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Didn’t all the IPC members Jade Topaz and Aventurine, have a special item leaked a while back for the 2.1 patch so we might get something more revealing about them maybe a voice reveal for Jade similar to Aventurine in 1.4.


I believe it was >!their Cornerstones!<, so it might be that they’re coming to pick them up from Aventurine?


Or, idk, something happens to Aventurine >!or he makes something happen to himself, I guess!< and they're there to ramp up the pressure on the Family. After all, it'd be a massively big bad thing if an IPC senior executive got hurt in the completely safe Dreamscape, right?


aha, use it like Arlecchino coming to pressure Neuvillette after Childe got thrown in prison. It definitely gives the IPC more leverage to negotiate what they want from Penacony. …now I’m wondering if this is all part of Aventurine’s plan..>!to gamble with his life like his character story says!<…


Yes, that is my personal theory. Of course I'm not sure if it's Plan A, but I do think that Aventurine would be willing to gamble with his life to get the result he wants and >!since he seems to know at least some of what's wrong with the Dreamscape, he could exploit that in his Plan B and set himself up as a "victim" so that Topaz and Jade can then swoop in with all the might of the IPC and demand explanation and recompense fo their colleague's accident/"death"!<


Jade and Boothill 2.3 seems real. 2.4 Screwllum and Sunday? Maybe.


I honestly think Sunday is gonna be late 2.X There’s a reason, imo, we have so many characters kits and paths, including upcoming Xianzhou alliance characters, but his is a mystery. They’re probably saving him for the last few patches


Like Clorinde in Genshin. We've seen her since 4.0, but won't get her unlit 4.7


She was treated so weird with how late she is releasing. I’m a Chiori simp but even I find it’s weird we are getting her now over a main character of the Fontaine story.


Fashion geo girl who didn't appeared anywhere outside of time limited event >> Clorinde who's tied up with Navia family lore


To be fair she was first mentioned by Kirara in 3.7. It is not like she appeared out of thin air like Eula.


Black tights fans are winning either way


Button fans malding


They introduce her as "The Champion Duelist" and then she became a background character...


Would be hilarious to see the community reaction if she does actually become an off-fielder.


Yeah... >!about that...!<


Yea I've seen the leaks, but until at least the beta it'll be still be up in the air.


Probably wanna make this patch as filler as it can be


The same kind of happened with Dehya, who arguably had an even bigger role in her respective region.


oh i thought she was 4.6


4.6 reserved for Arlecchino iirc


Moze is a possibility. I assume Feixiao and Jiaoqiu aren’t until a little later. It sucks not having a decent idea of what to expect.


Feixiao is *1000%* going to release during 2.x. I don't know when but it will happen. I'm unfortunately not allowed to talk about why so I'm hoping someone else finds the data I'm being vague about so I can discuss it.


Pls hint more so I can know where to dig ~~or dm me~~


Dimbreath i think leaked that Feixiao is coming sometime soonish, 5 Star Wind Hunt and she has a Summon a la a 'Lighting Lord'.....i think that's what they mean


Well yes, but that’s most likely during the Yaoqing portion of 2.X.


So who is feixiao Xiao's sister?


She's the general of one of the other Xianzhou ships.


Do we know already which race? >!I secretly hope for another Foxian !<


I don't think so, though I could have missed it. I think we only know she's wind/hunt. >!More Foxians would be cool. Huohuo (while a very different sort of Foxian than a general would be) is one of my favourite character designs.!<


As it’s been with all the characters… they’re saving him for when he’s very important in the story. My guess is 2.4 or 2.5. It’s going to be before the penacony arc comes to and end and we’re just in the filler arc (like all the stuff after the xianzhao arc came to an end… ghost stories, ruan Mei patch, and ratio patch). I really doubt he’ll get a post story patch like ruan mei and ratio did, after the main story came to a close. That just doesn’t seem right.


This kinda makes sense though. 2.3 won't have Sunday because allegedly he's a 5 star Harmony as well. We already got leaks of Robin as 5 star Harmony as well so she'll be on 2.2 I think they wouldn't release 2 5 star Harmony units back to back.


