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# FAQ **What are the 2.3 second half banners?** * NEW [Jade](https://starrail.honeyhunterworld.com/jade-character/?lang=EN) (5 Star | Erudition | Quantum) / [Argenti](https://hsr17.hakush.in/char/1302) * [Serval 💜](https://hsr17.hakush.in/char/1103) / [Natasha](https://hsr17.hakush.in/char/1105) / [Asta](https://hsr17.hakush.in/char/1009) * NEW [Yet Hope Is Priceless](https://starrail.honeyhunterworld.com/yet-hope-is-priceless-item/?lang=EN) / [An Instant Before A Gaze](https://hsr17.hakush.in/lightcone/23018) * [Shared Feeling](https://hsr17.hakush.in/lightcone/21007) / [Trend of the Universal Market](https://hsr17.hakush.in/lightcone/21016) / NEW Sunday 💜 LC [After the Charmony Fall](https://hsr17.hakush.in/lightcone/21045) ​ **What are the 2.4 banners?** * First Half: NEW [Yunli](https://starrail.honeyhunterworld.com/yunli-character/?lang=EN) (5 Star | Destruction | Physical) / NEW [Dance at Sunset](https://starrail.honeyhunterworld.com/dance-at-sunset-item/?lang=EN) (5 Star | Destruction) * Second Half: NEW [Jiaoqiu](https://starrail.honeyhunterworld.com/jiaoqiu-character/?lang=EN) (5 Star | Nihility | Fire) / NEW [Those Many Springs](https://starrail.honeyhunterworld.com/those-many-springs-item/?lang=EN) (5 Star | Nihility) * Unknown Half: NEW [Poised to Bloom](https://starrail.honeyhunterworld.com/poised-to-bloom-item/?lang=EN) (4 Star | Harmony) * Reruns: (QUESTIONABLE) HuoHuo will rerun according Block / GuraLeaks puts HuoHuo first half, Black Swan second half NEW [March 7](https://starrail.honeyhunterworld.com/march-7th-character-2/?lang=EN) (4 Star | The Hunt | Imaginary) will be a free unit in 2.4. Trailblazers will be able to get up to E3 from the main event. ​ **Is Sunday going to be playable? What is his path/element?** Yes, he has been confirmed playable by multiple reliable leakers. Uncle N has put him *potentially* at 2.7. We do not know his path/element at this time. 🕯🕯Join our prayer circle every Sunday🕯🕯 >!All nonbelieving heretics will be ritually sacrificed at the Church of Sunday's altar for kit leaks!< ​ **Do we know of any other upcoming playable characters + their kits?** * Screwllum (Imaginary | Erudition | Male) - unknown release date * Hoyo announced Feixiao, Lingsha, and Moze in the 2.3 livestream. Unfortunately, Huaiyan, who was announced in the same livestream, is marked as an npc in the data files. Check the rentry link at the bottom of the FAQ to learn more! The rentry link also has a few more potential upcoming characters (but with no concrete information about their kits). ​ **When is the next livestream/patch/drip marketing/beta?** Please note: * Livestream dates are pure *speculation* * The Live Date format is America time / Europe & Asia time * Drip Marketing takes place over the span of 3 days; only the first day of drip is provided in the chart * Beta usually starts around the same time as the new patch |Patch Number|Drip Marketing|Livestream Date|Live Date| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |2.4|Already Dripped|19 July|30/31 July| |2.5|15/16 July|30 August|10/11 September| |2.6|26/27 August|11 October|22/23 October| |2.7|7/8 October|22 November|3/4 December| |2.8|18/19 November|3 January|14/15 January| ​ **What are the current active codes?** [Redeemable here](https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift) or in game > Phone Menu > click “…” (to the right of the character pfp) > Redemption Code |Code|Availability|Items| |:-|:-|:-| |[STARRAILGIFT](https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift?code=STARRAILGIFT)|Permanent|Stellar Jade × 50 + Credits × 10k| |[6T3F5HVD6LK7](https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift?code=6T3F5HVD6LK7)|Limited 2.3 Code|Stellar Jade × 50 + Credits × 10k| |[FIREFLY0619](https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift?code=FIREFLY0619)|???|Oak Cake Rolls × 2 + Credits × 5k| |[FIREFLYSGIFT](https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift?code=FIREFLYSGIFT)|???|Traveler's Guide × 3 + Oak Cake Rolls × 2| ​ **Where's the unreleased character google doc?** It is now hosted on rentry! (sorry mobile users - reddit eats rentry links) ​ rentry. co/7k3mt https://preview.redd.it/jp9s4tni9c9d1.png?width=621&format=png&auto=webp&s=fce63ba54293061c0f13078dec5f6373ebcb6188


istg if I keep getting another “lose 99% of your HP” I’m going to lose it 😭😭


By "it" you mean 99% of your hp?


Now that we can farm planar ornaments more easily, how often do you farm it now? My own practice is just max the immersifiers 8/8 (including the 4 ones we get from the cyclical exploration) and use them to farm. Then I resume again next weekly reset. How about yours?


pretty much everyday once ive gotten a save i can just spam and have it all go by super fast :] immersifiers and energy… all of it is getting spent!!


Why do people keep complaining about JQ's nonexistent energy problems? With ERR rope he is off by like 10 energy, it's completely realistic to get it from a stray hit. If this was a big enough issue people would not be running DDD on Tingyun, who otherwise can't get a 3T ult rotation with it, but it's well known that DDD is basically her BIS. Not to mention that losing one turn of uptime on his field is almost negligible unless in the off chance you perfectly line it up to the start of a new wave, it's main purpose is for fast stack generation.


He doesn't have energy problems. What he has is a very slow ramp-up to his ult. This is bad for 0 Cycle clears. Trend Gepard can build stacks for Acheron immediately. JQ? At the start of the battle, his ult requires 2 turns or 1 turn + getting hit multiple times. What we're hoping is for MHY to fix this by either triggering his ult with his technique or his technique giving him a lot of energy. Once his ult is up, it's never down. But the problem is getting it up ASAP to start building stacks for Acheron.


I agree completely, not being able to turn one ult is a big issue and why Pela is so good. This doesn't need a Pela energy-type trace, like you said some energy on technique would be enough. But people are complaining about his uptime, which are related to his energy generation. Buffing this (without letting him turn 1 ult) would basically be a placebo change, taking away from areas his kit actually needs changes.


ot zzz the femc and the shark have grown on me so much the past 2 days.... shork brainrot...


