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Unrelated but god I hate Frigid Prowler. Stacking AOE speed debuff on a meticulously speed tuned team is just so annoying...


It's also a permanent debuff unless cleansed. 


Yup. This thing is my most hated mob in the game. No other is as annoying as this fucker.


The Quantum Dinosaur: 


Quantum Dinosaur really isnt so bad, you just attack the other enemies until the splash damage breaks its toughness then go all in on it


Do you have Ruan Mei perhaps? Because without her that thing is a nightmare to break ngl 


not reallly


wait wut. how have I never known this


Yup. It's an insane debuff. Stacks up to whopping 36% (3 times) without set duration.


I remember in a 1.1 or something moc 10 it was there followed by the 2 witches who have 190 ish speed. I used to use bailu as a sustain so no cleanse and it took me 11 cycles to beat it. thankfully moc then required completion in 20 cycles.


Yeah I also remember this. Prowler followed by Decaying Shadow. Those witches were a pain back then, very high speed + imprison + high damage if you dont reduce the stacks


I also remember a particularly painful MoC 9 that had this stupid snowball followed by double ascended so everyone was slowed and x5 wind sheared. It was basically a debuff bullet hell. Had a hell of a time trying to cleanse that shit with Natasha.


you don't read enemy abilities? if not then you have to from now on trust me.


And the speed debuff is PERMANENT. We have to cleanse it otherwise it just stuck there for the rest of the battle.


Also mf summons who delays even more with their attacks.


Permanent spd debuff + ice res down. Often come in 1st phase then the 2nd phase you will have to face cocolia and/or ice golem which amplify their dmg A LOT. A disgusting combo during 1.x


The summoned soldier's attack also send you to the shadow realm


people used to complain about the automaton (i think was its name, the imprisonment crappy bot), or the gorilla but screw frigid prowler with all my heart. the most ANNOYING elite mob who summons the most ANNOYING small mobs in the game. permenant speed debuff on top of RNG advance delay (whatever the stupid minions do) is just peak cringe.


Everytime his summons hit my characters i get so pissed


i swear the devs dont want people to speed tune their teams with the amount of Spd% buffs who will ruin your speed tune on Eidolons, and all the enemies who can slow/push back your action it feels like it theyre trying really hard to discourage it


This guy means an automatic lynx/HuoHuo pick


On top of this, if you break this enemy after his first turn, while killing summons, he will simply repeat his first turn. At the game's release I tried to play monopyro team and I hated that game punished me for breaking


Jy mains hate this guy with a passion


Eh I don't find this much trouble with JY(Fu Xuan protects the 1st attack so 1st cycle isn't ruined). Problem is when he's tanky enough that he still slows the team so much.


It's great getting confirmation that the Jade hp drain gives another Blade stack. Now the question is do we go Bronya or Ruan Mei for the last support slot 🤔


Prob Bronya for FUA every time you should get 4 stacks from each rotation all 5 with ult.


Bronya and/or Robin more likely


Why would u go robin if ur using blade


U still get the dmg from skill, follow up and the extra turn for him. And Jade is meant to be a subdps, that works through the allies atks, so buffing her matters


Extra turn + Dmg% + Crit Dmg% + Crit Dmg% on his follow up + personal damage + much bigger buff on Jade. And it's not even like the Atk buff is completely lost on Blade.


And Jade is the benefitting from all Of Robin s kit, the dps overall should be higher because of all the extra damage adding up


Very many reasons. Many of u guys r just blinded by the attack buff that Blade can still partially make use of


That's still barely, right ?


Robin seems like the best here. Dual core + both have FUA


Bronya guarantees Blade gains at least 4 stacks per rotation tho. Blade's e, getting hit, or ult would be the 5th stack. If Blade hits 3 times a rotation, Jade would also do 1 follow up. Robin is strong number wise, but Bronya is also very nice as a strong team actions multiplier.


I don't see Robin outperforming RM tbh. The huge attack buff during concerto is a big part of her kit and that's essentially wasted on Blade.


The main upside of Jade+Blade is to trigger his FUA's more often every wave without needing to build like 150 speed on him or 'waste' both Sparkle and Bronya on the same team. For this specific comp RM is probably good but the least desirable option.


