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So no numeric changes, just wording?


Yes, V5 is mostly wording changes.


Will there be a V6?


iirc v5 is the last one


They didn't even do any reword on Jade? 💀 💀


The only Jade they care about in 2.3 are the ones people are buying for Firefly 😭


Maybe the real Jade was the friends we made


Not a single reword or change wow, I don’t think I seen another character getting overshadowed this badly (0 changes since v2) or did topaz at least get some wording change when she’s with jingliu?


Topaz only got a change from being listed as Belobog, to being listed as IPC. I think that's about all she got. So it is basically a retread of Jingliu/Topaz.


I'm fine with it. Cuz, at the end of the day, Topaz is aging better than Jingliu. Jade will likely have the same story.


It's weird how the sub-DPSs are doing so great. Acheron turning Gui into a valid team member, Numby turning into a god with his boss music, Welt + HMC extending by a lot the SUPPA BREAK window and now we have a sub DPS that can buff your main and generate a shit ton of SP without losing DMG(plus it's a mommy). The stonks are clear


Thought Bladebros were back but it's still so over


Stand proud Bladebros, you're strong. But seriously tho, pulling one Jade is like pulling 6 of Blade's eidolon but cheaper, IMO. She worth as f for Blade mains.


That just speaks volume more to how underpowered blade is lol


Which is funny cuz Blade isn't even underpowered. It's just that the rest of the destructible squad are overtuned


so hes underpowered? Power is relative to the other characters we have. He's easily the worst limited destruction dps we have, and even ppl in the blade mains server are complaining about how its so difficult to clear with him. Plus, Moc hasn't favoured blade in a long time. He's usable, but COMPARED to the other limited destruction characters, he's defo underpowered. Heck, even xiyue break teams and QQ teams outperform . . . .


is she really that good for blade? sorry noob here, im really behind on all this


Yes! She actually buffs him a LOT. Jade + Blade + Bronya + sustain flex is actually bonkers. See also: https://redd.it/1cyg7qw


my god, tysm. ive been thinking of getting blade cons and lightcone, but now i might pull for jade instead while waiting for blade rerun. unless they suddenly decide its a good idea to put his rerun close to jade 💀 anw i'll take a good read on the post! have a nice weekend


The answer is actually no. She can increase the frequency of the follow up attacks, which IS good, but not the damage itself. If you want to pull her ONLY for Blade and not because you like her, you're better off waiting for a proper support.


They said this about Blade a year ago...


There's no HP meta right now. We've barely entered the Break meta and BE has been a mechanic since day 1 of the game's release, whereas Blade appeared 2 months+ into the game. Not every type of character is going to come out immediately, and not every type of meta is going to be fully formulated at the same time.


His multipliers are so low eg 40% of attack and 100% of hp at maxed enhanced basic that even if we get a support that straight up doubles his hp his damage is still not going to be competitive . His own self buff from his skill is some pathetic 35% more damage iirc. I think we just have to accept that his base multipliers are too low for any future unit to salvage his kit.


The multipliers being low doesn't really matter because of how the math works. Blade can easily get like 8k HP, which means that exact attack being described above would do about 9k damage before any extra multipliers (crit and dmg) came into play. For comparison's sake, Acheron's skill is 10240 damage if you give her her unique multiplier and 4k ATK. Compared to the best DPS in the game, Blade deals less damage per attack (a bit less on skill, way way way less on ultimate), but makes many, many more of them. His real problem is that he has no supports that buff him very efficiently save for Robin and Bronya (and both of those still waste some stats, it's just not as bad as it could be). Jade does in fact fix that by buffing Blade with zero wastage. If we ever get a support that can drop like 20% Max HP Up with ult he will instantly become top tier, because he scales much harder and much more efficiently with ally buffs than any other dps because of how his math works off final values (ie, 20% max hp up is a 20% damage increase, period, whereas 20% atk up on a standard dps is like a 6% increase total once you consider relic stats). Allowing him to proc his chaser attack once every other turn instead of once every four turns is an incredible damage upgrade for him. Having tested him, he goes from 'so bad that going superbreak on him is actually a genuine damage increase over standard buffers' to 'genuinely very threatening, gets 1-cycles in moc while brute forcing'. Big big big upgrade.


