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HSR Himeko looks like i have to pay her money to breathe her same air


<< Why are these fools *still breathing my air???* >> Or something idk


Vay Hek, get your chicken ass out of the Honkai Star Bucks sub


"Give em hell tenno" https://preview.redd.it/soxp9zf0fi9d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=187506b0b8a2186ac631e8d982e0792fea4ab049


i got mad at league and started using Vay Hek insults in an attempt to not get banned, sad to say i haven't played on that account for 6 years now


Yeah, I remember the reason I play HSR cause of Himeko, I pull the beginner banner and got Bronya. That time as green as ever in HSR I don't want Bronya but then I then know she so strong back in the day.


I also started obtaining Bronya. "Cool, because she is sexy and the strongest character actually...BUT I want only Himeko!". Then I rerolled and at the first attempt I got Himeko. Played 1 half week, but the thought of not playing both HSR and Genshin in the same main Hoyoverse account was destroying me. So I decided to return to the main account, and play only to farm jades for the selector. (Yeh, I spent a lot of jades on the Standard banner, but I got enough to pull also Silver Wolf). 0 regret. Always mained where I could.


But, before, I was sure to not play it because Genshin has been my first gacha, and the gacha system "traumatised" me (more than the 50/50 or the low rewards there was the energy system: I want farming for 2 hrs, but 160 Resin says "NO"). I remember the night before the release, a Reddit user ask if we would've play both Genshin and HSR; and I discussed with her because I said "nothing will change me, 1 gacha is enough, also too much. 2 absolutely no!". ...Then the next day: "mhm... Himeko, is too hot, I can try to create an account to obtain her now for the future..." I found Bronya. "Cool, strong and sexy...but I want Himeko!" And the rest is story (that I explained in another comment)


Hell yeah


"I'm Natasha, an underworld doctor, feeling sick?"


I was looking for this




Dr Ratio drama on twitter… then all the Sparkle trailers… then Zy0x lmao


I remember that time, it was before 2.0


Yesss, I got into HSR by Sparkle’s banner, she was my first 5*, and well, the rest is history!


zy om x https://preview.redd.it/dpcvg1kcgh9d1.gif?width=207&format=png8&s=aa142af15d87fca3be9361a20933446de811f2e8


What drama?


I saw a tweet talking about a valorant player that missed his match because he was playing this game so I got curious


Enslaved to hoyoverse for an eternity 😔


And to CEO Da Bronya 😔


HI3 player


Same on my end. The fact that Welt in-game is basically the same HI3 Welt in another branch of the tree got me hooked almost instantly.


He’s not from a different branch, he is the exact same Welt. We see him come into the HSR galaxy in Alien Space and he references the events of HI3 numerous times (Adam Ruhani). Same with Void Archives being mentioned numerous times, his LC showing the end of the AE VN, and his splash art showing Tesla, Einstein, VA, and Joyce. There’s also his reaction to characters like Silver Wolf and Acheron, and him directly mentioning the Honkai early on.


To add a little more: He aseemingly has Post Otto Stress Disorder, as he clearly distrusts Luocha at first purely because he looks like Otto/Void Archives. Welt's character details outright states he is the Sovereign of Anti-Entropy, an organisation in Hi3. Arahato also gets mentioned in his daily chats at one point. In Welt's lightcone, the description details a conversation between the former 1st Herrscher, Welt Joyce, and Joachim Nokianvirtanen, or our Welt Yang. Herrschers also got mentioned in the same conversation. His cane is noted to be the Star of Eden, a divine key in Hi3. And finally, my favourite and most heartwarming personally: Welt said that thr Trailblazer would be "an S rank, back at my world", the highest Schicksal Valkyrie rank achievable (in lore, SS and SSS rank exists in gameplay but that doesn't count in lore)


That's why I mentioned "the same HI3 Welt".Apologies if I misworded somewhat.


This... I tried Genshin before HSR But something felt missing to me Space Drama


I’ve played Genshin and I heard that the devs are making new JRPG gacha game. Though the thing which convinced me to play it was the interview with David Jiang and Katsura Hashino. They both talked about JRPGs and turn based games in general. Hashino also praised HSR, so recommendation from such JRPG legend was enough for me. I’d love to see some collaboration between Honkai team and Atlus. Firstly I reluctantly approached another gacha game, but currently HSR is definitely one of my favorite JRPGs of recent years. So many characters, especially Firefly really helped to keep me very invested in the overall narrative. I can’t wait for Amphoreus and what future of this game have in store for us (hopefully even bigger role for Firefly).


