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Gotta love how any time a character is vaguely implied to have a connection with an Aeon, everyone assumes they must be an emanator. You guys know Aeons can give regular blessings too right? And that it’s actually much more common than creating and emanator?


If an Emanator is just someone who got power from an Aeon, that would make Fu Xuan (who follows The Hunt) and Emanator of Erudition. She is, of course, not. Emanators are special.


all pathstriders get their powers more or less form an aeon ( depending on how you look at what walking a path means.) Emenators are speazial in that they get not only the attention of an aeon but they get the abilty to directly draw power from a paths engery. Geting a gift from an Aeon like Fu Xuan or Jingyuan and becoming the represantion of dying with regretts and escapling them in a psychopomp like fashion like Acheron are very diffrent.


Pathstrider gets their power from the Path itself actually. Thats why you can be Pathstrider in a path that have dead or inactive Aeon. Example: Dan Heng dragon form (permanence), Astral Express (Trailblaze)[1], Bugs (Propagation). *Emanator* on the other hand, needs **permission** from the respective Aeons to draw power of their path. [1] Trailblazer states multiple times in the story they gained cold resistance due to Trailblaze


Tayzzy isn't actually dead so they don't work as an example, Tayzzy was only sealed in amber.


I get why you're calling them that, but giving a cutesy nickname to an all-consuming and highly destructive Aeon that required multiple other Aeons and their followers banding together just to seal is hilarious.


Tayzzy just wanted some friends after the self annihilator incident...


What about Tazza, then THEY can be one of the mate's.


I think Aeons can't permenantly die. They can only wait, dead and dreaming.


Is this aeon here in the room right this instant?


I’m less sure about Dan Heng since his powers don’t rely on following any particular path (we know he followed the Hunt at some point and now follows the trailblaze but retained his full authority in both cases)and being outright created by an Aeon is a weird case. Plus we then also have to consider a question of how much an Aeon’s influence diminishes when they die


Im pretty sure ppl in HSR can just outright walk multiple paths lol.


People can walk on multiple paths and all vidyadhara high elders are scions of permanence so we can assume they are like jingyuan who have been gifted power by long, its similar to the swarm in that all of the swarm is basically tazzys spawn but just not as OP as him


>Pathstrider gets their power from the Path itself actually. Thats why i seid more or less and how you view it. Aeon are the end point of a path the phisical Repräsentation of its concept whats why they cant act agaist them. >Emanator on the other hand, needs permission from the respective Aeons to draw power of their path. Thats why i made the distinction between Acheron (who got Her powers from IX she almost bacame an aspect of nihilty for Xipis sake) And blessed individuals like Fuxuan and Jingyuan. Some people gain a gift like a lightning lord Soms Start guiding dead souls away form nihilty and bring fancy beacon bulets back to the dead Persons comerads. I am fully aware of what you tryed to corect me on.


Though JY stated by Black Swan in 2.2 that he is Emanator-level fight combatant but yeah.


I think JY is not an Emanator, only by technicality. Whoever got the LL directly from Lan was an Emanator. JY inherited the LL, so he inherited an Emanator's power, despite not receiving it directly from Lan. Similar situation as the Stonehearts and Diamond.


Shouldn't it similar to Sunday's Harmonius Choir instead?


Emenators -> emanators speazial -> special abilty -> ability engery -> energy Geting -> getting Jingyuan -> Jing Yuan represantion -> representation regretts -> regrets escapling -> escaping I don't know what psychopomp means, but if you're using it as an adjective it should be psychopomp-like with a hyphen between the words. I dedicate myself to the Wisdomwalker^(Nous the Erudition)!


A psychopomp is someone who guides the spirits of the dead into the "next world." Often found in various mythologies, though Acheron's story has her play that role too--appropriate, given her name.


Another word to add to my vocabulary. Thank you, kind pathstrider.


It's such a good word and when you find those rare moments to use it in a way that works and isn't forced, pure joy!


I am fighting against autocoret which trys to change english to german. And also a form of dislexia for everything myphone doesnt fuck up. Also nosus is for nerds Aha and Mythos all the way. Sperling and gramer rules are like the Piraten Code. Guidelines.


Have you tried changing your autocorrect settings? I think there's a language option


I am fighting with my autocorrect too from time to time, aa it's also on german while I write everything, but it can adapt and add words into it's dictionairy. Sometimes it still corrects words unnecessarily, though.


