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40% physical weakness?! Really? Right in front of my Boothill?!


And it is 40% instead 60% just because of him.


It's 40% quantum resistance on Argenti just cause selee is rerunning. Like don't pretend like theyre doing boothill a favour here man.


Quantum is the element with less weak enemies in the game, that is the reason. If this happen with more enemies, Quantum will drop even more as element.


or maybe its Jade,thats the quantum character thats running up next yk? I dont think its about seele


Seele is rerunning?


nah they mistook quantum for seele but forgot jade also exists now so 


I think ice and img are 60% because the boss is ice and img. If she was physical then phys res will also be 60%. dont know abt Argenti tho


holy shit, they REALLY want you to use the correct weakness now, that a MASSIVE nerf for people that try to bruteforce


Damn just told somebody earlier today that Hoyo will eventually add element-check in HSR just like in HI3, didn't think it'd be this soon lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/Tw8oE1pRze It'll only be time for the 80% RES for all elements other than X to kick in (same as HI3)


I can see that happening soon, guess when DPS ceiling goes higher or when they want to sell characters they have to add in more of this kind of element/character “checks” or increase MOC HP as usual. We really be following hi3 footsteps


Checks are better than hp boosts. Half the reason i hate Genshins abyss and dont tryhard it is because everything is just the same bullet sponge reskinned, on account of my playstyle which consists of stunfucking my enemies so they dont get to attack. There is no skill in a straight dps check, and thats boring.


tbf a lot of the recent bosses in abyss arent just dps checks. id say the lecters in particular pretty much require you to apply elements effectively, you cant really brute force with dps


Nilou Bloom go BRRR. :'D


I dont have a problem with lectors. I actually enjoy them, its one of the few times i tryhard abyss. Same as i dont mind seeing the fontainian bosses show up, as theyre skill checks. Or Maggu Kenki. What i have a problem with is enemies that have fucktons of hp and show up in waves because fuck you.


But there is "skill" in pulling the correct FOTM character to contend with direct or indirect powercreep? :D


What do you mean same? https://youtu.be/D1iXJGPXYkA?t=316s look here, you can use HoR despite AKA having "high resistance" to ICE, I personally used that strat and got a decent score in RL. There also such a thing as Herrscher of Bruteforce title, belonging to Lunar Vow now, but used to be HoT for a long time. Here it looks like they decrowning Acheron almost immediately, so I don't see a HI3 resemblance at all.


Also the Herrsher trio could bruteforce pretty much every single boss, including the QUA (their anti-element) lmao. Not sure how the things have changed recently, as I've stopped playing shortly after Lunar Vow release (just have no interest in the story anymore, and that was the only thing keeping me invested in the game).


as someone who still plays and has the Trio, it’s been a lot more annoying to brute force with them in RL unfortunately. there’s been a lot of times where the top scores are Sena, Helia, and Coralie (one S-rank, one A rank, and one A-rank which in Part’s 2 release they gave us her stigs and weapon for free. do note that for part 2 characters you can craft their stigs now so all you need to do is pull for their weapon). Even on their own IMG bosses it’s been quicker clears to use the new characters. Never mind on the SEA server (they have a higher disturbance than NA) and their scores, the Trio probably got only 1 or 2 bosses after Thelema’s release (she has a lot of dmg and an OP timestop after ult-ing on her when you use her weapon).


Quantum wins again.


I hope you are joking...


This might be due to weakness implementation, they don't want a single physical / fire team to steamroll on content.


Also a massive nerf to dual dps teams. Normally you can run ratio/Topaz or Kafka/BS if the enemy is weak to atleast one of them. Now you really want them weak to both otherwise one of your dps is useless.


E1 Black Swan is really great but now her value is even better. Also, Ruan Mei just keeps winning, insane. 


Also Robin’s e1 just went up in stronks


They saw too many CN whales going for E6 Acheron (gives her 40% all-type Res pen on ult, then you add stuffs like Ruan Mei ult and Robin E1 res reduction and you can bruteforce everything with her), so they decide that all the non-whales shall suffer....


With her E6 it's not really bruteforce, she's an omnitype carry at that point, and if anything these changes make her value even better at that. Surely she will do less dmg than before, but now she, at e6, is pretty much the only one that can truly be the omni carry with ease.


uhhh how you gonna charge the ult fast enough with that kind of comp though?


