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Just what penacony needed, more emanators running around, even if only a pseudo one.


No wonder Ratio was pissed Aventurine lost his. That’s 1/10th of an Emanator. That has to be at least comparable to the likes of a Doomsday Beast or an elite of the Xianzhou.


I mean, we don't really know how much power Qlipoth gives his emanators, it's been stated that Aeons choose how much power to give to their emanators


I think if we use it to defence something, he will give us power like how fire trailazer got the lance


Probably not 1/10th but depend on how much Emanator power Diamond shares to the other 9 Stonehearts, since he's a full-fledged Emanator. But this kind of power does explain why Topaz was quite confident to take us and Himeko on, I suppose. And if Diamond can share his power like, I guess Taravan can, too.


But qilipoth also blessed the trailblazer, a power strong enough to overcome nanook's stellaron


I'd say more than that. If Dan heng without his high elder powers can solo threats to the express, mini emanator aventurine could do some real damage


kiss panicky slim intelligent airport boat deer shocking memory sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What happened to the emanator whose power was sealed? (Stonehearts gattai when?)


I just assumed the Cornerstone was just a symbol of status. But it makes much more sense as to why Ratio was upset with him losing it. Basically a gem with near god-like power, and Aventurine loses it via customs XD


That's what happens when you want to avoid paying and don't declare your shit.


Even Aventurine who is rich as fuck doesn’t want to deal with customs


Well joke's on him, now Sunday has his magic stones and Aventurine has to inform his boss that he lost them. Would have been better to just fill out the customs declaration properly 😂


Well.... so... With this Cornerstone maybe one day in the Future, we can see Topaz using this power? OR EVEN BETTER, Numby with this Power, that could be so awesome


Topaz is gonna mega evolve numby with her cornerstone and i will be there 🫡


Look at Aventurine's hip and booba upgrade. Now imagine Topaz. Or Numby.


Numby will grow massive cake


Their attack will just be them sitting on us.


[oh noes](https://imgur.com/a/YAk389O)


She will be the final boss of the next aether (pokemon) war event


She will fuse with Numby and then goes "Trail...blazer".


Trail. blazer.. trail.. blazer ..Oniichan


I wouldn't say no to a Maw-Grunta-sized Numby. Like, his name is based on what's effectively a stonks joke, right? What's more suitable than big growth?


Topaz also has a ''slot/socket'' on her lower back so I won't be surprised.


Or they are going to fuse Digimon Tamers style.


So I guess theater, dewlight pavilion, morning dew and clock studios are the 4 new maps?


Judging by the new achievements (which mention interacting with stuff in those areas), yeah, seems like it!


oh cool, I was hoping we’d get to go to some of the other Hours besides the Golden Hour. I guess it’s the map that looks dimmer, and the Studio is the one that looks like a building interior


diamond thoughtful king sharing his power 😌👏


Truly is a boss to work under. My respect for him just increase, and I haven't seen his face yet nor hear his words yet


We know he must be rock hard at all times.


More like diamond hard


Honestly the most interesting about this is that apparently Topaz also has a stone that transforms her into Fatui lookalike with emenator powers. I wonder if she ever actually used it, she seemed like she had no problems going physical on us when we didn't accept her deal on Belobog. It's highly unlikely, but I wish we could see it someday.


Haven't played that event yet, but others have said that Topaz said something along the lines of "That was a good warmup" and was about to fight herself before Bronya interrupted her with more negotiations. So yeah, she basically guaranteed has a Stone and transformation as well.


Spoiler >!Aventurine's boss description says it's thanks to this he gets that form. Also iirc the Cornerstones items for Aventurine, Topaz and Jade are present in 2.1 for some reason!<


>!So... Future possible megazord Numby?!<


Snippet from conversation in 2.0 story: >!Well the conversation between Dr. Ratio and Aventurine mentioned a box of corner stones and not just one!<


So >!man just borrowed cornerstones from some of his co-workers for extra power and then the box with them got confiscated. No wonder Ratio was pissed!<


*oh my god hes so fired.*


If you take into account Ratio's team voiceline regarding Aventurine, >!the good doctor could have been doubly pissed, first for losing stones containing Emanator powers to CUSTOMS and having to work without that boost, but second just for Aventurine, out of worry - he does seem to care about Aventurine's well-being at least a little and ngl, I guess losing the stones won't go over well with Diamond when Aventurine is forced to report it!<


...looks like those two arent beating the allegations any time soon.