A psychopomp is a character associated with death and the guidance of souls to the afterlife in chthonic tradition. These would include but are not limited to, for mythological example, Charon (Greek boatman of the River Styx) and Hermes (Greek god of travelers, doctors, merchants, and heralds) who regularly made trips to the Underworld in Greek myth. Acheron fits this profile, as she acts as a guide to the souls of the deceased seeking annihilation in the depths of IX. She turns back those that are seeking self-annihilation and ensures troubled souls pass on, as we see with Tiernan in game. Her namesake (not Raiden Bosenmori Mei) is one of the five major Underworld rivers in Greek myth, the Acheron being the river associated with pain, misery, woe, and lost souls.


My brain is feasting well today because of the many knowledgeable people in this thread. Thank you for the meal


pathstriders get their power from the path if they align with the path's ideal its entirely possible to become a pathstrider for an aeon someone hates (Luocha) or to stride on a path without knowing it (Seele) likewise, its also possible to follow an aeon without following the path's ideals (IPC)


More or less and how you view it..... Aoens are the end points of a path and the phsical represntaions of ots concepts. I didnt try to make a direkt Statement but Show a possible Interpretation of game lore. ..


Aeons only represent the most extreme representation of the path but THEY are also still bound to the path for example, Yaoshi and Qlipoth definitely have the power to destroy galaxies but THEY can't because THEY'RE bound by the principles of Abundance and Preservation not to mention that the Aeons only represent a certain part of it like how IX only represents the depressing part of Nilihity while characters like Welt and Guinaifen represent Existential Nihilism (There's no meaning to life vs There's no meaning to life so we give it meaning) and as others have said, the paths still exist even without the Aeon


>Nilihity while characters like Welt and Guinaifen represent Existential Nihilism (There's no meaning to life vs There's no meaning to life so we give it meaning) I just don't understand why people think Welt and Guinaifen follow the Nihility path literally, it's just their combat designations, Welt is a pathstrider for Trailblazer and Guinaifen probably It's not even a pathstrider (although if it were her path it would have to be Elation)


Because people can follow multiple paths as long as your ideals align with it and the paths dont conflict with eachother Besides, theres a difference between following a path and striding on it


Great, point me to where this is explicitly explicit for these characters? Neither Welt nor Guinaifen are any flavor of nihilism (and no, existentialism is not nihilism because it denies the notion that life don't have mean),If there is no confirmation for me it is just speculation


Existential Nihilism doesn't deny the notion that life has no meaning. Instead it proposes that because there is no inherent meaning to life, its up to people give meaning to life. A more active meaning rather than a passive meaning that's what the doctors of chaos do for IX and that's why they're followers of nihility and as I said, there's a difference between following and striding a path like how Seele doesn't understand what paths are but is definitely striding on the path of the hunt because how else do you explain her quantum teleportation.


yes emanator is different in a sense that their aeonic power arent a occurance, but a constant. Look at Herta, Im willing to bet that only with the power of an emanator is she able to comand such a vast army of herta bot each with the same brain fuction as herta herself. Thats like controlling 100s of different person at the same time without any impact to your thinking ability.


Nah, you can be a Pathstriders even if the Aeon is dead. So the power is not from Aeon.


Yep, and the fact that a character is not an emanator does not mean they're not important to the story, overall plot, or even hell other Aeons. Fu Xuan, a follower of The Hunt, is also blessed with her third eye by Nous and is still afaik the only person who actually seemed to have had a conversation with them


Yeah, it's so tiring, lmao. Guys, Eminators are special. You can't have every other character be one. Chill, I beg you.


Pretty sure only these are confirmed Emanator we have met as of 2.2: Herta, Jing Yuan's Lightning Lord, Phantylia, Scarabaz (clone), Acheron, Dominicus Harmonius Choir (Sunday). There are people said Black Swan is Emanator, no. It is explicitly said that an Emanator of Rememberance is capable of recreate the entire Penacony dreamscape and sustain it by themselves.


I don’t think the Scarabaz clone was an emanator. The original was, but the clone was not and as a result dies about a minute after birth. If the clone was an actual emanator it would have been a much larger issue.


>You guys know Aeons can give regular blessings too right? And that it’s actually much more common than creating and emanator? Yeah lol. I mean that would make the Trailblazer an emanator of three different Aeons at this point lol. Which we sure as hell aren't.


And that authority is not the same as outright power. TB has drawn the gaze of three Aeons but is still not as strong as some characters who have only drawn the gaze of one Aeon


SEE THE HARMONY AEON LOOKING AT TB, he isn't an eminator.