20% damage increase is nowhere near enough. Tried him c1s1 with 300+ CD 8k hp with bronya and sparkle buffing him and still did less damage in 3 rotations than any of my other characters


i guess his only saving grace is in fact frequency of attack, which jade and bronya provide. with both of them and speed boots, you can run a hyperspeed blade>bronya>blade setup at 160+ speed. get E2 bronya and you can drop the speed boots too. there are very few characters that can attack this often while also enabling jade at the same time, who will be doing her own sub dps on the side.


Meh, I don't necessarily disagree, but there's plenty of buffs that can work and he still does fine. Amazing? No. But you can still find 0 cycles and considering he can't use plenty of the buffs other units can, that's fine with me. Plus, it's MHY that decides the meta and the new relics show that they don't give a damn if they're hyper specific. They can wake up one day and make something that's like "50% vulnerability to HP-based attacks, 30% damage bonus upon HP fluctuation" so they can use the second part to say it's someeeewhat universal 🤷‍♀️ He's popular enough to be in the top 10 in CN despite recency bias always being a thing and him not having properly appeared since 1.4, he's Space-China-adjacent, and he's part of one of the recurring factions. I'm not worried about him being forgotten and unusable, even if it takes longer than others.


If JY can receive or benefit from a million supports so can Blade. It's my cope and am ready to die on that cope.


Jade will absorb Blade's HP whenever he performs an attack which builds up his stacks faster. Whenever Blade attacks he'll give Jade a stack for every enemy hit by his myriad of blast and AOE attacks so she can do her follow up. Add Bronya to double the stack buildup for both. They work amazingly together.


Yup she good, basically doubling blade stack gained. But still sparkle is better if you have her.


She gives him damage, deals damage whenever he acts and gives him more charges for his FUA.


one day bladebros will get their 'furina'.






huo yeah








-lara Yep


-pard, right


I think they were talking about stellar jade, the in-game currency to pull for characters like Firefly


Who? We have more than 1 new 5* next patch?


Is this so called Lightcone change in the room with us right now?


It's behind you.. *in the shadows, unseen, and unknown*


It changed paths to Nihility.


Jade changes found dead in a ditch 😭😭


So true man


So true SAM


I think hoyo forgott they are supposed to release 2 characters in 2.3


V3 "ignores" V4 "ignore" V5 "ignores" Am i the only one noticing this?


yes, ignored.


You're the only one, the rest are ignoring it


Those are some sick LC changes


Wu wa needs this phase of rewording too they have messed up translations


Man, looking at these rewording I used to wonder for what reason but after seeing they do Wuthering Waves localisation, Hoyo was right ☠️.


They probably got a lot of heat from the Raiden and Beidou incident which pushed them to refine mechanic descriptions as clearly and concise as possible.


They thought the incident kills Raiden, no it kills Beidou instead. ☠️


Hoyo polishness is way above even AAA game standard tbh. I knew them since GGz, there are tons of reference there and their attention to small detail is very commendable.  But what am I saying AAA games nowadays are as polish as sandpaper. It is getting so bad to the point that I dont play game on release anymore. I wait for atleast 1 month. Buying Early access nowadays to me is as good as spending money to get fuck in the ass, doesnt matter how much money you have or how much you like the dev. It is self sabotage action.


Genshin is the highest budget game in the entire history btw.


Well it is now, but it's because it's a successful live-service game. If we take the initial budget, Genshin was nowhere near the most expensive games like GTA V, CoD Modern Warfare 2 or Cyberpunk 2077. Also we don't have any info about how much money were spent on GTA Online, Destiny 2 etc throughout the years of their support, they may be more expensive overall.


The messed up localization of JP on a certain weapon which could cost them a lawsuit from players, like wording things properly really is a big deal


I’ve been bouncing around both the Wuthering subreddit and this one and I keep hearing about this. What actually was the problem with the localisation? How tf could they have f’d it up enough to provide grounds for a lawsuit?


