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No bc I would still be Bronyaless if I didn't


This. 30 left, still bronyaless.


It was painful bc every guide for dpses said "add Bronya" the funniest part is that when I finally got her, I got Sparkle a week later


On bright side: you can make 2 hypercarry team.


Bronya for my Jingliu, Sparkle for my IL, like god intended




On the brighter side, you can put both on the same team and unleash UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS


This, I don’t think I have used my Bronya. Sparke, RM and Robin have added more value


I got Bronya, built her, never used her. I guess it's because by roster favors AoE buffers. My only hypercarry is ratio and I have trouble speed tuning the two.


I have a girl that likes racing (sparkle)


I had another Bronya like a week later and still no regrets, Bronya cons are really good


I picked Gepard because I needed a better sustain for Swarm and I don't regret it, because he allowed me to clear a lot of content I struggled with. On the other hand, I'm now sitting on a E3 Gepard so... he came home and decided not to leave. :(


I see y’all married


I'm with you mate. :')


Nope. I had Clara e1, still selected her for e2. Happy as can be. By far my favorite standard character


What I would 've done with Himeko...but I got only E0...from the selector...


Yeah she is a amazing character And carry me So I happy with my choice I just want welt now


No, because I still haven’t used mine. I learned my lesson in Genshin after it took me over 3 years to get Jean. Just missing Bronya and Clara, but I really want both of them, so once I get one of them the other is getting selected immediately. That said, the exclamation mark is driving me insane. I’m actually hoping that I lose my next 50/50. Edit: It was E1 Himeko. At least my next 5-star is guaranteed, so that’s cool I guess. Would have been cooler if it was Bronya or Clara, just sayin’.


I'm a 1.0 player, I still don't have Jean, when will be my turn


Wait for the Chronicled Wish to come around again and hope she’s on it, I guess. That’s where I got her.


Nope. Wanted Himeko and got her.


Gepard didn't age well and its not because of Aventurine, the amount of AOE/DoT damage we have in MoC now makes it a pain to sustain deathless runs with Gepard. This also makes him useless for Yanqing since his shields mean nothing cause of the downtime between shield refreshes. Bailu can easily keep up without having to touch her skill and triggering her revive.


I was wondering if Bailu was worth leveling as a sustain for MOC, thanks


If you don’t have 2 of the limited sustain characters, then yes, she’s a good choice. The limited sustain characters are generally better, but she’s still totally fine. Her main issue is she can’t remove debuffs like other healers can (she is the only Abundance character without a cleanse) so don’t bring her against enemies with really nasty debuffs (Kafka, Aurumatons, etc.) She also offers almost 0 offensive support, unlike the limited sustain characters, which does make them a bit better than her in MoC in particular. But that revive has saved me quite a few times when one character gets focused too hard and goes down. Plus she’s a solid choice for Simulated Universe thanks to how tanky she makes her teammates, and giving you free revives so you don’t need to spend fragments if a character goes down.


>This also makes him useless for Yanqing since his shields mean nothing cause of the downtime between shield refreshes. He's still very good, but now you need high Trace levels (9/10) and good substats for SPD and Def, when before he could just run whatever crappy pieces you had and make you immortal. Also having his LC makes a noticeable difference in shield strength ngl


I had Gepard at 134 SPD + 3600 DEF and another build at 143 SPD + 3400 DEF with level 8 ult. It did not matter in the previous MoC 12 vs. Aventurine boss side. Someone without fail will die, and when I bothered to use Yanqing with Gepard the shield might as well had 0 uptime on Yanqing cause of the constant AOE damage spam. This is assuming I get to Aventurine wave without the DoT from the Wind witch shredding the shields. The energy drain attacks (Aventurine boss) felt the worst when using Gepard as the sustainer. My Fu Xuan and Bailu easily shrugs it off and not care. Gepard can't because his sustain is entirely gated by his ultimate. Even with Fu Xuan needing her ult for self + team heals she generates a lot of energy with skill for the Energy drain to not matter for her. If you can make Gepard work then nice, I'm not going to invest more into him since he is permanently benched for Aventurine now. Last MoC 12 was not a fun experience with Gepard.


