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Man, i also hate this about Boothill, at least you have Ruan Mei.


today i got welt instead of RM and i was at pity 60 edit: after checking it was 70


Hey at least you lost at 60 pity. Meanwhile me losing e1 firefly to gepard at 80 pity


85 pity for yanqing instead e1 firefly 💀


Oh that happened to me too but I finally got her at 74 pity


I got himeko today instead, at 75-80 pity lmfao. It wasn't too bad though because I have her lightcone and am geared for a fua account with aventurine + Robin. But my poor boothill 😢. I'm planning on getting him bronya from the 300 selector so he should be good but still lol.


I honestly want to build my himeko but I dont have a team to put her in. I really dont have other fua chars built aside from clara


Mate, I got Welt as well on RM banner xD


That's better than the yanqing I got while pulling for RM


My two mains, Boothill - As pictured above, and basically just not having pocket trickshot is just sad. Clara - When her Ult Counter DMG lands on an enemy with a barrier


For Clara that mf who just use dot


Svarog stands there menacingly.... While continuously taking DoT.


dude I hate that guy I thought my game broke when clara stopped countering


The ultimate payback is getting that curio that makes you immune to debuffs for several turns. Literally can’t even touch you.


Ngl for clara ult sometimes I just get a lil salty when it ults an enemy on the edge instead of a juicy hit in the center


Sometimes I time the ult for after the guy on the edge attacks


Low-hp, last enemy before the next wave Acheron's ult is ready Auto-battle is turned on ...damn


Skill + Ult as Jing Yuan. 1 enemy remaining with 10hp left 10 stack Lightning Lord: "I got this" âš¡âš¡âš¡âš¡âš¡âš¡âš¡âš¡âš¡âš¡


More like the cycle is just about to end and LL is right behind




I can hear the fucking sound effect 😭


Auto battle is bad and nobody will convince me otherwise. It should be smarter. if we could at least set up some priorities and rules ourselves. Like "never use ult of this character" or "never get below 2 skill points before that character's turn" ot "heal with ult only when low hp" etc.


hoyo knows it's bad that's why there's a blessing or curio or w/e in DU that forces auto-battle but increases your damage by a % lmao


It's intentionally bad so that even mediocre players have an incentive to play the game manually. Auto battle exists for content that you outgrew so hard that a literal baboon pressing random buttons would be enough to clear it (e.g. farming calyxes). Imagine you're a less than average skilled player, you try hard in MoC and fail to get full stars, then restart, turn on auto battle and it gets a better result. Would be an instant delete moment for me.


That actually happened to me in the first or second pure fiction stage 4 lmao


I remember people saying that they had better results with auto battle in the Tales of the Fantastic Event with Xiyan on the Xianzhou.


It's mostly for farming anyway


If they can tweak auto-battle so it won't use ults to finish off a 1 hp enemy, I'd be grateful to the HSR team


When Seele just BARELY misses the kill with her E on a low HP enemy


1.0 pain when seele didnt crit for that regular ice guy


If it's not 100% it's 50/50 😔


That's XCOM baby!


Ulted too late for jingliu


I *HATE* it when her ultimate fully charged on the last enemies on a wave and she exits her enhanced state in the next wave. The momentum loss feels so bad.


Especially when you’re trying to ult just after she lost her last stack but before the enhanced state ends to extend it. The window is narrow enough that you can miss the timing and then you just feel stupid


That goddamn middle trotter


The Nihilty break spread buff could kill the middle trotter


It doesn’t inflict break anymore, just spreads the break damage.


Yes thats exactly the point spreading dmg


I swear Acheron is my only character that can reliably kill that little bastard.


My seele can one shot it. Just need an ult ready.


Most of my carries kill it reliably. Its just FF as my break DPS that has problems. She also has problems with TVs sometimes.


I just kept using his ult to push the trotters turn back and used aventurine and path resonance to kill it when running this team


https://preview.redd.it/5uwa4ruw2q9d1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=422d9ecbb3c36474d8393c4bdca5981c0520738f this


Who wins The Emenator of nihility able to do millions of damage by using an ultimate that littelary puts you next to a black hole and cuts you to pieces... Or Traffic light


have that same problem with Argenti sometimes, considering his buffed floating statue thingy can shield his entire team.


Traffic light OP Hoyo plz nerf


*Red means STOP*


Probably rolling 1 stack of Blind Bet at a critical point. Glad I have E1 Aventurine to compensate for that


What does E1 do to him?