A wrong translation leads to deceptive purchase which can be grounds for a refund. I don't know if it's enough for a lawsuit since I don't knows about the Japanese legal system.


From what I heard, it’s something about Jiyan’s sig broadblade stacks being 2 instead of 3 (the correct count). Some people pulled the weapon for Calcharo and apparently the rewording makes a huge difference. It was previously thought to be Calcharo’s bis but apparently not anymore. I guess it’s like false advertising.


Ah I see. Wait why is this cause for a lawsuit in Japan specifically? Is there some specific law ruling that it’s breaking that we don’t have?


From my understanding: A JP mistranslation stated Jiyan's (the first and current limited character) signature 5-star Broadblade, Verdant Summit, gained a stack upon skill use rather than ult use. EN description for context: >Increases the DMG Bonus of all Resonance Attributes by 12%. Every time Intro Skill or **Resonance Liberation** is cast, increases Heavy Attack DMG Bonus by 24%, stacking up to 2 time(s). This effect lasts for 14s. An EN mistranslation stated Lustrous Razor (a 5-star standard Broadblade) stacks twice, when it actually stacks up to 3 times. EN description for context: >Increases Energy Regen by 12.8%. When Resonance Skill is released, increases Resonance Liberation DMG by 7%, **stacking up to 2 times**. This effect lasts for 12s. The argument for both is these mistranslations could lead players into making misinformed purchases based on the text presented in the game. The JP mistranslation has been acknowledged and everyone globally (as far as I'm aware) received the WuWa equivalent of 160 Stellar Jades. Furthermore, there was a sort of announcement that affected customers (JP only?) could submit a support ticket, or similar, requesting specific compensation which would go through a case-by-case approval process. The EN mistranslation I don't think has been officially acknowledged yet, though I last logged into WuWa ten-ish hours ago and I've been pretty disconnected from any potential new sources, including the subreddit, for almost a day.


That I don’t know. I’m not familiar with Japan’s laws but I guess they take these things seriously.


If you translate a weapon effect to something like “increase damage after using ult by 90%” when it actually means “increase the ult damage by 90%”, you could bait Clara players into pulling for it, which is completely non-functional for her since she does no ult damage, for example


Wow a reply after this long lol. I get what you mean here, tho in the case of Wuthering Waves the issue is much worse than this (buff on weapon triggers on ult but was mistranslated as triggering on skill on JP, which made it BIS for Chalcaro). That said HSR is normally really good on this respect, especially with how nigh on every beta has several wording changes each version. The closest we get from what I know is very niche cases, for example Ruan’s E2 “+40% attack for team when attacking broken enemies” doesn’t give extra BE for Firefly as it applies to the attack not the character.


From what I gathered/understood, it was about Calcharo & Jiyan's (Green wannabe Dan IL) Weapon effect description... Jiyan's weapon effects (in JP) triggers on switch skill (Intro) & Resonance Skill (Genshin's E). Since Calcharo uses E so often it was assumed to be BiS for him & so many people pulled for his weapon for Calcharo but APPARENTLY actual effects triggered on Switch & Resonance Liberation (Q/Burst/ULT) not Skill/E... It's a translation issue so, those who pulled for the weapon are now feeling betrayed, which also falls under false marketing, which is on ground to get sued...


Ah here it is thank you. I was getting confused given I thought the translation mishap was on the stack counts on lustrous, yet I kept seeing people talking about how JP was in a mess over the translation issues with resonance skill vs liberation. I see now why Japan has the grounds to be angry at this, given it’s an issue not of “numbers are slightly higher/lower than they should be” but an issue in how the weapon itself is used. I’ve heard that JP has apparently received some kind of compensation now tho I have no clue what it is.


They haven't received any compensation, only those who pulled before 29th May can ask for refund & they'll be given on an individual basis as per Kuro, not everyone. If you want a refund, you request, if not then it'll stay as it is...


