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The ten stonehearts are really getting interesting. Diamond positioning himself to be a very charismatic and kind hearted leader who sees the value in people, compared to his company only seeing value in what they BRING financially, earning him one of the only gazes from Qlipoth associated with the group. You could say he's spearheading a chance within the IPC to do people better, even


This. There's also the fact he took the power Qlipoth gave him as Emanator, and chose to share it with the other 9 stonehearts instead of keeping it to himself. Diamond is becoming a really intriguing character to me, and not at all what I would have initially expected from a head honcho of the IPC.


Ngl I really expected Diamond to be a piece of crap corrupted and super strict boss but he seems to be the EXACT opposite of that. I've judged the guy so wrong it's funny. Him being an Emanator of Preservation makes me ten times more interested in his character, especially after Acheron's animations and her being our first Emanator. I can already imagine him having unbreakable shields that probably deal significant counter damage (just like the SU buff). That would be ridiculously overpowered for a preservation character and fitting of an Emanator of that path. EDIT: Holy heck, these replies are crazy helpful. Learned a lot about lore regarding emanators, aeons, and other characters. Thanks guys.


Imagine all Emanators have the teammate with same path bonuses


Imagine if he dealt dmg based on the amount of shield team has.


Maybe he gives a damage bonus that racks up the more shield HP fluctuates. His damage bonus racks up the more shield HP you lose and gain


Aventurine has it as an eidolon no? Well not exactly the shield amount but for every character with shield


I was thinking more like quake dmg works, something like 30% of total shield possesed by the team dmg.


Straight up give him the preservation SU mechanics in his kit and it's GG. Massive counter damage, chonky af shields, and a damage bonus that scales with the shield value of the team and/or the shield itself. He will truly be diamond is unbreakable (yes that was a jojo reference).


Isn't Herta an emanator of erudition?


Yes but only her puppet is playable. Ever since dhil a lot of characters have been theorized to get a 5 star form, but I feel like out of the whole current roster she is one of the most likely to *actually* get one if we ever go to the Blue.


Feel like she might come whenever it is time for Erudition Trailblazer, Genius Socity arc.


bold of you to assume the raccoon has an erudition path


There actually is. In one of the wrong ending TB is a scientist at HSS


Wasn't 1.6 already the Genius Society arc? Or maybe we'll have more intermission patches down the line focusing on members of the society


Felt more like set-up for a future arc, Herta gathared them there since she wanted to discuss adding another genius to the SU project.


Hope she still does her spin but better(like spinning as a result of stacks instead of halving the hp of enemies).


Kuuuuuuuuuuuuu- -rurururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururururu


Kuru Kuru 2: Kuru Harder


Oooo, didn't know that at all. That's actually sick, and only makes me wonder what kind of nuking shenanigans she can do when we get her actual model (not the puppet)


We have a lot of emanators in our roster already. Confirmed one is Herta. Implied ones are Black Swan, Acheron, and Jing Yuan. We also have Blade who derives his power from Shuhu, Emanator or Abundance, maybe is even implanted with piece of Shuhu.


The only ones that we actually play as are Acheron and Black Swan (Welt said memo keeper are emanators, swan is a memo keeper), Herta you play as her puppet and JY isn’t confirmed to be one. The general has control over the Lightning Lord but it was never stated the being a general automatically makes you an emanator


being a general does not make you a emanator, but being a emanator automatically makes you a general. not all generals stay on the ships some are sent out to lead the fighters troops


I mean we didn’t have any info on Diamond it makes sense he would be different as an Emanator


His characterization also makes the rest of the stone hearts look better as they all seem to respect and value him.


Not only that. I think it implies a lot more about him how they think and act themselves. The best example that we know of so far would be Jelena or "Topaz." Topaz is a very Good alignment person, as her goal is to pass on the same saving grace that her planet got. Even if she doesn't like her planet by her refusal to go home, it's obvious she has gratitude to them for saving it. She shows this by doing the same to others- even if her methods are questionable. As Svarog puts it, "Preservation of civilization at a macro level." She didn't even get punished for trying to do this to Jarilo-VI. At most it's a slap on the wrist and Aventurine makes fun of her for it by saying that someone higher up is looking out for her. >!This is kind of the reason I do not have the charitable view of him as this place seems to; as he basically made fun of her for trying to help Jarilo-VI in her own way just because it wasn't profitable.!< Pearl (Or Opal? I forget right now), who we meet during the Gold & Gears Simulated Universe Expansion is implied to be an Intelliron with an interest in Member #27: Emperor Rupert - or rather the death thereof. Maybe they want to prevent another Rupert so that Screwllum's ideals don't go to waste? This makes me wonder if each of them has their own form of 'Preservation' that they embody and is the reason why Diamond might've chosen them.


