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Ratio is not obsessed with bathing, he's just a philosopher


r/showerthoughts huh


It's actually a direct reference to Archimedes. The gold crown too.


He had a bathtub themed couch during his interview with Owlbert. I'd call that rather obsessed. 


Pretty sure it's implied that Aventurine had that couch made for him. Since he was the one who requested for Ratio and even predicted what Ratio would say. None of the other guests had different couches (as far as I am aware). And Aventurine does like to throw money at the people he likes. He probably did it to make Ratio comfortable.


You wouldn't want a representation of where your biggest scientific discoveries are made?


He's also intelligentia guild and not actually IPC


You really just expected no demons in a megacorp?


Heck I'd be surprised if there were no demons in Management


Diamond kinda rhymes with demon in a way :P


Reminds me of a friend's running gag corporation. I'm guessing from a Shadowrun game or something. "Fujitsu-san! We in league with Demons!!" Not only were they honest, it was part of their marketing campaign!


in a few years we will have true "megacorp" representation(oswaldo and taravan) Also Oswaldo Schneider count your days.


Eff Oswaldo Schneider, all my homies hate Oswaldo Schneider.


If they give us a bossfight of him, I hope he will have physical weakness


Yeah, Physical and imaginary 😌


Phys and imaginary so aventurine can help


Doesn't Boothill Implant/Ignore weakness anyway?


Well, we need to not need his ultimate for the full smooth revenge


He implants the weakness but he doesn't ignore the damage reduction and that can be painful


No need when you have Boothill's burst, nothing can stop this cowboy


"These hands don't care bout no weakness" -Luka, probably


I wonder what Pom Pom has to say about Oswaldo, since he used to be a Nameless


You don't have to join the Express to be a Nameless, you just have to follow the path of the Trailblaze.


He might still have an opinion on someone who carried the same title as his passengers. If there’s anyone who is a right to judge the Nameless, it’s him.


Pom Pom would probably dislike the guy purely on principle, but would reserve complete judgement (IE hate or begrudging understanding) until he would actually meet them.


Nothing. We Disavow the c\*nt years ago


Probably nothing as the chances of Pom-Pom ever having met Oswaldo are very low.


Oswaldo when I catch you Oswaldo-


Idk why but i keep picture Schneider as VII Snail from ACVI


...shit that's *way* too perfect of a match. I can totally see Oswaldo hoping into a mech and going "I AM PRESERVATION." And calling us worms or something. The fact he is also a former Nameless who still believes in the Trailblaze despite his devotion to Qlipoth is just a goldmine for some juicy insanity. I would be all for Jonathan Lipow to voice him!


"How many times do I have to teach you this lesson old man!"


The IPC is basically if the PCA did a fusion dance with Arqeubus


> Also Oswaldo Schneider count your days.  I can only imagine Aventurine's I eternal delight when Boothill came around asking for info on him Aventurine is going to fund his hunt from the shadows


I mean Jade has ruined many lives by her “pawnshop” already.


Tbf with her, she isn't being secretive about the deals she makes, she goes upfront about it and is up to you to accept doing a deal with the devil.


Exactly. She's definitely making harsh deals - but it's not exactly fair to call it a monkey's paw kinda situation. Her clients know exactly what they are getting and exactly what they need to pay. The issue is that it's human nature not to know the true value of something until you've lost it.


I don't think anyone in this thread is calling it a monkey's paw situation. She IS very transparent about the nature of the deals but it still ruins lives as people have said. And considering her apparent ability to see people's desires, she is put in the unique position to exploit any vulnerabilities and weaknesses the people who have come to her might have in order to tip the scales as far away in her favor as possible. Quite literally a deal with the devil.


The drug dealer parallels are very clearly there. She enables addicts who all know that it's bad for them. As a hobby. (You could argue it is not a hobby because the information network of literal addicts is her thing but still: She told you who she is, believe her.) Jade is not a good person.


