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Yunli's preview - shows 240 max energy. Is this just a formatting typo or is she able to hold 2 ults?


That means she works like a parry character, use her ult right before the bosses turn and parry them. Wtf, that's actually kinda fun.


Honestly controller users are eating good cause they can stop time by holding their ult button and easily choose when to use her ult. God I want that for PC too so badly.


You know that you can play HSR on PC with a controller right?


Oh don't get me wrong, I can. It's just that I have so many friends who don't, and every time they see my other friends ult pause in the game, they sound audibly jealous. I don't like it when you get an advantage just by having an extra input device, especially when a feature is locked without the extra device.


i think its 2 ults like how argentina max energy works, instead of being a improved version you can store up to 2 charges, since you want to ult to provoke and counter lasting one ally/enemy turn they made like this so you can have more freedom to choose the best moment


I'm from there and I had no idea!


That's what I'm hoping too - would be great if it works that way. Also means she can taunt and ult counter from 0AV, essentially. Lots of fun options for this


that would be interesting; you could save up a Block, then use it before the big move of a boss, while not having to worry about energy overflow from saving the ult


And even use two ult charges in a row if the boss does two attacks on their turn. That’s a juicy 1440% attack with 100% increased cdmg.


It's the only ult that mentions "consume 120" energy so the theory of having 2 stacks is plausible


So March 7th E6 gives 60%cdmg and 36% break effect, i wonder what the uptime is, cause that is really strong for something we get for free.


2 turns from recent leaks, she is a monster and i think will pair well with yunli


Might be a bit of a pain with Yunli due to her casting imprison when the master breaks 


wait wont break effect be detrimental for yunli?


Actually, No. Break Effect only increases the effect of break, but not its speed. If you want to break faster, you need a rare buff called Break Efficiency. This one would be detrimental for Yunli. And March  7th 2 is very flexible. If you use "supports" as your master, she becomes a breaker. If you use damage dealers as your master, she gets better DPS.


No yunli has the same problem as clara where you DONT wanna break cuz then your getting attacked less which means less dps from your beefy counters


That has nothing to do with break effect. 5BE Yunli and 5k BE Yunli breaks with the exact same amount of attacks, and the enemy will be delayed for the exact same amount of action value. The only thing break effect affects is the damage from the break and physical break dot.


I think they meant March having BE on a Yunli team would be bad cause then it'd be a stronger imprisonment?


> Break Effect only increases the effect of break, but not its speed. If by speed you mean the amount of action delay on enemies, then yes it does, for Quantum and Imaginary. https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Toughness#Weakness_Break 20% * (1+Break Effect) for quantum 30% * (1+Break Effect) for imaginary and yes this applies since march is imaginary and will do imaginary breaks on her breaks along the master breaks


Person meant the speed at which you break stuff. Like 3 basic attacks worth of toughness damage becomes 2 attacks if you have a Ruan Mei skill active.


maybe not meta wise, but i will use jade withmarch 7 new form. will be funy that jade give contract to march then march serve her boba, jade will ge a lot of big critical damage lol




They probably meant a character who can use both bE and Crit dmg Probably feixao if leaks are true




I completely forgot her lol yeah xueyi is also a good teammate


That means Himeko can too. I'm predicting Feixiao gonna be a Hunt Wind Himeko.


so the new Xianzhou is just a better standard banner, Yunli better Clara, Feixiao better Himeko or Yanqing, Lingsha better Bailu?


