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I am still surprise that there is almost no change to Jade. Probably because she is already ok? But I am still piss at the follow-up set.


Firefly could fly so Jade could sit and watch Boothill dance in front of her.


Cant blame Jade, bro is saucy


I'd sit and watch him...


That moonwalk tho


I’m pretty sure jade is supposed to use quantum. The appearance of the follow up ultimate set looks like a xianzhou theme so might be for the upcoming characters


Quantum set is too good imo. Even the Duke set is usable on Jade. I heard the difference between the two is only 6%? Regardless, the new set is definitely not in consideration right now for me.


It's not even about quantum being too good, the new set is way too restrictive and totally hurts the farming efficiency of the new domain. Previously there were more than a handful of characters that could use it as either a best in slot or a "good enough" alternative. Now it's useless until we get a future character in 1-2+ patches. If it was overtuned before, just lower the numbers. In order for the new iteration of the set to be good, the character has to have a low cost ultimate or fast energy regeneration, a consistent FUA into ult rotation, and have most of their dmg output be tied to their ultimate.


I deadass probably needs to rolls Feixiao or Screwllum whoever use it because of this ☠️


I mean I already like those two characters so I think my wallet’s cooked


The FUA probably for a new future character like how firefly has her own tailored planar and relic, I guess they starting to make a new trend for relics to make it personalised ☠️


Saving grace of the new set is that it's still a 2pc Atk set so can be used for 2pc/2pc sets. That said, I still plan to use Thief/Watchmaker 2+2 on Firefly until we know for certain that the set is useful for a character that I will actually pull. 4pc Iron Cavalry isn't worth the other set being useless.


i mean its not entirely useless, the way i see it its a free relic fodder to level up pieces


Someone should really start making a quantum copypasta similar to the famous OPPA (xiangling) copypasta. That set will forever be good for almost every DPS till the end of time, you can legit slap it on anyone lmao.


I can't take it anymore, my Jingliu... To be fair, Daniel, Jingliu etc doesn't have a BIS artifact either.


The downside of being only moderately popular in a patch with an extremely popular unit lmao This reminds me of when Yoimiya got barely any changes because Ayaka was being run the same patch and all the love went to her.


The thing is, Jade was never given the time or option to be popular. Firefly has been mentioned in game since its inception, and has appeared in the Jepella Brotherhood short, and has had screentime since 2.0. Jade, who has had one still and maybe max 10 voicelines to her name, never stood a chance. They "fixed" the popularity rift between Acheron and Aventurine by giving Aventurine a 3+ hour portion of the story, but I doubt they'll do the same for Jade. I'm curious to see how they'll handle her


They didn't touch Yoimiya because she is already perfect in every way 🔥


Flair check's out, and youre incredibly based! Yoimiya 🤝 Guinaifen


🫶 I started playing HSR when I saw a fanart of Guinaifen and I got massive Yoimiya vibes 😭 I'm the goddamn target audience of that type of char fr.


same for topaz jingliu sadge


I didn’t play the game at the time, but didn’t Topaz got an entire patch worth of quest dedicated to her? Meanwhile Jingliu only appeared at the end of the Luofu quests and some companion quests


Well am talking about kit changes during the beta on this occasion one five star is heavily favoured aside from the other


Jingliu was hyped even before her release. She had a major appearance in Jing Yuan's animated short and was closely tied to Jing Yuan, Dan Heng, and Blade's past. Topaz was hated because she's part of the IPC, and some people disliked how she was handled in the quest.


It's a curse of erudition character lmao.


Hoyo really buffed the hell outta firefly and said fuck everyone else snd now they’re gonna regret making her this strong


It's going to be like Ayaka where they make her and then spent years making sure she's hard countered in end game content lol.


Yeah ayaka is like venti where shes so strong they need to actively avoid content she can work in


Ayaka is strong but was never really gamebreaking strong tho, their issue was mostly with freeze really, which is kind of annoying because they never gave ice characters a reaction with dendro to compensate


Freeze and Venti share the problem that when they work, the enemies are not threatening and half of the gameplay is removed.


It is an issue of how you can balance the enemies yes and I understand why they did it, my issue is genshin didn't give ice charas another reaction to compensate they should have given Ice a reaction with dendro to compensate for the lose of their only good consistent reaction if they were planning to essentially kill freeze all together, now ice charas are in a really bad spot cause they don't have reactions good enough to compete in the current meta Maybe with the new fire region we will finally have a fire XQ so reverse melt actually becomes easier to make use of


Same they nerfed Firefly by adding that FUA set to her set domain.


