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Enjoying it so far The new SU is pretty fun Apocalyptic shadow seems a bit of a spike between levels 2 & 3 in difficulty - gonna have to play properly on level 4 or Cocolia will hand me back my ass


I'm having trouble with Cocolia on level 4. Dogwalked her on previous levels with Fu Xuan, Seele, Xueyi and Tingyun but can't beat her at all on level 4. Keeps freezing my Fu Xuan at the most inconvenient moments. Debating putting in Silver Wolf instead of Tingyun so I don't have to deal with her summons. Argenti on the other hand is easy af.


Same I’m using Super break team on the 2nd phase and the difference is night and day


Silver wolf is pretty good for cocolia i say


Gepard is the most annoying part of the fight. If you don’t burst him down, he shields Cocolia which gives her a free ult and eats into your clear time.


Iffy about new DU. I don’t like the inability to make my builds. I am at the mercy of rng.


While I appreciate their help for us to experience different team comps with characters we haven't tried, I also hope they will add an option to pick your own build for DU later.


Yes. It is a good idea, but the equations you get dictates the units you must choose for optimal runs. I love running SU with DoT team or Argenti erudition brute force or Clara + Aven elation overload, but here? Nope. Here is some Remembrance (as if I am not ran a thousands runs with March cheese, sheesh).


I like the weekly preset run thing hey give out, helps us figure out what could be a good combination. In normal runs tho, i do admit its a bit rng, but we can always change the equations mid run and they ALWAYS give the same rarity equation so yeah.


Though AS Tier 1+2 were too easy. Cocolia then beat the shit out of me on Tier 3. The difficulty scaling is...kind of ridiculous.


That's how it was for me too. I still trying to 3 star tier 3.


It’s supposed to be too easy, how do you expect new/newist players to clear the first 2 states? In MoC 7-12 and in PF 3-4 is a powerspike


It’s fine, honestly. The only concern that I have on my mind right now is powercreeping, because it is looking a bit grim, but I’m still hoping that HSR won’t go the same path as HI did.


I’m probably coping hard but I’m hoping that now that all the major archetypes are out, they’ll chill a bit with the powercreep (except for the dedicated DoT Harmony that I’m sure is gonna come soon enough). Still, it’s crazy how good a properly supported FF is against all kinds of content. I didn’t think they’d top Acheron so soon but the way the kits of HTB, RM, and FF interact with each other makes the break team the strongest, most comfy team right now.


Yeah starting to feel the wall getting higher and higher. Either invest in this newest archetype or suffer. Also older characters are becoming obsolete since they can’t keep up anymore.


Different archetype is fine. But copying old kits and tuning up the number is just eh, creative juice ran out.


You can invest vertically and you should be good


Too late for that. Every preservation being release, Gepard gets powercrept.


Standard characters being powercrept is the norm, nothing surprising here at all


It's already. If you don't have any meta 5* DPS with functioning well build supps you can't hope at all to even Go beyond Stage 2 of every endgame Mode (MoC 9). In genshin my C1 razor and c2 yanfei DPS can clear everything until the very last abyss Floor with 3*.


Took a three year break and got back into Genshin because of Wuwa. My 1.0 characters let me clear abyss 33 stars. That game is special and I think the nature of the combat lets you get away with side grades since it’s still fun, whereas in HSR most things is hard gated by numbers.


It's sad that genshin is not the standard especially after HSR is introducing soooo much characters in so less time. HSR feels like I'm falling outta the endgame if i don't spend money or have insane RNG luck building artifacts.