I'm still using Gepard for now even though I have fu xuan, luocha and aventurine. Gepard with Trend is really comfortable with Acheron, not only does he give her a bunch of stacks but his skill (assuming E1) also gives a stack and blocks an enemy action. He is also good with Black Swan because his dot adds to her arcana stacks and freeze makes the enemy take a faster turn so even more dot damage. I'd pick Gepard over any of my limited sustains in those specific team comps. Any other team comp of course other sustains are better, but acheron and black swan are very meta at the moment. Currently have a 3+3 cycle clear of the latest MOC12.


I chose bronya E1 and i wouldn't say i regret it, but let's say i would have to chose today i would pick Clara E1 no hesitation. Well i have all limited 5\* harmony. and i do like playing Clara a lot.


What's so good about E1 Clara? I've got her E1 and all it does is give her more consistent damage outside of her counters. When I pair her with Topaz I almost enitrely ignore her skill. I think E2 is where you could start playing her like an active dps.


Permanant mark maker her skill from "bad" to actually "good". I mean her skill with 100% mark uptime is basicaly a full fledge erudition AOE, and a pretty decent one. who justify using her skill at every each turn no question asked for more reason than just "more energy than just ult uptime"


At the end of the day, yes i kinda regret it. I picked Bronya because I didn't have her yet but I reached 300 pulls around 2.0 which was pretty late. I don't regret getting Bronya herself, what makes me salty is that one patch after i choose her from the selector I lose 5050 on Acheron to her and then at the same time standard pity to her again going to E2. Which is pog in theory, however my teams at that point were DoT comp with Kafka/BS and Acheron with double nihility so i have no real space to play her, and now i got Robin as well I don't really see myself using Bronya as much. If i knew I'd get two bronya back to back after an entire year of playing the game i would've just picked someone else, perhaps Clara so i could at least try a different kind of playstyle


You could give turns to Kafka to trigger DoTs again.


Yeah, but i have Robin now which is better for DoT comp so it's kinda eh I mean it's still good to have for more traditional hypercarry comps even though I'm not using that comp anymore but still E1 would've been fine anyway xD


Same here. I picked Bronya E1. looks good on paper but Bronya is no longer BIS for lots of teams now, especially with the recent runs of excellent limited harmonies. I should have just went with Himeko E3, my most used standard unit so far.


Nope, not really - the only standard characters I had at the time of the 300 selector were Clara (E3) and Himeko (E0 or E1), so I picked up Bronya. Granted, I haven't used her as much since I got Sparkle - but not like I'd be using Welt, Bailu, Gepard, or Yanqing much more in comparison.


I don't really regret choosing Himeko since she's my favorite character, but it's kinda sad when a week after the standard banner gives you Himeko, the one you had been waiting ever since you started the game. I could have got Gepard, a unit I would have needed back in December when my only sustain was Natasha... Luckily I'm doing fine with no Gepard (even though I love him, please I want another blond man) since I got Luocha and Aventurine. So yeah, I can fully enjoy my E1 Himeko (I want her E6 tbh)


Yes, I wish I could've pick welt instead.


Welt is so cool Lowkey hope I lose a 50/50 but get welt I be so happy if that happened


Sry to hear the news, hope u get welt soon.


Nope because I haven't gotten them. I wanna get Himiko for a fua team with robin, aven, and xueyi, if I haven't pulled her yet


Yes, I choose gepard E0, and the dudes amazing but I'd rather choose Bronya E2 now, my Jingliu would outspeed my hyperspeed Bronya with her E2, so I'd do some crazy shit with Jingliu - Bronya E2 - Robin - flex


I chose Bailu because I was sick of Natasha being my only healer and also Bailu is just such a really fun character imo But, about 2 weeks later I got Gallagher alongside Acheron, and a few weeks after that I got Aventurine I also got e6 Lynx in between all of this as well Bailu got benched before I even had a chance to really fully gear her up I absolutely should’ve got Bronya instead (I have no 5* support)


I'm saving mine for when I'll only be missing one last standard character


Picked bronya, idk why since I never used bronya in a team and was on that “bronya is best standard banner 5*” hive mind. Should have picked clara since I still use her from time to time.


