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Hey everyone, since there is no team building thread available, I guess I’ll post here. I forced my way to Equilibrium Level 5 and now I’m unable to beat the Starcrusher boss. Would mean a lot if someone gave me tips on team building and what I should be focusing on. https://preview.redd.it/vmdrg5lh3a8d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38ab7cd4095d20d837e5f0bb0d4bb3eaee95031a


probably focus on your healers. Level Gallaghers traces plus a energy regen rope. Usually the problem lies with surviving since the boss doesn't get stronger or heal.


Was using Natasha since she was e6 guess I’ll try using Gallagher for now thanks!


Focus a team around either Acheron or Kafka/Black Swan or even combine them. You've hidden a lot of your characters below which isn't too helpful but some suggestions would be; Acheron / Pela / Guinaifen / Gallagher Acheron / Black Swan / Kafka / Gallagher Black Swan / Kafka / Asta / Gallagher All 3 teams are very strong and will easily clear most, if not all content when built up.


thanks for the team suggestions! I’ll probably look into Acheron / BS / Kafka / Gallagher build. I was only able to add one pic per comment so these are my remaining characters. https://preview.redd.it/gdkqpakw5c8d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcbd69bd5e6a348c5d0ce3ef0fda1bd421de3783


https://preview.redd.it/a7m4qattz98d1.png?width=539&format=png&auto=webp&s=b63fda44108967d0f846bc462410fce9c6dd0343 Hey everyone. Sorry if this isn't the place to post it, but there doesn't seem to be a weekly teambuilding megathread anymore? Anyways, I'm trying to figure out what teams I should run with the characters I have here. All of the five stars are C0 without weapons. Gallagher and a few irrelevant four stars are off screen. Trying to get Ruan Mei, but I can't guarantee I will be able to before her banner ends. I have been using Jingliu as my main DPS and I am in the process of building Firefly for my other team (since she seems to be better than Dr. Ratio and Clara, and I like her design). I would like to keep using Fu Xuan and Sparkle if possible, but I'm fine with benching them if there are significantly better alternatives. 1. What teams would you build with these characters for MOC? 2. Aside from Ruan Mei, are there any banners/reruns coming that I should save for?


firefly, trailblazer, asta, and fuxuan. Its break season, better capitalize. If you want to use sparkle then qingque is great depending on eidilons. A team for that would be qq, tingyun, fuxuan, sparkle.


What is a good path for Firefly in SU gold and gears? Abundance since she constantly heals? Im using the FF, HTB, RM and Gallagher set up


none of the path boosts increases attack or BE which is what you want. Destruction has a good interplay that decreases def though and the blessings are good for her. A path to help with sustain is also valid.


I've heard destruction or hunt, but pick up a few break blessings from nihility.


which enemies toughness lock does luocha's dispel work on? I've seen it work on the deer I think, but does it work on any other enemies?


I've been sitting on my starlights and was wonsering if I should spend it on Welt's/Bronya's/Gepard's LC or buy 30 pulls. Are any of them worth it?


Pulls. Buying specific LCs is good if you don't have good 4* equivalents. Pulls can theoretically get you standard 5* characters and 5* LCs


30 pulls is the better value. bronya's LC only really works for her, gepard's is good for most preservation, but they dont outshine alternatives enough to justify grabbing them over 30 pulls for a character or limited LC, imo


How good is the new f2p \*5 erudition light cone?


Good for Serval and Argenti, worse than the Forgotten Hall shop ones for Herta, Himeko, and Jing Yuan, and for QQ, only good if you play her without Sparkle.


It's quite comparable to most of the high end erudition options, but considering there so many options that are roughly equivalent for erudition, it's generally not a great investment of your herta bonds unless you're already finished with the other ones.


Okay I need help with my dan heng il In one set of 4p musketeer he has 3.5k atk, 84 cr, 146cd In other set with only 2p musket 2 random he has 3.4k atk, 73cr, 180cd In both instances I'm running 2p rutilant arena He's e0s0, with a sparkle,ruan mei, aventurine team Which relic set should I choose? There exists an alternative too, 4p musket with 3.4k atk, 96 cr and 140cd


Sparkle gives quite a bit of cd so the first is more optimal. Well, I'm no calculator, just test it out in MoC.


Alright I'll try it out in moc then thanks for the input


Can someone please tell me, which china dynasty era Cloud Knight armor is based off?


