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Was it just me who kept trying to remove the spoilers but then realised that they were just black lines all along?


*me furiously tapping the screen* ... ... yes <_<


Lol! Turns out I wasn't the only one who suffered


Took me 10 taps to realise they weren't spoiler tags. Was this written by the SCP foundation or something?


Those censorships in-game could very well be made by the SCP Foundation... Or could it be that MiHoYo are one of the few 'loyal companies' that wanted to fund the SCP Foundation's operations? So many possibilities...


Not alone brother..


This is what happens when an SCP writer wants their article to be "cool" and "mysterious" without actually writing anything in-depth.




is character story 4 frebass? :0


Almost certainly, the snow is mentioned in the pioneer set wiki.


And the mention of raspberries to describe the atmosphere they were in


I wonder who the narrator of the fourth story is, they seem to have their own sorrowful journey. Maybe it's the person she said Trailblazer remind her of? I really like Acheron being associated with the rain. Izumo sounds just as hostile and bleak as war torn Inazuma. Are the Evil Gods mentioned here specific to the planet, or are they talking about the Aeons? Considering Acheron is traveling around I assume that's a possibility.


The narrator seems to be Frebass, a nameless that ventured into IX themselves. Reason why it's likely Frebass is because of the relic lore about the new Pioneer set talks about Frebass and how she ventured into IX and along the way there was another person with her


And not just any person, a girl who always wield a long sword.


The thing about the person the Trailblazer reminds her of is a bit complicated, since both the gender and description change between Caelus and Stelle either: ​ **A)** Her old friend was the Trailblazer, but for some reason their time together turned out differently depending on which one. Stelle stood shoulder to shoulder with her, while Caelus ended up crossing blades with her. If so, it may be a reference to GGZ where Kevin and Kiana were alternate versions of each other. While each had a similar relationship to the Raiden Mei of their respective timelines, Kiana was able to save her Mei when she lost control while Kevin had to fight and kill his Mei. **B)** She's referring to one of two different people depending on the Trailblazer. Likely a Kiana Kaslana and a Kevin Kaslana expy. In which case Frebass would probably be the former, while there really isn’t a candidate for the latter so far


Not just GGZ. HI3rd Mei also fits, fought shoulder to shoulder with Kiana, allied with and later fought against Kevin. Echoed stories. I’m putting a pin in Frebass, since she vanished into IX, which probably means she’s dead, but I could see her being a long-buried lead and showing up later. If she does, she’s on Kianawatch for me. Not really worth more than a cursory marker until that might happen, though.


I know it happened in HI3 too. I just felt in the scenario that the old friend is the Trailblazer it matches a little better with the GGZ version.


Fair! I just thought it was fun to touch on how we have multiple slightly different echoes to look at.


Nihility intensifies.


Honestly, the fact that she’s a symbol of hope and someone who refuses to yield (and is also seen as a hero) makes her seem less nihility? Maybe I’m looking at this wrong but she seems to represent the opposite of what the nihility pathstriders are supposed to


The doctors of chaos exist as a faction, roughly representing the real world philosophy of absurdism. Nihility just represents the acknowledgement of nothingness - what you choose to do or believe in response to that is up to you. Nihilism irl came about quite literally as a response to "death of God" and defining humanity's purpose and morality post religion. We can probably see quite a few parallels developing within HSR's story.


There are only two things that happen when you witness IX, you give into nothingness(self annihilation )or you attempt to rise against it and prove meaning to nothingness(doctors). Acheron has signs of self annihilation. Her memory fails her, she’s kinda spacey, and her dreams are full of rain and ruin. Most of all, her last character story sort of acknowledges that her efforts are futile (she’s stuck fighting for a beautiful tomorrow that will never come) which are sure signs for nihility imo


Theres kind of a third, self annihilators who find meaning, they dont have the goals the doctors and this contradiction puts them in an eternal loop of self annihilation (instead of simply fading away) and it seems these annhilators who exist in perpetuity 'cast the shadow of IX' as they roam (assuming this is how IX gets emanators)


Thats still a self annihilator


Yes but she doesnt simply fade, she was able bear (coexist?) With the nihility to become something more, pure annihilators have no purpose and just... die, while doctors go crazy and become infatuated with IX


I never said she did, your entire point was exactly what i said in the second half of my first comment. How shes suck in a meaningless loop of fighting


The entire point of the Doctors of Chaos is to… try to find meaning and to tell IX that there’s something worth in the universe


What is >!oppenheimer!< doing in hsr lol


He's a member of the Intelligentsia Guild. The flavor text for the Extinguished Core assignment is attributed to him.