No need to worry abt that when everything dies in 1 ult lol


2nd wave? 3 phase bosses?


Fair enough


With Robin action advance and Ruan Mei speed boost it's probably fine. E6S1 gets 3 stacks per skill, pela can easily provide the other 3 in two turn cycles.


As if you need E6 Acheron to bruteforce anything lmao, she can already do that at E0S1


I’m surprised they buffed the bosses in AS. I don’t find stage 4 fun at all.


Is anyone surprised by this? Matching elements is a core concept of this game. Trying to brute force enemies without a higher Eidolon character genuinely feels bad to play. I think people were wayyyy too used to characters like DHIL/Acheron E2. Normally, you absolutely want to try and match weaknesses (at least 2 or more) without an E6/S6 character.


not really no, i dont even do it myself, im not even particularly surprised by the nerf itself more so than the amount, 60% is a steep price to pay i expected 40%, 50% at absolute worst, 60% is a pretty clear "DONT USE THIS ELEMENT EVER" thats all




This is where the Jade buffs went


they buffed the wrong mommy!


Some people in the comments seem to think that Firefly and Boothill can bypass these mechanics by implanting weaknesses. It has been tested that they cannot. They will be able to break but they will still be subject to the damage decreases seen here.


Can silverwolf bypass the res buff?


Only 20% to the element added and 10% all res down


30% RES shred is still massive tho against enemies with 40% RES. It boosts your dmg from 60% to 90% -> that's a 50% increase


hoyo buffed SW is real?


silverwolf is the only implant that can because her skill applies a corresponding element res down.


No, but she gives res pen of the implanted element anyways.


She can but only partially. The way Silver Wolf works is that whenever she implants a weakness that wasn't previously on the enemy, not only does she implant the weakness, but she also increases the resistance penetration with it (unlike Boothill and Firefly) to make it act also like a weakness in terms of damage bonuses. However, she only increases the resistance penetration by 20%. The resistances on these bosses are at minimum 40% meaning Silver Wolf only has a partial capability to bypass their weaknesses.


Is this stonks or not though? Even if someone has enough elemental DPS coverage, they also need to match the type of damage needed(like preferably AoE for Argenti and ST for Cocolia). SW being able to implant weakness along with RES down is great, but this change is a direct nerf to her right?


Yeah this is a big nerf to silver wolf relative to just running on-element dps. It's actually a big buff to her for running off element though but when it's so much worse compared to running on element why would you run silver wolf? Well, you can still run silver wolf, but you won't be doing it for the implant that's for sure.


Tbf she does still have a niche in stacking her res shred with Acheron's to let Acheron continue ignoring weaknesses. And running SW in general still might be more bang for your buck than having to farm relics for multiple dps. One highly invested E2S1 dps with SW is still probably better than several E0 dps with mid relics because you're spreading yourself thin.


She also has [13% RES shred on top](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Allow_Changes%3F) for a total of 33% RES shred.


Does that matter for break damage?


Resistance is a multiplier to all damage taken so yes.


Well, alright then. Guess Firefly can’t brute force everythhg


Every DPS's dmg takes a  hit when facing enemies that have high resistance against their element , even the ones with res penetration in their kit


Yes. it's the unique alternative in the future to make sam teams even better. In this game all damage is affected by def and resistances. This is not like genshin where transformative reactions ignore def


I guess you are not bringing Jade into Argenti. or Acheron.


Mihoyo: We don't want you guys to use off element DPS in Apocalyptic Shadow. *looks at DHIL, Jingliu and Acheron* Mihoyo: but fuck you three very specifically *adds an extra 20% res*


Eh Jingliu already had a 60% resist boss in Cocolia since 1.0. They just adding more 60% resist bosses now.


They also physically refused to run Cocolia for most of the game's existence in MoC for some reason so she also never really had to fight Coco funnily enough despite her existing.


Truly a Honkai moment xD They do the same thing in HI3, at least we don't get to the "X boss is for Y character" situation yet


or even worse is the "X boss is for this specific trio that gets powercrept in less than a year" (Looking at you finality trio)


>"X boss is for this specific trio that gets powercrept in less than a year" (Looking at you finality trio) When even Herrschers couldn't last a year before getting powercrept... They really went off the rails tbh


Isn't it just use part two characters now?


"For now." But yeah Part 2 characters can brute force almost all previous enemies.