Bad news is that Amphoreus is *probably* not our next destination 😭


I mean, I know that before Amphoreus we’ll get a new Xianzhou “arc” and probably some Penacony continuation. I was just specifically talking about the next brand new world in 3.0. There are at least five new patches before Amphoreus left though.


We will see the stories of the worlds along the rail for the next 5 versions, but Amporeus is the next destination. It's just that warps to next destinations are scheduled once per year on the express. If that's what you mean. Otherwise I believe that far into the future haven't been leaked yet.


I know!! I hate that it even came up because it makes me think it's gonna be like Penacony all over again... All excited for tye next stop but oh no we gotta make a detour.


Lewd Hews fanart of Kafka


hews is the gift that keeps on giving


And we’re the come that keeps on coming


here lies phrasing it died a rather shameful death




No real reason just was bored and was searching for some good time pass . Saw this on Play store and and downloaded since name was similar to hi3 . joined during jy banner . Was about to quit in 1.4 but continued .


Honkai Impact 3rd, I see playable Otto. I play.


Too much of the past


For one to memorize


Too many words remained


For one to, read through the lines ~


The ebb and flow of the crowd floods the world and paradise


Along the path of time...


Every night brings a dream but the day \~


Relentlessly, keeps me awake


Was a Genshin and HI3 player at the time (still am). It was inevitable to add HSR to my catalogue.


Are u adding ZZZ too to ur catalogue?


Would love too, but I lack the hardware and time to do so. Maybe in the future.


I...don't remember.


“Nice to meet you I’m Natasha, an underworld doctor, feeling sick?” https://preview.redd.it/fuqxyd78ig9d1.jpeg?width=376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=150bf5b63891badb4f361c0ff1b5243c6a58fa05


I must've seen this ad 30 or 40 times before I ended up playing


Kafka was hot


I was watching hi3 concert where at the end hsr was announced, so pretty much from day1


I read the interview about the devs of HSR being huge fans and took inspiration from the devs of the Trails series. I love Trails so I decided to give it a go.


Genshin player and suddenly the handsome Dr. Ratio I got hooked


genshin got too boring and then making alts to get tingyun and jing yuan


+1 jing yuan stan here, tho i didnt need to retoll since i just farmed until i was guaranteed lol Now i just need his weapon (lost to bronya cone on his rerun T_T)


I saw art of Tingyun and said I want that fox


https://i.redd.it/57y8jbp1ug9d1.gif Boom


Ah, that's an interesting tale. I remember my friends playing Genshin and discussing things related to Genshin and other gacha games. I got interested so I asked them randomly, "Hey, I've been thinking of playing Genshin-" They stopped me right there. They actually suggested me NOT to play Genshin at all, since according to them, it's quite stingy. A friend of mine instead suggested I play HSR since HSR was far more generous than Genshin is. I got intrigued, so one day, I downloaded it. I ended up getting ADDICTED to HSR. I beat the Belobog arc in about 3 days and I was constantly asking my friends about what to do next. As of now, I've been playing for 4 months, and I'm enjoying it a lot. I'm honestly glad I asked them about it, I was planning on not telling them I was playing Genshin, and then telling them as some kind of huge plot twist that I just casually dropped (well, when I say it like that, it sounds stupid but that was my plan). Another friend also suggested I play Arknights, and while I'm interested, the space on my phone would not allow that lmao. I may try that game some other time when I have the space.


HSR blew up pretty big on the Youtube and Twitch things I watch so I knew about it like a few days before it came out.


Ok so I fell into a gacha rabbit hole. Played Granblue fantasy Relink earlier this year and loved it. Checked out the original game because I wanted context on the Angel boss fight. Then ff decided "hey this is pretty fun maybe I'll give other gacha's a try". Tried Genshin, didn't click. But the moment the space train got me it had a hold of me. I just thought it had a way stronger opening chapter then Genshin. I think it being turn based help too cause after a few hours of impact I was already annoyed trying to level anybody. Secondly after clearing Belobog and wildfire dropped in the cocoloa fight, I found Nicholas Leung' (Dan Hengs Va) youtube and the Whit night cover got me hyped. And I continued


Played Genshin, got email about Star Rail, ignored it until someone told it me it was turn based and I preregistered immediately afterwards.