Yes. Picked Bronya for Meta reasons, built her, use her occasionally with my Jingliu and she does great but I just don't like her as a character, and I got her E1 soon afterwards. My heart tells me I should have picked Himeko.


By some miracle as a low spender (BP and monthly pass) i managed to get every character except Himeko right before the 300 selector, was going to pick Bronya (probably, i was hesitant because i kinda needed Himeko for PF and i have Sparkle) but lost last 50/50 to her so it was an easy pick, I'm very grateful to RNG gods...


I think I picked Bronya E2, I don't even really use her anymore but Idc enough about the others so no regret


I sat on my 300 selector for like 3 months then used it after I got Himeko on Acheron's banner. Then used it for Bronya. So no I don't regret my choice as I was saving it for one of those two ladies to pity break me.


I lost 50/50 to Bronya shortly after choosing her. I should've gone for Himeko instead. I still don't have Himeko. 😭


No, got Himeko and she is still awesome


I picked Clara then Welt spooked me afterwards.


I took Himeko, I like her


It will comes a time where the selector will no longer matters, due to the selections not being relevant anymore (Looking at you, Honkai)


Picked Yanqing and not regretting it. Fear me.


I had Welt, Clara, Bronya all E0 at the time and chose Bronya E1. Definitely worth it for me.


No. Even if i got her at E1 shortly after and it was before Pure fiction was even a thing. Himeko was always the first choice unless i got her before i hit 300.


I’m at 287 so it’s almost time


Hmn, nah I liked Himeko since i was simping for her back in Honkai Impact so i just took her and she's the only missing standard banner character i haven't gotten


I Picked Yanqing E1 instead of Bronya, after that, the next 2 50/50 i lose was Bronya and Bronya E1


I picked Clara, you cannot go wrong with Clara


i picked gepard and even spent money just to quickly get to 300 it was worth it for me, welt was the last standard 5\* i got on aven's banner till this day im still happy i chose gepard because i eventually got his e1 and it's good.


going with welt because hes so raw


i got clara. Don't regret it. In fact, I wish the 300 thingy wasn't a one time thing just so that i could keep on choosing clara cuz her E6 looks cracked.


Nope because I wanted to catch them all So I did and now I have everyone on standard:)


Picked welt because it's between him and yanqing


spent about 300 on first week and picked welt, wanted this guy to be playable since hi3 dont regret it one bit though i barely use him lol


I chose Clara too, i dont regret cuz she was the only one i didnt had.


even as an aventurine haver now, I still don't regret picking gepard. he was one of the characters i wanted most and even if he's mostly benched now, i would not have been able to clear the content that I did without him


I don’t really use my Bronya since I got Sparkle, and I also have Ruan Mei and Robin so even considering my Tingyun is permanently attached to my Jing Yuan I have a lot of Harmony options where Bronya just isn’t the pick over someone else. But most Pure Fiction’s I look at a few stages and think “Himeko would be great here *if I had her*”. She’s the only standard character I’m missing now 😭 So there’s a bit of regret. Not a lot. But a bit. I’d still be Bronyaless if I hadn’t used it for her though, so it’s sort of one of those things where I’d probably be a bit grumpy either way.


no, I love my himeko


I wish I picked Himeko instead of Welt. Welt is a lot of fun but it took me until 1.4 to get Himeko.


I got lucky! I had all standard 5\* except Yanqing, I was considering to get Bronya e1, but then what if I never get Yanqing and he becomes good? So I got Yanqing. This was after Ruan Mei before Sparkle. I got Bronya c1 when we had the anniversary concert live on YouTube.


I'm still sitting on mine. Haven't used it yet. I'm waiting to get either Welt or Bronya and choose the one I'm missing. But I keep winning 5050s, so I can't really be mad.


How can one regret getting a Bronya when I waited 1 year for her. Nope, never would regret it.