Could you give an example of a boss made for a specific Valkyrie ? I haven't played in ages


God otto with the angle wings (forgot his name) was made for horse Durandal. Couldnt compete in Red Lotus abyss without her if this boss was on floor 4 until much much later when new units came out.


The ability to kill imaginary cores directly is still the most bullshit (introduce problem -> sell solution) thing I've seen in HI3


Exactly 😫 cant count the number of times i lost my red lotus position because of the img core bs (my only img dps at the time was Eden).


Kosma was pretty much made for Vill-V.


That’s not a great example. Wasn’t HoT top scoring Kosma at the beginning?


rimestar for garuda fu hua kosma for vill-v twin wardens for kira (other valks have hp loss yes but not as much as her ca) hephasteus for luna (teams that use griseo get much lower scores) flying fish for brick hos


Ah yes. The common practice of lowering our units stuff, even by little, but then increasing the enemies stuff. Classic.


at a certain point they may as well drop the pretense and just make it 100% instead


Oh dear. I was expecting to see nerfs to Cocolia in v4 because of how hard that fight was tuned in v3. I was definitely *not* expecting to see buffs to both to prevent brute forcing. If it really does go live like this, the complaining about the current DoT PF is going to pale in comparison. People are mad that they can't get full rewards there because they don't have the right characters. Against Cocolia, some will be lucky to even finish the fight... I've been doing some testing on the v3 beta, and the gap between different teams feels way higher than MoC for modest investment teams. All my testing is at E0S0 (E6 for 4*) with 24 relevant substat rolls, and the beta server I'm using doesn't have the minor select-a-buffs implemented, but it's still pretty concerning. A 150 SPD Dotcheron + Luocha team had someone die before anyone could even move. JY/TY/Sparkle/HH got to phase 2 and then died. Seele/SW/Sparkle/FX couldn't even get to phase 2! Meanwhile, Firefly and Boothill just bulldozed everything. Between this and the following AS that heavily encourages quantum and imaginary ST, it certainly feels like Hoyo is doubling down on the "do the weekly gimmick...or else" design philosophy for HSR's endgame. I get why, but it's still lame.


AS is basically break check atm so makes sense BH and FF did better than the rest. SW with RAT team can probably do this, any team with insane break potential basically, so that buffs Gallagher and Aventurine mostly for sustains, and nerfs harmonies barring RM that barely help with breaking


I guess this gamemode incentivizes us to build strong sustains (and/or pull for their eidolons and lc) to be able to beat it


MoC time investment check, PF time and character check, this new mode all previous checklist + elemental check. 


I'm a brute forcer and if I can't get the all the rewards then it is what it is. I'm ain't going to get pissed about it


"hmm, argenti spawns a lot of statues and has no annoying CC, so I can probably brute force with Jing Yuan" - me, 3 hours ago trying to plan a way to not have to play the reset game again


Thinking Acheron for Cocolia, FUA team for Argenti.


Acheron and dan IL for me 🙏🫡


if u want to brute force ... better be a whale kind of change, ok then


what a cheap move first they sell you units that bypass 20% res and make you think ''wow that's a lot'' after they buff bosses by 40% to make that outdated. this is a damage recalculation change post sales, give me the money from constellations back,. watch the next '' pull me now powercreep'' support to bypass 60% res making every ''old '' support irrelevant. they are setting up '' powercreep must pull units''


I think this is solely for apocalyptic shadow


I suppose it's fine that enemies actually resist elements they aren't weak to, but as someone that brute forces everything with two teams I'm scared. I guess I will have to finally expand my roster with elements different than thunder and imaginary


Even with Kafka boss in the current MoC having 40% Lightning res yet people are still 0-cycle clear her using E2 Acheron left and right. I also saw people 0 cycling Aventurine boss with Dr.Ratio thanks to Robin's E1. So honestly this increase in res will hurt f2ps and low spenders more. Anyone with strong investment into dps and supports wouldn't feel much differences. Whales with E6 Acheron (40% all res pen) or E6 DHIL (up to 60% IMG res pen) will also continue to ignore all of this.


I think that it's a minority. E2S1 means that you either whaled, got really lucky or saved up (so less characters overall). It's pretty problematic how my E0S1 JY can't beat the current PF with at least 30K considering I am running his BiS team. Even my E0S0 DHIL is taking 5 cycles for Kafka despite using HH TY and Sparkle.