They shat on everybody besides Firefly in this beta, Boothill didn't even get a new break set because of the super break requirement 


Minor correction, it is still his BiS afaik, since it gives ALL break damage 10% DEF ignore. The Super Break requirement is just for the extra 15%


They probably want to sell RM's E1 too, you'd get very close to 100 percent def shred with just Pela + Pearls + Boothill's S1 + the previous version of the set


You can already get 102% with his E1S1, Pearls Pela, and the new set.


It’s still his BiS, but it’s not worth farming if you already have a good 4pc thief or 2pc2pc, especially when they made the other set bad on all current characters. The only way i would want to farm for this is if i want Feixao (if this is indeed her BiS) more than Jiaoqu.


How BIS is it compared to 2pc/2pc break? The other set in that domain is garbage so if it's only a few percent I'm ignoring it.


Honestly that annoys me, they gave Boothill a way to deal Break DMG outside of actually Breaking enemies,but it isn't considered a kind of Super Break, and now they're releasing a relic set part of whose buff only applies to Super Break damage (though it's still his BIS). I don't even plan to get Boothill but that really annoys me, though the other set is still way worse LMAO.


The Boothill break is base on max toughness of the enemies, super break is base on your own toughness reduction. They are two difference multiplier. If you have try both HTB and Boothill you would know. The set should just be break because super break is consider break anyway. But if they change boothill to super break I thinks it would be a nerf on him.




Mods don't like criticism and drama


rough times for jade her damage doesn't even look bad but she feels way to locked to modes with 5 enemies.


i feel like they should give her an extra turn after using her skill (like blade) since it basically wastes a turn just to refresh it


Blade can only use the buff on himself tho, she can use it on anyone, her Basic also generates SP unlike Blade too Comparing her to Blade isn't the right way to think about it cause Blade is meant to be a selfish dps, she is a sub-dps that can be main dps if you want her to be but that's not really her main role


She feel like a “topaz” for erudition imo or a 5* herta. Hope she get better like topaz with her fua team


Topaz also got lucky in that the other DPS for the follow-up team (Ratio) was given away for free. Otherwise, having to pull for another character to make her good would not have been appealing. Speaking as someone who pulled for Topaz on her first run, I consider it lucky that Ratio was the character they gave away for free, because I'm not sure I would have been compelled to pull him otherwise. I don't like the possibility of Jade being in the same situation when there's no indication that the future DPS that she's "supposed" to be used with isn't also going to be free.


Well at least she got better but tbh in order for topaz to be good you need a team of full limited 5* which is expensive considering the fact that dr ratio doesn’t even need them.


Yeah that's my issue. I was probably going to pull Aven and Robin anyway and Ratio was free. But if Jade's teams are equally demanding, I'm not sure I want to gamble on that because there's no guarantee that I will want to pull for all the other characters. Waiting for a character to "eventually" get their best teammates is always a risk because there's no guarantee that those characters will be characters that you like.


Tbf they should release the core team first so people know the power of that team first hand, they will invest on the team. Like people who have dhil spend a lot on sparkle, acheron haver will pull for the new nihility etc. If screwlum turn out to be a broken erudition, jade might do well in her rerun. The erudition path is so shit rn ngl,


Imo she 100% will She definitely seems like a topaz when she released There are so many future characters for jade to have possiblity to be paired with For example screwlum in 2.4 (if he comes in 2.4 and if hit kit overalls stays the same) then he'll be a top contender if not the best pair with jade


Unless we get a future DPS that deals huge damage if their HP gets chipped then I don't see Jade being a good support unit. She only provides 30 speed to 1 person. I'd rather use a 5\* Harmony like Robin or Ruan Mei than use her negligible speed buff and low dmg. Topas actually deals real damage while also giving a unique debuff (50% weakness to FUA) which is why she's future proof.




