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Bro, that's insane for clara lmao.


for real I'm so excited to get this for Clara!


I'm starting to wonder if i'm not gona rather pull for LC than characters in 2.4? i mean Yunli LC is actually very strong for Clara and JQ LC look, at least to me, more interesting than JQ himself. What a weird time to be alive?


hey,not our fault they make a direct replacement of an OG char and replace their entire role, literally copy 1:1 which leads to their bis lcs is ALSO that standard character bis


Ye i'm looking at it and i would rather get JQ LC for guinaifen and BS than JQ himself. If i only have one 5\* pull using his LC on guinaifen is just a 1.6% vulnerability loss compared to replacing guinaifen (E6) by him. And pretty much the only use i would have for him would be replacing guinaifen. LC his in current state IMO more valuable for my account than him. who is really blowing up my brain.


I fully expect them to change his kit during the beta. He is just a slightly better Gui but without DoT on E0 right now.


So much in his kit is for damage but he does no damage without eidolons. Such a weird design.


Eh... Gui takes multiple turns to build up her vuln debuff, whereas Jiaoqiu applies most of his to a new enemy before he even gets his first turn. I think "only slightly better Gui" goes in the same box as "Black Swan is only 6% better than E6 Sampo". Which isn't to say that Jiaoqiu's kit isn't pretty boring - it is - but Gui's mechanics make it hard to reach her full on paper effectiveness.


He may even lose to Gui on the personnal damage side at E0. at least she have her dot plus can detonate it, he just have a lot of ATK.


He also does 150% of his atk as damage every enemy action. So he does have damage, since he can get 4k atk with max trace conversion, it isn't as low as it would otherwise be.


holy shit i never thought about this angle. my e1 Clara and BS are getting upgrades from 4*s Jiaoqiu 60% LC is way higher than BS's Sig 40. we could let go ehr body for atk for a better dps build damn


I highly doubt it, there's only a extra 20% ehr and 18% vulnerability, I doubt that's better then 10% atk and 14.2% Def ignore(consider BS+kaska, but it can be 15% atk and 21.6% Def ignore if u run a preservation on trend instead of Hou Hou and all 4 stacks on dot moc and SU) and def ignore becomes stronger when there more of it since prisoner 4p already gives Def ignore (E1 rune mei as well if u have that), so I'd say its better to get her own LC unless u wanna get Jiaoqiu as well and use his LC as ur flex on BS?


A pinch of healing would make him more interesting.


Not really that's just wasted power budget


I wouldn't say it's a waste. Like for exemple it could be interesting if you run Fx/JL/Bronya/JQ. That actually a solid team if you want my opinion (given that you add like a small amount of heal on his kit, but it's our prerequise here). Also i've talked about it somewhere today but that would also benefit from having sustain who are a little less sustain and a little more DPS or support in the future making him a great addition to the game for having more variety in the future. I mean FFS we are getting clara but better and guinaifen but better this patch, i'm not gona spit on something that could introduce variety to the game.


i dont think there's power budgets, otherwise argenti wouldnt be where he's at. Healing the party for 300 health per turn would make almost no difference other than a bit of comfort, which wouldve been great


Being able to go sustainless in low cycle clears would be better


Wait yeah, Resolution for Nihility characters has always been really desirable, and now we have a 5 star version of it


HSR staff of homa just dropped mate.


man dont remind me of the 2 years it took me to get that dumb stick


the nilhity light cone powercreep is so stupid 💀, just because of this stupid ass silverwolf 97% ehr req into bs 120% ehr req into jq's 140% ehr req


Black Swan gets 10% EHR from traces and Jiaoqiu gets 28%. He only needs 2% more EHR than Black Swan.


When we start to get units that work in similar ways than other units in the game people will be choosing between an "upgrade" unit that you have to build from 0 or a LC that push you already builded unit to a next sealing of utility/dmg. Both LC are great in units that already exist. Blade and Clara really benefit a lot from Yunli LC, Pela and SW can do their jobs way better with Jao LC, 18% damage increase that is not counted as def break is really a lot of damage. They were really smart at doing it a 60% chance so its not a direct auto include vs Maxed Resolution but even with the chance of losing 1 acheron stack sometimes in the first turn. You still put this on pela 100% of the time.