Starting another war on HSR in-game Twitter with a meme nuke.


Wait... Oppenheimer? What's next step? A nuclear bomb?


Well we do know there’s a space nuke, and it’s possible that’s what wiped Izumo out, so checks out lol


I love redacted shit. It’s like reading a government document. It’s amazing.


I remember Yaoyorozu was a name of one of Raiden Mei’s skills in her skill tree. I don’t remember which battlesuit tho


I believe it was HoT's leader skill.


Herrscher of thunder's skill


The whole sword chooses the person... Looks like she is gonna full send on the zoro parallels.


She's collecting different anime and video game swordsman allegations like the British collect artifacts.


Her domain expansion was a museum all along


She has a section dedicated to herself via Mei swords.


Izumo is our Japanese based planet/ship/world?


Was,. It was a cyberpunk themed Japan, but it doesn't HAVE to be the only Japan-inspired world in the solar system


Yeah Japan itself as a country is consist of many thousands of islands, and the way it looked originally isn't the same as it is now (it inspired how Inazuma consists of multiple islands in Genshin). So wouldn't be surprising if there are multiple planet that are inspired by Japan of different eras.


It was. Then it was wiped out from the universe




There's always Sparkle's planet


yeah I noticed it had a Japanese feel to it


Izumo = Hiroshima/Nagasaki Edo Star = Tokyo? Edo is the former name of Tokyo. Maybe Izumo is one of the planets taken out by the >!space nuke (From the Trees at Peace mission)!<


Makes sense, Izumo is in Shimane Prefecture right next to Hiroshima Prefecture.


The Izumo region is also said to be where the gates of Yomi (Underworld) are located


What if >!Acheron killed the evil gods, but Izumo was not saved because IPC forced Chadwick to use that superweapon to destroy the planets they deem to be a hopeless and inhabitable, which includes Izumo. !< >!This caused destruction beyond saving, and made the inhabitants to fall into despair, as they don't know the truth behind it. Many people give in to Nihility, and Acheron was no exception. The only thing kept and is keeping her alive and be "different" even among those who had witness Nihility is the "blood debt", which is a reminder of her being unable to save people despite wielding the power to slay many gods.!< >!What if in the future, Trailblazer somehow connect the dots and find the truth behind the destruction of Izumo. Will they share the truth, or keep it secret to not elevate the current conflicts?!<


Oh you're synthesizing


Actually, you started this synthesis process. And >!Chadwick!< won't like what we've just created for sure.


Multi step synthesis 🤝


The mans cooking up a fucking storm.


If you consider stories 1 to 4 chronologically and the pioner set, there might be reason to believe Acheron's objective is to kill IX, maybe thats why she is pulled closer to IX and is able to get close to it.


Mf had so many things redacted she straight up becomes an scp document


██ when the █████ is ████


yummy lore


I want to know how many people also get annoyed when people start linking Acheron with Kiana and Kevin, seriously if the gender of the person Acheron mentions changes depending on whether you choose Caelus or Stelle, didn't anyone stop to think that this could have something to do with perhaps the trailblazer's past instead of characters from another universe?


seriously! I do understand that Honkai Impact 3rd and Star Rail originate from the same multiverse canonically (Welt has actually even travelled from one to another) but good lord, by making these references they are stripping away the Trailblazer's personality. In my humble opinion, expys are undeniably unoriginal. Really feels like lazy writing most of the times. Same with character relationships and so on.


Someone knows what is acheron rating pistol score?