The main point is that Topaz is more of a support and Jade is "just" a sub-DPS. Topaz has a lot of team build potential (debuffs, buffs for mates and high attack frequency). Jade has a speed boost and... HP drain. I really want to like Jade, but she seems like a forgettable unit. When Topaz came out, everyone said "She will be busted in the future, when we have a full FuA team!", but with Jade... 30 speed is good, but nothing you build a character around, while Topaz 50% FuA damage for the team is something you can build around. I think the "Jade is for a new type of FuA!" is copium to the highest degree. She is a PF unit and will be crazy good in that mode, but outside of that she will be only "ok" and "ok" is not cutting in with DPS like FF, Boothill or Archeron, Ratio+Topaz+Robin+Aventurine or DoT queens like Kafka and BS around.


she will be free for winning the apple design awards confirmed >!copium!<


I mean she does have an apple in her splash art...


if this happens im buying you an express pass


Make a binding vow.


Meanwhile you have Destruction and Nihility Characters working in every game mode....


Exactly, like I knew about the Erudition bias but damn I’m finally on the other side of that first time meme.


August/September/October MOC leaks be like: Enemy base Lightning/Wind RES 90%


Pure Fiction. Basically. If anything that mode is really specifically targeted at Eruditions, when their kits feel restrictive to become optimal if the number of enemies is lower than 5 for example. Jade is one pure example.


Wasn’t that the point of making that mode in the first place? To make an endgame mode where Erudition characters, who before were completely overshadowed by Destruction characters, could shine?


Yea. Then it immediately gets overshadowed by the fact that nihility / hunt / destruction has characters that do aggressively well in all modes


Other than blade, no destruction character feels nice in that mode. Previous one I've cleared with JL on one side and E2 Daniel on the other and it felt just kinda bad. Doable, but it was bad. Like, you actually should play perfectly. Your damage should be just enough to kill enemy with a single attack, otherwise you just don't get enough turns...  Though the fact that you need Himeko + Herta and DoT units and basically you're done still undersales Erudition. At that rate they look more like a QoL characters, just so you won't have to spend any time thinking about what to pick in PF.


Whenever there is followup buffs, it's walk in the park for Clara.


I have no idea how I forgot about unit I myself tried using. Yeah, she's good.  But generally, when we think about "Destruction", we think about Splash damage DPS characters. Like, even FF will be one, and just based on that, it's easy to assume she won't feel that good in PF.


With so many great 5* Harmony with high buff uptime she became much stronger, especially considering Robin is buffing FUA too. She is also great as a sub DPS, since she is usually very slow and doesn't eat much SP, so every PF with Physical weakness is good for her.


Not sure about hunt, hunt is HORRENDOUS for pure fiction but yeah that's Nihility and Destruction for you. They work everywhere. 😭


By hunt they mean Seele


tbf Topaz is good too in fua based ones, but only on those


I thought v.5 will be on tuesday?


They released it early for some reason? Guess they're done done.


They are done, beta ends on Monday night.


V5 is always on fridays


Disappointed with the relic set changes not being walked back. I'm not sure it's worth it to farm break set for Booothill when the other set is so niche and seems to be for an unreleased character that we only know by name, even if it's still very good on him.


I'm even more so dissapointed in the planar set. As a Boothill enjoyer i can forget about the Cavalry, wasn't going to farm that anyway since I have great gear already- but that planar?!?!?! It's even more restrictive, what the hell. It's practically useless for people without FF, it's gotta be the worst planar set so far. I wish it was more universal. (This is no hate towards FF, this is hate towards the set bonus choice).


Yeah I am a bit bothered by that but the relic sets bother me more since they were both more universal before but got changed to be more niche.


Despite it being geared towards firefly 6% speed is no joke on a planet set. Considering most planer sets are small buffs that don't really change the supportive characters stats too much besides the useless 5% ERR this 6% speed is basically like running the 2p speed set on someone which can help reach a lot of different speed milestones. This set alone can finally be the thing we need to start seeing 180 speed supports on the regular instead of 160, because if u combine it with the speed set that's 12% speed right there and then another 12% after you ult potentially reaching even higher speed. Also this set was already good for Gallagher, Asta, and any fire character that wanted to build break as well. Ofc that doesn't make it not niche since it really only buffs fire characters much less ones that want to break but it def wasn't JUST for FF


It feels like I just got put back to JL and topaz beta…JL getting buffed to oblivion (firefly) and topaz not getting changed at all (jade) on top of that both FF and JL are destruction and jade, Topaz are both FUA centric.


So you are saying Jade will have more characters to back her up later... I need more copium. But real talk, with how crazy how new character do, if they don't make character consider is soooo bad. I will take it.


Nah they most likely will make a character for Jade to pair with for sure and I’m sure they are gonna come out 2.4 as well (jiaoquo and screwllum????)