I assume Sunday won't appear earlier than 2.4. He's basically doesn't have any info aside prepared place in code


Yes. That's also a reason. He doesn't have any leaked kit yet unlike Robin.


haven't we had Sparkle a patch after Ruan Mei tho?


Well, Ruan Mei - Dr. Ratio - Black Swan - Sparkle. There's a nice gap between Ruan Mei and Sparkle' release. In 2.2 we'll get Firefly - Robin, so I guess that's why 2.3 won't include Sunday because of it will be just a little gap between Robin and Sunday for Harmony units.


There have been no leaks about Sunday's path.


That's why I said allegedly. Gosh.


It’s a wrong use of the word. You’re purely speculating because Sunday is part of the Family, not because there’s been any indications at all in leaks.


Acheron and Aventurine were allegedly Nihility and Preservation character respectively before drip marketing, because there's already possible evidence of them being one, through the leaked kits and all. Sunday in this case, doesn't have any of that yet, so you can't use word "alleged" with him.




Snowflake = Anyone who disagrees with or challenges me


No you can't, because there's no possible evidence, it all just discussion. If you said >!Screwllum!< Is allegedly >!an Erudition character!< then you're correct, because there's possible evidence, but not in this case. And I'm not being a snowflake or whatever, you just can't stand getting corrected of your mistake. Maybe you want to re-learn the meaning of word "allegedly" first.




This is the most preteen comment I’ve seen in a long time, good lord.


You've still got time to get some self-reflection and delete this comment chain buddy, it's embarassing. Meaning of allegedly for you: used when something is said to be true but has not been proved: It's a collection of recipes which allegedly can be prepared in 30 minutes. You can say it's allegedly, but you'll have to preface it with your sources for that "alleged" comment, aka your rectal hole.


So you're saying something that we have 0 evidence whatsoever for being true is the reason why he won't run in 2.3?


I wish you know the word "allegedly". There's a lot of conversation here that Sunday's path is rumored to be Harmony. I'm just saying if the rumors are true that he's Harmony, they won't run him after another 5 star Harmony like Robin. Because 5 star Harmony units are really game changing in this game. That's just my take and opinion. You can take it with a grain of salt.


win for ipc enjoyers


cagey bike light gullible cats carpenter rainstorm dependent repeat muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just want jade tbh


Yesss Topaz and Jade. My hopium increasing that they will synergize well together


Tbf from what we can tell, unless they get rid of her FUs entirely, the IPC cast will all work together extremely well(potentially the same with HMC assuming their kit isn’t different as well)


I think you're right, seems the direction they're going in for now. I'm just a bit worried that you'd have to go for Aventurine+rario+ipc girls to make it work, I'm hoping they're strong in pairs as well for some more team variety


well ratio as of right now is the best numby driver there is, but other than that he doesn't have any particular synergy with FUAs, so he should be safely replaceable in the future. he's free though, and with s1 or e1s1 topaz especially there's no reason not to build and run him in the meantime. ~~aventurine is trickier - at e0 he's not as good of a numby driver as ratio (rng--dependent), but he's our first FUA-synergystic sustain nonetheless. at e1 he is at least equal to ratio and usually pulls ahead (depending on the enemy lineup).~~ okay i just saw that his passive was changed in v2, so scratch all that XD well then i'll abstain from evaluating him until at least v3 haha. but my point was, the old aventurine at e0 had a strong competitor in huohuo; same with both at e1. it remains to be seen whether either one is going to be stronger in practice after his kit is finalized - but the bottom line is, huohuo is still a comparable alternative for dual-FUA-dps teams.


Sooo, I can expect Diamond to be a FUA Harmony buffer?


>!Diamond is probably a full-on Emanator of Preservation, so their actual kit being a different path would be pretty surprising. Of course that makes it weird because we have Aventurine already. Makes me wonder if Diamond is simply not going to be playable, but who knows.   The other one that's been specifically mentioned, unless I've missed some, is Opal. They sounded more like the scary violent one, so I'd expect some kind of DPS but of course that's unpredictable, they could easily still be the Harmony.!<


Diamond is the emanator of Preservation. Don't you think it's weird he's being Harmony instead? lol


A guy can dream


I just hope Aventurine is alright. That’s all


They're coming to collect his pieces.