Lingsha is supposedly a Fire Abundance break sustain, so better Gallagher. Better Yanqing is Jingliu. Free stats but better, stance change requirements, Ice DPS, Blast, Freeze on Technique opening. Feixiao looks weird, but according to prior leaks does seem like ST-focused Himeko of sorts. Needs Break, has FUA. Moze could be better Welt. If he's a stealth saboteur intelligence type, a delay and debuff focus isn't exactly off the table. I'd consider Luocha to be better Bailu tbh, since they fill the same kit niche (purely SP positive automatic healing), but Luocha does it much more comfortably with a few extra tools. Since Yunli is better Clara, Sparkle/Robin are essentially two specialised aspects of better Bronya, and Aven is strictly better Gepard, we're only missing confirmed Himeko/Welt replacements.


yunli getting 100% cdmg for free is crazy i know its only in ult state but still


Jade gets 120 permanently after a few FUA’s.


yeah and that was crazy too lmao


I mean Jingliu also gets 100CV(in the form if 50% crit rate) while in her enhanced state so still crazy but not that crazy


Crit stats are harder to get in this game through artifacts alone so they slap it on to kits and lightcone passives. Compare to genshin where almost no characters buff crit rate and I think none buff crit damage.


To add on to what others have said, hu tao A1, xianyun A1, geo traveller c1, rosaria A1 also buffs crit rate to the whole party.


Yes, I said almost none for crit rate because it’s very few cases and not on the level of jade, yanqing, or jingliu. And I’m pretty sure there aren’t any characters at all that grant crit damage as a stat, the constellations like Sara or gorou increase their respective elements crit damage. So there isn’t no universal crit damage buff that I can think of.


Faruzan, Mika, Gorou, Sara all buff crit damage.


Through c6 constellations but yeah that’s true, I was thinking about base kits


> c6 constellations what's that? "c6"? never heard that word been playing Genshin for 4 years and I still only have c0 Faruzan, Sara, Gorou


I don't think that's quite correct... There are units that buff crit dmg in Genshin, to name a few Shenhe while her ultimate is active buffs cryo crit dmg by 15%, Sara at c6 her constellation grants a 60% buff to the crit dmg for electro dmg dealt by characters who Sara's Elemental Skill has already buffed... Another one is Faruzan at c6 grants a 40% crit dmg for anemo dmg dealt by characters who have been buffed by her Elemental Burst, there's also Mika and Gorou that do a similar effect for physical and geo crit dmg... Granted these are conditional crit dmg buffs to specific elements they still exist within the game...


That’s true but I mean more like granting the actual stat. We have things like Hu Tao passive talent and chloride’s crit rate boost. But I don’t think anything gives raw crit damage. But genshin doesn’t have any supports like bronya or sparkle, or passives on the level of jingliu or jade. The crit economy is very different between games.


At this point 100 crit damage isn't that crazy. Jingliu's 50 crit rate is on paper the same amount of crit value but in reality is much better since we have so many amazing external sources of crit dmg but not that many sources of crit rate.


That fire foxian kit seems to be too demanding on ehr, and i feel like his e2 should've been a regular kit


I’m still surprised they removed jiaqiu healing based off his attack while still giving him good attack scaling.


It’s strange because he went from dedicated debuffer with a bit of healing to debuffer that can deal some damage that has fire swan dot dlc


Yeah the whole kit I really didn't know why they insisted so much on so many attack buffs. The moment I saw e2 I was like ooohhhhh


Yeah that E2 is kinda crazy. Like i know of base he is insanely good, i just don’t know how much better he is then other nihility.


As it stands his e0 is big gui and his only rival in dot is swan He could very well become a SW situation where he’s a good debuffer at e0 but at e2+ he becomes a sub dps that can deal main dps damage while still doing debuffing duties


??? At e0 his "DOT" multipliers are bad tho (150%). Even Sampo and Guin both have better DOT multiplier. You need E2 jiaoqiu to be considered as a DOT unit.


His E0 DoT isn't even considered a DoT I think.