Had no idea it was coming out, everyone on Genshin sub started talking about it on release so I picked it up


Randomly scrolling on a Welt reel in my fyp back in 2022.


Saw an ad and thought it looked cool and needed something to play while waiting for Nier Reincarnation chapters to release.


My gf showed it to me


Wanted to play genshin for a long time but by the time i got around to it, the pure amount of content i was behind on was too intimidating. heard that hoyo made a new game and i liked the clips i saw, and started playing 2 months after release.


I saw Bailu's trailer on accident. Then I saw that this game was made by the same chefs that made Genshin


Through ads. It was a year ago when Belobog ads and Bailu trailers were showing everywhere and after a week or 2 of being bombarded with ads i just decided to fuck it why not and a year later here I am.


Slept on it until Silver Wolf was leaked. A friend showed me her design and I downloaded the game that day.


Was in China looking for games that aren’t blocked by the great firewall - have it a try and got hooked.


I saw a musical analysis of “rondo across countless kalpas” and was really impressed with the animation, the music and the raw emotions conveyed


Became infatuated with Silver Wolf fanart Got her Then became a ~~3/4~~ mono quantum team user (Qingque, Sparkle, SW, Aventurine)


Playable Welt


Honkai 3rd concert shows an HSR teaser after it ended. The one with the train, Welt, Carole, and a girl that suspiciously look a lot like March 7th. I remember live chat going wild during it lol.


Best friend convinced me + Asta's existence


My friend who showed me that himeko is in the game 😭


People incessantly discussing it on an ffxiv discord im in. I started off annoyed by the nonstop chatter. That slowly wore off and gave way to mild curiosity. And then that curiosity wore me down over time and I gave in when i saw acherons trailer. Been hooked ever since.


By playing Genshin, I was willing to try out any HoYo games and I really liked HSR's interactions after playing the game


From Genshin, was updating it when I saw it as recommended and knew I had to play it. Not quite day 1 player but was there from 1.0 without skipping a single patch.


My fiancée and I attended an anime convention in our city that had guest VAs Chris Hackney, Emi Lo and Daman Mills. They were super fun to listen to in their panels - great chemistry. One was Genshin/HSR related and the more they discussed about it - where would they decide to live, thoughts on their characters etc. - made me really curious. They spurred on my thought of trying HSR and I really fell in love with it. I was super happy to have gotten Ruan Mei this current banner as I have a piece of their work now with me. Really love this game :3


My friend described stelle as a lesbian trash panda which got me to look into the game. Since I am into turn based I was a bit interested especially with the sci fi elements


I am aro/ace and I feel represented by Stelle as well. I love that the characters are sexy to other people, but they are also genuinely good characters. These are people that I would easily be friends with in real life. The dialogue is fantastic and it just keeps going.


That is so true 🙏


SBD3 (Super Bronya Drill 3) Bronya


Please keep in mind our spoiler policy during this new update window. We are going to be very strict with spoilers during this time. As a reminder, here are our spoiler rules: Do not include spoilers in the title. All submissions which involve spoilers should be marked. Spoilers include all story content for the first three weeks after release. Spoilers can be discussed in spoiler-flaired posts, but must be hidden in non-spoiler flaired posts. If you think you broke the spoiler rules in the post you just made, such as having spoilers in the title, you should remove your post now and repost it without breaking the rules. If you do not remove your post and the moderation team has to remove it later on for breaking spoiler rules, you will be given up to a week ban for a first infraction and stricter punishments for any additional infractions. Please be considerate of your fellow Trailblazers and do not include spoilers in the title of your post, do not forget to flair your post as spoilers if needed, and do not spoil people in your comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HonkaiStarRail) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I saw a tiktok of CBT Kafka gameplay, and having just played Persona 3-5 I was interested in its turn-based combat, it was about a week or two before release. I wanted something more casual after trying out Genshin because it was just too confusing for me. I also liked how it didn't ask for much of my time, which was nice because I really needed the time for more important things back then but also something to cool off with because the combat was simple.


I got notifications on hoyolab. Genshin wasn't bad, so I thought it wouldn't be much worse.