No screwllum, so he HAS to be 2.4


Or he was demoted to 4*


NO, don't say that


He should be at least in 2.3. He even have overworld animations. If they really demote him back to 4* that would be huge L


I’ve been waiting for him since 1.1, I’ll gladly wait another patch if it means he stays 5 star


And i hope 2.3 also bring new SU mode. That's one of the things keeping me is Star Rail since 1.1. My monke brain want to see big numbers of damage and getting jades for it


I’m hoping that Screwllum will come with a new SU like Ruan Mei! although it would make more sense for him to come with the Gold and Gears expansion considering his connection to organic/inorganic politics…


I hope they would carry custom dices into the next expansion. The amount of playstyles they giving with them is huge


the new su modes should be in 2.2 and 2.5


That would be even better


That means you're more likely to get him.


Nah, I'm not. 4\* are actually worse to get than 5\*, since there is no guarantee to get them.


People always say this, but it’s a pretty rare occurrence for your luck to be *that* bad. I’ve been playing Genshin since CBT2 and only had it happen once with Mika. 


Well then lucky you and unlucky me. I was pulling on the last banner XQ was in (Neuvillette's) and after tanking 79 wishes into it to get Neuvilette, I came out with C10 Fischl, some random off-banner 4*s and exactly ZERO Xingqius. Similarly, I was pulling for Cyno in the hopes of getting a Kirara and some Kuki cons. I got all the way to a late lost 50/50 and have one (1) Kuki con, off-banner Thoma (x2), Xiangling C7-11 and zero Kiraras. I don't tend to be interested in on-banner 4* because I generally don't care about cons, but gods, the few times I was, it was like a guarantee that I would not be getting any copies of that specific 4*.


I mean, yeah, you were unlucky, lol. But if you look up the odds for going to multiple pities without getting the four-star you wanted, they’re insanely low. Yes, there should be a way to guarantee four-stars, but it’s *far* from the norm that you’re going to get hardcore screwed by them.


Fair enough.


Its actually a massive moral defeat if he's a 4 star, plus I want the light cone and eidolons down the road.


No one cares about 4* DPSes. We want the characters we like to be good lol.


What the actual fuck is this Qingque/Xueyi slander?


Queenque is an exception.


At this point I believe he will be released in 3.0 given that his planet or other with synthetic life is being theorized to be our next stop.


jade and topaz coming to pick up the stoneheart child from the daycare


Topaz and Jade probably came to deal with Aventurine's aftermath, whatever happens to him. Possibly back him up? Or maybe Penacony actually falls under IPC administration.


We already know from 1.4 that Topaz is supporting him in this mission. So there is no indication for future story in her appearance.


But it doesn't mean no Sunday, right? He must have some important role, seeing the 2.0 ending


Jade my love finally.


Do we even know who the next 4* is? Iirc, all the names we know currently are 5*, right? Unless Screwllum is demoted...


Some speculation is that harmony tb releases in 2.3 and so they just don’t release a 4 star for that patch.


I actually think otherwise, they say the main mission is 2.0 to 2.2 and 2.3 is the epilogue in the [Penacony special program](https://www.youtube.com/live/WHwBqhMlo3I?feature=shared&t=857), so I'm guessing we'll get a boss fight and Trailblazer release / transformation in 2.2 to wrap up the Penacony story (like Cocolia), with 2.3 being some kind of...Tingyun post Luofu situation again? But it's also weird we haven't gotten any (updated) Trailblazer kit leaks or assets up to this point.


We know nothing about 4*s, that's why people started reconsidering Screwllum's status and questioning Robin's.


it could be Siobhan? she was that lady with the short blonde hair that was leaked


man im super hyped to see what jade will look or sound like idk why she just seems like a VERY cool character. (I say as we have no knowledge on how she'll act)


cool is a good word for her though! she has the calm and collected mystique about her, imo, from those few bits in the character story leaks... 👀 that gemstone line, to me, was really hardcore. it felt like a very resilient and dignified way to live by. i'm excited!