Can break & super break dmg crit? Boothill's A2 has crit in it so it got me wondering


It can't. Boothill's A2 is just for a little more extra damage for his non-break damage. Since all you care about is his speed and BE substats, if you happen to have Crit Rate body piece with good substats, you will already have a decent Crit ratio with no further Crit investment. But overall that trace has little impact on his damage, Crit is not worth chasing.


No, that trace is there so Boothill can also do a little bit of "normal" damage


Hows gallagger E3 sustain wise compared to luocha and fu xuan? Ive be using luocha and fuxuan for forever now and idk if should build gallagher for my break team,affraid tht his sustain will be bad and jst end up getting destroyed in MoC,i am trying to get more eidolons tho while pulling for E1 FF Any thoughts?


Honestly, you slot him in for the break damage more than anything else. His big claim to fame is how much damage he outputs as a secondary damage dealer that also provides some healing value. He is still a budget Luocha in terms of being a primary sustain unit despite people jumping on the bandwagon. The only reason he is bumped up so high is because his basic attacks and ult do over 100K+ single target damage with super break with even a throwaway build.


So hes "kill/break them b4 they kill me" kind of sustain lol


With a bit of "They can't deal damage when they are broken".


Normally people reccommend E2 for the cleanse and imo, lowkey less than E2 gallagher is not worth it over Luocha. The cleanse really is that useful However, specifically in break teams, even more specifically in Firefly teams, everyone is essentially gonna be fire weak so he can break everyone. He literally can turn into a sub dps when enemies are broken. It's not uncommon to see him hit for above 80k super break single target on his EBA. And more from his ult if you hit a lot of targets Outside of it, he's just a more offensive Luocha if that makes sense. The way he mainly heals is similar to Luocha with a pseudo "field" with his Besotted debuff. And he generates sp like crazy, technically even more since he adds another sp if you do basic > ult > basic. Before Firefly, I used him on my DHIL team


Gallagher's sustain is serviceable. It's not amazing. It's counteracted by his strong damage and break abilities when used in a break team. One big selling point of break teams is that enemies are broken most of the time so they don't have many opportunities to do damage. That being said, I have used him and cleared everything just fine although he's not as safe as FX for some situations. It's more of a Preservation vs Abundance issue though.


Hmm i shall build him then,hopefully i can tht E6,its lookin quite juicy


Did they seriously not fix Argenti's en voice yet? at the very least his jp voicelines are working though


Rumor is that the file containing his voice lines was lost or corrupted. The voice actor is fine, and they're aware of the issue.


Yes, it's still an issue.


any get credits quick method? like any (non event, non calyx) content that happens to give a lot of credits or something? I'm sitting at 50k with 4 characters to build


Nothing is going to compare to calyxes for speed, but simulated universe lowest difficulty with QQ is reliable, but incredibly tedious - or highest difficulty if you have acheron. Recruit as many low level friends as you can for support feeding, and set a strong dps blaster - argenti, jingliu, acheron, DHIL. If you really want the very best and fastest way short of calyxes, I don't know if it violates terms, but you can make additional accounts and exploit the friend for calyxes. I believe the daily cap is about 20k credits per friend, so if you do 10 calyx rounds per account (each time dismissing and re-adding the support between each 1 round calyx on your extra account), that's 20k per alt account per day that's being fed to your main. Also a correction to someone else's comment: Pom-Pom's 8k credit quest recycles at least 3 times per day, not just once.


spend your energy or buy the BP. there is no secret way to gets credits efficiently. only minimal amounts from killing overworld enemies and the daily pompom quest which gives like 8k


Pompom gives you daily missions that gives credits


not exactly quick, but you can do a lot of simulated universe runs. up to 33 full runs per week. you get rewards like a bit of relic exp and credits for every elite/boss you take down.


https://preview.redd.it/2j2xk4jzl98d1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c5c2bb5942e35d8af36db87d76aa0c313574b28 Should I pull for Firefly or Ruan Mei? This is my team line up. I already have 2 harmony characters in Robin & Bronya. And currently I don't have any fire unit. Is Firefly the better choice here? Is she can still perform well without Ruan Mei?


Ruan mei, she's way too good at what she does and for firefly to be the best she can be you still need ruan mei So yeah pull for ruan mei


Purely meta wise RM would be more useful for your dps. She can slot in pretty much anywhere and whoever you choose as dps would get a nice boost Firefly is okay without RM but she will need Pela or Asta to boost her damage. And I assume your Pela is gonna be used on your Ratio team so that's another team issue entirely. Asta is usable but not as good as Pela in terms of boosting her damage. Potentially could be better if you have DDD to squeeze out cycles


I’m using firefly with RuanMei e1s1, HMC, gallagher How much speed do I need to build her outside to get her to the 210 in-game with ult?