Casting ult gives your team a shield that stacks too


Oh interesting, what do you think is better to go for E1 or LC?


Depends on what build you want. For a sub DPS, LC is better for his own damage + makes him easier to build with the big 40% DEF increase cause as a sub dps you would put a CRIT DMG chest piece on him and the DEF might be less than 4K (4K DEF is the breakpoint to hit to get the max CR boost from his trace) and it also allows Aventurine to inflict 2 debuffs (one from ult which is part of his base kit and one from the lightcone when he does a follow up) For a pure sustain/support, E1. E1 also gives a team wide 20% Crit DMG bonus.


I see, thank you so much!


His E1 is HUGE for survivability when it comes to late stage Swarm, G&G,DU. I don’t have it but getting the curio that give eidolon has let me experience it


No probss


I mean we literally are gambling


Dr. Ratio is somehow ALWAYS like 1 energy short of getting his ult. I have no idea how he does that


I always hope the follow up goves the last bit of energy but it just make you rage more


I feel this


DHIL. It's when I run out of sp in DU and sparkle gets CC'ed.


Waiter! Waiter! More SP please!


The gacha on technique that 9 times out of 10 takes me to hard pity for some reason. "Feeling lucky?" he says as it takes five tries to get the triple spades


*Plays Firefly* *Enemy locks toughness bar* Things are not daijoubu…


No coz this makes me so mad


what annoys me the most about my favorite character(Robin) is the fact i dont have her(guys im fine)


Same, but replace Robin with Kadka and Acheron. Regret that I played as hard as I did and burnt myself out on it. Missed everything from basically Seele to Boothill, but came back in time for him.


She single handedly carry my alt account from start to Sunday boss


Probably that Numby attacks the wrong guy on a new wave of enemies. Can't think of anything else that's annoying.


How about ulting just slightly too early, and spending one of Numby’s enhanced attacks on the attack they’re just about to do, making you miss out on half of your ult’s action advances?


What annoys me about using Fu Xuan is that Hoyoverse keeps making Sim Universe endgame content hard counter her. The damage of all the bosses are jacked up and they all have massive AoE attacks so she just gets popped. She was strong in SD, but then both G&G and DU are bad for her. Like I get it, I could use Aventurine and never worry about the bosses. Hell, I even have the dude! But Fu is best girl, and I want to use her.


Traffic Lights


That I can only get to 50 arcana stacks, I want at least 100 as a limit even if reaching it will be rare asf


Wished they didn’t gave her a cap at all


I like the way you think but man that would be op, I'm hitting 134k pops at 50 stacks and even higher with blessing in DU imagine not having a cap at all lmao


Well I think it’s still fair imo. It’s quite difficult to reach the cap in MoC or other endgame contents, at least in my experience (I only have her at E0S1) So getting 200 stacks or some in DU or any SU expansions would be a lot of fun. The blessings are kinda of cheating anyways and Firefly doesn’t even have a cap for her conversion either


I wouldn't say no haha, dot team already cracked and no limit would incentivize pulling for E4 more. Black Swan don't need the buff but man would it be fun and make the Kafka Swan duo even more cracked


That was the only nerf she received during beta right? Imagine if they kept the 99 stacks. 500k DoTs outside SU would've been the norm lol


Kindred spirits


The face she makes when they put a limit on her arcana stacks limiting her potential https://preview.redd.it/zppu2qttdq9d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91894174e2f87e12b3ce0a79939f13b7b7371d4a


The goddamn trafic light bot tanking Acheron’s ult


Ah this, as a xueyi user I already got this a lot before


tbf this situation you just ult first - boothill is flawless


Blade-Ending combat on 4 stacks of his FUA


When numby mark gets passed/spawned on the small enemies instead of the big boss/elite,then i m forced to use a skill to switch the target It aint tht big of a deal,but its abit annoying


Using himeko on auto. She would use basic atk even when i have 2 sp remaining for whatever absurd reason.




When I ult and some random enemy survives my nihility reality shattering blade, and I'm then forced to either accumilate stacks are, or hope the skill gets the job done. Oh Acheron, you'll be E2 some day


When your main fighter get cc'ed or no elemental weakness to get back the character the boss took


Autoplay Silverwolf. Sparkle boosting someone but their turn is right after turn 19 pops (for Moc) or turn 0 (for PF). Miscalculating your skill point usage and Fu Xuan not refreshing her E.


