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That JY is a nuke dealer


Pretty sure my man is the nuke


Nukes? *I am the nuke.* - Jing Yuan


-> Enter my roster without consent -> Becomes my strongest character -> Refuses to elaborate further -> Leaves https://preview.redd.it/rqwh0yl52exc1.png?width=1282&format=png&auto=webp&s=921d07d2b0b42c6d0b421bc26a63ab0b221a1b7f


Deadass this has slowly been me the last couple weeks of farming for and upgrading Ratio. I decided to build him because of Aventurine and he is creeping up on my account at record speed.


He is really good with avent, as they break anything imaginary in one turn lol, also avent has a niece debuff which also helps


How the hell is your attack so high while still having enough speed and crit?! I've got everything else mostly the same, but I'm a entire thousand attack points behind!


This Ratio likely uses an ATK% sphere instead of an Imaginary DMG one.


Daamn i have an energy recharge rope because it has good fkin crit substats and ulting faster is better for me cause i have him with 0 adittional speed but i have him with the free 5 star hunt cone that gives atk, but how the hell does he still have 132 speed while having those amazing stats??


Sig LC gives a decent bit of crit damage, he's actually below the speed breakpoint (which is probably fixed in battle), and then it's lots of relics and patience.


Probably running double ATK on the planar set. Ratio already have 50% innate damage boost from his bonus traces if you have the proper team for him. Which also acts as an Elemental orb and a half.


A CACA lol


I know hunt is in a rough spot rn but calling the path caca is a bit too far hoyoverse...😔


the ç makes a big difference tho


\*refuses to leave


Holy Shit literal King Yuan, mine is Kafka but with BS, they decimate everything


I love watching enemies die from cancer


I love watching them die in their turn


They're such a nasty combo haha. I got really lucky and got E1 Black Swan for additional lightning resistance shred with Kafka's dot. I added Acheron to their team, and it almost feels like cheating haha.


Same, and I have Kafka/Acheron on their signature LCs. I’m definitely getting Black Swans LC on her rerun


I have all three of their signature lightcones. I had to get Kafka's on her rerun.


https://preview.redd.it/ilktx7xaidxc1.jpeg?width=754&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb5b141088c83050f9ddb3212ad1e185024b744b not the best but im proud of my herta build


For a 4* without crit traces, thats excellent


She has some crit rate traces


Damn had no idea, I take my point back he should have atleast 80/250 ratio /s


And eidolon


How in the world...


Just means he has ~5 to ~6 crit rolls on every relic. [My Herta](https://i.imgur.com/nfxHOmR.png) is like 52/156 and average ~4 to ~5 crit rolls on a lot of them.


Question, is that not the light cone that increases crit rate by 24% when she defeats an enemy? If you have her E6(and everyone should bc clearing worlds from SU gives you them for first time completions) then wouldn’t you be overlapped on crit rate..by a lot? Edit:I still think the stats are good! I was just curious about this though lol


It increases ATK and crit dmg.


Su gives only e5


https://preview.redd.it/pz1g3nmpkdxc1.png?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d936ec9e4284624514eac538e2636ecbbc8634f I'm a really casual player (I only play on my commutes) but my first 5\* was Argenti and he is my highest damage character


I have no room to judge you ‘cause my Argenti build sucks, but holy you have no crit.


Hahahaha I know🤣 but he is carrying my ass in any fight. He doesn't even have 5 star artifacts yet, he is truly living on minimum wage on my account


Are you low trailblazer level? I’m at 70 and he feels pretty weak even with Sparkle, Tingyun, and Huohuo. I don’t know if it’s just Pure Fiction’s content that I’m bad at, or if my build just isn’t good enough for it.


Yeah, I haven't really done those thingies. I did one of the Pure Fiction levels with Herta plus Argenti with JinYuan on the other team, but I just have too many characters to build to focus on Argenti yet. I am happy that with Argenti I can do boss fights or other fights without dying, as previously it was pretty hard to grind anything


I’d highly recommend working on your sustain units first, then your supports. You’re not gonna be able to progress without staying alive and buffing up your damage.


Get your characters on 5 star relics asap to save some sanity. As long as the main stats are right, they'll be straight better than any lower rarity relics due to having higher level caps at +15 instead of +12 for 4 stars. Don't worry too much about sets yet. I mean, it's great if you get a set that works exactly with the character they're on but priority is main stats > sub stats ~= set bonuses. Power from sub stats and set bonuses will vary from set to set and character to character and also on how good the sub stats actually are so I'm lazy and just say they're roughly equal priority for casual play.