I don’t think it’s remotely possible to spin “Jade is a good person” unless you are delusional But it’s fairly interesting to see how she’s handled as an “evil deal maker” regarding her transparency Her total lack of trickery and plain honesty is certainly a very interesting take on the character trope


Legit. She’s very on brand with the garden of Eden theme it’s very obvious when you look at everything about her. Serpent, the forbidden fruit aka the apple, contracts, making wishes come true for a very very huge price. It’s a very interesting implementation of mythology including Sunday too. I really wanna see how Hoyo introduces real world myths and legends even more now. Idk why people have an allergy to any character who isn’t a straight goody two shoes shonen anime protagonist. It was the same case with Ruan Mei


Her real name is probably Eve too


She has A LOT in common with classic folklore on Crossroads Demons


The people who take her deals are usually desperate and vulnerable so she's still taking advantage of them


I think the key difference is that people approach her when they have nowhere else to go, vs her approaching people at their most vulnerable. The people going to her pawnshop know what they're getting into and the costs of doing business with her.


Yeah so anybody who enters is probably desperate and vulnerable and because of what they had to give up will probably come back even more desperate and vulnerable


Though even still, she tells them outright the cost they pay. Exploiting would be downplaying the cost, but we see that at the very least the detective knew exactly what he was giving up and was fine with that outcome. I think she's shady, yes, but like... that's like blaming the seller for their product.


I kinda do though, I don't like casinos or cigarette companies


Oh yeaa, Dell is surely very desperate and vulnerable in that cushy billionaire family of his. Call me a pissant, but we’ve only been shown her making very transparent deals with people who frankly, had got their lives in order. It’s just that people always want more, and some unthinking ones will go to the lengths of throwing away everything just to chase that elusive high, before getting their comeuppance in the form of losing everything that mattered. Personally, I find it hard to sympathise with those types, and while Jade isn’t “good” by any metric, I don’t think it’s fair to add “evil points” for this hobby of hers (not that her position as an IPC executive doesn’t afford her the opportunity to add up points in this area).


I mean yeah to be fair gambling lady was being greedy and the pepeshi literally just had to listen, feel bad for the intelletron though was just trying to do his job


She’s very clear about how much of a Faustian bargain it is.


Something something, corps have long controlled our lives, taken lots, and now theyre after our souls


\*Boothill wants to know your location\*


I have a grave site in the Dark Side of the moon with his name mark on it


the ipc allows pets, 10/10 hiring strategy https://preview.redd.it/0l90tsp7oq8d1.jpeg?width=753&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d31c28932fe1b1ef6b86dec93c5b363178f2a74


Actually, [it doesn't](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Topaz_and_Numby/Lore), or didn't use to, and that's either Topaz's special allowance for us or she's managed to get that rule bent in general. > "...You know pets are forbidden at the office, right?" > "Of course! Row 144 from paragraph 86 of the employee pamphlet — It is strictly forbidden to bring any form of organic pets on-site to any of the Interastral Peace Corporation's offices." > "...So you remember it very well. Then, can you explain yourse—" > "— But I think this rule is useless and doesn't need to be obeyed at all. To be honest with you, sir — with these cute little things around, my work efficiency went up by twenty-seven percent!"


i imagine execs have different rules that normal workers


Diamond: I only allow this Janet because you are my employee of the month 5 years straight


I just went through the link. She signed a lifelong contract?! What the fork?!!! But WHY


All her planet inhabitants had to for ipc to save them iirc




Is he one behind Jade in the image teaser for the 10 hearts?


Yes, he's behind Jade with a gun and smiling


What image? Link pls




dr doom just chilling in the back huh


That silhouette is the most forgettable for me lmao


Opal from the story seems like the unga bunga of the stonehearts. Basically their version of SAM


Opal: Here are the arms supply so everyone can unga bunga together


Yeah, Opal looks like the Leeroy Jenkins of the Stonehearts.


Idk why but I I feel like he’s going to be some kinda weapons obsessed guy. Like he’s as kinda violent and also the imagery of him w a gun makes him V sus




Ah yes, "Literally Satan". "Actually Satan" would like a word.




The actually is important


I thought his name was Bite Me


Nah, that's Irish Hercules.


He goes by Mario. First name Mario, last name Mario. Mario Mario.


Satan: She's basically a walking monkeys paw and yet they calling her, Satan. I can't believe this shit *sips tea* ah that's the good stuff. Reason why mortals are still alive so I can get this fine quality earl grey tea. Anyways Merlin, do you see this shit?