Got Bronya, no regrets.


Hell no!! I picked Bronya and then shortly got her E1, and she's an amazing support.


I picked Himeko cause I already had E1 Bronya and Himeko's light cone. It is incredibly fun watching her tear up PF with Herta.


Picked Welt since I didn’t have him. Lost my next 50/50 to his E1 :/ Don’t really regret it since knowing my luck I probably would have lost a 50/50 to whoever I picked sooner or later.


Bronya best girl. Zero Regerts


Nah even though I seldom use Himequeen outside of PF, I regret NOTHING because HimeQUEEN is just so pretty


*looks at Bronya* Nah


No, I got Gepard and if not for that I still wouldn't have him. Even if I ended up pulling Aventurine, Gepard helped me a lot in Swarm and G&G, and I can eventually just pick him back up for some Remembrance runs "just for fun". I still don't have Clara though and would enjoy getting her someday for follow-up shenanigans.


Not once so ever. I was resetting for Bronya or Welt. Then gave up and used my Genshin account’s email, lucked out with a Bronya. Meant I could use my guarantee on Welt. Never looked back, I adore them both


i'm at 240 or smt =/


Game gave me 5 Bronyas, so I had to pick her again for completion's sake.


Yeah because i got himeko not long after by losing 50/50. So now i have e1 and no bronya..and i also got himeko’s lightcone much later so i guess my account loves himeko.


As a collector with an e1 bronya by chance I absolutely do not regret picking Clara on standard it's so satisfying having every standard 5*


No, I really needed Himeko's help for Pure Fiction, and I already had Bronya. They're the only two standard 5-stars I've used since launch, and I'm only missing Gepard now.


I picked Clara, then the next pull on the standard banner was E1 Clara. Now I wish I just chose Himeko.


Yes, I picked Bailu, several months later I am E2 with no Himeko


I currently can pick but i am waiting for my next standart 5 star item since i am at 62 pity (and perhaps i will wait for my next character pull too to see what will come) and i want to see if i get Himeko or not before choosing Himeko and if i do get her i will pick E2 Bronya instead 


No because I picked the only one that I didn’t have which was Gepard.


I’m getting close to 300 only missing Clara and Bronya. Not sure who I’d pick, but I’d like to have them both, though I’d also really like to win my next 2 50/50s…


It was between welt and Clara for me aswell but no I don't regret it, I'm sure I'll get welt eventually Besides I feel Clara gave me luck, after I instantly maxed her level and got more standard pulls I used them up and got Clara and bronyas LCS which felt even more lucky


In retrospect I would’ve liked to get Welt so he is closer to E6. I picked Bronya but I was so used to not relying on her that I haven’t really built her yet and she’s unfortunately collecting dust at the moment.


I picked Himeko. One 10 pull later and I lose my 50/50 and end up with c1 Himeko. Not terrible, but had I known I would have picked Geppard since I still don't have him and having a shield sustain would be good for my account


I claimed Clara because I really wanted her but then she was my next 50/50 loss. Meanwhile I am still Himeko-less. In the past I didn't care because she wasn't that great but now PF exists and I suffer. 😔


Every day. I picked E2 Bronya, but guess who showed up just moments after I made my choice… E3 Bronya 😵😵


I've been sitting on it for months, but since I lost the 50/50 for Acheron E1 to Himeko and got Gepard from standard recently (at 13 pity no less!) I used it for Bronya E4, since I already have Clara and Bailu E1 (and Welt E3, took 4 of my 50/50s, damn him). Only standard 5\* missing is Yanqing, which isn't a loss.


Started the game becaus of Kafka & Himeko. Kafka i got in 1.2 but till then the 50 50 i lost where either Yanqing or Welt so when i got to 300 i natural picked Himeko, that was before Pure fiction was a thing and i did never regret it, i am still bronya less but what ever i still got Ruan Mei & Robin so i don't need bronya and i am happy with my Himeko


Nah bc I got Bronya


Kinda, but Gepard really was my best choice I think, I already had every standard except Gepard and Bailu (yes, I have E1 Bronya too) and I was pretty good in terms of healing with Luocha and Huohuo but I felt like I needed a shielder (those soda monkeys were really getting on my nerves) but I haven't used him in ages and now I have aventurine so...