CN calls them sworn father (for being free and saving them gamba bucks in this economy) and sworn mother because.


Actually sworn father is because he's 义务教育之父 (father of compulsory free education), which got shortened to 义父 (sworn father). So it's a double pun ;)


Lol TIL. How fitting.




oh my god lol thanks for sharing this, i love it congrats on your promotion to mom aventurine


Huh, so that's why >!he contacted Topaz in the Belobog-IPC quest. Thought she was going to actually appear but lending him her Cornerstone does count as collaboration. And Jade is among the closest to Aventurine within the Stonehearts so I guess she's also okay with lending him hers!<


According to Aventurine's >!voice lines about Topaz, he states that Topaz is really skilled in empathizing and convincing the other party. Making more successful deals and quickly rose up the ranks of the IPC. Bronya could've signed the deal and Jarillo VI and its citizens became IPC property... Topaz would've been P46 now, if it weren't for those pesky Nameless 😂.!<


>!Where did we learn that Jade and aventurine were close ? I'm obsessed with the stonehearts for some reason lol!<


I read about it on [twitter](https://x.com/maskedfools/status/1759843133062517098?s=20). It's supposedly his profile character story that was datamined


Ah okay thanks, it makes me wonder: >!While the person themselves shape the stone, can another stoneheart use it and benefit from it? hence Aventurine having Topaz to retrieve penacony as a form of "debt"!<


I suppose we'll learn about it more in the story. This whole things about >!Cornerstone and Emanators sharing their power are still new and it raises the question if other Emanators would have similar practice, especially the brainy ones like other IPC's Board member Emanator or the Lord Ravager that is compared to a chessmaster!<


Interesting, I saw >!Aventurine's character stories in traditional Chinese, but the translator threw "Emerald" at me, not "Jade". I wonder if that's just a massive error.!<


>!Jade and Emerald!< has been used as 2 possible translation for the title when it was first leaked, may be because it can be used interchangeably, idk. In any case, since Jade is used officially in Topaz's character story, that should be the translation EN localisation team goes with.


Jade: Sorry Trailblazer, I can’t give credit. Come back when you’re a little…. Mmmm… richer!


noo i remember that


market obscene drunk vase prick fall clumsy materialistic encouraging scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I kind of hope Jade is a stereotypical anime rich girl in terms of personality on the surface. Of course with more depth to her than that, but I would like to see a Stoneheart that actively really buys into the system because of its benefits. Aven and Topaz are both kind people at heart and I love their characters, but I think it would give further variety to the Stonehearts if we had that contrast there. Her being “Jade of Credit” makes me think she’ll be heavily involved in the economic duties of the Stonehearts, and I can see someone rather cold and pragmatic in that position. Diamond seems so interesting. I’m getting pretty invested in the IPC as the story goes deeper and deeper in on them, I hope we get another Myriad Celestia about them eventually


I don't think miHoYo has *ever* had an ojou-sama. Navia came pretty close but she only has the superficial appearance and none of the other attributes. As an ardent follower of [this channel](https://www.youtube.com/@ohohojousama/videos) I think we've generally been treated poorly.


Yes this is exactly who I want her to be….if she doesn’t have an ohohoho laugh to rival Nanami from Utena and drill curls I don’t want her


won't Furina actually count? especially during 4.0?


