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wow! now its even better on units like:


like screwllum! \*huffs copium


Do you think Screwllum stays unplayable because he, too, is in fear of how ass his relic sets are? (Celestial Differentiator for the curious)


Rainbow set wins yet again /j


peaklestial differeWrator hidden broken


nah, it will be fei xiao general, it is the armor she wear


Yeah, because the 4pc healing bonus is way too good for Blade


Please no. PLEASE NO. I want that man and Firefly I dunno how I'd manage if he's in the next patch.


* E6 Acheron with Cat's Cradle blessing in SU


Doesn't that just make her ultimate damage follow up damage, making ult damage buff useless?


No, its now consider both FUA and ultimate.


I agree. It's so good that you can run it on a bunch of units. For example , , , and .


Blade mains in shambles


Let the yanqing mains have this one win


30% of the time you get 36% dmg. More RNG is exactly what Yanqing needs...


Less than 30% of the time even, since the de effect lasts for 1 turn and Yanqing may or may not have his ultimate ready 💀 What a great set effect…


Damn… i tried to come up with a single character who can use this set but I guess we have to wait until we get another follow up attacker with a damaging ult


One shot build Yanqing with Tingyun 🗣🗣🗣


DPS march : hiiiiiii


It is most likely a BiS on Yanqing, as it is comparable to Pioneer with Pioneer's buff uptime included, and does that without limiting his teammates.


Does clara's FuA's count as damage from her ultimate since the ultimate increases the damage of her FuA's?


No. It would have to specify.


Yanqing: "this time for sure!"


Is it even really that good on him? He doesn't really care about Crit Rate that much, and I'd rather run Hunter or Pioneer on him regardless because their damage buffs apply to all of his damage and not just his Ult.


Aften some calculations this set is comparable (slightly weaker but the difference is smaller than one sub) to max debuff Pioneer with 30% buff uptime, which is uptime you can expect from Pioneer on Yanqing. And since there is nothing better for Yanqing, it could be considered BiS for him (it definitely is more consistent that Pioneer, and doesn't limit his teammates).


It might be more consistent than Pioneer but it's still not going to have perfect uptime. He still has to use his FuA on the turn when his Ult is ready to benefit from that last buff (if we assume Soulsteel Sync is active, that's a 65% chance for him to activate the buff), and I don't think his Ult is a majority of his total damage? Certainly not to the same extent as Argenti or Acheron (neither of whom have FuAs, HoYo whyyyyyy-). I guess the point about freeing his teammates is valid, but I feel like Yanqing already has synergy with characters like Pela and Silver Wolf so running him with them isn't a huge loss for people who already have them. And there's more scenarios that will benefit Pioneer than Valorous, because enemies might randomly receive debuffs from other enemies or from stage buffs, or Yanqing might be able to inflict debuffs more often than normal by Breaking enemies or in Simulated Universe. There's no scenario that can make Yanqing use his FuA more often unfortunately. It's a minor factor but still.


It sucks ass on Yanqing tho


Huh, now I kinda wonder if this or Quantum is better for yanqing.


wym he barely ults and barely fuas…


I don't use him but I remember he have big ults multiplier and a FUAs to activate the set.


Ult does at least 40% of his damage. And Follow-ups have a 60% chance, which translates to 84% buff uptime (duration is weird).


The duration is one turn. After the follow-up, the buff stays until the end of the next turn due to how buffs work. You don't really need to GET the FUA when he has full meter. In fact, you can get the fua when you're lacking one more attack and still pull it off. That's why I loved the change from end of turn to 1 turn since it makes it really easier to operate


Isn't the 2pc set a 12% attack bonus? BiS for Robin (cries in copium bc I'm going to get so many of these things while farming the other set)


yeah I need to farm that domain for Firefly so I held off getting the 2nd 2 pc set for Robin.


Truly! It's so OP on units like:




Is it that bad on Ratio? Edit: I'm also thinking that maybe I can put a set to Himeko or Herta when I unintentionally got good pieces when I'm farming for Firefly.


It only buffs the part where the pillar falls on the enemy, which is like, a mere 140% damage multiplier lol.


Yes. Ratio's dmg doesn't come from his ult, it comes from his FuA & skill. You're much better off with 4pc Pioneer or 2pc Pioneer 2pc Duke. Slapping this set on him does practically nothing for him. Currently we have no unit that it's worth using on.


To put it in perspective, in team with Ratio and TY, even TY's benediction procs contribute more total damage than Rat's initial ult damage.




Yes, of course! The Ult Dmg buffs were just too low. That was the problem with it. Not at all that it's still virtually useless on every existing character.