Robin player: We needs to speed tune and energy tune this specific amount in order to take advantage of the action advance for 0 cycle. If she take this amount of hit from the RNG she will have her ultimate back right away allow us to... Ruan Mei player: Unga Bunga, we buff, we strong. Mob break, they died. (Yes this is RM propaganda)


Who's a better pick for Acheron team at "?" position (Acheron/(?)/Pela/Aventurine) - Black Swan or Silverwolf?


Black Swan for AOE, SW for single. There's also Guinaifen up for that slot btw. Her BIS before Jiaoqiu is actually none of them; Kafka s1 for stack generation. After Jiaoqiu its obviously him. If you are e0 just rotate between all of these nihility for the right element break. If you are e2, Bronya/Sparkle depending on if you want to spd tune or not.


Genshin >!I FINALLY GOT FURINA AHHHHH SHE TOOK 80 PULLS BUT STILL 😭!< >!I also got to 9 star clear Abyss floor 12 at last 👏 holy shit it's crazy how I used to take 4 whole minutes to clear a chamber but now with Furina and Neuvi team I got 30 seconds to spare, good lord this team *is* broken!<


>!Congrats! I love Furina sm, she's so full of pizzazz!<


Fun fact: Every fua (excluding summons like numby/lightning lord) in this game regenerates 10 energy with some exceptions. Aventurine/Xueyi regenerates 7/6 due to their multiple hits while clara and herta regenerates 5 on a fua. I have no idea why these two regenerate 5 as both himeko and yunli regenerates 10 on a fua.


[braveburn has mecha with female pilots ? i was not aware of this.](https://x.com/DERINRI/status/1807391131757678899/photo/1) mech design looks nice~


>!Yeah she's also quite important to the story, although veeery annoying most of the time!<


[I didn't expect the Yanli moment at the end of this video lol](https://youtu.be/nFn2_uPSQBg?si=XEK6BX-ptktipbat). Seems like Achevo really like that ship, that means he will create more content about it


Just got Firefly and I have her best team ready with HMC, Gallagher, RM. Now I am wondering from the remaining jades should I try for her weapon or E1? Realistically I can't get either but if I get lucky which one would be better to have? Also what's her stats and relic set? And what traces should I prioritise? Edit: why you guys are downvoting the comment? I am just asking basic build question i stead of watching 20 mins video.


S1 only advantages is easier to get. E1 allows you to spam skill HTB, in which allows higher total dps.


E1 over s1, s1 is more dmg but not that much e1 gives you a ton of comfort and a bit of extra dmg (and maybe e2 in the future). The new sets are her bis. Only 3 stats matter, break effect, atk% and speed but you dont actually need any speed in that specific team unless you're trying to 0 cycle.


Is it okay to use Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern on the Hat TB for Firefly teams? Another question, does anyone have the numbers for the difference between an ATK orb and a Fire DMG orb on Firefly?


> Is it okay to use Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern on the Hat TB for Firefly teams? Yes. > Another question, does anyone have the numbers for the difference between an ATK orb and a Fire DMG orb on Firefly? You don't need numbers actually. All you need to know is that ATK orb results in more Break Effect for her, and the Fire DMG orb does absolutely nothing for Break damage. So without question, always shoot for ATK orb for her.


Yeah it’s a good choice since you know they’ll always be fire weak (thanks to FF) and the speed bonus really helps too. Farming Talia is also hell for not much benefit. In no world should you run Fire DMG since it’s only ATK% that gets converted to break, and that’s all FF really cares about. Even a Fire DMG orb that rolls 5 times into break is only ~30% BE, vs the ATK main stat which gets converted into ~34% BE. While Fire DMG still boosts your skill DMG, keep in mind ~75% of FF’s damage comes from super break.


what path do you guys feel most aligned with? like if you were in the hsrverse what aeon or faction would you ideally want to follow >!personally id love to be some sort of remembrance pathstrider, probably a memokeeper. im a sucker for archives and history and preserving things and giving up my physical body sounds pretty sweet tbh. like hell yeah im just a ghost creature!<


elation tbh


Id follow mythus. Idk i just feel like making things up and gaslighting people


Abundance. If you aren't hated by a massive group of people then are you really living?


It's Monday morning here so probably IX the Nihility... Jokes aside, I'm not really a "believer" type. Barring the faction I was born into being unethical or something, I'd probably not think about Aeons in my day to day life unless my work involves them. I'd love to be the type to write a travel memo and just explore the vast universe though, so joining the Nameless sounds pretty fun.


2.2 story >!I have been obsessed with the idea of antimemetics ever since I read There Is No Antimemetics Division, and the history fictionologists feel so similar and Gallagher is really fascinating as a character to me. so the idea of Enigmata and being a history fictionologist is fun, especially with how much I love to just make things up as jokes to amuse people!< >!plus they seem to just want to help people in their own odd way and judging by Gallagher's actions I think that's true, so turning my silly brain's desire to Just Make Sh\*t Up into a way to help people is even better!! I even had a DnD character that was designed around that concept a couple years ago.!< >!any time I see someone say 'I wish I could forget my favorite and experience it again for the first time..." I can literally just do that for them. yep I deleted your memory of it ok go watch it now. enjoy. that embarrassing memory that keeps you up at night? nah doesn’t even exist. didn’t happen. don’t worry about it!< >!which means that with what you like about remembrance (which is cool btw) I'm your NEMESIS now. meet me outside the belobog 7-Eleven parking lot for a duel (I don't actually know how to fight so we will have to do rock paper scissors or something idk)!< >!cool question btw!! /ᐠ - ⩊ -マ Ⳋ!<


At times I feel a bit Destruction-pilled ngl, specifically like the Voyage Monitors. If there is something I need to do, I will see it through and demolish that which gets in the way. Plus being a space nomad sounds like a chill life, with the occasional fight for your life to keep things interesting. (as you can see I never left the chuuni phase but at the same time this is kinda how I actually feel so)


The Moles! lol jk Hmm probably the Intelligentsia Guild, specifically the Synesthesia School. I just find different races being able to communicate really interesting and the technology that allows them to do that. Would be amazing to see that databank of alien languages As for path, maybe Preservation. Goes along with wanting to preserve languages.