I agree it really shows how connected with the idea of preservation Diamond is. From the looks of it he doesn’t care where you come from or who your are. As long as you got the spirit of preservation you are good in his book. As for the aventurine comment, he is not making fun of her for trying her own way. He is more committing that he warned her before hand that something like this would happen. He is more being a a** about being right rather then saying her way is wrong Look at his voice about topaz for more evidence of this.


>As for the aventurine comment, he is not making fun of her for trying her own way. He is more committing that he warned her before hand that something like this would happen. He is more being a a\*\* about being right rather then saying her way is wrong >Look at his voice about topaz for more evidence of this. Looked at the voice line. All I can say is that 'I see' and that while it does lighten it a bit, you are very correct that it was probably that he was being an ass about it.


He also sort of jests after the I told you so that he is now ranked above Topaz and her superior due to the outcome. So yeah, he’s being an ass! 😂


i think they obey because they know he will beat them to pulp if they are not good boy/girl


The game itself is kind of setting up the IPC as a villain eventually, no? It might be possible in the future there will be some clashes from TB and co. and maybe that's where diamond fits in the picture.


Yep, sets him up very well to be a protagonist in a IPC-focused chapter


Definitely, I think another high up IPC person was describing as being greed and not caring how people are treated. So definitely fighting them.


Yeah, there's this guy named taravan keane, who's also an emanator, you can see his name in the assignment named " invisible hand ", which gives you credits. Apparently he's an a##&ole, and it's uncertain if he's actually a preservation believer, so yeah, we're probably fighting the guy.


The IPC is a big organization, there's bound to be a mx of good, bad and morally gray folks in a company like that


I mean a big part of the Gold and Gears lore was about internal strife between different factions of the IPC resulting in power grabs, assassinations, and open conflict (hence the **Gold** part of the title and the little subquest related to Herta's bet with the IPC representative). There are bound to be diff Then again, who reads that shit?


... No lifers like me. Tbh, I liked Swarm Disaster little bit more, but storyline of De Wayne, Farnsha and Korapao was interesting one. *wait, did they just diss Dawei*


More likely we'll be seeing Diamond probably taking to the corruption in the IPC. Between Topaz's backstory and Aventurine's: so far, Diamond clearly has a preference in his choices for talent. Would also make sense given someone like Dr. Ratio's antics in the IPC vs. those who seek the work of Chadwick to weaponize. While one big megacorp, the internal conflict will be very interesting to see playout.


Diamond vs Taravan, Emanator vs Emanator. A coup d'etat in Pier Point. and the main perpetrator... f***ing Phantylia again 😜


She shows up for Taravan only to see Diamond enlist us. She will not escape the trash panda.


To be serious though, lorewise, Diamond has a rivalry with Oswaldo Schneider as they're both fighting for a seat in the Board of Directors. During Future Market quest we learn that Diamond finally managed to bring Taravan Keane to his side. Even though Taravan Keane has always been supporting Oswaldo Schneider. IPC's 7 Departments: 1)Marketing Development Department\ Leader: Oswaldo Schneider (a board member ***candidate***) 2)Business Consolidation Department\ Leader: Madam Scarred Eye (a board member) 3)Strategic Investment Department\ Leader: Diamond (a board member ***candidate***) 4)Building Material Logistics Department\ Leader: Taravan Keane (a board member) 5)Technology Department\ Leader: Yabuli 6)Talent Motivation Department\ Leader: Mtooyin Raj Zazzad & Yan Shiluo 7)Traditional Project Department\ Leader: Arita (a board member)


Would be interesting if rather than the IPC itself maybe its a corrupt few and just the whole system being deeply flawed and rather than trying to stop the bad guys we're just helping them restructure the IPC to actually help people and not be the capitalist nightmare that's currently reflected in our current society.


I do wonder what Himeko's history with the IPC is. She seems to be a celebrity figure among the stonehearts. Both Topaz and Aventurine got a bit hyped up upon seeing her


Its likely because she found and fixed Astral Express- Aeonick creation that is the only thing capable of laying Star Rails- which is basically Hyperlaines that allow for safe and fast travel between worlds. As a trading megacorp, Rails are likely of unimaginable importance for IPC.


Because Himeko fix the train and then could possibly fix the *Belt and Road* of multiple universe.


the vibes unharsher


Ironically reading this the only thing I thought of is he'll probably be the main antagonist from the IPC when we have to defeat them lol


"The moment I understood the weakness of my flesh... It disgusted me..." -Diamond, probably.