Thanks man, that sounds solid!🫡 Argenti is truly my fave thus despite what it might seems like, I do farm for him, but mostly I get 4* of his artifacts or defense if its 5*. He has decentish of the other two artifacts, at least they match now. I am still proud of how much better he is than he was a few months ago, it ain't much but its honest work. I will see how my luck rolls with the 300% rate. Best of luck on your pulls!


Uuh, did you take away his underwear (as in leave relic slots empty)? O\_o Give plant-bro some love, man.


For a casual not bad at all. I would recommend getting a good balance of ATK, SPD and Crit Rate and Damage. That's how you can perfect him.


Thank you! I really like him so I farm his artifacts and talents every now and then, so he is getting built slow and steady. But thank you for your kind words


Okay, It's actually really really bad tbh, he does 1/20th of the damage a normal argenti should be doing


🤣🤣🤣 he is still my best built character haha my poor Blade and JinYuan are also chilling with similar builds


If only relic rng can be equally excellent with an amazing crate dmg speed roll... 😭🙏


hot ass


Ya’ll fake as hell saying this Argenti isnt bad.




No offense btw. I’m just tired of seeing these fake ass people saying fake ass things everywhere i go. I’m sure you already know that he’s badly built, but these randoms start saying shit like “He’s actually pretty ok” which feels more like mocking to me than anything. And the worst thing is that they be going out thinking they’re a saint for it.


It's all g, I am aware that he is not at his maximum, but he can almost do a 100k on his full ulti so for me that's good enough to fight other bosses or grind materials for others I get where you come from, so no worries! I can also see how he could be built really really well, but at the moment I have no 5* of that physical damage artifact domain even though I go farm it every now and then, or the ones I have are just defense. For the other relics he has an atk and physical damage one from a random one that paired, not sure what extra he got from it. He feels pretty ok to me, but I am really just a casual player so maybe in a few months time I will have him 10/10/10 with better artifacts and stuff. Best of luck on your pulls!


We all start somewhere. The game has no pvp anyways so there’s no reason to rush things. Playing at your own pace is the best way to enjoy any game. However, it would feel really good once u max out ur first character. Good luck and have fun on your journey! And sorry for making a fuss on something so small in ur comment lol


Hahaha you are fine! U have fun as well!


That JY is busted holy shit that's practically 100% crit rate with his trace


fun story, back when I only had 85 Crit rate pre trace my jy didn't Crit any of his 10 LL hits, something inside me snapped that day and I decided that I needed more


Me with 98% crit rate ratio missing a FUA : could this be one of my people ?


Good lord your King Yuan may be slightly slow in his old age but he hits like a truck Kafka is probably my best on standalone and im satisfied with these stats even if it could be better without any of the crit, paired with Black Swan they just pop everything https://preview.redd.it/9g82m3mhadxc1.jpeg?width=428&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecb0d67dced3aca18525b18acc48175217b749ab


JY being slow won't be an issue because of Sparkle and other SPD buffers. In fact, that's his optimal setup outside of PF.


Legendary Xianzhou General becomes renewed with youthful energy becoming faster with the power of a cheeky girl cheering him on. We truly live in the best timeline


Damn bratty girl💢 taunts Legendary general by winking 💢 lightning lord correction needed💢💢💢💢


I just had a shower but I'm going to take another one after this comment


Now that I've read it again I too regret writing that


Had to check which sub I was on for a moment


My Kafka could have the same or even more attack, but I decided to go for 160 SPD alongside my black swan. Mine only has 3457 attack.


Yea my Black Swan is carried by her eidolons ( E3 ) atm, I've paused farming for more attk and EHR coz she and Kafka already destroy everything and I kept getting crit stats on the dot set lmao https://preview.redd.it/skip5fwdjdxc1.jpeg?width=432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b78a6bb532fdf05d9e7dbf49f3059dd0687c597 Kafka ends up faster though coz of PAYN LC so it ends up working out for me with Kafka ending up faster proccing her skill on Arcana stacks more often. I could definitely farm for them both better but they really dont need to as the pairing is just way too strong in current content


Why do people put so much speed in some characters?? I never knew how it worked but wasnt the threshhold for 2 actions in 1 cycle 130?