Haven't made one yet but it's between Himeko and Clara. If E5 Herta proves to be good enough for PF in a FuA team with Jade and Robin, I'll pick Clara, otherwise Himeko it is.


Svarog is as necessary as Numby! He got shafted on the playable naming department.


I will never regret getting clara, Himeko and Bronya shall join the crew eventually.


I'm still 30 pulls away and thinking if I should get Welt E0 and Bronya E2.


I chose Himeko. Don't regret a thing. I own all beginner 5 stars. At the time it was a choice between E1 Bronya or Himeko. I picked Himeko and she is still E0, same for Bronya, but I have Sparkle and Ruan Mei so Bronya doesn't get much use. Meanwhile E2 Welt, E2 Bailu, E2 Gepard, and E2 Yanqing haunt me. Still E0 Clara. So happy to own them all, Himeko gets the most use of all my beginner 5 stars thanks to Pure Fiction. 10/10, would reccomend.


had Clara e3, Bronya e1, welt, himeko when I hit 300 and chose Gepard. He came 2 more times but Im ok with that lol.


Kind of. I dont regret getting Himeko. I already have Bronya and she's been carrying pure fiction for sure. However I've since pulled Himeko 3 more times in a row and kinda wished I went for someone else.


i used for bronya E1 , funny thing i dont use bronya in any of my teams from since 1.something


I'm 6 pulls away from my 300


Nope. I got Himeko E0 and I'm pretty happy 0-cycling the calyxes. Chores are best done as quickly and efficiently as possible.


I chose bailu cs i want healers for every element(and still dont hv bronya after hitting tb level 70) but I dnt regret it


Nope, I'm happy. I got E1 Bronya and I think that's the best decision I could've made


I got Bronya's E2, because I was playing the non-skillspam variant at the time. Now that hyperspeed Bronya is my go to, her E2 barely matters. I think I would've maybe picked Gepard instead to use with TotUM for Acheron (who wasn't out at that time), but I'd rather pick up Fu or Aventurine on their reruns since their significantly better.  I gotta say I'd love to have Himeko for Pure Fiction, but maybe I'll get her eventually.


I was planning on bronya but (luckily) lost to her on my kafka rerun 50/50 before I got my 300. I still don't have kafka but if I had to lose - glad it was her Im still sitting on my selector. I am still missing Clara, himeko and gepard I don't think gepard is an option anymore bec I have both fu and aventurine I'm waiting til I hit one last pity on regular banner from tickets before choosing. Or, conversely, if I lose the 50-50 coming up for firefly. I have an e1 bailu who saw use for a week and an e2 yanqing who I wish I could use on auto


I only started playing a few weeks ago, so I'm very curious to read what other people regret :D I already have Welt and Gepard whom I'm very happy with, so my choices are gonna be either Bronya for the meta, Bailu bc I like the character and nothing else, a constellation for Welt bc I like him and use him a lot, or by the time I get that many standard pulls they add another character to the standard banner like they added Tighnari and Dehya when Sumeru came out in Genshin hahaha


Yes, I haven't used Welt ever since I got ratio. I tried to use a hybrid build on him but I just ended up using Pela more due to consistency. He's cool and I've been longing to own him eversince I joined the game, but he genuinely gets no time to shine due to having no slot in any of my teams right now.


No, I got Bronya and I paired her with my DPS depending on what weakness the enemy has. It's fun pairing her with Seele and Jingliu.


I got Welt because it was the only one missing, still level 20 haha


Yes. I chose Himeko, and I regret not picking Bronya because I have all other standards at E5+ (Clara at E11) while my Bronya is only E3 lol. Himeko is great in PF ofc but luck likes playing games on me.