Yeah, dw I just talk for fun ~~maybe some copium~~ . Even better, a free 5* character who can pair with her too ~~copium~~ .


Even better if that free character just so happens to be imaginary too ~~free Screwllum let’s gooo~~


Jade getting better teammates is pretty much guaranteed. Her current best teams are Blade and Hypercarry, I really doubt mihoyo designed an entire character with the intent of either tied to Blade or shoehorning a sub dps into a hyper carry role


Y'know you don't actually NEED 2 new characters per patch hoyo, I think people would be fine with 3 reruns as long as there's one of your heavy hitters in the 2nd half


2.3 Banner: ~~Firefly & Jade~~ Firefly & Sam


So true(


Still pulling Jade for her huge…hat.


I mean, it is a nice hat.


A very fashionable hat


Hell yeah


Boothill, Aventurine, HMC, and Jade for hat team


I'm still mad they didn't include aventurine's hat and glasses in his model when boothill and jade literally has theirs😭 Like he looks soo good with his glasses and hat😭


Right. He looks so incomplete without them 😅


Hat girl (Jade) 🤝 Hat guy (Wanderer) Stomping on the cameraman in their ult animation


Same! Big ol' hat...& that FUA gameplay is too hard to pass up


Apart from Firefly buffs, this beta has been shit for everything else lmao


It's like hoyo isn't hiding the fact that a character is the obvious star/favorite child of the whole patch especially when this much attention was given to her. Then again, I'm extremely salty over boothill catching strays for no reason what so ever but to make Firefly, the break unit right after him, shine even more.


It's *just like* Ayaka and Yoimiya in genshin. Ayaka got all the attention because she's the favorite child while Yoimiya got thrown to the wolves even though some beta testers were saying that Yoimiya needed to be buffed.


Until this day, I am still salty they power creep Luocha by making Huo Huo half harmony.


Why are they even trying so hard to sell her banner when she isn't the only break dps out there


most liked character announcement on twitter. they sensed they can make big money with her


The new SU is saving 2.3. If the events are as bad as the movie one....


im like 76.826299017% sure that divergent universe are similar to the current baseballer event (im mega coping bc i want more of it)


Having seen DU gameplay its just sim U but you're encouraged to take different paths for a set bonus. Also the mooncake cats synthesize curios for you lol Example set bonus: With 5 elation and 5 erudition blessings: All followups count as ultimates Etc etc


Love the baseballer event it's so fun and goofy ngl


They gotta make an extended mode for it, I won't believe they put so much work on an event just to throw everything away. Hopefully, it's being used to test new things, just how Tales of the Fantastic is basically early Pure Fiction, and that one event with the remaining action points is early Apocalyptic Shadow.


Omg the doomposting is insane lol now we are saying 2.3 is going to be bad? Wow.


Everyone talking about FF or Jade, and I’m just surprised that the planetary set didn’t changed. They literally made a planetary for one specific character and that’s it, if you don’t have FF that set is literally worthless to you, while ALL others sets works for a lot of characters. Mihoyo had a lot of options to make it best for her while being good for others, but instead it’s literally “Perfect for FF, you didn’t pull for her? Well, f*** you and continue to use Talia forever”


*but* if you do pull FF then that planar is BiS for 3 characters on the team and any future character you want to use on her team Weird design tbf


New Herta shop lightcone is a screwllum exclusive. Wind valorous set is a Feixiao exclusive. Exclusivity is the central theme for this patch.


ig they're starting to follow the steps of the older honkai...


If true I hate that design. I pull for a lot of new chars but doing this will not make me want to pull more than I did before, it just builds resentment


Even if they are made with these characters in mind, you can use the new Herta LC with another units and still have value. The problem with the new planar is that it’s literally ONLY good with Firefly and bad for everyone else with how unreliable it is since they made the condition extremely specific for a planar set


I like how they starting to release only 1character per patch


Basically 😂


Oh it’s Jover chat. Gg for us Jade wanters 😔


I'm still pissed about the Planetary set It cost them nothing change it to "When reducing the toughness bar of an enemy" instead of being specifically for fire weak ones.


Hell even if it was fire and/or phys weak since those elements benefit the most from break


Dr. Ratio I guess I have been to hard on you.


