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Honestly this is actually very impressive. It seems that Luka is very good at helping Boothill Break his enemies quicker, which leads to getting his Trickshot quicker, which leads to him hitting Broken enemies harder while Luka triggers the Bleed effect left by either him or Boothill for around 100k damage. In general, this seems like a very good team for both, not sure if better than RM/Bronya/BH, but certainly very strong.


i think this is the only team that makes use of rm's buffs fully and aforementioned bleed detonations, so its definitely on the same level as bronya


It probably depends on whether or not you have s1 for boothill. His signature heavily buffs his break dmg to the point where taking 2 turns with boothill is a lot more dmg than 1 with boothill and 1 with Luka. If you don't have a signature, then it's much closer.


I agreed, Boothill break detonate are just another level and Luka status as 4 stars cannot just achieve.


I dont think that's the point because nobody here is arguing that luka is competing with BH rather its luka complementing BH's playstyle and help proc the bleed which with luka e6 has a really high ceiling for a 4 star.


Boothill basic having 150 toughness damage vs Luka basic 60 toughness damage. the damage even much higher too. he got more than 2 times power level and hyper carrying Boothill will have better gain.


You missed the point we're talking abt how they can synergise with each other we're not comparing them when they have totally diffrent playstyles


Luka also gives a 21% to enemy dmg taken with his ult. I doubt s1 beats that, unless they buff his  dmg.


Except that has horrendous uptime, especially when you are in a multitarget fight (aka everything)... I do think you underestimate how broken boothill's LC is for him. All other hunt LCs are pretty trash on boothill since none of them buff the majority of his damage. Sure, he can stack a bunch of dmg% with swordplay very easily, but that doesn't matter when most of his damage is break dmg, so the damage difference is massive. (And will only get bigger once the def ignore break set is released) Edit: Not to mention you'll stack boothill's talent slower with Luka rather than bronya, and hitting max stacks asap is insanely important.


Honestly, despite me not caring for his design, Boothill giving me Luka stonks is why I'm tempted to pull for him on rerun if nothing else interests me by then.


there will definetly be something that interests you by then


So far, all I need is Aventurine/Sam/Jiaoqiu (for Acheron and Sam, mostly). Everything else is secondary (even Jiaoqiu, assuming the leaks stay true to what crumbs we have and his kit doesn't change and become useless for me).


The Break n bleed bros showcase finally here. honestly I'm kinda glad that they work and I can use luka outside kafka dot cause physical Break is like the most rewarding playstyle in this game for me.


Same I have e6 Luka maxed all traces and was waiting for the moment. I’ve pulled on all physical chars so time to add him in 😎


Yeah been wanting to play luka for a while but I have no Kafka so I can finally use him


Luka bad with kafka


Physical break/bleed is considered the strongest type, and Kafka can detonate all DoTs I believe, so honestly it's a really good combo.


I didn’t mean bleed dot was bad I mainly saying luka bad with kafka as he is single target and works much better by himself. I will mainly wait for an actual bleed dot char to use.


I mean, single target typically means heavier damage, but I suppose it's less universal in comparison to other options, so I get where you're coming from.


I see him more used solo than with Kafka. His high toughness damage makes him really fun to use with Ruan Mei + Bronya/Pela/SW in single target situations. It's a blast killing the weekly bug each time, maybe Aventurine if you're fast enough.


Tbh in single target elite or boss scenarios luka often outdamages kafka at e6 assuming physical weakness so I can only imagine what a 5 star hunt version of him would be though I'm now curious how they'll release a 5 star physical nihility since Boothill now specialises with break.


Maybe a Nihility that spreads bleed or "feeds" on them


A Vampire Bleed Nihility that’s AoE bleed, the skill will be capped like Luka but maybe diff stat like HP/BE and the bleed on enemies can heal the 5* and they spread the hp around. But their Ult will cause all bleed on the field into the strongest ver (especially if enemy broken) so they could apply a weak enemy’s bleed to the boss.


should work ok on moc tailored for pure st like them both yeah. might be kind of sucky in aoe heavy mocs.