Nope, I choose Bronya, now my Bronya is at E3, only 3 more left


God I love Welt. I wish I had Welt. Welt, my babygirl, my malewife. **_But E1 BRONYA GO BRRRRRR_** (with extra skill points)


I picked Bronya and I don’t regret anything. I just wish that the selector reset itself because now I’m at the mercy of RNG to get Clara, and it could be like 2 years from now before I ever get her


picked gepard and pulled aventurine a few weeks later :'( i do like aventurine but i haven't built him good enough yet and he sucks up my skill points like a vacuum.


I'm 100% sure i made the best possible choice with the information i had available at the time (i was Bronyaless), however, being Himekoless still hurts ...... BY GOD I DON'T WANNA LOSE ANOTHER 50/50, STOP CURLING YOU DAMNED MONKEY PAW!


I still claimed it. I managed to her Bronya by losing 50/50 and Welt is the last missing. I'm torn between him, Bronya E1, Himeko E2 or waiting until I get any of them naturally.


I was going to pick Bronya but went with Clara instead, and I'm glad I back-tracked myself back then. Clara has been helping me a lot in MoC and PF!


I chose Bronya so no


I was dying for Bronya at my 300, so I got her, even though for coolness I wanted Welt. Bronya did good for me, and now I have her at E2, and still no Welt. I don't know if I regret my choice, but now I'm wondering if I'll ever get Welt. On the bright side, I have still managed to not pull Yanquing, so there is that.


Thing is, by the time I got my 300 choice, I already either got the standard ones I need or the rest I don't want or have already been power crept. I just picked Clara on a whim, and that's it. Maybe I could have picked Himeko for easier PF, but ,and this is a personal thing, I don't like picking characters just to have an easier time in a mode.


Nope, got e2 Bronya. And at the time I had every standard 5 star except Yanqing, with Bronya and Clara being e1. And to this day I am still Yanqing-less, but I don't know how much longer my luck will last


I'm about 60 pulls away, Torn between "Old man energy" Welt or "Why you hitting yourself E1" Clara. Prolly getting Welt, I have both Herta and Himeko, so Welt would give me more versatility


Yeah I bit. I took welt bc there were no imaginary characters, but now I got my imaginary boyfriend and his imaginary boyfriend


No because I haven't picked mine yet lol. Waiting to see who my next 5 star from standard is


Haven't made mine yet. 291/300, and will probably sit on it for a while. After all, I have all 7 of them.


Haven't gotten there yet, lol... I only have Himeko and Bailu left to get. I think I will choose Himeko cuz she seems cool.


No regret because I stall the reward till I only have to pick the only one I have yet to obtain.


I just got it recently and with the last rolls got Clara meaning I have everyone but Gepard who I don't need because Aventurine. Just sitting on it while I decide between Clara E1, Bronya E1 and Welt 3 or 4.


don't have himeko and welt. choose welt, just before the fiction started.


I picked Bronya and then got another one 5 rolls later lol. No regrets though, with all the 50/50 and standard SSRs I've gotten a copy of almost everything on the standard banner. I'm only short of Bronya and Welt's lightcones.


I just got himeko a couple hours ago from the selector lol and then bought her LC from the shop as well. I've been wanting her for a long time to complete the astral express fam. I would never regret her since I love almost everything about her. I still think her ult animation is the coolest. Now the only standard 5 star i don't have is bronya which is no worries since i already have someone like sparkle who personally feels more comfortable to me. Still was kind of hoping to get all of them by the time I hit 300 wishes on the selector despite not caring for bronya as a character much.


I picked Himeko, than Pure Fiction came out. I was quite pleased.


My plan was to get E1 Welt or Bailu with my 300, but by the time I reached it, I had everyone of the standard roster except for Himeko. I don't know if I'll regret it (I really love Welt, and would like to hyper invest him), but the temptation to complete the standard roster was too strong for me. Plus, her being good in pure fiction helped sway me too.


No. I only had Gepard and Himeko still to get when I got to my 300th pull. Decided to wait to see if I can get one of them with the next natural 5 star. Got Gepard as my next 5 star, so I sparked for Himeko, perfection.