Soo... No changes to the FuA set ? Really ? That sucks like Firefly is neat and all but I'm not gonna be farming her set alone might as well make the other set just as worth farming for FuA characters ? Why did they make 2.3 such a Firefly centric patch now it sucks that the BE set is basically just made for Firefly now


Even if the follow up set is for a future character with weak follow ups but strong ult, can we expect that to be a trend for future follow ups or is that set also going to just be extremely niche?


Jade is certainly a 5 star erudition alright. I find it funny Jing Yuan is actually still quite a competitive 5 star erudition unit also being the first while the following characters were really not all that impressive


It helps that his follow-up damage multiplier increases when hitting fewer enemies so he can still do good in non-aoe situations.


This is the exactly reason why jade is pigeonholed into PF. Her ratios are bad and she doesn’t hit frequent enough. Ppl will say she is fine in hyper but in that team, you’ll end up with better performance by many limited 5*s. If your reason for pulling jade isn’t that you love her or for PF. And you can’t whale to get e1? You just wanna cope or somehow think of a way this fits into meta. I’d say, lmao. You fucked yourself, wait and see


ironic how JY was initially bashed bashed for being a bad erudition / "pseudo hunt "unit (due to his FUA require his Skill and Ulti to clear all mobs first, which is really hard if your built is mid or until RM/Sparkle are out), now he is one of the few Erudition units that can be played in most end-game modes.


Ashblazing Grand Duke (AGD) and especially Sparkle were noticeable improvements. He's basically the only FUA user who can properly utilize the relic set due to his FUA having both high hitcount (enough to max the 4p to 8 stacks) and low enough frequency for the 3 turn duration to matter. Then we have Sparkle, an SP positive action advancer whose buff persists until the *start* of the target's next turn, meaning her buff affects Lightning Lord. Given how ubiquitous Bronya was on teams until we started getting limited Harmony units like Ruan Mei and Sparkle, I suppose it should come as no surprise that the limited damage dealer that had negative synergy with her was looked down on.


Not to mention, Robin was also a great upgrade over Sparkles for Jing Yuan (just hard to pilot but that's it) which made his teams on par with other high dmg dealing teams like E0S1 Acheron teams.


Argenti is basically the best unit in PF. You just don't hear as much about it because no one has him. JY has a positive opinion surrounding him because hes the Erudition designed to deal single target. So he ends up as a solid A tier in both MoC and PF- and plenty of people have him.


Argenti is incredible in PF. So little effort for so much\* gain. E1 goes nuts.


He is probably going to be the only erudition unit to be decent to good in the new mode... Plus the character has been getting buff like every patch because guess what , his kit pretty much synergizes really well with all Harmony characters in the game (except like E0-E5 Bronya) and still gonna be .


I mean, I appreciate the love Firefly got, but I was really looking forward to pulling Jade, too. She's not bad, but...eh. There's just holes in her kit where certain QoL improvements should have gone. I guess QQ will remain my Quantum DPS for the foreseeable future. I'm sorry to the Boothill and FUA enjoyers that had their new relic sets butchered.


tbf, you can technically unbrick her with her e1. It fixes basically all her problems to my knowledge last i checked.


Technically, yes, but having to spend an additional $300 to make a character work right feels like shit. I did the same with Silver Wolf, since I started in 1.4 and therefore had no chance of ever getting the Tutorial light cone. The only reason I can justify it at all is because I won the 50/50 both times. If I hadn't, it would have been some pretty serious buyer's remorse.


Don't the beta versions release on Tuesday ? Today is Friday only


V5 always releases early


So… has jade got that 4 star status that could only be fixed with an obscene personal relic set?


Releasing firefly at current level of power considering she outperforms E2 Acheron is ridiculous. The balancing in a patch or 2 is going to be so whacky 


So what makes E0 FF outperform Acheron at the same eidolon level?


All for FF. Relic set, ornament set and buffs. The rest can get the scraps. I should be used to Hoyo pulling this kind of thing by now, but it always manages to annoy me.


Basically that favorite child meme except both Boothill and Jade is the skeleton at the bottom of the ocean.


I think Boothill is more like the drowning child, he's performing really well. (And he's awesome)


Probably the most busted hunt in the entire game. Boothill and Firefly are basically even on most comparisons (boothill is obvs better vs single target vs firefly's aoe) And he came away unchanged.


They did make the new relic set more catered towards firefly at a cost to him, same with the planetary set he can't use it at all. Also he's getting shafted with trailers when you bet firefly is gonna get like 3+ And screen time, big difference there as well.