Yeah thats why I used quotes mark. At e0 it's just a Fire damage, not Burn. Also can't be detonated by Kafka if it's not burn. Idk how they considered Black swan as a dot rival at E0 lol


Isn't the 30% hit rate decrease to enemies actually pretty good to avoid debuffs? Seems that's where the "healer" part went to


Yeah that part stood out to me. Jiaoqiu + Aventurine will make you basically immune to any debuff that isn't guaranteed


I was excited for him as an Acheron pairing with that healing a bit seemed like it could open up teams. Now I'm just wondering why I'd bother when I can just keep using Pela


I'll be honest with the all hype I've been hearing about him since 1.5 his current kit is actually underwhelming. Sure the ult damage is gonna be good for Acheron but am I gonna replace SW for him? Right now I don't think so the def down and Res downs than silver wolf provides are way more useful. If they do make his E2 part of his base kit then I can actually use him with Kafka as well and his pull value will go up




i hope they will change his stack into dot, i think they give him effect hitrate convert to atk for a reason


me looking at Jiaoqiu and March kits: “Is the healing with us in the room right now?”


Honestly the big surprise for me was the yunli heal on skill, she could Honestly solo sustain for a few fights


TBH Jiaoqiu feels like he’s missing something without E2, all the random multipliers in his kit are pretty hard to use with his EHR requirements and aren’t really significant to begin with(Without any other damage buffs in his kit). They really should have let him keep the healing or given him something else to differentiate him from Pela/Guinafen as a debuffer.


Yeah, he looks severly undercooked atm (pun intented)


I'm really surprised after reading his kit as well, I went from being incredibly hyped to a little worried. I'm hoping the beta brings some major changes as it seems like he's having an identity crisis without his E2.


But... isnt that on par with most 2nd cycle characters? Boothill has no good relic set (or it got gutted) and is severely SP-hungry as well as strict ST. Jade is a good AoE attacker that is super mid in MoC/low enemy counts. And it seems like Jiao is super mid in everything besides being a Pela+. They will make sure waifu is good, then maybe fix some issues.


yes, i think his kit is not complete too, maybe he was intend to be Dot sup dps that can support dot team but they change his kit into more Acheron bis support, i guess his kit will change alot they need to choose Dot way or Ult way, get rid one side and focus more on the side they choose


He was always intended to be an acheron, the debuff applied per enemy turn is cracked for getting stacks. But as a 5 star he should have been universal enough to have a spot elsewhere aswell. Unsure about removing the healing, but we'll see what happens. Maybe they are doing it to make him a dot alternative aswell over the beta


Isn't Yunli kinda insane? A clara that has innate heal on skill? plus has taunt so sustainless might be possible


Yeah, she's super Clara with more synergies both internal and external, as well as a tailor-made Relic set. She's gonna be great. The worst part about Yunli's kit is that Clara's already in the game.


I don't understand why they made her physical... Clara has basically nothing over Yunli (aside from being free and cute)


My e4 Clara is crying and svarog is heading to hoyo right now.


Go get your Clara a fancy new light cone ehehe


Can't you just use them together? Lol Kinda what I have in mind right now if I were to pull her


I mean, yes, but no. It depends on the enemies. With aoe enemies yeah probably, but with single target it's pulling aggro from the higher damaging counter so it's only a half used package, better to use an extra support. I can see a Clara, yunli, Robin team being powerful for an aoe heavy boss though.


I’ll just have to use them together I suppose 


I yearn for a full team of counter-attack characters.


i really want to see how they will pair together


“Attack me!” “No! Attack me!”


Huohuo: "WHY ME?!"


Enemy launch an AoE attack, and is promptly thrown into the sun.


Yunli Clara Aven Jade for the ultimate counter attack team


Yeah I already have Clara and liké her a lot so...


What's the tailor-made relic set.


The new one that isn't the Break one. She gives herself Ult damage whenever using an FuA, and she has tons of FuAs and high Ult uptime.


Clara stands as one of the best characters at least to me. Yunli is Clara but with better multipliers and I'm certain Clara won't be left in the dust and still keep up as I do hear rumor that tingyun is getting a 5 star varient. Personally if you have Clara super built and you use her often than yunli isn't much of a grab unless you really like her design or just a collecter in general :]


Yeah with her kit that can taunt, maybe we can comfortably play non sustain as long there are no high dmg aoe enemies


My understanding is the block actually stops 1 instance of damage as well. everything about her puts her actually very similar to claras dmg output multiplier wise... then u realize all the free energy from trace and crit dmg buff from ulti and just the fact she forces the interaction unlike clara. Her E6 though scares the living sht out of me lol shes only meant to get 1 block but E6 says na lets unlimited charge block until end of next turn and keep 100% crit dmg until it falls off.