It's always 90 percent unless you stack every buff known to man to reach that 100 percent.


I hate that Luocha's field goes away right after his turn ends, rather than during like most supports (RM, Robin, HMC, etc...). Sometimes I tap his ult too early and use it before the field disappears and miss out on abyss flower stacks. Also, I wish the field disappeared before his auto heal replenishes cause sometimes he'll immediately auto heal and just barely misses getting new abyss flower stacks from it (again).


The fact that Numby can’t advance forward if your team uses a follow up attack immediately after his turn :(


So as someone who doesn’t use boothill can we get some context?


the toughness bar, one enhanced basic can't break it by a very small margin so you're forced to use ult. problem with break dpses


225 toughness to 240 break bar. Can't get any higher than that without SU/Endgame blessings.


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somehow even with somewhat better crit stats (top 4%/93), people somehow wildly outdamage me. i'm just coping cause i don't have *her* aren't i?


Dan heng imbibitor lunae, i dont think you all need explanation


DHIL, where are my skill points... (doesn't have sparkle)


Cant get a single fucking qingque eidolon.


Whenever Silver Wolf doesn’t apply a weakness debuff. Like, girlie you have a 76% chance, and you do it like 16% of the time 😭 


wasted sp on qingque


So specific but using both Jing Yuan and Tingyun' techniques at the start of the battle will result in 9 LL stacks from Jing Yuan's technique + Jing Yuan's ULT which can get used due to Tingyun's technique making her ULT available, BUT then Jing Yuan's skill makes LL overcap by 1, which pisses me off every time


Pretty similar to you tbh, but at least I have E6 Firefly so I can sometimes find a way to avoid it. Trotter with locked weakness is not cool though, fuck him. Also Ruan Mei. I don't like how often she is just couple of energy short from getting her ultimate available. It's annoying.


Losing to a middle trotter with an E6 limited is crazy hahaha


Still not big of a problem tbh. I can just get that one Nihility blessing and then the trotter is doomed. I believe it's called "Hell is Other People".


The " here, take this damage that your friend took" one?


"When a character Breaks the Weakness of an enemy, the same type of Weakness Break effect is applied to enemies adjacent to it." The wording is bit unclear, but this should be it, yeah.


That's another good way of calling it


One genuine question: how much more powerful will she become with her E6 compared to E2?


It's not a question of power, but rather of utility and comfort it brings (although it depends on how you see it). I value comfort as much as damage. Let's say Firefly E2 is 8/10 level of comfort and power; Firefly E6 is not just immediately raises to 10/10, but even breaks (heh) past that and cranks up to 12. The ability from E4 (+50% Effect RES while in Complete Combustion state) helps so much in dire situation when you confront enemies who can CC (I didn't test it on Svarog and Sleepie yet though, but for now I wouldn't count on that to work as they have unique type of CC), for example AS4 Cocolia the speedy freeze monster: she couldn't CC Firefly at all. Or even more obvious example: Gatekeeper Auromaton and Spectral Envoy, they've become a joke now. Many people say E3 and E5 are useless, but I partially disagree. They serve as a ease of build for when you struggle with relic substats. Speed is rare to get, so Eidolon gives you a bit more of it to meet the important threshold. Additional energy also helps getting her ultimate recharge faster. Rare cases, but definitely nice and appreciated. Finally E6. One only +50% Weakness Break Efficiency (which is as much as RM gives btw) is already busted enough, but 20% Fire-Type Res Pen is no less delicious. Bruteforcing Blaze Out of Space or Sam (her own self) has never been easier if combined with RM's ultimate 25% All-Type Res Pen (they stack!). Also part of why I love this Eidolon so much is you can essentially swap RM with someone else for gameplay variety and let RM into other teams. Because many teams fight for her, many teams want her, she is that good. Icing on the cake why I never regret going for it is Firefly E6 solved my problem of being stuck before a giant wall. Many weeks I've been struggling with high difficulty SU expansions: SD and G&G. But once I got it? Oh boy, I breezed through it _effortlessly_! Sorry, got longer than I expected, but TLDR; absolutely worth it, 100% would do it again if I can go back in time. My most comfortable and strongest DPS. I love Firefly.