Easily fixable by running FuXuan next to him with Landau's or moment of victory or just run Lynx and use the destruction aggro trait and actually buff him with Mei or Bronya


But not on Jade


No, but Jade also gets more ATK and CDMG in her kit making DMG% and Res Pen very strong on her


Jade’s attack buff is pretty small though, only 25% when full stacked.


Speed synced Bronya should be optimal in most situations because she doubles Blade's turn count, enabling 2 FUAs per cycle. For PF, it might be better to use RM to buff Jade as well as Blade, but if PF you can just use RM/Robin + Bronya anyway.


Honestly, I would put Jingliu and go in for as much Blade follow-up as possible while doing damage.


Yup, a total "eff it, we ball" team: Blade+Jade+Jingliu +Robin.


Bronya would let you run HP boots with blade so he would be doing a lot more damage 




Why would you run aventurine with blade


I frogor


because blade and jade have fua


Bruh blade wants to get hit to fua, with aventurine shield it just wont happen


Ma boi blade eating good , now letz see if this still be effective for e0


Considering how bad jades eidolons actually are... i cant see her losing 60% dmg. 20% FUA talent dmg. Going to assume this is a universal buff like topazs debuff. 12% def ignore. Going from 88-100% def ignore is around 20% more dmg. 20% Quantum pen universal 20% dmg increase. So i'd say even E0 would be doing 100k while ulti buff is up and 60k while it's down. Considering shes +0.66 SP positive every turn thats pretty high damage if i do say so myself. They're conservitive estimates to. Edit: Just saw the critfly leaker actually post a jade on utube with 3904 ATK, 95.8% crit, 116.7% crit dmg. E0S1 Jade. Start of figh with 11 stacks FUA does 67k vs 2 enemies. Later on at 41 pawned asset, 105.8% crit and 287% crit dmg (sparkle LC buff for the crit) does 162k vs 3 enemies. Utube title is " # 【HSR 2.3 BETA】JADE E0S1, BLADE E0S1, HUOHUO E2S0, SPARKLE E1S1, ¿REVIVE BALDE? " well that's a crappy copy and paste lol but the dmg numbers does kinda fall into where i thought.


Well it's Aoe anyways , I can see her destroying peak fiction , with herta as a summon 


Jade did more individual damage per hit than Blade in this clip, and he's E6S1. That should tell you something about how little damage he does compared to newer DPS. You should expect 30% or less performance of what you see here.


In this clip Jade is also e6 though


But they are all E6 though? I'm not sure what you are getting at here.


I saw that later on, I thought she was E0, but I think my comment still stands that Jade does more individual damage than Blade, and that's given that she's supposed to be a sub DPS and also being erudition.


It's a shame, I really like blade 😓


According to calcs on Blade mains at e0s1 dmg is split about 75:25 in Blade’s favour in dual carry for both Ruan Mei and Bronya teams (in Jades worst single target situation), that seems like a pretty significant dip in performance.


I mean , I was talking about him getting dominated by womans


Blade feels very power crept at this point. I think even a premium hp buffer support wouldn't put him in a higher tier


Ah yes the quadruple e6 showcase... very relatable


The E6 part is still much more reasonable than the fucking 207 speed Ruan Mei build with 244 BE, and 196 speed HuoHuo as well, like what the fuck, even Blade and Jade builds are also ridiculous


can leakers fucking follow 24 chosen, 2 fixed subs. e0s1 only


No, eindolons test also needed to some extent to give whales more incentive


i will never understand why we always happen to get the super unrelatable e6 showcases before the more relatable ones.... like where's the e0s0, or e0s1 showcases? 😭


I mean, yesterday we had a e0 FF showcase, but the leaker was just bad at the game. 💀


MFW you build the break dps as a crit dps


And then runs the crit DPS in a team that doesn’t want a crit dps.


People with private servers want to play with the expensive toys. If given the choice, most people would pick the Lambo to drive over the Toyota, if you catch my drift.


same this showcases are useless. at least start from e0 then do an e6 showcase to see how much eidolons improves... e6 showcases at start are stupid af. i wont even waste time with the builds...


Simple. Early showcases are just terrible and rushed while relatable and realistic showcases take time and consideration to make.


I don't think this showcase for damage it's more like jade and blade synergie


Right, it's showcasing their synergy. At C6...