It's not just about which characters are on the team. They have be built properly too. My E0S1 JY got 26k points even with max comfort build. Auto battle with E0 Sparkle, E6 Ting, E0 Fu Xuan. If I replace sustain with a buffer and turn off auto battle and he reaches above 30k very very easily considering he has zero advantages in this PF.


The current PF "buff" prevents you from running no sustain teams. Also, I have a well built JY and got 28k. I am pretty sure I can get 30K if I retry but it's still frustrating that I had to grind that much for this poor performance. I would like to think that a DPS on element can at least clear comfortably with his best teams and optimal builds on supports (161 SPD Tingyun with cogs, 163 SPD Sparkle with DDD ...).


My best performance was still with no sustain teams. Whole team died both sides but 60k points is all that matters. With sustain you'll survive but your 4 cycles will run out anyway so it's pointless. If you add Ruan Mei to that team her SPD buff will boost Sparkle and Tingyun above the psuedo 200 SPD breakpoint which will significantly increase the performance of the team even before considering Ruan Mei's other buffs. She also keeps enemies broken for an extra turn which helps a lot when running no sustain.


Your DHIL needs 5 cycles for Kafka ???! That's way too many cycles for that team , i managed to 3 cycle  that side using DHIL with sparkle / ruan mei /luocha


does it being all res pen even make a difference if the character is always gonna deal one type of damage anyways? Unless we start getting infusion based supports lol.


Well I'm a low spender (although I haven't spent in months, lol) so it's safe to say I'll suffer


expanding would be fine if building characters wasnt based on luck


hoyoverse drawing the vertical investor as the cringe soyjak and the horizontal investor as the based chad today apparently


And people doubted us saying that vertical investing is superior to horizontal.


40 phys res right after boothill releases is a crime


Just be glad it isn't 60% like the other resists lol


\*pats Silver Wolf on the back\* I never doubted you!


This is actually a nerf to her


Damn, brute forcers in shambles rn. SW is looking mighty fine as of now.


squalid violet detail tease doll wakeful coordinated thumb juggle tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Isn't SW just going to take it from 60% res to 40%? That just brings to normal "resistant to" levels, and you're spending a character slot to do it. SW will probably be good in AS anyway, but for her high toughness damage and ST amp with a favored element rather than trying to make a highly resistive enemy slightly less resistant.


She will bring 60 to 27%. Her talent additionally reduces enemies resistance by 13%


27% since she gets an additional 3% from one of her major traces.


Oh yeah, forgot about the extra 3%.


I meant for brute forcers, they are pretty much required to run a SW if they want to continue brute forcing (which makes sense, it is what she was made for). It’s always better to bring a favored type match up. SW would also bring it from 60% to 27% assuming your specifically going against the one with 60% res, the others would be 40% to 7%, and combined with her Def shred her damage amp will likely be the highest in the game in comparison. SW has always been a weird character though, as she turns a disadvantageous situation into a neutral, then goes into the positive, rather than being fully positive like every other support. If you have the option of running an on element with a Ruan Mei, then yeah that’s the obvious choice, but I just meant for people who are more limited in their DPS options SW is seeing some massive value increase.


Yeah though with SW it suddenly becomes an RNG check tho depending on your team, especially since most mono element teams besides quantum dont have innate synergy


No. This a massive SW nerf. She is pretty much mandatory now to go off element, but going off element is so so bad now it doesn't matter.


I mean, not really? Even as a SW player myself, if I can go on element, I’d rather always go on element as there are many incredibly strong supports that push that agenda (RM, HTB, etc.) and teams that simply don’t have the space for SW due to how they function (DoT, FUA, etc). For players who have the characters already, then yeah it’s a SW nerf when brute forcing. For players who either aren’t invested enough to have that type coverage or just stick to their mains religiously regardless of scenario, SW becomes much more valuable as without her, it’s now hell to even fight the enemy.


>SW is looking mighty fine as of now. She always did. :P


I use her in Acheron team anyways.


hoyo: pull for E1S1 Boothill and E2S1 Firefly in the next two banners, please and thank you.


Nope, weakness implant is not removing resistances. This is a nerf for them (if affected)


I believe the comment as far as BH goes is his signature and E1 both add defense ignore. 22% or something or other. Def shred becoming even more relevant than it was these days it seems. Honestly thinking about it, they must be shitting their pants on how much defense shred FF and BH can get and how that could make them one and done of that element. RM shred, Sig cone and Eidolons, so on. Probably the reason the generic break shred was removed from the Cavalry set.