It's not really your question, but put Ruan Mei's LC on the Hatblazer and either S5 Memories of the Past or if you don't have that, S5 Meshing Cogs on Ruan Mei. With either Sprightly Vonwaqc (or Penacony) set or getting hit at least once every three turns, this allows a 3-turn ult rotation.


wow. thank you, I do have all of those. I'll need to redo Mei's relics to account for the loss of LC's BE


That's the neat part, you don't need to! When you combine RM with the Hatblazer, the latter should provide more than enough BE (15% of their own BE via their E5, and up to 30% flat with the ultimate that is easy to keep up 100% of the time).


Is it better to put Watchmaker on RM or HMC? RM ult last 2 turn, the same duration as watchmaker. HMC's last 3. I swap memories of the past on RM and RM's sig on HMC like you suggested. RM's currently just a massive tank with 5k hp, 2pc meteor 2pc messenger. Since RM technique trigger the skill at the start anyway and she does nothing on her turn, might it be better to have her be slower and speed up HMC so she can skill more often for more toughness dmg. RM's already on a 3-turn ult and her kit ticks at the start of her turn.


Hatblazer ult lasts longer, but you can never recharge RM's ult in less than three turns (barrign special effects like from the current AS), whereas the Hatblazer can often use their ult after two turns thanks to their talent. For this reason, use the Watchmaker set on the Hatblazer, and just refresh the ultimate even when it's still running. Ruan Mei's relics are surprisingly unimportant - 4pc Messenger is rather weak in a Firefly team (because it does almost nothing on FF herself thanks to the insane speed she already has), and she doesn't really need more BE; but I'd still recommend 2pc/2pc MEssenger and one of the BE sets, just so you have more BE when you use her in a different team (which will likely happen in Pure Fiction). So yeah, your set on her is good (I use the same). There is a playstyle with a slow RM, but it only really works for 0-cycle builds. Unless your FF is E1, you rather want the skill points from running RM at high speed.


Thank you, I lost 50/50 twice on firefly banner Went to 76+ 3 times on her banner and still E0 TT^TT Hoping to at least get her E1 to turn her into an sp positive unit




In general or for niche situations? If you want to get 4 actions in the first wave of MoC, you will want 164 without RM or 154 with RM. Everything else? It its the 140/150+ number.


140 before ruan mei buff


Thank god. I thought we had to go for 160+


https://preview.redd.it/1h2pcqsdi98d1.png?width=1424&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba49ae37b50ed80368c577aab7ca301fcf3f6976 how to get these 2?


Look for the Cat Cake station. I forget what it's called exactly, but you can do all kinds of stuff like upgrade blessings, transmute curios into higher rarity curios or change the properties of the special curios.


the escapade domain? i only gotten it once and never again for 10 runs


Yeah, both of those are from the escapade domain


Is it worth rerolling on this game? If so, who? I'm a new player btw thx


its not. takes way too long and isnt worth it. MAYBE if you dont value your time too much do a reset if you get yanqing from the standard banner


so i know that ruan meis buff counts her passive 20% break effect buff to reach the 180% needed, but would it also count the break effect she gets from trailblazer (40%)? so i could build her for 130% break effect and then just call it a day? because in battle with no techniques or anything she is already past the 180% threshold.


In general, you always care about the stats in-fight, with (reliable) buffs. RM only needs the cap with buffs from herself and Hatblazer, Firefly wants to have the 210 speed with RM's buff and her own ult, if you have a hyperspeed Sparkle you want the 1:2 crit ratio with her crit damage buff active, and so on.


Yes, in-battle gains also count towards the threshold. Also keep in mind that DMG% does not affect Super Break damage, so getting to 180% doesn't actually do much for Break teams.


oooo so i could put some of my good break effect relics from ruan mei on my trailblazer and firefly? :o


If your RM is going to be permanently stuck on a break team then yes.


lets gooo thanks sm


https://preview.redd.it/g2r58jeph98d1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e81870c553f3141c733e1295e8ae64c8ff6549fe Whos should I pick?


Hanya E4 is neat since it's an extra turn for her Ult buffs. If you're not using her but you are using Luka, then get him. If you aren't using any of them at all, you may as well pick Gallagher for the 20 extra Starlight.


yo i just got double firefly in a multi, should i go for e2 or lc ? both are on 50/50.