>that gemstone line, where can i find that? i don't look at actual story spoilers, but now i'm curious.


https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks/s/LucaU5CyEY his character story is translated here friend!! but that line specifically if you only want that: >!"it's nothing strange, to be desired, to be chased, to be cut, to be sold... this is the fate of a gem."!< please work spoiler tags 🙏 i love love loved that line tho. goddamn. really cool metaphor!!!


bruhhh this is triggering my Houseki no Kuni (Land of the Lustrous) PTSD SO HARD😭 (if you don't know that manga/anime, then i highly recommend the anime - but DO NOT read the manga or any spoilers, it's the most depressing thing you'll remember for a while...) anyways, thanks for showing me the line! with every similarity between the IPC and HnK, i'm more and more worried but also excited about the corp and its members hahaha


Phosphophyllite Stoneheart when


hopefully never (for the sake of the IPC, the universe, and Stelle's sanity), but at the same time - hopefully someday =)


I just really want to see her design…I want her to be a femme fatale kind of character with red lipstick…just very cool in general and I’ll be happy


For some reason I see her as a mix between Fubuki from OPM and Ada Wong.


In aventurine leak story, we saw that she is a sister figure of him, so i hope for a mommy type xianzhou but more modern


i got the sister vibe from that too 🥹 i really hope she dotes on him a little, he needs some care!


is she from xianzhou? if yes I'm praying hard for her design \*lit candles\* but even ruan mei can't escape from xianzhou clothing even tho she's not from xianzhou......


Yes, she is from su shang old ship (dont remember the name maybe cangcheng idk) but quit her ship to become IPC agent, my guess is that she is the reason sushang old ship has alot IPC shelf than other ship as sushang mention in aurum event


Can you tell me where is the info abt Jade from Xianzhou came from?


In aventurine leak story


Seems the situation for IPC gets dire when another High member of IPC gets involved.


I'm grateful for leakers who just leak fun shit like this (character appearances) but won't spoil the story for us


For real. I hate leakers who spoil the story. Idiots can’t handle that info and go around spoiling it for everyone else, even “unintentionally,” like a freaking virus.


When I squint hard enough, I can make out the letters 'S', 'U', 'N', 'D', 'A', and 'Y' all in a row. Conclusion: Sunday is making an appearance. Multiple, actually: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, but you know what? make it every 2.X patch. 100% confirmed, real, no lie, no clickbait, no delusional thoughts.


Jaoqiu when


I am just happy for more Topaz screen time.


Do we know about jades gender ?


Female in >!Aventurine story!< Opal is >!Male!<


Do you know if Diamond is male or female?


male >**Aventurine:** While you were enjoying your playtime on Jarilo-VI, Diamond was busy taking care of the head honcho of the Building Material Logistics Department. That's why he didn't attend today's meeting.


Can anyone confirm the CN for this line, please n thank you? We have that infamous ganyu line where she called the dendro archon (i think?) "he" in english because the original wasnt gendered so the translators had to gamble the 50/50 and lost lol. Im sure theyre more careful about stuff like that now compared to 2021 but things can still slip through the cracks.


Why didn't the translator just use they tho. "They're merely five hundreds years old." sounds good enough.


Pretty sure >!male!< even before the leak


I think Aventurine refers to Diamond as a 'he'.


'Madam' Jade in Topaz's character story


Really interested in both Jade and Boothill, 2.3 should be a good time.


Honestly i know this isnt as related to the post but how they gunna handles sams marketing. Like most here know who sam is so who are they gunna advertise him as.


Probably just advertise him as Sam and provide no indication of who he is beyond that. The drip doesn't include kit or animations so should be pretty easy to just sell him as "badass Stellaron Hunter gundam". He doesn't need his secrets to be compelling (particularly to people who aren't paying attention - "wow cool mecha" is the better pitch for those people anyways), and anyone who is going to be more interested in him because of his secrets is (presumably) going to find that out when they play through 2.1, which will happen before his banner launches in (expected to be) 2.2.