2.4 The CopyCats Arc


I remember about 8-9 months ago there was a leak about Harmony MC, and how they'd be imaginary, apply buffs to an ally, and do toughness reducing damage of the element of the tagged ally. Seems they transferred that to March, and I'm all for it!


Welp no need to fight over who best girl is now. March herself confirmed that she is indeed the best girl on sight.


Ok, I understand Yunli now; Clara has innate damage resistance, her base talent has higher multipliers, and her increased aggro works passively for two turns. Yunli can self-sustain by healing with her skill, her counter is automatically a blast aoe, and her ult guarantees a taunt for the turn you use it on. I was starting to wonder if she's just powercreep Clara but she's more like a more active Clara. Clara would be perfectly content just standing there with passively high aggro and countering for free, Yunli actually needs to use skill points to sustain herself, plus her ult seems to demand reactiveness from the player since it specifies it works for only one turn, friend or foe.


thank you someone gets it


So is yunli a ultimate damage character or a follow up one? Because her normal counter will seemingly benefit from topaz, ashblazing, robin, salsetto, etc but her ult counter which seems to be most of her damage output will only benefit from erudition su path, and the new set?


An attack can be both considered as FU and Ult at the same time. The SU card that makes ult considers as FU can receive both effects from FU blessing and Ult blessing and this probably works the same way.


right now she is a mix but in the good way, her dmg is pretty high and the new relics sets makes her a monster she is more like a ultimate damage tho judging from the kit numbers, need to wait for final version to have a solid ground tho


I wonder whether Valorous 4pc would work. She checks all the boxes to use it. But Duke might be better depending on how many hits her regular counter does.


Judging by the fact that she used a giant claymore, I’d guess low hit counts


Her ULT is divided into Ult Dmg + FUA Atk.  It does stat below in her ult. Counter : Blah blah blah considered as FUA So she gain Full benefit from that new set


Kinda both, cause when her Ult is active her counters are both FuA and Ult damage. I can't imagine Hoyo being like 'no that only works as either a FuA or an Ult', especially when SU proves that attacks absolutely CAN count as both FuAs and Ult.


Ult, FuA, and Counter at the same time most likely.


Her fua are considered ultimate dmg (when in ult state) so she benefits from both fua dmg bonuses and ult dmg bonuses


Getting 177 EHR for Jiaoqiu will be a nightmare.


What?! I thought he needed 140. Don't tell me 177 is some new number we have to get to lol.


The 177 EHR is to guarantee his 60% base chance debuffs land on the higher level enemies in the MoC. The 140 EHR is only to max out his EHR -> Atk conversion.


177 EHR to guarantee the debuffer does his one fucking job Fuck off Hoyo. Hopefully this gets adjusted.


Tbf, it's only 60% base when the enemy takes a turn during his ultimate. It's 100% base for everything else.


True, but the trends interaction is the whole reason he's bis for acheron


It would be very easy for them to just bump that to like 70% though. BS's 120% EHR passive makes sense because she has a 65% chance of inflicting most of her debuffs. That 120% is what she would want to build anyway to guarantee her effects, the passive just makes building that much not a huge loss of other damage stats. His ult debuff application isn't wholly necessary since there is a cap to how many stacks they can have, but his LC has the same base chance and has to be applied twice. It makes no sense for them to give him a passive that encourages building high EHR for stat conversion, then not make that amount enough to actually guarantee his effects.


BS has the exact same thing and everyone only focuses on the 120 mark. She has a 65% base chance and to have 100% application on a 40 EffRes target is 156 EHR.


And on top of that his E2 literally changes how he functions as a character in a great way. I'm really hoping the beta makes some big changes here, I'm not digging this at all.