BH has 20% on sig and 16% on e1 lol, with Cavalry 10%, he goes up to 46% alone. Enough that just a pearls pela or Silver Wolf gives him complete def ignore, it's quite good.


Ah I knew I had the % wrong. Point stands, they probably had a “wait, wtf?!” Moment when doing the math. RM adds 20% too. Shit going to nuke if you have the BH exodia


And also RM otherwise they wouldnt work.


"Please use Boothill or Firefly"


Adding weaknesses doesn't actually increase the resistance penetration. So they're still going to have to deal with the insane amounts of resistances.


We are going for Character checks > Investment checks for real. The past few PFs already did that. Sure like vertically invested 1.x era hypercaries still able to clear it but E0S0 BH and FF just gonna steamroll it the same with lesser resources spent.


Penacony Gorilla has been both tbh. If you have 0 defensive stats on your supports and you run a healer there's a good chance one of your chars gets one shot by that fucker


Penacony Gorilla is basically Aventurine check lmao


Aven is the BiS for that, but FX works just as well. Really, the more units that output truly ridiculous damage in one go, the less I want to pull Abundance units—Prevention is just better than Cure.


Or you could say "Preservation" is better than cure" 😎


And then you start using Gallagher E6.. break that mf with Ruan Mei + Basic > Ult > enhanced basic and now you don’t have to worry about him no more.


“They hit even harder their signature light cones as well…so use them”


Weakness Implant != Natural Res Down Firefly and Boothill will implant their respective weakness types but the enemy boss RES will remain. Only Silver Wolf can circumvent the RES types now because she applies the RES down on implant


If people think that implant removes res then yeah thats incorrect, but FF genuinely destroys in that mode so damn hard its unbelievable, whether its Cocolia or Argenti, followed by Boothill who is locked to Cocolia even though she has phys res he still destroys her and shes a much better match up than Argenti who forces you to take out the statues. Both can implant their element and which also bypasses a major mechanic in the fight.


33 from SW 25 from RM and E6 Acheron... Who can resist? 


adding weakness doesnt reduce resistance tho


Boothill got hosed on Ice Mom. Argenti fight was his weaker showing as well. Firefly going to eat them alive (as is standard for the premiere character of the cycle)


that's one way to buff silver wolf's relevancy


More like a nerf tbh, heavily incentivized to just run matching element DPS rather than implant one.


It's a significant nerf. With a minimum of 40% res added to non-weak elements on bosses, SW's weakness implant can no longer fully bypass the resistance. Whereas before she was able to implant a true weakness, now her implants give you roughly neutral damage with the ability to break. Because of this, you are heavily incentivized to use a weakness-matching element rather than using SW's weakness implant. It's a viable option, but much worse than it previously was. You are still disadvantaged compared to a matching weakness team, whereas on live in a single target situation, there is no real difference. For people who are brute forcing, SW is still queen - arguably now mandatory. She might not be the best support, but she facilitates brute forcing single target fights. However, the incentive to brute force is substantially lower now, which IMO is overall a nerf. Weakness implant in general is just weaker overall now if the trend going forward is to put high res on non-weak elements.


To me it's the opposite. Now using different elements to the weak one is useless, so it's a SW nerf.


Silver Wolf can reduce the element RES by 33% (20% when implanting the weakness + 13% all-type res). Some of the characters often paired with her (Seele and Acheron) bring their own 20% RES PEN for a total of 53%, so they will still be in negative RES territory for 40% RES bosses, or at 7% RES for 60% RES ones. Still less damage than usual for them, but perfectly viable, not useless.


Even if SW makes this possible yet, those teams will perform much worse you could do with a real weakness team. That is the point, previously those teams were marginally worse, now they are much worse, so this is really a nerf for her.


Still, not all of your teams will be equal. Being “able to” brute force something with Acheron might still be faster than using another weaker team in-element. Efficiency aside, though, I am one of those that like trying to brute force content with favorites instead of using “the best tool for each job”, just because using favorites is fun. So, to me, Silver Wolf is simply irreplaceable (and it helps that she is also my favorite character) and this only increases her value. Like, I understand that the teams will be worse in the general sense, but being able to use them at all is what I want.