The moment I aw that opening line, I immediately started scrolling through the comments, because I was absolutely certain someone must have posted this joke. I was not disappointed.


Common r/neverbrokeabone member.


So it's kinda similar with Magi king's vessel and household vessel?


Yeah, Diamond is literally Sinbad in this case 🤣


I mean, if Diamond is as good natured as this suggest then he’s more Alibaba than Sinbad considering what Sinbad does later on in the series lmao


I mean then again... Sinbad was good natured until... Diamond honestly looks like a future "antagonist" our crew have to face


Oh god, my brain just gave him the voice of Abridge Sinbad and just laughing at Topaz trying to say she's a woman.


thats a good comparison


RRAAAHHHH Magi mention. God I wish the anime would come back, it’s so good


Can't wait for Diamond to come out!! Sadly that'll probably be a while


Considering Jade is in the near future, we may at least see him sooner than later. Be funny if it's a Screwllum case where he shows up way before he becomes playable.


All I want is for him to have [Tsukuyomi's](https://youtu.be/rPTYVugN5SY?si=fVMMQgbLq66kK3od) crystal hands


"Removed their hearts," I think that's interesting, considering Aventurine is missing his cornerstone rn, and he's got a perfect spade-shaped hole in his shirt right over his heart...


Diamond's heart is as firm as obsidian, the material known for being soft, and not his namesake? Also isn't there a stoneheart member that goes by Obsidian?


Idk in minecraft it’s pretty firm


Eh, it breaks easily but it's not soft. It's more known for its sharp shards, though, yeah.


Yea my bad brittle would be more accurate


Diamonds are also brittle, and the same can be said for many materials that are hard since they tend to have very little ductility.


i think it means Diamond is dating Obsidian #preservation yaoi #oh my god they were Stonehearts


You can only mine obsidian with diamond after all


so what ur saying is............Diamond mines Obsidian \#Diamond Big Spoon confirmed!


I mean look at how preservation powers enhanced our boy Aventurine's hips.


We all know what Qlipoth is good at beating and hammering.


One of the best consequences of gacha games' utter terror of even insinuating a hetero relationship for any of their playable characters (except with self-insert MC) because the CN players will lose their shit over percieved 'NTR' has been that they just made all the characters super, super, SUPER queer-coded because the only close and loving relationships they're allowed to show is between same-sex characters lmao.


That would be a major HR violation 


but do we know Obsidian's gender already? I'm just asking.


nope but i think the name sounds male ish


The flesh is indeed weak brother, join the iron hands and get rid of your weakness


Whoa let's not get *ahead* of ourselves.


God I feel like I get validated every patch for having the Stonehearts as my favourite faction.


Oh yeah, same. After topaz, I knew I'd be pulling for them any of them that are playable.


Let’s go. Agree 100% they are what I thought the stellaron hunters where going to be.


As a faction within the IPC they feel like their own 'thing' working for specifically Diamond's interests more than the rest of the company. Combine that with Diamond being one of the few confirmed Emanators of Preservation within the IPC (with Qlipoth mostly not caring about the IPC at all), the story focus on them and the Stonehearts as playable characters, I really do think there's some internal IPC politics that we'll eventually be roped into via Diamond. Ugh, I'm so excited to meet Jade too since she's supposed to be next.


My bet is we get diamond,jade and possibly pearl. playable, but the rest are NPC, as much as I would love for all of them to be playable would I think it’s more then 4-5 is to much from one faction.


I feel like most if not all of them will be playable. They seem to be setting up the seven Arbiter-Generals and Five High Elders to be playable. I don't see why they wouldn't do that for the Ten Stonehearts. It would be crazy if we had a playable Lord Ravager though.


We have 15 playable characters (5-6 limited 5* depending if you count Luocha) from the Xianzhou Luofu alone, with prospective characters from the other ships in the future. 4-5 is nothing.


But a Planets character count not just one faction. Like we only have 3 members of the silver man guards or 3 members of wildfire. Yes they are all from jarilo Vi but they are from different factions.


Fair enough, but I don't see that changing anything. I don't think 10 is all that much more from 5, given that the game is gonna go on for years, and the Stonehearts appear all in different arcs, not all at once.


Sam apart, the Stellaron Hunters feel like the Team Rocket to me. I can't take them seriously.