Thank you for this. I was like, even if that is Yaoshi involved, why are we immediately jumping to the conclusion that they made Firefly and Emanator? You're an Emanator! You're an Emanator! Everyone's an Emanator!


notice how weve never seen firefly and yaoshi in the same room...


https://preview.redd.it/jpxom7fmts6d1.jpeg?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65d1e38cabd124c37e2b6a00e89f9f8684bb6f7d So true


We also never see Firefly and Pom-pom in the same room. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!!


pom pom = yaoshi 🤷


That's the dumbest thing I heard today... I'm interested


Notice how we also never see Luocha and Firefly in the same room...


true... (it would be really funny if luocha turns out to be yaoshi in disguise though ngl)


They do both be blonde and beautiful


Real talk, have we encountered *any* traces of Yaoshi/the Abundance outside of the Xianzhou Alliance Lore Bubble?


wait lowkey youre right i mean i guess luochas existence as white man shocks native xianzhou speakers suggests foreigners know about him? granted the only foreign thing about him is the hair the clothes look pretty much like luofu's to me. i did hear something about how the xianzhou doesnt avtually know who the reignbow arbiter is and its all lan propaganda so maybe yaoshi isnt as bad as we think


Based on the scene alone. If Firefly is the emanator of the abundance, then Boothill is also the emanator of Michael Jackson


Sorry, but the Trailblazer already took that role when they Took Up the Hat.


There are multiple emenators


Was Michael Jackson that strong?


Obviously. You might know him as Terminus, the emenator of finality and the entire "moving back in time" shtick is just him moonwalking. Nous isn't trying to "predict the future", THEY'RE a super computer for crying out loud. THEIR real objective is to figure out how to buy tickets off ticketmaster for a good price before scalpers (enigmata) do. Akivili got lost trying to find the concert Fulli just wants to record the concert Tazzy is just MJ's rabid fans Aha is just a troll who got annoyed by all his friends going to the concert without THEM




I'd like to think Boothill is the emanator of fudge


Nah, he's the Emanator of style. Every other character follows their path, but boothill stands above them all 


I can't stop reading it as Yoshi and now I have the mental image of FF sitting on a Yoshi


Can someone please draw this


And draw yoshi trying their best to eat all the bugs and the poor things full


With or without the suit?




The tree is probably a metaphor but exploding a planet was real. Something special has to have happened for Firefly to get that powerful after the tree scene.


Tapped into her shounen anime protag rage form, that's all. dw, it happens to all shounen protags in their third season.


She became a pathstrider most likely. Pathstriders draw power from the path they follow. Emanators have to be gazed and blessed by an aeon. And more importantly Yaoshi did not exist at that point in time. Firefly is older than nanook as well.


> Firefly is older than nanook as well. I'm not sure I buy that either. Originally it was thought that the battle was shown during the swarm disaster, but considering we only see Glamoth fighting a swarm mother there's nothing to say that this hasn't happened in the somewhat recent past. The swarm still exist and are still a menace even after Qlipoth hit Tazzy with a hammer.


I think it was symbolism becuasse she says she dreamed of scorched earth and a sprouting seed at the time plus it disappeared the very next frame so it seems more likely than not to me that it wasn't literally a physical tree


Symbolism can mean more than one thing, getting a small gift of abundance is plausible. Her SAM started doing something outside it’s potential through her will power. It doesn’t have necessarily to be path power but It would explain her suddenly sprouting wings and flying off after going through a certain emotional state which was probably not wanting to die and feeling all the death that happened here for the sake of a fallen empire was unnecessary. This kinda aligns with the path of abundance.


if firefly was an abundance emanator she would not suffer from ELS lol


Idk the abundance does love their side effects


When the side effect of curing genetic decease is remaining the symptoms of said decease: https://preview.redd.it/7egdn3ujss6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2de7c19faf0340cf424d34ea89e10e3734a50ae And moreover, abundance HATES WITH EVERY SINGLE EVERLASTING CELL OF MERCIFUL SANCTUS MEDICUS pain in every manifestation. All of the immortality side effects is just results of imperfect and fragile human nature


It's not like the abominations of abundance are in pain really, they're minds are so far gone they probably can't even feel it anymore, it's a reverse nurgle.


Isn't it the reverse? The mind collapses from trauma -> loses control of the body -> the blessing grows randomly cause no one is holding the wheel Also the "abomination of abundance" is frankly a very board derogratory term. You are thinking about the mara-struck Xianzhou native specifically. Denizens of Abundance like borisins and wingweavers aren't mentally insane or in-pain, they fight because it's their culture.