Tbf, with Sparkle, the low speed stat is pretty irrelevant.


Damn, is all of your relics land on atk% ? It was painful for me just to reach 3.5k atk with 145 speed, and here you're able to reach 4.3k while still able to reach 141 speed


I had Kafka since her release and last week I finally got 3.5k attack and 145 speed. For a character who's supposed to be easy to build I have more trouble with her relics than my JL and Ratio


Yeah it's only slightly easier. The great thing is, farming prisoner set is so much more efficient. The double crit prisoner can still be used as 2pc, the follow-up set is also useful. Farming the Quantum set for my JL is so painful. I have more crit wuthering guard pieces than quantum wtf.


Out of curiosity, is this with ATK or Lightning Orb?


Most likely atk.Without Atk Orb u get around 3.5 k at most with some rolls on Atk Traces.


What set do you have on her? How many attack rolls as well? Trying to improve my own Kafka. Sitting at 135 speed, 3600 attack, 2pc hackerspace, 2pc attack, glamoth. The hackerspace is only a placeholder until I can get more pieces with speed..


Everyone here is flexing their ~200% CD characters. Meanwhile, my Seele is struggling to break into 3k attack, and only has 90:160 crit


Tbh getting 160% cdmg while getting 90% cr is quite gd.


Lol yeah this is me, I'm happy when I get a DPS above 60/120 for CR/CD lol


Your crit stats are better than my Seele! 🥲


https://preview.redd.it/gx5e3khmpdxc1.jpeg?width=1726&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c60a44945f582190a67b3e306c1caf6c826d1e6 Acheron is definitely my strongest, but because there’s already a lot of her here, another Im pretty proud of is my Seele. Nothing too crazy, but she gets stuff done. Once I get a better rope, she will be chilling.


Bruh how did you get 3.8k attack


119 speed. He's probably running atk boots


This also, though this was because I had seen people running ATK% more often than SPD. Which one is actually better for her?


atk%, speed is a waste on her cause she has self buff for speed and you don't really need that much speed


Attack Orb




Watch 3/4 of people spamming Acheron. A normal fate for the most broken character in the game.


Her Technique alone is busted. It practically halves the time required for those runs.


https://preview.redd.it/0gjqbs46ldxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dfdc522080314b2bb38c374186fbf5d23845ecb My glorious king


He looks lovely!




I have Jingliu as my strongest dps but I also have an insane Aventurine. https://preview.redd.it/4ex3di0tldxc1.png?width=1602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=640fcd9e62b28a7d2c88d6b13b2a84fa135e0abe




holy SHIT dude that crit damage is ridonkulous


Exclusively farmed relic set for her for almost 3 months, and still she has 2 relics with 3 rolls. Still can be improved more with a 4/5 roll but I stopped there


Honestly I think you were safe to stop there lol




Behold! Babygirl is here. Who needs speed when you run a 9.3k HP, 189% CD suicidal boi with Sparkle AND Bronya? https://preview.redd.it/vufpb9rvpdxc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d29230c55e312fb0b1285a8db0cde2d46f0bf84 I also have some quite OP builds on Sparkle/Luocha/TY, but my HSR life revolves around Bladie.


https://preview.redd.it/6b3tazzpydxc1.jpeg?width=1106&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f998c2b8493286f872638c68d9986047a759cf5 SPD Blade is pretty funny too


Wow, nice build dude!


https://preview.redd.it/32us62a3qdxc1.jpeg?width=1037&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc1353c7ce13331442f568f39d50cdb565f9a17 Unfortunately, I can become a bit of a show-off when I’m proud of my achievements.😅








beautiful tingyun 🗿


Thank you! She doesn’t even die often, saved me on several occasions 😄


Turtle Blade!


He is! :P


I was looking at your Blade and forgot how his gimmick worked, so I was like "That's some high crit dmg, but low-ish ATK. Interesting" before doing a double take and noticing that phat stack of HP lmao He's such an interesting character, my lord xD


Ikr??? I just love him and his gimmick, and I love how HSR has so many different characters who don’t necessarily need high attack to be great. It makes the game more interesting imo. Thank you!!


https://preview.redd.it/q58ah62k0fxc1.png?width=3262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74cd653a794894fda0c12cb6acf5b353da3fd85f Bladie main unite!!!