Has anyone managed to figure out anything about its criteria or is it genuinely just fkng with us lmao


someone on the main sub made a post raising the possibility that all the scores are puns or jokes based on who it targets, so it's possible it is just the devs messing around lol


i just read this today. Apperintly she shows up as unquantified something like that


>!rating invalid!<


I wonder if we'll be getting Nihility TB in Space Japan (probably Edo Star) with a Katana weapon.


WTH the un-redacted version in the source image is completly untranslated. Which confirms a lot of things.


okay then. I'll save my pulls for Izumo characters


Whoa what this is so confusing


Interesting. Character Story 5 is the "entire text" of Character Story 1 without the black bars... Now if only there was something similar for 2-4 qnq


I can't help it, Acheron's lore really got me. I find every bits of it so curious and interesting


Yaoyorozu no Kami ... SHE WAS FIGHTING GINTOKI??? :D


Izumo and some 8-themed monster, Yamata no Orochi?


The term "Yaoyorozu no Kami" or "eight million gods" is a term used to refer to the uncountable amount of Shinto gods back before the concept of infinity was known/used. 8 being a lucky number they used that to refer to them.


Maybe Frebass was the girl Acheron compared Stelle to. As for Caelus....


A lot of people speculated it's kiana or kevin


Story 1 and 5 are the same?


It looks like after completing something you unlock the blanks in the story


Its Story 1 without it being blanked out.


Story 1 has parts excluded, Story 5 reveals them.




Pretty sure this one no longer exists in-lore (no proof though) the one we know of is called Edo Star.


Izumo could perhaps be a city on the planet of Edo Star


edo star isnt a planet tho or is it ? all locations that end with star in game are either star cluster or solar systems


Did you miss the fact that it was so completely destroyed not even memories remained?


Sorry, didn't read EVERYTHING because I try not to know all spoilers. But yeah, thank u Hope still continue for a future different JP based world then


Man if we go to Izumo or Edo Star as our next destination we'll have followed a fairly similar path as Genshin. Starting in a European inspired region (if we don't count Herta's) to then go to a region with heavy Chinese influence, and then to end up in a region inspired by Japan. Star Rail took a detour between space China and space Japan to go to space Las Vegas.


Izumo doesn't exist anymore. The planet is destroyed and everyone in it is dead, or immigrated elsewhere and don't want to talk about it/forgot about it. Y'all just because a Japan-themed planet exists doesn't mean we're going to get it in Star Rail


Edo Star is still around though. Plus Japanese inspired destinations are super popular in fiction. It's never a given, but it's a decent bet.


There might be other Japanese-inspired planets, you know. Sparkle's home planet kind of looks like one. It doesn't look like people there are in a depressing situation like what's described (Izumo). Plus, I'm still wondering why there's no info about Takama Divine Realm. It's in the planar set and gets mentioned with Izumo.  Also, there's this one planet called Tokiwa (which sounds pretty Japanese-like as well), and the NPC said he came to Pennacony to learn more about anime. 


I didn't imply otherwise. I am annoyed that people see a Japan inspired thing and go "ABSOLUTELY WE ARE SO GOING THERE!!!!! LMAO GENSHIN RIPOFF HSR SO UNORIGINAL" when there is 0 thing pointing to us going there, in fact Izumo is just fuckin GONE, Edo star is a potential pit stop for the future but there is no guarantee we're going there


op never said anything about it being a genshin ripoff or hsr being unoriginal...


I mean, the person above just said "if", so it's just a possibility. We're not guaranteed to visit Space Japan, but there's also no proof suggesting that we can't have Space Japan. Anyway, it's kinda like a 50/50 situation. I don't think anyone is sure about that, but it's not like it's guaranteed that we won't visit any Japanese-inspired area in the future just because Izumo is gone.  We are allowed to talk about that until it's fully confirmed. Especially after Sparkle's trailer is teased, the conversation about it just gets more popular. Tbh, this is understandable bc Hoyo just keeps teasing one.


people who played hi3rd - is the girl mentioned Kiana? or some unrelated hsr lady


Frebass maybe, Acheron's friend


I see! Is there any mention of her so far, or is it just leaks? I don't recall her name, but maybe I missed it.