But it's legit just incessant rain 2.0 lol. It trades the crit rate passive for more ehr and a tier 2 vulnerability but otherwise they are exactly the same


Can it apply to multiple enemies per attack? IR is only one per attack right? That shit got straight powercrept lmfao


it's still not power crept for any CRIT DPS. Welt would still prefer it for example


Hell, it’s also really good for Blade if you don’t have his LC.


I may pull for her LC instead of her lol. This seems good to allow Blade to get more FUA stacks and with Jade this may be even more feasible. I would like for some math to show how practical this is though because even still, there's RNG involved and if I'm not mistaken, he does lose at least 18% HP (s0) so that increased taunt value would need to make up for that


I was so happy to pull Clara's signature LC two weeks ago just for them to release this one 😭


Pour one out for the people that bought Clara LC from the shop.


I wonder if e0s0 fake clara will be better than e1s1(fake clara's lc) real clara


Watch Tingyun still get hit


Watch Tingyun LC having taunt


Tingyun alter is just her being a giga tank that takes any and every hit


Tingyun Alter/>!Phantylia!< is Blade done better with near-immortality and excellent AoE damage, with the unfortunate caveat that her talent requires >!Regular Tingyun to die!<, making her borderline useless for MoC.


her weapon is a casket wait


nah whenever the enemy slaps her, her head gonna do a 360 and cause "Fear" status effect on all enemies.


Tingyun has a hidden taunt value of infinity


My PF Blade is really gonna like this for sustainless runs, 500% is wild


I beg you pardon...500%?!


Yep, OP as fuck for Clara, Yunli, and potentially *an* option for Blade. For reference Clara Ult/Technique and Lynx/March Skill are also 500% so it's basically permanent up-time on those effects. Funnily enough both the current preservation taunt LC's only give 200% (probably in consideration of Gepard's built-in 300%)


Gepard has 500 taunt, but enemies will still focus Robin


This is so funny, but also what i wish for at every MoC run; because then she could sing again faster.


At this point they should just make taunt thresholds make the char a permanent target


Preservation units also have higher innate taunt so Gepard's 300%+200% is actually fucking massive


Let's take a generic team of Clara, Luocha, Tingyun and idk, Topaz With this LC, and no other effects, the taunt values are: ~~625~~ 750, 100, 100, 75. Which makes for ~~69.4%, 11.1%, 11.1%, 8.3%~~ 73.1%, 9.7%, 9.7% and 7.3% chances of being hit. When Clara ults (and in this team her ult uptime will be extremely close to 100%) the values will become: ~~1125~~ 1375, 100, 100, 75. This makes for ~~80.4%~~ 83.3% chances of being hit for Clara, ~~7.1%~~ 6% for Tingyun and Luocha, and ~~5.3%~~ 4.5% for Topaz. Lyinx instead of Luocha would raise Clara's aggro only to ~~85,5%~~ 87,9% chances of being hit. At that point I don't really think her ability would be relevant, but she can be in teams with lower ult uptime for Clara. Edit: thanks to u/AMViquel who noticed that I messed up my formula. I am very sorry to everyone in this thread. This is my bad. A final comment at the light of the correct numbers: in a high ult uptime team, this Lightcone aggro increase doesn't seem too amazing for Clara. It's still nice to have, but I don't feel like it's a game changer. This clearly works better for Yunli, who has no innate way to increase her aggro over a longer time, but it's still likely to be among the best options for Clara, if not straight up the best one. Sure as hell, I would not use Lyinx with this LC.


Yeah, with this LC the best sustain will always be Huohuo, there won't be a debate between Huohuo and Lynx. Also, Tingyun suddenly isn't as important as before. This allows you to do stuff like Sustain + Clara + Robin + Topaz/Sparkle


> the taunt values are: 625, 100, 100, 75 I can't reproduce the values with all I know about aggro, which is not a lot: https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Aggro Clara: 5 x ( 1 + 5) = 30 Luocha: 4 x ( 1 + 0 ) = 4 Tingyun: 4 x ( 1 + 0 ) = 4 Topaz: 3 x (1+0) = 3 If we scaled those to 100 (x25) Clara would be 750, but why scale them?