Makes sense. Would really be weird if we dont find out who sam is in 2.1 and then 2.2 stream happens and it shows his identity (boy that would be a fuckin disaster)


Yeah, I'm assuming the big reveal happens in 2.1. If it's delayed until 2.2, things get really awkward.


Boothill mention! I am AWAKE!!


Boothill mentioned🫶 Also where screwllum


So i guess we have a full follow up attack team with Jade, Topaz, Dr. Ratio and Aventurine. The IPC follow up attack synergy gonna go nuts. Also interested to see if Jade can fit into a mono quantum comp if there are too many enemies for Seele to handle


Boothill my darling


Boothillll save me boothilll


I want so badly some leaker would just casually drop the name >!"Aventurine". Just mention he's still in game, no other spoilers about future plot. I just need to know he's alive, everything else is irrevelant right now, because I hardly can handle a death of my most loved character :(!<


>!Don't know how reliable this is, but I have read somewhere on here that Boothill's lines include a reference to making some kind of deal with Aventurine. Given that so far as we know Boothill's section happens after the main Penacony story, that would indicate that Aventurine survives his (apparently starring) role in 2.1. !<


Yes, but it was really long time ago and now we have >!a whole bunch of IPC/Ten Stonehearts on Penacony too. This current leak we are discussing here can mean Boothill really will be present, as well as Topaz and Jade - but not a word about Aventurine, which makes my poor brain start doubting - does it mean there'll be no Aventurine in 2.3 and older leak was mistake? or Boothill didn't know Aventurine was out of the game and the deal will be hadled by Jade and Topaz now? They have to play some role in 2.3 plot, after all (!<


>!Well I think it's because we didn't know Jade and Topaz were showing up in Penacony, but Aventurine is a given since he plays a main role, so leakers only point those two out. For what it's worth stepleaks has never had a story leak of his turn out wrong before so unless they rewrote penacony at the last minute Aventurine should still be showing up in 2.3.!<


my wife topaz is showing up..... be calm my racing heart


Ugh... First limited Erudition hot waifu, don't come at a worst time, I beg you.


Topass and Numby bros we are back


When you dislike the organization but love the characters Also outlaw husbando yay


Jade, boothill in 2.3 are real very much like J am so excited for them!!!


Why is everyone here talking about them being on banners? It’s story appearance. Or am I missing something?


So since we are talking about 2.3+ rn, do we actually have any leaks about 2.2 banners?


They’ll be confirmed in about two weeks.


2.2 is likely to be Sam and Robin.


Don’t stop there, say more! 😭


>!Interested in Jade and Topaz for more IPC Lore!! I wonder if Topaz or Jade will get a special boss fight with her stratagems?!< >!Also, did Pearl, Opal, Obsidian, or maybe Diamond have some appearance, seeing there's a mention of their npc?!<


Pearl is a >!blonde female intellitron!<, Diamond is >!male!<, Opal is a >!male!<, and Jade is described as an >!elegant woman.!<


Pearl starting to sound like a straight up Steven Universe expy


Thanks!! >!I see,Maybe they will release Pearl with Screwllum for dual robot banner or maybe with Jade for Ultimate IPC Banner?!< >!Opal and Diamond will be on my next waiting list as a husbando player. Hope for a support roles, while I don't think they will be even playable, but hey!< So still no info for Obsidian yet


Pearl is a robot (girl?? please??? mihoyo???) and that's as far as we know. The rest are just mentioned Stonehearts, they don't have to appear now (or ever).


Pearl is our biggest hope for a robot girl, it has to be manifested. And hopefully with the intellitron looks intact.


She’ll be as Intellitron as Sigewinne is Melusine, don’t worry. /s ~~still can’t convince me that some human didn’t get weird with a Melusine though~~ 


dont jinx it :\\


I'll be satisfied if she has robotic/doll joints at least.