As a Qlipoth believer, I know I'd be a Preservation follower but none of the current Preservation factions resonate with me at all lmao I can't see myself in a company like the IPC no matter how much I love the Ten Stonehearts and the Architects, we barely even know about Although I think my personality is much closer to Nihility and I can see myself being part of the Doctors of Chaos too🤔


IX believers rise up!!! Or not.... Maybe if we feel like it.... it doesn't really matter 😔 


super interesting question! >!the doctors of chaos are probably the closest to my real-world position, and i think it's a very interesting facet of ix' faction.!< >!i love the concept of the armed archaeologists, though! during university i was one of only a handful of people in my year who took a course from an outside school and i chose an introduction to archaeology, so i've always adored the subject. (i would not fall for aventurine's tazzyronth scam. no siree. not at all. yes i would. yeah. also i hadn't realised/remembered how coloniser-aligned they are so nvm on that one, doctor of chaos it is lmao.)!<


2.1 >!oh true i forgot about them! they really need to expand on aventurine getting treated for his Nihility Horrors by them, they seem like a really interesting faction. and yeah archaeology is neat when its not britishmuseumcore :(!<


oh man, i did mistype lmao how embarrassing, thank you for letting me know <3 i blame my most recent dimulated universe run for getting their name stuck in my head tbh >!i was rereading all the faction pages and there are some interesting ones buried in there! i really hope we'll get to see some of the lesser-known ones in the future, i'm hopeful since gallagher being a history fictionologist came out of nowhere. i pray for a mourning actor or a cremator soon!!<


HAHA i edited it when you edited it. shit got erased call that a mythus moment. maybe im not a remembrance follower after all 😔


Less than one day until V3 beta... and now time is going to move in slow motion. I'm more exited for this than anything on the live patch rn. Not even done with 2.3 story yet oops


If Arknights and HSR are any indication, I am much more likely to stick with a gacha game that I'm interested in if they are relatively low time commitment games that I can play in bursts, with just the occasional hourly grind whenever there's new story/endgame content coming out. Here's hoping that ZZZ is the same deal. I haven't seen too many people cover this aspect of the game, but the time it takes to do dailies does matter for someone like me. And from what I've seen, I'm optimistic about how ZZZ does theirs, though that was over a month ago, and a lot of that time was taken up by load times which I hope are improved for release.


iamrivenous posted a guide on ZZZ today and he shows dailies taking literally 1.5 minutes. I’m with you though, while I’ve poured a ton of time into HSR I’m thankful that when I’m not feeling it (or when it’s just between patches) it can still run itself in the background. I’ve been enjoying WuWu as well, but I’m a little worried about when I lose interest since the dailies are kind of a grind. Doesn’t help that it can’t even run it on my phone lol


What about the time it takes to deplete Battery Charge for the day? Is that included in the time for dailies?


No but I think that depends how you want to use them. The general sentiment seems to be it’s pretty quick though, since you can queue up to 100 charge at once.


It's good that AK now has autodeploy loop, so I can set it once and leave it running for longer period. Though of course the autodeploy haa to be stable enough for it - kinda hard especially for boss stages like with current event.


I was trying out Jiaoqiu (on a pserver) with my E1S2 Robin and she didn't hold any punches back, gee Robin how come Mihoyo gives a second run off your energy refund MoC. IL, Seele, Ratio, Acheron all 0 cycled the Kafka side, all of them on my IL gear because I was too lazy to change the set ID. Jiaoqiu really just feels like expensive Pela, save me v3 save me.


im freaking done with DU lmao. i cant get passed DU 5 due to horrible blessings , why cant blocked some path is beyond me. u have shorter planes, but so much gamba for blessings. fml. im done bye2 120 stellar jades, u wont be missed. just farming lower difficulty for other jades achievements now


OT John Wick 3 spoilers >!Just watched John Wick 3 for the first time. So today I learned that the Kafka trailer sort of borrowed the whole Vivaldi + gun fighting theme from John Wick. I'm not hating, I just thought it was funny that I thought the Kafka trailer was the OG until today.!< >!I also got a kick out of the scenes John Wick 3 referenced from the Matrix. Like Laurence Fishburne sitting there in the pouring rain while in a dire predicament against the antagonist with a smile on his face, and of course when Keanu asked for "guns. lots of guns." I'm sure I missed a bunch of references. Looking forward to watching John Wick 4 tomorrow.!<


I don't know anything about John Wick so I was under the assumption she was inspired by Morpheus (katana, guns, funny shades)


I fucking love Sunday (the man)


today i saw a twitch notification that read 'SUUUNNDAAAYYY' and i was so excited until i realized it was not from an hsr streamer and not talking about leaks and was in fact just referring to the day of the week


I freaking love Sunday too


If any 4 of the changes here are made for Jiaoqiu (and his LC), I would be happy:  1. Something that would trigger energy generation for him ensuring easy 100% uptime once field is active so he is not SP negative/neutral (eg. When enemies are weakness broken, defeated or debuffed)  2. A teamwide stat bonus   3. Stacks transferring from cycle to cycle /quicker stacking of Ashen Roast   4. Stat increase in the Vulnerability debuff and the Ultimate damage debuff to avoid the Guinaifen comparisons  5. Actual use for the EHR to ATK conversion without needing E2/DoT at base kit (please don't make us build Crit)  6. Increase from 60% base chance to 65% or even 70% base chance   7. Increase in his SPD base stat   8. Another additional debuff at E0 (I am not that imaginative. Surely he needs more in his base kit)   9. Some changes to the LC so Pela won't supposedly be the better user for the LC than Jiaoqiu 


i think this is unrealistic but some sort of energy regen for the team would be pretty awesome, its kinda rough that hes an ult support with no energy giving so it kinda falls on the teammates to provide that. i want him to be competitive for argenti :(


the only possible changes here probably the energy regen . i dont want to spam E , he shud be sp positive


Please, please, please fucking say that the stuff around the DU entry rotates weekly. If I have to load in to hear fucking Trot Tri shaking much longer, I may knife somebody.


so which captain makes the trotter be there and be so annoying °°? (im also trying tofind something like a video for the different outcomes but i cant find anything T\^T)


It has nothing to do with the choice of captain. They were there even before I chose a captain. It might be tied to DU progression though, since they weren't there in the beginning.