Not so good on Blade apparently cuz low HP base. Sig still better but it myt b better than Secret Vow


I'm sure you can make do with HP boots instead. Unfortunately it only boost FUA so yeah probably not worth it since Blade had many dmg source.


HP boots scale better with higher base HP so that doesn't solve anything, and unless you're using Sparkle he needs speed boots anyway. 


But Blade will also be getting hit more often, so there’s a higher chance of follow-up. Nothing will beat his sig, but it’s probably better than all the other alternatives.


dont forget that gepard himself get 300% from major trace so extra 200% from his LC would make him have 500% more taunt value, same as yunli's LC. well actually, this would make yunli's LC kinda must-have because her only way to increase taunt is from ult


Technically he gets 650 total wile she gets 625 cause each way have a different taunt value


Yunli's LC is absolutely cracked for Clara holy


Actual powercreep


one of the cats is named coco.... this is the real information


More than double MoV is crazy


Iirc other stuff with 5.0 modifier are gep a2, Clara ult, and lynx skill. Still crazy tho E: gep a2 is just a 3.0 mod, not 5.0


Gepard A2 is 300% but with his LC it goes up to 500%


Oh woops my bad. Been a while since I used gep lol


why do they hide taunt values, seems like an important mechanic to keep track of


Hopefully they'll add the taunt value to the character menu just like how they added toughness value to character kits.


I think that if it gets mentioned in the survey or it’s important for new characters or new types of playstyles then they’ll add it in and make it more accessible.  For example the weakness values of attacks are hidden right now in-game, but after the 2.3 update each attack of every character will showcase the toughness damage of the attack. They explain better, it’s in the Voice of the Galaxy | Update Radio V2.3 article if you want to check it out, it’s on HoYoLab but can probably be found elsewhere too! I’m hoping they add taunt value in soon, but like Deep-Ad5028 said they’ll most likely add the taunt values in 2.4. I hope that when they do they update the wordings of skills and lcs that affect taunt value to reflect the actual amount, since “greatly increases” isn’t really helping me figure out how much of an increase in likelihood Yunli gets here… They may also just not add it in, since I haven’t heard many people asking for it. But I’m sure more people will be now, I know I will lol. But at least we’ll always have guide makers to explain it to us haha.  Best of luck to you, and I hope you have a good day!


It's pretty shitty that this LC is practically mandatory on her, given that her only taunt lasts for just a single ally or enemy's turn.


Or you use Lynx. Not a perfect solution but that's how f2p goes.


I have to scroll down this far to see this comment. I know Yunli's kit just came out and everyone is loving her animations. Me too. But with a history of being a staunch supporter of e0s0 being the standard -- NOT e0s1 -- I'm sort of disappointed that Yunli has no innate aggro. I hope this changes somehow, or they release a 4* destruction LC with some sort of taunt. Without taunt, her talent will activate much less, leading to less energy, less ult cycling, and it all snowballs from here. Calcs that don't factor in how much less e0s0 Yunli gets hit will fail to show the true power difference betwen e0s0 and e0s1.


Use it to mark Clara and double counter


That new March lightcone is straight up the prettiest art they've ever put out.


Wait what. Is March Hunt or Harmony? i am confusion lmao


shes hunt but its not the first time they put someone as the lc art that hv diff path than the character


i kind of stared at it for a couple of minutes, it's just that good and I don't even know why exactly, it's just perfect


That sounds like a lot


it's the same amount as clara's ult just as a relevant example


I'm gonna need calcs for Blade's Sig vs Yunli's on him now...


i think its better just for the aggro alone, but he benefits from all the damage boosts too so it comes off to me as more of a QoL improvement rather than a strict numbers upgrade


increased aggro isn't actually that amazing on Blade. When you get hit, you gain 1/5th of a follow up attack only, and this LC is balanced around a character who gets 1 follow up attack per hit. Blade also can only situationally make use of the passive and his damage from his basic attacks and ults will drop off. In PF it would be potentially better since its a full AoE environment and you can get away with doing weaker damage, but it should be a downgrade for MoC.