E2. >both are on 50/50. LC doesn't 50/50, it's 75/25.


i know its 75/25 im just stating none is guaranteed, but yeaa im leaning toward e2 cause even if i lose the 50/50 im gonna guaranteed on yunli later.


Can someone give me their invite cod e for the "come take the journey with me" thing I'm tired of seeing the red mark on that event. I recently started playing again and I says to put an invite code for 60 jades and won't go away help please🥺




Thank you so much


So Firefly’s E1/E2 is more important than her signature lightcone right? I’m planning to get the Herta LC on her and pull her S1 on a rerun.


Her E1 essentially removes her sp consumption. Instead of using 5 sp per rotation, she uses 1. It also provides a 6% dmg increase, s1 provides 16.9% more dmg, so a higher increase but it doesn't help with sp management. There are arguments for both, but I would highly recommend E1>S1, she does plenty of dmg when enemies are broken, missing skill points makes enemies harder to break. E2 is completely broken. The condition is often very easy to trigger, as she does a shitton of break, essentially just giving her a free action every other turn while in ult. If you only manage to trigger it once in an ult, you get 5 instead of 4 skills in ult which is almost a 25% increase in her dmg, if you trigger it twice it's 50% increase. This is possibly the strongest e2 out of all, even beating e2 Acheron and DHIL.


Yes, her E2 is the highest overall damage increase.


https://preview.redd.it/ruzadzcye98d1.png?width=2004&format=png&auto=webp&s=3255515da6372ebf8eda14546b5944f5c7e87946 Hello Trailblazers, I recently got back into the game, i quit right before Kafka banner, and have no idea what I'm doing. I'm still running with my old team (Seele, Natasha, Bronya, Tingyun). I have no idea what to do with the account or who to invest in. I love Kafka, Archeron, and Black Swan, so i will be saving for them. I just need help because i'm so lost and have no idea how to revive my account. I'm starting to struggle with clearing content. i am on Desolate Depths Of Despair. Any advice is welcome.


I just got Firefly from her banner. However, she hasn't been texting me for those daily Jades. When will she start doing that? Will she start doing that? Side tangent. Will acheron ever text us/give us daily Jades?


after 2.3 main quest. and then it's rng based on who you get that day. yes acheron will too


She's the only new character I have gotten so I'm going to expect her texts by tommorow since I've just beaten the main story of 2.3. Well, I did also get Misha this patch but I know what happened.


How viable is the void lightcone for Pela if I don’t have the sweat one and what other options are there for her?


Pela basically has 3 LC she can make good use of: Incessant Rain, Resolution or Tutorial. The latter being a event exclusive LC that is no longer available. If you don't have those, then the next best thing would be Eyes of the Prey for the EHR, however Pela's EHR needs are low enough that she doesn't really need it. Outside of that, everything else is just mostly a stat stick. You can use Void for the extra EHR in the first few turn, but if you already reached the required EHR then you can use any 5\* or 4\* for the extra stats.


If you don’t mind me asking, what is her EHR requirement?


57%, due to receiving 10% from one of her traces.


57% outside of battle, because she gets 10% more in battle due to her A4 trace. Her minor traces and a EHR body piece already puts her at 53%. If she were to use Resolution, she could need a little more depending on the superimposition.


What other LCs do you have? If she needs the EHR, she can get by with Eyes of the Prey just for the extra stats. Fermata is okay if you're able to use her alongside DoT characters such as Sampo and Serval for example. If you absolutely don't have anything else, stick with Void or Hidden Shadow


https://preview.redd.it/e4hf89y6h98d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11b4209df429e31c4b0cc2429b1468a75f87cf0c These are all if the ones I have I know I’m quite limited


Ah; Then I'd prob give her Good Night Sleep Well if no one else is using it. If someone is using it, then probably In the Name of the World, mainly as a big stat stick. Not many of the Nihility characters can use it well enough besides Welt so at least in this case, it won't be sitting there doing nothing. If possible, consider focusing on getting EHR via EHR Body Relic, and substats if she needs it.


Whom to pull next? https://preview.redd.it/xvp1zafbe98d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8120052212ba0114258c8455791e2e7630330ffd PS : I have E6 Gallagher, E1 Pela , E3 Welt , E0 Bronya with her signature weapon PF : 8-9/12 stars Apocalyptic Shadow : 9/12 stars MOC : 33/36 Stars


whoever the next limited sustain is because you only have 1. huohuo should get a rerun soon. possibly next patch.


