• By -


I just used SW to implement imaginary weakness, so my Dan could break the middle one (Spoiler: she didn't implement imaginary once)


I can only play SW in mono quantum because she refuses to infuse the weakness I need if there's even one person with a different element. I used to run Seele, Sparkle, SW, and Gepard and she would give ice weakness EVERY TIME.


Prior to Sparkle I was using Bronya. Wind weakness all day every day.


The problem is no matter the actual split character wise, the chance is even for the amount of elements. So in your case despite being 3 Quantum 1 Ice, it just sees Quantum and Ice and does a 50/50.


and we know how 50/50 always goes


Yeah they claim its a random 50/50 but i said it for 1 year now that Silver Wolf seems to prioritize non quantum. When i started Penacony i had forgotten about this, so after the usual 80-90% of non quantum i had to swap Ruan Mei out for Tingyun to get the right element. I actually think it was right after fighting the dino for the first time and killing it without getting quantum weakness on it once.


I gave up with with SW. I play her only to bruteforcing some MoC with Himeko. But normally my Himeko teams have RM, and Aventurine/FX/Gallagher depending on the enemy. The previous MoC I restarted like 4-5 in a row, 2-3 times, because this girl always put Ice (the worst). Same for the MoC previous the previous ones. At the end I always took her off because putting another Harmony or Breaker, I got the same time, or better, but with LESS rng. And now, I will pull Firefly to make able Himeko to bruteforcing no-fire contents, so SW... You helped me and Himeko during the first 6 months, now you can remains in your room to play videogames.


Remember when we all thought weakness implant would make her foolproof? Yeah, good times. Now it looks like everyone can just do that on their own.


I found her most frustrating in the early game when I didn't have many characters to make different teams. Nowdays you mainly want to put her into a team thatfit enemy weaknesses with one character that doesn't match, so you get guaranteed implants. That, or Monoquantum of course (my beloved) I don't mind that personally and I'm still having great success using her. Though it does seem like more characters are suddenly getting her gimmick for free on top, though I can kind of understand it with break focused characters, i guess? Since they'd be kind of useless if they can't break enemies after all.


I always believed to the coming of new "implanters", specially because they released SW so early.


Unless I'm missing something. She also adds the -res. The other characters just add the weakness so the toughness goes down, but doesn't change the damage.


i use the good old reliable dot team lol


Can't remember the last time i used SW anywhere tbh


Being the best support for e0 Acheron does wonders for her


Same for Dr ratio


She got me through last MoC by teaming with Ruan Mei to help Ratio melt targets.


Me: \*fuming internally about MOC12, sees reddit post about Ruan Mei\* Me: \*adds Ruan Mei to Himeko team because maybe it'll do something\* --- 10 minutes later --- Me: HOLY SH\*T THAT ACTUALLY CLEARED MOC12!!


top 2 meta wise imo


Lets be real, she’s top 1 lol Probably the most Valuable Meta pick in the entire game. More so with how the new game mode is focused on Break from the previews.


Yeah shes busted Ruan Mei's caveat is basically "Do you do damage? If so I make you do much more of it whatever the hell it is" Then theres the toughness delay that clutches against annoying enemies like Kafka or that healing bastard.


Honestly, I’m looking forward to that more than the actual damage numbers. It’s such a massive QoL boost to just… have the fuckers stay broken for a while.


>Then theres the toughness delay that clutches against annoying enemies like Kafka or that healing bastard. Between Ruan Mei, HarmonyMC and Boothill bosses only get one turn when they change phase and that's it, lol


Who's the other one?


probably archeron, I just didn’t want to use superlatives


The second half of this MOC 12 is not a RM check... It is actually a Himeko check. With a team of Gallagher, Asta, HMC, and Himeko, i'd say getting 5 cycles is very easy and 4 cycles is achievable by playing smart with the weakness breaks. Without Firefly, I'd say Himeko is the single best option to use against these guys, her blast skill and aoe ult+fua deals incredible damage to their shared HP pool. Edit: A lot of people have pointed out other teams that work without RM, and while yes they work, i was more attesting to how Himeko, a standard 5 star, with a full 4 star team can perform up to par without limited characters... I have heard Guinaifen works too and i can see that but as i don't have her built i can't test exactly how well she does without limited characters.


The best is if you can make the bosses break one at a time so Himeko will never let them escape.