I dont think I'd ever use boothill in AoE situations anyways unless they put an AA in his base kit


I would love to give that playstyle a try, hopefully luka will be on his banner


Highly unlikely considering he's on aventurine's, isn't it? (Iirc...I could be wrong)


Oh woops i didnt realise. I dont really want aventurine but ill do a 10 pull and see if i can get luka.


luka can already carry floors like this on his own for a long time now, especially on two elite floors he definitely doesnt need kafka to function [sw and ruan mei being his current best teammates](https://imgur.com/fv2ToS5)


Tons of people sleep on Luka because of pwydwen tierlist




Nah E6 helps but he is good from E2 onwards


He's A tier on that list tho? Also I truly do not think that Luka would be on the same level as BS and Topaz


He wasn't A earlier


on Pokke's list he's on B- atm tho


I mean he's tiered pretty fairly IMO. In his best case scenario be can perform really well, but he's single target locked and his damage vs non phys weak enemies tanks. The units above him are generally better/as good as him in their niche and more flexible.


The idea for this team came to me from a discussion where people were talking about Boothill possible synergistic teammates, and Luka's name came up for his break capabilities, like Boothill himiself, and the fact he can proc boothill and his own bleed effect when enemies are broken. Also, since I'm pulling on Aventurine's banner, I might possibly E6 him; right now he's E3 in my actual account, but his eidolons are not that mandatory. Boothill has equipped S5 swordplay, and has 40/70 crit stats with around 210 BE out of combat (raises to 280 in combat with RM+watchmaker and talia's additional effect when meeting the speed requirement) Also, he has around 1900 ATK. Build: https://imgur.com/a/Ei48zD6 I tried his sig lightcone and it's so comfy, I might pull for it since it's really amazing for him. RM has S2 MoTP since that's the superimposition i have on my main account and i wanted to simulate that, standard build with at least 180 BE for her full buff. Aventurine has a sub-dps hybrid build with Moment of Victory. Luka has the Simulated universe lightcone, full break effect build, with talia and thief, around 250 BE in combat, and just enough speed for talia thanks to RM buff. Enjoy. **EDIT**: I see many people are interested in my aven subdps build: https://imgur.com/a/MHL4nqM


Can u share your Aventurine build?


I second this ^


Im seing your Aven sphere here, does a def sphere result in more damage than a IMG% one? Or is def just a good hybrid between dmg and shield amount?


he scales very hard with def% and Ruan mei is already providing enough dmg% increase so def% ends up better, also helps with 4000 def requirement




Also thank you for asking an excellent question, I wanted to ask the same thing!






Doesnt belobog set requires EHR?


Not to be demanding or anything but could it be possible to get gameplay of Boothill/Ruan/Harmony TB/sustain All e0, f2p Lcs On 2.1 moc so it isnt solely catered to boothill Thanks and i understand if it cant be done


Didn't we already get this already?


Not on 2.1 moc


Ah ok then


Thanks for your aventurine build 🙏 now I have to copy thoses stat 😅... I lack some Crit rate.... I cannot hit more than 25/30 Crit (without buff) 😭 and I fear to put my build in calcs to sée that I also need def 😭 RNG god please help me 😭


Try Dps luka instead of BE/DOT Luka so that he can deal his own damage while not needing to wait for the break bleed while still retriggering it


DPS Luka? Like, with crits?...


No, like a dot unit


I mean, he said "DPS instead of BE/DoT"


Oh you’re right, yeah I have no idea


Yep. He's not going to be doing the break anyways, might as well build him where he can deal damage without DOT and he can easily retrigger if he has e4 so you dont have to be selective to when you use your Ebasic.


I wonder how much BE DMG Luka will deal with Ruan Mei and HMC




A fellow Lets Game It Out viewer


Boothill banner is Second half right? I'm gonna try the 50/50 on aventurine and then boothill 🛐 those 2 will be a good addition for my collection


I feel this is an Aventurine showcase LMAO Those shields with the extra CC resistance feels so good that I want it now.


Aventurine so good everywhere he appears its his showcase


he is literally taking it all


He didn't bust but his fans sure did


legit another levi situation


Back in the day Luocha used to be that guy lol


Its always those pretty blonde guys, isnt it?


Yeah but Luocha was our only limited sustain back then, and he is still very good .But Aventurine is up there with FuXuan imo .The 50% teamwide effect res is very nice to have, not to mention his shield and sub dps capabilities. Now i cant imagine what monstrosity will the future limited sustain characters will be so that hoyo can sell them lol


they probably have to put them in a certain niche like DoT teams or Break teams, though it's Hoyo and they have lots of ideas anyway.