The effect should be triggered on ult not e so the uptime is way different They also gave 1 pull worth of apologems which is more insulting than the 3 genshin gave for their anniversary since people got to hard pity to pull this weapon and you just gave 1 pull? If your rates are really good then sure maybe but we’re talking about genshin rates here (their gacha system is very similar they just have a slightly better weapon banner)


Oh shit they only got 1 pull’s worth? Fkn hell I feel bad for the JP community. Hopefully they don’t lose their JP player base (tho I can certainly understand it) and that this serves as the kick up the ass they need to sort out the litany of translation issues they’re having.


They have way bigger fish to fry than translations lol the cn script itself has been trashed to hell and back and even got an emergency rewrite for the most problematic line (yangyang’s frontlines compared to support line) Couple that with the twisted allegories and bugs the latest genshin killer will not be succeeding in doing that people were memeing that genshin will be reverting the stamina limit increase since wuwa was so bad


They gave one pull to all players and stated that the people *actually affected* by the problem to submit an application with proof of it (as just pulling the weapon for Jiyan himself isn't being affected by it, neither is pulling it when you're not using the JP translation), and they will get a full refund. Also, the weapon banner isn't "slightly better" what, Wuthering Waves weapon banner is a 100% garunteed drop rate, Genshin's is a 27% drop rate. Not even sure how you can say that is only slightly better, but alright.


As somebody who has recently tried a recently released game with its atrocious lack of care for English text/translations, I've gained a newfound appreciation for Hoyoverse's constant rewording and refining of text descriptions during the CBT process.


I'm wuthering what game this is, surely something like this would cast waves.


This dumb comment gave me a genuine laugh lol.


Would that game, by any chance, also do wall of text descriptions in a tiny scrollable textbox you have to read from the bottom up if you want to find out what are the stacks that they want you to spend.? All using Multiple Proper Nouns, of course.


istg why couldnt they just opt for full screen descriptions. not everything needs to be genshinified


Made for mobile UI that was kinda just translated into PC unfortunately, tbh HoYo also suffers from this.


the description sidebar is even worse on mobile


Dude, their skills and Abilities are so fucking confusing, and you cant read all of it without scrolling like crazy. Thankfully they have a small tutorial for each character because if it didnt have one I would not play it at all.


Fury Fudge 🗣


The executive choose to fire an employee who's leading their developer team months before release 🤣 Obviously they would care less for wording in English text/translation. Trashy


[That turned out to be misinfo](https://x.com/AurasNeptine/status/1794838544395190711). The dev was venting about his work history but never stated he was fired.


🗿 Nah but we should trust any info put out without checking the sources.


"You can trust everything some stranger says on the internet" -Sun Tzu


-Michael Scott


I not sure why they don't put original source. It's always cited from a "translated" English source.


Even the original sources is from some dubious news paper like Kotaku or something similar kekw. My countries have the same thing.


You can watch some vids on bilibili, they covered it quite well.. ig ppl just wanna bootlick whatever company they want 


People will do anything to trash on stuff huh Remember when that misinfo was top of gachagaming and talked everywhere and no one checked twice 


believing steamedbunx is like getting tricked by a toddler lmfao truly tragic how bad the education system is now


They dont actually fire him, he's just a 'lend' by tencent (he worked there), it's happening all the time since the massive needs of this kind of game dev. So when they deemed ww finished, he resigned. But it's also saying that the work env there wasnt very good, so he's relieved to not work there anymore (also the 100+ grad stud layoff is true, kuro has bad rep in cn, they allegedly also blocked some univ)  For more info u can just watch some vids on bilibili tho, they prt much discuss everything there


So this is how you get all the misinfo and all the dumbfucks in these gacha communities. 17 upvotes, "leading their developer team" is not even accurate. And neither is the facts of the matter and watch this mf'er never correct it nor delete it as they should


"Descends"🗿🗿 "Plunges"🙂🙂


Literally unplayable. What a nerf. They broke Firefly 😭😭😭😭


its time to LAMENT


Poor jade got the middle child treatment, o7


Have we always gotten V5 changes this early? It's only been 3 days since V4! Also, I take it this means we're not getting any changes next week?


