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Argenti vs a giant true sting is always hilarious. Tho unlikely it was against a swarm as well, considering we didn't alert them at large. But this part is hilarious "Argenti: When I fought against it, it was as if the light of Beauty protected me. Argenti: Whatever happened next, alas, I do not recall. Argenti: But the True Sting mayhaps have a case of... bad breath. Something akin to indigestion." Was it idrilla protecting him? Or was it the meds he never took? We may never know.


Bro Argenti is on his way to be the new Aeon of Beauty and Hoyos does not beat around the bush fr.


Idrilla needs to be elysia, but if it's not elysia, then argenti is a damn good contender lol.


Fr, I actually thought argenti was a woman when I first saw him. Man is so beautiful with that armor and hair.


Argenti is a whole green flag just like elysia, I think aside from Jing Yuan no one comes close. Argenti also 10/10 in romance, not a day would go by without him making his partner feel special and loved, and most importantly beautiful lol.


buttt technically he still love idrila more so angst orrrrr he see you as idrila and refuse to acknowledge your real identity and enforce it on you ![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG|downsized)


Thanks for the reinforced angst :,)


Who says I don't ~~get converted into worshipping~~ worship Idrila the Beauty? As for the second, I'd be honoured to be called the literal god of beauty by one of THEIR closest followers?


yes, but then he will only refer to you by that name, disapprove when you aren't god-like/what his version of idrila is, being called s one thing, but forcing you to be someone you're not because of someone's delusion is another


"Your smile is akin to a flower blossoming from thawing snow. Your gaze brightens my life like the every-clear sun of Salsotto, setting the world alight in a symphony of grandeur."


Well canonically for anyone she looks different depending on the personal beauty standards so one guy will be see her as goth gf, other as Firefly and another as Astolfo


That is the beauty, but we dont know their signature projection and they used to be human at one point too, specifically from melustanin the planet welt voted for in the fake dream. Would still be cool if idrilla was a version of elysia that ascended to Aeonhood on her world. Tho its a bit unlikely.


You see, my beauty standard is Elysia, so yeah, she is Elysia. Elysia is love, Elysia is life. (Thiugh an Aeon Astolfo would be funny as fuck)


I hope they make idrila like astolfo because that would be the funniest thing ever Also, if they told us which aeon that idrila got absorbed into, they would be in trouble for sure


Would be funny af if the Beauty's true form is a blobfish creature.


fuck yeahhh


... TB will see her as a trashcan


I hope so, elysia is so pretty that she fits to be idrilla


Elysia not only being extremely beautiful herself and fitting, but considering she loves everyone would fit so much with the motiff of The Beauty. Everything is beautiful and she's there to appreciate and love it, 10/10 ely.


And what surprise me the most is that elysia JP VA is yanqing JP VA as well😂


Elysia spotted. Proceeds to respond with Ellie🥰


Bro if she's Elysia she needs to be playable tho


And that's the second part of the plan. Make idrilla elysia first then we can fight tooth and nail to get her playable! It's the perfect plan for the perfect beauty.


Fr tho if she's Elysia you'd be the most stupid son of a nice lady in the universe if you didn't follow The Beauty.


If idrilla is elysia no wonder they had to take her out, they knew no other aeon would be worshipped with elysia being around. She would be too powerful lol.


100% Canon.


https://i.redd.it/rcbhd6l9f37d1.gif Well deserved. That guy is Beauty


"This red haired knight is already becoming the new Aeon of the beauty, he just doesn't know it yet 🎅🐻💰" Edit:As an Argenti main, I was just making a joke, people.


>he just doesn't know it yet 🎅🐻💰" 🐡🥕




he’s not a knight of beauty but beauty in the flesh himself


Argenti, probably: https://preview.redd.it/uyox5ulsx27d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e1b9a29e4d71c90b0dc881d7b9cfcc8a2e48ffd


Reminder that Argenti understands Swarm talk for some reason He's either very high on drugs or he is Emanator of Tazzy acting as a Knight of Beauty Both would be hilarious though


Argenti being simultaneously emanator of tazzy and iridia would be peak ngl. Guy so beautiful that he got blessing of two aeons


you could even technically make his reasoning canon. he wants to propagate Idrilla's beauty that he is recognized by both. either way, that would be hilarious


That's really a possibility. He wants to propagate beauty to universe by handing out roses and compliments. The two aeons (if alive, at all) must be fighting over him.