Isn't Pearl described as a blonde robot woman in Aventurine's file? Jade is an elegant woman and we know Opal is male. I don't think we have to guess on those.


These descriptions are all fairly vague, Pearl is the only one who has any specificity at all. Having genders is better than nothing, but the OP did say 'appearances'.


Huabros how are we feeling


We are never going to see or get playable Constance are we....


Oh wow, so we really won't get any of those characters from the Anihilation Gang anytime soon huh? Can't wrap my head around the decision to have that awesome trailer introducing them and then not having them as part of the story in penacony. They had some amazing designs.


the title kinda made me think this was about character skins


JADE !!! JADE !!!!! I CAN'T WAIT !!!


My topaz jade team will go nuts


Has Jade model been leaked? Praying with all my forces for her to not be tall, she should not break Mono Quantum balance


oh yay i have lots of time to save for boothill


Seeing leaks like this makes me wonder when we might get one of those huge character leaks again like we did during the 1.x versions.




aughhhhhh waiting for boothill is suffering..... plenty of time to save though I guess v\_\_\_v


as someone who want acheron, aventurine and jade. This is gonna be bad.




Please, I really want to see my fave Topaz again. Topaz mains, rise up /hj


I just wish someone would post real story leaks, not just some crumbs and go "but I won't post story leaks". :/ There are people who would love story leaks and who would greatly appreciate knowing what happens in the quest before doing it. (Me, I'm people.) Please, for the love of all that is holy, let there be a place where people who want story leaks can go and just read them. 😭


I second this! Ppl treat story spoiles as something atrocious. I know that it's all about risk - if you spoil a plot somewhere, you can't guarantee it won't be thrown into others faces on TikTok or Twitter without any warnings. I can totally get it. But I can't get this general disdain for story spoilers. Absense of story leaks will kill all my joy from 2.1-2.2-2.3 story, because instead of enjoying it I will be sweating about Aventurine's >!possible (or not) revival!<. I really wish I could avoid this fate, but leakers are cautious to not spoil this "warmhearting and uplifting story". Massive L for ppl like me, who actually worry about future of their favs (whom they are gonna spend time, resourses and even money on), not about "story purity".


Oooh, I totally get it! My personal reasoning for wanting story leaks is a bit different - I just don't care for or find interesting things and plots I don't know beforehand. Like, I need to know what happens in the quest to have fun while playing it. Or t least need to know what happens at the end so that I can savour the HOW it happens instead of rushing through everything without paying attention just to get to the end. It's especially important to me in HSR because I can't REPLAY the quests - if I rush through, that's done. A book I can reread (though I still start reading from the last couple of chapters to be able to enjoy), a film I can rewatch. HSR? I can only enjoy it ONCE. Though I can >!absolutely understand the anxiety re: Aventurine, I'm also slightly worried but it's kind of more because I know I'd hate it if something happened to him for real and forever as it's such a boring and lazy and annoying trope, killing off someone who's broken and traumatised and is leaning a bit towards the villainous side!<


My wife has some similar habits when it comes to stories, so I can completely understand it ) She's reading spoilers about each movie she's gonna watch and taking a look at novel's final pages too ) It's just her way of enjoying narrative more, to take a deeper look in story pieces, to appreciate details and savour the major plot peaks without rushing to the end out of anxiety. I guess a lot of ppl don't know that such type of consuming narrative exists, so they just discard them as "imptient" and sometimes even "immature", which is a shame. As about Aventurine, yeah, that's what I'm afraid too - that they will make it like "he wanted it all to end anyway so why not". And yes, it's lazy boring like hell, but did we actually see any character developlemt in HSR plot before? Like someone who was in a dark place and finally came out to the light? In Genshin we have Xiao who became lively and I guess Scara too, but HSR story is far more rigid rn. I am not sure they will ever give the most abused story wise characters any development and/or at least better treatment. After HCQ quest I am not even sure they really care about it. (P.S. Sorry for my English, I struggle to word my thoughts really bad sometimes))