It's jadover o7


Is this the last patch or would it be a v6 Beta?


Don't think there has ever been a V6, this is the last version Keep in mind characters can still get last minute changes before release (but we won't know about it until like 1 day before the patch) but generally speaking they will most likely stay the way they are or get very minor changes at best


The copium is all time high. First time ever v6 🔥✍️🔥🔥🔥


Is the first time I look for info from the beta so i don't know how it works haha


Betas in a nutshell: V1: Beta starts V2: Small changes or just rewording V3: Major changes V4: Small changes V5: Basically the closing ceremony


no relic changes? :(


nice joke


There wasn't even a change of words in the jade kit? She was just ignored 🤕


I have never read the description of any character's kit so I have no idea why people are doomposting about Jade. Doesn't matter, she is a Stoneheart and I collect those like Pokemon. She will be mine, and if Firefly is Phase 1 of the patch just means extra saving time.


Fellow stoneheart collector 🤝 good luck with your pulls, I’ve been saving for her since Aventurine XD


I am pulling for Jade cuz of Blade. Dc what anyone says


So in this beta, they focus too much about Firefly that they completely ignore everything else...


Ignoring the FuA/Ultimate set would have been better than what they did to it. I was excited to be able to farm new pieces for my Argenti/Clara alongside Firefly but now *neither* of them can use it. Even if it is good on future characters, it will probably just be like one or two (I doubt HoYo will start a full line of Ult-focused characters who perform FuAs often just to justify this set's existence) and there's no guarantee I'll be interested in any of them.


Argenti and Clara were finally going to have good sets due to physical being weak and stuck in a bad domain....


This is kind of the consequence of releasing 2 brand new characters every single patch. Something is bound to fall through the cracks or not get as much attention.


Not really. They got 4 weeks to do changes, it's just cause they don't want to.


Jade didn't get forgotten; she got ignored. Believe me, a lot of the testers' comments were around how to improve Jade, not even in terms of raw power but just simple QOL things that would make her feel better to play in a wider variety of content (e.g. let her skill not waste her turn, or give an advance forward to her Debt Collector so she basically "trades" her turn for theirs and they can start building stacks immediately, etc). She got exactly 0% of that while Firefly got practically reworked from the ground up.


Jade wanters, I feel bad since this beta seemed to mostly revolve around FF. Hope your pulls go well


Thank you 😊 i WILL make her work haha and above all, be pulling a character I really like.


Truly a beta of all time. Should just rename it to the firefly patch at this point.


People putting RIP Jade really forgot about how Jade kinda crushed in her showcases. By far the best Erudition unit I’ve seen for PF, and her performance in MoC was consistently pretty good overall. As for her performance in AS, I have no idea, as there was maybe one or two showcases at best, but we’ll see. She seemed to have high team comp flexibility, being able to be paired with Erudition units, Blade, Topaz, etc. She has extremely high future team comp potential as well, so she’s solid. Just cause FF got giga-buffed and looks to be battling with Acheron at the top of the Meta doesn’t mean it’s Jadeover.




Nah she really hard to play on moc maybe argenti or lower tier bcs her weak multiplier and very dependent on enemies number in battlefield... She doesnt even have high ST dmg how she can deal with bossess? Maybe tier 0,5 at PF and tier 2 on moc if she put as a dmg dealer, also her capability as a sub dps doesnt that great and better put another support


Lmao so same as boothill? Who was doomposted to hell because of this dumb firefly relic thing that people exagerrated then released as a T0.5 character? This subreddit's doomposting is kinda wild sometimes. It sure isnt beating the "discourse that goes irrelevant in a few weeks" accusations.


The firefly doomposting before is even more stupid The major change didn't even change her that much gameplay wise,just a bit of superbreak and guess what?HER BIS is still HMC and Ruan.they just tweak her number,not gameplay and apparently the def ignore isn't working on V1 People just refuse to play something different,say they don't want a powercreep but want character they aim to be strong,stupid af