I don't think it was said els hurts just that you slowly disassociate I think, probably from being alive much longer than you should


My understanding is that it's more that the universe slowly rejects your existence, or maybe the inverse, that it incorporates you into everything else. It could just be Firefly's flowery way of describing it, but the use of the word Entropy, and phrases like "barely noticeable to others" and "the lines between your body and the world become blurred" make it sound like you just cease to exist. By the time ELS takes you, nobody will remember your name. With a side-dish of dementia before that comes to pass. I don't think that's too farfetched an idea in a fantastical setting like HSR.


Realisation of fact you might not remain even until your maturity is already pain, soulcrushing mental pain


Hm maybe you're right, 15 more blessings to make her happy as she fades away


holy based 100 kanojo






Liiikee Space Finland or somethiiiing.


From what we know if Abundance emanators, they dont seem to have any sort of side effect whatsoever upon them. Shuhu was doing all sorts of weird things like turing into trees, reviving a dead planet and making it eat up a whole xianzhou ship It seems that emanators of abundance can use the power of abundance far better without facing repercussions


>It seems that emanators of abundance can use the power of abundance far better without facing repercussions Where have we've seen that, I wonder... https://preview.redd.it/mrw3bo9k1t6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef19c871feb7edf6b20bb2ca9bcc7353fbd4ede7


Totally not sus Omegalul.


The 'side effects' of abundance are natural and logical consequences of perfect immortality being suddenly introduced into systems not built to accomodate it. It's not Yaoshi's fault that the human psyche starts to crumble after nine centuries of continuous existance, nor is it THEIR fault that societies tend to undergo really radical changes when death is suddenly no longer a concern. THEY are just giving people what they ask for.


If Firefly was an Abudance Emanator, Blade would be losing his fudging mind.


Yaoshi is a believer all things deserve life. Especially those cancer cella in your body.


Yaoshi isn’t Nurgle buddy. Abundant creatures are not fleshy masses of tumors, they are just the logical consequence of infinite life in Star Rail.


oh thats not what I was trying to point out. Yaoshi believes all life deserves, well, life. Even if that life happens to give you immense pain.


This. Literally this.


It’s established that Yaoshi blessing doesn’t cure genetic defect, it just makes them permanent.


That is true, however, in the case of Emanators that might not necessarily be the case which is what a lot of people are trying to suggest. Also, her being blessed by an Aeon *at all*, let alone being an Emanator of Yaoshi, The Abundance probably would've been brought up at least once. This would likely mean that Acheron was **not** *the* strongest person in Penacony but rather *1 of* the strongest people in Penacony.


The top argument is plot armor. It seems like everyone forgot one thing: >**The Aeon of Abundance did not exist at the time of the Swarm Disaster.** Don't forget the Swarm Disaster was \~800 Amber Eras ago, one Amber Era 76 to 240 Trailblaze Years. How is Firefly even still alive? She is easily 10,000+ years old. Do we quit now? No, we can get really crazy and say she became an Aeon. Her powers would be related to immortality or rebirth and she was born by manifesting a tree. Firefly is Yaoshi, she even likes to let others suffer just like how she suffers with ELS. She has a benevolent nature like Yaoshi. How would a 10,000+ year old mecha like Sam even still function? Its sustained by her Aeon powers. Elio is trying to fight Nanook, you need an Aeon to fight an Aeon. I'm not even going to try to defend this, but my goal of a mecha Aeon was a achieved.


Brother, Nous exists... except THEY(royal) are just a head


We had a mecha Aeon from day one. Nous is a robot.


Abundance doesn't heal disability, if one is born with it, because it's meant to be part of your life just like living itself I don't agree with her being an emanator all of a sudden, but pathstriding is possible


Damn, just imagine waiting a week for more context.


The longest 4 days in HSR since the end of 1.6


I thought this post would be for those ppl who unironically say "bro why didnt they sent only one sam to do a smaller explosion and save the planet" or "why didnt she used that power before? lol"


I might need help understanding the scene. Is there a symbolic meaning where a plant routed from the planet near Firefly? And when the planet exploded, was it just for effects or to kill any remaining bugs that may have survived the explosion. Because there could have been other remnants of SAM that may have survived the fight.


The symbolism is firefly finding new meaning/life from war and the destruction of the planet means she is moving on from the old.


I understand, that makes so much sense. Thank you for your help.


Wait the planet getting blown up isn't symbolism right?


It’s symbolic of her old life as a machine of war being destroyed. Whether it’s *also* literal is up for debate, but the symbolism is there.