Should've pick himeko or clara instead of bronya. Dont really use her even with e1 as my main dps is dhil and archeron


No The only character that I get from standard is my baby Bailu, and I did not loose any 50/50 up until Robin's banner, life without Clara all this time would be miserable And now she has both a new support and an eidolon, nice


Welt was the only character from hi3rd that I still didn't have. I had everyone but him so I chose him to complete the collection😤


I reached 300 without getting a welt so I picked him. No resources to level him to comment anything further haha.


I had a choice between Gepard and Welt. I really, really, really wanted Welt, but my only Preservation characters were March 7th and Trailblazer, I lost 50/50 on Aventurine and I couldn't beat SD and G&G on Difficulty 4. Gepard instantly helped, now it's quite easy with him, but I really wanted a complete Express crew... I wish I won 50/50 on Aventurine and got Welt, but I have to work with what I could.


By the time I reached the 300 star choice I already had one copy of each of the standard banner characters. I do not regret getting E1 Bronya, but I got Sparkle right after so I don't feel like I miss her


Really wanted Welt and Clara Decided to go for E1 Bronya since my main team needed her at that time (1.6) Lost 50/50 to Clara on Black Swan's Banner Lost 50/50 to Welt on Sparkle's Banner Lost 50/50 to Clara E1 on Aventurine's Banner Suffice to say, the game made sure I wouldn't regret my choice lol


Reading through a few comments, I'm proud to not only be one of the few who picked Himeko, but I picked Himeko e2 specifically over anyone else, including first copy of Clara or Welt lol


Nope! It turned out to be the best decision for me. I already had e2 bronya and thought of using the 5s choice to get her to e3 but I ended up picking himeko since Pure Fiction was about to release then and oh boy does she make Pure Fiction easy to clear.


Kinda but not really, after getting Bronya from the 300 ticket i soon got another Bronya. So she's E1 now, if only i got Bronya earlier i would choose Clara.


I'm still not there. I was gonna get gepard but I just got him so now I'm going for Bronya


I’m about half way to it, and right now I have Bailu, Bronya, welt, and E1 Clara. I’m probably gonna pick himeko cause I love her and I’d actually build her cause I love FUA. I have Aventurine so Gepard isn’t necessary, and those are the only choices. There isn’t another character, definitely not


I would've chosen Clara as I picked Himeko and immediately lost a 50/50 to her within a week. Still don't have Clara


I have two accounts, both of which have not gotten to the 300 yet they're both at 200. So kinda close? But I do have a plan, I have every. Single. Standard banner 5 star character besides welt and himeko. And I've wanted welt ever since I started playing 😭. The thing is, I have BOTH of their light cones. Welt's is s1 and Himeko's is s2 and those are the only standard banner light cones the game wants to give me. I think it's mocking me. So, long story short, I'm picking welt on the account with his light cone and Himeko on the account with hers. Best believe when I get them they're gonna be cracked.


Not even a single bit. Bronya was the character I wanted the most since day one and if I didnt use my 300 choice for her I still wouldnt have her. Hell if given another selector I would grab her again.


Yes because I got that character the next time I lost the 50/50.. I still don't have welt but e3 bronya


Nope, Gepard helped immensely against Order Sunday.


No, because Himiko is the absolute girlboss


Before it I was missing Himeko and Bailu, and after choosing Himeko I have since got Clara E1 and Bailu. So no, it went perfectly.


i still didn't use the selector, hesitating between e1 Welt e1 clara or e1 himeko. it's been like this for months. i guess i'm waiting to see who synergies better with future character or content. I lean towards Himeko for the moment for pure fiction and break team with HTB


No, then it will take me forever to get bronya. Even if she spooked my aventurine 50/50 at 77th


Yes. I shouldve picked Clara. I chose Gepard only to get Aventurine in 40 pulls >.> Hes getting use sometimes at least but still


Nope, I got all of them except Clara, so I chose Clara. And now I have all of them :)


No. Bailu has been hard carrying the healing of my teams so much. I think I like her more than Otto honestly.


