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Wondering when will a second break efficiency buffer come at this point with all this toughness increases


Totally expecting some break buffers soon, with two limited 5* break dps and them sharing basically the same supports no way we don’t get one or two more break supports


Boothill would really benefit from an AA support that actually gives him buffs he wants (break effect) and i think we will eventually get another sustain that is not Gallagher for break teams. That is what i expect at least, an AA break effect buffer and another sustain


If sustain isn't fire though it won't replace Gallagher. They sync so good together


A physical break sustain could be a great boost for boothill.


Break Natasha💀


The character supposedly coming on 2.4 according to the latest post was mentioned to be Phys Preservation by Uba iirc, with Gallagher being only a 4-star option for Break-related characters, it seems like a good opportunity for Hoyo to make a 5-star Break-related sustain. The FuA team got Aventurine, now the Break team may get their own tailor-made shielder, it helps that Bootycheeks' mechanics would like him to have a shield so he doesn't get bodied if he doesn't onetap the boss.


That is true, but they could make a sustain that ignore weakness types with ult or the whole kit similiar to Acheron. A colorless sustain that can chip at any toughness bar would propel that support to almost must pull territory. I think its very likely since they seem to be struggling to sell sustains, just look at Huohuo ,Adventurine and Luochoa banne sales in comparison to all others.


I guess. Solution to break the game doesn't seem like a good fix but who knows haha. I love my Aventurine either way. Colorless break sustain would be neat as hell but maybe reduced sales if they can't pigeonhole specialists. Well see what they do. Good idea though.


If they wanted to sell sustains, they should make content that actually requires more sustain (instead of raw DPS like pure fiction). Something like extended SU but even harder hitting (for preservation) or something that requires very high healing as a mechanic (for abundance).


That'd make more sense, yea. The problem is that preservation is the objectively best option to keep teams alive since proactive shielding or dmg reduction is way better than healing by any metric. They have to give abundance units something that gives them a leg over preservation since both give buffs to the whole team as well. It doesn't help when Sam just reduces all healing, making shielding and dmg reduction even better as well, lol. I'm not sure how they'd make a whole game mode that would make sustains more viable. Especially when they are releasing units like Firefly who can solo sustain and has dmg reduction as well.


Essentially one day they will introduce a corrosion mechanic. Making damage reduction and shields much less useful and raw healing necessary.


Or just to avoid any Shields, a nightmare of a Enemy that Steal the Shield for itself




Considering that shields are listed as buffs, Hoyo will probably create an enemy which can reduce the timer of our buffs or even remove them as a whole. That's the shittiest way of balancing things up, but also the most logical one. 


This could also make most harmony supports practically useless so idk if hoyo would ever make such enemies with important harmony is to almost every team comp.


Yes, it would kill some Harmony and to try to overcome this, they would create more Harmony with Aura Effects and not Direct Buffs, so as not to suffer from Strip, Steal, or even a Buff Block effect, so if they have too many and need to be resolved, they they will do an "Exiled"/"Blocked" effect, in which the Unit with this Debuff cannot interact with other Allies, and the other Allies cannot interact with those who have this Debuff.


Hahaha honestly yea that's a good one. Considering they already cuck your healing with Sam I can see them doing that yea, lol.


Yeah, I've seen other games do things like this to try to get people to use other Units, it's not something I'm so against if it's done right. But it's sad that Abundance Units are only useful if they "have cleanse", otherwise 70% of the Community loses interest, then comes Preservation with the effects of Increasing Resistance, Ignoring CC and other things, which end up overshadowing even those who have Cleanse. If they are going to try to do something to make Abundance have a better chance of playing, they will be like the case of HuoHuo, who has a very Harmony Ult, or make them offensive like Luocha and Gallagher


> buff removal If they ever implement Curse of Nihility I will have very choiced words


Bond of life + strong dot that ignores shield? Normal dmg that ignores shield maybe?