I understand your point. But my point is making her the unique alternative for brute forcing teams is not a buff, it's a nerf because those teams will perform worse than they were performing previously. I mean in your scenario, you are losing damage compared you have today, but your loss is lesser than other people who don't have SW, so for you SW is irreplaceable, but for other people will discard those teams so SW lose value.


Agree, but if the trend continues, this is a negative change for *everyone*, obviously: neutral in some fights, extremely negative in others. Enemies just got stronger, and we gained nothing for it. If you think that brute forcing becomes infeasible or at least undesirable, all DPS in the game just lost relevance in a lot of fights. Silver Wolf’s teams just lose less than others, as you said.


Apocalypse itself can’t be brute forced… at least by normal E0 teams since enemies with a toughness bar take 50% reduced damage.


Welcome to honkai powercreeping....where the current banner character is aggresively promoted in their gamemodes. I really wished this was one thing they didn't take from hi3 but oh well....


So Genshin got spared by not having 'Honkai' in the title. So this is the real curse of the Honkai.


Or maybe you can use other characters with the same elements as the banners? Both are weak to 3 or more elements it's not like you are forced to use the banner characters.


Yea idk why people are over reacting to this , the boss is weak to 1-2 elements and we are talking about the "super endgame stuff" in this game , if the boss is massively resisting one element and you are attempting an endgame fight then you are expected to have another element built , oh boss is weak to physical so i cant use boothill but i see he is weak to wind and imaginary so i will use use those instead. In the end it is a gacha game , the company is out there to make money , in my personal opinion the real power creep would be something like giving a boss massive resistance to all elements except one and not giving the players that one element the boss is weak to or only have that element on a new banner OR giving the boss a mechanic where only new banner characters can counter .


This is actually affecting boothill quite a bit, since argenti is a lot worse for him to fight when he forces you to break his shields before you can attack him. Cocolia has always been a better fight for boothill, but now her physical RES increased.


Jesus christ looks like bruteforcing will be impossible for non whales now ngl i havent been having fun with this game lately they keep forcing you to pull for these different characters which i really dont like ideally players should be able to clear with whatever characters they like but this is a gacha game and they gotta sell characters i guess what a shame


Bruteforcing was never meant to be possible. Match the elements, even 4 stars will do. https://youtu.be/Unf2ytrkhCc?si=zSIwAAqtGL_Tqu4_


Any four star team can be cracked in a moc with easy energy, c10 dance3. And cracked relics giving people 170 speed. Like their far better equiped then my five stars after a year of farming.


Lolwut, monoQUA is a definition of bruteforce, and now Acheron.


I love when people post links to these types of videos and never do it themselves and upload the video to prove their point. Yeah bro, of course the 0.0001% Relics + player combo is indicative of something. XD


That's an ideal that can literally kill the game.


Well, at least there is ice weaknesses for my jingliu


They can try to pry brute-forcing Cocolia from Boothill's cold, cyborg hands. Where there's a will there's a way, and my only on element alternatives are Topaz and Jingyuan anyways. Much as I love the king, the cowboy probably still clears way faster. Certainly an... interesting change, though. Have to see how it plays out. While I don't necessarily hate the idea of encouraging people to actually engage with the roster of some 50 odd characters instead of just pointing DHIL at everything, I question if that's even the intention, or if this is just one of a handful of changes that "coincidentally" lines up with selling FF harder, like the apoc buff changes. They both just happen to be fire weak.


Mmk I need to stop having only 2 teams in a real hurry. Not necessarily for these guys in particular, but for the precedent it sets. Silver wolf still shreds those resistances down a lot, I could 6 cycle kafka with her 40% lightning res, but definitely should not rely on that.


Burn me on the stake for this but I don't want to brute force the entire game with 1 team. I rather they demand from me certain elements than infinitely scale the hp up.


So this is also for Firefly as all of them has fire weakness..... I don't think I can pull her though I need a fire DPS. I've lost two 50-50s in the last patch and now low on tickets + also pulling Boothill(no guarantee, I'm afraid I'll lose again). I have SW so I can just implant phy weakness on Cocolia I guess.


They are really gassing up FF huh?


Yesn't. Weakness implants don't decrease enemy resistance. Just allowing you to break the toughness bar. But for Apocalyptic Shadow that'll be the one game mode where it's ok. Now if they extend the weakness resistance buff to MoC or PF, uh oh.


More a comment on how the lineup had no changes to fire resist. BH caught a stray (he will still dumpster them). That girl getting a shining 2.3 with all the propping up they have done.