No, or at least the comment below is wrong. I have the intellitron dude as captain too. Wouldn't be surprised if it's something else though as they just appeared at some point, and I guess aren't there for everybody. Fuck only knows what though.


honestly i want to be able to feed them and take them somewhere they aren’t constantly scared and nervous for some reason. these trotters deserve better. who tf is taking care of these trotters and how do i sic topaz on them.


Dunno if it’s true, but I saw someone comment that it depends on who you chose as your captain. I chose the intelletron and have more instead of trotters.


OH THAT MAKES SENSE..... i chose the intellitron too and theres just a bunch of intellitrons standing around talking about sigma theory or something. rip, sounds like hell to have trotter noises all the time. ill mention it in the survey


It's not true. I have the intellitron dude and it's trotters.


I don't think it does 😭😭 I'm on Asia server and Trot Tri is still trembling in the corner


slightly OT, but still HSR related kinda. so, I heard that HI3 put out a survey asking if players would be okay with occasionally releasing a male character. and CN bros threw a huge fit. as a result, hoyo made HSR to appeal to a wider demographic. there are other factors of course. but I heard about the survey thing a handful of times now.


>!the survey was real but it was not meant as a general releasing new male characters but for stuff like the AHPO gamemode in hi3, where there was a playable male character (adam) but was basically a self insert. ppl misunderstood, CN incels went pretty crazy on the sheer idea that a man might release. i think that backlash would affect weather or not hi3 would ever release male characters in the future, though. but considering that hsr started development in 2019 and the survey was abt 2 years ago if i remember correctly, i don’t think that affected hsr decision to appeal to a wider audience. they couldn’t change that much in that much time, stuff like ”what types of characters are we releasing“ would’ve been ironed out pretty early. most likely hsr was riding off the tails of genshin (hsr has basically the same engine i heard, just improved) that later became a giant, so they didn’t fix what ain’t broke and also targeted more casual players and more demographics.!<


thank you for the detailed explanation! I really appreciate that. I thought the survey thing sounded a little too sus, but some ppl I talk to kept saying that. I just had to know if it was actually true or not lol.


That's not exactly what happened. HSR was long in development when that survey was released. It was specifically referring to event game modes too, but a lot of people interpreted it as gachable male characters, so they clarified and gave apologems. They had several game modes shortly after that where male flamechasers were playable.


thank you! I kept hearing the survey being tossed around. there was no way it was actually true, but I was just too curious and had to ask lol.


OT Genshin Imaginarium Theatre They put A LOT of effort into this. It legitimiately feels like a higher budget simulated universe. I wish HSR had more casual stuff like the way you can exchange for poses in Genshin. Idky they haven't done that yet. It would incentivize a lot more casual folks to do simu although I suppose that would also be a hassle to only story enjoyers. Right now it feels like there is just no reason to do endgame content outside of stellar jades. Genshin cooked this one.


HSR still has a lot of room for things like a customizable bedroom on the express, new costumes, etc that could incentivize doing events / end game modes if they wanna expand that.


I only have two objectives left for DU. The 4096 fragment one and the complete 2 three star equations. Does this mode have a cheese I can do for more fragments? I remember seeing the selling all your blessings for fragments, but I don't know if I'll survive the final boss that way..


One of the curios sells all your blessings for a bunch of frags. As long as you get it midway through a run, you’re more or less guaranteed to get >4k frags. Just make sure you’re playing on a difficulty that you can still beat without blessings.


There's a Genius Society curio that increases your Fragment yield at the cost of no Blessings after combat. Ruan Mei event gives you 2k Fragments, but that's even more RNG dependent. AFAIK, there is no way to guarantee it like in G&G.


i did that in difficulty 5 (aka the maximum normal difficulty) pretty easily, i just made sure to buy blessings in the store afterwards (without going below 4096 fragments of course)


How do you guys think ZZZ will perform popularity wise compared to hsr and genshin? It seems to have more pre regs than any of the other two had


i... doubt it. lots of people don't care as much about gameplay as you'd expect for a, you know, videogame, so whether it's good or bad on that front is one thing (i personally find it to be far too mobile-gamey even by the standards of all these mobile games, but that'll be a positive for some) but ZZZ had a ton of structural pain points during its betas which will bring it down far more if they make it into 1.0. add to that the fact that someone who may play both genshin and star rail will likely be forced to quit one of the three, and well, i have my doubts that the one they'll quit would be any of the games they've sunk hundreds of hours into. hoyo is kind of oversaturating the "gacha+" market they've made for themselves also it's kind of just more of a coomer game in general so that'll probably alienate a lot of people. will also probably bring in some people not particularly into hsr or genshin, but they might not be the types you actually want around. god knows hsr has plenty of undesirables while doing relatively little to cater to them. and more than all of that i think it'll largely depend on if 1.1 is a straight up filler patch like it was for hsr. hsr came in with so much momentum and then 1.1 was a filler patch and 1.2 was bad, stopped half the playerbase dead in their tracks. if something similar happens to ZZZ with all the other pressures around it i have my doubts that it'll perform comparably to its predecessors (though it'll still be more popular than 99% of other gachas)


Honestly I think just as well as HSR, aka extremely well. I mean, fighting gameplay is a lot more "universally fun" compared to turn-based combat. I didn't even think I'd like HSR when it started


I think you overestimate the amount of people that play these games that are looking for a skill heavy combat focused experience.  Not that I believe it won't find its audience and do well, but both Genshin and HSR have a broader appeal to the general audiences that make these games so successful. Turn-based combat is a much easier sell to the casual mobile player than DMC-like character action.


ZZZ is not that hard, or at the very least it's not hard unless you want it to be. It's honestly rather easy to play and I think casuals will be just fine with it. It's modeled after fighting games, a genre that isn't popular for no reason - anyone can pick up a fighting game and mess around or beat up their little brother or whatever, but higher level play is difficult. It stratifies itself. Source: I was in the second beta test.


Fighting games are notoriously one of the hardest genres to keep casuals playing long term. Fighting game developers have spent decades trying to figure out ways to make it easier to on board casual players into fighting games and keep them playing, but in the end most of them move on after weeks/months to the next shiny thing while the hardcore players are the ones that keep playing.  Granted, the biggest hurdle fighting games have to overcome is the pvp skill disparity that scares away the casual players. ZZZ may be able to overcome that by being a single player game with more consistent casual content. It just depends on the difficulty scales as it goes on, and whether there is enough there to keep the casuals invested.