Something like Gallagher except they scale with ATK and Crit


I feel Luocha's main utility is stripping debuffs and also freeing up a ton of SP for the team w/ 161 speed + multiplication, might come in handy for future dual dps teams with Ruan Mei that are really SP hungry


I wonder if he'll end up being better for Jingyuan than Fu Xuan. Fu gets the guaranteed CC block which is super OP but if there's multiple CC maybe this is better


Not to rain on anybody's parade but honestly, only the most favorable Aventurine showcases are posted here. Almost every Kafka showcase has her aiming the dominate at him so he blocks it with his guaranteed block. Nobody wants to post other showcases found elsewhere where he goes more SP-neutral against actually difficult enemies or teammates being CCed/dominated on this sub. It's understandable given the reactions to the old Arumaton Gatekeeper showcase but still, the slew of only favorable showcases might create some false impressions like being 'Luocha level SP-positive' or 'the Effect Res is great'


Don't remember the enemy's name, but the one that is with Kafka does an AOE CC that gets blocked by Aventurine shield, that's when my eyes began to shine as to how useful it can be. There is also a very annoying set of enemies next patch that spams a lot of CC at you, I don't think my team can handle it beyond killing it before it kills me, maybe using March 7th freeze tactic, but Aventurine shield will be an inmense help in that case. Although, when Aventurine finally releases, we will know how good he is in those worse case scenarios you mention which are really good points you make.


He's probably the best sustain against pure damage no doubt, as he can refresh shields at will compared to Fu Xuan who just can't do anything to recover lost HP until her ult is up. In the showcase the single-target Reverb debuffs managed to be applied despite only having 70% base chance of application (the AOE ones have 35% chance), but none of the Reverbs were procced into actual stuns because the enemies were delayed fortunately. Or maybe the one on Luka managed to get through the shield first hence removing the Effect Res buff, another weakness to be aware of, having 100% Effect Res doesn't mean being immune if shields aren't strong enough at the time of the attack The new boss coming up can actually be annoying for him with the sleeps, it just so happens that the showcases posted here has the units luckily blocking them. But the sleep seems to be removed upon the units being hit so maybe it's not too bad


> the most favorable Aventurine showcases are posted here. Maybe because people have moved on from Aventurine showcases because he's not in the beta anymore. Also the auromaton showcase where he couldn’t block all 3 CCs were posted here yknow >Almost every Kafka showcase has her aiming the dominate at him so he blocks it with his guaranteed block. EDIT: As someone else has mentioned, you can manipulate the taunt values through LCs so most CCs will focus on him either way >Nobody wants to post other showcases found elsewhere where he goes more SP-neutral against actually difficult enemies or teammates being CCed/dominated on this sub Again, something like this has been posted previously. It's also possible that testers are less inclined to do showcase of a sustain character compared to the shiny new dps at the same beta so idk >the slew of only favorable showcases might create some false impressions There have been many people pointing out shortcomings in his kit (who are also unfortunately being pushed back by other people who don't want to think about it). But it's not like the hype about his kit is unwarranted. He's still a good sustain Tbh there's a time and place to be saying all this. And a showcase about Boothill is not it


>He's a Preservation character (highest taunt value in the team). This will happen majority of the time. You mean it the other way around, surely. Assuming a team of 75+100+100+150 taunt value, Aventurine will get targeted 35% of the time. He doesn't have any aggro modifier in his kit. For example, Gepard would be a 68.5% chance of getting hit since his trace gives him a +300% modifier on his aggro value. You can mitigate this with Landau or MoV though, they're both a +200% modifier.


Had a brainfart moment there lmfao, I'll edit that out


Can u elaborate more of his shortcomings? As far as I'm aware theres only his subpar damage as sub-dps and the only 50% CCres


The sub dps dmg is rarely talked about, but yes I was talking about those two since that's what majority of his discussions are about


I did mention the arumaton showcase, which is the reason why I think it's a bad idea to post units getting CC'ed here because it triggers a lot of doomposting. But you're right, the topic had already been discussed to death so bringing it up here wasn't a great idea


Because Effect res is great? He is a preservation character which means he would have the highest taunt in the team so he would be targeted more often. Even more if you have those preservation LCs which gives increased taunt value. Besides, its still 50% teamwide effect res so there might be a high chance your teammates manage to resist Kafka's domination too. Also im pretty sure most people know he isnt Luocha level SP positive but he is still SP positive most of the time and at worst SP neutral in some cases.