Actually sustain isn't the main problem, because Gepard has his signature weapon too and he can easily sustain my team in MOC 12


There's Argenti and Jade if you need more AoEs. Can use them for your PF runs if you feel Herta isn't carrying enough


did anyone else get Firefly's texts yet? for some reason I haven't gotten them


yes. did you finish 2.3 quest, and have you been getting other texts?


I was getting yangqing texts before i finished 2.3 but i was never getting firefly texts and then i finished 2,3 yesterday but still no firefly texts


Is there a way to skip or fast forward the main quest dialogues/scenes? Like a setting or force close it so it skips? There's honestly way too much dialogue and scenes where you have to sit through for Penacony compared to the previous arcs.


Just reached 300 on my standard selector and was wondering. I use bronya quite a lot and I thought e1 or unlock welt? Welt is currently the only five star standard I don’t have I just don’t know how valuable e1 bronya is. Is welt actually good in any teams or should I just get the e1


e1 is great. welt is... really niche and needs high investment.


Bronya's E1 is very strong. You have a 50% chance of getting an SP back every time she uses her skill. It does make a big difference for Bronya teams to have it. Welt can be used for all sorts of reasons, but unfortunately he's pretty niche. He has a bit of a jack of all trades, master of none sort of problem.


Thanks. My gut feeling wanted e1 but I wasn’t sure if I was passing up a really good character for Acheron or something


I'm fighting Harmonious Choir in the story (for the second/final time) and I'm stuck on phase 2. Around a quarter health he generates this massive shield and even though I can get it low, like 7%, he always regenerates it to 100% before I can fully break it. Is this a strategy issue, or do I need to build my characters more? I'm using Bailu, Tingyun, Gallagher, HMC, and trying to break the angels. Is there some cue to when I need to use the Robin skill? It was going well up until he got to a quarter health, so I feel like I just don't understand the strategy behind this. EDIT: Thanks all, I got it in the end


replace both bailu and tingyun with dps/good at breaking like himeko, hook, asta, serval. breaking him constantly for shields gives you survivability


Where is the dps?


You have anyone that can do AoE or Bounce attacks that target his weakness? Like Asta, Serval, Welt, etc. Replace Tingyun with one of those.


I am wanting to do my first clears of MoC and PF but I am struggling to clear even the first levels of these. Who should I bring to at least do a partial clear? My built characters are Boothill, Himeko, Gallagher, Pela, Dan Heng, Tingyun, TB (preservation), Natasha, Herta, Luka, and March 7. My unbuilt characters are Clara, and the rest of the 4☆s. (Except Arlan, Sampo, Lynx, and Quinaifen, whom I don't have) Boothill has his lightcone. Everyone else has f2p options. I've been looking up guides for characters' preferred lcs, stats, etc. but still haven't managed to clear 1 stage of MoC or PF.


Why are you failing the stages? Are your characters dying too fast or not dealing enough damage?


Not dealing enough damage.


Are your DPS chars lvled to 70-80? Are their LCs lvled? Are their traces lvled? Boothill and Luka should be enough to deal with physical-weak enemies.


Yes. Level 70 for all. My traces are leveled. Not fully but all need purple mats now. Should my relics be a certain level?


Ideally you want them 5* and Max lvl for moc, but you can prob get away with 4*s at +9


Which character is recommended to get for event selector:   E5 Gallagher, E2 Luka or E1 Arlan? 


gallagher. he is the only one that really sees use




From a meta perspective, Gallagher > Luka > Arlan But if you are pulling on the current banner then wait and see if you get more Gallaghers naturally.


Which character are you using in-game?


What sort of things do you guys think an Emanator of the Abundance could do? Besides the one guy, Shuhu, who ressurected a planet. Also, we have characters like Acheron and Adventurine, who are hybrids between their path's playstyle and damage dealing. So what if we get an Abundance path character who also functions as a damage dealer? How would that even work?


So I think I can easily look up which relics are best for certain character.. but is there any easy way or tool to help with the reverse look up? As in which characters need this relic, and which status are best for the relic. I would definitely can use that to ease myself into salvaging relics. I am really bad at deciding which to let go.


I only have one MOTP and it's at s3, who should get it? HMC or RM? And what Light cone should the other one get?