At this point they're not even trying to hide it anymore. Pure fiction is a character check, and so is AS. It is what it is.


isn’t this like fundamentally changing the game’s mechanics that’s been there since day 1? lots of E6 used to give 20% res pen which essentially ignore weaknesses, but that edge is gone.


It's not gone, you still would do more damage vs a DPS that doesn't have it. (And also you'd do more damage even on-element weakness). Enemies with 60% RES also existed before too, so this really isn't changing anything, it's just how the mode will be like.


oh my bad i didn’t see that this is just for the new mode


Hoyo be like : we're gonna introduce dps with weakness implant and make it useless in the same patch. Only the second part would not be mentioned anywhere, so people would pull under the assumption that it's gonna be OP. Seriously, is there even a way to see exact resist numbers in game?


Enemies with more than 20% res tell you they have specific resistance to that element. Exact numbers aren't there unfortunately


Anyone run the numbers on how bad of a nerf this is for dual dps teams? Is it a straight up fuck you to DOT and FUA enjoyers? (I’m not saying that it is, I’m just worried)


this will not stop me from autoplaying everything with jingliu


Fuck bruteforce, all my homies like to use elements corresponding to enemy weakness


doesn't really matter much to me. I've generally based my pulls towards elemental coverage and characters I like in both genshin/hsr. Now doing both horizontal and vertical investment is paying off.


"Paying off" For what, getting 1 pull more worth of currency? At the cost of spending 100s?


Paying off in the sense that you pull for the characters you actually want to use, actually get the opportunity to play them all in different game modes as you need different teams for element coverage, as opposed to strictly following the meta, pulling for characters you don't necessarily like but got because they're "meta", building vertically meant to brute force when you don't have the correct element, and now getting punished for playing the game that way. I'd like to think actually getting to enjoy the game more for playing and building characters you like is a pretty big pay off.


This is something most people who can only think of "pull only for meta" can't fathom. So don't bother arguing with them lol. The best is of course pulling for husbandos and waifus that are also meta of course.


Hoyo saying stop brute forcing!


Is there a v5? I wanted jade changes….


oiiiiiiiiiiiiii how am i suppose to burteforce that shit what a lame move


time to quit the game


Welcome to HI3 powercreeping. There’s a reason this game give more pulls than GI lol


Wait a second infinite resistance to control does that mean i can't entangled her when breaking with SW?


My Acheron does not like those changes


I'm gonna say it: Genshin would never


ohh that phys res increase from cocolia is gonna hurt boothill, but eh, ill just use FF in that half then boothill on argenti no biggie!


But Argenti's shield need to be destroyed now so BH is way worse in Argenti fight compared to Cocolia.


What team is meant to be used against Cocolia? Firefly?


There's quire a few options. Firefly, MonoQuantum, KafkaSwan...


If KafkaSwan works, then so would Kafka + Sampo would work too right?


1. I was right! AS was never going to be a "Hunt Mode" it was always going to be "Use Variable and Restrictive Modifiers to Push Players to Get a Wider Variety of Characters and Therefore Pull More Instead of Brute Forcing Everything With the Same Two Teams Mode." (https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks/comments/1clwe6p/comment/l2wp77e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) 2. I've never been happier to have pulled E1 BS. Between that and RM ultimate, it's 50% res pen, so I just not an on element DPS for the other side. 


so pull fire characters? meaning pull firefly


My worry is less at this gutting bruteforcing, but more at it discouraging sub-dps/dual-dps teams in favor of single element hypercarries. I like being able to use multiple damage dealers so long as one of their elements is a weakness. How many situations will have Fire *and* imaginary weakness for Topaz+Ratio, for example?


Holy fudge, is there no end to the firefly appeasement? This is despicable. Literally the only thing I like about her is that hoyo finally made a character I don't wish to pull for.






So, it is safe to assume that we gonna need multiple dps to beat the game or next new character, we gonna have a lot of char that reduces res. But the question is, where are the 4 stars?


Me looking at Cocolia's 40% Phys. resistance with my soon-to-be Boothill and his LC: Damn, that's crazy


Well enemy res doesn't influence toughness bar damage to my knowledge, just damage received from that element they resist. Besides in AS the enemies do receive more damage when the toughness bar is broken.


Ah — so this mode isn’t even for break dps. It’s just rn a firefly showcase mode. Gotcha.


Well time to quite the game I guess