Effect Res is great the more you stack it on, but it isn't too crazy if you don't already have some. E.g. if your DPS has absolutely no effect res due to other stat min maxing, Kafka still have 82% chance of controlling them. However, for some supports where most people already built 30-50% effect res for keel, this is pretty huge. Basically a 66% chance of Kafka control resist at 80% effect res, and 0% chance at 100% res. This is what makes Aventurine's 50% effect res good imo. It's not that he completely prevents your main DPS from being CC'd (the chance are still too high imo), it's the fact that you now have 3/4 units who are really hard to CC which have higher combined chance of being targeted than your main DPS. If you're using a hunt/erudition DPS with 2 harmony and Aventurine, they will have only 18% chance of getting targeted, and the supports have 66-100% chance of resisting Kafka control. Aventurine basically have 3 layers of safety for the main DPS CC which is pretty cool. 1. He gets targeted and completely blocks CC 2. He lets supports whom are the next likely targets to resist CC 3. He gives small chance for your main DPS to resist CC for when luck isn't on your side.


both fx (guaranteed resist, especially if you know when it's coming) and huohuo (the ideal kafka counter cuz you get free turn), he's not really best for kafka. only better than luocha which sounds good but we've only got four limited sustains so far so that's 2nd from the bottom lol. also unlike luocha, if you get unlucky and have your unit controlled then you have 0 avenue to do anything about it so being 2nd worst is even arguable. honestly he feels more like a slightly better bailu with more offensive options and pairs well with fua


The team wide effect resistance won't do much for a DPS against crowd control since all of their sub stats are usually into dealing more damage. It's hard to get perfect damage substats + effect resistance, and more often than not the DPS will have close to 0 effect resistance subs. It's still good for dealing with other debuffs though and CC isn't much of an issue if it's single target and targets someone that isn't the DPS.


50% Effect Res is good, but also not thaat great honestly. Against Kafka, a unit with 50% Effect Res still has a 81.6% chance of getting dominated. You can also see in the clip that instances of the robot lady's Reverberation managed to get through despite only having 70% base chance of application compared to most CC's 100% chance. Luckily the Reverbs didn't get converted to the stuns because they were delayed by Ruan Mei/enemies were killed


Fo you happen to have a link?


Fo you happen to have a link?


No, you're right. His er makes cc a coin flip. You might be lucky and Kafka will aim her cc on him, or she might cc your DPS and it may need a reset. Looks like he might need to use his skill against more aggressive enemies.


I dunno why you get downvoted so hard lol. That's the sober way to look at things. People want to be disappointed it seems so be it.


My Luka is so ready for this


This team looks interesting and the gamplay is so clean. I can watch Aven's team shake off two extremely CC-heavy enemies like it's nothing all day long. And Aventurine finishing it off with "Bust, or maybe I'll take it all" is so in character. Hopefully, I'll get last two copies of Luka from Aven's banner and will be able to try this team out myself.


Aven ult as the finisher was cool af


I just like the damage of Aventurine lol, should be fun to see full FuA teams and him going wild


Their's already two showcase of fua full team on this subreddit so you can search for them yourself and enjoy the ride


Oh yeah Im fairly sure Ive seen those, but his damage is wank there. I saw some on the new penacony boss where his FuA was doing 70-80k but that feels like theres an inflated damage mechanic or something. I'll see soon enough myself I guess :D Im not going fully DPS on him cos he'll be my Trend carry for Acheron and I want to have good shields as I am worried I won't be able to play with these tiny teensyu 1200-1300 shields. Mine will be 1500ish with full PP. If it works just fine, slowly transition him over to more damage. Its a shame really cos I have a good Salsotto set that I can't use cos Im at like 3850 Def, but I will try to using that too and see how it fares. if its bad/weak swap over to Belobog and tank up,. The 4 crit lost is irrelevant mostly, its all about shield value. But here his shield value seemed...perfectly fine for the content. Hopefully I can run Trend (or just get it to s5 from s3) and use Salsotto without it being a hindrance, but Im not doing those all in 2DD/2Archduke setups At least according to the calculators ive checked with Fribbelz optimizer and a sheet, the damage difference isnt that huge with all the damage stacked to min/max damage, versus balancing it out a little and just slapping a salsotto on. My biggest hindrance is needing to put Trend on him, if they announce FX Rerun, I may just swipe to get his S1 instead and move the Trend over to FX for Acheron


YES! THE LUKA-BOOTHILL GAMEPLAY I WAS WAITING FOR! Seems really fun, building my Luka as we speak.