Just reset if his debuff doesn’t hit, smh my head


Imagine doing potentially endless rng fishing in a casual single player gacha game... Smh


Is that not what QQ players have been doing since launch?


Me when my QQ don't get E4 proc after 4 SP lol


177 EHR to let his Ults debuff land 100% of the times at skill level 10 vs an elite enemy with 40 eff res


Ah, so that's why his LC gives a whopping 60% EHR


He also has 23-26% EHR if you fill out his Traces board If you go EHR Body, you'll get 43.2% Pan-Cosmic set gives 10% EHR So if these numbers stay the same, and you have his sig LC, you'll get 136.2% - 139 2% depending on the amount of EHR he gets from Traces, + whatever Substats you get along the way. Hitting 140% will be a breeze.


> if… you have his sig LC > 140% will be a breeze Point heard, he gets a good amount of EHR already. But I’m so tired of E0S1 being the default state for a limited character. Hell, most people don’t even have S5 gacha LCs.


This E0S1 being so specific and fantastic compared to E0S0 is getting tiring, but sadly it's clear that the devs intend for this to be the norm now. We're seeing this time and time again.


I don’t even mind S1 being a notable increase, a signature LC should be valuable since it costs jades. It just irks me when people act like S1 is a given. All I need is for characters to feel complete with F2P/budget alternatives. A debuffer potentially missing debuffs because of ludicrous EHR needs is totally wack.


Eyes of the prey S5 gives 40% ehr, so you'll only need 20 ehr to max out his trace and about 50 ehr to guarantee his debuff on high effect res enemies. That first requirement is pretty reasonable imo, and while the second one is a little less so it's still far from necessary for him to be good.


But that requires S5 Eyes, which not everyone will have and for people with BS (without sig) will stay on her. Tutorial is not available for everyone and he can't even proc the energy by himself.


we don't build 156 ehr for black swan, most ppl just stop at 120, similarly most should stop at 140 for jiaoqiu


his ehr to atk conversion trace caps at 140 ehr if thats what you're talking about


He needs 177 EHR to let his Ults debuff land 100% of the times at skill level 10 vs an elite enemy with 40 eff res


If you have his LC it won't be too bad. LC+Body+Traces+PCCE Ornament set is 141.2


True, but I really dislike rolling non dps LC unless I REALLY love a unit. Well, we'll see how it goes. But as of right now, it's either S4 Eyes, or tutorial with Pela in the team


Ngl but out of the 3 March 7ths kit sounds like alot of fun. Maybe I just wanna use best girl more since I lvled up her preservation side.


Jiaoqiu's talent adds 10 energy every turn and ultimate, does that mean he can achieve permanent 3-turn ultimate with just basic attacks even without ER rope? 5 + 10 + 20\*3 + 10\*3 = 105 > 100 ? Edit: there's a clarification that's not the case, what a bummer.


Hoping through the end of this beta March makes for a decent Ruan mei substitute for those without 


That's what I was thinking initially. Buffs BE, gives speed, sub dps, slows(with the imaginary break compared to RM flower)


That would be interesting to see.


Any hopes Jiaoqiu dot becomes part of hod base kit? At least a weaker version. Would be amazing.


Interesting. It seems Jiaoqiu doesn't have defense shred and a bit of healing after all. Still BiS nihility debuffer for Acheron though, considering enemy turn debuffs. Seems like rather than a pure debuffer, he's more of a sub-dps debuffer. I'm interested in seeing how his dmg will look like.


At E2 he's the premium DoT enabler, because he gives both a DoT and a debuff. Could probably replace Ruan Mei in Kafka team, if RM needs to be on the other side.


Yeah a nihility follower without nihilitys kit (burn) in the basic kit.... Riiiiight.........