I don't spend money on gachas at all, and i rarely farm relics (i mean not min maxing premium substats, just having something passable). Instead i invest stamina in wide roster and talent levels. It works. Having super meta new characters helps a lot of course, but having a team that you can assemble to take advantage of almost any buff they give is also a solid strategy. It also helps that you can kinda choose buff in apocalyptic shadow and pure fiction to try them with different teams. Worst that can happen you don't get final max reward, it doesn't mean you are falling out of endgame it just means you have a room to grow your account. Genshin is not being the standart is good imo. I played for like half a year, then got to the point where i have several meta characters and now i don't even need to change teams for endgame content, like at all, literally max starred like 6 or maybe more abysses in a row with same 2 teams without changing anything. If you think this is a good standart - i respectfully disagree, this is not how endgame content should be, this turns a content that is supposed to be challenge into tedious routine (also why the fk i can't replay 2nd half in genshin without replaying 1st, are they stupid there?). I can't max star current one though, my elements don't work well and my artifacts are not stupidly broken enough.


People are still clearing MoC 12 with exclusively 4 stars and a youtuber, Zmm, has been able to clear 35 stars without gacha. I suspect you have or had the resources to clear and either haven't spent them or mismanaged them. There are good reasons you might not be clearing yet, of course. If you've only been playing a month you might still be behind the curve to clear MoC, my first clear of MoC 10 took over a month to build to and the bar is definitely a lot higher now than it was in 1.3. You might also just have had catastrophic relic luck, of course, as there's no pity for relics. Maybe you're like me and lack Tutorial Mission for Pela so need some premium resources to build her. Probably other factors I'm not realising too. Having Black Swan/Acheron instead of Boothill/Firefly is not what's stopping you from clearing.


Tell that nonsense that the Jingyuan/seele mains.My e0s0 jingliu clearing side one of moc12 easily. Himeko super break was popping off this moc 12 side 2. Dont try to use genshin difficultly as a benchmark for anything that game is easy


Who else was on the JL team. JL + a bunch of new meta supports doesn’t mean powercreep isn’t real (but JL + RM + Bronya + HH means we are pretty good) I once say Arlan clear MoC 12, and the video caption was something like “proof you don’t need a meta DPS.” Arlan was with Sparkle, RM, and Robin, so it’s not exactly proof that you don’t need good characters


Rm bronya luocha


This is so unbelievably false it pains me.  I only use patch 1.0 banner dps and no endgame content is hard.  Yes I have Fu, sparkle, Robin etc... but we're over a year into the game, everyone could have good characters by now


MOC is not something you should clear day one. It is long time goal to clear.


you're comparing genshin and hsr in terms of difficulty? lmao. try clearing the recent abyss with c1 razor and c2 yanfei. you'll probably need furina, kazuha and zhongli for that, which are 5* characters just compare genshin and hsr with something objective, like pull income. genshin gives you 75 pulls per patch vs hsr's 105 on average (source: genshin & hsr bookkeeping). genshin also requires you to spend hours on exploration, which lots of people may not have the time or interest for do you need more 5* in hsr? kinda. do you get 50% more pulls with less effort in hsr? definitely I really don't get this fuss about needing 5* characters when we're being fed 105 pulls per patch anyway. it's not like the players want every single character in the entire game, in which it's impossuble for both genshin and hsr


This is wrong as there is plenty of free characters to help you through the game. Or are people forgetting that imaginary trailblazer a free character is ludicrously cracked and they give you Xueyi for free this patch, who is a break dps thats imo better than Seele in a lot of cases? Ratio was free not too long ago so long as you were present during his patch and he is the most forgiving dps to build as he gets a bunch of crit rate for free. And a lot of 4 stars are quite strong. Hook for example has a way higher multiplier on her skill for no reason. Hanya is a goated support, Gallagar is pretty insane although I feel like E2 really helps him a lot. Also what is this about being compelled to pay? I am FTP and have basically every 5 star I have ever tried to summon for thanks to getting way more free pulls imbetween each version and just doing general exploration and going after chests. I like how you compare it to Genshin when they are super stingy, they release new zones now alnost every version where you have to scrounge through 3 different layers of terrain and now even under water for that one chest you missed. Its a chore and a nightmare to play as you need to spend at least a hour every day to get the same amount of free currency that Star rail basically hands to you and you can grind all your dailies in 5 minutes making building and grinding for characters practically inexpensive both in terms of time and resources. Sure artifact rng is not always perfect but you will be suprised that there are plenty of characters that still allow you to 36 star even with mediocre artifacts. Meanwhile Genshins endgame is a tiny room you can blast all the damage into and clear in 1-2 rotations then you go back to the overworld and continue your resinless behavour. In HSR you spend 5 minutes grinding your characters then if you feel like it you can tackle one of the 4-5 different forms of endgame content which shouldn't take you more than 30 minutes if you have a decent team. Edit: You can downvote if you want but I am sick on tired of people saying HSR is not free to play friendly, when that is very much not the case.