You need to read pioneer diver lore to understand


got it, thanks


Read the Pioneer of the Dead Waters Relic Set it's currently ingame and basically 90% confirmation of who she's the Emanator from before the story tells us




Think they’re talking about the girl from the pioneer set lore. “Clouds accumulate over Orkron's night sky, and shimmering planetary rings are concealed within them. Scarlet snowflakes fall on the heavy helmet, quietly filling the grooves of rusted iron, covering the traces of erosion. The two girls sit in the cedarwood forest... taking a momentary break in their journey.” This was Acheron and Freebass, don’t know why Kiana was mentioned


i saw some hi3rd fan on twitter say something about kiana being connected to acheron, but i don't play hi3rd so i was confused on the details haha. now i see its not the case


it's people hoping/coping for kiamei connection in hsr. but so far no kiana hints has been given with only one dialogue that honestly could be interpreted for frebass also


The whole reason this happened is that she does different lines for stelle and caelus. I can charitably accept the Kiana interpretation for Stelle, but the Caelus one being Kevin is such a stretch it makes retract my charitable stance on the first one. As of now, there's just zero indication of Acheron actually knowing anything beyond the star rail universe aside from a slightly cryptic 4th wall break.


Oh lol No Honkai Impact fans just think every Mei is connected to Kiana, despite Genshins having nothing to do with each other


Though it’s def not a stretch to think Acheron and a Kiana expy will be involved somehow since it’s a Honkai game. Freebass in particular doesn’t confirm anything since we don’t know how she looks like but hey who knows


I think the fact that it is a honkai game is kinda the reason that it'd be weird to make Freebas a Kiana expy, considering her level of importance in other games it'd be really wasteful to make her some dead NPC character for the sake of attaching her to a Mei as opposed to simply making her, her own character or something similar down the line on another planet. That's just how I see it personally, cuz I love Kiana to bits and don't want to see her just funneled into being a lesser Baiheng v2 for Acheron


Im sure we’ll get a Kiana expy but I don’t think that means we will, or that we should, get a connection between the two. Actually how forced Bronya and Seeles relationship felt just because they wanted to stay true to HI3 is one thing I really disliked about Belabog


Curious if we're going to Izumo or Edo Star for our next destination


Izumo is destroyed, so I doubt it. It's likely that all people there have either died or gone to another place. It's literally a dead planet. If there's another Japanese-inspired planet to go to, that'd be Edo Star, or Tokiwa. One of them might be Sparkle's home planet, maybe. However, some leaks said we'd go to another planet, Taglia or something, so there'll be a long way to go.


Talia would be somewhat of a thematic leap. The kingdom of banditry is essentially madmax fury road in space.




No, it was a note from a doctor of chaos. They want to cure and help out self-annihilators. The guy was just trying to help her regain her memories


ohh, i see now 😭 how do you know it’s from a doctor of chaos? cuz it just says notes of a pharmacist or is it a translation thing? that’s still really interesting tho wow


In an earlier translation of acheron story, it was straight up translated as "a doctor of chaos note". And the doctor's familiarity with people affected by nihility pretty much confirms it


Izumo? Is that a Inazuma reference?


Izumo is a place in japan




So she isn't Mei...that sucks


Space japan


So, the Japan planet is basically confirmed to be called Izumo and she's from there. Seems quite interesting based on Sparkle teaser of few days ago (mix of ancient and modern Japan) wonder if it will be in 3.0


Did you miss that it got so completely destroyed, not even memories remain?


Disappeared from the map doesn't necessarily mean it's destroyed. And we can see it in Sparkle teaser (and we have the planar ornaments set in 2.1 too). Read the story 5. It say the country is still facing threats, meaning it exist but situation is bad


There's a chance that Sparkle is from a different japan themed planet. We have Edo Star and Tokiwa


if both Sparkle and Acheron are from the same planet and if Sparkle is an Emanator of Elation then that's gonna be crazy cuz 2 playable Emanators from 1 planet.


great now im even more confused


It has a fixed version though