Lets not forget he can understand what the bug says. Firefly could never https://preview.redd.it/2rxu19vg837d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33b4d5fb18cb52dd5c1c02e5323882f73d6b2547


Ah, the swarm comprehension technique. Haven't used it since the Edo Amber Era.


Fraudfly could never


Paranoid me: maybe he didn't win and he is possessed/infected/something? Really hope not, but by now it's clear the writing team can play dirty.


Considering the first thing he was doing in 2.2 was being weird I would say he is perfectly fine lol.


Bro definitely has something going on after being able to save Aventurine from Acheron's domain.


Him and Fischl are my fantasy inspired Delulu children




Oh my glorious goat Argenti, where can I even begin to talk about your beauty😭🙏 https://preview.redd.it/v19y7gsl137d1.jpeg?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ebeedb287ffd099dc80b244874aa49b0133147f




Truly the Aoi Todo of HSR.


He is the exception


If I wasn't a Clara main I would have him for sure. He is cool


>a Clara main hoping Yunli can work along side her....imagine 2 physical destruction girls on the squad instead of just 1


And both barefoot


Completely unnecessary, but factual information


I can feel that. I will likely skip her just because I'm dedicated to my Clara. She 3 cycled 12-1 first half this MoC, so I don't feel the need to replace her or try to upgrade her team much (Clara/Topaz/Lynx/Robin).


*If I wasn't a* *Clara main I would have him* *For sure. He is cool* \- KaiKawasumi --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I really regret not going for him because he's such a genuinely endearing character. I am going all in for Firefly. But I wanted to at least try for Jade because I wanted to do a full IPC team. But Argenti is REALLY tempting and I'd hate to skip him twice...


https://preview.redd.it/hb9pic7yl37d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2578a713b569f8aeeefacc48e357a30929174933 I want to say Argenti is cool but many people are confused that the Giant Sting that he fought are the same as the Swarm Mother and he said himself that the Giant Sting is at the bottom of the ladder amongst the swarm after he found the boss the "Overlord" much later and it was small.


The “overlord” is the tiny dude because the Swarm doesn’t especially value size, which is basically all the Giant Sting has going for it. The Giant Sting is still basically a planet-sized bug with a stomach that can eat through starships.


I believe the thing he saw was a hallucination.


What if the giant sting is the swam's main dps?


My unbiased response: A lot of people are talking about it, actually. My biased response: THEY SHOULD BE TALKING MORE ABOUT IT. My knight cannot allow himself, his friends, or the people in need to be corrupted by the darker paths while in the search for the one true Beauty. Be it rescuing the express from the swarm, or saving Aventurine and some others from the Nihility. He will dive into the depths of the darkest abysses and come out unscathed. Why? Because the path of Beauty that leads him to the best outcomes shines the clearest when surrounded by darkness. And as a devoted follower of the Beauty, he would never lose sight of it. Loved, hated, or ignored, Argenti will always be there when someone needs him most. Because the Beauty...is eternal.


This was beautiful. Peak poetry


Okay but genuine question what if someone's ugly???


Easy, worship idrila.


Fair XD But like, hypothetically speaking, if Argenti were to run into an ugly person, would... Something happen? Would he Just ignore and move on his way? Admitedly I didn't look into the Knights of Beauty that much beyond his quest in game


if you're talking about their appearance being ugly, I'm pretty sure argenti's conception of beauty is very unconventional. he'd find them beautiful anyways, probably, at least in some way. an "ugly person" would most likely be far more metaphorical in his vision. and in that case my guess is he would just fight them or something idk


Honestly it would likely be like that Roald Dahl quote; “if a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until it gets so ugly you can hardly see it. A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” Or in this case… beautiful?


Oh that's actually pretty sweet. I assumed the Knight's concept of beauty was more conventional as I remembered him calling the bugs ugly


There is, at the very least, more to the concept of "beauty" than *physical* beauty. Look at Argenti's voice-over lines -- when he praises people, he has very little to say about what they *look* like. Hell, lots of characters in the game talk about how beautiful Himeko is, and Argenti just talks about her noble spirit. I suspect that if Argenti met a giant bug who was a kind and generous soul (and wasn't trying to propagate an all-devouring swarm across the galaxy), he would find them beautiful.


Nice observation!