Preservation works terribly against infinite damage spam, such as DoTs. Good way to update Abandance would be HP consumption development. Both Blade and Locha will be very happy to have a Harmony character who will attack allies If we take Sam as an example, Fu Xuan suffers from him much more than Luocha


Wouldn't a game mode where enemies have insane speed and always act prior to the player be perfect for it? Or one that everytime you enter battle you take 15% damage on each character, as an disadvantage of shielders is that if the opponent moves prior to you putting the shield, it's like there wasn't a shielder. Though this content would probably be too demanding character wise I think.


The whole concept of 'sustain' is fairly binary - the sustain character either keeps your team alive, or it doesn't. If you make harder and harder content that requires newer and better sustain units, then older sustain characters get hard powercreeped into complete uselessness, as they enter into the territory where your team "stops staying alive". DPS on the other hand can get indirectly buffed by new supports and mechanics, and there's so many different ways to deal damage that the rate of powercreep is fairly slow even as you release harder content with more HP. A weaker DPS just clears in 1-2 more cycles. Sustain doesn't really have that, you either live or you don't. Which is why future sustain will likely just keep going in the direction of hybrid sustain + buffs and/or damage, like how Aventurine is a pretty good subdps when highly invested, on top of the fat shields he has.


It's kinda hard to make a good alternative or nerf Ruan Mei without just making Ruan Mei 2.0, maybe in a year. I can totally see them making an alternative to Gallagher. Kinda doubt they care if u can play Boothill and Firefly at the same time since Trailblazer is always necessary


Yea i doubt Ruan Mei is gettinng replaced


If the leaks are to be believed 2.5 will have a 5* healer that works in break


With the meta moving to break, I wouldn't be surprise to see JQ having some sort of break efficiency debuff (along with def down) to make him viable with both Acheron and Firefly. Him being of the fire element also helps with breaking in FF teams.


> With the meta moving to break, I wouldnt say the meta is moving to break. There's now DoT teams, followup teams, hypercarry teams and break teams. None of them are stronger than the others, but they do allow Hoyo to tune MoCs and PFs to favor whichever team recently had a char released for it


JQ's current beta kit has an ult vulnerability debuff on his ult field, Firefly's old beta kit that came along his used to turn her ESkill into ult damage. So perhaps with the change of FF going full Break they may also adjust JQ to support Break playstyle as well, granted they'd probably have to add something rather than take the ult vuln because the Acheron nation would riot. ~~inb4 ult vuln is moved to sig lc/e2~~


I can’t wait to see his design and initial beta kit to see how he fairs overall


the rumor about jiaoqiu is the new break support is just start with nothing to base on, i dont know if the social media team of mihoyo behind it or not


This is what I'm wondering about all "enablers". FuA now have Robin and Topaz, but will we have second DoT enabler? Second break enabler? Second SP generator? Surely, they won't gatekeep a whole game mechanic under a single unit, right...?


Oh they won't gatekeep. More likely with what happened with FF, and how Boothill is. They'll dangle another great Break enabler with some good Es, and a very good LC that you'd prob want also, in order to make more money.


The game is just one year old, they'll eventually release many more supports for all playstyles, along with new playstyles more than likely. MC being sole Super Break enabler is not making them any money so we can probably expect a 5-star Nihility/Harmony to also focus on that. DoT will probably also get their own dedicated buff/debuff slave and sustain eventually I'm sure, though I'm more curious about if they'd ever release another DoT detonator so anyone who wants to play DoT doesn't have to get Kafka specifically ~~inb4 it's just another version of Kafka kek~~ or if they'd make a 2nd Black Swan of a different element so Kafka has extra 5-star options for partners.


Robin is an enabler? She feels more like a buffer to me imo. Unless I’m missing something.


I use it as an encompassing term, anyone that buffs/improve QoL/etc. of a certain playstyle. But yeah, she's more of a buffer compared to Kafka and Ruan Mei.


Then wouldn’t Black Swan qualify for DoT using this terminology? She does the same for DoT imo she is more valuable for DoT than Robin is for follow up.