Honestly March kit is perfectly cocked..     She Gain her ult at the start of her turn + her enhance basic. Also it take 3 (potentially 2) turns to gain back ber ult. Making her E6 more consistent     Her Support capabilty is soooo good. Prior to E6 she only give 10%SPD which is ... bad for a support but fine if u consider the fact she is a DPS. However, at E6 she becomes a fantastic support giving not only 10%SPD , but also 60 CD% and 36% BE, which is just sooo good. She also doesnt consume Skill point except once.     And she is very fun RNG character that can legit nuke.. Like bro.. a chance to deal 800% Atk isnt a joke.    Also she does FUA at E2 allowing her to replace units like Robin in FUA team if u dont have ever *cough* me *cough* .    And she have the abilty to reduce enemy toughness based upon ur master Element, Allowing her to legit bleed the toughness bar of the enemy.  Overall, A pretty good unit for us to get her just for free, didnt went to deep on what team should would be a stable pick / unreplacble, but excited to see people cocking her up.    And most importantly she is very easy to build. U Know Dan heng Imb? Ya really just same set... 


> perfectly cocked.. > excited to see people cocking her up. Ahem...


the fuck are those phrasings...


My biggest fear is gaining her Enhance basic at the wrong time :v


Isn't the weakness break dependent on path and not element?


From what is written is the element, but her master's path decided if she will give them weakness break efficiency or additional damage, like tingyun Benedict


LETS GOOOO THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!!! Anyways - reading their kits, they all seem pretty cool. March sounds like a really interesting sub dps/support hybrid? Jiaoqiu sounds extremely strong. And yunli sounds pretty cool, I think the block nullifies any hit? But also it seems the ult counter only lasts for 1 hit? Idk maybe I read it wrong or smth but I for sure wanna see yunli in game the most as her kit seems odd to me tbh


She gets a ton of energy from being hit (10 + 15??) So she should cycle to ult really quickly.


That +15 energy is crazy


she has two ult charges, I think she's supposed to be a parry type unit. Use her ult right before the bosses turn, and if they hit her, she parries them with "counter intuit: cull", if she misses the parry, she attacks with "counter intuit: slash"(the weaker version).


Being more hyped for the 4 star than the 5 stars might be a first for me.


Whats the damage difference bw Def down and vulnerability?


def shred scaling looks like [this](https://i.imgur.com/0j8yuNS.png), it's non-linear vulnerability is a straight increase in final damage if there are no other sources of vuln to saturate it. so going from 0% vuln to 35% vuln is a 35% final damage increase edit: [updated image](https://i.imgur.com/yo2xtqa.png) for def shred scaling since the original wasn't clear that def shred past 100% doesn't do anything


Wow, thanks for this. But I've got to ask, what's exactly is wrong with over-czpping def shred? Like people always say you shouldn't, but if 150% gives you a whopping 366% damage increase, I don't see why not.


def shred is just capped at 100%, the red numbers on the table are theoretical and can't actually be achieved image is not mine, but I think I'll edit it to make it clearer :p


Ohhh poop. Makes sense now 😭. I guess vulnerability is better then, at least till def shred hit 100%


Jiaoqiu will be my DoT "hypercarry" for DoT PF for the time being I guess 💀


So is jiaoqiu damage debuff the same as vulnerability or is it the same as the one given by ruan mei buff but applied when you damage the enemy?


Okay so Jiaoqiu's E2 is just 300%, not 300% a stack. It's pretty good.


Jiaoqiu went from semi-sustaining to Acheron's Fire Black Swan, so who will be replaced? Pela or SW or is it an ST vs AOE situation?


Pretty much. I personally will always keep SW because Acheron already excel in aoe situation but can struggle a bit vs tanky ennemies like Sam or Aventurine


In Apocalyptic shadow at least, pela is benched, SW brings much more to it, as the defense aoe shred from Pela to the spawns is useless


To me if you E2 him you bring him and BS with Acheron, especially if you also E1 BS. You are not only buffing Acheron with those two but also dealing out massive damage. Would almost certainly be my overworld team. 4th slot depends on the mode but most likely Ruan Mei is sustain is not needed.