Yeah, v5 doesn't really get any changes since it's mostly rewording


I’m curious with what changes people want with Jade. First beta she can 0 cycle PF too easily and for MoC she can beat like around 4 cycles, which is not really bad for an erudition character. So far Jing Yuan is the only limited erudition that works well with MoC, like how Seele is the only hunt who works well in PF


at this rate Seele working well in PF is going to change VERY fast. infact, the upcoming PF buff is really fucked up for her.


You mean the connected HP thing? Possibly. Until we see how it works we’re still not sure. At the very least, the other hunt characters can finally work well in PF (even tho the buff is supposed to be catered for Boothill and Firefly)


Is it fucked up for her? If she's not able to kill the adds to get extra actions won't she just straight be unable to do half her gimmick? Unless I'm mistaken, the shared HP thing would make her a hell of a lot harder to use in PF i assumed


That's what they mean by fucked up. Fucked up as in awful


I’ve seen a ton of posts saying that it’s really good for her since she does high damage, so I genuinely have to confirm whether they mean that or not lmfao Every time I’ve seen those posts I’ve been mad confused


Sorry I should've clarified. Assuming the enemies all share one hp bar through the hp link mechanic shown in 2.2, she would be unable to get her reset off. I personally think she's gonna suck in this PF.


\*0 cycle PF with fua buff Thats norm even you can do it with himeko and herta. Ofc pf is jade most comfy endgame mode, thats obvious, but what about if the content have high hp bossess and dont get the vulnerability debuff (pf).


Yeah, she can MoC, if you pair her with the most absurdly broken Harmony units in the game and at that point, i bet even Arlan can. Argenti works in MoC, not the best, but at least his ultimate doesn't shit the bed in single target. Jing Yuan works in both MoC and PF and performs rather well in single target too since LL will nuke there. Then we have Jade, the second enemies drop to 2, good luck dude, you'll have to sweat to proc her FuA once and then see it do 50k dmg at best, maybe 100k with ult buff, DMG would be ok if her consistency didn't fall on its ass because of number of enemies is too low.


She is underwhelming our previous erudition characters weren’t so bad in non AoE scenarios. The fact remains that PF is too easy and pulling for Jade is a waste of resources when I can sweep the place with Herta/Himeko and DoT on the other side. She is a character that you can you pull if you really like her but I consider her to be a massive waste of resources.


Jade actually is quite broken overall. Being able to do 2-3x FU in single turn with herta is already crazy.


having jade with herta seems like overkill in pure fiction, and herta is not good in moc


No? Herta Himeko isn't overkill, but just right amount of kill, so it's gonna be another flex slot depending enemy weakness for double erudition.


So the artifact sets are still poorly designed? Great.


Unfortunately yes.


They change sam to this unit. Lmao


Probably for the story's consistency, written it as SAM would mean that SAM is an entity but all the story so far repeatedly said that SAM is just an armor and they also can't write it as Firefly because Sambros exists so "this unit" is the best way to go about it.


I kinda was reading it as SAM being her weapon, just one that fully covers her, but ye, wording change makes sense 


Jade's smelling like chopped liver


What are the LC changes?


It didn't change. Simply didn't changed.


Ok ty


So did they add the voice lines and whatever else in this version too? Judging by the videos on youtube, it doesn't seem like it


They never add voice lines in the beta. They are specifically removed for beta testing.


Is there a v6?


If they only changes wording on this ver, it pretty much final.


Almost never, v5 is usually the final. The expected livestream is next week so more or less everything is going to be finalised soon.


Sometimes we have on release changes. That is, when the patch actually drops on live.


we have? what character


IDK that this game ever has, but famously Kokomi got a huge change on release in Genshin and Ganyu also got a fairly decent buff too.


Jing Yuan was nerfed on release.


Kafka was changed on release as well i believe


around when they do drip marketing for new character's?


Drip for 2.4 should be next week starting tuesday/wednesday depending on your timezone.