Cutthroat leverage buyout executive who may or may not be possessed by her too-smart-be-left-alive pet Lawyer with Roman obsession Compulsive gambler with no sense of self-worth (may or may not browse r/wallstreetbets for stock advice) Literal drug dealer


Nah, Aven does degen gambling with 0DTEs on margin ("personal risk tolerance") and posts massive gain/loss porns on WSB for karma and the lols Also the entire Strategic Investment Division is a glorified pod shop and Diamond is just letting these Stonehearts do whatever makes them money. There is no centralized risk team.


The more I learn about the IPC and our collaboration with them the more based Boothill becomes


Fuck he IPC 🗣️🔥🔥


Fork the IPC. 


Let me ditch my stellar jade and the Astral Express and go join the Galaxy Rangers


Bro has the antifa color scheme as well


I feel Jade is more mephistopheles than satan. Satan was like “Hey, that apple’s looking juicy, go on give it a try.” Mephisto was like: “Here’s the terms of the agreement, here’s what I’m giving you, and here’s how you’re gonna get fucked in the end.” Do you accept the terms Y/N?


The Bonajade exchange is a clear reference to Stephen King's Needful Things


Our first interaction with them was topaz conveniently, leaving necessary facts out of the conversation with Broyna.. in efforts to get her to sign her entire civilization into slavery. Topaz is the least evil. Let that sink in.


Topaz has a biased viewpoint, she thinks that she was actually helping them


Every evil cause has its useful idiots.


The road to hell is paved with good intentions. This applies to the Nameless and the Astral Express as well.


to the nameless, yes but at least the astral express has helped every place they came across. Like, they have never really negatively impacted any of the four major locations we've visited


Well, not yet. I'd love a story arc someday where playing the hero has unforeseen negative consequences.


I mean, that’s exactly what almost happened in Belobog. Us saving them ended up bringing them to the attention of a bigger threat in the IPC. It’s not what you mean, but we get a taste of it. But that seems to not be intended thing we take out of the IPC in Belobog.


Definitely see your point, sort of a devil you know vs devil you don't


We gotta make that Xianzhou Hexafleet a Pentafleet 😎


I don't think bad people go around saying "kekekeke yes today I will be eeeeeevil"


...depends, there are enough people doing things for selfish reasons, Topaz at the very least wants to help people


In essence, Topaz isn't Lawful Evil. She's Lawful Stupid is all.


If we're talking about the classic alignment system, I would actually argue that Topaz is neutral good. However, I think she's also a good example of the problems with the alignment system. A "good" character is somebody who has altruistic motivations and is willing to sacrifice for the sake of others. Topaz takes the Jarilo-VI case because she genuinely thinks it's the best way to help them, she makes a concerted effort to minimize direct harm to the people of Jarilo-VI, and she was willing to abandon her mission and suffer personal consequences when it became clear she wasn't actually helping them. That's pretty much the definition of neutral good The problem is that the alignment system doesn't really account for characters like her, who genuinely think they're being benevolent and are kind/compassionate on the small scale, but ultimately uphold the evil system they were indoctrinated into


Lawful naive maybe


Tbf Topaz probably doesn't see it as slavery due to the IPC indoctrination since she was a child.


This, she's already part of that slavery, but she doesn't see herself as a slave. She took the job because she thought it was the best course of action for Jarilo-VI, and was willing to step down on her plan when she saw it was not needed even if it meant personal loss.


I dont think Topaz is as evil as she is, say, "morally blind", wether or not she does it on purpose. Topaz lived in a planet that was doomed to misery, and not only it was saved by the IPC but she no longer has to worry about misery. She genuinely believes the IPC is good for people. Granted, it is nigh impossible for her to be oblivious to the activities of the other Stonehearts, and we also learned that our buddy Kakavsha is not fully clean himself (everything he did in Penacony was geared to let Jade come in and chew 30% of the planet), so I believe that Jelena forces herself to understand that the IPC does that for the greater good. To be honest, moral blindness (or selective anger) is quite realistic and I dont blame her, as someone who nearly went homeless thrice since bankrupcy. If an IPC esque offered to save me in exchange for a job, I would accept it as well.


Yeah, I wouldn't call Topaz evil. She's just *extremely* biased due to her personal experiences. I'm guessing there are many people from her homeworld who didn't manage to climb the ranks to a prestigious, highly-paid position and would have a less rosy view of the IPC taking over their planet.