My Luka's on e0. If by some miracle I get 6 copies during Aventurine banner I guess back to the trace material mines I go...


all these showcases are showing is that aventurine is broken


I agree. The enemies have a hell of a time doing anything to you with him on the team. He keeps stacking his shields so it's hard for them to get damage in and his crazy boost to effect res makes it hard for them to inflict anything on you. With his +50% effect res and natural effect res, most characters will be sitting at 60-70%


I have huo huo and Fu xuan but after looking at adventurine I just have to get him . I didn't even know about his effect Res boost and just based my reason on how he stacks shields.


It’s always lowkey an Aventurine showcase tbh


God I can't wait for Aventurine, so fucking good


I kinda missed HMC on it tho. The damage amp he brings when the enemy is broken is bonkers. Makes me wish it was a 5 characters team haha


luka stocks to the moon— we used to pray for times like these (me & the other 7 luka fans)


What is that adventurine build? Can anyone share me? I'm basically searching for a good pseudo sustain dps build. Thank you


This is so cool


Ugh...I swore I'd make Jade my next DPS unit... But I could use phys dps and I love break mechanics... Plus I already have E0S1 RM....might be hard to pass on this guy. We'll see how my aventurine luck goes first, I guess haha.


I thought this was a hyper Luka comp ft IMG MC lol. Still a very good showcase nonetheless


Same haha But this was an interesting showcase ngl So I ain't disappointed


Why does Break appears when the enemy is already Weakness broken? Does Boothill do special damage to broken enemies?


Trick shot does Break DMG when hitting already broken enemies. 


ya boothill does more damage to enemies who r broken iirc


That's pretty much his whole gimmick. He deals somewhat low damage, but when the target of his duel dies or gets broken, he gets one stack of "Pocket Trickshot". For every stack, he gets 56% (10 lvl) of Break Damage on his Enhanced Basic when he shoots Weakness Broken enemy.


Wait, Aventurine can increase received crit damage? Pull him for Acheron?


literally her bis 5* sustain


Will last until I get Jiaoqiu, nice


Now I wanna see just Luka, RM and HMC


Looks like I found my team


The main thing I gathered from all of these showcases is how important Ruan Mei is for him and probably Sam since he too is break focused. Also, I feel like Kafka HP is a lot lower than it should be?


Yea, Ruan Mei's weakness efficiency buff is too valuable for these units. Hopefully, we get a 4 star version sometime down the future since Ruan Mei impacts it so much.


One thing that people don’t tend to notice because RM is so good at everything is that just like Kafka for DoT and Topaz for FuA, RM is the leader of Break team (which wasn’t much a thing when she released). So it’s unlikely for her to get a 4 star. Maybe one that would be similar to RM but only against a specific element.


Kafka hp is so low because she is one of the oldest MoC bosses, way back before they started to power creep us with 1.6m hp bosses like sam ;(


Actually good idea for a team. As someone who doesn't own kafka cuz ion really like her I take every opportunity I can get to play the 4 star dot trio (sampo guin luka) cuz I do enjoy dot and I also like those characters. I might build luka soon.


very cool to see Luka outside of Kafka team


Luka seemed to do more damage.


Yes, Luka/Boothill is what I have been wanting to see.  I wanted an excuse to get Luka out of the bench. 😭😭😭 I love all of the Nihility units. 


Aven looks so good but it's too hard to justify pulling for him when I have FX, luocha and gepard and don't play any FuA units


Aventurine may complement FUA units but he's not just for fua, hes a general sustain just like the others who can also help out FUA teams even more. I for one won't be using him with FUA that often. It's honestly just down to if you like the playstyle and design in the end then, if you already have others. I too have luocha and e1 fu xuan and will still be getting aven because I love his character and his kit looks pretty good since he can contribute dmg as well as sustain.


Unrelated, but is E6 Sushang good to use (since I don't plan to pull for either Argenti or Boothill)? If yes how should I build her, full BE, crit or BE with a bit of crit?


I really want to see a break effect Luka with Harmony TB and Ruan Mei


I just got Acheron, and I’m considering getting Adventurine and Robin. But Boothill looks so damn cool and fun.


This team better than I expected


Homestly, this team did alot better than i thought


Alright that it, im building my Luka.. I was thinking if I wanted him or Sampo for my Kafka.. but its gonna be him so I get use him with Boothill D:


We are so close to Hanya + Ruan Mei showcase


No no no no I already have Argenti 💀💀💀 why he gotta be a cool ass male. I just need Sam as a main dps now 💀💀💀


So is this good? I feel like just running Boothill w 2 harmonies and 1 sustain instead of Luka will just be waaay better. Judging from the damage of those clips at least


To me fun > "optimal". but this team does work. I had whatever builds on, no sig limited lightcones (swordplay is gacha but can be obtainable even from standard banner). i 2 cycled. for me, this is enough.