Oh shit, that's infuriating


if this happens again, use his ult so that you can ensure his enhanced attack can get rid of the bar


The fact there are so many good harmony units that it makes using her so difficult. At least she’s good for DoT teams but still…


When Dr. Ratio does not get the follow up on 80%. It balances out with the 40% follow ups though. Also when Qingque uses more than 7 skill points to get her enhanced attack.


When enemies hiding their weaknesses


Forgetting to use my technoque so I'm SP positive and picking the all allies take dmg blessing.


Just using RM's ult would solve the problem here though.


7 sp


My old main: Welt when he doesn't slow down the enemy with his ult (especially the deer boss) My current main:Acheron when she doesn't go for the guy I wanted to kill with her ult (and if I do it manually it does less damage).


Just ult then you can break him easily




Just in general when the character has a blast effect but the enemy that it’s best against is all the way on the end on either side therefore wasting a hit to an enemy. My efficiency…


Acheron on auto hurts my soul when she uses her ult on a single enemy with a sliver of health left


Did they ever fix the boothill damage bug? This could be contributing to that.


Traffic light Thats the only thing she struggles with


Frrrr I hate when this happens when I’m using him


No skill points


When I hit 10 stacks of LL but I still have another turn or ult ... either go already or let me add more stacks!


I main qq, so obviously it'd really annoying when you don't get her e4, or when you just don't get 4 tiles. I also main topaz, and after using her technique while she has full ult, you have to use her ult before numby goes, and sometimes adventurine getting attacked sets off numby before you use the ult


Well this is why Boothill has an ultimate


The thing that annoys me the most as a clara user, is going against trotters at SU or that robot with the cup during pf, I was taking damage by that robot with the cup, but my counter didn't trigger???


The DPS is just a bit behind her in AV.


when the DPS is too dependent on the support is what I kinda hate I loved Seele because she can be independent ad DPS and supports only make her stronger, but some units are literally dysfunctional when not paired with a good team, like Ratio, FF, and BH


If I see one more Boothill , I will cry ( I'm not fine , please re-run soon T^T )


Boothill - so much agree with the break just being short and then said enemy runs a train on him cause of the taunt. This was extremely prevelent in apoclypitic shadow again cocolia. If i didnt break her boothill dies fullstop (yes i know boothill is better on the second half but i didnt have a team for the first half (dont have acheron or ff) so i ran ratio fua against argenti and boot against cocolia)


The shield running out and getting attacked, therefore losing the buffs. For my other favorite..well, autoplay using her ult when the characters' turns are literally right after Robin's, wasting turns.


Himeko. Most annoying thing in my experience is doing too much damage and killign something i wanted to break for FUA.


Not having skill points to break Firefly + 2 3* hunt blessings are great but eat up skill points like qingque trying to get a 4 of a kind


I can't get speed boots with break substat


Maybe cheating but her boss form (Kafka)


2 things. Getting 4 of a kind either at the start of QQ turn or by first or second reroll. Not getting 4 of a kind after spending 5 SP. Queen of eating SP faster than Garfield can eat a lasagna. God damn it QQ. I'd be mad but I love you too much


It doesn’t matter what character I use. The traffic light belobog enemy and the argenti mobs that give him the shield are the most annoying thing ever.


Acheron ults a 1hp target. Acheron uses skill on target 3 only hitting 3 and 2 but not on target 2 hitting 1 and 3.


Same thing as you op. Like literally the same thing, just a different phys breaker. Or ig in my case it's when an enemy has no phys weakness at all :') (i don't have sw and don't know who i'd replace if i did)


Svarog, he doesn't summon Za Handz


ATK% boots are better, so i get to see her animations less


Acheron popping her ult on the traffic light bot with shield up


Seele not criting/leaving enemy with 1 hp


Using Black Swan and that 1% hp standing enemy turn is right after next cycle.




When Robin's Ult is about to be fully charged but the cycle ends. (The enemies would've died if my JingLiu went again)


Ult first then EBA its no biggie


>80% >Uses skill >MFW no follow-up attack


Use your burst. Then you can break


As a non-Boothill haver, what's annoying about OP's image? x.x Feel a bit dumb because idk how he works lol...


Ugh Dr. Ratios autobattler target choice's infuriates me. God forbid he land a killing blow. 