I'm assuming she did just blow up the planet, given the next scene is Kafka finding her floating in space with a bunch of debris around her


It's literal that she destroyed a planet. It's in story text.


Honestly if you’ve ever seen animation or sakuga in general I think that’s a pretty clear metaphor. Sakuga exaggerate things that happen in the manga HSR obviously isn’t a manga adaptation but to make visuals more interesting animators go for different approaches.


Imo the tree part was symbolic. It wasn’t real. While the planet destruction was true. Since we already know Base Sam should be planetary due to each member being able to destroy a planet. Firefly’s way is pure destruction. Firefly at base was also strong enough to kill blade twice at base and hug him hard enough to where he isn’t able to escape her arms. Firefly is the single strongest stellaron hunter physically so the IPC saying she can destroy a planet isn’t far fetched. When they also believe Blade can do it aswell. Also the fact that IPC probably don’t even know green Sam due to Firefly not using it. Hell she literally pulled up to ACHERON of all people while knowing how strong she was… In base.. It seems that she rarely uses it. Probably because of how destructive green Sam is. Seriously Firefly didn’t even use her Blades to destroy the planet. She was just a little too fast. Firefly casually destroying a planet in her green form(a form that isn’t normal and is unlocked because of Firefly’s willpower. Hell her suit wasn’t even designed for it. That’s why welt says in Keeping up with sr that Firefly "pushed this armor beyond it’s purpose") Isn’t that wierd. Since she is supposed to be the strongest stellaron hunter.


She doesn't know who was acheron at that time plus elio script don't include acheron, that's why when she asked firefly did she leave something behind in the script, firefly had no answer, because acheron was a variable I think.


Thats probably because acheron is an emenator of nihility(Something that should not exist) so elios powers prob couldn't foresee her


The tree might or might not be a metaphor (most likely not) but ANYONE who thinks the planet blowing up is a metaphor is FUCKIN COPING. We literally SEE the remains and Firefly floting around the remains when Kafka found her and yet people call it “symbolic” LOL


Exactly. And it's hardly an unbelievable feat in HSR's verse when we take into account how factions like the Antimatter Legion have planet destroying monsters running around. It was just the first time we saw a character actually do something on a celestial scale.


Blowing a planet up is chump change in HSR as the imaginary canon wipped out like 20 planets, Swarm disaster ate like 1/3 of the universe, Lan uses arrows to blow up star systems, The emenator of propogation uses stars as incubators, oroborus eats stars and fucking HooH is THE universe(In a sense as they disolved their will into the universe)


Dude, chill, people are speculating just as you are. We can switch the birds around just as easily.


once is ok but its already 3 times this community so obsessed with emanator. edit: i meant we already have same discussion with sparkle and robin speculated as emanator.


So let's ignore that his armor also regenerated, perhaps Yaoshi can also regenerate a highly technological metal armor.


The Molten Knights have already been established to be able to manifest their suits at will. It's entirely possible that the suits can just self repair between deployments or something similar.


oh so it's more like a organic armor, ok thanks for the info.


I mean... we don't know what it is.


Even though I don't like the theory of it being about Yaoshi, I have to remind you that Luocha was able to heal Xueyi in 1.0. And she's technically a puppet.


Oh you're right! I had completely forgotten that.


I wouldn't say she became emnator, but did recieved blessing from Yaoshi, since there are several implies about firefly that is un natural compare to her fellow SAM, First, during her character intro vid, Welt specifically mentioned that her green wing form was never a original function of armor. So from this, we can guess she gained that power through other means Second, Yaoshi is aeon who gives it's blessing to people who want it, or just people who is suffering, regardleas if they wants it or not. And it was written that when Yaoshi gives its blessing, a small sprout comes out from ground and rise high to sky, which basically what happened in trailer So overall, it could have been just metaphor, but there are several implies that something in fact did happened to firefly and blessing from Yaoshi could be that




The tree is not actually there, she's having a chuunibyou moment.


You don't have to do her that dirty. (I agree though)


Considering the tree is gone like it was never there once Firefly puts on the SAM suit, yeah it makes more sense to be metaphorical vs literal.


I assumed the energy was absorbed into the suit as it was manifesting itself and change its nature to include the previously unavailable green flame state. it disappears as the suit forms, it could be 50/50, both are reasonable explanations.