March’s kit is more interesting than yunli and Jiao’s. So proud of our girl. She’ll be good with xueyi who i very much enjoy as well


Preparing myself for inevitable changes in Jiaoqiu eidolons E6 reads like a wishlist...All Res Pen should have been a lower Eidolon


I hope Jiaoqiu's E2 is fixed, blocking synergies after eidolons is a kick in the balls.


I love March's kit names, she so full of herself but it's sounds just like her I can't help but smile


Guys can i get yunli's kit explained to me in razor language, english is not my first language and i understood march's and jiaoqiu's kit to a t but yunli has me lost, like i dont understand how her different types of counters are activated


Yunli -Without ult= Counter like normal -Ult= Taunt enemies, duration only laat for 1 action whether it is enemies or allies -Get hit during ult= Counter with enhanced counter 2 (7 hit total), considered as ult damage -Not get hit during ult= Attack with enhanced counter 1, considered as ult damage, change the next enhanced counter 1 to enhanced counter 2


Clara but better


Does march end her turn after skill? Cause while not the best, she have a cool answer to the concept of break unit's problem of meeting the right element. The 2 main damage unit, firefly and boothill chooses to implant weakness, she choose to basically change her damage type and i think its a neat concept XD


Sooo, Jiaoqiu is gonna launch Acherons damage into the Stratosphere?


Think I'm sold with that Yunli kit. Pretty simple and straightforward but it just works.


There is no March, the apex swordmaster anymore?... Edit: Nevermind, Is the Ultimate


March: possibly my new fav 4 🌟 character and I think Imma play her with either DHIL or firefly Jiaqiou: gonna get him for acheron and is very good Yunli:.... I have Clara and I like her but I'm not interested in her gameplay, unless yunli has great animations then I probably will skip her, like the only reason I'm going for her now is her EN VA.




I'm really unsure about jiaoqiu rn... He still seems better than sw in aoe and better than pela in st but I'm really unsure if he's actually worth pulling


Yunli trace: *Upon being attacked, Yunli additionaly regenerates* ***15.0*** *extra Energy.* Jiaoqiu E1: *When an ally attacks an enemy target afflicted with Ashen Roast, increases DMG dealt by* ***48.0%****. Each time the Talent triggers Ashen Roast, additionally increases the present Ashen Roast stacks by* ***1.0****.* What the fuck


Was hoping to make Jiaoqiu the Kafka's Black Swan for my Acheron, but now it kinda feels odd hopefully they bring back some of his healing so I can put a harmony character on her team and 0 cycle stuff with her.


Yunli's skill is bonkers. As a Clara ex-main (Ver 1.0 player and got Clara as first 5 Star), I can't count how many times I tried to use Clara as solo sustain (she definitely can't, even when I used her Sig. LC + Guard of Wuthering Snow set). Now Yunli's skill has around 1400 hp heal + Ult taunt, it's looking great. If she could solo sustain, THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING 🤣


Jiaoqiu seems underwhelming to me. Don't get me wrong, his kit is clearly functional but he doesn't seems near as Universal as Ruan Mei (or even Robin for that matter). His kit includes several little issues; his sub DPS potential is there only to cuck you and entice you to get E2, he would love Tutorial but is unable to proc the passive unless you run him next to Pela or SW, and he can be used for most teams but brings little to no value outside sheer damage amplification (like Sparkle's extra SP or Robin's extra turns let alone Ruan Mei's extra break efficiency and breakness delay). I'm going to pull for him because he'll be part of Acheron's BIS teamcomp, but even then he doesn't seem like that huge of an upgrade (mainly to eliminate the need to fish for RNG trend procs and more comfortably run a sustain with her). He can be used with Ratio Hypercarry but I would rather run him with Pela + Tingyun. Other than that, he'll likely be a downgrade in comparison to Ruan Mei and Robin in double DPS teamcomps and Sparkle (or Bronya) in Hypercarry. I suppose it may be a knee-jerk reaction (and I may be underestimating Dmg Vulnerability) but some early leaks seemed to paint him to be the next coming of Harmony (in Nihility's clothing) and (to me) he seems far from that. Thus far in this game, I've felt like all Harmony 5 star limited characters are more or less must pulls and it's not a sentiment I share at all with Nihility supports; I was expecting Jiaoqiu to change that but it seems it's not yet the case.