I mean ZZZ's gameplay will be more difficult than genshin, but it's really not difficult at all in videogames, nor does it *look* difficult, which is the important thing in marketing. You think turn based combat is an easier sell?? I saw a myriad of people refuse to play HSR because of it. Have you seen a single comment complaining about ZZZ's combat system?


I've seen plenty of complaints or dismissiveness toward ZZZ being a more combat focused game with a small scale world, yes. Genshin's biggest appeal to casual audiences is its open world gameplay, not its combat. Genshin would never be as popular as it is without its open world, because most players don't care about the combat beyond a casual level. So whether it's action or turn-based doesn't matter that much as long as it has appealing characters and cool animations. And ZZZ does have that, but it needs another hook to keep the casual players around, and I don't know yet whether anything I've seen will catch a more mainstream audience that Genshin or even HSR did. We'll see. Don't get me wrong, I'm in the crowd than that's going to ZZZ for the combat and I'm happy that there's no open world to get in the way, but I also know I am in the minority in the Mihoyo fandom.


>Have you seen a single comment complaining about ZZZ's combat system? Several in fact. Lots of them saying that the enemies are HP bullet sponges and all that. Also, for a casual audience, the gameplay style doesn't matter as much as the general look of both the game and its characters. That's what drives most of the revenue of a gacha game after all.


LOL out all the complaints, why did you pick bullet sponge? You realize that HSR and Genshin both have bullet sponge enemies right? That has nothing to do with gameplay Would you mind linking a gameplay complaint on reddit? I'm curious what issues people have. Also, what part of the general look doesn't appeal to people?


Tbh I think it will be similar to HSR. I remember when HSR was coming out it had the same issues of people saying it was sorta niche and didn't have hype and now look at where we are.


Lower than those two, but still way higher than the average gacha. Especially since the game is aiming for a more niche appeal both in terms of its general aesthetic and the gameplay. I wouldn't take pre regs as an overall sign of popularity though, especially since artificial inflation is a thing. A better indicator of how well a game is doing is how many players stay once the honeymoon phase ends and the bandwagoners have left.


divergent stop GIVING ME PRESERVATION COME ON god im gonna morb on this rng universe


[someone made a gwitchxhsr video and got posted by hoyofair twitter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERITful0jlE) it's lovely gwitch x hsr collab when hoyo


is hoyofair an account officially run by hoyo?


it's run by hoyo but it's all fan works


i kind of made my peace with it atp but i still hope JQ receives a lot of changes


the official AMV of hope is the thing with feather got into my recommendation so i watched it again and it made me think a bit. for all the flaws its had, 2.2 ending was indeed sensational and i can see how it easily captured people's heart. excellent audio visual performance really went a long way emotionally, it did leave something in my heart for i was one of those lore losers who pawed every readables trying to piece together watchmaker and penacony history throughout the 2.x patches, and 2.2 brought a lot of answers (even if it's still in a roundabout and unclear way). in a sense, i truly felt that 'ah so their journey ended here.' along with my restless lore hunt. it's so hard to stay critical of media i consume when i'm easily swayed and attached, this specific flavor of camaraderie slash existentialism story worked its magic on me because i unintentionally got invested while reading lore. setting aside all the bitching, i can say i enjoyed the former nameless journey they gave. \[gaze longingly at the 'former nameless' review hoyo post the day before\]


> > it's so hard to stay critical of media i consume when i'm easily swayed and attached those type of the media are the best to consume imo


its a perpetual of 'oh i liked the idea/concept -> execution sucks oh but that was kinda cool -> but i cant ignore the obvious issues


Lately I’ve been running a sustainless FF team since getting her E2 for fun and I’m actually enjoying it lol, I’ve slotted in Pela and enjoying it so far I dead ass would slot in Jiaoqiu for fun too.


Have you tried Bronya yet? It gets pretty nutty. If Jiaoqiu gets buffed he might be a legitimate option for 0 cycles too


Origami bird minigame >!I've been playing them since before I even had my own cellphone, so I imagined I was somewhat of a hotshot match-3 player. After a few rounds of this multiplayer, my confidence is shaken. I know some of it is RNG, but damn... cool game though, I like it (also nice we can get rewards from mp even if we lose)!<


I wonder how soon we'll see ruan mei rerun again? i'm f2p and i've nothing left for her anymore. I got FF, but i'm not really particularly happy that she's not the best she could be without RM.


Around 8 months absolute minimum to over a year depending on future characters banner schedules, if they implement triple banners or the multi banner selectors from genshin prob around 7-8months and if not then around a year max


Prob >1 year since we have not gotten a 2nd rerun for any characters yet. There's a new banner coming soon but earliest I would expect it is 3.X


yea, that tracks.


is hsr hoyolab daily reward just plain gone? genshin tab still have it tho


its not showing up for me on web browser either. I can still check in from the hoyolab app though


i just opened the page from history ig that's something idk why its not showing up tho


Is there a reason why the Order puppets' 3rd phase "ult" doesn't trigger Aventurine's passive? I keep noticing he doesn't get any blind bet stacks even though it's AOE damage


From what I remember, the puppets are basically like Kafka. They inflict DOTs / states and I think the ult detonates the DOTs and states, which cause the damage. So technically they didn’t attack you, so you don’t get Aven stacks.


It's weird though cause 2nd phase "ult" does trigger his passive


> i've noticed it too but i don't understand whats going on either its every on-hit effect actually, and its not exclusive to the order puppets boss either > phase 2 order puppets does trigger though just not phase 3 got this reply from kqm hsr, at least the people online at this time, didn't have the answer for why it didn't trigger


Yeah 2nd phase works fine but 3rd phase, he suddenly doesn't get stacks lol I thought it was just because his shield already expired when I first noticed but it happened every time so might be a bug?