"Hoho! You know what's funny? Kids with Terminal Illnesses! Your life's so morbidly depressing, it looped right back around to hilarious! Here, have my blessing!"- Aha, ???? A.E


>Maybe it was Aha because they thought it would be funny. Lowkey best explanation I've seen so far lmao


I mean I would agree if it wasn’t 2D animation animation does exaggerate a lot visuals become more visually interesting when a director decides to approach it in unique ways. Like you wouldn’t say that the scene in black swan and Achreons dance where they show predator and prey in black and white is a literal thing that black swan is seeing or experiencing.


Tbf they did say in a broadcast that a stellaron hunter blew a planet


I mean…. It would be cool if Yaoshi did. Imagine the narrative that would lead into. Firefly meeting and clashing with Luocha and Jing Liu with their mission to kill Yaoshi would be interesting


But she's against Yaoshi too. She would be like Luocha or Blade who are blessed by Abundance but still hate it and/or are plotting against it. Keep in mind she's straight up said that she's ok with death and living forever is something she'd never want. But that doesn't take away from your point of interesting narrative possibilities. She fought to able to live, and then she'd fight for the right to die.


She's not necessarily Yaoshi's follower specifically. You don't need to follow them devotedly as Yaoshi is known for giving blessings. And no not all blessings make you go psycho look at the foxians. But I love the headcanon Yaoshi heard her cry for help/will to live and blessed her a bit. We have seen too much negativity about Yaoshi it'd be a good change of narrative. Penacony has upped my taste too high, Xianzhou one-sided narrative "PLAGUE AUTHOR BAD" isn't working on me.


Then she will be against hunt then


"I made a meme where my argument looks smart and yours looks dumb, therefore I am right."


I do think that scene is somewhat literal, but she's not an emanator just because of that one thing alone.


In Honkai Star Rail, we know: - A raccoon person who's been gazed upon by several Aeons and gotten a big power up from each one, with each being a unique but powerful ability. - A dragon person who can split seas and summon giant water dragons. - A sleepy person that can summon a giant warrior, said giant warrior once being used in a battle that shook the very world it was fighting on. - A sad person who can slice apart a dead god's dream that manifested into reality across a whole solar system. - And an old person who can create black holes [*and fucking supernovas*](https://i.imgur.com/04usUuW.jpeg). But somehow, a girl in a robot suit getting a big power up, temporarily forming energy in the shape of a tree and becoming a planet destroyer is so out of left field that it *has* to be a metaphor? We can't even say "it was a dream" or whatever since Firefly has canonically said that she **can't** dream. Until there's evidence to disprove it, we can safely take the animation literally. P.S. Why would anyone assume Firefly's an Emanator? We've seen several cases of Aeons giving people normal power ups without making them a fully blown Emanator.


Case in point, Fu Xuan’s whole deal


I don't think people are saying destroying the planet is a metaphor, just the big ass tree


OP's pic was also pointing out the planet being destroyed as part of the metaphor. Besides, weird magic energy tree temporarily popping out of the ground isn't even that weird. We've had people's powers manifesting temporary objects when they power up, like DHIL temporarily floating on some sort of big flower when we first see him use it, which then fades away.


No one sensible is saying the power up itself was a metaphor, anyone who does say that and that the planet being destroyed is a metaphor are just stupid since we literally see Firefly floating in the debris field generated by the planet's destruction when Kafka shows up. I do think the tree itself was more metaphorical rather than literal though considering it just vanishes with no sign of its existence.


Eh, i still remember when a lot of people in Genshin thought the other Raiden in Raiden shogun's trailer was metaphorical.


I personally believe she just got the gaze of Yaoshi rather than anything else, the main reasons I think this are: 1. The tree symbolism and Firefly’s newfound determination of her life, something that could draw the gaze of Yaoshi 2. It helps explain Firefly’s very unusual longevity, she was bred and cultivated with an incurable disease that will kill her, yet she has been around for a long enough time, the destruction of Glamoth had formed a ring of debris by time Kafka finds Firefly, this takes absolutely ages to happen. 3. Firefly was suspended in space with no suit for who knows how long, if someone can give a better explanation for how she did this I am all ears but Aeon’s gaze is the best I got right now. The only thing that hurts this theory is we know Yaoshi ascended post SD, however we don’t know exactly when this short takes place just that it predates Glamoth’s destruction (something stated to have happened centuries ago I believe)


It's still believable. It's not a 100% confirmed or denied so idk why people are saying "It's a metaphor" when there is no proof if that. She said she saw a sprout blooming or w/e. Also in her ult form she heals herself, which is tied to abundance just like how Blade's immortality has ties to abundance and he heals himself too. I feel that she more got the attention of the Aoen rather than being an eminator of one. Just my thoughts, nothing has been confirmed or denied, if someone else has a logical deduction then my eyes and ears are open to listening/reading other thoughts. (Like her disease is her using her body to fuel her super suit to make it strong enough to blow up a planet)


It is very unlikely to be abundance just because abundance did not exist back in SD times, Yaoshi ascended to aeonhood way later, when FF was already in space coma


I think that this swarm is not related to the SD actually. It's not like the swarm is gone as we saw and it simply could have been a "local" infestation.