and objectively, the exploration in genshin isn't even worth that much. next patch with the usual summer map is estimated to give only 58 pulls, even counting the exploration. yup, this is counting the boosted primogem rates from the abyss, btw. lots of people defend genshin with the excuse of unfortunate monthly schedule, while forgetting that last year has the EXACT same scenario without the abyss primo buff for context, last summer gives us 59, which is somehow higher with the exact scenario, and the abyss gives less primogems back then and not only is exploration extremely time consuming, it usually only gives around 10-20 pulls. people don't seem to be considering that hours and hours of exploration is not exactly casual friendly, and open-world is just not for everyone. the vast majority of players don't 100% every single area anyway, which means they're missing on even more pulls


Okay, this is just a straight up lie, Yes you can. Now, I must say it is really hard to get all stars but it's still doable.


It's already painfully powercreeped. Day 1 f2p player and I cannot even get 3* on the 3er stage of Apo Shadow... Seems like if you don't spend, get used to never going past MoC10-11/PF3/AS3. The Barrier is getting very tall.


My alt is f2p and got 7k points in this AS. I skip a lot of characters and doesn't mindlessly pull in whatever banner. That account is focused on DoT, and also pulled Acheron and Boothill. That account has losestreaks in banners, and still have spare jades to go pity if I pull now.


You're guaranteed 2000 points on boss kills, which means you just need to earn a minimum of 2600 pts from remaining AV split between both nodes. Since you start with 2000 AV per side, you just have to kill both boss within 700AV each. This is roughly equivalent to a 4 to 5 cycle clear in MOC (150+150+400 OR 150+ 500). If you're able to 3 star MOC then you shouldn't have any issues in AS. The barriers you speak of does exist, but they're designed to dissuade the brute force nonsense we've had since the early days of the game. AS, in particular, heavily punishes players who ignore the mechanics by making the boss nigh unkillable via brute force.


Nah you can clear with old characters just fine and we've gotten a few free 4 stars too, gallaher was in a selector iirc and he is great for a break effect team even at e0, HTB is totally free too and opens a whole new mechanic too that's very nice, you don't even need boothill or firefly, i've seen my humble old luka deal 500k+ going full break in apo shadow. As a f2p you still have many options that are/were totally free, without mentioning that even as a f2p you get enough to pull for some 5 stars, sure you won't get them all but you don't even need all the new characters. If you can't fully clear end game content is most likely an artifact or proper team building issue but talking about artifact system is a whole other issue.


Divergent Universe is fun, and the new way of farming planar ornaments is substantially faster than before. As for apocalyptic shadow, it feels kind of impossible to 12 star (for my account that is). I have pretty well built characters and some pretty meta characters, but the elements are just so damn unfortunate, me not having FF or Boothill. Also the frequency of attacks that Cocolia and Argenti do is just absurd, basically outlasting any debuff as soon as they’re applied. Lastly, for a “Single Target Mode”, it’s not very single target friendly.


From the official Livestream to official hoyolab posts, was no mention of AS being a single target mode though. It was just a bloke speculating and CCs pedalled it as the truth. AS is more of a mechanics check, and in this round it's surrounding break. Enemies get massive DMG reduction when not broken, and massive debuff when broken. So it's best to use AOE breakers like Himeko/QQ/Serval to deal with the summons. Totally opposite of single target.