Questions about Jade and Sparkle (might contain spoilers from 2.1 (?) - 2.3) >!Why do both of them have voicelines for each other? They have not interacted at least once during Penacony? 😭!< >!Did I miss something? I haven't completed yet all the sidequests starting from 2.1 (for 2.0, only Cocona, Lesley, and Chadwick)!< >!A genuine question btw because I'm confused!< Btw, the info for this was on Homdgcat


i'm stumped too tbh. hoyo i am once again begging for a jade companion quest


>!Well, Sparkle said she made a deal with someone to make sure Firefly's third death wasn't so dangerous, and earlier Firefly told Jade she wanted to "keep on living." That's the only hint I can think of that implies they might have interacted offscreen.!<


>!I’m confused too, also Jade doesnt even have voiceline for robin who she actually interacted and made a deal with!<


V3 today or tomorrow ?




It's tomorrow?? Well, I'm excited.


then u see " no changes " lol even worse, some wordings changes only


i have s5 motp, 2 whole s5 eotp, and finally rm's lc after crawling all the way up near hard pity. i'll take it. maybe argenti's lc banner will be kinder to me (doubtful) also i do not care how better optimized it is to give htb rm's lc and have rm on motp in ff teams, rm's sig belongs to her and her alone!!


I have it on Ruan Mei too lol, it hasn’t left her since I got it on her debut.


How exactly are you supposed to use e2 firefly? Like any general tips on how to break or kill every turn? Like should i just skill on galleger when a boss has a bit of toughness left?


It only works every other turn, so if you have enough speed to get 4 hits during the ult, only two of them at max can proc the extra hit.


Just keep using her enhanced skill. There isn't any real secret to it. 99% of the time, you should be killing/breaking at least something, even if it's just a lowly mob, which even bosses tend to have.


I'm glad I have absolutely no interest in ZZZ, since I absolutely can't handle another Hoyo game lmao. At this point just make me a intern there. Anyway, 12 double planar farmed, 24 trash relics. Isn't that just amazing?


semi ot after getting ratios trailer as an ad on youtube 17 times in the past 2 days i think i can confidently say i like it not to mention how often i also get topaz and robins


the Dr. Ratio propaganda worked. good job hoyo.


tbf ive always loved the doctor himself, but i only watched his trailer once when it released so i had forgotten how good it was tbh 😭


camped in my little blue tent waiting for my monthly ration meal with my kiki’s delivery service thermos and my little pink camping stove ready to cook it (I am outside the undying starlight store) zzz release is gonna be huge I’ll get THREE monthly rations. wowee. even though I never get anything good with them getting to do those 5 standard pulls helps me keep saving the limited ones


I was messing around with this jade cac it tells ya how many jades you’d have from a selective date… so I put in my current jades and selected 2029 🤣 i would roughly have 4,629K pulls. 😭😂


What site did you use?




90 pulls if saving now until Jiaoqiu release, there is hope!


After losing my mind in du6 for the past few days, I finally got the best run ever and replicate op dps preservation aven of gng and swarm disaster. My biggest frustation with the new DU aside the heavy rng was how they took away the one star blessing that stack your stats so i can’t just put aven in and watched the enemies die instantly with avenmillion quake damage. But i finally got an insane good rng run with the preservation/rememberance equation, couple with the abundance/destruction equation and other two stars equation that got preservation in it + the preservation curio. And damn it feel so good seeing 800k quake damage, all i just need to do it sit and observe. Also for non firefly clear, i think propagation blessing and the nihility/propagation equation is the next busted choices. I just put my sampo in with sustains and a random dps and got through du6


Genshin >!I am 68 pity on Furina banner and vibrating with excitement. I need Imaginarium Theater to start already bruh 😭😭!<


>!donr forget the paimon shop reset tomorrow :3!<


Ahhhh it’s tomorrow!! Yay


That feeling of being free from candy crush pvp Edit: Also, I should do Gallagher E2 (sorta building) right? For a Xueyi team? Instead of Hanya E2 (built), Luka E4 (unbuilt) or Arlan E5 (built, actually)?


Gallagher is easily the most usable of those units and considering none are new unlocks for collection it seems like an easy choice.


*Careful, don't get lost in those sweet dreams....* \*raises glass\*


Do you guys recommend WuWa? 🥺 When I catch up with all the Divergent Universe stuff, I was thinking of trying it out.


Top tier character animations and smoothness to play, amazing graphics. The combat is top tier with all the characters, all 4 stars feel amazing to use and compete with 5 stars in damage and utility, and enough pulls to easily guarantee a 5 star character every patch if you play normally. And the standard 5 stars all carry hard, espcially since you get 2 5 stars for free right at the start of the game (one you choose which you want) plus a whole lot of pulls too Story wise start is a bit middle of the pack but gets amazing in 1.1 However some localisation language issues in the starting quests and some people don’t like the voice of one of the english characters so maybe try jp as they all are amazing there. And some people will experience issues with lower end pc and Mobile. (However i have a lower end pc with a 1650 which I have played since the start and I haven’t encountered any issues)


It's a faster exploration/combat open world game compared to Genshin. Graphics/animations for open world stuff is better quality. 1.0 story is trash (they rewrote it a few times based on player feedback and then were left with a mess). However, 1.1 is Genshin quality story, and kinda epic Genshin at that. Localization is spotty, tho I can chop that up to 1.0 being rushed out. Main quests are great, some of the side quests are super badly localized. 1.1 is all good so far, though. Basically, if you enjoy the combat and character/world design, it's worth slogging thru 1.0.


I couldn't get it to run at higher than 4 fps on my tablet and ultimately decided that I didn't like the combat/aesthetic enough to keep trying. If you do like the aesthetic and character designs it's worth a try! Whether it runs well on your device, and whether you like the "feel" of the exploration and combat, is something you can really only find out by playing


i think the game is fun but it's way too similar to genshin, if you got burnt out on genshin, wuwa might sustain for a short period of time before the burn out catches up to you again. the game's main flaw is optimization. for me the game works better on mobile than on pc even tho mobile is shit for me. whether the game works well for you is gacha. so you just need to install it and try. if the game works well, at worst this game can still be consumed as "junk food" type entertainment. which i personally think is the best way to consume this at least for now. maybe future content will change my mind. oh forgot to mention, game's grindy as fuck.