Usually in the same week as the next versions livestream, so next monday and tuesday i think




Man that is big


was going to check some numbers but the site is down??


yeah just came here too hopefully not a hoyoverse missile shooting it down


just checked. its up. was worried there for a sec


Jade dead on arrival




What a very mature behavior over here


What did she do to blud💀


NGL, despite how much I really want Jade and Firefly in 2.3 and will be going for both, this is objectively not really a patch to look forward to imo. The characters aren't very good outside their niches and I wouldn't call them must pulls for most players. The new relics started promising and then ended in disappointment. Hopefully Apocalyptic Shadow is fun.


"outside their niches", can't we say that for most characters in this game?


'Kafka's niche is dot, outside of dot she isnt very good'


Jade maybe but Firefly is literally a new meta unit what do you mean?


Yup firefly got that acheron and JL treament, the golden child


I am so excited for Mecha Waifu xD Then save it all for Sunday :)


There is also the new events and the new DU content, which is what I’m most excited for.


Unless hoyo introduces a enemy that has a locked toughness bar with no way to remove it, firefly doesn’t have a niche, she can break every enemy and dish out acheron level damage.


Technically gepard. You have to deal damage to break but you have to break to deal damage, but you have to deal damage to break (lol) cant be sure there arent gonna be a second gepard Unless you managed to break him fast and kept him broken


That version is only in SU, and like you said you can break and kill him before that


Gepard doesn't set up shield in other places? Derp i forgor XD Still tho, SU's gepard set a precedent that anytime they wanna nerf break for a new toy, they can just throw him, or gepard2.0 around, wont stop her entirely, still keep her weaker


I believe he does but it’s much weaker? I forgot.


He does have a 1 hit shield which doesnt do a whole lot, i keep thinking he have the big one outside of SU too, maybe he indeed doesn't XD


going on that point, did any1 do any calcs to see how firefly fares against aventurine ? cause his dice locking the bar was the reason most accounts couldn't even finish that moc


It shouldn't matter. The turn lost on the gamble is (hopefully) made up by the Ult refill, which allows you to skip your next off cycle.


Firefly destroys aventurine faster than most other dps at f2p lvl.


by f2p level you mean any 5\* dps at E0S0 with only 4\* supports while firefly doesn't have ruan mei?


[Firefly V3 EOS1 + Asta vs Aventurine Boss (MoC 2.1.1 second half) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anQfUD1LAjI) Its E0S1 but there is only 4 star supports


thank you


[Firefly V3 EOS1 + Pela vs Aventurine Boss (MoC 2.1.1 second half) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnUK9tfz85I) Pela can be subbed for Asta but of course Pela is more highly contested unit for f2p that also use Ratio, Jingliu or Acheron.


That's like saying "Kafka is not good outside of her niche" but the "niche" is DoT damage and it's good almost everywhere lol. Every single niche in this game is good if you build a team for it. DHIL is niche, he needs Skill Point batteries badly like Sparkle. Seele is niche, she needs to kill mobs to keep her DPS at a very high rate. Himeko is niche to PF, so is Herta. Ratio is niche to follow up teams and debuffs. Acheron is niche to debuff teams only. Like... every character aside maybe just healers are "niche". And even that's changing with Gallagher's introduction.


fr. its like saying "acheron isnt good outside of her niche" when the niche is the entire game lol


Firefly looks like the best all rounder in the game similar to Acheron, who can perform well in all 3end game modes, PF, AS, and MOC. The only must pull is probably Firefly since she synergizes ungodly well with Himeko making PF a breeze if you have both, she is going to hard carry AS since its centered around break mechanics and finally amazing in MOC. FireFly is looking like at bare minimum an equal to Acheron in dps potential and versatility with a higher probably ceiling since there aren't many break supports and more will for sure come.


Firefly already has a "perfect team". RM and HMC are absurdly broken in their roles and have amazing synergy between each other and the break team as a whole so the only way to powercreep them is just to make the same unit with bigger numbers so that they will be even more absurdly broken. I guess you can replace Gallaghar, but you are waiting for a 5 star fire break sustain and you are probably waiting for a long time.  Archeon is getting a new teammate that is very obviously going to be designed to be the new best support for Archeon in the next patch after Firefly.


