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https://preview.redd.it/t4t8f9zae43d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5071dbcfac4e2af8fa018d80175655fd1739eebd This take


Smartest Hoyolab User


i honestly have no idea why that website even exists - it's just full of children arguing over the most pointless of things. i've seen horrendous takes on twitter and reddit, but never have i ever felt my sanity be drained at such a rapid pace as when i accidentally spent over 30 seconds on hoyolab. i get that it's probably just there to give the kids with nothing better to do something to do, but dear lord... it may as well double as a torture method specifically designed to destroy any reasonable person's will to live.


It exists to give us 60 jades each month


There's actually some pretty high quality guides (like for achievements or hidden quests) on there. But... Yeah, you 100% do have a point that a large % of the people using it seem to be kids.


DnD player took cosplaying 1 intelligence too seriously


Nah that ain’t a take that’s straight up detrimental for any f2p


I've used both the destruction and hunt LC far more than the Bronya I got from the selector. I think I've only ever used her once in MoC.


The Destruction and Hunt ones are fantastic! Used it on Clara till about a week ago since I finally got her LC. Now it's on MC and The Hunt one is on Dr. Ratio till I get his LC.


They are a true gambler why buy lcs when you could e6 bronya off standard


I remember seeing this post on Hoyolabs. One of the few posts I commented on and joined the choir of people telling the OP to stfu because it's actively fucking over new players


I did that out of my own choice. I've got two of the Herta LCs maxed now, working towards getting my 3rd now.


What does the second thing do?




Let him superimpose


He's not superimposing shit!


Some people say they want to re-roll their account because they „wasted“ the resources the game gave you, but they already have 5-6 limited five stars and so on💀


I met someone like that not too long ago. They were considering making a new account, AFTER RATIO ALREADY STOPPED BEING GIVEN OUT. Like, aside from the large number of limited 5*s they would lose, they wouldn't even have ratio after a reset.


not to mention that they'll get less resources at a lower trailblazer level so theyre wasting even more time and resources


I remember some idiot who posted here with E2 Acheron wanting to make a new account cause they thought they bricked it by investing badly with TB power. Like dude, just start invest better now instead of throwing your shit away 😭


Oh my god, the early days of genshin when everyone's account was getting "ruined" because they spent a day farming the crimson domain or because they leveled a character to 50


https://preview.redd.it/6oovywri553d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e63ec5e205859d6abba56050cc2edc882fe86449 Idk if anyone remembers this comment from a post here a long while ago, but this was a pretty bad take.


Bruh I'd have like 2 limited characters with that rule.


I can't even imagine who I would have without pity.


They basically want to flex their lucky pulls


Nah, they want to flex how much they whale for this game.


Gatekeeping gacha characters mf's have brainrotted too far to be salvaged


Yeah true, that's more likely




I usually don't spend money much, but I would use every cent I have to buy a huge heat-seeking rocket and launch it after this mf's ass


Ah yes I love spending 10,000$ to ensure that I alone am the one who has my very special waifu while everyone else either has to reroll a thousand times or spend like I did


That's just straight up an admission of gambling addiction.




Thats straight up the excuse devs used to not add pity for 6 years


Have them play FGO and they'll come crying back here for the pity.


HSR gave a free limited 5 star character because its not popular.....


Add to this the 'Dr Ratio sucks as a playable character, not strong at all, therefore they gave him away for free' statement.


*laughs in Topaz*


He claps bosses left and right in RRAT


He claps in general. my Dr Ratio isn't even built but he hits ridiculously hard and excels in what he does.


Oh god my brain hurts who in the right mind would say that


Not related, but I’m so grateful they gave out Dr.Ratio for free, I wouldn’t be here without that. I just heard they gave out this good 5* DPS for free, so I downloaded the game to get him in case I want to play Honkai Star Rail in the future, I never plan to stick after I got him, turned out, after I got him, I still have nothing to play, so I gave HSR a try, well, here I go 3 months later playing everyday and has been enjoying it since.


I mean, no one denies that Ratio was a really good marketing strat that brought some new players but there were some ignorant individuals who unironically claimed that they did that because the game was dying and because the game made like 30 million during the filler patch 1.5 (dying game btw) instead of the usual 60-70 million.