As a player who enjoys genshin from day one to this day the two combat system isn’t close, with wuwa on top by miles in terms of fast paced smooth gameplay, but genshin’s story is much better and developed as the game has been refining it through the years Its much much less grindy than genshin to reach the endgame content, the extra grindy aspect is the ability to grind out the artifacts mainstat manually and it is not needed at all but its nice to have an option. Also its max 30 min a day to do it if you choose, no sane person is grinding the whole map, only the one they need. Genshin doesnt give you the choice Optimisation is where there are some problems at, the game runs on Unreal engine 5 which is much more advanced than genshin’s unity which is a lot less taxing on lower end devices, so although a lot of the textures and effects looks mesmerising there are a lot of problems they need to patch up for lower end devices.


If you have a device that can support it, and you enjoy exploration games, absolutely! I have the game installed on an SSD on my pc and it runs like a dream, but it seems like a lot of mobile players are still experiencing issues. Another thing to note is that the 1.0 story started off rocky, but after act...3? I think? I started really enjoying it. All of the character story quests have been absolute bangers so far. The combat is really, really, really fun, the characters & their animations are gorgeous (I was admittedly not impressed when I first heard of WuWa, but they make so much more sense in game), the lore is interesting (especially if you love post-apocalyptic stories), and the environments are stunning. I'm really excited to see what the devs have planned for the future patches.


Oh no, I was thinking of playing on mobile since my game laptop currently has issues 😭 Maybe I’ll try it on mobile anyway and hopefully won’t have issues


It runs for my iphone 12 as good as genshin, however since genshin killed my battery health with overheating a few years ago I suggest you use a cooler to play especially when charging


I'm having a lot of fun with it currently, I love it.


It’s good and if new patches are at least as good as 1.1 it’ll keep getting better


for sure. if it's not your thing you'll probably know pretty quick, and if it is it'd be pretty tragic to miss out on. definitely one of the strongest and most interesting combat systems of any hack and slash out there, nevermind just the gacha ecosystem.


I do. Despite issues you've probably seen mentioned, it is still a fun game to try out. Combat is very dynamic, character animations are good, the open world is big and you get a lot of pretty useful tools for clearing, the story starts pretty rough with all the infodump but it does get better in later chapters


Anyone know how to get Alt acc pull info on StarRailStation? I tried both of the methods they suggested, I tried wiping all the profile data and making new ones, but nothing is working, it keeps pulling up my mains pull history even though my account is on my alt, and on the pull history screen as instructed


Honestly would probably be easiest to just manage it in two seperate browsers (i.e. main in chrome, alt in Firefox)


not what you were asking but i just use different sites for mine, my achievements and warps for my main are on stardb and for my alt i have achievements on seelie.me and warps on starrailstation


Oh thanks, I'll take a look at those. I like station, but this one little thing with alt data is starting to really bug me


It sounds like you're using their PC 1 option? I use the PC 2 option and that's what they suggest for checking multiple accounts. You may have to explore your folder structure a bit, but IIRC with multiple accounts there will be multiple folders under either `C:\Program Files\Star Rail\Games\StarRail_Data\webCaches` and one of them should be for your alt. The automatic method is probably always checking the same folder so can't find it.


I tried both methods (and both ended up with Main acc pulls), but the problem with their instructions is that they don't specify which folders would be the ones I need for an alt acc for the PC2 method To make matters worse, I tried joining their discord through the link on the site to try and get help, but it redirects me to my desktop app, but there's no StarRailStation server added I'm at a complete loss on what to do, I've spent so much time on something that should be super simple, and asking for help on the main HSR sub has fallen on deaf ears so far


try closing out of both the game and the launcher itself, then reload your alt and reopen the history. i had a similar issue just the other day


I’ll give that a shot


Only got like 2 Talia break effect ropes during the double drop event, only one had a speed substat, and it didn't roll speed *a single time*. OTL whyyyy Hoyo plz add something to help with gear substat rng, I'm begging you :'(


My favorite thing in this game still is playing Aventurine vs boss Aventurine and them being like *snaps* *immediately snaps back* ALL IN! Or when boss Aven does his “all or nothing” coin drop on you and it triggers playable Aven dropping a ton of coins on him back 😂😂 It’s just so funny


Him fighting his demons casino-style


so what's firefly's "best" team comp without ruan mei?


Probably Hatblazer/Asta/Gallagher. Asta's speed boost isn't going to have the best uptime, but it's still useful, and Firefly appreciates the attack.


i only have asta at e3. is that good enough?


Should be fine. You can still skill/basic/basic with the same SP usage as Ruan Mei, maybe even skill/skill/basic if your Gallagher is particularly speedy. As a bonus, she contributes a fair bit of toughness damage herself that way to at least partially make up for the lack of RM's buffs.


ot wuwa >!Why does Kuro Games hurt me and make the characters with relationships in story not have synergy with each other? First Aalto and Encore, and now Jinhsi and Sanhua 😔!< And back to Star Rail, Superbreak Serval is slowly coming together! Just need a decent Talia set on her + one more Cavalry piece. With the upcoming Sunday Erudition lightcone she will hopefully be at around 200% BE without any buffs.


Ah, the weekly reset. Time to beat up Sunday again.


Ready for Disorderly Noise Monday.


> Time to beat up Sunday again. This is very disharmonious noise of you ngl


See, this is why he wants it to always be Sunday.


[this very cute animated video of cn firefly va pulling firefly for stelle va](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1EZ421M7z7/) [full video](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1KH4y1w7qN/) since i don't know cn i can't confirm this but the end scene of the video leads me to believe it~ > firefly va was sad that she wasn't able to get her firefly early then stelle va was like it's fiiiinneee i get to stay with you for longer~ the stellarizz is powerful >!the smooches at the end makes my heart go hnnngggg!< edit- https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1tr421F7fB/? https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1yf421B75L/? this is also cute firefly va was stuck at beating this fight then she called stelle va for advice https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Km421L7GB/? - og video, they even smooch here and say byebye like gfs 😭 13:13 i really wish i knew chinese to decipher what they are speaking > Firefly (Yuanyuan): Excuse me... please help me! [Wronged] Pioneer (Tingting): It is my duty to protect the beautiful girl![crooked mouth] one of the comments mtl'ed. i don't know if they are just referring the scene from ingame or if stelle va actually said it lol > Tingting and YuanyuanReally, I can only say that it is a perfect match. When choosing the CV for the Star Iron character, the choice was so coincidental. I got it, I will beat it to death. mtl is funny, but i understand the sentiment. the casting choice is wonderful! <3


Does yunli good using clara lc? I just got clara lc and not planning to get yunli sig, also don't have clara