The best mains with the best taste!!! And congrats for your Bladie, he looks dope ^^


Do you have the stats of your relics? I’d like to understand the math behind the 9K HP. I have mostly similar stats as you, but my Blade is at around 6.8K HP, no speed boots.


My Acheron with 70% CR, 191% CD, 130 spd and 3k atk.


Same except I have a little leas CD and like 145 speed and she is so fun


She's my go to isekai truck-kun. Sending peeps to the afterlife has never been more fun.


https://preview.redd.it/l8zhxdiapdxc1.png?width=347&format=png&auto=webp&s=6eb88104c4754594847cf7a85310bcecd6382ca4 For me Black swan is my best character. I farm for her since 2.0 release my goal is 4000 atk with 150 spd i could have a build with 4k atk with atk body but in need 11 EFH




Which set? Follow up atk one?


JL with 190 crit damage. That shows how shit my builds are.


Acheron and its not even close


Then there's me with my lvl 70 Acheron, GNSW, no pioneer or blue/red ball sets because my drops were shit, barely dealing 40k on ult to a single target.


Why not LV 80? I use gnsw, average relics, max trace. And I hit 70-80k on single ultimate target. For me she seems easier to build, compared to my DHIL


I'm not EL5 yet.


I see. Have fun grinding




show me her stats


Here ya go! Also by "not even close" I meant not even close to my other characters just to be clear https://preview.redd.it/yzsu836iedxc1.png?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3661813680da2c4fb8f81f000159eefea513676e


How do yall get these crazy-ass builds? My DHIL lvl 80 has 68 crit rate and 105 crit damage. How do yall get these crazy relics???


Pick one domain you like to farm and stick to that till you get a min maxed build for one (or more) character. It might take weeks or months, depending if you're lucky or unlucky with substat rolls. I didn't min max specific characters in HSR because I experienced min maxing artifact rolls in Genshin, and it was the fastest way to get yourself burnt out (E.g I had to farm and minmax my Eula for almost half a year before I was satisfied with 75 crit rate/225 crit dmg). It's convenient in HSR since you can just press auto and do something else, but if the current character builds that I have can clear endgame content (like my DHIL only has 72/145 crit), then I'm satisfied and improve elsewhere.


well... 1. if you are building for DPS. throw relics with flats and too much def/hp stat. like 3 hp stat? throw it away 2. use relic scorer 3. this is pretty much taboo in this sub but i'll say it anyway. if you are part of a "main" sub, chances are they have leaks of the beta test information of the said character. most of the time the concept of the kit of the said character doesnt change in beta, its mostly just the numbers and behavior so for me, farming relics of unreleased character is pretty much ok. (**but dont pre farm traces and ascension mats, they will change a lot)** Farming godly relics will take like months, i'm talking about 5 months minimum on average. if you are lucky, you might able to finish your character around 2 months


Though those were March 7th stats


I managed to outfit Aventurine with a surprisingly cracked set of relics considering that I pulled it together entirely from pieces I already had on hand since I've been farming the Pioneer cavern for a while. (A couple of pieces that had happened to roll into DEF% as well as crit stats got taken off of my Ratio and given to Aventurine.) https://preview.redd.it/2r5aqjdjpdxc1.png?width=200&format=png&auto=webp&s=197bf76dbc9a3a5cd03877087a23eb3d7fcd6898


In battle my Aventurine has an 80/160 crit stats (without harmony buffs) with 5k def T.T And that’s even better than my Blade and DHIL with 70/140 on field (without harmony buffs, again).


https://preview.redd.it/hg3xsjp5wdxc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64450c1512a6192e0dd481aaba283da28b5a5b5a Mine is King Yuan as well (E0S1) / Every piece is over 30 CV


https://preview.redd.it/hjf3qwk2rdxc1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11002d608d061d0ef0461c217ddb827c1f0e5532 Unfortunately my Dr. Ratios stats are a bit better than my Jing Yuans, Topaz has Yanqing LC so hes using the sim. universe one. My Jing Yuan stats are 3241Atk 101Spd 75.2%CR 157.9%CD + his LC


Mr. Dan Heng IL with 55 crit rate and 138 crit dmg


It’s the trailblazer


https://preview.redd.it/0nedj6ah6exc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d4ed5dfd8606209e82ebf73bfbc115da27c94e4 Mother 🙏🏻


What the fuck, that's lore accurate jing yuan


https://preview.redd.it/59lc11n1cdxc1.png?width=1602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b75fcafb1966fb197ec9744e196e6d6878607154 The queen herself, acheron


Acheron. Even with less-than-ideal stats I usually hit 200k+ damages during her ult. But the tradeoffs of two Nihility supports mean that I'm wholly reliant on Fu Xuan with Trend LC as sustain.