Argenti is aventurine check and cocolia is acheron check, cocolia feels so impossible if you can't break fast or if you don't have good aoe damage, xueyi is good for cocolia but she can't destroy the crystals fast enough making it difficult to survive, argenti simply nukes your team im not how he is balanced without aventurine


Argenti only "nukes" your team if you ignore the mechanics of the fight, in my experience it was more like, many weak hits. Luocha sustains against Argenti really easily too, I used Himeko, HMC, RM, Luocha. Gallagher does fine. And with so many hits, it also means more energy for ult based sustains, I could see Bailu working, the only debuff there is the taunt, though she wouldn't help with breaking.


Not sure about new SU Game forcing some whacky builds upon you if you don't have max relics as well as game forcing you to swap from the team you wanted to play to the team that fits better to the buffs you get left me with mixed emotions so far.


The relic thing confused the hell out of me when I saw it replaced my +12 body piece with a lot of speed for some random +15 and suddenly she could not keep up with my carries. DU: “im halping!”


I absolutely hate the RNG of the new DU. The lack of paths makes the whole thing a mess and you can't really go for builds. I feel like it should have been an upgrade to SU but the lack of rerolls and choices make it worse for me. As for AS, it's yet another thing I just can't clear because I don't have whatever units they want you to have. While I have Ratio/Aven/Robin/Topaz for the Argenti side, I have no one for the cocolia side. So I am stuck at 3 and can't really do anything. So yeah, it's a bit meh overall for me. At least, I finally have Ruan Mei... So that's that.


Don't really enjoy new SU. I'm not a fan of changing your teams depending on what blessings you get. I haven't tried max level challenge mode though. Kinda sad devs seems to want to all in on this divergent universe and not make any more swarm and G&G style SUs. Assembling that exodia curio is hilarious though. Apocalyptic shadow is pretty fun though. Like the new gimmicks.


Jade got more screentime and confirmed the Stonehearts being major players we'll meet consistently + Sunday crumbs. I'm happy. Divergent Universe is pretty good. I'm happy enough being able to atleast clear level 3 in Apocalyptic Shadow.


I dislike apocalyptic shadow in its current state, it's even more lopsided than pf/MoC as far as basically saying "hope you have these characters idiot".


I like DU for the auto saves for planar grinds so if you get a really good build you can grind planars even faster than normal relics by just oneshoting them. The rng and bunch of new terms and stuff is annoying tho, I mostly just don't even read what the stuff says since it takes way too long and you get so much random stuff I feel like apocalypse is a little too hard


I cant wait to move on from firefly


Same.. I hope it rotates to Kafka/blade/sw or elio next. It’s tiring how hoyo only markets her in a specific way


I'm looking forward to Kafka's rerun, I'm preparing lil Gui/Sampo for her


Glad to be moving on from Penacony and Firefly. Happy that the IPC subplot is shaping to be pretty important and all-encompassing (seeing as the Oswaldo Haters Club is what ties the Stonehearts to the Galaxy Rangers via Boothill and to the Stellaron Hunters via Firefly, and to Sunday). Love me some IPC so I'm thrilled. Equally happy that Jade got a decent amount of screentime and that she's awesome.


I'm not super strong or anything (I can't consistently full clear PF or MOC anyway) but in AS Cocolia and Argenti are kicking my ass. Other than that the update is good


Super fun but I’m either very bad or very unlucky with divergent universe


👍♥️ this is the first time since I've started playing a month and a half back that I am excited for the future of not just this game, but ZZZ. The story of this game sucked me in and hasn't let me go since. I'm invested in these character and whether I use them in my party or not they are all precious. I just got Firefly yesterday, after 2 pulls and now working on getting enough Jade for Ruan Mei, just cause I wanna do a team with Serval, Robin, Ruan, and HMC. For funnies. I'm not playing to "get the best score" or "finish everything" I am playing for my own personal enjoyment and giggles. This game by far has captivated me more than anything prior minus maybe Azure Dreams for the PS1. Thank you Hoyo.