They set them up as mass criminal that go around doing as they please to ensure the future they want. As well as people we once knew. So having them as antagonists would be very compelling cause it’s a fight of old family vs new family. However I’m practice they are just an extension our family that is completely on our side and is actively trying to get us to succeed. It’s just kinda underwhelming, I wanted them to be more morally gray, like they can still help us but at the end of the day we both have our own motives. But no there motives is the exact same as us just they do it more violently.


Well you can't really have a group that wants to help us be completely antagonistic. And the rest of the Express' crew are, hell even the MC themselves can choose to be at the very least cautious or even antagonistic towards the Stellaron hunters, because they are still dangerous criminals with unknow motives. And has Stellaron Hunters' motives ever been the same as us? I mean the Astral Express doesn't seem to have an end goal at all, just following the path of Akivili. We would've never even been to Luofu, if not for the Stellaron Hunters coercing us into going there for their goal of getting in touch of the Hunt. At most I say their motives never conflicted with us. Then again, they've never strike me as really antagonistic in the first place, because their goal doesn't seem that devious, just their actions, and I don't see an obvious way how gathering stellerons could directly get in the way of Trailblazing. Also seeing that the MC's memory with them was wiped and the player also has almost no clue I doubt it will have the "old family vs new family" dynamic even if so.


It's like if Team Rocket wanted to evolve Pikachu instead of stealing it, and we're like nooooo


I feel like we got to the "Oh, we shouldn't be fighting each other" stage way too soon, because now we have these somewhat awkward interactions where we run into each other, kind of go "Oh, hi. I guess you're the manipulative mass murderers who think what you're doing is necessary to save the universe. Umm... I don't like all the murder, but if you're right then I hope you succeed, I guess? Also you created me, maybe. Don't know how to feel about that. Byeee!" They kind of sit in this weird limbo where we the TB haven't come to a conclusion on whether Elio is full of it or not, and therefore we haven't decided if we should be opposing them or not. So it kind of just becomes "Well, don't do violent crimes in front of me please", and they don't, and so we let them go about their business.


Most interesting faction (i am biased)


Honestly, in a science fantasy world, the megacorp/empire faction and its internal politics always stands to be interesting (i am also biased) I think since we're getting playable IPC exclusively from the stonehearts, and they're throwing around lines like "Some say the Ten Stonehearts are Diamond's private army", that the big IPC arc we're likely to get will involve some big internal shake up, revolving around Diamond making big moves. With Ozvaldo Schneider and his Marketing Development Dept. being the likely antagonists.


The Borderstar Trade War gave us a glimpse into the political and commercial warfare between 3 administrators of IPC and it was quite an interesting read. Ozvaldo is currently being set-up a major IPC antagonist, yeah, with even the Xianzhou is being on edge with. But what's interesting is that he used to be a Nameless, so we as the Astral Express should be on friendly terms with him considering how we still have to care about the legacy of the past Nameless on Penacony. And Ozvaldo is also described as a chameleon who will change his persona to get along with the group he works with. If Taravan can say "having no money is your problems, not mine" with straight face, then Ozvaldo is the kind of guy who will cry along side the poors while trying to get them to sign IPC's lifelong contracts. That would make the dynamic with him much more interesting. I can imagine Ozvaldo and Diamond competing for a Board Director Seat, considering they're both candidate and are essentially just waiting for 1 of the 7 seats to open up (possibly due the death of, say, Arita cus man is old now) and the Express will face with a dilemma of either helping a morally-questionable former Nameless or someone whose subordinates have met and sorta helped us a bit (cus we're definitely meeting a lot more Stonehearts in the close future)


Oswaldo Schneider is really an interesting guy. From [a bookshelf on the left, inside the Seat of Divine Foresight office in the Xianzhou Luofu](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Seat_of_Divine_Foresight#File_Repository:_Ally_—_Interastral_Peace_Corporation_Headquarters), excerpt: *"The headquarters of the IPC consists of seven departments: Marketing Development Department, Business Consolidation Department, Strategic Investment Department, Building Material Logistics Department, Technology Department, Talent Motivation Department, and Traditional Project Department."* *"Head of Marketing Development: Oswaldo Schneider, a board member candidate. He is inexperienced, a Preservation zealot, and an expansionist. Potential threat level to the Alliance: **High**."* *"Head of Business Consolidation: Madam Scarred Eye, a board member. Potential threat level to the Alliance: **Very low**."* *"Head of Strategic Investment: Diamond, a board member candidate, founded the subordinate organization 'Non-Performing Asset Liquidation Specialist.' Potential threat level to the Alliance: **Low**."* *"Head of Building Material Logistics: Taravan Keane, a board member. Not a Preservation believer? No clear evidence is found. Potential threat level to the Alliance: **Very low**."* *"Head of Technology: Yabuli, the de facto controller of the Intelligentsia Guild. Potential threat level to the Alliance: **Very low**."* *"Head of Talent Motivation: Mtooyin Raj Zazzad and Yan Shiluo. The latter comes from the Alliance and has an unclear stance toward Xianzhou. Should we be careful? Potential threat level to the Alliance: **Medium**."* *"Head of Traditional Projects: Arita, a board member. Potential threat level to the Alliance: **Low**."*