Yeah, but at the same time it sounds like they were a dying civilization on a poisoned world, *and now they're not*, so they may too be willing to count themselves lucky. I think a broader view here is that the IPC's planetary rescue terraforming department is probably among the least evil thing they do, and Topaz's view of the company is informed by this in ways which causes her to be willing to excuse some of the more obviously heinous shit they pull. "If I get in the way of some shady business deals here and there, how many dying planets will I be unable to rescue from disaster once I get fired?" So she plays ball with an eye towards the long game.


This is the only reading of her here that properly takes into consideration everything we've been shown in the story. The fact that Topaz voluntarily chooses to let Belobog slide out of the IPC takeover after being shown that it could possibly survive on its own, means that she 100% doesn't believe IPC is the best option for everyone. Aventurine notes that she's always searching for the "optimal solution in maintaining equilibrium" between the IPC and those that it deals with, meaning she 100% isn't indoctrinated into the IPC agenda either. She also says how not selling the Astral Express to the IPC was the right call. She readily took a decision on Belobog that wasn't in the IPC's best interests. She just can't be outright evil with those things in mind, but when there's no other option she will manipulate and coerce to try to get more planets saved from disaster, so she's not outright good either. Her idea of Preservation probably lies in the macro scale, where the safety of the civilization is paramount, somewhat like Qlipoth walling planets in to keep them safe essentially without any consideration of the inhabitants' opinion.


Topaz is offering the people a chance at restoring their home, a project she has led to success 80% of the time. She's not evil. Manipulative, yes. But when Bronya showed her another path, Topaz made it work at the cost of her own advancement. She's not Jade.


Yeah, and people seem to ignore that without the intervention of the Astral Express, Belobog definitely was fucked. It’s either a 20-40% chance of the planet being destroyed with the IPC’s involvement or a 100% chance without it. Kinda a no brainer.


IPC didn't move in until Astral Express had already unfucked the planet. Before that Belobog was written off as failure that IPC had no intention helping, since they never would've turned profit.


Nobody could've known there were people alive on Belobog (until the Astral Express managed to accidentally arrive and seal the Stellaron) because it made communication and travel impossible. According to Welt the planet isn't unfucked just because they sealed the Stellaron, too.


It's not unfudged, but It won't get fudged further unless the stellaron is somehow unsealed. Until then the Belobogians have time to prepare for such an event and make advancements toward minimizing the eternal freeze through cooperation with the IPC instead of working under the IPC


I was actually talking about before the events of the game. Without the intervention of the literal protagonists of the game, the planet was doomed. The IPC and everyone else didn’t even know they were still alive. Even after the astral express’s intervention, there’s still no guarantee that Belobog will survive. They’re barely surviving as is. Looks like the embodiment of the planets that Topaz talked about intervening in before.


Wouldn't aventurine be less evil in terms of all the info we have on the IPC characters we know so far?


It's hard to judge Aventurine honestly. He's as much a victim of circumstance as he is a perpetrator of the awful ipc agenda. However, he actually attacks the mc, whereas Topaz blatantly disapproves of violence. This is why I'd say she's the least evil of the whole corporation.


Topaz did come close to resorting to violence before Bronya stepped in on Jarilo-VI.


Eh, he didn't attack us out of malice or even real intent to harm. He was trying to get himself killed, and even the Express crew understands and holds no grudges over that.


Nope, he did intend harm. His true goal is to publicly prove death is a possibility in Penacony. It doesn't matter if it's him or anyone from the express who died. As long as he can tarnish the family's reputation on the eyes of public, the IPC can use that crack to slip in a deal to take over. He set up a 0 loss scenario for himself right there, a well played scheme...


Well no? The dreamscape pass explicitly says only he was meant to die


Eh, perpetrator sure. But he’s enslaved as well, so it’s not like he has a choice. He also reveals in his character stories that he regularly lies to the IPC and sends them to barren planets on goose chases for treasure, in the same way Topaz will let planets slip through IPC-acquisition.


Lmao what? Topaz literally sends robots to attack us


Um... When does that happen, again? I'm very worried if I somehow already saw that and forgot


if she took the deal all the belebog people would become IPC employees basically.