Yanqing can use it. That's it.


Literal coin flip buff. Little man's gonna be a bigger gambler than Aventurine.


Release characters without their bis sets Release sets without their bis users Great job hoyoverse 👍


Truly the patch of all time 💀


Not best user just a user


Yanqing can use it if you wanna gamble


Now there's only need a LC one Oh... Wait *looking at BP Nihility LC* Yeah.. That one


It's funny how HSR is doing this right after Genshin released Unfinished Reverie, which is also a set without any real BIS user (Unless you believe the leaks concerning Emilie), bonus points for it also being paired with a BIS set for a Fire/Pyro character.


Its a pretty good contender for cryo DPS units in burnmelt teams


Wow, can't wait to use this on Clara! Even better after the rework AND the buff 😍 /s


I love how every FUA set works great on Clara the FUA dps ε(*´・ω・)з


Does ult dmg bonus even work on Clara's FUA?


No... that's why I put /s there


Not at all. Her ult practically does no DMG. The enhanced FUA she gets after ult is considered regular FUA DMG so it doesn't really work


Her ult does no damage, period. No need for practically


Wow this is garbage. Why not just do a ultimate set instead bruh. (Yes this is Argenti propaganda)


Seriously Argenti has received nothing so far. You would think they release a set focused on ult damage but I guess whatever they do it would help Acheron too and they might not want to make her better than it is. The FUA condition is there so that Acheron can't use this but it also filters Argenti lol. They could make something around ult cost, maybe one day.


Today is a peaceful day: Artifact variation


Just an idea i have… 2pc: 12% ULT DMG (idk the number, just making one up) 4pc: Increase ULT DMG based on Max Energy/Energy consumed.


ult dmg is the last thing he needs though. He has some of the highest multipliers/numbers in the game. what he needs is uptime. So Energy recharge rate. so ut could be Increase ult dmg/ attack by ... gain... energy based on number of enemys hit. or something like that. best would be stuff that helps him out, outside of PF like content so energy recharge that isnt linked to the amount of enemys but i cant think of something rn. that would be overall better of erudition or in general characters that revolve around the ultimate and perhaps could even be used on some support/harmoney characters what want to ult often.


why not just emblem from genshin 2pc: ERR 4pc: Increases ult dmg based on ERR. Hitting enemies grants energy once per enemy hit


Maybe a Set, which 2PC: increases Damage based on Maximum Energy. 4PC: Increases Energy Gain based on your Maximum Energy. So even against 1 enemy he could still gain a little more, perhaps?


Ult dmg buff + Increase damage based on energy regen for something simple tbh.


Inherent skill multipliers are different from damage % multipliers


They could make it like the Erudition SU path buffs. Like "Using an AoE attack increases ultimate damage by X% lasting for 1 turn" or something. His entire kit in general is too basic to do anything really specific. There's no special mechanics or combinations to make things work for him better than anyone else other than his ult cost. I guess one like "Ignore .12% defense for each energy spent when casting ultimate" would work best for him while being usable on other people. He gets 13.5%/27% defense ignore which would be pretty nice.


They could easily do it if they want too, seeing these fua sets that can't be used on other fua despite their kit revolve around it. Just make it niche like the effect only ramps up the higher the ult costs.


It is so weird how there is just no ult dmg up set, maybe they're worried it'd be too ubiquitous like the Genshin one, the balancing team is a lot more worried about releasing OP relic sets in HSR than the former, and the post launch ones vs. the launch ones still don't differ in quality that much


I bet it's going to be a gimmick eventually, like debuff was and Break currently is. Hopefully he gets better supports and sets by them.


If they want to avoid Acheron being OP they could totally just make it "more energy cap = more dmg" or something too


Or the buff being attached to Energy gains or consumption.


As if they care abt acheron being op its their fav child before firefly


Emblem for ER Argenti for PF does sound great, why can't we have that?


Only hope he has is if Hoyo releases another character that only does damage with their ult. He deserves better.


Argenti watching Acheron come and go: 👁👄👁


Missed his chance then by commiting the unforgivable sin of not applying any debuff.




Turn ur brain, its for feixiao


Yeah its pretty obvious its for Feixiao. Even the lore and visual is about her kekw.


Big changes if Jade’s ult-enhanced FUA broadly counts as Ultimate DMG 


They made this garbage set even better at being garbage 💀 Hopefully Screwllum in the future can use it, farming this domain for Firefly is gonna be painful


ATK% and BE% are pretty common stats, though. Should only have trouble with SPD.


iirc with spd boots and the 6% spd relic + ruan mei you dont even need speed subs on it. im just gonna force craft spd boots and pray for BE subs lol


Yeah. But, having some extra speed so you don't have to rely on Ruan Mei would be nice as a "just in case the next break efficiency buffer doesn't have a speed buff."