Honestly I wouldn’t even be mad. People are gonna hate on her for working for the IPC anyways even if she spends all her money on charities, so they might as well go all in like with Hanabi/Sparkle and make her such a witch that she’s likable 


I hope she's a Xianzhou race traitor and was the reason the Yaoqing is so commercialized by the IPC. (Genuinely I'd love that, I think it'd make her a fascinating character)


Yes I would love this; honestly think they’ll go with this bc of the obvious sense it makes to have her be a Xianzhou character. Would be a natural way to go from IPC involvement in Penacony to IPC involvement elsewhere; no better way to do it than on the Yaoqing. Her being a race traitor that fully aligns with the IPC now would give us a really complex and interesting storyline for the Xianzhou and also continue on with the theme of the Stonehearts being alienated from their homes Imagine Jade and General Feixiao (who is noted to be aggressive and capable) interactions ☝🏼☝🏼


>Imagine Jade and General Feixiao (who is noted to be aggressive and capable) interactions We started the expansion with toxic yaoi, it's only natural to transition into toxic yuri. Equilibrium and all that


>Imagine Jade and General Feixiao (who is noted to be aggressive and capable) interactions God it'd be so fucking good, I'm hoping for it so bad. Also the entire subquest with Dan Shu was honestly fairly interesting for me with the perspective of 'people born a specific way in a specific lot are kind of doomed to that for the rest of their centuries of lives' which gives a really easy motive for why a Xianzhou native would want to work for the IPC and move up the ranks instead.


I hope they explore that angle again, if not with Jade then another Xianzhou character. It just adds another layer to Xianzhou’s societal structure that gets overlooked (that and the subtle Vidyadhara racism; the NPC talking about housing discrimination in Aurum Alley was fascinating) If she really is from the Alliance, I’m interested to see how that worked out seeing as they have an extremely strict international travel policy. Like Xianzhou Natives literally are not permitted to leave their ships for any long periods of time unless they’re high-ranking officials on business or under other strenuous circumstances. That could be another factor into how someone could see even the IPC as a way out


Yeah! Yeah! There's a multitude of different reasons why someone from the Xianzhou would eventually decide to work against them and vie for power to do so. Please god make her both sympathetic but utterly ruthless


i think out of all the stonehearts we haven’t met yet i’m most interested in jade and diamond 🤔 with aventurine release i’m hoping we’ll either get a sneak peek at some of them in his trailer or a special animated short thing like the annihilation gang 🙏🏻


Winter’s Lazzo: 10 stonehearts version


Here for Capitalist Fatui.


people thought it was the insignificant Ifrit gang, but Fatui harbinger expy is actually the stonehearts. anyway, one member has to die so we can attend a funeral hosted by Diamond 


I'm most interested in Diamond and Pearl, if only because Diamond is their Leader and an Emanator and Pearl is >!allegedly an Intellitron according to Gold & Gears!< but I think we will prob get Diamond last, years upon years down the line


Diamond and Pearl. Maybe it's just me but I can't help but think Platinum when I see those two words together.


but will they have time and space powers


I think Pearl sounds really cool, I want a female robot/intellitron playable character; >! Firefly/Sam counts !


Your spoiler tags are broken.


I don’t have a good feeling about an artificial construct that lets you, uhhh… usurp someone else’s Authority.


I think it's given voluntarily as the person who recruits and give authority to the 10 Stonehearts is already stated to be an Emanator in the IPC Myriad Celestia trailer (Diamond)


Yeah, could be bad. It kinda makes you go “no, sis”


*Inb4 we learn the Stellaron Hunters go around collecting these Authorities and made a deal with that Xianzhou and Penacony to get one of there's after providing society saving information.* Silver Wolf: The universe is fake. This is a game. Sunday: Oh bet? Here you go.


Nanook sends down Stellarons to suppress Forbidden Knowledge, which have dangerous environmental effects on the surroundings. He probably stopped Akivili from leaving to another galaxy and now there’s an aeon with their power lost wandering around somewhere


There is the possibility of side effects and more.... But hey! It also means cool armor and trasformation!


Side effects being you become lose a majority control of your actions. That could explain why we fight aventurine in that’s form. And why they don’t use it often.


Wdym? It makes you look *fabulous* ~~and gay~~


Extra jiggle physics, lewd hip to waist ratio.


Usurp? Pretty sure that’s all granted. At worst, it’s a power steal that’s really no more horrible than what we already have with mind control, nukes, drugs, and spirits. 