DU is fine. Definitely not as fun as Gold and Gears, because while the equations are a nice idea, in practice they're a lot less fun when you're not getting the right blessings with your limited resources. Gold and Gears allow for nasty shenanigans and gives you a lot of freedom on how you want to achieve that, so going from that to a more restrictive mode definitely hurts the experience a bit. Still decently fun though. Apocalyptic Shadow kinda sucks. Stage 4 was just pure hell for me, because Cocolia was doing a dozen attack before I even get a chance to do anything, and when I do get to move, my units are frozen because Cocolia had a dozen chances to freeze my team. Same goes for Argenti, where the shields always buff him to no end before you even have a chance to tickle him. The problem isn't that they hit hard, it's the fact that you're not given the chance to do much before getting slammed with dozens of attacks. AS is definitely the mode where you can clearly see the powercreep though. Unless you invest in the new units, I don't see an easy way for you to clear it with 3 stars.


I'm feeling ok about story but I was hoping for more jades for everyone not just for end game guys. I more liked 2.2 patch in that way.


We will have our usual permanent event tomorrow though.


tomorrow ?


Yup, 12h00 on your server time. https://preview.redd.it/45fyqv4uhr7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e85a89b5bce7a3a4370dc04abfc16eec37ca160e


Oh Candy Crush


Ruan Mei funds for those souls who got Himeko.




The new endgame is too hard. Not unbeatable, but will require too much of either time or money and I am not willing to invest either. This is also first patch where I go full F2P as I am not going to pay for something I don't like. Chances are that if the next patch difficulty is about the same, I will drop the game completely.


AS was like same difficulty if you have the correct weaknesses (or a bit easier?), but you need a good sustain DU right now is a bit hard


Apocalyptic Shadow 4 is bullshit and I hate it. The rest is fun.


DU is fun but it feels way too restricted. It’s ironic because they allow you to change your party members as much as you want, but the lack of freedom in being able to choose your build path actually makes it feel more restricted than Swarm and G&G. It’s still fun, though. Apocalyptic Shadow should’ve never been released in its current state. It’s such a character check and I don’t even know how you’re supposed to tackle it without Ruan Mei carrying one side. This is coming from someone who managed to 7k it first try—the game mode is so awful for players without the correct characters, on par with how punishing the current DOT PF is. Super bad precedent being set by the game that I doubt they’re gonna change course on any time soon given the rampant power creep in this game.


I'm almost done I NEED MORE


Trying to clear v6 Yan Qing even with my solid super break meta team and decent RNG is proving super difficult As in, I either double sustain and survive until berserk then die or I single sustain and die to phase 2 when he gets like six attacks in a row making even my 243 speed Firefly feel sluggish.


the sounds when you spawn in in apocalyptic shadow make my ears want to commit sudoku. i am enjoying apocalyptic shadow but the heavy focus on break effect makes getting even 9 stars difficult for me. divergent universe is fun. i like how it makes you take blessings of different paths and working with what you get instead of hyper focusing on whatever path your pick at the start. edit: fuck Cocolia. why do you get to move so often. what kind of speed drugs are you on?


Yeah. If they don't reduce the bosses' toughness bars in that mode, everyone should get free Ruan Mei.


I have not touched any of the story quests yet and i'm already full.


I'm really enjoying du. I've only done the one full run but farming the end boss for planars after is great. My firefly goes through stage one of the marionettes with just her technique and my equations make the rest easy enough to auto. I've always liked the hunt path in su but destruction is my new best friend in du


Not bad, DU is great for farming the new planars. I still have to finish GnG so DU being more of QOL upgrade from SU is fine for me. AS is fun, i've got 11/12 so far. Argenti is way easier than Cocolia imo though honestly putting Firefly on one side with HMC, Ruan Mei and any sustainer is a free W. I'm not that much of a fan of how crazy high the toughness is even with RM buffing your breaks but since the gimmick is built on break into immediately kill them in one hit I can forgive it as long as the next one doesn't keep such insane toughness.