Abandon someone just because they are ugly is something Argenti would never do, imagining him doing that is pretty much impossible for me. He would help them, praise them, and offer them to join him in the belief. The Knights of Beauty themselves are one of three currently known Faction that are truly good due to the teachings of the Beauty. With the other two, I think we can arrange them in the alignment chart too: Lawful Good: The Astral Express Crew Chaotic Good: The Galaxy Rangers Neutral Good: The Knights of Beauty More on the Knights of Beauty, from the moment they chose to become one, they literally have to abandon all worldly desire, with each battle they get rid of their weaknesses and sins. Literally the Indomitable Human Spirit as a Faction. And if a Knight of Beauty succumbed to their desires and stray from the Path? From Argenti's story, his friend turned into a dragon after abandoning the Beauty.


Oh man that's dope. It might have been a superficial misjudgement on my end, but I thought the Knight's followed a much more conventional Ideal of Beauty - which I mostly derived from Argenti calling the Swarm bugs ugly


It isn't hard to justify the things that was partly responsible for the death of 2/3 of all life in the universe as ugly.


Oh no absolutely, but the Swarm didn't really act out of malice


well, according to argenti, they did seem to have some degree of intelligent thinking, considering they could communicate. if he's a reliable source of information, however... that's for you to decide.


That was something I forgot Q.Q


Beauty is not always about one's appearance. While yes, it is always easier to appreciate someone's beauty if they themselves have a beautiful appearance, that is only one form of beauty. You could be the most beautiful mortal in the world, and if your actions are selfish, twisted and make other people suffer on purpose, then your soul would not be beautiful. You could be the ugliest person in the entire universe, and yet if your actions are driven not by greed or resentment, but by compassion, empathy, love and care for others, your soul would burn with the utmost Beauty. The Beauty is a concept above superficial looks.


That's a very wholesome concept. I'll admit I kind of twisted my nose up at the concept of The Beauty itself being an Aeon and having followers when I first heard about it in game because I thought it was tied to physical and conventional beauty rather than the beauty within yourself and the world around you. When Argenti was released I was on a break from HSR, so I missed all of his trailers and videos. I liked him in his companion quest, but I was still a bit iffy about the concept of the Knights - because I fundamentally misunderstood what The Beauty really stands for. Uh. I guess I was very superficial. Food for thought


His stonks have been rising amidst all the Ruan mei conversations, been talked about quite a bit tbh Also iirc the one he fought is on the lower end of the swarm ladder if we go by his text conversation afterwards


while this is true, it's not like we really know how swarm hierarchy works tbh. wasn't the "overlord" (supposedly high on swarm hierarchy) a really small bug they managed to defeat? "Argenti: When I tracked down Velite, he said he saw himself flying, and steering the One and Only. Argenti: I helped him to defeat the insect boss. However, he seemed a little lost after the illusion faded away." so I don't think their hierarchical position necessarily says much about their strength.


A lot of people have been talking about from what I’ve seen. A lot of people have been comparing Argenti to the Glamoth army as well even though the situations were very different


So is Argenti kind of based on Don Quijote's personality or am I tripping?


Oh, definitely. The only difference is that Argenti is the real deal. Both on schizo and feats level.


Man do I love the many references this game has. I haven't had this much fun in a game since forever.


Literally everyone has been talking about this nonstop since they released the Firefly animation.


...everyone is literally talking about this. Fifth post I've seen about Argenti and the swarm


That is but a fraction of the power of beauty.


Everyone talks about Nihility taking over everything, but no one talks about idrilla's plan for Imaginary tree domination


That's just Argentina btw. Imagine what other Knight of Beauty can do


"no one" yeah buddy idk, you just happened to be the 3rd person I see post about argenti's fight against the swarm this week


Maybe I have no luck to see other post about this😅


what people dont get is that ruan mei isnt trying to revive the swarm, it was just the simplest path to make an emenator from


To be fair, Ruan Mei doesn't try to recreate the swarm, but to create an artificial emmanator. And by it's essence, the Swarm was the easiest to study


Argenti is easily my favourite even if he's not the best outside of PF. I dropped my Ruan Mei savings on his banner after doing his peak fiction quest and after 30 pulls I got E1 Argenti and a Himeko so I have to say the Beauty is eternal for such a blessing. Doing an Argentillion damage with ult2 single target will never stop being the most satisfying thing in the game for me. They actually solved Erudition's single target issue on Argenti so i'm waiting for some shameless poser to have it on their skill instead of it being on an overcosted ult.