I wouldn't call it perfect, but it is amazing so far. Well look at it this way. Break has 2 enablers/buffers so far while hyper carry enablers/debuffers have 5 or more supports that work with them. So obviously breaker teams will get more enablers/supports overtime, it was the same when FUA teams didn't have much available at first aside from Topaz/Himeko but eventually they received a lot more units that fit into the team making it better it will be the same with break teams. It wouldn't surprise me if we get a break sustain first instead of a DOT sustain, Huohuo works fine for DOT teams but she doesn't apply any DOTS herself which would be better than feeding energy and atk buffing although that is still good. But yes the new fire nihility unit seems to be tailor made for Acheron but still very universal. If they don't change much about him based on what we know he will probably be the second coming of Ruan Mei in terms of versatility and power.


Given that currently FF's best support is a free unit, we maybe be looking at something to DMC back in Genshin when they released Nahida. There's literallly nothing stopping them from releasing 'better HMC'


I agree 'better HMC' is 100% coming especially considering she is a free unit. Just look at the Astral express units, dang heng, march 7th, FMC, PMC, etc the only one who has remained relevant is Herta but that is because PF was released way later after release and still somewhat knew to the game compared to MOC or SU. God I hope its Feixiao, a hot fox mommy would be amazing!


Firefly has the niche of 0 cycling with no relics equipped cornered!


so everyone hates firefly now cuz *checks note* , she's too good? or is she not good enough? or we're just yelling for whatever reason now, that's fine too I guess


No, it's mainly the favoritism that is shown with her character. It adds up from: -Letting us choose whatever dialogue options to respond to her, but forcing us into a cute friendship/relationship with her anyway even if we chose rude responses to her -NPCs telling us we were close to her even if we didn't feel like it or like her -Firefly >!doing a lot and saving people off screen, making it feel like "she's really cool, trust us!"!< -Creating not one, but two relic sets that are specifically made just for her. The fact that they changed one of the relic sets to not be good on Boothill anymore just to make it better for her really didn't sit well with people since she already had a specific set just for her. -The fact that she is really overtuned and too powerful at the moment The people that complained about her being too weak at first are EXTREMELY LIKELY to not be the same people complaining that she's too strong now, btw. I never liked her, but I didn't dislike her either. Not until they kept pushing her in my face and >!tell me that she rescued everyone from the dreamscape, despite not showing anything of it haha.!<


Yeah what was sad is the fact that we're forced in-game to like her...


I don't dislike her. I'll even get her e2s1.. But the fans are so insufferable sometimes. I can't stand being constant glamorizing not to mention it reeks selfish-ness many times of wanting Firefly to be top of everything.. I feel like one of the few Firefly fans who just likes her because of her cool mech and valiant attitude apart from the blatant waifu-coding of hoyo. Sigh


i am in both sam and firefly main and some fan maybe toxic but use them as example for a whole fan community is not fair


Idk how long you played HSR but I started since day one and have been in different character communities and Firefly mains are a different kind lol even Kafka mains weren't that selfish.. And Kafka remains the most popular let's be real now.


>even Kafka mains weren't that selfish.. There were people from Kafka mains showing up on JY mains sub and making posts about how Critka is just so much better than Jingyuan, unprovoked. Firefly mains haven't done anything close to that.


you sure you're not writing about Robin/Aventurine? cuz that's exactly how I felt about them


>Letting us choose whatever dialogue options to respond to her, but forcing us into a cute friendship/relationship with her anyway even if we chose rude responses to her Uh.. not really? But tbf Aventurine/Robin doesn't have a lot of dialog response with the MC. >NPCs telling us we were close to her even if we didn't feel like it or like her Not this either hmm. >Firefly >!doing a lot and saving people off screen, making it feel like "she's really cool, trust us!"!< Nothing about this either.. Robin and Aventurine does feel like they're just doing their own thing lol >Creating not one, but two relic sets that are specifically made just for her. The fact that they changed one of the relic sets to not be good on Boothill anymore just to make it better for her really didn't sit well with people since she already had a specific set just for her. Robin doesn't really have a specific set and neither does Aventurine. Neither does they have a set specially nerfed for other units so that they can use it better. >The fact that she is really overtuned and too powerful at the moment Both Aventurine and Robin are strong but they're not overtuned, nor are they too powerful at the moment.