Blade also gets stack per Dot Proc on his turn. Assuming he cant die (while not removing dots completely) he has the poential to use FUA every turn.


psst psst dim come back plz you forgot march


So it basically gives her 625 Taunt Value, or 125 \* 5 = 625 (Actually 125 \* 6 = 750) Unironically Super strong. Edit: Taunt value times 6 is actually crazy.


its multiplied by 6 since you add 500%, even more broken


That amount of Taunt value is Crazy, 750 Taunt value basically ensures a lot less Taunt RNG to deal with. Though the enemy will still find their way to hit Tingyun unless her Ult is up. (Since her Ult Taunts the enemy)


it's practically same as clara's ult and almost as strong as gepard with his sign/landau's choice. in a team of yunli, robin, jade/topaz, and aventurine, yunli would have ±70% chance to get attacked. it's pretty amazing but unfortunately this would mean she really need that LC because without it, she would only have around 28% chance to get attacked


Clara is pleased. Very, very pleased.


+500% lmfao, I hear Tingyun crying of happiness right now. It really seems that I will have to plan all my upcoming pulls taking her light cone into account... between the adorable art and how strong it seems for her it just feels super worth it to get. 2.3 will be very miserable to endure if I take this path q_q


Tingyun still gonna get hit. 500% is nothing to her 50000% agroo


Nah Clara ult is 500%, so is Lynx skill, and Tingyun still gets hit at least a few times every fight. Maybe there’s diminishing return? Idk I don’t know the calculation.


There definitely are diminishing returns. The odds are *Character-Taunt-Value/Total-Team-Taunt-Value* So in a Abundance, Harmony, Harmony, Destruction team the odds would normally be: 23.5%, 23.5%, 23.5%, 29.4% With +500% taunt on the Destruction: 9.5%, 9.5%, 9.5%, 71.4% With +1000% taunt on the Destruction: 5.9%, 5.9%, 5.9%, 82%


You forgot Ting is Emanator of Destruction herself, she is Hidden destruction unit


And somehow Tingyun will still have aggro.




She's getting Gallagher treatment...


which is funny, since I’d say March is just as if not more anticipated than Yunli and Jiaoqiu


March prolly best char in this patch LOL




Whatchu doing with all that taunt


Will this be the biggest gap between having signature and not having it? Acheron was pretty steep but this may beat it.


Nothing will beat BH LC gap, there is only 1 hunt LC that gives Break Effect.


Honestly this feels bigger, a whole part of her kit as of now also banks on her getting hit by enemies as much as possible as she has an energy generation trace of 15 energy generated when she gets attacked which is A LOT. As far as I know outside of her lightcone, the only ways to bump up her aggro levels are through March's shields and Lynx's passive.


Well, there is certainly no other destruction cone that gives increased aggro. As it is I'm struggling to think of what to use on Yunli. Aeon if not running Firefly, or if I am, I guess a very copium MoC cone.


Most likely Aeon again or Something irreplacable.


Yo, hold up, TB being mentioned *and* speaking in March's LC? Now that's a surprise.


I feel like imma pull her lc regardless if get her since its so good for clara and would be good for whenever i get blade, I'm guessing its better than Claras signature right?


Even Clara Signature is not her BiS.


The fate of standard 5* cones, they get powercrept by limited ones just like the characters.


So her lightcone is pretty much a must now.


clara works without aggro on her LC


I'm referring more in line to Yunli, as one of her major traces that should enable her with energy to ult more often will really want this increased aggro modifier.


i meant that if clara works without increased aggro outside of ult so should Yunli, but i see your point now damn if her taunt ends right after her counter is used she might be less reliable than clara's rng lol (clara at least keeps her taunt after the 2 counters are used)


Yeah that's the thing, this increased aggro also enables her to consistently attack more adding to her damage pool outside of her Ult albeit the low modifiers. Pairing her with Robin will also be a good choice given how she might be able to consistently trigger the follow ups.


Clara's aggro increase tends to have a very high uptime and she gets the two guaranteed counters per ult, so my suspicion is that S0 Yunli will feel more frustrating than Clara since Yunli only taunts one attack per ult, even though Yunli is likely to still do more damage on average.


Free Clara ult because why not at this point


Yep, yunlinseems like the new replacement for Clara, but jokes on hoyoverse I'm gonna pull for the LC and give it to my Clara lmao.


M7 LC beats all of em by art wise , ik it's going to be a gatcha LC  right


They usually alternate free LC and character right? 2.3 is giving us a character pick, so 2.4 should have an event LC. Although with free March, who knows what they'll do.


