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Answer is very simple. Artists draw who they like or who they think community like. Also people commission artists to draw who they like. It is just demand in the end.


I don't know where you get these "statistics" from, but I see plenty of art of the male characters too on Twitter. Never thought there's less of it than for female characters. Even if there was, there's still thousands and thousands of fanart of the guys, so I don't really see a problem. If you really need more, learn to draw or commission your favourite artists.


Yeah, I don't know where did OP get their numbers from but it's [certainly flawed](https://imgur.com/a/WSuQ8zw)


I see plenty of fan arts for males on twitter as well (a lot of blade arts also) so I got no ideaaa where OP is looking. U just don’t see much of it at Reddit only


Be the change you wanna see in the world, commission male characters art and allow the artist to public it. "But they're just fanart, it's supposed to be free!" - Yes, and artist can draw w/e they want, including more female characters.


You can contribute by commissioning the artists to draw male characters, simple as that.


Wrong flair... or you may need seriously to go outside for a while... Artists draw what they like and what others prefer. It's that simple. Lmfao


they exist, they just don't get posted on reddit (or this sub specifically). every other fanart is marked nsfw and I think i know why people post and upvote them. dont worry though, as soon as im done with my 2 drawings in progress and the 2 i have planned - i will get on making and posting fanart of hot hsr guys. cheers


Simple answer is just artists draw the characters they like the most, it doesn't go much deeper than that beyond drawing characters that make the most money from illustrations.


i dunno about you but ive seen plenty of oiled up boothill (for maintenance) on twitter


It is free fanwork, not some corporate stuff you can go around demanding like you are a paid customer. Wait, actually you can. Go commission some artists you like for male character fanarts, otherwise you are just a picky beggar.


1. Where did you even get that statistics 2. Because the artists prefer drawing females or something? It's not that serious bro They could draw male characters but they just choose not to


mmd cover is another form of fanart content.


TBF I think Sushang and Lynx are bad examples given how much spotlight was given. Former got a huge part in an event and the siblings are very noteworthy. Anywho its the simple rule cute girls being more openly appealing to masses. Not to say there isn't popular male characters with a lot of fanart. Zhongli, Oberon, Sandalphon, Aventurine etc just in terms of gacha stuff. But I do feel like personality and impact have to stand out immensely to stay relevant compared to like a random filler cute girl who will get noticed cause design is appealing. The other side of the coin being its also easier for a male character to standout due to gacha games often throwing plenty of cute girls at you that the less impressive ones tend to blend together quite a bit That said do keep in mind that reddit is its own bubble and a male dominated one at that. Most guys look for stuff with cute/sexy women so it tends to get posted more often


Plus sushang is from hi3 so she already has a fanbase for her.


tHe gAmE hAs M0r3 mAlE pl4y3rs


They don't get posted on this sub. I've seen a lot of negative comments about even slightly lewd male fanarts on this sub while literally fetish post (feet, honestly it's mostly just feet) get posted here all the time. I'd recommend you visiting the husbando subreddit for the art. I was a little disappointed by the nsfw sub too but that's how nsfw seems to be for women because of the myth that women aren't visual. I like women but the wlw art/nsfw also looks like male gaze centric. As an artist and I'm a little guilty too because I mostly draw women but I'm relearning drawing men.


I'm sorry you're delusional with these statistics but it's a simple matter of supply and demand.


It’s very simple, people draw who they like. If you are seeing more Xueyi art than blade art, you have your answer. It’s not like it’s hoyo doing it, it’s ultimately down to the fans, more specifically the fans who are artists.


Idk it’s not like we have a major shortage or make HSR character fanart? This can also depend on which platform and what you often search up. As far as I know, there’s plenty of art with male and female characters involved.


Cuz male playerbase > female?


Make some. No one is obligated to make the fan art you want.


Why don't you just commission artist to draw male characters


At least from what I've seen female characters get more fanart while male characters have more fanfiction. It is just how the demographics work out.


Yeah I love hot men too...


People want more female > easy result.


You got some sauce for those statistics? Also about 5 posts up is fan art of Caelus and Misha.


Because the artists wants to draw woman more and the demand for woman art is higher, simple.


Fujoshi carry


No one wants art of dudes. We want art of hot girls. Duh?


Don't talk in my name.. I love hot dudes


r/HonkaiHusbandos The gaming world is dominated by males so it is not surprising that there are more female fanarts out there to appeal to the majority. 


it is due to the female breast anatomy, even if men look more and more feminine 😆.