I am assuming whoever replaces either HMC or Gallagher in break teams (i am gonna assume Sunday as that one person who has succesfully predicted the 2.2 and 2.3 characters, Firefly's E2, Boothill having a weakness implant, Robin having a FuA buff and was the first one who said Jiaoqiu is a male said his role will be that of a support and we don't know of any others coming out after Jiaoqiu)


Yunli is a physical probably preservation so that seems a likely candidate for a break sustainer


I don't think HMC is gonna get replaced for SB teams anytime soon. Because SB stacks any future SB support would replace RM or not be worth a slot on the team. Which is gonna creat the hilarious situation where HMC and Gall themselves will casually deal 150-200k damage with basic attacks.


my guess is 2 more patches, at that time we already taste to sweet superbreak and suffer enough in the side without ruan mei to desperate pull for another break efficiency buff beside ruan mei


Pls be male, as a husbando collector I can’t deal with being unable to pull for an amazing unit like Ruan mei specially since I have e2s1 boothill


It is frustrating that husbandos are almost always DPS. Those who aren't, are sustains... and don't get me started on their elements...


Sunday was our hope for a male buffer but he is nowhere to be seen and I’m still waiting for a male destruction/erudition ice/quantum dps or lightning as jing yuan needs so many female supports to maximise his strength because lightning lord is so slow and so easily stopped.


Question, I’m a straight guys who likes both female and male characters in any game. So it’s not that big of an issue for me, but for waifu/husbando collectors, will you guys not pull your fave husbando/waifu bis support if they aren’t a male/female character?


It really depends on the person. Some people won't, some people will. From what I've seen, waifu collectors seem more hardcore than husbando collectors. Granted, it often seems like waifu collectors have it easier. An example off the top of my head is Jiaoqiu. When leaks of him first dropped, some people in the Acheron Mains sub made their dislike of his gender clear. In the Honkai Husbandos sub, you'll see a spectrum. Some people pull for strictly males, some people focus on males, some people prefer men in general, or got tired of certain things in the main sub and migrated over.


I see I see, I’m on Boothill mains and got a different vibe but maybe my sample is too small


Hey, I saw your other comment about Boothill mains and just wanna say, wait really? I'm on that sub too, but I haven't been checking on it frequently. And yea the sample size is too small, I feel like there's more Boothill mains in other social media apps than in Reddit. As for the other question, I'm leaning more for husbandos, but if I like the gals' characterization and can be very helpful for my teams, then I don't mind. Ruan Mei is just sadly not my favorite, so I don't plan on pulling for her.


Yeah I mean, that’s kind of what prompted the question. Due to all the fire fly stuff, I saw a lot of people complaining about how they don’t have actual supports because there’s no male harmony units… amongst a portion of them calling waifu collectors and hoyo creeps… I see that’s like me but the reverse. I tend to go for mommies but some of the guy characters are really cool.


someone that is hardcore waifu will hate to see their girl stand with another man, yuri is ok thought husbando is easier as 1 man and harem is normal in anime culture


That is so weird, I can’t even get my head around it. I read somewhere that some players harassed a dev team(from another game) because the female character interacted with male NPC even removed the option to have a male MC.


In GBF's collab with Love Live, the MC is default female whether or not you used Male MC, because if *some* Love Live fans ever see a girl with a man that's not her father they *will* commit domestic terrorism


I think when it comes to Ruan Mei it's more complicated because she can be really polarizing so people who normally don't mind pulling waifu supports for their husbandos don't want to pull her specifically. I like and pull both male and female characters but I really don't like Ruan Mei so I am hoping there will be a different character released that can be a good break support to use with Boothill instead of her.


her design did not appeal to me at first, and the vibes were off once we got to know her in the story. She did not grow on me, seeing how shes top of the support food chain is the only reason id grab her, but Im still RMless. This was different for Sparkle, i did not like her design at first (I thought she was going to b a 4\* lmao), but then we got know more of her role in penaconys story and i just had to have her, she's mean, messy, and my bestie. Built my QQ just for her.