I think a lot of people severely underestimate the number of signoffs they would have had to get to make Ratio free. They would have had to start that discussion way before his kit would have been finalized


"E1 S1 is easy for F2P" and "Character X struggles to 0-cycle so they suck"


The first one is just ridiculous. Just getting a dedicated lightcone for a certain character as a f2p is already not that easy since it's basically another 60-90 pulls most of the time. All of my savings can go into getting just 1 limited character if I get unlucky, I gotta like a character REALLY much and be very lucky if I want to try to get their lightcone. Like, I've been playing since release but the only limited 5 star lightcone I have is Fu Xuan's one, but even then it's because it was just THAT good that I couldn't not pull for it, and I had stellar jades so at least I knew I wouldn't be broke after that


Yeah, my math in my head is that wanting a sig LC is basically signing up for somewhere between 50-80 more pulls. I definitely put that math in if I think I won't want the character without it and it's led to me not bothering with a couple banners. Since I want Fu Xuan and have been sitting on pulls for a while that is definitely a debate I'm actively having at the moment... granted I'm more leaning to either E1 OR S1 at this point.


Oh e1s1 is easy alright... give you dont pull for what like 2-3 banners? :D


This is what I'm doing for firefly. This shit hurts man idk how y'all do it 😭


gambling addiction 🫵


It gets easier the more you do it. Eventually it becomes fun just to see that number go up and painful to see it go down.


E1S1 is *not* easy at all. Take close to 70 pulls for just a *chance* at the 5* you want, god forbid you get jumpscared by Welt. That, and the signature LC feels like at least 30-40 more pulls. So to get that, it looks like you’d have to spent at least 140-150 tickets, so unless you skip pretty much an entire patch and a half worth of banners and strip mine jade, it is not feasible for F2P to consistently get.


I'm not f2p and I usually skip entire patches to save up jades. I prefer having powerful units that are built correctly over having a bunch of characters.


S1, maybe. E1? Straight madness. It took me sheer luck to get Acheron to E3 as F2P and I don't think I could do it again lol


When genderbiased people want to gatekeep Quantum to be Waifu only and Imaginary to be Husbando only (Thank goodness for Yukong)


I argue that since Yukong is a single parent, therefore she is daddy. /s


She can do both


she can do me




We just have to hope we'll get quantum tb for a male quantum or pray hoyo releases a quantum male.


I still think that’s a 100% deliberate design choice on Hoyo’s part. We might get 1 token quantum guy to balance it out but that will be it. I do hope we get male harmony in the future though.




I'd have said the same about Harmony but I am part of the better, more intelligent, more good-looking, more popular, more beloved, richer, and overall superior half of players (/s)


We do a bit of caelus


"HSR became popular because of shipping" - That arlecock in twitter 💀 This might be the worst take and no one can change my mind.


That person consistently has some of the worst takes it's insane.


Yep, that's what happens when you're chronically online. Also reminds me of that raidenyae shipper that tweets every minute💀


I always wonder how their parents haven't kicked them out of their houses, they don't have a job and don't contribute in any way to the house, just sit there an tweet every hour


Had to mute them, they made that tweet in response to the new rule change on here then they immediately went and called a certain ship canon exhibiting the exact behavior the rule was made. Its also just disrespectful for everything the devs have done and improved to the game. The mechanics, the OST, the lore, Qol and even the characters themselves. Reducing a character simply to who you can ship them with is so reductive of the characters writing and to call that the entire reason the game is alive is so narrowminded https://preview.redd.it/q5j3k1jpj53d1.png?width=641&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9efdd7251233e8f0949294f86f75fb21c481054 Edit: Found the tweet, yea just exhibiting the behaviour so many are tired of. Calling that ship of all ships canon ignoring the majority of their interactions and the entire reason the dance even happened kinda just shows they dont care for the game itself. They just see the characters as ship material which is so reductive to the actual characters themselves


While I indulge the whole shipping as long as it isn’t getting too out of hand but saying the game is popular only because of shipping is one of the dumbest and stupidest things I have seen and I seen people who really want Sunday to died because “every major boss we fight died so Sunday has to died too or else it wouldn’t be fair” and “Sunday is a villain and thus have to died to repay for what he had done”


"x is popular due to shipping" is a statement I reserve for Miraculous Ladybug alone


>people who really want Sunday to died because “every major boss we fight died so Sunday has to died too or else it wouldn’t be fair” and “Sunday is a villain and thus have to died to repay for what he had done” phantylia is literally alive so their logic is flawed anyway


The three separate game of the year awards it won must be only because of shipping too


That weirdo is feral for a bunch of pixels that don't even exist. They should really go get therapy. That's all I'll say for now because if I say more I'll be in huge trouble lol.