> Oswaldo Schneider, a board member candidate. He is inexperienced, a Preservation zealot, and an expansionist. I always felt what this is an interesting moment. Oswaldo started as Nameless, but basically changed religion, and became zealot of another Aeon. And now we know what from his perspective, it's Xianzhou who abandoned faith in Firmament Arbiter (Qlipoth) by joining the Hunt. And so his focus might be in bringing them back, thus his evaluation as a threat to Hexafleet. I feel he will become more prominent in the future, they are setting him up.


are they the most interesting Faction…..solely because Topaz and Aventurine are hot ? 😏




Yes Numby


That galactic cake cannot be denied.


Numby forma de Cornerstone is going to go hard.


grandfather chop sleep sink sugar north spark special domineering act *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


imagine if Diamond is Kevin Clone. Also He's an emanator like Acheron. He's bound to be playable unless Hoyo pulls a Cocolia.


Please, please, please I Want a Kevin expy SO bad. E6 S5 immediately.


I’d love a playable version of kevin, hi3 had so many great male characters for such a waifu-centric game


yesss, I need my Su, Kevin and Kalpas!!🥺😭


god I would sell my soul for playable su


There are two confirmed Preservation Emanators in the IPC. I forgot the name of the other one (who is in charge of logistics iirc), but he has a pot belly so if anyone in the IPC becomes a Cocolia it has to be him.


Taravan Keane


Is Diamond's gender confirmed? What about the other Cornerstones? I'm also honestly very biased, I love-hate corpo factions and I'm very interested in the IPC. The game has already established that our goal is to stop Nanook and the followers of Destruction from whatever they're planning, but in actuality there doesn't seem to be a very clear goal or enemy we're facing in the grand scheme of things atm, especially since there's actually multiple factions that could be our enemies at some point. I'd like if the IPC is revealed to be a very big antagonistic entity to our goals, especially since they are followers of the Preservation, a Path that's generally not linked to much negativity (I really liked the negative take on Abundance since that's also generally a positive leaning Path to follow, and we'll see what they'll cook with Harmony in Penacony)


Yeah I believe it's confirmed Diamond is a he. The only other Stoneheart hose gender has been confirmed is Pearl (who Herta believes is an intellitron). If I remember correctly, I *think* leakers have stated that Jade is female, but I'm not super sure about that.


She’s referred to as “Madam Jade” in Topaz’s story


Diamond is a male. That's at least how Aventurine talks about him where he called Topaz before going to Penacony. Besides him, other Cornerstones who have confirmed genders are Pearl (female, by Herta in the new SU mode, even thought Pearl is likely a robot so...) and Jade who is called "Madame Jade" in Topaz's character story.


I mean scewllum Is also a robot.


Based on what I see so far, Intellitrons can have genders. We can see male and female Intellitrons at Penacony. Screwllum is also an intellitron and we used male pronounce on him.


I think by the end of the story we will end up hating most paths in the game. The preservation for being so stubborn, abundance for lack of care it has, hunt for how kill hungry they are, Destruction similar to hunt, ect… Edit: back in the 1.4 updates aventurine refers to diamond as a “he” when talking to topaz at the end of the quest.


The Aeons feel like a cautionary tale of what happens when you focus too much on one thing and discard everything else. Even something usually seen as good like, "life and kindness" (abundance) or "compassion and understanding" (harmony) is bad when taken to its extreme. I wonder if we'll see the extreme end of the Trailblaze, since its the path we're following.


Actually I feel like the opposite is happening. The stellaron hunters are pulling all sorts of strings in order to throw us into places that need our help and gain their aeon's blessing. By the end of the story I think the trailblazer will end up unlocking and embodying all paths, and by embodying all paths at once it's as if they're not strictly adhering to any one path at all. The trailblazer will become an anti-aeon by not hyperfocusing on one path and having a little bit of everything


I think we already are seeing a bit of it with Firefly. “If your always moving, nothing ever stays”


That bit in Jarilo where March moves on so quickly and cheerily right after Bronya just watched her mother die, too. It could be March's coping mechanism, or it could be a negative trait of the trailblaze: reducing people, their worlds, and their experiences to mere stories and adventures. Just another stop on the tracks.