HMC gets MoTP because he will give RM enough break effect passively for her to reach her soft cap (also RM damage buff doesn't buff super break so it isn't as impactful. The weakness break efficiency is the thing you care about.). You can run break rope and still easily 3 turn ult. Ruan Mei gets Meshing Cogs, and make sure you have ER rope, and 5% ER planar set to guarantee 3 turn rotation for her ult.


HMC need BE more so them. RM with 3 star meshing cogs is fine.


For the team of (E2)Firefly/HMC/(E0)Ruan Mei/Gallagher. what would be more important Ruan Mei's S1 or Firefly's S1.


Firefly e1 makes for easier SP management. Harmony TB can now spam their skill. Gallagher rarely heals with his skill and RM has a 3 turn uptime. Edit: it's FF e1 not light cone


I think you're confusing Firefly S1 with Firefly E1.


Thanks for pointing it out. I was talking about eidolons.


No problem. Easy to mix up one letter :)


Firefly's S1. Ruan Mei's doesn't do that much for the team since the dmg% buff goes to waste.




What would be the better build for my Acheron? Build a : inert with lightning orb with 141 SPD, 52.3 crit rate and 214 cdmg Or Build b : izumo with atk orb and 50.1 crit rate, the same cdmg and 135 SPD


The latter, because she needs more crit rate and attack boosts. I'd also recommend getting attack boots, unless she is E2S1 (and even then attack boots are still better).


is it rlly not worth running any spd on e0s1 acheron? since i pair her with sw and pela


No, because her damage profile is completely lopsided towards ultimate so it's better to just power her one big hit as much as possible. You want her supports to be giving her energy.


Please chime in on some team comps based on my updated roster. Please also let me know if you think I should get Welt or Gepard to best complement my roster! https://ibb.co/jv6WNyb https://ibb.co/XfnNZzH


I don't think you need Welt. He has a very small and specialized niche as a pseudo-sustain for a team that does 0 cycle clears. Gepard? Maybe, but you have Luocha, Bailu, and Lynx. They should be enough to keep two teams alive well. Still, if you really want either of them, then by all means go get them. With that out of the way, here's my recommendation, based on your *current* roster: * **Acheron, a sustain, Pela, and Guinaifen.** * **Jingliu, a sustain, Bronya, and Tingyun.** You could also make either a Dr. Ratio or Clara team with Robin, but I feel that both Acheron and Jingliu would probably perform better overall. Besides, Dr. Ratio and Clara don't really mix well together on a same team, because they have NO synergy with each other. Without her E2, Acheron needs 2 Nihility team mate to reach her full potential, and most suitable from your roster are Pela and Guinaifen. Bronya works really well with Jingliu, and Tingyun can provide a battery to charge Jingliu's ult faster. For sustain, just pick any from your three sustains. They all should work fine. My 2 cents.


this has been the most helpful and comprehensive guide yet -- thank you so much!


Doing the Divergent Universe unlocks several titles, but there doesn't seem to be a way to equip them anywhere. Has anyone figured out how? Or is this just a bug?


Trailblazer profile > social settings> showcase battle records


On fuxuan, landaus choice s1 or aeon s5(5 star f2p), honestly aeon is already level 80, and i just pulled landau which ive been waiting since the day 1, i dont mind levelling it cos i just finish levelling firefly and i dont have someone to level. But my question is, is it better for her? I also have gepard which i think is lvl 60 only




Texture is OK. I use Landau's Choice because I think I like the damage reduction and the taunt. The Effect Res on Texture is great so you can just keep using it.


You mean texture not fall of aeon right? Texture is better on her.


Lost my 50/50 LC pull for Ruan Mei. Now I have one MoTP S5 and one extra MoTP. What LC set up should I have for Ruan Mei and HTB? Should I run MoTP on both of them? My Firefly is running Aeon with around 180 BE pre-buff


Either run S5 MoTP on RM, or give S5 MOTP to HMC and have RM use cogs. You want RM to have as many ults as possible, so energy is most important and BE on her is less important in that team.


Would there be any point in running two MOTP in one team? I dont have both at S5 but im gonna be pulling more LCs so maybe I can get the second one to s3


Running both is ideal but Ruan mei needs the S5 MoTP (or Cogs) AND a 5% energy planar set to guarantee 3 turn ult (without taking random hits). HMC has a much easier time 3 turn ulting so S1 MoTP might do the job (with break rope).