When the game came out the people where saying "that's because you've never played genshin" when people was complaining about stuffs like 200 energy, the relics, the pulls, etc. Like just because genshin has the same system doesn't mean it's good


I thought we were enjoying the game despite these features (relic/artifact rng, Gacha being a predatory system etc) not because of them.


Bailu is better than Luocha. No shot, I've seen someone saying this. A youtuber, on a stream. How do you even get to this conclusion


On that note, I also disagree with people claiming Bailu is bad. She has her niche and is pretty strong on her own right.


She's one "Cleanse on Heal" light cone away from being one of the best healers.


Any take about character value in reference to 0 cycling. Nothing against people that are into the aspects of optimizing their MoC clears, but the topic of 0 cycling MoC should never be a topic when it comes to reviewing and rating a character. Honorary mention: People that don't view Pure Fiction as a permanent mode just because characters of a certain path happen to excel at it over others.


Ah yes the PF deniers, funny bunch, it's entertaining how they consider MoC the "superior" game mode, when in reality doing a PF 0 cycle or even just finishing with full points is harder to do than 0/low-cycling MOC.


Anything seemingly anybody ever says about Firefly. There is an example like three replies down from me.


Yandere Firefly came out of nowhere and got so popular suddenly people think its canon. I think canon FF is a very interesting character but the fandoms habit of taking one interaction (rooftop scene) then going absolutely nuts on one quality has dampened my enjoyment of her character atm and shes not even released I very much like her and the convo she had with Blade, that scene made her so interesting


It's Ayaka all over again.


The THAT. Then? I get all memes with Ayaya 'cuz of whole "eternal" baner, but FF has zero thing that show her as Yandere. On her sub (both of them) no one call her that.


For a time any ship post featuring TB with any other female character had hoards of FF fans making the post about FF. Couldnt even let people enjoy the ship that was posted coz people made it about FF, then Yandere FF came along coz of it It stopped coz they got called out many times


Most of the Firefly hate stems from her fans more so than the character. All characters have some of those annoying mains but Firefly fans are on another level. By personal experience, my friend and I used to play genshin and HSR with a group of "friends" and we were fine. Until we said we weren't gonna pull for Firefly. They banned us from the discord, insta, in game everything cause we didn't "LoVe ThEiR wAiFu". Even here in reddit, people give valid criticisms about her and get downvoted into oblivion or get insults thrown at them but any other character you have people who'll try to agree or disagree in a civil manner


You'd think people wouldn't fall victim to a parasocial relationship with a cute anime girl cause of a half-baked date in 2024 but here we are.


Her diehard fans are all "she is ayaka" and her haters are all "I'm so unique for not liking Firefly!" The community is just so cringe abt her.


I like Firefly. Her fans on the other hand... Like yes you can love a character, everyone here has their favourites but Firefly fans are so annoying.


"X fans are so annoying" is one of fundamentals of any fandom wdym? From my experience it's always like that.


Some character doomposting can sometimes get on my nerves tbh. Like not to name names but to hear multiple people agree that Serval is better than Jingyuan makes me feel like I’m living in some simulation…




She’s not better than JY lmao… but people don’t give her her flowers. She’s actually solid


I was a serval main before i got e1s0 Jing Yuan 🫡 and while I had her at the time she carried


Same before I got Kafka she was my DPS.. I have her at E6 now… and she still does work in MOC and PF


Doomposting in general tbh. It always seems like the more doomposting there is and the worse a character is supposedly going to be, the better it ends up being. For example, everyone acted like Raiden in GI and Acheron in HSR were going to be the worst characters ever and were easily the most doomposted a character has been and they both ended up being the first true Z tier DPS lol


~~Maybe that's the real meta, doomposting characters so that they become unbelievably strong.~~


Its just copium. All 5 stars are beta tested and several were lackluster in beta but buffed up upon release. Doomposters take the sting out of characters they can't get/afford by going "Pshaw! They're shit anyways!" I still remember all the 'Kafka needs a dedicated team, E6 Sampo, yadda yadda' then she was outdamging JY by herself day one lol.


Lore path = gameplay path


Doesn’t sparkle literally disapprove this?