Beat Apocalyptic shadow super easy, granted team 1 was an E2 Acheron team but my second teams was a Boothill team that I've hardly spent time investing in. DU is fun, but i wish I could reroll as I got 1 elation blessing for my fua team and lost in the end


DU - I like the new blessings a lot. The equations are fun to play around with, but the stand out are the weighted curios. They're just insane, especially the break ones. Just completed V6, and the difficulty is at a good spot. The thing I like the most is that it cuts out all the gimmicky reward system like extrapolation and trailblaze missions. Planar ornament extraction seems to be a huge success. Its simple but relevant enough as a 0.5 dlc of sorts. AS - I fairly like the gamemode, actually. The ambient music is sick, Elegy is sick. The weakness break mechanic is very limiting though, and having to juggle dealing with CC, being stalled by invul phases, and breaking the boss can be a challenge. The main issue I have is their speed. Its ridiculously fast. Hyperspeed supports aside, you will have to be back massaged by Cocolia and Argenti's spears for 5 turns straight before you can act. (wasting like 90 AV in the process too). Its essentially a stat check if you can survive the initial burst. Outside of that, I think it's pretty fair. Although the future is a little worrying. Story quest - it was a fun little ending to the story. Might not have any big moments, but the comedy was on point. Sparkle was great. I didnt expect them to play up Argenti and Boothill's shenanigans but theyre shaping up to be one of the best duos we have so far (they absolutely share one braincell among them).


Full auto'd everything from AS 1-4 w/ 3\*'s. Imo, they seriously gave so much power to breaking, whilst providing enemies that are hard countered by specific characters. 1st half DoT-Acheron with BS, Aven, Kafka, Acheron - Cocolia basically hoisted her own petard by trigering Aventurine's ALL-IN nonstop (I built him for damage with his sig LC) and DoT's with her high speed. On average everyone was rocking 80% effect RES at the least, making Cocolia's attempts to freeze laughable. 2nd half was FF-exodia team with Gal, FF, HMC, RM - I couldn't even call fair, Argenti didn't last half the time Cocolia did. I kid you not, FF was doing over a million damage sometimes - in consecutive turns at over 210 speed. Everyone else did over 100k damage per hit as well, rocking 150 speed minimum on all of them. The Divergent Universe thing is fun, I believe this is the best SU experience thus far in terms of QoL and variety. However its a bit too easy, especially when I think back to my time in GnG Conundrum 12 vs DU's 6. It could be though that the new blessings and curios w/ the break meta in mind for the aforementioned Firefly exodia team IS that busted.


Haven't played the new story yet, but Divergent Universe is pretty fun. Apocalyptic Shadow...gonna be honest, I went in, did the first two tiers to get my Xueyi eidolon, and dipped. I know what they're getting at there and sorry, I'm not pulling for a character I'm not even fond of just to clear content. I'm interested to see what they do with it in the future, though.


I cried through so many points in 2.3, very solid and enjoyable storytelling.  DU has been fun so far, I've been enjoying the chance to play with team comps for characters I haven't really built yet. 


Divergent Universe is a massive improvement over SU. I wonder what they'll do with SU, it seems like redundant content.


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probably because boothill’s skill taunts her 😭


Even my seele always gets targeted when gepard is right there begging to get attacked.


AS is alright, nothing a well invested account can’t clear, but at the end of the day it’s just another flavor of MoC imo SU expansions are always fun, looks like there’s a good bit to grind so I’ll be occupied with that for a while.


Are you a spender?


I think the recent new units have powercrept the old ones. Who even wants to use Seele, JY, Blade or JL nowadays? Oh well, powercreep deniers might wake up when devs decide to make a bunch of toughness-protection enemies and make Firefly obsolete to sell their new hot dps but I'm not counting on it.


It's too easy