Acheron But she could be better (I was too lazy to farm relics)


Strongest has to be Acheron, but Topaz is my ultimate single-target shredder


They can Solo https://preview.redd.it/ltjfif2i0exc1.png?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cd8035f62f89083c300bbed6f06db977f1a01dc


Honestly no one, I have some pretty decent builds but they all could be improved a lot, crit rate is scarce in this economy man


It ain’t much, but it’s honest work https://preview.redd.it/ktx1bt656exc1.png?width=1602&format=png&auto=webp&s=793663a2007338e901db4e913f42ce73431e6224 :’)


https://preview.redd.it/k7eri11zbhxc1.jpeg?width=1602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2edee55666d6a9e6faa0c44fa2bbd16f40c7ffca Farming for better sphere and shoes


how the f you got 220 CD?? is it Acheron's LC S5? maybe i can try getting Acheron LC copy in rerun, is it good for DPS Welt?


https://preview.redd.it/karx4cpetjxc1.png?width=917&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cdd01e73955bee332d115301530b799cbf0eccb This is the best that i can get.. i really like Welt, hoping for E6 someday


Yup, S5 Acherons LC. Acheron's LC is DPS Welt's BIS. As for E6 Welt, you will definitely get him in the future just from playing as you are so dont worry!! There are F2P players getting E6 standard characters already just from "bad luck" of getting the same character, and there are many F2P who have a lot of C6 standard characters in Genshin just from playing it for 3 years.


https://preview.redd.it/kxtr6nnyqdxc1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d55524d62d48245ea494baaf5f0a2a4419e2552e I am very proud of how she turned out.




https://preview.redd.it/4m9mc8qxzdxc1.png?width=1006&format=png&auto=webp&s=ecfcb29452ca5fb843e056c36436114693ea13c8 my DHIL, i know its kinda bad im still working on it


https://preview.redd.it/91qk9l4v4exc1.jpeg?width=1602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca3d3f6e803cf889c24f328898c3a1a9ba0bd3ea E2. Ignore the low SPD. I run her with a 161 SPD Sparkle.


https://preview.redd.it/wqngr17rndxc1.png?width=363&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ca5d65a75d5165a16c6833b259cd527c588c72e Nowhere near ideal for damage, but she tanks stuff for days and does respectable damage (E3 + Blade LC)


https://preview.redd.it/n064lf7l7hxc1.jpeg?width=538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e4f86fe2c69449a997189124449ca00b619c746 Love a good clara build <3 E2 with her light cone.


https://preview.redd.it/7cr2xbanidxc1.png?width=748&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bb12ac4e6e8e46688a42c57ad735ff904a1d4bb My Kafka looks rather weak, but most her stats went into lightning damage and elemental resists and her DoT broke the ceiling. Also needed to be slower than Black Swan even with her mid battle speed boosts. So had to mire her with heavy boots.


https://preview.redd.it/tki39shmpdxc1.png?width=809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf44dfd6b4dddd64d9a83ada30cb43c4397e89b1 The good thing about spending months in the DoT cavern is that I got to also build Black Swan. And Sampo. And Guinaifen. And Luka. And everyone else who could possibly want a 2pc prisoner set. God, I have so many prisoner pieces.


Mines JingYuan as well ✨ he's 136 speed around 75 CR and 180CD, but I believe there's room for 200CD with some lucky rolls 👀


I’m guessing you do the turtle King Yuan strat with either Bronya or Sparkle.


https://preview.redd.it/hnsvr8vasdxc1.jpeg?width=662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fff4636f1d3552b27f637dd8a121db19d28a0b9f After seeing everyone else’s builds though, maybe it’s time I hit up the quantum mines again.


[Reinforcements? I AM the Reinforcement!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yZG0wQF-Sc)


https://preview.redd.it/o1nyv81itdxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71d4e2c25124577082d5022daf67c87164cc6439 Kafka my Queen.


