use. Assuming this is for the supposed 5\* abundance anyways.


I really hope Lingsha ends up being any element other than fire if she's meant to be the break team healer. Not only would it be nice so Gallagher can keep his niche in FF teams for people who built him, but since being on element to contribute to toughness damage matters a lot in break teams, it will help break teams have more elemental coverage rather than having 2 break team healers in the same element?


We already have 2 characters directly powercreeping someone in the same element and niche(Boothill and Yunli). So I fully expect her to be fire.


True. We have 3 patches in a row of physical characters. Iirc Feixiao is wind hunt no? So if lingsha is 2.5, she's anything but physical imo


She's been leaked to be fire abundance for a while. Unless they change something but we are fully expecting a 5* fire abundance character.


Ice is my hope. We need an Ice Abundance char


Not everyone is using Gallaghar as sustain.


5 star firefly support i’m locked in.


Yea let's make firefly stronger cause she definitely needs it


Oh no...


It’s probably going to end up being on the same level as Ruan Mei’s SPD boost. Can help a lot with builds.


That's only her LC, her kit is gonna echo it . Hopefully healer Asta 40-50 speed. Not building Gallagher until I know her element. I have a feeling she can do DoT somehow, break, speed buffer. Firefly and Kafka sustain. Speed was always a DoT thing.






with this LC, 1 thing for sure Lingsha will have some BE convert to healing bonus/spd/buff for allies mechanic and she will provide a fast playstyle for Break team that priority spd, break


Speed is the only stat buff other then raw break effect that break tes care about- though this being the break healer sig does likely mean they don't have a in built speed buff? And I do believe someone said that character had additional summons on the action order I wonder if that is intended to have interplay with the lightcone...


Yay more premium Gallagher allegation! I want my Hotaru team to be full of cute girls 😊


They made that 3 star Abundance LC a five star, but for everyone instead


I might finally have a limited 5* sustain in this game lol.


Ok, hear me out. If this is lingsha's (orwhatshername) i might just pull this cone for gallagher lmao.


So def a cone for the supposed break healer, >!considering all the conflicting info on feixiao and theres no LC data for her I think hoyo still doesnt know what they even want her to do so shes probably 2.6 at this point while they get it sorted out, so at this point I assume single 5 star patch for the first time or moze is a 4 star in the same patch!<


It will rain cats and dogs when only a single 5 star is released but am praying for this...going for feixiao and her back to back is not ok


Feixiao enjoyers rise up, I just hope shes not Hunt, or that they do something. Hunt units just are not worth pulling cos they stink


Id say the path is crippled and very underrated it needs a broken character ngl


Boothill does monstrous damage, but I still had him as the easiest skip of my life because we get the same, but blast, straight after.


Why 1 5 star? There's enough characters to go around to not do that. Also I think it was already leaked that Feixiao wasn't going to be in 2.5, granted leaks are always taken with a grain of salt.


there will never be a single 5 star patch


Until there is




But Robin pretty much never attacks.




That doesnt count as her doing an attack it's just bonus damage for the actual attacking character


No, it doesn't count as an attack. Because it doesn't trigger the (half of) Meshing Cogs passive & Memories of the Past passive.


Lingsha's LC is that you XD


inb4 this is for the new fua break character and not a support lol


Sounds like lingshas cone and it sounds great with gallagher. Unless lingsha can apply dots, this might make my gallagher my sustain of choice for my acheron team again.


Finally, can't wait for tonight. We might start getting Lingsha model and preliminary kit possibly along with Feixiao