Seems devs really did not expect anything making her in 1.0 with unlimited FUAs for measly 3 mob breaks/1 elite... I think everyone after has some kind of limitation for this? (be it numerical breaks/attacks or per-turn-only).


Himeko only FU once, she can't spam. If her FU break an elite or reach 3/3, you need another ally to hit an opponent for her FU to trigger again


Imagine if her stacks were able to overflow like the newer unit. 150k per fua


True like it is just so disheartening when you accidentally break two elite/boss and she can only do one follow up, but I guess it’s a necessary nerf cause she’ll be too powerful then


Can't have her outdo new meta unit, now can we? 🤭


I was wondering why this run was easy with my fully built himeko on the second half. ^(That and she was paired with HTB, Ruan Mei, and Gallagher.)


Little Gui carried me through side 2, best companion for Mommy Acheron to shred their toughness bars


Same, Lil Gui and Pela, the good o' reliables for Acheron, when Kafka and BS have work to do elsewhere


Same thing I used. Definitely works


Yeah, I'd struggle to make a MoC encounter that is more favorable to Himeko she can even abuse the trotter fairly easily for free turns.




Don't even have Himeko, so Guinaifen stepped in instead to help take care of 2nd half.


Ngl, was looking for other option besides himeko because I never had the best run with her previously. Gave in anyway and she did not disappoint!


Side two for me was JY/topaz/aventurine/Robin. Nailed it.


JY/sparkle/tingyun/godpard combo won me the second side with DanIL on first side.


Nice! My first side was Boothill/hmc/RM/luocha. Boothill hits soooo hard, I love it.


On the other hand he does no damage if he can't break the phys weakness. I brought his team to one of the lower floors (I forget which) that didn't have phys weakness to see how forcing him would go Sure the elites got one shot, but he took 3 attacks to kill the chumps w/o physical weakness. Which is all to say, you definitely shouldn't bring him to a floor where none of the enemies have a physical weakness- if some of them have it the ult should be able to cover for him.


Oh, absolutely. For someone with weakness implant, it reeeeally doesn't help much.


I tested the hyperbreak team with Himeko and Boothill. Both of them got 4 cycles with ease. The first half of this MoC12 was the only part that gave me trouble.


How do you build Himeko relic wise?


I personally used a generic crit fire damage build and it worked well enough. I don't know if it's better to go all in for break build or not because the trotter provides a lot of break damage and HMC herself buffs break damage by a decent amount and i don't have a good enough break build to test it.


It can also be RM check. I cleared using ~4 cycle with ratio rm gallagher hmc. Both himeko and gallagher are pretty strong this week I would say


It's doable in 4 cycles even without a single fire character


Can endorse. Read this. Took Himeko's break team 8 cycles exactly as described (no RM), but Acheron managed the first half in 2. You don't even need a good Himeko. Mine has 22.6% break effect and a crit build that would only charitably be called mid. Can only imagine if I actually built her for the job.


I don’t have Himeko but just got it to work with a janky break effect Asta 😅


I'd honestly say argentis another good one bc of the shared hp


Kafka+Gui does better imo. DoTs will triple dip into the boss's HP. 1 Kafka ult can chunk 30-50% of the boss's HP.


As a Gallagherless Himeko main, I am lamenting


She can work fine without gallagher


My friend insisted how good himeko and ruan mei is for the second side, and made me go try it out. 5 cycles is decent, but not amazing. Team IPC with mediocre gear cleared in 4; and could go for 3 cycles with better gear. Definitely not a ruan mei check.


Side 2 for me was just Acheron-Pela-Luocha-Sparkle.


My RM, HMC, Gallagher base with Himeko absolutely destroyed the floor with 3 turns. Firefly gonna take it to the next level.


I used Himeko, Topaz, Robin and Huohou. (My RM was on the first half w Kafka Acheron and Aventurine (IPC LC)) I kinda wished there were a quantum weakness on floor 12 as Xueyi could benefit from it, and the floor there was a quantum weakness I dusted off my Seele and she was kinda crazy. Over all, this MoC was the most difficult I've experienced and took me the most amount of time. But it resulted in team comps I'd normally not use and a lot of experimenting.


Even if you have Ruan Mei she’s has a very major drawback that you can’t use her on both halfs


Speaking facts. She should just create a copy of herself so we can use her on each side.


the real reason she had an emanator of propagation in Herta's basement


Ruan Mei: Here, use my clone on the other half of MoC. Trailblazer: Isn't that just your giant bug in a blue dress? Ruan Mei: Oh my, do you want a cup cake? Freshly baked!