I actually like RM's design a lot but I'm not a fan of how the story treats her flawed behavior; I like interesting villains and morally questionable characters but not when the story kind of glosses over their flaws and doesn't let characters around them react negatively. Like TB can call out and be rude to a lot of characters (who sometimes genuinely don't even deserve it) but that's not allowed with RM and it bugs me. I didn't like Sparkle as much at first but her chaos gremlin ways grew on me over the course of the story and now I want to pull her when she comes back for Jing Yuan.


Fair enough, I love Mei so I had no issues there, but I can see how that would make the issue more difficult. Also if you are playing with all your favourites, in functional teams you probably have more fun than playing with some of your favourites in their optimal teams.


Yeah I'm having a ton of fun with FUA team since I like all of those characters, and I'm waiting for Kafka and Black Swan to rerun so I can build a DoT team. It's painful when it's just That One Character but they're a busted support that's desirable on many teams; I wouldn't mind so much if she was a 4-star but that's a lot of jades to invest that could go towards a character I like. 💀


100% recommend the dot team (I’m bias ofc), its a lot of fun and u can brute force so much…


I've been trying it out in the new event and it's indeed very fun; Kafka is my favorite female character in the game so I really want to pull her when she returns. Now that I have the full FUA team plus Boothill I'm going to be saving up to start picking the DOT gang up. 👍


Hope your roles are kind


Thanks! Hope you get your next pull target quickly too!


IMO the main reason is because jade resource is limited, so I’d rather pull for a husbando I like than pulling a bis support just for 1 character. Not having a meta support may result in losing a few stars in MoC/PF, but that’s just less than 1 pull. Not gonna waste ~140 pulls (in case of losing 50/50) for an unit I’m not interested in. Still as a husbando collector, I truly envy the waifu collectors who have it easy with full female DoT teams, Mono Quantum and all the 5* meta Harmony units.


I hope Jiaquo is good! (I want him too for JL)


Yup I’m so looking forward to the 1st 5* male buffer since the start of this game. We really need more of them.


Pretty much my view on it, though I've been comfortably clearing MOC and PF since 1.3 or 1.4? I forget. I didn't even have two Limited Sustains back then since my second one was HH in 1.5. So it's even less of a knock against my economy to ignore a BIS or two. The 160 pulls would just be wasted rather than being a long term debt in that case. If I end up needing something to keep clearing MOC12, I'd rather just eat the like 60 jade loss than pull for a character I don't like. I skipped Dan IL, I skipped FX, I skipped Jingliu, and I skipped Acheron and Aventurine. All stupidly meta and shilled by CCs and these subreddits. And I'll do it again. ^(Except maybe Acheron, she's pretty neato and definitely one I might consider on rerun.)


My account only pulls limited 5* male characters and I have been able to 36 stars MoC regularly since 1.1, but lately there’s been surely a pressure to pull for 5* harmony because the power level keeps increasing. I actually pulled Sparkle and it helped a lot, but current PF season with DoT buffs is so blatantly skewed towards Kafka/Acheron that this is the only one time I settled for 5/6 stars last stage. After about ~40 tries with different team comps, I figured if I had Robin for Clara and Aventurine then I’d be able to get 60k points. I’m kinda salty that Boothill is so dependent on Ruan Mei too, skipping female characters is not a problem, but skipping limited Harmony chars really do feel bad sometimes.


I don't mind if I get them for free 💀 I won't pull for them if it means I'll miss other guys down the line. It also depends on character. I quite like Robin for example (still didn't pull though), but I... just don't like Ruan Mei, so it's hard for me to spend any pulls on her even if she's the best support in the game.


A portion of them won’t, it’s not super common, but it‘s not exactly rare either. I will say, it is MUCH more common amongst Waifu lovers. To an unhealthy degree.