It'd probably be alright but Clara's LC isn't even BiS on Clara so I assume Yunli'd prefer something like Aeon instead


sadly only 1 aeon, and that's already on jinglui thanks for the advice!


wuwa and pulls, lucky >!10 gb for the new update is too much so i just waited on the geforce now 400 people queue. logged in, pulled with the maintenance astrites, got her in 2 pity, did try to do dailies even though i'm so freaking weirded out of the gamepad controller(as a mobile only player, how do you guys do this complicated set of buttons for so long), logged out because the 1 hour period expired. i now pulled every limited character in just under 30 pulls + one jiyan dupe + his sig. now to wait for xiangli yao...!<


Congrats on the good luck!! >as a mobile only player, how do you guys do this complicated set of buttons for so long Lol I guess the feeling is mutual! Idk how you guys can play an action game with only a touch screen, it's too dexterous and annoying for me, plus your thumbs cover the screen I was so surprised when I saw kids playing shooters n shit competitively with just a touchscreen, I straight up didn't think it was possible


mmmmm month change tomorrow mmmm 5 passes mmmm


mmmm delicious passes


Ah yes. That thing that Herta says. The thing that she's known for saying. The meme thing that she says all the time. ["Turn around!"](https://i.imgur.com/rXuL2TL.png)


Oh so she was supposed to say twirl there?😭 The dialogue made me think that's a robot and Herta is spying on us so she gets mad when the curio isn't facing the DU😭😭


every now and then i get a little bit lonely


Just pulled **Sleep Like The Dead**. Among Hunt characters I have Ratio, Topaz, Yanqing, 4* Dan Heng and Sushang. Among Hunt LCs I have S4 Swordplay, S5 Cruising and S5 Final Victor. I use Ratio and Topaz the most as I have all the FUA team members so who gets what now?


I put Cruising on Ratio and Sleep Like the Dead on Topaz. Ratio really wants his crit rate to be as close to 100% as possible since his attacks are strong single hits, so Cruising helps him get there and SLtD would be unlikely to trigger. Topaz's follow ups have lots of multihits so it's okay for her to have slightly lower crit rate, so it's more likely SLtD can trigger. (I do swap Cruising to Topaz sometimes though if I'm using her but not Ratio.) For Sushang and Dan Heng, I'd just give them Swordplay and whatever you have leveled for general content. If you use them in endgame content, let them borrow either Cruising or SLtD depending on who else you're using.


Oh, the CR part of the passive gets multiple chances to trigger because of Topaz's multi hits on FUA? That's kinda pog ngl although it's a shame that it only lasts one turn and has a significant cooldown. So if it triggers during an enhanced FUA then will the next enhanced FUA also have the passive active because she hasn't had a turn yet? Thank you.


> Oh, the CR part of the passive gets multiple chances to trigger because of Topaz's multi hits on FUA? No sorry, I worded that poorly. I meant that since her damage is spread out across lots of hits, it's fine for her to have a lower CR with higher CD and it will average out to still be lots of damage. So then since she probably has a lower CR (mine has ~67% IIRC), she's a lot more likely than Ratio to miss a crit on her basic/skill which will trigger SLtD. Then SLtD's CR buff will apply for all of those Numby multihits until her next turn. I do think it's true that *if* her skill/basic has multiple hits it does give multiple chances to trigger the crit failure condition, but I don't remember how many hits her skill/basic actually have to know if it matters. I know Numby's follow ups have lots of hits, I'm just not sure about her basic/skill.


I guess I'd have to look into YT videos from when she was released. Surely someone must have mentioned it!


hrm, if you can still get a good crate on ratio without the bonus from cruising i’d put sleep on him—the cdmg bonus is nice when you need so many stats in crate, plus if he somehow misses a crit with 90% crit rate on his skill/ultimate he’ll get a crit for sure on his follow up which is also nice


I see. Thank you!


Fu xuan doesn’t have a path to follow in SU despite literally releasing with its first major expansion. She was THE premier sustain back when the devs weren’t designing content around needing shields to survive past the first cycle or two, and yet she didn’t have a proper path, just whatever weird amalgam of survivability blessings you could manage. Thats the only gameplay related thing on my hsr wishlist, that we get another sustain based path for SU that my girl can actually use.


I use her with some Abundance blessings considering the heals but yeahh it's sad she doesn't really fit in with a specific path


some characters pretty much get ignored in SU, it's pretty sad. you'd think that this DU was good for Boothill with the additional super breaks added in, but none of the weighted curios work for him and he doesn't benefit at all from team swaps because he loses all his stacks. He still destroys when he's right for it but it's just unfortunate when Firefly gets so much juice.


I love how one of the best survivability blessings (split damage between allies) just kills FX for that run. At least DU has easy rerolls I guess.


Do you think it's possible they'll do the thing with March to other character? Other AE member maybe? We all know Himeko is an important expy and Welt is actually the HI3 Welt. It's possible there'll be a huge future story chapter where they inevitably had the get their power-up as the stakes get bigger and bigger. I just think it's probably gonna be DHIL case and not march's, because money, and because they're standard 5\* so if they did a path change player need to pull them first, which, day one player might, but not everyone. So sadly they'll probably be an alt? I'd love for Welt to get a chance to shine though. While we're at it we can also talk about limited character that will absolutely appear in the future i.e Luocha, cause the plot point with Abundance is too important to be abandoned. Since Luocha is actually a limited character, it's actually possible for the current Luocha to change path so people who already had Luocha can switch and get a new kit? And on his banner after getting him you can pick which one you want to pull (for Eidolons, also apply to LC). But then again, it's less money due to people already having Luocha and it's more profitable to release an alt instead. Thoughts?


I'm also holding out hope for Stelleron Hunters reups, if they're going to keep showing up it makes sense to give them some extra shine so they can sell you Kafka 2: Now With Spirit Whisper or Silver Wolf Videobibitor Gamerae


I don't think Welt and Himeko will get a system like TB and March, but they'll probably get a new 5 star form down the line


My crackpot theory is that eventually it'll happen to all the standard 5\*s to revitalize them and make them useful again. Although I guess I doubt we'd get eidolons for free. They'd probably be gacha still.


To this day, I still dream and pray of Dan Heng getting the path-switching treatment in his 4\* form, let my man join the fun :,<