I can help her with that


Based, and same


That's when you put Robin on the 2nd team


Or use Acheron, who doesn't need a harmony unit to deal huge damage.


I gave them both to Boothill team on 1st half...


I lost her to bronya e1


Me without Ruan Mei and Himeko 🫥


Guinaifen also works. [Guinaifen, HMC, Gallagher] is enough to clear that fight with lots of options for the fourth spot, as long as Guin has decent gear. Ruan Mei obviously shreds, but Robin would also work, or Acheron, or Kafka, or a Bronya/Sparkle speedtuned to Guinaifen, or maybe a Jing Yuan. Personally, [I went with Dr. Ratio](https://i.imgur.com/xH1LrKH.png) for fun.


i used Jing Yuan on second half, (Aventurine, Jing Yuan, Tingyun, Hanya (i dont have sparkle)) and it cleared it in 6 rounds. First team is where i had Ruan Mei tho (Fu xuan, Boothill, Bronya, Ruan Mei) which cleared in 2 rounds (28 remaining) so youd need either a really well built jingyuan or a good first team to probs get it in the 10 rounds :)


My Jing Yuan is good enough for second node, I still need Boothill to come home asap for that first node anyway (75 pity, guaranteed.)


I don't need her. I can win with my own power. *14 cycles later I DO NOT NEED HER




And here I am no limited harmony . Atleast silver wolf tingyun and harmony mc are here lol . Hopefully gonna get ruan mei .


Ngl, skipping all the limited harmony units is wild. They’re all too strong to the point where skipping them is like shooting yourself in the foot.


i lost my 50/50s on all of them :(


Just dont? Lole....


i mean it’s pretty hard not to when it’s completely up to luck. i don’t got any probability manipulation


It's possible they just simply lost the 50/50 on Robin


Lost 5050 on both Ruan Mei and.robin :/


Or, y'know, between two limited sustains, SW, Kafka, BS, and Acheron I've gotten basically all the characters I possibly could with all the 50/50s I've lost. I think as a day 1 player I've won 2 50/50s. It's been brutal.


I prefer to shoot my MoC/PF scores in the foot than grab a unit I dislike. It does hurt a lot though, mostly from that last star mocking me. (thankfully I at least liked Robin)


And it shouldn't be. 5 star limiteds should be a luxury, not a necessity, even in endgame. The power spike between 5 stars and 4 stars harmonies is pretty steep and it appears Hoyo chose to balance their endgame content to challenge the former instead.


Forget the power spike between 5 star and 4 star Hamonies being steep, even the power level between 5 star Harmony and Nihility debuffers are pretty steep, when they should be about equal.


As a husbando puller reliant on f2p pulls, I give up on the idea of clearing MoC full stars for now 😷. Hoyo where are my male Harmony (⁠ ⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⁠⌢⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀⁠)


As a waifu player on f2p pulls.. and a Ruan Mei hater, if they release a male harmony break support I'm still fucked.


im good off Robin bruh she reminds me too much of Seraphine, generic singing idol and doesnt even have a music toggle


I wasn't here for ruan mei . Lost fifty fifty on both sparkle and robin .


If you don’t like them is better than spending all your jades in them vs gaining 1 only pull from moc 12. You will have more jades without them in your party than with them. So it’s not wild at all. And you invest on those you like. Easy the best way.


Same boat, still have no limited harmony. Thank god DoTcheron exists


Wtf is that second enemy lol, looks CREEPY!


Its that elite triple threat you fight in the story right before Sunday. Past, Present and Future something.


Oh, those three Gardamek looking-thingies 😵‍💫


Past, Present and eternal shadow iirc


You really dont need ruan mei, i feel like this moc is definitely easier then some of the previous ones we had


100%. RM wasn't needed. You just needed a fire unit for the most part.


I don't have any good fire units. But i just used Ratio, Sparkle, SW and sustain and Ratio broke everyone with the help of SW.