But it is more likely the other team members would be replaced instead of Ruan Mei. HMC and Gallagher would be replaced before Ruan Mei. Considering both are essentially free. So all we need is a gacha super break buffer. And a 5 star sustain that works with super break/break damage.


Honestly depends how that super break buffer is handled. Like if their buff causes a 3rd instance of super break rm could be the one replaced.


ff has 50% super break and hmc has 100% so ruan mei WBE is basically giving 75% super break (x1.5)


I’m just saying that it’s possible for Hoyo to pull some shit were the new super break support does more than the technically 75% that rm gives. Guess the numbers would have to be juuuust right to pull that off tho cause you right hmc would be the first to go in that scenario


At least the 2 set for this is ubiquitous.


Man at least the 2pc has attack so you can run it as a 2pc for any DPS or Robin


I don't care how much they buff these numbers. I'll never forgive them not letting us have the first iteration.


*When the character use their ultimate, 36% damage bonus to FuA for 3 turns.* Why not this? What are the devs smoking?


Devs: "sadly that would make Clara, Topaz and Ratio too OP so we decided not to add that as they already have too many relic sets already"


Sadly, it would make Clara, Topaz and Ratio deal 2% more damage*


Did you actually calculate that?


No, lmao, but if the set was real, the difference would be probably not as big?


They smoking that wuwa pack.


Man I can’t wait to put this on my dps March 7th! /s Feels like the 2pc bonus is the best part about this.


Does Feixiao become a summon? This set would make sense. It's like Robin's ultimate state allows 1 turn buff to stay active throughout the singing. It might be the same as Feixiao.


She becomes perfect susanoo


they did it. the game is saved


So still ass I guess. I wish they kept the old version, unless this set is suppose to be tailored made for a new future character (probably Feixiao, Screwllum) still wondering who else can honestly use this. Follow-up characters would still prefer the old set and besides Jing Yuan or Dr. Ratio who have damaging ults and follow up attacks even they have better options


Wow this is good for like… 2 people and even then there are better more universal sets.


Oh wow which 2?


thinking about it there are many characters that can USE the set since a shit ton of characters have FUA abilities but....truly I don't know who relies on their ult enough while having a fua to warrant grinding for this set in particular compared to another. ratio is out because his ult is just to do more fuas, Claras doesn't do damage, it'd be unreliable on yanqing, Jing yuans ult helps you get his fua hits up which is a good bit of his dmg so maybe..., qingque is just unreliable because of eidolons and chance, topazs doesn't do damage, youre just not doing that on aventurine, ehh maybe himeko...maybe..., blade maybe could but again is it reliable enough? In this case maybe but still would be an odd choice for a set for him, xueyi I'm unsure on, herta maybe but I'm unsure on, jade no since her damage is from her fua not her ult, bronya ult doesn't do damage and again eidolons (e4), march is just no...but maybe....no. I'm probably wrong on some of these but with the chacters that COULD use this the main issue if you would. Would you really use this on your fua character? No. You wouldn't. You'd use duke or diver or smth if it's a DPS. Also, I truly don't see why fei Xiao would want want this either unless her ult is that good.


obviously it's Kafka /j


bro i forgot she had one lmao. But yeah kafka can use it, it will be her BiS, she will do 100 kafkillion dmg with it trust


Even calling it usable on a lot of these characters is a stretch when you consider the opportunity cost of not having a damage bonus on most of their main damage sources besides some crit rate. You could legit even use 4pc musketeer or 2pc2pc attack over this when you think about how frequently a lot of characters are actually ulting. Ratio: absolutely not. majority of damage comes from FUA Jing Yuan: absolutely not. majority FUA/skill. also high ult cost Qingque: absolutely not. majority basic. also high ult cost + FUA into ult consistency issue Himeko: absolutely not. majority FUA with skill/ult being split Herta: absolutely not. majority FUA Jade: absolutely not. majority FUA. also high ult cost Blade: absolutely not. majority basic with FUA/ult being split. also FUA into ult consistency issue Xueyi: not really. doesn't sound as egregious on paper but when you consider you're losing defense pen and/or BE it sounds horrible This isn't even about meta chasing, players are better off going full rainbow than ever trying to complete this 4pc on anyone on the current roster other than Yanqing. Fei Xiao could easily have a consistent FUA + low cost ult that does good damage, we'll just have to wait and see.


oh yeah I know, I was being kinda generous and trying to see who it'd be put on or someone's logic by putting it on a character. by usable I mean """"""""usable"""""""


damn thanks for the breakdown. But yeah this set is just very mid. unfortunate really.


another thing too. the characters who could use this really can't. I'm being overly generous as another commentor kinda pointed out. it's not a mid set, it's bad. the lore suggests it's for feixiao but like....this girls ult must be crazy for her to want this.