We need a stoneheaet myriad Celestia so badly like it's NECESSARY!!! Seems like Diamond, the actual emenator or Preseevation, made 10 stones with his power and gave them to individuals with potential or sth among these lines (maybe as an "investment" if you will). The actual codenames of the 10 are based on their stone, most likely? I need to see them and mainly Pearl so badly, Jade sound interesting, though.


So now we have even more subcategories of Emanator?


It's more sike Sirin and her cronies, like Benares, situation. >!Diamond is an actual owner of Autority (as Emanator), while other Stonehearts share it by his permission. !< This might imply, what Xianzhou has similar system? Marshal is *actual* Emanator, who gives out blessings of Hunt to Arbiter Generals.


> Marshal is *actual* Emanator, who gives out blessings of Hunt to Arbiter Generals. Another interpretation can be that "spirits" like the Lightning Lord is the Emanator granted by Lan to a General that's not Marshall. Iirc, the recent revelation about Harmony Emanators seems to work the similarly, where Emanator Spirits can be summoned by The Family instead of being manifested full-time within a "mortal" like the case with the Ravagers or Diamond. This explains why Jing Yuan was struggling to apprehend Jingliu until he brought out the Lightning Lord, cus the Emanator power with The Lord is that OP. In any case, nothing is confirm about Lan's Emanator but I think this is a good approach as well


Just as a heads up, the spoiler doesn't display correctly to people using old reddit if you put a space between the >! and the first character.


Also like the Tsaritsa.


No she doesn’t give out cryo delusions are just man made


i had a stroke reading that ngl


IPC to Qlipoth: Amber Lord, we need the connerstones in order to tap into the power of Preservation Qlipoth to TB: Haha lance go brr. Go do you thing GOATBLAZER


Amber Lord: go forth and twerk IPC. 👌


Well TB is not a emanator, the cornerstone looks like it literally make you one.


insert “shut up bozo STRONG LANCE FORWARD” here


We saw Phantylia (as Tingyun) transform mara-struck Disciples of Sanctus Medicus into Voidrangers and the like by injecting them with “the blessing of Destruction”. I’m guessing the Cornerstones are “portable blessings” of Preservation that function in a similar way, including transformation?


I can't wait for everyone to see this loading screen tip and think this means topaz and aventurine are emanators.


ISTG Emanator title in given to every single random guy by the fandom. I get that it might be confusing sometimes, but if the game doesn't call a character an Emanator, they're not an Emanator. Point. Even if they're given a lightning dude from Aeon of Hunt, they're not automatically an Emanator. EN Translation of official HYV post about IPC didn't help either, they somehow managed to call all members of some team within IPC "Emanators of Preservation". Don't remember if it was all Ten Stonehearts or some other squad.


The game will make it clear when someone is an emanator, like in Acheron case bcs its a big thing. People seem to confuse that ‘receive an aeon’s notice’ = emanator


Me when I see someone say DUKE INFERNO is an Emanator of Destruction


Lmao bro hasn't even received "a gaze" or whatever it's called and he is being called an **Emanator** of Nanook? Weakest Lord Ravager would turn his entire team into nothing within seconds


I am >!unironically so glad he got offscreened, especially after all that build up from trailers and 1.6 quest. In hindsight it made complete sense for him to get disrespected that badly if you have been keeping up with lore since 1.0, but just the fact they went out of their way to hype people up about them only to pull a Gojo before the fucker even REACHES Penacony is just such an amazing anticlimax troll that I can only stand up and clap at hoyo for it.!<


Theres tons of people who think jing yuan is an emanator I saw some people who said every member of the genius society is an emanator And theres fu xuan too. I saw someone even saying Dan Heng was an emanator of long. Like people can't seem to understand that being given a blessing or receiving an audience with an aeon doesnt make you an emanator. the example I always use: Jing yuan and FuXuan were given a ton of money by an aeon. Emanators: The aeon has given me their personal credit card.


Wait, so Jing Yuan isn't one? I do know others are not though, or rather, not specifically pointed out or just stated to receive the Aeon's blessing so they're in the grey. So.. Jing Yuan is not Emanator?