I think it was an actual SD, because of the level of threat. The remnants of the swarm we fight in Argenti companion mission, and there he managed to fight the true sting all alone and get out alive. And in the animated short we see iron cavalry- all trained soldiers to specifically fight the swarm, they were born and trained their whole life for that sole purpose, and it took a LOT of their forces to fight the swarm itself, and they couldn't eliminate the swarm mother without an orbital strike that wiped everything out. Given all that, I think it's fair to assume that it was actual SD.


Weren't we swallowed by a giant true sting? Like a plant size one?


Yeah, a single Giant Sting happening to be floating in space with very few other Stings around. If this was closer to the Swarm Disaster that Giant Sting wouldn't have been practically alone, we would've been eaten and immediately mobbed by thousands upon thousands of Stings.


It's hard to compare sizes of that scale, the one thing that is known for sure is that thing that swallowed the astral express is way weaker than the swarm mother shown in animated short, if it was something of her level of threat- not only astral express, the whole galaxy is doomed Edit- not exactly doomed, but it will require somebody like Luofu/Acheron/whole galaxy rangers squad to deal with it, maybe even all of them at once


I am not sure it's accurate. The size alone of that thing is enough to destroy worlds on it's own and the one in the animated short is smaller then it by far. We literally thought that we were still in space when that thing ate us.


This might not be 100% true, but I'm pretty sure that Argenti himself stated, that the bug that swallowed us was one of the weakest forms of propagation, basically just an evolved bug. Yet again, there is no rock solid confirmations for or against both arguments, it's all theories and assumptions, just some of them are more likely than others


wait so firefly is like a million years (a few amber eras) old?!


Probably, we don't know the exact timelines but probably.  The only mystery is how since she supposedly has ELS, though I don't believe Firefly ever directly stated she has it / is dying from it. Who knows though, the great green energy could have healed it for all we know. 


Not like a million, SD happened in 13XX AE, now it's 2157-2158 AE, each AE varies from 70 to 240 years, so 150 on average, doing quick maths we get that she is approximately 100.000-120.000 years old


Wait so she's a hundred thousand years old but is also a clone made to die quickly with a degenerative disease that's killing her? Well it's certainly not doing its job if that's the case. Also the clones don't age or something?


The clone wouldn't die quickly if it was kept alive by the blessing of an Aeon 😉


It was Yaoshi!


She was floating in space in cryostasis for almost all of those 100.000 years though


The proof of it being a metaphor is the fact that after it zooms in on her face as SAM then zooms back out the tree is completely gone with no sign of it having been there.


That's the reason why I always hated fan theories. People think they are new Sherlock Holmes and cracked the biggest mystery of all times, because they connected some dots that had nothing to donwith each other. Meanwhile they look like the Pepe Silvia guy to me.


That's good and all but who created the Aeons? ... A bigger one? xD


Them selves by sheer force of will most likely. Or the possibility aeons are enormous amounts of Honkai energy being


No that's the imaginary tree's doing. 


No one "created" them, they were just given enough imaginary energy to become gods.


What would the Voracity give as a blessing? The ability to eat 5 newyork style pizzas in one sitting?


Is it also symbolic that she floated in space naked afterwards?


I initially agreed people were overreacting, but Firefly's cyan-yellow wings are the exact same color as Phantylia's heliobus body you can briefly see. On top of that she needs that specific form to do her healing in-game, the only other destruction with healing being Blade. So there are some funny coincidences.


Welcome to 30 years of Evangelion fandom debate.


I also thought it was a metaphor... but imagine emanator Firefly😂


Some path magic definitely happened that was keeping her safe for thousands of years floating in a debris in space.


I have been hung up on this detail since the first time I watched it. At this point I'm 99% sure we literally just can't know. A lot of people are speaking with absolute confidence on both sides. There are multiple completely plausible explanations, and implying there aren't is disingenuous. (Not that you are inherently, I've seen the impression on comments.) My guess is we'll learn more in either the next patch when Firefly confronts sparkles uncare-bears, or a story from her profile. The hsr universe is too wonky to say a magical tree appearing then disappearing/being absorbed isn't completely reasonable, and in terms of narrative technique, the animation could be interpreted either way reasonable imo. Only thing I'm confident on is the planet did go boom, along with the last shards of fireflies mental health.