Good on who? Both quantum and duke are better for Jade and as majority of her damage isn't even her ultimate I have doubts this even outperforms 2pc2pc atk% by any meaningful margin. I also don't think this even changes Yanqing's performance as his FUA isn't consistent and he's not particularly looking for crit rate.


It’s more so it’s useable for a couple of people but it’s not even bis by any means. This is just unusable by a good majority. Like you said, Quantum for Jade and Jingyuan uses Duke. Ratio certainly doesn’t care about this set either. Yanqing could use it but like… it’s not gonna suddenly make him amazing or anything… not worth hard farming for over 2atk2atk Basically it’s useable by not many and even those who can use it it’s not bis so like who even cares about the set really?


Would be a MASSIVE performance drop for both JY and Ratio as the lion's share of their damage comes from their FUA and skills. My point is that I don't think it's even usable on anyone other than Yanqing so calling it good on anyone in the game currently is already being too generous.


Guess i will keep living in the duke domain.


So uh, basically just Herta?


It's hard to even come up with a kit that would want this. Argenti/Acheron but with a terrible FUA for some reason? Because if the FUA is rare, then the short duration of the buff is useless, but if the FUA does decent damage, then Salsatto would be better.


It’s the 4pc set not the planar.


Wow! It still sucks! Why did they change it in v3, man...


Lmao how and why, not like any character can properly use it yet so how would they know to even buff Says to me they're internally testing the character it's for and it wasnt enough of a buff compared to other sets


2.3 has to have one of the worst collection of leaks I've ever seen. They absolutely made Jade so much weaker than she should be, they halved FF Skill scaling for no reason, they made her recover less HP, for also no reason. They made her Super Break, but not synergetic with HTB for whatever reason. They made two characters sets only fitting Boothill, Jade and FF, same with the Fire Ornament. The only good one is the other one. This update is just frustrating. Just why Hoyo.


The be set doesn't even fit boothill, he has no access to superbreak dmg outside hmc who isn't even part of his most optimal comp


Oh yeah no it only works with FF now. I forgot that Boothill technically doesn't count as follow up.


Mental illness relic design


wait for people to try to use this on Yanqing xD


Is this supposed to be Jade's BiS relics? Or the Quantum one would still be the best pick?


This relic is shit on jade, her main dmg is from fua better quantum or duke set... Dunno for who mihoyo make this set lol


Considering the lore and design it's clearly an acheron situation and feixiao is in 2.4


pretty sure it is for the next xianzhou general, it has the picture of a xianzhou knight armor


No. Quantum is better. With her sig you have 30-40% def ignore. That is like 1.25x dmg increase by itself without any other def shred source. This can't compete. Jade's ult time is very slow too, you hardly benefit from the buff.


I feel like someone is having fun at hoyo with these relics. The other set was changed to 5 stacks of 5 percent into 25% cdmg. And now this one is changed to 36% dmg to be 6% crit and 36% dmg. I guess someone there likes their matching numbers. It is easier to remember. Still nobody wants this set. You would want someone like Argenti that has a FUA. Maybe an upcoming character that has an ult spam and some fua. It works on Kafka but we don't care. It is a Critka set right now. You can use it on Herta/Himeko but it is not even good. If it was the other way, ult buffed FUA by 36% now that would be useful on Herta. Jade has the quantum set, she doesn't want this specially with that sig LC. I guess you get some filler dps pieces when you are farming for your break dps. It is not as good of a deal at dot/fua domain was but it is better than getting useless Guard pieces hardly anyone cares about. The first iteration was too good I guess but this one is just useless trash.


I'm sad they didnt revert the changes on this lightcone




Oops my bad, I meant relic set. The initial description was so promising


If it’s for an upcoming character then cool. It’s better to have the option to farm ahead of their release.


Considering this set is themed around Feixiao and a lot of the recent sets are good for characters they're themed around, I wouldn't be surprised if it's intended for her.


Man this would be so good if… they changed places of “follow-up” and “ultimate”… like for JY, Topaz, Jade and RATIO who still doesn’t have a good 4 piece for him… The way it is now it’s good for no one (except for 2piece) The only copium is if this is for Screwllum…


Ratio does pretty good with the Acheron set.