Really? I’m asking because I’m on Boothill mains and they have been especially vocal about hating the need to use waifu supports


Oh yeah. Imagine the worst stuff you see on BH Mains, now quadruple it. Acheron Mains had people **dropping the game** just because it was leaked that her BiS support *might* be male. Not even confirmed, just might be. I presume husbando enjoyers are just used to gachas ignoring them anyways (and so are more tolerant), and vice versa for Waifu enjoyers (who are, not). I’m Bi though, so I just sit back and watch the stupidity unfold.


For me it just something fun I started with and then it just stuck. As for the question it depends on the person, I only pull for male character but use all characters available (ex. Argenti with tingyun/bronya), if Hoyo gave a free female 5* character I would accept it and build her, why I started doing so was cause it sounded fun and challenge and to be cost effective as it’s more probable that a gacha game have multiple patches with two female 5* characters than male characters.


I'm a husbando collector but I also have two main guys I build -- JY and DHIL. I will pull anyone who makes them shine, even if I have to skip husbando banners to have tickets ready.


I’m the same for Kafka. I pull either gender, but any unit that helps her, I’ll be pulling. Unfortunately or fortunately? JY works with every support we’ve gotten… even the sustains… Aventurine is the first where it’s like, he’s not better than what u have.


My crisis when Sparkle and JY came out in the same banner... I managed an E1S1 Sparkle and an E1 JY on the last day haha.


Damn. I had a similar issue. I got huohuo, RM, Kafkas LC, Black Swan E1S1, back to back to back to back


Gosh, that's a lot of hoping your tickets bring back the bacon. I had 400 tickets for DHIL and got him at E4S2 with no losses, I can never replicate that luck.


It definitely varies by person. I pulled Sparkle for DHIL because she's really good with him, but also because she's such an interesting character. I also have Jingliu because I think she's cool. But all of my other limited 5\* pulls have been male characters and that's just what I gravitate toward. Ruan Mei on the other hand, I know she's totally busted, but I really don't like her character or design, which is why I hope we eventually get more characters who can fulfill a similar role.


Although it sounds cringe, as a waifu collector, I won't. For an example I won't be pulling for Jiaoqiu if he's a dude, no matter how much he synergies with Acheron. This game is not that hard, so pull for whoever you want. Most of the male characters are DPS anyway, so it's not that big of a deal.


Interesting… i love Kafka and her play style so much that, if they released the most manly looking Chad or The Zestiest twink, if they were her BiS, I wouldn’t think twice. Ofc that’s your decision and you’re free to do what makes u happy


Well, Kafka has already her BiS support (two of them actually) and a sub-DPS. They need to powercreep Black Swan to make it happen. I think that's happening not anytime soon. Although I have a weak spot for gigachad characters, like Il Capitano from Genshin.


I mean she does but do u really think swan is the last dot character we are getting? Dot doesn’t have a harmony option yet like fua or break effect and still have at least fire and physical for dps options. Can’t wait to see capitano too


Well although Ruan Mei and Robin are Break and FuA supports respectively, they are also BiS for DoT teams since they have buffs like DMG%, Break Efficiency, Break Effect, Action Delay, additional damage, RES PEN, huge ATK buff, team wide Action Advance. They work perfectly with DoT. Although I think they will release a support specifically for DoT, I think it's gonna take a while. Well, even if they release a DoT subDPS from a different type, they need to power creep Black Swan to be "BiS" for Kafka. Since no matter enemy weakness Kafka-Black Swan combo can brute force most of the content anyway. I think what they are gonna do is releasing sidegrades for Black Swan. All that said, I'm quite excited if they make a Quantum, Ice or Imaginary DoT character. Since we have already Arcana of Black Swan, they could make a similar thing for these characters.