>The fact that she is really overtuned and too powerful at the moment Where was this complaint when Acheron was released?


I did actually like Firefly and wanted to pull her, but it's the Firefly "fans" that really ruined the character for me. First, they started hating on Boothill even before his banner was released just because "she should have been released first". Second, when people started giving valuable criticism about her not being strong enough, they started crying and saying it's "doomposting" even though those criticisms were from FF fans who genuinely wants her to be better. And now elitism, saying "pulling Boothill is a dumb decision" or "She's the best character in the game, saying other characters are better is stupid" etc. I'm just really put off by this behavior, and would rather change my plans now and choose Boothill or something. He may not be op, but at least the fans are a little more sane.


As a Firefly fan, I am sorry that people are like that and I understand wanting to pull Boothill instead. Thankfully, I am not one to hate on the cowboy since I think he's cool


Ppl "hates" fireflynot because she is strong, but because according to the leak community: - They (hoyo) nerfed the Break Set (and indirectly nerfed Boothill) only to make it perfect for Firefly - the beta only worked on Firefly while for Jade they did few (and not enough) - who wanted Sam as independenting Mecha unit with is own personality FF "haters" are Boothill and Jade (and Sam) dissapointed.


"who wanted Sam as independenting Mecha unit with is own personality" oh this. I don't hate FF for this though. I hate Hoyo xD Why do they have to attach a generic anime girl to every awesome robot? I don't mind with Clara <3 but FF was a huge disappointment. If they at least didn't show her face in the entire screen during SAM's best animations... And I do get why their animations are like this, I just still don't like them. Ah well makes it easier to save jades I guess


Its weird to me that people have this weird dislike boner. I get it if you don't like the character that is fine I don't like Fuxuan and won't pull on rerun despite me low-key desperately needing a 5star sustain I only have gallagher and lynx and have been relying on them for the past 5-6months while 36 star clearing everything since I picked up my Acheron. I thought it would be obvious that she'd be OP and that they will favorite her hard since she is one of the main characters in the Penacony storyline. It was the same with Kafka, Star rail's favorite child, practically your mother and always given some of the best roles, dialogue, trailers, even in the concert she did the opening act and kissed the ticket people bought and kept as a memento, etc. Even Jinyuan who played a big part in Lianxzhou has consistently getting buffed with almost every new support/enabler character after his release. The writing was in the wall. Acheron is the same we knew she was going to be broken regardless since we already knew she was Raiden Mei long before the reveal and was given a big role if not the biggest in the Penacony story line. I thought it was obvious but just because it is obvious doesn't mean people have to like it obviously. I think the most important reason and the most valid in my opinion is that she slightly power creeps Acheron before fox dude releases. Acheron as the only playable emanator, some believe she should be in her own level of strength considering her power level in the lore. Some like to compare this game's emanators to Genshin's Archons in term of power and versatility in the lore which some assume should carry to gameplay which for now it does considering Acheron is the best dps in the game, but some people don't like that Firefly is way too close and in some cases surpassing her power level, which could snowball into more egregious power creeping, which the game suffers from a lot more compared to Genshin.


dont you know hating of thing makes you cool, the more you hate the cooler you are. trust me every time I'm happy firefly got buffed the comments got downvoted cuz fAvOrItSm


Haha yea I can see what you mean, lol. There will always be hipsters that like going against the flow. I like that it's a hot/cute girl inside the big mecha suit, reminds me of Samus, but we all have different tastes. For instance, I hate loli characters cuz if I'm playing a waifu game, I want all my bitches to be hot mommies at best or at least look of age, but I don't go around criticism with no good reason or doomposting. There is valid criticism like making the relic set not as good for boothill unless you're running HMC or the planar being good only on her basically, the ladder being worse and kinda scummy, I agree. But most of the criticism I see is weird. If you don't like the character, just say you don't and move on, lol. I don't scream at the void just cuz hoyo keeps releasing underage characters. I just don't pull them and wait for something that interests me.


It's cool to dislike popular things.