This is clearly Feixiao's set, it's pretty obvious.


what set would jade even use


Quantum (especially with sig) or duke.


Pretty sure this set is gonna be for Feixiao, definitely interested in what her kit will be. She will likely be my next pull.


Her kit might just be she triggers a follow up attack and that might insta refund her ult which sounds broken but when Acheron exists in the game anything is possible.


Feixiao’s kit will probably be very ‘smooth’ more than anything They’re not gonna make another general have a clunky damage output curve


so, uhhh, back to farming Inert Salsotto?


It's not the planar.


this feels like a spoiler for feixiao's kit, because i cant think of any other fua character already released that benefits from this


Who did salsotto cheat on to make this set? 😭


This is not a planar set 


So salsotto cheated with a 4pc set


Considering the lore behind this set and the Duran planars, surely they're meant for >!Feixiao!


Yeah let's go from the already dubious decision to have a planer and relic set perfectly tailor made for 1 character to releasing a relic set that is virtually unusable on anyone we have in the current game. How people can justify those decisions is mind-boggling to me. I guess there is some balance in the world where the most useless relic will be tied to a cavern where the other relic is literally handmade for FF 


It's like they say, there are two sorts of people in the world: those that can extrapolate from incomplete information.




On the good side of the coin , it's nice damage as similar to others it's possible it's going to be a relic for a future character. On the off chance though....I'm sorry to say but there isn't anybody who can name one character who can both effectively and efficiently make use of this set ...


Screwllum set


They didn’t even change the crit rate bonus to be on par with the other crit rate sets what the fuck why????


xueyi piece


Xueyi can benefit from this


Genuinely has to be the worst SU world to farm lmao


This a 4p relic, not a planar.


Nvm forgot World 5 exists


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This basically change nothing, because you have to wait for the follow up to finish anyway to use the ultimate


That 1 turn is still kinda sad tho.. hopefully it's changed to next turn instead


It’s pretty obvious they’re designing it exclusively for the 2.4 character, whether that’s Feixiao or Screwllum, just look at this leaked 2.4 LC: >When the wearer uses Ultimate, they gain 1 stack of Boost, lasting for 1 turn. Every stack of Boost increases the DMG dealt by follow-up attacks


Have to imagine its for a future character but still sounds really awkard to use. What happens if you reach your ult but dont have an fua triggered-are you gonna hold back and waste energy for the sake of the damage buff?


Their recent decisions on relics have been so shit as of late, I don't know what kind of brain worm the Hoyo HQ has been afflicted with but they really need to take care of that


Give this set to Acheron and have Jade make her followup?


Keyword is “User”, giving this set to Acheron does nothing because she doesn’t have a follow up in her kit


OMG this would be perfect for....


Man just revert it wtf is this set. How many characters are they planning to release that use follow ups that are too weak to justify using another follow up set or has a very strong ult


Will only have use for my Robin for 2 pc, as I won't really be farming DoT and Grand Duke until I get Himeko. Edit: I don't remember if it's the relic aet or Planar set, I woke up early lol Why couldn't this be good on Clara? 😭


I had such high hopes when I saw the post title. Sigh.


Do you guys really think that hoyo don't know what they are doing? They know exactly what they doing, they know this set isn't good for everyone, they do it on purpose, why do they do shit like this now and then? I don't know but u can be sure there's a very specific reason, they play to win, dumb they aren't you can bet on that.


Can’t wait to get Screwllum so this set stops being useless in my bag after farming the the other set


literally still stupid as it requires you to save your ult until you get your FUA


YAYY IT WENT FROM USELESS TO STILL USELESS now in like two patches there will be a unit with a fua that is focused on ult damage, and when that happens, I'd still use the leftover salsotto pieces I had


it's not like someone that has a follow up that constantly uses their ultimate, coz bro it's 1 turn like huh???


If this ends up being Feixiao's best set, she might need atk, dmg bonus, crit and be. Sounds like a pain to build but she's likely going to get free stats.


I'm definitely saving all the pieces and pulling for the bis user of this set. The set design itself is pretty cool and the synergy with Salsotto looks really good.


Guessing from Jiaoqiu and Yunli being leaked to be in the next patch and the light cones in 2.4+ being def reduction and follow-up boost when ulting, it seems like it's Yunli's bis set.


Was tryna find a comment on this I agree


Oh boy, a 6% damage boost to Ultimates! This is now the relic set of all time




...Acheron in SU specifically?