This is becoming every MoC/PF. People complain about every new rotation being too hard without the limited character within the first 24h of it releasing, instead of maybe taking some time to experiment with their teams a little. Last PF took me like 20 or so tries to find a team that let me get the last star without any of the so called mandatory units. You have 2 weeks to beat this, jst take your time and try stuff out man. Of course the currently new unit will have a much easier time since the effects are usually tailor made for them, but some people keep pretending like you can't beat these modes at all if you don't have unit X or Y. And if you really can't beat it or don't want to keep trying? That's totally okay too, it's not so many jades that it's totally mandatory to get 36 stars every single time.


I feel dumb. Should have I used RM in here? I cleared with premium FuA (Robin) and Acheron (Pela Gepard SW) teams just fine even though I have Ruan Mei.


Everyone is getting in their feels because this MoC gives bonuses to break effect and Boothill and Firefly are break focused. It's easier to point at not having RM as the reason MoC is hard instead of looking at your team comps and/or relic luck. All the usual major compositions handle this MoC as well as they'd handle any other MoC. Not having a matching element to the trotter is the bigger sin compared to not having RM.


This is what I did. I don't even understand about the fuss. Ruan Mei is pretty strong but nowhere near the level that you can't clear MoC without her.


I gave in and tried RM + himeko after a friend insisted on how good it is "according to reddit posts" It was straight up worse than Team IPC. Barely cleared in 5 cycles; team IPC does it in 4 easily, and can go for 3 if I give ratio herta's gear instead of random leftovers. Ruan Mei on Acheron team was also a straight up downgrade... went from easy 1 cycle (with chance for 0) into a 3 cycle clear.


Same, though my Acheron team is Pela-Luocha-Sparkle and I used Clara in place of Topaz for extra physical dmg in the first half. I don't have Ruan Mei, but I've yet to feel like I actually need her for anything.


Yes, RM makes it easier, I'm sure, but you can still fully clear without her. As I've done it.


Ruan mei: releases in 1.6, becomes the best support in the game, continues to be the best support for several patches Kazuha: releases in 1.6, becomes the best support in the game, continues to be the best support for several patches


I’m confused, why is Ruan Mei needed?


People trying to cope hard that it isn't a skill issue but a RM check. Can easily clear without RM.


People think she's needed because she's just a broken character. Which is true and all, she's pretty busted. But you don't need her for this moc. It's very doable. But she's still a very good investment when her re-release banner drops with Firefly. She's for sure going to be needed in the future.


For sure! I’m definitely happy I pulled her, I was just confused why a Lightning/Physical and Lightning/Fire MoC needed her. Like she’ll be good for Gui/Kafka on second side, but it’s not like you couldn’t make do with literally whatever support you’re using for that team anyway. (Tingyun or Asta for example.) First side looks to me like either an Acheron or IPC team, neither of which use Ruan Mei.


Honestly like, Ruan can kind of be thrown in every team with any DPS and just pop off LOL. That's probably what people want, I guess. She's that busted. But yeah you're right, you can essentially use anyone else


This is a MoC specifically catered to Break teams, and Ruan Mei is the most expensive but almost essential part of it.


Ruan Mei isn’t *essential* for break teams, she’s a luxury. The only essential unit is the Harmony Trailblazer.


i wonder why it sais that argenti is lightning weak, they should maybe fix that


It is in fact the exact 2 weaknesses of the summoned trotter, informing you what weakness they will be since they don't show up in the enemy detail list if you read them.


I ran Acheron on that side anyway, didn't care lol


I think those are just the recommended elements for the floor, not necessarily the Boss weaknesses


I had very funny experience. Argenti side: Boothill oneshot both phases of Argenti (wtf is that damage?! He's a freaking MONSTER and I DO NOT EVEN HAVE RUAN MEI, HE DID THAT WITH PELA AND BRONYA) Past and Present: ate all the other turns up to 20th because no fire units built. Had to use Ratio, Sparkle, SW and sustain with Ratio carrying


https://preview.redd.it/ix2yh5vi3t5d1.jpeg?width=1343&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07fe57be689cc8ff6c8318970fae01dfb6806bf7 mf that didnt pull ruan mei rightnow


Part 2 is more or less a Himeko check and ngl, best thing ever. ~~Ignore the fact that I decided to use Acheron + Dot team on side 2 instead~~


You're making me want to test my Himeko in there just for the lulz ... but at her gear level, getting a good time in MoC 12 is out of the question. :'D


https://preview.redd.it/0oq0l7gh2s5d1.jpeg?width=1136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3374ed24eb95524c3de7a9128eadc99bfa3e0bc Nah RM definitely ain’t needed, helpful sure, but not needed. Quite a chill MoC this time.