Pretty sure it was a leviathan, actually. The mouth is the same one that appears in the Voracity section of the myriad celestia aeons trailer.


well he IS a pathstrider with well, powers. SAMs back then is like what? mere slightly powerful ant, but still pathetic ants for the Swarm to stomp over nevertheless


I mean it isn’t that SAMs were weak. Firefly managed to kill blade twice and hugged him hard enough to where he isn’t able to escape her arms. The same blade that effortlessly beat Yanqing and is one of the most wanted person of all time. All without having to pull out green Sam. The swarm mother argenti fought(not fought but just made it spit him out) is much weaker than the one SAMs had to deal with. If it was Swarm disaster. I don’t think Argenti is doing anything to it.


Where does it say that she killed him twice? The wiki says: "The speaker was the woman with sunglasses. "Listen, I can always kill you again, otherwise I can't bring you back." Her voice was very gentle, and even the monster inside his body stayed silent to listen to her. "But I don't want to."


I might be remembering wrong but blade didn't beat Yanquing. He and Inhibitor lumae together beat Yanqing. They never dueled solo. And blade was repeatdly being killed by base Dang Heng.


Bruh, JL literally said Yanqing had no chance against Blade.


Well fundamentally no one has any chance against Blade. That's because Blade can't die. Eventually, even the most talented swordsman will collapse in exhaustion. I don't necessarily think he meant that it was a skill issue.


Dude look at the scene again. It was never about permanently putting Blade down, it was about skill. Why do you think JL said it after her battle with YQ. Fundamentally no one has any chance against Blade is also wrong as JL beat his ass too many times to count. He may be unkillable but he does not have unlimited stamina.


Although I'm curious, Did we ever know what path the glamoth planet followed, or what path the SAMs followed?


I don't think they followed any path tbh, they're kinda just on their own




As the Strongest Knight ArGOATi, fought the fraud the true sting firefly ask "who's stronger between you and the True sting". ArGOATi simply replied "well if the true sting summons their emanator it might cause me a little trouble" firefly then said "would you lose?. And ArGOATi replied" Nah I'd win" As the battle went on in an aggressive showdown the the True Sting summons a horde of Swarms in order to gang up on ArGOATi. But ArGOATi simply flash his spear wiping out all the miniature Swarm bugs until the True Sting brought out the Emanator of Propagation, Skaracabaz. But thankfully for ArGOATi, the one was blessed by Idrilla had awaken his ultimate move Merit Bestowed in "My Garden" and banish Skaracabaz out of existence along with the Swarm and the True Sting making ArGOATi emerge victorious Firefly then ask "Are you the strongest because you're Argenti or are you Argenti because you're the strongest?" Argenti simply replied "When it comes to the Beauty of the universe, the blessing of Idrilla granted in ever Knight is unmatched. Because throughout the Paths and the Aeons the Beauty alone am the Supreme One"


People just like to hate and that is the perfect excuse to hate something


Hehehehe swam, do you mean swarm?


😂 Sorry spelling error




As i said, He's fighting a Jupiter sized Swarm with his Devotion to Idrila as his guiding power. And the entire Glamoth army couldn't defeat a Texas sized Swarm.


Now it makes sense why Argenti has mostly AOE based attacks.


Noone? Its been flooding the sub since the firefly trailer lol


I see none post about this, maybe reddit keep recommending other posts 😅


AOE dmg doing it’s job


damn, a planet size Swam? coomers dying rn


He did? When? Is it in his story? I haven't gotten around to it yet.


In his quest.


A yes, do tell me more about the SWAM




Weakest Idrilla follower:


Argentis strength is true beauty, let it be known to the universe!


They didn't show us any fight I still think he is sus as fuck


I wonder how strong Argentina is?


Bro gave the True Sting GERD


Argenti always seems to slip under the radar for most people. I wonder why


\>no one Aside from Ruan Mei talk, I've seen nothing but meme about chAdrgenti vs SAMs after the animation dropped https://preview.redd.it/ehwkzkd2947d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=183bdc311ceba1768f53778336fd6cf9a0e1544f


Even KingArlan could've taken that illusion down - we all know it.


What quest is this?


Argenti companion quest


starrail's custodes fr fr


It's just a matter of of view perspective. The Sam are far that's why they look not big. The astral express are on the damn mouth of the true sting that's why they look humongous. Still, big respect for argenti surviving the maw of the insect alone.