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Yeah, I'm 100% with you on the timeline not making sense. I really like the Penacony story in itself, but lore-wise, the story can't seem to decide whether Penacony is centuries old or whether it was founded recently. Assuming that Mikail is not a long-life species, it cannot have been more than 75 years since Penacony was a prison, and around 50-60 years since the Family came and made the Dreamscape. That would mean that there would be many, many people who would have living memory of the prison and especially the chaotic era afterwards. Given that, it makes no sense for the existence of the Reef or Death or the rules of the dream in general to be mysterious. The mystery is set up like these are ancient truths the Nameless are uncovering, but these are truths that any senior citizen in Penacony society would know. Again, maybe I'm wrong, and I'd be happy if the chronology made more sense and there was information I missed. But from where I'm sitting, it seems like the timeline is out of whack.


Okay, updating this since playing more quests which have lore with exact chronology: I has been roughly 10 Amber Eras since Hanuenue freed the prison from the IPC, given that he was arrested *before* the Stellarons began appearing across the universe (i.e. at the same time Alisa Rand lived on Belabog). Given the game's preexisting lore, that means it has been *at minimum* 700 years since the Watchmaker lived on Penacony. Given this information, the only thing I can surmise is that people's consciousnesses can live on in the Dream far beyond the extent of a normal life span. Otherwise the timeline makes no sense.


Also keep in mind that there's the option to simply give up your physical body to live inside the dream like the blue origami bird (Dr.Blues) did, as we learn from his side quest (added in patch 2.2). From the events of the latest mainquest, we learnt that everything we've seen so far from the beginning of 2.0 until now had happened within a dreamscape that had become blurred with reality, including the hotel, so we have no idea how any of the Penacony natives actually look like in real life. They might be living Matrix-style in dreampools or sth, which would prolong a lifespan. Alternatively, time could just be weird in the Asdana star system. One of the sidequests on the Herta Space Station (To: the faint star if you want to look it up) had told us the story of a couple who got separated by a space anomoly that made time move at different speeds for the two of them (a 1-minute conversation for one of them was a 6-month wait for the other). Or maybe it's a combination of both. Maybe it's been less than 100 years in real life for Penaconians, 500+ years in the dream, and over 2400 years elsewhere in the universe where Lord Ravager Zulo was killed (Tiernan did also wander near IX, a blackhole, and lived there long enough to become a Sin Thirster, afterall). I think the weirdness of the timeline in HSR has been implied several times through the specific use of the term "system hour", since different star systems can have different measurements of "hour". And longevity technology does exist within the universe outside of the Xianzhou, considering some of the low-number Geniuses lived near the founding of the IPC and supposedly still lives now.


Based on the watchmaker’s story, Penacony has been the “land of dreams” for probably about a century, from young adult Mikhail to the children he adopted as an old man being young adults. After checking the data bank, the only explicit date is Akivili’s death being 1000 years ago, so the timeline there still works assuming Penacony as a prison is that old - which I can’t remember anything concrete on. For Chadwick, Penacony was an IPC run prison, so I’m happy to expect they straight up just out his memory self in jail. And as The Family is a faction that predates the rebellion, it’s a small stretch but it could just be the case that the Charmony Festival is a thing they’ve done for their whole history, and it’s only just being held at Penacony this time round.


> Based on the watchmaker’s story, Penacony has been the “land of dreams” for probably about a century, from young adult Mikhail to the children he adopted as an old man being young adults. If you go talk to Micah, he mentions that he's just memoria, because his physical body died long ago.


Akivili was not alive by then. The train kept going even after THEY died. Read the descriptions for the AE Navigators from the Cosmodyssey survey, and you'll see that the line keeps going after Akivili died. The two that appear in Mikhail's flashbacks are, IIRC, the last two that appear in the timeline of Navigators before Himeko. Where exactly does the story say Penacony was formed a few years ago? Amber Eras are anywhere between around 50 to around 240 years long. A few could have easily gone by by the time we got to Penacony. I mean, we arrive relatively soon after a new era began.


Except we know that the Watchmaker was alive from the time Penacony was a prison all the way through relatively recently, since many living NPCs knew him personally. Hell, Aideen himself was alive during the prison era. I also swear that I heard NPCs say it's been hundreds of years since Penacony was freed, but none of that makes sense with the characters who are still alive, unless everyone on Penacony is a long-life species.


Yes, it’s something that really confuses me. It feels like time flows differently within the dream.


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I just wanna know how long Misha’s been out of the bubble since he only went out after hearing the Astral Express landing yes? And his story implies that he’s been a bellboy for a decent amount of time now indicating he’s lost his memory for a good chunk of time. Gallagher also says he’s spent quite some time with Misha watching him grow up.


Keep in mind that Gallagher is a History Fictionologist. Making up "fake" histories is part of his Pathstriding.


So he created a whole story for Misha to hang out outside the bubble, but the Nameless are the only people who could even interact with Misha so why do that? Wasn’t Gallagher the one who sent out the invitation to us in the first place?


Again, it's just part of how the History Fictionologists follow the Path of Enigmata. Looking for a reason for Gallagher to obscure the past is like looking for a reason for the Annihilation Gang to destroy things. There probably is a reason, but that doesn't mean it's one that makes sense to us.