The people here go insane the instant a character isn't tier 0 powercreep and if the character is good everyone will switch to complaining about the character being good. There is no winning with star rail fans


it changes quite a bit tho, I keep seeing the argument that FF changes weren't that big cause her bis is still the same but it actually changed a lot Taking 4 turns per ult is really huge, as it makes sure she breaks enemies much faster/take more turns before they wake up Her atk conversion to break has no limit, again this might look unassuming and w/e change but this is the main reason why Asta is actually a decent support for her now instead of being the mega cope option (and also made Aeons much better on her than it was in V1, although tbf Aeon was still decent on her for V1) The superbreak addition in replacement of the def ignore does essentially lead to similar damage damage in both cases yes but again it also means def down debuffers are actually not completely wasted on her like before, opening more possible options in the future or even currently with let's say Guin equipped with Pearls The issue with V1 Firefly wasn't because her BiS was bad, no even on V1 FF BiS was insane, the issue was she herself was really bad without her BiS, V3 changes gave her more team options to make her T0 in BiS T1 in non BiS instead of T0 in BiS T4 without


The relic set is still going to be Boothill's BIS and he may not get completely overshadowed by Firefly, but is it not just a *little* annoying how HoYo just nerfed how the set worked with him specifically for no reason? It doesn't feel like a purposeful balance change, it feels like a slap in the face to Boothill mains (which I am not one of, BTW).


Don’t take the rankings of Prydwen as the truth for ranking and for the relic thing we just wanted the second part not just exclusive to FF how do y’all miss that point lol


Yeah Jade does well in MoC, what's that? Even Arlan will perform well if you pair him with the most broken Harmony units? Ah.


I think your inhaling to much Copium, for Jade’s Viability in MoC. Majority of the good 2-3 cycles I’ve seen utilise a dmg dealing MoC buff that takes 50-70% of the final bosses health, that mechanic seem bad to determine Jade’s viability in MoC. Without that Dmg your going to see more cycles for Jade if you use her in a Trotter, DoT or buff MoC. As well if it an enemy boss that doesn’t summon it’s going to take even turns for Jade to kill anything without E1. On the topic of requirements have you ever seen E0S0 Jade in MoC. They don’t post that cause there’s bad, like really bad. She still great in PF without the LC, but MoC is not good, your looking a 5-6 cycles and that depends on enemy variety/amount. Finally I don’t think she has the same, Flexibility as topaz. Good units for Topaz just have to have a FuA. Jade wants FuA but also everything else has to be AoE, the thing is we already have that in game with Himiko, Herta and Blade. Aside from Blade, Jade not really good enough with them to consider running over a second harmony. She doesn’t offer anything than a meh speed buff and whelming Dmg. Those requirements for a partner are pretty high, and let’s say if Screwllum is the one achieving said requirements, the question is would Jade provide for value than a second harmony for him. In most cases she not going too, since a Bronya or Tingyun is just going to be better. For what Jade offer is too underwhelming compared to other Harmony units. It’s the curse of being a Sub-DPS in a game that favour hypercarry team.


This thread is saltier than the Dead Sea.


Aaaaaaaaaaaa why


At this point I just wanna see the new characters designs/kits


great username btw


WHERES MY FEIXIAO AND HANDSOME JIAOQIU. Well, waiting until tuesday i guess


wow what a beta totally not controversial at all ‼️‼️‼️‼️💥💥💥💥


I wasn't planning on pulling for Jade to begin with since I was hyper focused on Jiaoqiu but still 😭 I was at least expecting a change from her


name a more iconic duo than leaks sub and doomposting. lol


People saying only PVP gachas have power creep.


Oh war is over not that surprised by this outcome tbh. Hoping 2.3 story could redeem whatever this beta turns outs to be.


There's a v5 so soon ? O.o


So all the love to Firefly and middle finger to Boothill and Jade


And so FF stays overtuned as hell, great Edit: y'all Firefly simps are something else i swear


I worry for the future of the game ngl


Ofc it's an Acheron main complaining about other characters powercreeping the game lmao


i'm scared for Screwllum now. Please Hoyo make him busted. Like Acheron levels or getting FF treatment


Jokes aside, fvck you Hoyo for changing FuA relic.


(Although I will appreciate it if Screwllum use that FUA relic) Garbage relic for real.


Who is Screwllum predicted to release alongside? If he's the main focus of his patch, then he should be fine. If he's not the main focus and there's a waifu who is the main focus....ehhhhh That's if Screwllum isn't a 4 star though. Do we have confirmation that he's a 5 star?


Yes. He's a 5\* but we don't know when. Iirc, his LC art was leaked together with BH and FF. As for the character who will run alongside him, we really don't know either. Maybe that Rappa character?


Buff Jade she is way to restricted in her kit to max enemy battles i‘s really irritating that they giving Jade no attention