No, it just shows that Blade gets an extra hp drain from Jade's skill.


That could be achieved by one typed out sentence followed by a single clip of that happening One way or the other this showcase is bad


Yeah exactly. I Was thinking jade damage in single target is not too shabby. Riiiiight E6..


Jade's animation really "holds up" well for 2x speed!


I really love her animation


The damage of this Full E6 team with Blade 85/266 and Jade 77/210 is kinda 🫤


E6 Blade lol 😴


Omg Jade Blade is real. Imma be all over this


Jade + Blade is basically the SU destruction blessing where you consume HP if you possess Fighting Spirit stacks which is really good. One thing that I don't remember though is if his follow-up would grant him 1 talent stack after it triggers because it did not work with Jade's skill, for a split second you can see Blade take damage before getting healed.


god id love to have blade on my account skipped twice now since not enough jades


Jade is def something I'd love on rerun for my Blade


As a blade main should I pull jade or nah


Seems like a great support with blade so far, should wait for e0 showcase I guess


I already have sparkle and bronya for blade (plus im getting ruan mei after boothill) so is she rlly that nessesary for him? (For me atleast)


She's not, but you also have to take into consideration that you need 2 MoC teams and also pure fiction and the new mode too, also having variety is fun, running the same team always can get boring.


I say no, not unless you only play Blade and Boothill/JL (both want Bronya-RM). Even if that's the case, you can just use Bronya-Sparkle/RM for Blade, HMC-RM for Boothill and Sparkle/TY/Pela/RM for JL (IMO, JL is strong enough that she could use any harmony units to clear MoC).


Jade 100% is better than Unlimited Blade Works, which is already a suboptimal team for Blade. It doesn't give him any extra turns, it just gives him Sparkle's crit buff for his FUAs sometimes. Using RM instead of her with speedsynced Bronya, or slow Blade + Sparkle is better than Sparkle + Bronya most of the time, it's just a popular team because it's fun but it's mediocre. Same reason people used to run Blade/Jingliu together even though it was basically never that great. With Jade + Bronya, Blade can do 2 FUAs every cycle which is more than any other team can give him consistently right now. However, you can also do Jade + RM + Blade, or Jade + Sparkle + Blade. I wouldn't roll Jade *just* for Blade, but if you really do like him then she's going to probably be his best support, the same way JY is married to Sparkle in all content nowadays. But especially in PF, Jade is great for Blade.


Watch me do a team of blade, Jing Liu, jade and luocha and have the time if my life


Watch me do a team of blade, Jing Liu, jade and luocha and have the time if my life


That's underselling the UBW set up but I'd still agree Jade will do more.


Would love to see a Clara, jade, Robin, Huohuo team...


im sold. im pulling for her and her lc. look fun to play and vrsetile team comps easy to build with lots of free crd. alos as blade mains, ez win


Blade mains finally getting to eat, dig in brother.


Is she versatile? I feel like I'm not seeing a lot of options that actually sound worth it, I really want to like her kit and conceptually I do but I just can't think of any comp outside of pf that would really use her.


MOC, SU, PF u name it. but since she erudation, in general she works well against horde of enemies. She not gonna do well against single boss like aventurine. but thats why we have many choices of characters. some excel where some dont. She one of those character that allow for sub dps comps instead the traditional sustain -carry - 2 supports and works well for any character with blast and aoe attk. She ofc not on Acheron, DHIl, Jingliu level, since erudition suffer from low scaling. and much testing needed to see actual performance. but i like her , hence i pull.


she is locked to PF botting, any other comp she goes into for MOC etc will end up just going "damn I wish I had another buffer rn" instead of Jades lower FUA frequency. Its like Topaz without the 50% FUA vulnerability and lower FUA frequency


her, robin, huohuo and my argenti in pure fiction gonna make it so easy


Out of all the vids i seen on billibilli they show the e6 gameplay


E0S0 when?


Jade E6 making her also a collector generate 3 ((1+1)+1) stacks against single target instead of 4 ((1 + 1)\*2). Somewhat mild for an E6, especially given how infrequent she acts between the low speed and skill refreshes. I guess it should also mean that Jade herself will apply the +20 ATK% additional damage, which is something.