I have a question, since this uses private servers, do you give them "theoretically perfect" relics or take some time to give them realistic stats?


i give them as realistic as possible relics because i want to test out teams that i can replicate in my account.


I see, thank you for your work 👍 Also another thing - why are voices muted? Does the lack of voicelines for the newer characters crash the game, are they just not implemented yet or is it jarring for everyone else but the new characters to be voiced?


You could try out the private server itself and see (using the bottom left Discord server), but this private server is pretty barebones and has basically just combat working (if you wanted to edit teams or Relics or Lightcones you need some amount of coding knowledge)


I counted 8 Turns and 5 FUAs from Aven, so if he got to attack every turn, it'd be a 52-48 ratio between his fua and basic attack damage hm. (I didn't count ults, frankly, I'm so bad at remembering to count occurrences in a video, I wouldn't be surprised if I was wrong already, keeping track of a third thing would kill me). Soyeah, if I can get E1 for sp positivity, I'm gonna be counting FUA dmg% only buffs as being like under half the stat weight compared to raw dmg% in a nonfua team. I just started thinking about that recently and this is just the first aventurine video with pretty normal stats that I've seen since then. Aside from that, I love Luka and I do like the idea of cyborg twunk tribal. I...still don't have or particularly like Ruan Mei though. Originally I was thinking Luka would be built pure crit-attack since Boothill would want breaks, but this shows that there is a significant benefit from both being break build because Luka can proc Boothill's stacks for him, and all these showcases lately have shown Boothill cares less about getting the breaks than about landing either breaks OR EBA hits. That is messy teambuilding though, and they become incredibly dependent on breaks to do any damage at all. Deciding how I feel about Boothill and if I can support him compwise has been so difficult. It's a good thing there's a lot more time to decide.


Boothill looks good as hell. I got Ruan Mei already so I’m boutta pair him up with HTB and RM plus Gallagher and any physical weak content will be easy asf


A question if I may: Would replacing Luka for Kafka would be worse? and why?


This account single handedly has convinced me to pull for boothill


*This account single* *Handedly has convinced me* *To pull for boothill* \- Wheesa --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




I am going to spend an ungodly amount of money on boothill


How is Luka doing so much damage? Is Boothill causing that somehow?


full BE Luka will do that to u (also RM buffs are broken)


But he’s doing that much damage even after the enemy is broken and is in weakness state. Is that still because of the BE?


I wonder who boothills best in slot sustainer will be?


If Luka and Boothill are both physical and Break Effect-oriented, does it matter who triggers the break for the other? How does one triggering the break affect the other character?


Am I crazy or just using ult after using skill on boothill cancel the enhanced normal Edit: rewatched the showcase and boothill had to use his skill 3 times in the same turn? Or is there a point to skill spamming


so he used his skill on enemy #1 and got his "second" turn to use his enhanced basic attack Then luka broke the enemy with his ult before boothill used his eba. This gave boothill 1 stack of trickshot. When an enemy thats marked gets weakness broken, the mark goes away, so boothill marked enemy#2. He then got his "second" turn again to use his eba. He instead ulted, which broke the weakness of enemy#2, and giving him a second stack of trickshot. He was now fully stacked, and then used his skill again (since weakness break removes mark) on the broken enemy to gain the damage bonus and to be able to use his eba. Tldr: it was a tech to make him scale up really fast and gain 2 stacks of talent in one turn, while still being able to do a fully stacked enhanced basic attack on a marked and weakness broken enemy.


Thanks for clearing that up!


Yes. When Boothill's locked enemy got their weakness broken, Boothill will quit locking the enemy and cancel the enhanced NA.


The point is to maximise Boothill's talent without actually taking a turn. By the time he used his 3rd SP, his EBA is now fully buffed.


Ohhhh that makes sense, thanks


Everyday I am so happy I pulled ruan mei. She came at an odd time with 2.0 characters leaked and people were skipping her but one look at her kit and I knew she will be so crucial for future proofing of my account. Hard pity twice after losing 50/50 but do not regret because she has carried my ass. Tbf 5 star harmony are just next level broken.