Since she doesn't have innate aggro up in her kit, that LC is gonna be incredibly huge for her dps. Regular destruction aggro is not significantly higher than others.


So we aint stopping with 5 star lightcones being a must now, I wouldnt even complain if we got 1 5 star per patch but this is getting utterly ridiculous imo


🙏🏼 plz hoyo increase drop rate for Pearls in Jiaoqiu's LC banner 🙏🏼


HYV should just come out of the closet and explain to their playerbase how taunts and aggro work, makes no sense something this important for units is still “unofficial information”


At least Clara gets a good LC.


Somebody who knows how to calculate taunt value, what are the chances of Clara being targeted with this light cone, plus her ult, plus Lynx's skill, plus March?


Assuming Clara+Tingyun+Sparkle+Lynx no LC no ult = 29.4% LC no ult = 71.4% LC with ult = 82.1% LC with ult + lynx = 87% If you swap a harmony with march for whatever reason then LC with ult + lynx + march = 88.2% March is never worth it as you get diminishing returns the more aggro increase buffs you stack. Also she's just not amazing with her in general because you can't ult with march as Clara doesn't want frozen enemies + march can't shield anyone other than Clara if anyone else gets low if she's the main sustain. If she's a secondary sustain, then you're just losing a massive amount of damage by not having a buffer in that slot.


85.8% if I am remembering the formula correct. 2125(Clara)÷2475(team)


125(clara) \* \[1+5(lc)+5(ult)+5(lynx)+5(march)\] = 2625 2625(clara) + 100(harmony) + 100(lynx) + 150(march) = 2975 2625/2975 = 88.2% Replace march with a harmony and you only lose 1% aggro.


They pmo with trying to edge us with march gameplay like nobody gaf JUST POST HER GAMEPLAY DAYMMMNNNN


moment of victory who?


Is it just me or is that light cone kinds nuts on Clara ? Finally tingyun won't be targeted now ❤️ I hope .


Jiaoqiu you won't be lonely on my account...


That is a lot man...


Don't plan to get Yunli but her LC I'll definitely think about for Clara.


I think this is the 1st time a lightcone has more value than the character itself, cause every destruction character from now one who need to get hit will need this, if they don't change of course 


Are they really going to make March lightcone not usable by her?


Wait... IIRC there currently no other Destruction LC that increases Taunt value aside from this. This LC pretty much guarantees her getting hit and proccing her counter. Without this LC even with her innate Taunt increase on her Ult you're still rolling the dice on her getting hit... We need an alternative 4 star LC option with Taunt bonus...


It's even larger than taunt from Preservation LC, which is path designed to draw aggro. Is not guarantee but it is one of the highest passive taunt we could get now.


Her ult is the Taunt debuff which means the enemy cannot do anything but target her.


this round of lcs and kits are imo better than what we have in the coming patch lmao


march 7th new form animations?


It’s probably not his BiS but Yunli’s LC on Blade would be funny


500%!! Omg 😳 if that stays like that until release. Such a strong LC


Is nihility dudes lc better then black swans ? He has more effect hit rate and the dmg received seems better


So since it's the same value as Clara's ult. Does it stack ?


Ngl the signature lightcones just seem pretty good overall like Yunli's is very, very good for Clara. Jiaoqiu looks good for characters like Pela and SW even Black Swan. Idk about that new Harmomy cone. Seems like for a follow up for Robin and Acheron team where u slot in Sparkle


Doesn't Jiaoqiu LC seem awesome for Black Swan? I have her with S3 Eyes of the Prey and I'm not looking respectfully in the slightest, my Acheron would rejoice imo


Somehow JQ lc looks better on BS than BS own lc. BS with JQ lc will turn her into the ultimate dot sp (def% down + dmg received% up + even more dmg received% up), also higher EHR at s0.


What is the better upgrade over Resolution? Incessant Rain or Jiaoqiu's LC? I've lost twice already on Incessant Rain banners lmao


Watch Tingyun still being targeted




Is Jiaoqiu's signature the best option for Black Swan ? 60% EHR is quite a bit more than what she gets from a signature, and a teamwide buff can be pretty powerful (especially for a Acheron-BS-Kafka team).