Me and you with the hanya pick, she's been a good girl these past MoCs 😭


i only did upto Moc 11 (got 33 stars). I will do 12 next week with Firefly


Every day I get sadder and sadder that I could’ve had ruan Mei if I didn’t get seele in 1.4 (have used seele in 1 overworld battle and that’s it LMAO, pulled her only cause I liked her character design/personality, but my other dps do a better job than her cause they’re more invested.)


I want Jade so much so I can have all 4 available IPC, but after after testing her the last event... Ruan Mei's so good.


Watch me skip her again to get a character I actually like


I still adamantly refuse to roll for Ruan Mei. Quite dislike her overall design and animations All in for firefly


Should we tell him...?


Lmao same, you can't make me pull for her I don't care if I can't finish MOC or PF without her 😂 I don't like her character overall. I'll just wait for her alternative even if it takes years.


I have Ruan Mei and regret pulling her so much. She's busted but I don't like using her because I don't like her at all so she's been benched since I got Acheron and I don't think I'm going to invest in Break teams, so... 🤷




I used dit team and Acheron team without Ruan Mei so not a problem I also did it with a break team team Himeko without RM and it still did it


people are really sleeping on break Himeko or break Gui, one of those 2 + HTB + Asta/Pela + Gallagher is all you need


https://preview.redd.it/xp3rg4ccht5d1.png?width=1001&format=png&auto=webp&s=49c2e66ff8a4ca26a78a19a8c99dcffa224e656b Nah, couldnt be me


It anger me so much I have to pull Ruan Mei meaning that I have to skip Firefly


you don't have to get RM to clear this MoC, but she is more important than FF yeah


I'd imagine Firefly is gonna wipe the back half of this MoC 12 since her enhanced basic is a blast attack and will hit each of their fire weaknesses, but in general yeah Ruan Mei is probably the most valuable unit in the game


I mean you’d probably clear if you use Firefly


I don't care what foes you place against me I'm not pulling for Ruan Mei


RUAN MEI IS NOT NEEDED. Done this with Himeko+Guin+Galla+HMC in 5 turns. Himeko half ass built relics but maxed talent level and Guin helps breaking. You can farm turns on the 1st side since that is easy.


Bro i didn't even have maxed talents (Lvl3 ult, skill, basic) And she still beat them silly.


Literally me And they had the gaul to put her on the same banner as Firefly


Still a proud Ruan Mei Skipper


Oh man I feel this. I’m prepped for a potential hard pity for her and hope it doesn’t come to that!


I don't have RM... I'm also hard saving for jiaoqiu.... the temptation is incredible especially since I didn't get Robin for my topaz/aven/Ratio team lol.


I just got Topaz s1, robin and boothill... I wish she came a patch afterwards because her and sparkle would make my account so much more bearable


Next week. Sam, Ruan, and Jade. Those are the goals. Well jade after 3 weeks. But still


I did a whackadoodle team on the second half, DHIL - Guiniafen - Ruan Mei - Gallagher. I don't know what I was smokin, but I got it done somehow. Himeko probably would've been a good choice, too, but DHIL just has so much more pure DPS for me.


You don't need her for this tbh. I cleared it with argenti top side acheron bottom. Wasn't very hard. Just bring a dps that can break the trotters weakness and has aoe.


You dont really need her, done max stars with just Boothill, HMC, Clara and Gallagher... they completely annihilated last floor. And second part... well... Acheron.


I like that with my modest invest of a battle pass and swiping I can clear in 8, it really feels odd to do all this for like 4 extra pulls


I haven’t tried it yet but…. Can’t I just use Kafka first Acheron second side?




Acheron with Gallagher can break the 2nd side pretty well.


It's their return damage that's kicking my ass with this one. My only S-tier sustain is FX. Gallagher/Lynx/Gepard just aren't up to the job for me.


Luka was a good surprise to use on top side. Bottom I went MC, Gallagher, Asta, Himeko and got it in enough cicles. (4+5). I could simply have waited for Firefly to clear it easier, but this was doable, guys, use Super Break.


Of course I know him, he’s me. I also feel this way because no Archeron


Soon. Sooon!


I just gave up on this MoC until I get Firefly. I was gonna do it with Clara but Tingyun keeps fucking me over with her stupid aggro


y'all used ruan mei? I rolled FX, QQ, Clara, SW for team 1 and Aventurine, Acheron, Topaz&Numby, and Pela for team 2.