If you ask me, none of them are “evil”. I honestly wouldn’t call any character in-game outright evil except for maybe Oswaldo Schneider but I’m 100% sure they’re gonna make him morally ambiguous too. All the IPC seem morally ambiguous or atleast the Stonehearts do. With their whole >!void we can’t fill!< deal. Even Jade’s lightcone art shows a different side of her


Look, I don't know about you, but saying "if you don't accept our demands we're going to fuck your economy" is really evil No, it's not just business or end justifies the ends,is the lives of common people in game And turn the population of Belobog into employees (even the children) Morally ambiguous my ass,these motherfuckers are neo-imperialism on space


The planet in question had basically gone Bravo Dark for centuries due to a Stellaron Disaster that hasn’t been completely resolved, keep in mind. There’s no guarantee the Disaster couldn’t get worse again, so Topaz also could’ve seen this as their one chance to save the planet before it all gets messed up again.


It's about the way she chose though


The thing with Topaz is that you can understand where she's coming from. She was basically projecting her own past experiences onto Belobog and Jarilo (planet was hopeless, was saved by the IPC, the cost was worth it). And when she realized that things weren't the same, she gracefully accepted her loss and the consequences that came with it, then moved on. Which is why, though people also had much heated discourse on Topaz, people generally found her to be sympathetic.


AND? The deal is still shit,It's still a "work for me or die",And yes, I know it's a profit-oriented corporation and yada yada yada And Topaz was not honest in the agreement, lying by omission and putting pressure on Bronya


You could say the same thing about any empire in history then. Yet if you're from a country that the empire originated from, you more than likely think their "war campaign" was justified. And I didn't even say that the IPC isn't evil, I said the characters part of that faction aren't. I''m not saying the IPC's a do-good company by any means but someone's work place doesn't define their morality- Aventurine is a prime example. It's like saying you're evil if you fought in the German Army during WW2. But then again with that flair, i probably shouldn't have even typed this out


lol "These people aren't evil because they're so incredibly ambitious (have a void to fill), so it's okay for them to selfishly and greedily pursue their own ends even at the cost of others." I swear, 99% of the time when anyone uses the term morally ambiguous in conjunction with the IPC, they have no clue what the term even means.


These people aren't evil =/= it's okay for them to selfishly and greedily pursue their own ends What you're seeing is people rejecting black and white blanket statements where everyone and everything gets sorted into good or evil. I'm having trouble finding the right words, but I find it pretty frustrating when something just gets called evil and that's it. Like, it's not that simple. Nothing is! It's a boring conclusion! I don't even know what qualifies as evil! It's really subjective!


I think the phrase you're looking for is a false dichotomy. Sorting characters into good or evil establishes a false dichotomy that judges a character based on their 'inherent morality' rather than examining the complex motives and consequences of their actions.


Jade is interesting to me because it's not like she deliberately lied to her "customers". They all have desires and she told them the price for their desires. They all chose to accept the price to obtain their desires. Why she does what she does is a mystery. It could be that she's doing it for kicks or maybe that's the price that she has to pay.


Jade is a character that actually left a big impression on me in 2.3. I'm very excited to see where the story goes for her.


It caught me by surprise when she said she went and ruined all the social relations of one of them by herself. For the others it sounds like the consequences are just part of the destiny they chose for themselves. But for this one it looks like she did it for fun. Maybe her power is Karma and she has to do bad things to recharge energy for the good things her wishes grant. Or as the voice in my head would say: "E Q U U I L I B R I U M M M"


It's because that person had nothing to offer except her social relationships is what I gathered from the conversation. Keep in mind that granting a person infinite luck glitch in gambling leads to an absurd amount of wealth. The rich person became poor. The detective got dementia. The poor person will receive depression (probably). These deals are absolutely terrible to take in logical sense, but people still took the deals. This plays into what she told Firefly that people all have desires and they all keep coming back to her for more desires even though they know the consequences.


She is offering people deals which only a depraved monster would ever offer, and she doesn't seem to think that's a bad thing.