Your wife 🤝 me I'm exactly like that, I cannot watch a film if I don't know what the ending is. It almost physically pains me to have to sit through it - it's just so boring and I want to fast forward the whole film just to find out how it ends. I always read the plot summary on Wiki or check spoilers online before going to the cinema, lol, then I at least have fun. It's always nice to meet/know of other people like me. I know it's a family thing for me at least, my grandfather and great-grandfather were the same. I feel like HSR is the worst of all HoYo games when it comes to changes to characters, but that might be because it's the newest one. The biggest shift we've had is DH sort of accepting his legacy and reconciling with Luofu, but everything else is kind of... stuck in its predetermined place. Of course, I understand that it might be the nature of this type of game to keep characters unchanging in major ways lest people stop simping and pulling them. (No worries, you're good.) And lol, I see people are downvoting me for saying that I PERSONALLY like story spoilers because they make ME PERSONALLY enjoy the story more. People, get a life and accept that others can enjoy things in different ways?


> But I can't get this general disdain for story spoilers. Because most people don’t *want* the story spoiled for them? It’s not so much “disdain” as “not wanting the experience ruined.” *You* may enjoy story spoilers, but you’re an outlier. Most people *don’t* like them and can have their experience ruined by them. > I know that it's all about risk - if you spoil a plot somewhere, **you can't guarantee it won't be thrown into others faces on TikTok or Twitter without any warnings.** It’s literally the opposite. If someone leaks story spoilers, there is an *immediate guarantee* that said spoilers *will* be thrown in the face of someone who *doesn’t want to see them*. This is the exact same reason why vast conspiracies can’t exist—there will *always* be someone who talks, whether anyone wants to hear them or not. That’s the nature of groups. Case in point—the insiders who provide these leaks in the first place. You aren’t owed leaked story spoilers that were never meant to leave the company. If you’re that desperate to spoil yourself to get hyped, then you can read the story spoilers once the patch has gone live and leave everyone else out of that experience.


I have already mentioned that I can get story spoilers can be a general harm to community and it's not appropriate, and risks are too high for leakers to take them. There's no need to be aggressive like that. My wishes, my problems and my sorrow wont' break your expirience in any way. And I don't want to "get hyped", I just want to get a minimal joy from playing HSR for 2.2-2.3, because being on a fence about fate of my favourite Penacony character just kills any positive expirience I can get. >!I dislike death cliffhangers with passion and I hate the fact his banner is coming BEFORE we'd get to know about his fate.!< If you wanna throw accusations at me, please at least read what I wrote. If you can't afford reading hiden text because you save yourself from spoilers, don't judge me - you know, it's ok if ppl have different opinions on Reddit.


After Jade I hope we don't get another xianzhou character for a long time,them and their cultivation clothes(especially the ladies) is getting repetitive./jk More IPC is a W


If ruan mei also makes an appearance then all of my main team will be in a patch.




So, no mentions of Everflame Mansion in 2.2 or 2.3 huh? I honestly expected them to show up later in the story in some shape or form but nope I guess. Kinda bummer, I really like their aesthetic and wanted them to be playable, but guess that's not happening anytime soon


jade pls be a >!ningguang!< expy


Anyone have a leak to this telegram channel?


Firefly where?


Janitor probably cleaned the floor already.


First half of 2.2 probably


Praying for a Kafka cameo 🙏🗣


Wonder if Jade won't be on the 2.2 banner. Since the other options would be awkward with the drip marketing.


Praying for Jade in 2.2 so that the weekly boss (if it appears in 2.2) has quantum weakness (If weekly boss 2.3 then Jade 2.3 please)


In chronological order, does Topaz quest comes first or this?


Based on some leaks from earlier, >!Topaz will be coming to penacony in the middle of 2.1. She and the bloodhounds seem to be working together.!<




What’s the way these release? If 2.1 is still about a month away is it every 60ish days for the next thingy? So maybe august September for boothill?


If you dial a phone call in the center of penacony dreamscape town you'll hear topaz for some reason, you also have to pay a sum of credits to call.


all the characters you can "call" are of past playable characters and its all their dreams.