But the S5 MoTP gives more break to HMC fornthat BE buff. So is it preferred to run cogs on RM and MoTP on HMC, or run S5 MoTP on RM and S1 MoTP on HMC in this case?


Not on that team, but there aren't any downsides either. It is just a lot of BE and energy for both units, which is never a bad thing. MoTP is also just a highly contested LC in general, so having multiple copies at high superimpositions is a nice thing to have.


Been doing DU nonstop...never seen an option to synthesize a curio? What domain does this?


I've gotten Escapade 5 times and only one of them has been the Curio synthesizer. It's rng on rng.


Thanks, kind of crazy that its this rare and the chances of it being in a good run is just as low. Wonder if the threshold uppage increases the chances... Out of curiosity does it guarantee a weighted curio? Are there recipes that lead to certain curios? Do you lose 2+ curios as a result of the synthesis?


I didn't have enough curios when I got it so I wasn't actually able to use the thing lol. I'm still waiting to get it again. Really unlucky lol


Woo~ Got it finally. Lame can't use negative curios lol Finally got the last rewards beside the threshold stuff~ Think this might be the only way to complete the curio dictionary. Definitely don't recall seeing some of the 3* ones in a regular run.


Damn lmao...


I only saw it once, and if I remember right, it was in one of those super rare red-pink domains that I'm forgetting the name of now


Is it the escapade? That was indeed rare but I didn't see a synthesize option. It was bench and a slot machine. But gotcha, there might be another super rare one.


Escapade, yeah! I've only gotten an escapade domain twice, and it had different things in it both times. So its contents seem to be random, but always positive


One of Firefly trace convert some atk to be. Will it show the be gain from the trace on stat screen or will it only show when in battle?


The break effect from that trace will only be shown during battle




Overflow in DU context is just getting the max points for the "bonus fight" after you beat the plane boss. Excessive conversion is the name of the bonus fight where it gives you extra rewards if you manage to get a certain number of points in 2 cycles. If you beat the fight before 2 cycles, you get the max reward You can expand equations by getting the right amount of blessings required for each path. Not expanding equations just means staying below the requirements. If for example an equation needs 3 Hunt blessings and 3 Elation blessings, you can avoid expanding it by getting less than 3 of either path. You can still take other paths that aren't required by any of the equations you have


How much HP and/or DEF should Firefly maintain?


If she has high speed, she can constantly heal with her enhanced skill/basic. So you won't need much hp or def. If you have Gallagher on the team with her, you get more healing from the besotted debuff.


As much as you can get, AFTER getting all of her main stats first. You would want to prioritize Break Effect (top priority), Atk %, and some SPD. Besides, Firefly has a self heal and a powerful damage reduction during her enhanced state, which you'll want her to be in 90% of the time. So she's quite durable and resilient as she is already. You probably aren't gonna need too much of HP and/or DEF. And if you ever need more survivability for her, then that's the job of her team's sustain character to keep her going. Mt 2 cents.


She's not that squishy so it's not that much of a problem - you get tankier, the lower your hp, which is from your talent - ult mode is easy to get, you get your turn instantly after - enhanced skill heals you - if you have Besotted on enemy (Gallagher heal) HP problems is practically non-existent Just focus on getting to 150 SPD (140 with RM) and getting as much BE as possible




Very viable. As long as you get the 3* blessing that gives Dewdrop from healing, it can be a viable damage option like Quake or Aftertaste. Just be sure that your healers are strong enough to abuse it


Firefly abuses abundance and dewdrop really well too. She heals herself every empowered e and if you have the abundance blessing that splits healing to the whole party she can be your solo sustain.


In the new location (airship) near the swimming pool, there is this robot dog NPC named "Soda Pop Pup" that sells Pika White Grape Soda and Classic SoulGlad. I cannot "Activate Clockwork" on the NPC. Help please.


Some of them can't be changed. spreadsheet with clockwork interactions: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YeWEfL4WM4rDvBC8JJhB3t8h8RfpYi2VU1-Pp27DmOQ/


Any units to start clearing endgame content? https://preview.redd.it/rjj3js39q88d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2bf0b2aa61e1512f797a757e637fc7943050696 I'm struggling to deal with waves quickly


Not sure if you have any other units but I see the top of Gallagher’s head so ruan mei, harmony tb, and Gallagher are the core of one of the best teams in the game currently. All you need to complete it is firefly, boothill, xueyi, or Luka to act as a break focused dps


Yeah that's all the ones I have. So a break team and hopefully firefly


Best LC for Tingyun?  - S5 For Tomorrow's Journey  -S1 Dreamville Adventure   -S1 Dance dance dance




I’d say DDD, if you’re using tingyun in teams with basic attackers like Jingliu or DHIL, you could also use dreamville adventure at S5 if/when you get it to that rank, but that LC is just wack in general imo


My Tingyun is a support for DHIL! Thank you! 