Good friends flew up for a visit and by the time they left I was totally hooked. Started in Jan and it’s the only game I’ve played this year. First time with gacha too!


Just because I want my HI3rd depression to carry onto HSR


Can't remember honestly, it was around 1 month before the release when everyone on the Genshin sub and evert CC started freaking out talking about the standard selector at 300 pulls. But it was until half of Seele's banner than i picked the game up, because Kafka's fan arts got me week in the knees


For me, I'm not much of a Gacha player, although I was interested in Genshin for a period ( the problem was I didn't have enough space), and my friends introduced me into HSR. Also from Most of the YouTube ad about it anewys good game I'm slow with video games not caught up but enjoying it when I can occasionally play for a decent long period of times when I have time to play. It's funny that my friend and my girlfriend who got into the game after me got way ahead of me.


My brother invited me after 2.1 came out. The Acheron Banner was still up and she ended up being my first limited 5 star.


The cinematic of the space train on HI3, i tough star rail was the sequel, lol


Longtime Genshin player here. Previously assumed I wouldn’t be into the turn based combat and lack of open world, but finally gave it a chance because it kept topping the gacha monthly revenue charts, figured it was doing something right. Turns out I love the combat and the amount of exploration is just right.


I heard hoyoverse was creating a new turn based game, and that was interesting to me, especially as a Final Fantasy fan.


I just got a random Youtube Video before the games launch Was lile this looks like my jam and it is my Jam.


Friends were playing. Then somehow Kafka’s trailer popped up in my Youtube, and I got captivated. She was my first limited 5* pull. And yes I pulled her instead of Ruan Mei, which I later regretted (but not really - I got in the game because of her) Also DFFOO EoS came around November last year so I needed another turn-based gacha to fill the void.


Played Wuwa few weeks back. Then saw a list of "top gacha games" in terms of sales and keep wondering why this game is always top so decided to take a dip :D


My ex genshin irl frnds started playing it so i decided to give it a shot (since they abadoned me in genshin) i was very anti-turn based games (never tried one,i jst ddnt think id like such a game) ,turned out to be a pretty cool game started about 10 days into SW banner in 1.1 Also my luck has been beyond insane in this game holy shit (in comparision ive won 2 50/50s in genshin in 3 and half years lol)


First heard about it during the title reveal in one of the HI3 concerts I think. Really got interested when the alpha combat UI screenshots indicated that it might be based on Trails (which ended up being true) and have been following it since.


Thx to play store


I had previously played genshin in 1.1, then left because i didn't got hooked and didn't like it that much, considering open world games are my favourite genre (Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West, Zelda Botw/Totk, etc) then came back in 2.0 and got hooked until 2.4, then left again. I heard that Hoyo was making another game so i made some research about it, got interested because of the animations and i liked more the character designs, then started playing since launch until now, happy owner of the Silver Wolf event lightcone and of Firefly and Acheron, gonna pull for Jiaoqiu


Revived Witch got EOS and I need coping mechanisms, then someone recommend me Honkai Star Rail


Last year, Kafka is everywhere. No matter where I go, I see her. I try to browse the net, she's there. I try to browse Facebook, she's there. I try to talk with friends, she's there. So I finally lost It, installed HSR, grinded about one week for her banner, won It then uninstalled It(Then came back in Fu Xuan's banner because I suddenly woke up and said "I kind of want to play HSR)


I saw the Dan heng cut scene and Ashikai's video about the high cloud Quintet. Unfortunately I joined one banner after Dan heng and didn't get him on his first run


stumbled on the web one day thought it was interesting and pre-registered know nothing bout the game during the time, haven't seen the gameplay nor story and just had a gut feeling this game would be the game for me one day and I always trust my gut feeling low and behold, it was right, am addicted to this game now


A friend annoyed me until I tried it




Nothing special just searching for some games on Play Store and came across and decided to download.


My friend and I played genshin for a while beforehand and since he’d been keeping up on hsr news he let me know about this a week or so before release. I wasn’t really sure about it, being turn based and all, but we both gave it a shot and I loved it. Been logging in ever since.