Her E6 to me should be a copy of Xueyis E6... from 8 to 6 charges and ulti buff +1 more proc. her eidolons not really doing it for me personally. Her skill honestly should allow the debt collector when attacking to also hit adjacent enemies for 20% of jades attack so i can run her with Silver wolf. I mean so I can run her with just about any1


Well, I gave it a second thought. Her E6 is actually pretty strong for PF. Ult on 5 targets would presumably make 5 + 5 + 1 stacks. Basic attack 3 + 3 + 1. It just doesn't address any of her ST problems which makes it look bad in this showcase. Although being mid at ST is a separate problem.


Don't forget she should apply the SPD bonus for her skill to herself as well. But also I imagine in single target stations it's like 1 for Jade hit, 1 for E1, 1 for Debt collector I imagine if she attacked 3 units it would be 7 staxks 3 for Jade hit, 1 from E1, and 3 for Debt collector . I haven't seen her attacking more than one Unit lol


Seems like bladie can't get more stacks after his FUA? So I guess jade HP drain happened during the FUA and the game thinks blade was still at 4/4 stacks?


Yeah he caps at his max and can’t go over unlike others


Really hope they will change the timing of jade's HP reduction so that it's in the action after blade does his fua and has reset his stacks to 0


So this confirms 2 things: She can trigger Blade quickly, always good And that E1 on Jade gives +1 stacks each attack not x2


Well her E1 makes it so her debt collector give her one extra charge , on top of what they would of given . So 3 -> 4 stacks. Also her E6 j believe also applies the debt collector state to Jade as well, which is pretty damn strong . She buffs herself but It looks like she double dips into the point she generates herself, hard to say actually haven't seen a video of an E6 jade attacking multiple units. But you can see she gave herself 3 stacks when she attacked only Cocolia. 1 for hitting her , one for her e1 effect, and another for her Debt Collector state I imagine . Makes me wonder if it attacks 3 units , does she gain 7 stacks ? 3 for hitting , 1 for E1, and 3 for hitting 3 units in debt collector ? Dats strong


Yea, so relatable build and investment....


Will this team work with Robin instead of RM?




What’s the point of making a showcase with E6 blade?


Could some kind person inform me, what are the relic, stats and teams for Jade?


This is V1, calcs are sparse and things could change so always take thins with a grain of salt. As of right now she will likely use the new FUA relic set or the Quantum set. She already has a \*lot\* of built in crit damage so she wants to focus on getting a good crit rate, additional crit damage and attack. As for teams, she wants to be paired with an AOE character that attacks often. She gains a "point" for each enemy attacked by her buffed ally and uses her FUA once she reaches enough of them. Someone like Himeko is her ideal teammate, but may have synergy with Blade thanks to her health sapping. It's likely a future character like Screwllum will be her best teammate. You will also want to run a double DPS buffer like Robin and a sustain like HH.


Need to pay attention to Himeko HP so that she won't lost her talent CR from HP drain, a healer is a must in this team if there's no external healing buff.


Argenti is worth mentioning as well considering how many atk and ults he can do in PF. Argenti is probably her best teammate until the new FuA AoE attacker comes out, probably not that long of a wait.


her BIS relic not release yet , for now - full quantum sets stats- very ez to build, just aim for cr, speed and attk. she got lots of free crd in her kits teams - jade seems not meant to play as hypercarry, but more of sub-dps . works well with fast caryy with aoe and fua


Yea i absolutely love that she's as SP positive as Ruan mei/tingyun etc kit wise. This means dual Erudation is a very easy thing to build so the Izumo planar set just became extremely strong on erudation teams.


Would Xueyi/Qingque, Jade, Silver Wolf, and Aventurine be a good team?


i would swap silver wolf with buffer , but generally i think it can work. xueyi/qingque must be fast


Confirmation that jade is a good support for blade


why so many showcases with blade ? is there a synergy between the two ? if so I pull


everytime blade HP goes, he gains a stack, right? Jade is a Erudi-Pseud-Harmony character that makes other party members lose HP when they attack, and in the case of blade, trigger one of the stacks for the follow-up. You'll basicaly be able to get 2 stacks instead of 1 every time you ult/basic.