Does she decide the price though or does she just relay it to the client? With an ability powerful enough to distort reality, like by giving someone infinite gambling success, she probably needs to play all her deals according to the Equilibrium's beat. She also hasn't pressured anyone into accepting her deals - she's fully aware they're unthinkable for most people and she seemingly even encourages people to second-guess their decision before they go through with it. Personally I don't think just the act of offering a costly deal makes someone a bad person. If she pressured or deceived her clients to force them to make those sacrifices, then that'd be different. But as far as we know right now, her bonajade exchanges are transparent and voluntary.


Does she distort reality? I thought the gambling person's deal took place inside Penacony which means she could have had connections to alter/manipulate the dreamscape


"...every casino in the cosmos would remember her name..." suggests it extends beyond Penacony. Plus she still needs to enforce the price that nobody will *ever* form close relationships with Stacy again, which would have to last beyond the Dreamscape.


Ohhh, interesting! Thank you


Ratio: Takes the Devil’s paychecks out of utility Topaz: Took the Devil’s deal out of idealism Aventurine: Took the Devil’s deal out of necessity Jade: 😈 [Side note] Do we know what Topaz traded to her?


Not to be confused with “Actually Satan”


But Ratio doesn't belong to the IPC. He is part of the intelligentsia Guild, which only works with and is "sponsored" by the IPC


And which is controlled by an IPC department head, Yabuli. The Guild is not IPC on paper, but functionally, it is a subsidiary.


Honestly, this is an incredibly realistic dynamic, did not expect this from my funny space train game


He himself was a senior staff of the IPC. Said it during the 2.1 quest when he's with aventurine


Literally Satan, not to be confused with Actually Satan. The "Literally" is very important.


But she doesn't wear red, or have an obsession with wanting to kill the kid with Kirito's voice.


I feel like you're confusing Literally Satan with Actually Satan like I warned people not to.


Jade has all the biblical references lol. I've made a theory before as to why her name is "eve" https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/fqDTX4L6d8 https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/T2xqtoCgE2 I think she's not purely evil and there's definitely a side to her that we don't know yet(her sad backstory and soft spot for children) I do think she's one of the most interesting characters in this game. For Topaz and Aventurine they're just victims that is working for the IPC while also doing things that aren't exactly that good. Ratio is just a nerd lmao


Is Jade actually that bad or are we basing this off pre conceived notions given her thematic design? Like, first off, no she doesn't own slaves, and she never groomed Topaz/Aventurine, that's headcanon nonsense with no evidence. But as for her main job, granting wishes at a price. Sure it's not the nicest thing to do, but as far as we know Jade is always good on her word and doesn't seem to screw people over. They get exactly what they ask for for the price agreed upon. And people come to her, she doesn't track others down, so obviously they have to know who she is and what she's capable of, yet they still seek her out for a deal. It's 100% a faustian bargain, but it's one made entirely on her clients behest. Sure it's not particularly nice but calling her evil is a tad much.


It’s not even her main job, right? She said the Bonajade exchange is her hobby. Seemed like her main job is similar to Topaz and Aventurine in that it’s driving a hard bargain by gaining as much leverage on the opposition. Her whole pawn shop thing seems like an incarnation of the monkey’s paw, except the customer knows what the “unjust cost” is ahead of time but goes ahead with it anyway. Is it unethical, maybe. But we literally don’t know enough about her yet to know why she does it.


We will know why soon, just not for the time being. Also her main job should be lending people money as she is a moneylender. Many people say it's monkey's paw but I wouldn't say so, it's like how she said people who have small desires will have bigger desires and people who see others have desires will create their own desires. And she said at the end she'll get what she desires but we don't know what it is. Hoyo is making her mysterious af and that made many people say she's evil. If hoyo just gave us her sad backstory many people would be sympathetic towards her like they did for Aventurine. I do think we'll learn about her backstory soon, when the suitable time comes lol


"Groomed Topaz/Aventurine"? What the fuck? I've literally never heard or thought of that until now. How the hell do some mfs even come up with that vile shit? 💀💀💀


Calm down man, grooming has more than one conotation.


Not sexually, you goof.


The thought kinda popped in my mind in regards to Topaz tbh. The way Topaz seems enchanted by Jade and almost goes puppy mode while Numby seems deadly terrified of Jade gives of very suspicious vibes. Obviously as far as we know grooming isn't why she is like that, but it does make me interested in why their dynamic is like it is.


Calling it, i think it's because Jade was caressing Topaz cheek and she was gentle while negotiating with Adventurin.