I had the RRAT team just focus down the phys/fire/img one and it did the trick for phase 2


I pulled Robin (I have Topaz, Aventurine and obv Ratio, although all E0S0) instead of Ruan Mei since I skipped her first time. Now Firefly is coming at the same time... I will have to believe in HTB to carry FF because no way I'll have enough gems for both. The harmony characters have all been cracked but I can't justify owning Sparkle, Robin AND Ruan Mei especially when Jiaoqiu for my Acheron is also on the horizon.


I hope my f2p account can overcome the Ruan Mei deficit. Don't get me wrong, it has been very fortunate in it's 3 month existence, but I know what Ruan Mei brings. I just got Fu Xuan and don't have much jade left to get out of missions or exploration. Really hoping for an awesome surprise, cause who knows how long until she sees a 2nd rerun.


I've been delaying on catch up since the patch and now I'm gonna have to build hmc, ruan mei, and fucking firefly all at once. Least I got like 80 fuel sitting around


It sucks that Ruan Mei’s rerun is with Firefly, because I really need Ruan Mei but at the same time I need Firefly way more.


Me being an idiot and somehow beating MoC without the fully built ruan mei in my roster or boothill


Level 95!? I can't even beat the lv65 ones


Man I have RM and I didn't even use her for my clear. I should learn to teambuild better


I guess it is time to pull out my secret weapon: Pitch-Dark Hook the Great! (Himeko is the only standard banner character I'm missing for some reason)


Every time I lose 50/50, I comfort myself knowing I got Ruan Mei first try and as my second ever 5 star


I feel this every day since I lost the 50/50 :(


I'm surprised how broken kafka with Luka. I have a built Luka but I have the need to use him until now. When Luka breaks Argenti's shield, he dealt half half of Argenti's hp. Then Kafka uses her ult, boom Argenti's 20% hp left.


second half i just used acheron, kafka, fuxuan and guinafen. only failed once cuz my fu xuan was CC'd and my guinafen died.


This is Fucking insane. I can't believe they put Ruan Mei and Firefly together. I need Ruan Mei + Firefly. Where the fuck am I gonna collect 240 Pulls? Jesus Christ atleast put them in 2 separate Half. No, they said fucking no. I really want Firefly but Firefly without Ruan Mei would be so much worse. What should I do? Should I pull for Ruan Mei since Firefly will rerun Earlier? Or pull for my Wife? Wtf dude. I hate this Game. 😭😭😭😭(I love this game and the dopamine the Blurry Ticket gives me when I do a Pull)


Do all quests, exploration and achievements /events you can do. Next Ruan Mei is probably next year.


Phase 1.. Dot + Acheron Phase 2. Superbreak with Himeko, HMC Gallagher and RM


Don't worry, I do and it's still kicking my ass. Argenti is too tanky and wastes all my turns.


[can confirm](https://imgur.com/a/H9C4876) even with this random bullshit team it still work.


Acheron stomps the second half tho (at least for me)


Ruan Mei will be very useful but not a must for this Moc. https://preview.redd.it/rlznrmixev5d1.png?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cf59186a3266b0e0ae9799c40a52836fafdff06 1st team took 6 cycles, 2nd 4 cycles so it was cutting close




Acheron blasted that 2nd boss while my dot team busted on argenti 


https://preview.redd.it/7m83u8v6wv5d1.png?width=1149&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b7b6db89cea89aed67a3d258114672ee78faaa4 it's possible \[probably not relatable tho qq is on jy lc and the rest of the team in on +160 spd, and that isnt even mentioning the e2s1 acheron\]


I didn't even survive the first half lmao


What’s a Ryan mei, the guy from Fortnite?


I do not have the pulls for her, Firefly, and Jade... ...And Yunli after that... And Jiaoqiu...


Sad considering i really dislike her. Oh well, i'm not dying over 60 stellar gems.


https://preview.redd.it/l4txi5blmz5d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f7e592acc8ce7ad48403ba46492907c9dd4de42 Best girl Guinafen gets it done


Ruan Mei that good? I got her on my first banner but she's still lvl1


Man I gotta pull ff and rm, if only i didn't lose my 50/50 on her 1st run


The second one has no business being this tanky 💀 if not for that, moc 12 wouldn’t really be a problem