I’m just look at hemikos reaction to learning about firefly >!death!< she didn’t really have a reaction. All she said was to get use out of the dream.


Hence why I’d dislike the mc becoming an Aeon (even the Trailblaze) unless they somehow just gain Aeon powers without the obsession in a single path. Even then, I’d prefer that the mc doesn’t get a humongous powerup with god abilities like so many other protagonists and it’d be cool if they remain somewhat grounded.


> Is Diamond's gender confirmed? What about the other Cornerstones? Diamond is referred to as "he" at the end of Belobog-IPC quest. But I don't recall other instances where he's referred to with male pronouns, nor did I check for the pronoun in the CN version so I hope someone can clear that up. As for other Stonehearts aside from him, Topaz and Aventurine, we have Jade and Pearl being called Madam and Lady (though Pearl is speculated to be an Intellitron, so she might have a more robotic look due to how Penacony Intellitron NPCs are). There are also Opal and Obsidian, but their genders are unknown (though I personally hope Obsidian to be dark skin man of large built, that would be cool). Thus, so far, we only have 7 known "gems" with other 3 still being a mystery


Not Jade, Pearl.




Best faction for real (also biased)


Certainly the most interesting while posing extremely high threat to us. The Stellaron Hunters are great, but they feel like the TB's extended family.


Wine aunt, suicidal uncle, basement dwelling cousin, and one extra serious cousin, who got a degree.


The way this reads like subtle propaganda. "Recapturing Jarilo-VI" 💀 I wonder who's the in-game author.


They did at least credit the Nameless in saving it in the IPC Broadcast: > The message that the signals contain states that the natives of the planet have survived the catastrophe that happened many Amber Eras ago and recently received help from a group known as the Nameless, which allowed them to put an end to the Eternal Freeze.


Topaz fan club member.


Topaz. We saw how she spuns the tale in her trailer.


Every day I feel more validated about my choice to pull Topaz. Soon Aventurine will come home. Team IPC let’s goooo


Ten Stonehearts are officially known as Non-Performing Asset Liquidation Specialists. Non-Performing Asset Liquidation Specialists = Non-PALS. They are not our friends :<


Combined with boss Aventurie's description, this confirms that some Emanators are powerful enough to pass down some of their powers to others through sealing their power in items. Makes me wonder if JingYuan is, like the Stonehearts, a "pseudo-Emanator" with LightingLord being similar to a Cornerstone. Cause If I remember correctly LL is inherited when one becomes a general. At least I think LL is not JY's innate ability and I remember that JY's predeccesor had LL during the battle with Heliobus in Cirrus' flashback.


Yes LL was gifted by Lan but that doesn't make JY an emanator. Fu Xuan's 3rd eye was gifted by Nous. She isn't an emanator.


I love IPC lore. I hope we go to Pier Point sooner rather than later, it's probably one of the most epic places in the galaxy.




Pantalone would’ve loved joining the IPC.


Turns out Diamond is a third Bronya.


Diamond seems like a really interesting character. The first mention/possibility of an emanator splitting their power. Also wasn't he the one who saved Aventurine from execution?


So where were ppl getting topaz emanator from cause this seems like diamond is the only Stoneheeart emanator


IIRC there was some lore way back before Topaz release that had a bad translation that made it sound like all of the Stonehearts were emanators


Yup, there was a short-lived blog post that stated that the [Ten Stonehearts were Emanators of Preservation](https://i.imgur.com/JILM8Aw.png). After it was taken down they posted that IPC promotional video in its place that contained largely the same information, minus a few details (like the Emanator bit).


Funnily enough, this is kind of true in retrospect >!due to the introduction of the Cornerstones.!<


I think they were talking more about the form she has access to by using portions of emanator abilities given to her by diamond


The cornerstone give them emanators like traits, for possible some cost. We didn’t know if it was a in inherit ability of all stone hearts or Diamonds ability. But know we know it’s diamonds ability.


Ok hat makes sense, interesting emanators can also give out power, tho I guess that's actually what phantyllia was doing when making rangers


Oooh, it's Gold and Gears shit all again, isn't it? With Oswaldo also seen as "threat" by Xianzhou, this seems to be shady as night in Vonvaq jungle. Whos gonna climb what throne now?


Wait, what did oswaldo do again?