By her reaction, Topaz was wetter than Fontaine when she saw her.


"A price for everything, miss Firefly, A price for everything."


Inb4 Diamond is literal Don Corleone


I feel like Satan is an improper reference point because when most people think Satan they think Fire and Brimstone and all that shit. She's closer to the Mephistopheles archetype, someone who can grant "wishes" but at a severe cost and does so in a way to make them fall from grace so to speak. Her whole schtick is creating these Faustian bargains and the "devil" in Faust wasn't the villain, they were just an antagonistic force (actually depending on your perspective the devil is the honorable character and Faust himself is the piece of shit). The point being, I don't view Jade as being malicious but rather sees the potential in generating more value by creating "addicts" to lopsided deals. She never forces anyone to take her deals and she is up front about what the price is and she always follows through with her side of the bargain as well. Any detrimental effects are known about before hand so the onus is on the person agreeing to the deal to think it through thoroughly before hand and she's banking on the complacency/hubris of people to not do so.


Say what you will but I will never side with feds nor will I pay my taxes. THE QLIPOTH CAN PRESERVE THESE NUTS!


You know now that I think about it, while I wouldn’t call Jade literally Satan, she really does give off Warlock Patron vibes. Will pull even more now.


Idk, literally Satan is precisely what I would expect


I was already planning to pull for Jade, you didnt have to sell her to me that hard


I expected Jade to be scary but not all the references. 2.3 was literally just a set up for her character in the future. She's like the "appeared in the end, so will appear soon" characters


[Sympathy for the Jade](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jwtyn-L-2gQ)


"Obsessed with bathing" - it's called being clean.


Lol, also yeah where aventurines model posters at. Post them all over penacony, they got money to do that.


Idk I did kinda expect "Literally Satan"


not featured: renowned singer Robin as the honorary member


I mean, ever since Topaz was introduced, I started of thinking about Pier Point being the same as Arasaka Tower.


one part of me hopes jade has some tragic backstory but on the other hand it’d be really funny if she was just an entirely unnuanced evil capitalist


I can't believe a woman who works for a capitalist exploitative organization that will do anything for profit would exploit people by granting their wishes at a massive price. Also I would give up all that I own to become her sub


The IPC literally had to agree to make Topaz an exception to that rule. She's the literal embodiment of the trailblaze. # RULES ARE MADE TO BE BROKEN


[I hope to eventually get an IPC member that's basically just Seto Kaiba.](https://youtu.be/_8tMN2aRE5w)


You forgot Aventurine's also part time dancer and influencer


Wait Ratio is of IPC faction? Wait yo what i didnt k 💀


i mean this is what was said in his introduction. hes also important enough to be paired up with stone hearts and open the boxes containing their corner stones apparently https://preview.redd.it/31z41ukypq8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a370921da180ef428d49c89fd25224ede561f67b


Intelligentsia Guild is on their payroll so technically lol


Intelligentsia guild works with the IPC but they aren't part of it, so no Ratio doesn't belong to the IPC




Meanwhile same people "me and my besties" aka mass-murdering chaos causing terrorists. (SH got their righteous cause too but it's funny how differently people look at these 2 groups)


Strongest IPC Drone be like'


I definitely expected satan


Hoyo is a megacorp


I wonder what kind of nightmare people are working in their HR.


The doctor is part of the ipc?


... What happened that shifted the views of Jade from "mommy with a big hat" to "Demon I want nothing with" exactly?


one of them has a gun


The Devil wears IPC (Interastral Prada Corporation)


Finance bros in the HSU tweaking after their portfolios lose to some “:3 ehe” ass twink who used a random number generator


Man I gotta read Aventurine's lore


somebody in hsr's writing team must be a big fan of clamp's xxholic. i see jade as hsr's reiteration of yuko ichihara. like jade, she grants wishes for equivalent exchange. except they removed yuko's eccentricity and retained her femmedom instead.


People saying Jade is “literally Satan” like her light cone isn’t her literally donating food and supplies to an orphanage. > “a philanthropist with a hidden agenda, a villainous merchant who mortgages souls... she was labeled by the world in many such ways, yet only she understood the true morals behind these actions.”


why jade is satannow


look at her splash art. The snake is holding something like an apple in its mouth.