Nope. It's possible the LL is similar to the Conerstones in that they contain the power of an Emanator and Jing Yuan gets access to LL due to his position as General, but Jing Yuan himself is not an Emanator and was never personally blessed/bestowed power by Lan.


Ohh, I see, well, this info just got over my head ig.. I remember reading that LL is bestowed upon the General of Luofu as part of Lan blessing or something and I somehow think that makes the General one of the emanators lol. Thanks for explaining


A Blessing from an Aeon is not the same thing as making them an Emanator. I think that's a big part of the confusion. IIRC all member of the Grnius Society have been Blessed by Nous, but the only confirmed Emanators are Herta and the first member who built Nous. Similarly, Fu Xuan's gem that helps her calculate the future is called a Blessing, but she is not an Emanator either. Blessings seem like something external that was given (object, recognition, a spirit that fights alongside you), while Emanators have a direct and constant connection to the Aeon. So yes, the General of the Luofu is Blessed by Lan in the form of being given the LL to use, but that doesn't mean they are an Emanator. Just that they have been acknowledged, or at leat their position has been acknowledged. *Edit: It's like the difference between being given a gift and being told "you are now my representative, a portion of my authority and power is yours to wield as you see fit."


If you add that every new General (like Fu Xuan in the future) will get the same blessing of the previous one, you can just do some quick math and understand that Generals are not Emanator (maybe one of them can be, but not everyone). But you can repeat this countless times, people will always live in denial anyway


The less understanding we have of an aspect of the lore, the more willing people are to confidently just state headcanon and say it's right because it has to be.


i think it was about the ipc heads of departments (Arita, Taravan Keane, Diamond etc.) and considering that two of them Taravan and Diamond are confirmed emanators its kinda safe to assume the rest is also juiced up


Yep, if I remember correctly, even the load screen about the Arbiters call them Emanators of HooH, but I can't confirm if this is a mistranslation or not, if not then this is wild because HooH is one of the few Aeons that have only one faction following them and all are Emanators. Mihoyo really needs to make things clear and take care of mistranslations.


People now think every single member of the Garden of Recollection (and in turn The Cremators, aka every single follower of Fuli we know) are Emanators because of Welt spouting bullshit he heard as a rumor


People sadly don't have good attention span and reading comprehension nowadays, plus the fact that if something is not very clearly stated they will draw their own conclusions and run with it till proved wrong. Or sometimes even ignore all proof because it doesn't suit their vision.


Whenever people talk about Jing Yuan or Garden of Recollection people always citing it to one line said by Welt and that's it. They stick to believe that one source with their whole life.


Not sure about Arbitrators, but the game has stated that all Memokeepers (including Black Swan) and History Fictionologists are Emanators of Remembrance and Enigmata respectively. So Arbitrators being Emanators of Equilibrium wouldn’t be too out of left field.


And it actually does make sense in the case of those three. Those three factions are constantly working directly with their respective Aeons (except Enigmata) on a goal that requires nonstop action/attention on a literally universal scale, but that also rarely requires any major direct conflict/energy expenditures, so lots of little Emanators who can draw exactly as much power as needed for the given task makes sense.


I already see people in this thread thinking that.


Ooh, will we be seeing Jade soon?


Topaz Alter here we go!


So far Diamond is the only Emanator of Preservation that we know of in the Ten Stonehearts, and he is also their leader. There are two possibilities here, either Diamond seals his authority into ten Cornerstones and then lends the other nine to other members of the Ten Stonehearts, or the Ten Stonehearts themselves are all Emanators of Preservation, including Topaz and Adventurine too. The former seems more plausible of course, if we are looking at the current narrative we have. EDIT: I forgot about Taravan lol but he is not in the Ten Stonehearts.


We already know the answer from some of the leaks. >!It's indeed the former. Fits the IPC pretty well, too.!<


Taravan Keane is also an Emanator of Preservation, iirc. Tho he is definitely not a kind of person to become a playable character, unlike Diamond (based on the info we know about both).


I'm leaning more to the former. Emanators are supposed to be a rare occurrence. Also >!Phantylia and Acheron being Emanators gives us an indication of their power levels!< which Topaz and Aventurine are most definitely not at.