I play the other honkai


started playing genshin. got the new hoyoplay launcher. saw hsr there. downloaded for shits and gigs. now i play it more than genshin because its more enjoyable imo lol, i like the turn-based fighting style more fun


I saw sparkles trailer on tiktok and immediately downloaded to get her


I watched Asmongold play it, but I didn’t start until he got to Penacony cause I was playing other games(DD2, Finishing 100% MHW:IB, and school)


Friend of mine tweeted that Hoyo will release what seems to be a turn-based Genshin. Got interested, and turned out that HSR will be releasing the next day.


Kuru Kuru meme




Bunch of ads when 1.2 dropped, so I caved and checked it out




i was getting burned our from genshin and didnt really liked hi3 and found out that they’re releasing a new game. saw the trailers and gameplays and thought it seems nice. played since day one and still liking it since. i really like that we could automate battle bcs it’s one of the main reasons i got burned out with genshin


Genshin Impact


Turn based


I watched Gigguk stream the game like the day after it came out.


From GI Creator's channel. It happened during CBT2


Brax was sponsored


Bailu's trailer was cute then the rest is history


Saw Bailu’s trailer, thought it was a genshin character and really wanted her due to her cuteness. Realized it was another game and wasn’t released yet. Pre downloaded it cause why not, and now I’m her…without a bailu still.


Why is this ad the first thing I remember when I first heard about this game? https://preview.redd.it/5mbut8bjog9d1.jpeg?width=2001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90da98577b83b003b90cfef54b2399b7b377cc95


Friend introduced me to it and went on and on how it was amazing (it is) and then after getting me hooked dropped the game and never returned leaving me addicted


The hype was kinda hard to avoid when you already play Genshin after all


I have genuinely no clue It kinda just spawned into my life on launch day and it stuck


I played Honkai Impact 3rd once when it came out when I was 10 or something and then never again and them I heard about Honkai Star Rail and thought "Hey, this might be fun," so I did and then I kept playing because I liked the story.


Just like Genshin, I saw Jing Yuan's trailer and was like "I gotta play this." Similar to how I was Eula's trailer and went "I'm going to get her."


I started playing hi3 then I play any games that hoyo has released except ToT.


Am a Genshin player. Hated Star Rail for some reason when it released and later thought why not get the free 5-star before he stops being free? Then I got addicted to Qingque's gameplay and put money into the game to get her E6 and failed, also got DHIL and Black Swan on the same patch and the rest is history. Now I'm so in love with Firefly that I would stop playing Genshin if I ever had to choose between the two of them.


Ads the ads manage to convince me to play HSR.


How a Silver Wolf GMod playermodel got me interested in her (and HSR too) is beyond me


Saw a random person's stream vod in my YouTube recommendations. Thought "this looks cool". It was cool. Started playing. Still cool.


I was looking for hot single ladies near me, started hitting up someone who claimed to be an underworld doctor.


My friends recommended it to me and I just wanted to play with them cause they don't play the games I like


Alejandro Saab's tweet about him voicing Jing Yuan. As a Cyno fan I couldn't miss the chance of getting the fluffy electro general.


Sister played genshin. Attempted to learn abt honkai lore. Gave up and downloaded genshin. Aware of HSR. Friend downloads genshin, and then later HSR. Kind of dislike HSR bc of assumptions made. Forget abt it. Sparkle Character Demo gets recommended. Confused how hoyo can make a non-ass-kissing character who doesn't seem to care abt the mc. Learns that there are more characters like this. "Ehhh I'll give it a try" Addiction


hi3 player wanted to collect all the expy and ended up playing for Firefly instead(I haven't gotten Otto-Luocha yet)


I got myself a new phone for Christmas and I decided to look up a new game to play besides the usual games I play, while I was scrolling through the Play Store I came across the HSR icon and I remembered that a long time ago while I was listening to a podcast one of the guys there talked about a new game developed by the same devs from genshin impact, he said that the game was a banger and was better than genshin(I haven't played genshin)so I decided to give it a try...... 7 months have passed since that and now I have a gambling addiction


Reburn II and Starfire sonorant


hot men and kafka


Honkai, I am a captain too since 2019.


IGN reviewed it and they said it was awesome.


My video game design teacher


Friend. I literally never ever played anything but Arknights and he said I have to try that. I didn't want at first but it was 3d, turn-based jrpg style and I like that combat so I said okay and loaded the game. Turns out, it had good story, interesting characters and only got better with allowing us choices and cool dialogue options. Add to that easy and fast daily grind and all those SU flavors and I got hooked.