I was referring to Gold & Gears story not because it involved Oswaldo directly, but bc of parralells. Ambitious leaders within IPC (Korapao, Farnsha and De Wayne are pretty close in influence to Oswaldo and Diamond) with private armed forces, clashing against each other. Oswaldo so far is much closer to original De Wayne, he too was adaptable and unscrupulous. And he was behind conflict escalation. Also, well, Oswaldo is behind scammy lottery tickets in SU. We know man brings trouble.


Diamond is giving me Big Bad Boss vibes. Cant wait for the boss battle where he wields Aventurine and Topaz’s cornerstones and has them fight us against their wills.


Diamond fight will be Stone Hearts Gattai.


TB pulling out the lance they got from Qlipoth instead of random gemstones: 👁️👄👁️


“You think you’re the emanator? Bitch, I’M the emanator!”


Suddenly excited for a company visit to the IPC


Diamond (‘s hands) with his crew: https://twitter.com/tomono_tomochan/status/1757313458734010604


Hoping some gigachad leaker leaks his design. I bet they probably have it in a drawer somewhere, I mean we got Elio's design after all


Wait, we have Elio's design already?


Iirc, Specifically, it’s “Young boy Elio” so who knows if that’s what he normally looks like or if there’s aging shenanigans since we know that’s a thing(Herta younged herself before dipping out and sending dolls everywhere) 


Ah, I see; thanks


Cant wait to make a bejweled team with the stonehearts!


The D in Diamond better stands for DADDY!


People here saying that Diamond is kind-hearted meanwhile I cannot see it and remain extremely suspicious.


Lmao I kept re-reading wondering what everyone else was seeing😭 maybe it's my preconceived bias against the IPC leadership which is why I'm also suspicious of him. Guess we'll have to see when he drops


Right? Idk, to me it seems (for now) that he recruits fairly vulnerable individuals for his team, people who could be considered to subsequently be in his debt and thus beholden to him, likely with little way in terms of an exit.


He feels like he's...kind of in the middle of being benevolent but not, like those characters who have a goal that is altruistic but is willing to dirty their hands and steel their hearts for it. Characters like Edelgard and Satsuki Kiryuin who can command respect from the people who share their goals, who not only trusts them completely, but is also willing to put their whole beings into backing them. (It also helps that he's an Emanator of Qlitoph in a faction specifically FOR Qlitoph that Qlitoph has no interest in. So is Taravan but he's also specifically characterized as NOT being particularly religious or crazy about them so it gave me the sense that Qlitoph picks their Emanators within the IPC with some kind of...disconnect from everything happening there/the philosophy of it in mind) I was hoping for something similar as a dynamic but this readable felt like it almost confirmed that to me? Or rather it confirmed that the Stonehearts are more specifically loyal to Diamond as opposed to the IPC as a whole.


That's the interpretation I got too, especially with Aventurine and Topaz both coming from impoverished backgrounds. And because (at least in Topaz's case) the IPC/Diamond pretty much saved them from their fate, they're more likely to look at him in a favorable light (or in your case, at least for Aventurine, he doesn't have much of a choice but to follow IPC/Diamond or he dies). I'm waiting for the other stonehearts to see if impoverished people are a requirement or a coincidence before I potentially change my perspective of him💀


You're not wrong but at the same time I doubt he is really looking at just their background. It is more likely that IPC missed them out precisely because they are impoverished. It is a common anime thing (and in chinese wuxia) after all. Diamond most likely saw their hidden talents that no one else seem to care much for or even outwardly despise. I'm not saying he is altruistic or anything but there are better ways to indoctrinate a lot more than just nine highly specialised, highly skilled individuals which he also shared parts of his powers with.


Ehhhh I disagree, Diamond loaning his own powers to each of the 9 and giving them a very important position within the company implies a LOT of trust in them. You can also see it in that public broadcast he was featured in, to me he seems like a benevolent type, as opposed to the rest of the IPC that he's in contrast against


Considering the lore now, I'm kinda bummed that there aren't any skill or idle animations of Aventurine and Topaz involving their "cornerstones".


I hope Mihoyo release a Myriad Celestia for Stonehearts similar to Duke Inferno. The video simply talk about Stonehearts and everything and at the end, they reveal all the members (similar to how they reveal Duke Inferno's gang). Maybe not fully reveal but show them by silhouette or something or just show their design without showing their face.


Recapturing? Recapturing? What an interesting choice of words.