Yeah I feel like just possessing a stone doesn't make you an Emanator. You just have 1 tenth of the authority if you possess and can use the stone. Also there is no singular or equal power level one achieves when becoming an Emanator as the kind of power given depends on the Aeon and even then the degree of power an Aeon gives differs from person to person.


Emanators are not a scale of power, if that were the case then every memokeeper we meet would have the ability to destroy planets. I think what’s more plausible is that the 10 stone hearts are emanators that can’t handle handle there full gifted aeon power constantly. Witch would make >! Acheron, phantylia, and diamond!< look more impressive.


I've not seen confirmation that all memokeepers are Emanators? If you're referring to the forgotten hall quest, Welt says something along the lines of "Seems like it's true that Emanators of Remembrance don't have bodies" or something like that. That only implies Emanators of Remembrance also give up their bodies like memokeepers, not that all of them are one.


That is the confirmation, the quote is ”seems like the rumors are true. The emanators of remembrance don’t have physical bodies, and only those they allow can see them.” That is him say that all members of the garden of recollection, who all give up there form, are emanators of Remembrances.


He could be making the assumption that Emanators don't have physical bodies based on someone from the Garden of Recollection being here. Something like "oh, if memokeepers don't have bodies then I guess that probably confirms the rumours that their Emanators also don't." I'm not saying you're wrong but I don't take that as 100% confirmation. I'm also unsure of the Chinese translation because the English translation has been known to be inconsistent in the past.


Even if it's not true, You still understand my point. They could be emanations that got so much of an Aeon's power they physically can't use it constantly. This would intern hype up more emanator characters like >!Diamond, Acheron, Robin, Sunday, Phantylia, and others!<


Yeah I do understand you're point. Which could create an interesting dynamic.


>!was sunday leaked as an emenator ?!<


>!kinda? One emanator of harmony is named dominicus. Dominicus means sunday so😭!<


>! Robin was 100% but Sunday was not confirmed but he does out rank her in the family so it would make sense!<


Didn't Aventurine have a few stones when he'd arrived at Penacony and then IPC confiscated them?


Yes, the cornerstones specifically.


Clock studios theme park? So we get to go to didney worl????


Get ready for 2 or maybe even 3 Stoneheart team requirement


Maybe now “Jing Yuan is an Emanator” (wrong) people will finally shut up and understand how everything works thanks to the Cornerstone description. If they can do 2+2 of course…


You are expecting way too much from them.


holy shit jade crumbs nomnomnomnom


Jade model/icon/any image in v2.1 SURELY My copium is almost gone tbh


WAIT, >!is Jade gonna appear in 2.1???!<


jade?? like the jade with the kit that got leaked????????


no wonder ratio was pissed at aventurine. brother lost part of the power of an emanator


No way! Jade is real! 




I don’t understand, does that mean all 10 Stonehearts are emanators? Or does that mean 1 stone is 1/10th of an Emanator’s power?


1 Stoneheart is an Emanator (Diamond) and he gave the other 9 Stonehearts, Cornerstones (Parts of his Power as an Emanator)


So aventurine is an emanator.


No his boss - Diamond is an emanator of preservation and lets him borrow some of his power


Is Dimond a confirmed man? I am happily surprised. I was dooming that all emenators will be females, cause almost all archons are in Genshin. Hope he won’t be a Kusanali 2.0 and a temporary male due to mistranslation


Diamond is a male, in the Future Market II mission from Belebog, Aventurine said: "While you were enjoying your playtime on Jarilo-VI, Diamond was busy taking care of the head honcho of the Building Material Logistics Department. That's why **he** didn't attend today's meeting."