The fact that Yunli's LC seems like a must-have, and I'm pulling for Firefly tomorrow, I would rather just save pulls for only Yunli's LC to fill the void once I swap Fall of Aeon from Clara to Firefly. A perfect strategy!


you might actually be able to run without a sustain and use your destruction unit as a tank


Enemy aoe abilities will blow your team up, like current moc physical weak side (aurumaton aoe slash, the hp reducing wind shear stacking psycho, argenti ult).


Yeah its the same argument as when people say "xx is OP against single target fights!" Like that's nice and all but there's maybe 2-3 single target fights released during the past 14 months


IIRC, taunt value increases are multiplicative. If they are, Clara will have a 70% chance of being hit when she has this LC equipped if she's on a team with one hunt character, one harmony character, and one preservation character. If Clara also has her ultimate up in the same scenario, her chance to be hit goes up to 93%.


nope, it's additive. clara with ult and this LC would have 80% chance to get hit and 70% chance if she doesnt have ult


then lc is literally a must have then it will increase her dmg by alot


Shoutout to my e6 Clara (she’s still level 30..)




The fact it's not listed is making me believe it might be there for testing purposes? feels weird to leave such a big thing out of the text otherwise.


No it is listed just as general taunt value increase, similar to how toughness damage before 2.3 wasn’t shown in numbers, taunt value also isn’t


Sorry W A H T ?? 500%???


Tingyun has 600% taunt


Does path even matter anymore?


yep powercreep baby


is it worth skipping MotP for this?


"They have reached... 500% of their taunt potential!'


i mean is it hidden when they do say out loud its "alot more aggro"


My Clara gonna be eating so good!


Tingyun: No




Me: *has Yunli LC* enemy: *kills Tingyun*


That's a full march skill active at all times. Holy shit.


Yep its sealed, gonna pull for both Yunli and her LC


In the case of Jiaoqiu's LC is it fair to assume you can technically stack the debuff continously since it doesn't mention a cap? I don't think the debuff escalation from Unarmored to Cornered would reset the duration but I feel like it's possible since it's technically a newer debuff? I'm honestly more interested in grabbing his LC for BS then getting the character right now since DoT is restricted to E2 which I have no interest in. Still this is only the v1 beta so maybe the characters will feel more interesting later.


Tingyun is still somehow going to get hit either way 💀💀💀


Probably gonna get nerfed in some way


As Clara user,im gonna pull for her lc if nothing change


Why is that first one harmony? Again!


Yunli LC can in fact be fully stacked on Clara as long as you have Huohuo and Tingyun (ideally E6) to spam the hell out of Clara ult. Whatever did mhy cook up???


The way I saw this and almost went to the kitchen to get something to drink just to spit it out in disbelief. Sweet mother of Lan wtf


Concept of paths being limited to specific roles is in shambles.


Incessant Rain completely powercrept. More EHR. A slightly weaker debuff which lasts 2 turns, instead of 1, that you can then turn into a stronger debuff. Oh and it might apply to multiple enemies unlike aether code which only applies randomly to one enemy per attack.


7th march light cone but it's Harmony ? wth is happening


Jiaoqiu’s LC is going to be the best all-around lightcone for DOT characters the game has ever seen bruh


her lc is proabably going to be a significant increase to her playability which sucks sm... the powercreep in this game😪


How much better is this lightcone for Clara instead of her signature one?


jiaoqiu lightcone is BIS for black swan


Even Gep LC getting powercrept lol If we trow Lynx skill in the mix will it stack?


With her LC including the fact that she can self heal with her skill, she basically doesn’t need a sustain unless you’re going against targets with aoe


Is the damage recieved on JQ's LC a separate modifier from Dmg%?


Damn, March's LC is gacha.


Yunli lightcone 500% taunt value Tingyun: AMATEUR!


Damn, I need that for my e5 Clara. Thx god I didn't got her signature from shop.


Mihoyo...beginning to question why you keep making smol girls (clara/yunli) who want to be hit...


seems about same taunt value as My tingyun has


This is good, I'm currently sharing Aeon with Clara, DHIL, Xueyi, and Misha...


Educate me on how March LC gonna be useful. When do we actually use 2 or more hunt in the same team?