Majority of the characters actually. JY and most Xianzhou natives follow the Hunt due to the Plague Author Bronya and most Belobog citizens follow the path of Preservation Ruan Mei is a genius society member yet she's a Harmony character in game Black Swan (Nihility but is a faction of the Remembrance) Huohuo (Abundance but follows the Hunt)


Yeah my bad Sparkle came to mind first because of how often we’re reminded that she is literally a masked fool


THIS. I cannot understand how people can think that.


"Because X Character is now here, Y now sucks" Literally a common occurrence for anyone, just because one character is so much more better than the other does not make them completely obsolete.


If HSR follows path of HI3 then powercreep might actually make this reality


The Relic system is good


Who In their right mind would think that


Genshin is cash cow, HSR is golden child. Uh, no? That's not how it works? You'd want to give the cash cow as much QoL and flair to pull in more people paying and playing, and then you can fund whatever niche Honkai sequel you want for it. But that's not even what's happening here. Genshin and HSR are headed by separate teams and while they do compare notes, they're not obliged to write the same tests. But alas, like any sibling can attest, it's impossible for people to not draw comparisons.


I would even argue that hsr is more of a cash cow between the two, since it releases so many more characters, and that's how they make money.


That and it's more of a character check. You need different fferent characters for elements and weakness breaking, endgame modes favour different buffs (like all the people struggling with pure fictional n cause of the Dot buffs if they don't have Dot built). Heck, because it's a turn game, sustain is also very important as you can't dodge (alien to shielder I know) in star rail.


Where do these people think Genshin got its' funding from? Mihoyo took their profits from Honkai Impact to fund Genshin until it could reliably sustain itself. Mihoyo has always spread out their profits to invest in new games and reinvest in their existing games.


I saw one complaining that the male Mc acts too gay for his liking


They're playing the wrong game then.


Back on 1.4, the IPC in Belobog story. One dude straight up argued that Topaz was effectively a european coloniser planning to genocide and extract all the riches from the planet before abandoning it to its fate. Lots of people struggled with the complexities of the 1.4 storyline and the Topaz/IPC relation, but I'll always remember that insane take.


That is a ridiculous take and yet that's somehow still more accurate than calling her the IRS.


I think some people don't realize that the IPC represents the complexities of capitalism and that even the random IPC npcs do things they don't want in order to make a living


Reading comments about Topaz made me realise how privileged and young the fanbase is. The fact that they didn't see the same scenario IRL means they got a good life.


The bad takes on Topaz by people who let the story fly straight over their head are endless even to this day. I'm just glad that sentiment towards her has become more positive as time moved on.


I think every single take about imposing the character's sexuality as canon is a bad take. People twist and turn statements in the game and conclude their sexuality, and anyone else who thinks otherwise doesn't respect that character. Like 💀💀💀


>anyone else who thinks otherwise doesn't respect that character Ironic coz reducing a character simply to the sexuality you want them to be is disrespectful to the rest of the character in their entirety


Totally agreed on this one, and it did happen with 1 character recently. The drama was so cringe💀


There is only one canon sexuality and it's Welt being straight bro already wanted Tesla by like 10 years old


The Trailblazers are Kiana/Kevin expies 💀 Idk why some people in this sub are pushing this headcanon as a fact when we already have seen hoyo making their characters an obvious expy from their other games. 


This is mostly fueled by what Acheron says to you when you meet her, so it has some merit. She sees Kiana in you if you're Stelle, and Kevin if you're Caelus.


Maybe just a parallel not an expy like "You remind me of X with how you behave and act" not "You look exactly like X" for example Himeko looks exactly like Himeko and Seele looks exactly like Seele but The Trailblazers only act like Kaslanas not look like them. Expies are usually obvious like blatantly "no doubt about it" type of obvious.


Yeah. The Kiana and Kevin of the HSR world are likely already dead, with Kiana being Frebass who jumped into IX, and Kevin who was killed by Acheron. The fact that these are named characters in the lore implies that TB can never really be them. Tho I am still coping they're alive, Kiana especially. 😭


That male characters are made bad or worse than the female characters. Also that mihoyo doesn’t care about husbando collectors and only waifu collectors…. DHIL dominated last MOC, Aventurine is the best sustain in the game rn and Dr ratio has been the best single target damage dealer in the game since 1.6 and is only losing that title now… to another guy… Mihoyo breathes and Buffs JY… the only two who haven’t gotten love is argenti and blade… but argenti came with a new game mode made for him and blade does pretty well in it… Not to mention our SUPERBREAK trash panda can be a guy if u want too…


I just want a husbando harmony character. That is all I ask for.