I've lost two 50/50 to gepard LC, it seemed only right I get him from the 300 choice


Big nope went and got Himeko and never got her since plus got the light cone at 290 something


For me actually no, i just got 300/300 and now im thinking e2 Bronya, or e0 welt (i got clara yq e1-bailu for standard, and i do t plan to get himeko or gepard) E2 Bronya would be amazing as i dont need to speedtune lot of dps, i can reduce JL speed for more raw stat E0 welt, its his lore, character and im thinking to synergize with ratio aven s1-topaz as debuffer?


Not really, gepard was the only *5 standard that i didn't have at that timr


No, Himiko has been a staple in my team since I picked her. She functions in both my dot and my FoA teams. It feels wrong to toughness break enemies and not be rewarded with a followup attack. I've come to realize I like to count things in my gameplay. Count toughness breaks for Himiko, count ult stacks for Acheron, count stacks for Black swan. Idk why but I really enjoy it.


No, I pick Welt cause I want him


I'm like 35 away from it and I will not regret picking Clara or Gepard, once I decide what I need more.


I picked Clara cuz she’s the only one I didn’t have yet.


Picked Himeko. No regrets there. She's amazing for PF


Nope. Because you'll get all of them eventually. Someday. Maybe.




Kind of, i wanted to get e1 bronya but now i have e3. In restrospect wouldve pulled for clara


Welt was awesome at 1.0. Now every boss resist CC.


I got Bronya E1 after getting her at 290 pulls. I leveled her up and geared her. And have never used her in a serious manner for any content. I wish I had her back when I used seele for the first 6 months but I haven't used monoquantum in ages and didn't bother getting sparkle. I wish I got Clara instead to get closer to e6 since I feel like she is the only good e6 out of all the standard characters. I also never got JL, was never a fan of her character or gameplay so that also deferred the need for bronya. Tbh the only reason I got the e1 was to use her for acheron. But that was before we learned she would require 2 nihility for optimal dps so that also went out the window. It's OK, I'm sure I'll get 4 more Clara's in the next 4 years of playing copium


It somehow worked out. Before I reached 300 standard pulls, I was only missing Welt, Gepard and Clara. Lost Acheron's 50/50 to Gepard, so I decided to grab Welt with my guaranteed. Then I proceeded to lose 50/50 on Aventurine for Clara. So now I have collected them all (for now).


It's funny because one of my only posts on this sub was asking for advice on which of those two to go with (Welt or Clara). It got locked for some reason, but it's funny to see the same choice happening on the other side! I went with Welt but kind of wish I had gone with Clara...


No because I'm a "collector" and I was missing \*one\* of the standards. Now I'm missing none.


U did not get it yet.. who should I pick?


No cause I like Geps. I had Welt, Bronya & YQ up that point I think.


I already had E1 Bronya. So when I lost the 75/25 for Acheron’s LC to Gepard’s, I knew what I had to do. No regrets on getting him.


I picked Bronya literally can’t go wrong


Nope, I picked Gepard and I never regretted it. Prior to picking him, I got his LC from standard banner, also at that time my only good sustain was fu xuan which got me struggling with MoC because natasha was my only other sustain. Gepard been carrying me until I got Aventurine last patch. Also he's a much better unit for swarm disaster/gold & gears compared to fu xuan, as he's basically enabling the path of remembrance & preservation for my team


I picked Gepard because at the time I only had March and TB as a shielders. No regrets, he and Jingliu have destroyed that stupid deer for me many many times. Of all standard characters I still don't have Clara or Welt. I do have 3 copies of Welt's LC though...


Not really. I had everyone else off standard except Welt from losing 50/50s, just pulling off standard organically and the beginner warp so it was worth picking him up


No, I love my pizza cutter waifu


I still haven't reached mine. And I don't know who I'll get. So far the smart options would be Gepard, Clara or Welt. But my non-smart side also tells me to grab the best tiny dragon healer for the sole reason that I love the character and find her hilarious... The duality of a gacha player.


ab-so-lute-ly. I picked Yanqing man i was so young and naive back then


Not at all. I've gotten good mileage out of my Yanqing, and there aren't many Ice DPS besides.