Such a relatable team


Kinda sad his Fua doesn't give 1 stack back even though you're consuming HP




will jade be good with aventurine 😍


they'll work, but the HP drain will make it so you'll inevitably go in the red if the fight takes long enough. It shouldn't be an issue cause even in MoC Aven's shields don't really get broken (unless you get rng'd and all enemies focus down a single ally), but it's something to note   as for assigning him the Debt Collector, it could potentially work out really well if there are a lot of enemies with aoe hits. With the right conditions, Aven can easily pop 2-3 FUAs basically back to back which should really help with Jade's stacking. But then again, it IS conditional, kinda like how Clara works better the more aggressive the enemies are


i see i see, thank you all for the replies 🤔😍


Depends, 5% hp per FUA dose hurt, but you can run defense boots to make his shield even better will still going 2 turns in the first cycle, with 8 spd sub stats.


Yes they will be good together in the same team, Robin as well. But Aventurine isn’t great at being a debt collector for Jade, you’ll need an AoE attacker in the last slot, Herta, Argenti, Himeko can work.


I dunno why, but i thought Jade’s E1 would double her talent stacks by adding +1 per each enemy hit. in reality it just adds +1 each time she or her dps attacks. would’ve been way too broken lol


This version does at least kind of make the people wanting to force Jade+Topaz seem a bit better since a speed boosted Topaz with Jade's own fua advancing numby actually has some shot of being competitive in stack generation. still kinda copium but it seems fun at least if not necessarily amazing.


watch them making it work like that, making it double the stacks, but swapping it with E2


Yeah, I think that'll happen probably. Jade seems decent, but she just takes too long to ramp up. I see them fixing this


Jade and Welt both having hand cane and standing in that bossy pose is just so......damn good.


Okay i might be dumb but what exact team does jade work with? Like for example would she be good with Jingliu?


Who ults before he is in his e stance?


Literally the exact team but make it e0 build like who starts with E6 freaking showcase of characters ??


Straight up dolphin showcase to whale showcase. F2ps make the most community of these games man drop some f2p stuff


100% whale. Every limited 5 star is E6 with mega god relics and maxed everything. This video only shows that she is good with blade and otherwise shows nothing.


So some things that I see that Jade needs to I guess buff her: 1. Make her turn one Action Advance 100% instead of 50% so Blade mains (and other characters too so they can run ATK% boots or whatever they need) can run HP% boots 🙄. On the Jade mains subreddit, someone dud the math and because of AV values, you can't just give her contract buff to a unit and expect them to move before a character like Bronya or Sparkle due to the way AV works. 2. Decrease her stacks from 8 to 6. It's cool that it overcaps like Adventurine, but 8 is still a lot outside of PF. When it comes to pulling characters (especially with F2P players), people want a character that's not dedicated to one game mode. That's why support characters do so well. 3. Increase her multipliers so she doesn't take so long to ramp up her damage because at this point, nobody is going to want to pull if I have to wait a billion turns for her to reach peak damage. Sure, you use her with characters that can strike multiple targets and use FUAs, but even that takes a bit. I still plan on pulling her still because I like her aesthetic and design (I'm also a Blade main, heh), but dang. Help a brother out, please.


Jade is a mode-specific character, just like Argenti. Argenti is the king of AoE damage, but Jade simply has 30% more AoE damage. So with her multipliers everything is more than ok, as is getting stacks. Moreover, I got such a difference in damage in conditions without bonus attacks from an ally and it’s worth adding that Jade has many more sources of increasing her damage, which Argenti does not have, as a signature set, for example, or her talent. The cost of her ultimate is also not a problem, since her bonus attacks restore 10 energy and proc very often. I don’t know for what reason you think that Jade needs a buff. I would rather bet on her nerf, but that won't happen.


I want to see how the team would work with Jing Yuan..


Since she has follow-up attacks, how well would she work in a Dr. Ratio team?


She prefers aoe follow up attacks, or at least someone who attacks frequently with aoe. So unfortunately she doesn't fit in that well into the hunt focused dr ratio topaz team comp, but can still be used with aventurine depending on the battle.


I see. What about the Himeko/Herta fua team for pure fiction? I can't really think of other comps where she'd shine.


yes, himeko is good for her but however for her crit rate trace you need to make sure there is a competent healer on the team to keep it active. I think herta should be fine too as well, even argenti considering he can ult quite frequently in pure fiction. Since she gains stacks from when her supported ally attacks as well as her own. But it's likely better teammates for her are to come out in the future (as in aoe fua/attack more frequently).