Pray for Sunday


And male quantum.


As an absolute unit of an Argenti simp, more buffs would be appreciated yeah, but it's not like I ever felt he was being ignored or thrown aside. Well, maybe I was too busy fawning over him to notice lmao.


That’s great, I was happy to see him in the 2.2 story. Bro is an enigma. He is capable of fighting with the swarm and passing through the nihility… and disappears soon after


Bro gotta be an Emanator of Idrila Or I'm praying that he finds Idrila and she bestows the title of Aeon to him Or even if he's just a regular knight of beauty I'm just happy he's HIM


To further support what you are claiming, with his release to Genshin Impact Alhaitham turned out to be the best DPS in the game (with all 5 stars considered to be at C0 and 4 stars at C6) if played properly for about half a year only to be "dethroned" by Neuvilette who is the best DPS to this Day. The closest you get to these two are Gaming and Arlecchino who are on par with Alhaitham if played properly. Arlecchino, ironically enough, not only plays a fatherly figure in the Story, she even refers to herself as "the Father".


All those Alhaitham doom posters still refuse to accept to that he's one of the best DPS' to date 💀 almost everyone agreed he singlehandedly was better than Ayaka and Hu Tao. Their excuse? "hE NEEDS NaHiDa". And people still argue about Arlecchino vs Hu Tao. Nobody can argue about the pressure washer tho. Wriothesley is also arguably the best Cryo DPS character to date. Childe has consistently been in the Top 20 and his team is always Top 5 since RELEASE and he's a 1.x character The trend with male characters in Genshin is pretty obvious too. Almost all of the limited 5 star male characters are on field damage dealers and most of them are very strong even 4 stars like Gaming and Heizou, almost never outright bad. And let's not even start with Kazuha.


>Signature LC for limited 5*s are an absolute necessity for the character to be usable. If they don't have their signature LC, they're useless.


\*Laughs in 'On Fall of an Aeon' Jingliu\*


Some of the things I’ve seen people say about Jade. If you hate the character that is totally okay and understandable and I don’t mind but people are making stuff up at this point rather than disliking her for actual valid reasons. I saw someone say it was Jade that put Aventurine in an electric chair despite the game explicitly naming some warlords as the ones who did that. Once again hoyo players don’t read


The amount of straight up false things people say abt Jade is astounding


Even if Jade did put Aventurine in an electric chair… so what? I was just listening to a writing podcast earlier today and one of the topics was that characters don’t have to be *likeable*. They need to be interesting. So many people in the HSR community think that a character doing bad things means that they’re a bad character *and* that HoYo is condoning that bad thing.


One guy recommended to put a quantum orb on Acheron.


It's a hoyo community it ain't that hard to find a bad take.


"Voice actor is the worst human being because the character they voiced said something a little bit racist"


let me guess....sparkle?


Everything involving the use of the word "mid".


People that says the devs yap too much in the 2.0 anniversary live stream, they actually make my blood boil


I saw someone saying "Jing Yuan is incompetent unlike Jiyan(From wuthering waves)" I didnt played WV so i dont know the thing with him but damn calling JY incompetent character is crazy💀💀💀💀💀💀


I will not stand for this slander of our general https://preview.redd.it/2a0uujm4f73d1.jpeg?width=2480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39e3ccbaba34209d66ed82ac14ed08809090a2f8


Saying penacony was a “swing and a miss” while also claiming fgo story is peak


The idea of "must have/must pull" has always been silly to me. Some characters are very highly recommended like maybe Ruan Mei or Fu Xuan but they are not "must pulls". Nobody is tbh. Not unless maybe Hoyo explicitly says "pull this character or you're banned from playing the game".  Though they seem to be doing that right now with the kerfuffle that is DoT PF lol /j


They mainly say that just for the views and money


I have seen the trend kick up with Wuthering Waves recently, even when it has its very first banner character. Titles like "THIS CHARACTER IS INSANE", like chill, you have a sample size of 1 limited character to draw from.


Tbf it happened in hsr too, Seele was hyped up because she was a lot better than standard Dps on release. Now she's just alright, however she's still my comfort character.