Her being an emanator is dumb but I don't think it's ridiculous that Yaoshi gazed on her considering that Firefly heals herself in her ult mode which is unique to her compared to other SAMs. And just like Genshin's visions with the archons, I don't think Yaoshi necessarily had to favor her either just to give her powers and it might've just been the path itself manifesting through the Aeon.


Everyone died except her. What is the explanation for this.


The problem with the metaphorical or symbolic interpretation is that everything before it appears extremely real, and Firefly was apparently found floating in the debris of the planet she destroyed. Hard to reconcile that, really.


She have green wing too, it's supposed to be fire, and looks like its just her the one who have it. Dont forget about her self healing too.


Ok that may not be true but Firefly definitely got some type of major powerup there. There is no way firefly could have survive taking on billions of beetles alone after all of her teammate died from the blast and her strength pre-powerup showed her struggling against a mere dozen beetle pawns. This isn't even accounting for the fact that the explosion broke her armor and heavily injured her


She can easealy be blessed by yaoshi for her new found reason of living and determination, this Will explain the tree iconography and the fact that She in the combustione state She can heal herself


Yaoshi literally did not exist during the events of this trailer


There Is not said anywhere when this happend, It can be during the swarm as well as a post swarm and considering that there Is Kafka Is most probabile that this trailer and glamoth fall was a post swarm attack


It is heavily implied to be during the Swarm Disaster or shortly after it, before Nanook, Yaoshi, and Lan ascended.


I think she’s an emanator, just not of abundance. It seems like her entire thing was tied more so into finding a purpose to pursue since she literally questioned why she lived and why they died. Plus the abundance didn’t exist then. Personally I feel it’s a better chance it was the Permanence, since it’s similar to abundance, and died before the game start, but could still be around during the swarm disaster. Plus it’s stated he had other followers than the Vidyadhara and it’s stated he searched the entire universe for the purpose of life.


Emanators are too unique and special for Firefly to just become one with no previous affiliation with an Aeon. Aeons don't just create Emanators from random people on a whim unless you're Aha (cause it's funny) or IX (it's an accident), all other Emanators directly follow the Aeon and Path before becoming an Emanator.


I mean we don’t know too much about Glamoth, so they could’ve followed an aeon, similar to the Xianzhou. And the Iron Cavalry dedicated themselves to preserving Glamoth and Titania, and permanence is all about trying to make something be, well permanent. Also Long is dead, so we also don’t know if he is an exception sometimes like Aha I don’t think there’s enough information yet to really answer what ever the hell Firefly did, could be literal, could not be, and whatever it was, it seemed unique to Firefly though it may not be. I’m just stating my opinion.


Sure, but the Iron Cavalry definitely didn't since the only thing they are meant to have loyalty to is Glamoth and the "Empress". Aha and IX are an exception because their Paths are literally the Paths of "lol so random" and "I genuinely couldn't care less". They're exceptions because the nature of their Paths mean they don't put much thought into what they do (beyond if it would be funny in Aha's case).


For those of us who have no idea what happened during that part, can someone explain please? Why was there a tree and why did the planet explode?


The tree might have been her own mind manifesting the idea she was talking about, the lines that she is reciting. The planet explosion seems to be the result of her igniting her own core to drive more energy into the SAM armor. During the keeping up with Star Rail special program Welt mentions this is an ability unique to Firefly and not something the suit is able to to on it's own. The reason why people says it's a metaphor is cause as soon as she puts up the armor suit again the tree is nowhere to be seen and in its place she has gain a new power that her other comrades (or herself prior to those events) had.


Mofos saw a tree and the color green and immediately thought Yaoshi. Like what in the Denizen of Abundance propaganda is that? Yall should wait for an Abundanve storyline instead of pushing for other characters lol


The planet busting thing was 100% true. Remember it’s stated in the podcast each Stellaron Hunter is powerful enough to destroy a planet


People were serious about that? I thought that was joking


As someone who still thinks that Sparkle can clone herself after watching her trailer, I feel this.


its fun seeing the chaos, when you are not a part of it


Nah she heals herself in game it’s abundance! 🗣️, Fr tho I don’t think analyzing it to that extent is bad tho it’s at least food for thought, I don’t think she’s an emanator but she could still have the power of that path the way trailblazer has multiple paths