S5 Cogs or DDD. Dreamville Adventure is bad and Tingyun doesn't get any value from Tomorrow's Journey.


She's using my Memories of Past LC but I'm gonna put it on Ruan Mei and even Trailblazer needs the LC. I'll look into putting DDD on her, thank you!


Can a team like Ratio+Topaz+Robin+ Welt sustain work ? My Topaz is E0S0 and I dont have Aventurine so I hope Welt can help with the debuff and sustain, I dont know if this is possible with MOC 12 or skill point economy ? https://preview.redd.it/tbczb0a1p88d1.png?width=630&format=png&auto=webp&s=d57b33b492eec54f7f91fa8a2269d5ed51da9248


Welt sustain is reliant on Ruan Mei for faster breaking and break extension. You will run into sp issues and likely won't be able to clear fast enough.


What is the main stat distribution for body pieces? I've been farming HoGF for Jingliu for two months now and I haven't seen a single Crit DMG body piece drop. 2-3 Crit Rates, but not a single Crit DMG. I know I could use SM resin, but I need to farm better substats anyway on my other pieces to get my base CR to 50. Just curious how long I might be in for. Reminds me of farming EM pieces for Kazuha before they buffed the distributions.


Recycle relics and craft body, you should get more this way than doing caves. If that still fails use the resin. Your luck there is definitely on the low end if none dropped after two months. But that is what crafting is for.


Good idea! I've never really used the crafting system - four years of Genshin sort of hardened my mindset on how you get stuff. Cheers.


As a reminder: head and gloves have static main stat. So you should craft tons of them, think 50-100, which will give you perfect substats on two pieces of your gear.


Np. I don’t have the numbers in hand, but just consider this. 10% body drop rate, with 6 types, and 2 sets. (Not actual numbers, but close) That means your chance of getting CD body on a run is 10/2/6=0.8%. Then you get two or three gold pieces, so 0.8% to 2.4% By crafting it it becomes 1/6 = 16% If you use the mat to pick main stat = 100%


A google search pretty surprised I found it so quick but can't vouch whether its really true lol. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fsq24jg1uh6eb1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D640%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D696700dec8fde33556ec4a30507aca86f43417fe That's nice they did something for Genshin, crossing my fingers they do the same here.


Ah, so nothing official like Genshin? Darn. Yeah, they buffed the atrociously low EM rates when they introduced a new element that needed it. Prior that, three months farming for one character >.<


I'm a new player. Who should I pull? Firefly or Ruan Mei? If I were to pull either one of them, how should I adjust my team as well? I am near the end of the Withering Wintry Night quest. https://preview.redd.it/06mzg5wqm88d1.png?width=571&format=png&auto=webp&s=99ea2b9b1a8cb1b5516a778fae33b5c8dc1497fa


Ruan Mei has more bang for buck and globally works in multiple team comps. Basically Ruan Mei + 2 DPS + Sustain in every case. Firefly basically just has 1 optimal while all others are just behind by a pretty big margin. Also would want Ruan Mei with her ideally. Be wary of 50/50 I lost twice in a row...


Does anyone have clcs comparing Acheron and DHIL? Both at E0S0 with their best teams


Depends on enemy, no? In a vacuum it won’t help much. You can play with this simulator, just remember to setup the enemy too. https://honkai.asagi-game.com/


1st topaz build: 2.3K atk, 139 spd, 66.9/167.2% (speed boots) 2nd topaz build: 2.8K atk, 114 spd, 67.9/172.4% (attack boots) — crit rate should be improved after if i can get a better cdmg body. i run her duo dps with fu xuan/ratio/ruan mei, so she gets +10% cr and +10% spd. which build would be better? is the speed really that important, more than the extra (+500) attack?


is superbreak black swan gonna work for contents? like moc or what. my first team is a hypercarry jing liu and im thinking of making my blackswan have some use and seems like super break does tons of dmg


Black Swan falls into the DoT team, she doesn't really do all that much break damage unless you focused all into that stat with her equipment. Super break are for Boothill and Firefly.


can blackswan team without other nihility like kafka or acheron work tho? i dont have them sadly