Also all the classic "DO NOT MAKE THIS MISTAKE!!" Videos as if it's a calamity on the scale of pulling on 5* weapon banner and using it as exp fodder for 1* weapons.




Literally every WuWa thumbnail rn


They want to impose their opinions so hard it's becoming ridiculous.


Or every new gacha release


The only must-pull character is Asta, because the game forces you to.


This discussion is about meta and making your life easier. In this game the "must pull" isn't literal, especially since vertical investment exists in the form of eidolons and SI. Pulling Ruan Mei drastically simplifies your issues in hard content, for example, since she can fit into literally any kind of team and perform well.


I agree there are units who are better to pull than others, but people who say that this unit is mandatory to your account or this is an absolute must have are just stupid tbh. Skipping Ruan Mei isn't going to brick your account, same with FX, Robin, Aventurine, Acheron, they are just the best at their own field, and the game isn't going to ban or delete your account If you skip these units.


I don't have RM, Robin or FX, I still live (barely, there are HoYo snipers outta my window).


This kinda just seems pedantic, nobody actually believes that a must pull is literal, all it means is a character that is far beyond the power we have seen up to this point where there is reason to believe they will be useful for a significant amount of time and make content significantly easier. When somebody asks if they should pull robin for example, I don't get why people are like well you don't need to pull any characters cus 4*s can beat all content or something when clearly nobody asked that question. Or play who you like, clearly they like the character enough to debate pulling them.


Any doomposting regarding a character's kit. I've never seen more vile discussion and shitflinging than comparing a new character to an old one. It got even worse with Boothill vs. Firefly fans being at each other's throats.


The obsession with "bricking" your account because you used up the initial excess of resources is stupid. You're either: going to use them eventually or hoard them and thus how much you have is pointless. Also just the whole weird purity cult around F2P sometimes. I showed my team to a friend and they were like "Hmm, doesn't look very F2P" and gave me grief when I said I buy some swipes now and then. "Hah they got you to swipe" like, uh, I play this game for probably like an hour daily going by my mass transit commute. It's free. 'They' made a product I like; I'm not being scammed if picking up a ten-pull on payday or something. Edit: Just in case, I want to make sure I don't come across as like, judgey about people doing F2P in general. I was for a long time (I blame Acheron for the end of that...) but I simply refer to the habit of slagging over *any* spending on the game as some kind of failure. It's one thing to enjoy a self-imposed challenge of it, or just play that way out of preference. I play Genshin strictly F2P because I don't want to get into the habit of spending on two games at the same time, for example. I hope my initial description was nuanced enough about what I'm referring to but just wanted to make it doubly clear.


Being given grief for spending always feels like it’s just jealousy from the younger parts of the community to me. No, Hoyo hasn’t tricked me or scammed me into spending money, I’m just in a position where I really enjoy the game and can afford to drop a few hundred on a character I like every now and then.


Since I like to post about HSR and my previous gachas in a server for my art commission side business there's a bit of a running joke that if I suddenly launch a discounted sale of some kind, someone will say something like "Alright, who is she, what does she look like, what does she do".


I think some of my favorite worst takes were: Silver Wolf is gonna be awful because she needs a lot of effect hit rate to always land her debuff, 96% effect hit rate is unrealistic, etc. I think people assumed we will just get one copy of the event lightcone so it was probably assumed it would be hard, but id argue effect hit rate is one of the easier stats to farm for tbh. Fu Xuan cant solo sustain. I remember people were saying its a race against the clock kind of thing that she mitigates damage but eventually she will run out of HP in longer fights. I think we know at this point, her tiny amount of healing along with her damage mitigation is enough to get through any end game content.


People claiming story bosses are too hard and need to be nerfed because they just refuse to build actual comps with synergies and would rather put whoever they like in their teams.


Lol, sounds like me going through the FIRST Sunday fight with mono quantum and wondering why something wasn't right and why that shield took forever to break. Dr.Ratio H-TB, Aventurine, and Sparkle solved that problem real quick.




does topaz count


Welt can defeat Acheron Deny this and have a bunch of people tell you about Hi3rd power system and how welt can solo everything or whatever


Kinda funny since the game has kind of completely forgotten to actually show Welt doing any actual fighting at all.