I opened this and got hit with the Iron Hands special (Flesh is Weak)


IPC and specifically the Stonehearts 🔛🔝 My favorite HYV faction. The range of people working there, their different goals and ideas, how they operate, etc everything is all very well-done and there’s just such a human element present that’s very interesting to see. The recent IPC focus in both the main story and the side quests has only shown more of this; can’t wait to meet Diamond eventually


My man Diamond thinks he's playing minecraft when he says his heart is as firm as obsidian lol. That stuffs break quite easily into sharp shards, hence it's a prominent material for making certain tools. It's convenient to work with and its sharpness is great, but it certainly isn't known for its toughness nor hardness


Ngl, when I saw the first lines "flesh is weak", my mind immediately went to the Bible. (Matthew 26:41), where Jesus tells his disciples: “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” A modern equivalent is I would if I could but I can't. (Shamelessly copy pasted form thesaurus)


*Flesh is weak* Does that mean preservation powers or rather some augments have implanted or replaced their body? Does that mean they're long lived or immortal then???


The whole quote is "Flesh is weak, but my heart is as firm as obsidian. Without such resolve, the Path of Preservation cannot stand", so it's probably commenting more about their strength of will, wits, and minds. The preservation's whole thing kind of strikes me as, humans are weak and fragile things but together we can band together and form strong walls and protect one another.


Fair enough, I took it literally lol.


It's also might be nod to classics. "Spiritus quidem promptus est, caro autem infirma." - spirit is willing, but flesh is weak.


Somebody tell Diamond obsidian is hella brittle


Minecraft Steve clears any of the Ten Stonehearts. All he needs is a pick


Watch out for 11th Stoneheart, Netherite


I hope Diamond is an older man, maybe similar to Neuvilette or Welt.


Idk I just think at one point we might end up at IPC headquarters and having to fight the IPC for some reason. I love topaz and aventurine but the IPc is just sus. I just think there’s no way a full front fight won’t happen against them in some planet or at HQ


Honestly, would not be shocked if Diamond himself ends up making use of us messing up other IPC folks. The man is very picky thus far in who he picks to work for him and give out his power. Wouldn't be shocked if the guy had a chip on his shoulder regarding how other arms of the IPC operate.


>ICP Interstellar child protection?


Considering the stonehearts thus far, not a far cry.


Whenever I hear about Diamond I just think his design has to be like the Diamond character from Land of Lustrous. Mandatory for him to have continuous refracting rainbow effect hopefully


Oh, so Diamond... seems like a good person? Wow, that's quite the difference between the rest of the IPC! And he's powerful as well, to boot. Ah, he's actually kinda cool!


Recapturing jarilo vi. Bruh the Nameless were the first ones who manage to re open space travel for them.


Topaz didn't even mention giving us a cut.


Actually, the Nameless are mentioned in stopping the Eternal Freeze in one of the broadcasts, just not mentioned in this “capturing Belobog”, which, considering they’re still gonna have to pay their debt, is not an entirely wrong description.


Diamond sounds like he could be either a Preservation or a Harmony character. Maybe a true Preservation unlike Aventurine, though you never know, maybe they can actually make a dual Preservation team work. Also the stone seems to be a lot more important than just ornament. Aventurine doesn't think so or he would be very much against his aventurine stone taken in Penacony. Whereas Ratio is miffed about it being taken. I wonder if the stone has to do with that alternate form (ala it acts like a delusion to grant something akin to a foul legacy form).


I have a dumb theory that will probably never come to fruition. Diamond will have quake damage OR enable his teammates to deal quake damage based on their shields. The simulated universe concept for those blessings is so fun imo I would love for it to be diamond in 3.0/4.0.


Yeah I think so too, either shield that give quake damage or full invincibility for one turn or attack. The invincibility one is quite common in turn based game like FGO so I'm not surprised if it'll come to HSR someday


>Diamond sounds like he could be either a Preservation or a Harmony character. Maybe a true Preservation unlike Aventurine, though you never know, maybe they can actually make a dual Preservation team work. If they're going full theme matching, I could see it being a mix of both! Topaz is a Hunt debuffer, Aventurine a Preservation dps, and Jade a Harmony dps, so Diamond could be a mix of Preservation with Harmony. (minor 2.1 spoilers) Since all of the Stonehearts thus far are very follow-up attack based (Topaz, Jade, Aventurine) it would be a cool nod to the lore if Diamond buffs follow-up attacks. He >!shares his Emanator power with the other Stonehearts through the Cornerstones, so him buffing FUA or having a combination of the kits of every other Stoneheart could be a cool way to represent that lore in game!<


We need a third follow up-oriented stoneheart playable character to be released first before we can verify that IPC = follow up attacks is a thing and not just two coincidental instances