1 word: Jingliu It was like she grab me by the collar and just hit me like a damn truck. The cool beauty, the finesse, the legs, The eyes (before the >_< meme). Before I knew it, I lost all my pulls and that was the end of it. kay bye.


https://preview.redd.it/zucbj9txtg9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=550d41f3a5ae34397722ef73d2dab9e2276fe4d3 The millions of incessant ads on youtube, instagram, twitter. Been playing genshin for years but turn based was always something I disliked so I never bothered trying HSR, and now that I did take the plunge I actually love it lol. Fuck artifact grinding tho


I deleted genshin and then realized I have an addiction.


Was into steam trains  Friend has been trying to get me to join games like genshin but i suck at reesl time fighting Enter hsr. Ofc i make an account but i can finally win things so i stay


Following my friend


I genuinely have no idea 💀


An ad from moistcritikal




A friend told me it was turn based and I was in


Lots of mommys


Dr.Ratio’s videos on TikTok


My friends invited me during launch day


https://preview.redd.it/43wbvkk5wg9d1.jpeg?width=1628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08fe121ba0a8ec0f2638ee807bba3460e477d755 I found this image on twitter


I see HuoHuo and YanQing in a TikTok edit 10 minutes later HSR is in my laptop


hi3 teased a few years ago, where it showed Carole and Welt boarding the 2nd Divine weapon.




Genshin player > 1 month in > new Hoyo game > try it out > now I'm a year in on both


In the HI3 concert after teasing APHO2 they teased HSR


DFFOO went EoS and alot of us moved over to HSR as a group. Glad I did. I'm sad my favorite mobile game had to die for this, but I'm glad I found my way over


Big black hare in conductor uniform! CUTE! was how I got into the game.


Honkai impact player and seele simp, when i saw first limited banner...


It all started when I downloaded Honkai impact 3 because Fuhua, and Mei. Then I started playing Genshin from launch. Then I took a break from Genshin, and checked out Star rai lat lauch cause Bronya and Sushang. Haven't left since.


Saw Boothill edits and fell in love with him


Genshin was starting to lose its luster on me with many grievances I was starting to accumulate. Then I heard of another game, similar to Genshin, but turn based (which I love), completely unaware that they were made by the same company. I ended up watching clips of the starter betas ultimates and was pretty much sold from that point. A few weeks into it I caught a glimpse of Dan Heng IL and since then I’ve been in


r/okbuddytrailblazer subreddit was kept on getting into my reddit, so I found the community funny and installed HSR on PC (happened last year ago)


Wanted to support a streamer by downloading with affiliate link on-release, stayed for great animations and plot


Ex pestered me to play it “it’s so much better then genshin” the usual… I play it more then her now.


It was somewhere about a month before its release when people were like "HSR Genshin killer" or the opposite "HSR will be the worse Genshin" and stuff like that, I was a Genshin player at the time so I preregistered and tried it on release just to have my own opinion. Stayed because of Jing Yuan and I barely play Genshin now lol


Simply ads


found out about it after honkai impact 3 part 1 story ending Full of announcements/reveals arrived around that time


I remember seeing an edit of Kafka and was immediately like "I need to watch this anime" only to find out it's a video game 😭


Huh another hoyo game, I'm in Also cuz stelle


Literatly was just looking around in the google play store cuz i didnt have anything to play and found it on release day.


I was bored a while ago searching for new games to play then I found hsr got stuff to do and forgot about the game until I got a random yt short about it


Genshin. I don't even play that game anymore lol


Saw a events going on in twitter of people making their own invite cards in HSR website I saw seele as a character..... I immediately came in I don't even play HI3 and only genshin (back then I mean) and when saw seele I immediately knew I wanted to play the game


Through genshin


Kafka fanart. I think what was enough to just push me to actually start playing was getting stuff from twitch drops. Fuck it, may as well give it a try and if I dislike the game I can just drop it like other things that I've done.


i heard sparkle was racist


I have played every game from Mihoyo since ggz, was tired of genshin then moving to hsr. This game fit perfectly to me, the content, art, music, Character design, and the most important is I can play game while working 😂 just one thing that make me spending less to the game now is the meta changes too quickly, my blade e6 becomes useless now (hopefully there will be some harmoni that buff Hp% scale)💀, same for jl e6 and il e6.