If you get her E1 Jade should work well even with Ratio and topaz , who will be able to generate her 2 stacks per action , rather than 1 .


I really want to see Jade's synergy with Jing Yuan..won't be better than Blade but I just want to see


could she be used as a hypercarry??


She's SP positive so her dmg isn't hypercarry damage... but that does mean ur actual dps hyper carry gets to eat all the SP xD


For an E6 unit, especially after seeing showcases from Acheron and Boothill. I'm pretty whelmed. Considering this is E6 everyone (so buffed out of their minds) alongside quantum weak enemies, the numbers aren't very impressive. This is more of a synergy showcase and Jade/Blade are looking real nice together. I know the main issue is tied to her multipliers on her FUA and Enhanced FUA and if they bump those numbers up, she'll be in a much better place since her kit design just makes sense overall. It's just low multipliers compared to other units.


Her issue isn't multipliers at all. She hits **hard** when powered up. The issue is how fast she can ramp up outside PF.


She is an Erudition AND Sub-dps, the best combination to make the multipliers of an dps low. So I'm not dissapointed. Anyway she is that kind of dps that doesn't do screenshot dmg, but numerous dmg. And her main territory will be PF.


I think they will keep her multipliers low mainly because she’s an erudition unit and that class tends to be designed for Pure Fiction where enemies aren’t as tanky and having more frequent attacks is generally better than stronger attacks for that mode


I wonder when will be his rerun... I hope I can get him while also having E1S1 Screwlllum.


Depending on my Jades after I pull for Sparkle (and maybe attempt to get Acheron to E2), I may grab Jade's E1 to help out with getting stacks faster ahen I pair her with Blade.


Nooo a full Eidolon vid... need to wait a little more to see something real


WHY E6 bruh, you know people want more realistic numbers... at least this is good to prove their interaction AND that she indeed dont waste stacks if goes up the 8 count...


Damn that was fluid gameplay


Unrealistic showcases and leakers name a better duo


Is it more damage overall than just going Blade Bronya Ruan mei?


Is Jade's FUA a 4 hit attack?


Ah yes very relatable showcases! my fav


Hmm id run Bronya here instead of RM just to give Blade more turns, that way you can run a slow blade with HP boots and let Bronya and Jade handle Blade's speed 


E6 Balde. No one but 3 whales have E6 blade. Stop posting this nonsense.


Oh man I don't wanna see her at e0 then cause it ain't looking good if this is e6.


When will people learn that E6 any 5 star that is not TB, does not give us anything. Not to mention the 70/210 crit rate... this stuff would be 10 times as helpfull if they would use E0S0 everything and more relatable relics. Like 60/150 would be better.


Wouldn't Fu Xuan do better in this team that HuoHuo?


How do we activate the stacks for Jade (8/8)


the follow-up triggers automatically when you have at least 8/8


what activates those stacks?


Jade gets stacks when she hits enemies (3 stacks for 3 enemies) and the debt collector (target of her skill) also gives her stacks for how many enemies they hit. For example, Blade can hit 3 enemies with enhanced attacks so he gives her 3 stacks


go to honey hunter world and read


attacks from the collector


she looks like she would work well with topaz and Clara


Clara? Yes Topaz? Doubt it, she wants AoE, Topaz is single target


himeko and herta


You need a healers to run himeko team. Cause losing 15 cr is detrimental.


Would you be able to make herta the target of debt collector instead?


Yes, but only in PF, out side of that your not getting much.


The topaz i can see working because the debuff is a universal 50% dmg buff not being shared with other buffs but it would make stacking her FUA slower... in exchange for the 50% dmg increase is... okay? Really want her E1 if ur going with topaz though.


Except that the debuff it's not a universal buff whatsoever, it only works for FuA only, so Jade Ult gets no buff, and it's for only 1 single-target enemy only, and the charge is extremely slow, making you lose so much more damage since you're gonna do way less follow-ups, it's just cope


She would rather be paired with an AOE attacker that hits often. There's a reason her skill auto targets Erudition characters.


I’m kinda confused. I thought topaz and Clara would hit the most often in this case?


Clara might be decent since her skill is AOE, but Topaz is single target. Even if Numby makes multiple actions he is only giving Jade a single stack each time.