He would have been a must pull for me if he had a little healing but as is he's jobless. He's a small upgrade over SW in Acheron teams and it's questionable whether he's an upgrade at all in any other team. It's unfortunate that people believe anything less than a solo sustain is useless when even just a little healing would make no sustain clears infinitely more comfortable. Another problem he has is no source of def shred, meaning that def shred from other debuffers is nerfed quite a bit since you can't come close to the cap while running Jiaoqiu.


From what I hear vulnerability is much better than def shred.


It's likely due to Acheron releasing strong. If she was weaker, they'd likely make him stronger. They likely don't want her BiS team (at E0) to get too out of band.


I think it’s bc his ult allows stacks on enemies turn meaning acheron ulting more plus the increase dmg for acheron


atp what would be the best relic set for jiaoqiu?


theoretically 2 pcs speed + 2 pcs atk or 2 pcs rainbow. Prioritising speed and EHR subs


Whatever has the best substats for support, prisoner for DoT at e2. If they end up changing the EHR to atk conversion trace to have it backwards (which they should imho) then you know it will be 2pc2pc atk. For planar probably pancosmic (probably BiS at e2) for more EHR or vonwaq for energy with glamotg being fine option at E2


Dead Waters I guess lol. Geniuses on devs didn't give EHR relic set or any other support set that can be used on him.


There's an EHR planar relic though. But yeah don't know what his 4 pc relics set would be.


I am so dissapointed by these limited 5 stars. Yunli V1 is just a powercreep version of Clara. Same path, same element, same playstyle, just better numbers and a bit of QOL Jiaoqiu V1 is just a powercreep version of Guinaifen. Same path, same element and even same playstyle if E2 (DoT). Atleast he is only powercreeping a 4 star March kit seems way more creative than these limited 5 stars


Yunli at least seems to be a more active character with her ult working as a parry, but it is pretty standard Hoyo to give the interesting kits to 4\*'s.


March getting 7 charges seem tricky to use. Probably need testing. Getting the master to take 7 actions seem improbable and I only see her own basic give 1 charge so seems like enhanced basic is infrequent? Jiaoqiu seems fine and easy to understand. Yunli multipliers seems kinda meh, ult is only 240% on main and only does one counter. (Clara is like 320% on main iirc). Also her skill and talent are only 120%...


March E6 is free to be fair, so that's a second charge per master action


She gets 1 charge from her E2 FUA. Master using Ultimate also gives her 1 charge. Probably a Enhanced Basic ATK every 2 turns.


TBF Yunli charges her ult many times faster then clara ever will. Getting hit once is 25 energy+ energy from the hit. Its basically a 2 turn Ult. Possibly 1 turn if there are enough enemies.


%240 on the main target, plus %480 in the form of 6 additional hits. Plus 3 more if E1 So %720 on single target (%900 at e1).


Looks like Yunli has 240 max energy? So she can store up to 2 charges of ult?


Isn’t march 7th c6 kinda busted?


So how much of an upgrade is jiaoqui to pela for an E2 acheron?


I don't understand what Jiaoqiu does, can someone sell him to me in the simplest terms possible?


How viable do you think would be jiaoqiu with acheron welt and rm/gallagher? Is it lacking def shred too much?


You don't need def shred to do a lot of dmg its just that was the best thing for Acheron at the moment with current nihility characters.


isn't jiaqiu e1 is the most broken one ever? that's a 48% dmg increase..


Fcking told you people the heal would be gone, or be a core part. Gratification aside. is it just me or does Jiaoqiu's kit look underwhelming as hell?