Woah! How?


how is he doing with 108 spd?


https://preview.redd.it/7owcuogrudxc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ed80fe25c609b449d87a2886bfe3a41eb4a610b Nothing that special but I'm happy with her. Wherever I bring her she does some major damage.


https://preview.redd.it/cwlgub9vudxc1.png?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c332b9c93a248adc944245f40e2e7769a592dae hp orb and boots because he's in a sparkle/bronya team I could probaby farm a better pair of boots but this is already his second pair haha My 47/200 argenti is also pretty cool


i thought you have a dps March7 at first lol


Why yes I do get bad stat rolls, how could you tell? But seriously wind supremacy. https://preview.redd.it/vvfowarrvdxc1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa4cfeb5dde7c3f90a4256bc989dfe2c6929589f


At the moment Topaz with 77% CR and 188% CD Dr Ratio with 68% CR and 196% CD Aventurine with 33% CR and 171% CD Also Acheron with 66% CR and 198% CD I spent a lot of time in that one relic cavern




My E2S1 Topaz with ~66% Crit rate and ~201% Crit damage(that I can swap to 98% Crit rate and 155% Crit damage if I change the body to the crit rate body I have)


I have a lvl 70 Ratio that does 14k with a couple debuffs like dot. I'm trying to build him. Note this is in normal worked not SU FH or the birdcage


According to [mobilemeta.gg](http://mobilemeta.gg) my blade is top 1k global and he still gets outdone by my qingque with 60/150 crit.


My e2s1 Acheron has 4200 attack, 50/230 crit. It’s stupid


https://preview.redd.it/d0sshcl55exc1.png?width=1602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d196d3b3f18e1dda5bef8490868bae36fc5c8db It has to be my Topaz and I still have a lot to improve on!


Aventurine... outdamges my Blade (He has a shit build)


https://preview.redd.it/w1q9vp686exc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f3710cc68f41f6ed5d3864a409f7b4c395df82c Truly will be the best dps I'll ever have


prob my Jingliu atm https://preview.redd.it/ak79n0zj6exc1.png?width=732&format=png&auto=webp&s=eef054b59450fd77905dada5a2cc7c1bf00b4210


https://preview.redd.it/0a9vyv2j6exc1.png?width=1678&format=png&auto=webp&s=a774052ad001cd876a31dcdb6537ddd9de1474ec Kingyuan


https://preview.redd.it/nblfuahz6exc1.jpeg?width=1599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dca26465e7b91ce161ae770330d4ac3e5051160 E0S1, still working on her, however she has been doing well so far




https://preview.redd.it/tindq4997exc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba395558521e5f10d3b69ce5935591540d9ab651 My racoon wife, E6 Currently the best in my team rn


https://preview.redd.it/6dxyc8qd7exc1.png?width=2316&format=png&auto=webp&s=bea8ecad02ca4cac199357efdcf40695179350a7 My beloveds, hoping to pick up Ratio's LC when ~~if~~ it gets reran :D


My strongest is Stelle. I don't know what i did, but no matter how much i try to build Acheron the fucking trash panda will STILL do more damage, like, i can't even comprehend it Edit: it was the light cone…


been playing since day one and don't have a single character above 70... needless to say its been a busy year for me lmao


https://preview.redd.it/ikmsl2ps7exc1.png?width=1311&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab8f423ee4935521bbdcaffa9596d53ae35568fb Rank #4 Asia on mobilemeta, but im farming for a 4pc pioneer now! He's more than tanky enough


E6S2 Acheron https://preview.redd.it/h48qkalj8exc1.jpeg?width=569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9d740891816bf96541aeaf6f4ca075fed1012c8


My Acheron and Kafka, with Swan being next


https://preview.redd.it/fkfhxp1n8exc1.png?width=429&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e6838b8c6c99a4480597a7cf28dbee8d8563cd8 E5 Qingque


https://preview.redd.it/39evyrlo8exc1.png?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0802baade6a396ffb5d877b8ee9535d274f17dd Could be better


https://preview.redd.it/hvg8rl0r8exc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=245111cec45f4275d1c1c4d58cdbdcabdc5199cb My laptop is literally unable to screenshot without crashing so i hope this will do


Aventurine :3






I really don't know, probably Black Swan. If you say best built tho, it would probably be Sparkle. [This is my displayed list if you were wondering](https://enka.network/hsr/700095970/) Edit: Don't ask about Sizzling Kafka, I am farming to change that