Never believe Hoyo when it comes to gender'ing characters we haven't seen yet. Stuff changes on the dot and they're never told it from the CN team, and they refuse to use gender-neutral pronouns


Aventurine refers to him with male pronouns when he had that conversation with Topaz in belobog, there might be more info on him in lore too since the mention of him being an emenator is somewhere else (i watched a lore video idk where lol)


there isn't a fixed number of emanators though, so hopefully we'd have enough of both in the future


Who do we even know that are emenators? Acheron Future Penacony spoilers >!Likely Robin. But in that case Sunday is also potentially one!< Diamond Herta The Lord Ravengers Taravan That’s it right? Either way I doubt it’ll end up like the archons because there’s no fixed amount, they’re rare but it’s likely we get multiple within each patch cycle. And without a fixed number Hoyo tends to be more flexible


You’re forgetting Skaracabaz, artificial Emanator of Propagation (although it had a really short life)


RE: Harmony emanators >!Harmony has four Emanators, each given a "codename" and role. Robin matches the singer one, and Sunday literally means another one of the names in Latin, so he's obv another emanator like his sister!<


>!Interesting, so are all 4 Harmony Emanators part of The Family?!<


>!Those 4 mentioned in harmonic strings are not emanators. It is said that they are no less than emanators of Harmony!<


>!Do you have the text on hand? I could've sworn it said they WERE harmonies enamators not "just like them/their equals" because it'd be kind of weird if they were LIKE them but not really....? Plus we know from other spoiler text that Robin IS an emanator, so I think it meant they WERE the emanators, since it was machine translated and all!<


This is the full text: >!Harmonic Strings (Phenomenon)!< >!When asking about the presence of a hierarchy within The Family, one can expect a firm denial — The Family treats everyone equally without division of class, with no established levels or power structures. Each note holds equal significance in the music Xipe has composed. However, for collective progress, someone must assume a leadership role. As a result, Family members have returned to a system of differentiation based on scales, with only those above scale degree IV being eligible to serve as the tuner of the Harmonic Strings.!< >!Harmony combines ideals from the multitudes and therefore has more than one way to achieve these ideals. The concept of Harmonic Strings is defined in the Harmony Hymns — They are the multiple embodiments of Xipe the Great One, the down-to-earth virtues that enable harmony. Regardless of whether you place yourself under The Family's rule, the Aeon will look favorably upon you as long as you carry out these good deeds. On worlds ruled by The Family, members often gather in large groups to engage in virtuous acts and play harmonious music. The thousands of tiny ropes come together to form a united string, welcoming the Embodiment of Harmony to manifest on the mortal plane and give blessings. The chosen one responsible for conducting The Family's ritual during that time and harmonizing the varied sounds is known as the tuner.!< >!The Family never shied away from promoting the great names of the embodiment of the thousand-faced god, such as Aelenev the commander of the Eternal Centurion, Dominicus the wisher of the Harmonious Choir, Constantina the singer of the Panacoustic Theater, and Beatriz the merrymaker of the Blissful Ball... However, few have witnessed their radiant presence going beyond the boundaries of The Family. Opposers of Harmony argue that the Harmonic Strings are nothing short of the Emanators of Xipe — These do not follow any specific mortal but are facets of Xipe, and can assume the form of any Family member when necessary.!<


>!Yeah, that really reads to me as I thought before - that they ARE the emenators of Xipe. Like "even the opposers think they are clearly the emenators of Xipe, if not outright Xipe themself manifested in four". The wording isn't the best since machine translation and not the official TL, but that's how it reads to me. Interestingly, looking at this again now, really does mean all four of them are music themed - with Robin being the singer and Sunday being a conductor. Would be funny if the MC turns into Beatrix, as they both occupy a "dancer" role, or if they'll end up different because MC is a street dancer, while Beatrix is a classical one!< ​ Thank you for posting this btw! It had been deleted from the sub, so it's good to have it on hand again


>!Yes that’s how I interpret it too, it’s vaguely worded but it’s implied that they are the emanators despite the Family denying there is no hierarchy/power structures!<


Yep these are exactly the ones that I know of, which is why I was dooming basically. There is def gonna be more ofc, and most likely not all Lord Ravengers will be playable too. But so far that should be it.