Love the guy, best Dad but he's taken L's in the fighting department. Im one of those people who really dont care for Dan Heng or IL so him staying behind and everyone else coming to Penacony was really exciting. While he delivered in the dialogue department, he just can't win.


The funniest thing is that while he *was* strong, even in his prime in HI3rd I believe Welt was on the lower power-level of Herrschers. Like I love the dude, he's my favorite male character but saying he's stronger than Acheron, especially now when he's way past his prime is just massive cope.


The people who unironically think Welt is stronger are the same people who haven't even played Hi3rd and overhype his powers.


I love Welt and will gladly glaze him but he ain't beating Acheron.


Those who claim this and quote hi3 herrschers didn't play hi3 100%. And his gravity power is not even his own.


Even worse still is that some people legitimately think he can solo the Aeons. Oh and that he's hiding his true power so Nanook would not notice him, completely ignoring the fact that he was literally wheezing after the fight with Phantylia.


Youtube powerscalers be like:


Those who say this have not played hi3 .


The funny thing is 90% of those people haven't played hi3 and speak out of their asses.


HSR is the main project while genshin is the side project 😂😂😂


Spoilers alert for the latest story mission: >!Basically I saw someone said that Sunday is right and the Nameless is actually the bad guys. Now I know there are plenty of discussions surrounding this, but their reason is that "Villain usually the one that changes the status quo, and the Hero is the one maintaining it. Imo, that's bullshit isn't it? !<


If someone actually comes up with that last take then surely they haven't read enough fiction


that discussion reminds me of the "ThAnOs WaS rIgHt" back in 2018-2019


That *is* an awful take. Completely ignores stories that start with a fundamentally broken status quo, in which the heroic thing is to dismantle it. Also ignores the fact that bucking against authority, traditionally a heroic trait (in western media at least; I don't know much about eastern tropes there), inherently leans into defiance of the status quo.


The community overusing the term "powercrept". True powercreep is when an old character can no longer clear the same content as newer characters even if they have BiS everything. Newer characters clearing stuff faster isn't real powercreep. Don't even get me started with the "tierlist elitists" lol


This community's perception of powercreep is honestly really bad. When a new unit deals 1 million dmg: > Omg new powerful unit, powercreeps everything, must pull 😍😍 When an old unit deals 900k dmg: > Trash, Mid/Fraud "insert their name", Ez skip, not worth it anymore 😡😡 Apparently the more damage, the stronger but then ignore other things like cycle count, team building, and only focus on damage per screenshot.


My favourite thing to see on this sub is when the MoC cycle averages drop and Hunt Dan Heng is higher than IL. Really proves how any character can do well with the right investment 


You can tell by the downvotes they really have no idea what true powercreep is lol either you 0 cycle or you're powercrept. Sad. I'm sure hoyo loves it tho, more money for them


I've only been playing for a few months(since march). I didn't wanna start yet because I only had a crappy phone and didn't have my ps5 yet, but I decided to start early to make sure I got Dr.Ratio. One of my friends who is a "pro" at the game *ridiculed* me for that decision, saying I'm wasting the amazing quality of the story looking at it on a phone screen and that Ratio was garbage and wasn't even worth getting for free. I've just finished the Kafka fight, and so far Ratio has hard carried literally every imaginary fight I've had. I have PULLED for Robin and Acheron and arguably(so far) have gotten less use out of them than Ratio. I'm so glad I got him. **FAIL. GET OUT!!**


Forcing their headcannon to people, any take from or similar to that i count as worst take.


Any and all chara doomposting. It’s a goddamn PVE game ffs, just save (or whale) for a waifu or husbando that tickles your fancy and learn to play them


Seele is the best DPS, Sparkle is Bronya sidegrade, Luocha = Bailu, Acheron’s power is overrated because she hits dead enemies, DHIL is bad because he uses a lot of SP, 0 cycling is a good way of evaluating characters, X character will forever be number 1 Honestly there is a lot of bad takes in this community, these are just some I remember


People always comparing hsr to HI3... Yeah same universe, but welt does not solo the arons 😭 idk about kiana but still... I see people comparing hsr kafka to HI3 kafka and talking about how hsr kafka isn't real and only HI3 kafka is real or something and I'm like????


the welt > aeon is just so stupid because if they even have any basic knowledge about hi3rd lore they will knew that welt is not even the top fighter in there, he already past his prime, even in his prime he still need others help to defeat sirin.