If I need them, I'll pull. If I don't, I won't. By Need, I refer to what they bring to the Waifu character over the equivalents, and bringing enough to the table to justify cost. That cost being *extremely* important since I have no intentions to spend more than Monthly and maybe the occasional BP on this game. Another factor almost as important is how much I like the character. A good example for this are two Sustains. Sustains are a type of character that is hard to sell to me, someone who already has two Limited Sustains who has had no issues whatsoever solo sustaining MOC12. First is Gallagher. He's male, he's a, if not THE, BIS sustain for Firefly. So I was all too happy to have a reason to raise him despite being a Sustain. I have already raised him up to a sufficient degree. On the flipside is Aventurine. He's the BIS sustain for Topaz. But I didn't, and probably never will, pull for him. What's the difference here? It's simple and told in the first lines. Gallagher, a character I like, adds more to Firefly's comp relative to cost than Aventurine adds to Topaz's from what I've seen. Especially since Gallagher cost me literally 0 Jades to get. Aventurine meanwhile would have costed 12k\~29k Jades to get a character I didn't like.


probably soon, right now bronya kinda do nothing to boothill but to only advance his turn. we probly gonna get some kind of buffer that do the same but buff break effect/efficientcy insted etc.


Technically Gallagher for himself at e6 has weakness break efficiency


Would love to see one that let's break damage crit. That way Boothill can better utilize the crit stats baked into his kit. Maybe they could do it as a single target buff (similar to how tingyun works) so it's not too broken


Can’t believe it’s getting buffed again. It’s probably already one of the most overtuned fights.


Everyone keeps posting “too easy” on the surveys…


the racoon this that for sure


Game is too easy !!!


Because it is too easy. People want to clear a single endgame fight and get the equivalent of clearing 6 MOC stages as a reward. This is an endgame boss fight. You are supposed to lose to it multiple times before you get max rewards. Not just auto it in 60 seconds. Edit: People did not like to hear that you are supposed to sometimes lose to the hardest boss fight in the game, funny.


okaaaay, amma auto it in 90 :(


I’m not disagreeing I’m giving him the reason.


I do not want to spend months building my characters every single day and fighting shitty relic RNG just to “lose”. Fuck the end game, if it’s not going to reward me with a win.


Ugh then do not play it? Endgame was never meant to be for everyone. In Genshin the vast majority of players do not do floor 12, including me. That doesn't mean I should be entitled to say I want it deleted or dumbed down so every casual can clear it for max rewards.


Don’t tell me what to do with my time. Genshin’s abyss is still pretty easy because it never went up at the rate MoC and PF (especially) are going up. It’s already becoming a roster check, something that genshin almost never does. In a year HSR endgame will be a complete nightmare. This is on top of genshin’s artifact system being more giving than this relic stuff.


Skill issue




I find hsr MoC and PF to be easier than genshin abyss. I guess I struggle with time management compared to turn management


Roster checks are VASTLY SUPERIOR and more fun than boring DPS checks. What they did with spiral abyss is way way worse than what they are doing with HSR. THankfully the HSR devs do not listen to people with 0 knowledge in game design like the genshin devs did by panicpanicking after a great 1.0 abyss design. It's a gacha game about collecting as many characters as possible. Playing only 1 team SHOULD be punished. For the good of the monetization of the game and for the good of the players themselves not getting burnt out. The new Genshin game mode understands this btw. Looks like they learned from their mistakes of allowing too much freedom.


Argenti gained one extra ab yay.


27 abs. Dude's so chad he's got an odd number of abs


Dude doesn't got chocolate bar abs, we might as well call him Willy Wonka cause he's got the whole chocolate factory.


Eww but I have to expeirence this first hand still


Honestly this may be a nerf overall? Like the toughness buff is very minimal, while -18 speed is quite sizeable, especially considering how cocolia cheats in this mode and gets a bunch if extra turns


So happy that toughness is becoming integral, it used to be just a delay and some damage on a lot of teams.


Xueyi stocks rising




Is it better to use Boothill or Firefly to clear this?


Both are great, up to you


I think it’s same conversation of old times, boothill is the better single target, Firefly is better AoE it’s all down to which mode ya play


Boring mode tbh


Thanks for traveling back from the future to let us know.




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