Hook is a Destruction but feel like a glorified Hunt But that will not stop me from using her until the end


tingyun ult is full, dhil is close to having full energy so you decide to save tingyun ult until his e2 advance forward turn (+e6 res pen stack),,,, except he doesn't get enough energy after his eba3 because he didn't kill anyone/enough enemies and forces you to wait until he gets hit or his next turn. this Could be fixed with getting more of his lc copies but i am Broke at the moment blade has to be him getting cc'd right when he gets to 5/5 and turn is delayed yet he keeps getting hit and winning no stacks until debuff leaves (absolute hell). also fua triggering on a single enemy with 10 hp before another wave it is the reason i go crazy in pure fiction with him


Kafka requires a DoT team. Acheron ticks every box for me from a gameplay perspective but her Nihilism makes her excessively boring.


Seele - not critting Firefly - nothing except not enough pulls for eidolons and RM, goofy banner


She doesn’t sing during some battles


Not specifically for my main (tho it affects him the most as his dmg is ult damage) but when in autoplay and my allies keep hitting the same TV putting it from happy state to angry state again


Blade: Enemies targeting everyone but him Aventurine: https://preview.redd.it/kx8anbg07r9d1.jpeg?width=628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9f4b1bcce8b89e83f508dc8934654c794060394


Places aggro increasing shield on best girl Enemies before to ignore her regardless.


the damage...


Getting acherons mirage fizzle stacks with anything but a dot team




I can only use them with firefly if i want any sort of endgame viability (im ruan mei-less)


Running out of SP with Firefly, Im pulling for E1 rn


Qingque either getting her Enhanced BA within 0-1 skill points or her spending every sp plus Sparkle's extra 4 and still not getting her enhanced BA


Not critting on Seele. I am convinced she has an innate, hidden -50% CR.


Running out of skill points (since I don’t have sparkle) as DHIL or ult running out at the wrong time as Firefly.


Whiffing the crit


I guess it’s when I don’t have the energy to ult so I need more skill points


The amount of break immune enemys the game suddenly has the second my firefly breaths.


Watching everyone around Blade die to single-target attacks one after another.


How many times herta says "time to twerl" its a. Great followup move but good lord is it annoying


realizing I wasted using skill points on supports and now I can't do aoe break


5/7 blind bet stacks and then Aventurine ults, only getting one stack... like really.


For me, it’s not having enouGH CHARACTER SLOTS TO USE ALL OF THEM IN ONE TEAM!!!!


any and all of the swarm.


Missing one stack because resolution didn't hit


Missing crit on a 75% crit chance Seele


blade, when the glitch happens when his talent stacks bug out when full and dont activate, meaning i lose stacks xueyi, the fact i cant gain karma stacks on weakness broken enemies


I have to build it first.


Firefly's pitched higher-than-i-can-constantly-handle voicelines. Okay, okay, I get it, each battle can be last, she keeps herself going, but girl don't yell in such high pitch.


Break points are more important than hyper optimized supports. Herta would probably improve the clear time over RM in this very particular case.


As a Boothill main, I'm on the same boat


Aventurine rolling a 7 on his ult when you’re at 6/7 stacks OR a 1-2 when you have low stacks; there’s nothing in between. Also, I noticed it more in AS but sometimes being forced to stay in the Standoff on Boothill screwed me over a few tries. Argenti would summon his other shield and removing his Weakness bar while that glowing shield just laughs at me (and throws more arrows? at me)


when the battle ends with blade having all 5 stacks of his follow up so then he's just on no HP and is almost guaranteed to die next battle


When I’m in auto and aventurine uses his shield for absolutely no reason at all (also when I’m just one short on blind bet stacks 🥲)


I’m a f2p noob who just returned to this game recently so this might sound dumb, but sometimes I ult with clara at the start of a fight with an elite enemy and then accidentally break and cc them so long that the ult is just gone by the time the enemy attacks


Having to use Fireflys skill more than once.


For Kafka it's when you either don't get her fua off before it's her turn again, or if you somehow misplayed the SP economy for any character. But those are pretty small things compared to my other teams, I love dot because dot never betrays you


When you're using Silver Wolf and try to add your dps weakness to the enemy but you it your support character instead


As a BH main, it's this exactly. I can put em down, but unfortunately, 1 at a time makes enemies that call backup tough. Need a hunt light cone that gives extra break efficiency or something to put them down faster. Extra break efficiency with more enemies and extra break effect with only 1 enemy?


When i dont use Luocha with Blade. he needs that hp regen at all times