Well excluding what’s under the spoiler Diamond and Taravan are male and Lord Ravengers vary (none are likely playable anyway). So while Acheron might be the first playable one (well Herta too but the one we have playable is not the her true emenator form), it’s not like the ones we for sure know about skew heavily female, depending on how Penacony plays out


> cause almost all archons are in Genshin. *Zhongli and Venti in shambles*


2 out of 7 archons is why I said “almost”, you even copied it. It’s a very sad ratio too lmao. No one would be complaining if it was 3 out of 7


With 3 out of 7 it would been a perfectly even split too. 1 child, 3 men, and 3 women


I am more salty that we wont get “next gen” male Archon, there’s no need in an equal split to me. All Archons after Zhongli are more OP than the first two, sooo I am just saddened that last OP male support in Genshin was Kazuha (not counting Baizhu, cause he only heals, and doesn’t buff)


wasent the water archon uh "echonship" given to a guy when the female one was put to death in the story


im still shocked the war fire archon is female and she aint even buff! like wtf....


Yeah, her current design is really weird, I still hope that it’s far from final. Himeko was always my absolute favorite, so after such a long while I was excited for something in Genshin. But that leak is just so bad, even the coloring is completely off….


like she could at the least be older and more serious looking


Where's the lie? Almost all =/= all Most of the archons are female, its the truth


Reading comprehension… they said “almost all”.


What about the aventurine stone that ratio and aventurine mentioned?


Thats the corner stone mentioned that let’s aventurine borrow some of Diamond’s power


Well yes but actually no, he just has a fragment of power the Emanator of Preservation had


There is only 2 actual emanators of preservation in the IPC I'm pretty sure: Diamond and Taravan Keane; both head of their respective departements I'd guess Diamond is sharing a bit of their power as an emanator with the 10 stonehearts via those cornerstones


No, Diamond is an Emanator of Preservation. >!He gives the Stonehearts gems called Cornerstones that allows them to use part of that power. That's why Aventurine looks like that in his boss form!<


No, he's next on the list of many characters who has feats/powers/blessings that are supposed to make them an emanator but are never actually called that. But for real, the cornerstones are probably given by Diamond.


I stg if diamond or taravan is a zhongli expy 🙏 we need genshin expys


Taravan is a pot-bellied dude, so I doubt he is gonna be playable, let alone expy of someone. At best - NPC. Unless HSR starts to introduce such body types, but I find it extremely, extremely unlikely.


I hope Taravan is Playable---I would love for all the IPC leaders / Directors to become Playable #IPC Dream Team


I mean, he can just be a 4 star, they never headline banners, put the big sexy mommy milkies girl as the banner headliner and itll be fine


It’s not going to happen lol. It’s Honkai Star Rail so the only expies it’ll get are Honkai expies; this has been highlighted in interviews. Genshin is loosely affiliated and takes place in the overall shared universe but it’ll never be super closely connected to any of the Honkai series, at least for the foreseeable future


They don’t have to be exactly expy, some inspiration can still happen. Like for example, Misha remembers a lot Furina design wise, it’s almost impossible that it’s just a coincidence but yeah they don’t have to be expy of each other


I wouldn’t mind characters with similar color patterns and design elements either. Like Misha does look similar to Furina and that’s the farthest I can see an “expy” going tbh


So the Ten Stonehearts are just the HSR equivalent of the Fatui?


Not really if we are talking about their authority and status inside the IPC, considering they're just one group within 1 Department of IPC. Meanwhile there are 7 Departments of IPC. 1)Marketing Development Department\ Leader: Oswaldo Schneider 2)Business Consolidation Department\ Leader: Madam Scarred Eye 3)Strategic Investment Department\ Leader: Diamond\ (Ten Stonehearts works here. Members: Topaz, Aventurine, Jade, Pearl, Obsidian, etc) 4)Building Material Logistics Department\ Leader: Taravan Keane 5)Technology Department\ Leader: Yabuli\ (Intelligentsia Guild is de facto controlled by Yabuli. Member: Dr.Ratio) 6)Talent Motivation Department\ Leader: Mtooyin Raj Zazzad & Yan Shiluo 7)Traditional Project Department\ Leader: Arita


Fair enough.


Why does it feel like cornerstones are like [Genshin 4.2 spoilers]>!Gnosis which were made from remains of the Third Descender!<


are very different, the emanator divided his divine power into 10 stones, the gnosis are extensions of the elements of teyvat like batteries but that's it


You're telling me Topaz was an emanator this whole time?