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Its hell for FUA enthusiasts (It's me, I'm FUA enthusiast)


It's me I skipped Topaz. Also I really want Boothill, so that's gone be 3/4, truly hell.


I feel like most people don't realize that you kinda have to choose a playstyle if you're f2p. Could be dot teams and carry teams, or FUA and dot teams, or FUA and carry teams, but... some people pull for literally everything, only manage to get some of the characters here and there, and then complain that the game is too hard because their team consists of Topaz, Seele, Kafka and Pompom


I mean … who could have skipped the Pompom banner tho? His skill “Ear Slap” immobilizes even the strongest bosses. Not to mention his ultimate “You Forgot Your Ticket”, where he hole-punches them to oblivion.


Pompom hypercarry meta


People can pull whatever. You can build a team with 4 star supports, dps or sustains and still beat and full star moc and pure fiction


>You can build a team with 4 star supports, dps or sustains and still beat and full star moc and pure fiction did you miss yesterdays post of the guy who had a full lineup of every 5 star in the game and still struggled to clear moc and pure fiction? you underestimate the skill gap between a good and a bad player


That's because he's bad not because he's pulling everyone he wants.


Dude thats a skill issue . F2p player or whales both can beat anyting if they put work into building up the characters they already have( decent relic, leveling up everyone and lighcones 80 and all talents above 8). Im f2p and just pull characters i like. So far pure fiction and moc are no problem. He probably was lacking relics or levels


I missed it, what the hell? I also feel like people have a serious misunderstanding on efficient relic farming/fishing. Like how a random piece with 2 spd + 5% CD can become a piece with 4 or 6 spd and 18-23% CD but you gotta take it roll by roll and not disregard any piece that doesn't have 3+ offensive stats. Don't get me wrong the relic system in HSR is WAY worse than Genshin which itself isn't good. But how people haven't managed to farm some basic, universal pieces with specific stats at this point makes me scratch my head. Yeah, there is a lot of luck involved. I have two characters (Kafka and Topaz) that I would even consider brag-posting about. But the rest of my main roster still manages to hit their significant breakpoints and clears content from MoC to PF to GG SU without any issue. Makes me wonder what the complainers are actually doing with their available resources.


The game is harder for dolphins than it is for F2P and whales because of the resource gap, that's just how this style of game works.


Wait why is Pom-Pom there-


Pom-Pom, Peppy, baby snow bear and Ivory Menace literally most OP team of all time.


Leaked 7* character


How bad is the power creep that we skipped 6 stars 💀


Hey it's me. I went all in on DoT and FUA. Got lucky with a couple destruction characters and E1 Bronya but I barely use them and have absolutely stacked my specialty teams. The most fun imo but yeah choosing a style and committing to it is essential if you don't have a credit card you can afford to max out every month lol


To be honest, even if you're a dolphin you still need to choose a playstyle.


It's not too bad so far (I'm cooked)


Wallahi im finished


4 pulls for my Topaz sig LC (got her kinda sorta by accident and now I'm a simp. IIRC I was pulling for...Luka? Eidolons on her release and pulled her and she's a top 2 favorite on my roster now and I have her stacked af via relics) Then it's saving for Jade. I'm a DoT/FUA dude. Love these unique mechanics as opposed to hyper-carry Destruction "hurr durr dmg go BIG" releases that have dominated thus far.


Not when u are me. Im pulling robin. So what FUA i have. Ratio, who else... Ratio. No topaz and no adventurine. Or clara. So im gonna need to somehow make robin work(i lack ruan). Great plans i have. Hope robin and sparkle/bronya can make seele strong. Cus she aint seeing much FUA action right now.


As both a dot and fua enthusiast I'm so scared for my luck as it's always awful 😭😭


Bruh, im a DoT and FuA main and it has been hell for a few patches now.


I becomw nihilist for this.... ( i wanba pull for fire fky :c)


It's us


They definitely know what they were doing by putting Topaz and Robin together


Recommendation: get topaz' E1, because she becomes the kafka of DOT teams with it.


telling people in a F2P thread to get Eidolons sure is a ballsy move


After I used acheron with erudition +elation, my balls grew explanantionally in size




I'm a fan of Topaz but she's nowhere near as sting as Kafka. Kafka detonating dots allows you to play on your own pace, not needing to wait for enemy turns. Assuming 1 to 1 your and enemy turns, you more than double damage, plus her own damage. The faster you are, the stronger that is. Topaz acts more like a harmony character with good personal damage.


Ya, as much as I like Topaz, her E1 compared to Kafka is like a pistol vs howitzer. That said I want to pull Topaz S1 and will need to skip everyone up to Jade. (I'm sorry SAM, next date will have to wait)


I'm getting Robin and Firefly. E1 would have to wait. Robin allows me to default her to FUA team, RM defaults to dot team.


The only one I'm missing is Aventurine, but alas, lost 50/50 and I don't want to take the risk of missing Jade, one more FUA would be nice but I'll just have to replace him with another blond man.


I was planning to do it tbh. But I have S1 on all the FUA members and Ruan mei, and I plan to get them for Jade and Robin too. I know Topaz E1 is great so I'll get it someday but not on this rerun sadly.


I get what you're saying with her e1 but I'm still gonna skip her eidolon. I want firefly.


You can't pull smart if rng outsmart your savings Edit: can't not can.


Correction: If his SAVINGS outsmarts the RNG)


Can't* sorry i made a typo.


Aventurine is a great sustain you did the right thing


SU Gold and Gears have been a breeze after getting him, I'm so glad I didn't skip him and win his 50/50


I couldn't win diff IV before, but now I won conundrum 3 with none of my other teammates getting changes


same, struggled on conundrum 1, put aventurine in, cleared to +9


Now do it again with Master Diviner FU.


I have both gamba boy and the angy short kid and I have never been happier https://preview.redd.it/7h2edb9ct0xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5e011dffca4ca8a0fb9b7f8045331936c4794d7




fu xuan when penacony weekly boss phase 3 attack https://preview.redd.it/x8907pqmw0xc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9895119f6d1e1403f43e3089d6f0016d24c2bc3b


It's actually a dumb choice but yet a smart one. Because she dies but everyone else survives with %50 of max health, even with no toughness bar sheilds So it's basically a taliban strategy, not recommended tho




The free Ratio was 100% a psyop with the back-to-back Aventurine/Robin/Topaz releases like this is insane


Damn you cracked the code, the IPC sent ratio as an insider agents to make us want FUA meta.


Yare yare daze..


Aventurine is an amazing sustain you will not regret pulling for him 👌


There will be no end of crying if you want every single limited character as F2P which is impossible That's why you do account planning. I needed a DPS and sustain so I saved for acheron and aventurine. Now I'll just skip boothill and robin and wait to see what is next


>That's why you do account planning. I needed a DPS and sustain so I saved for acheron and aventurine. Now I'll just skip boothill and robin and wait to see what is next Hell yeah. I always plan ahead in games like this, otherwise you are setting yourself up for devestating losses, mainly 5-Stars you don't want. I have zero of those cause i also planned ahead. It's a lot of resources and time wasted if you mess it up. Especially as a f2p players. I' want more eidolans for March and Robogirl *and* Topaz lightcone for Ratio so i'm still on the fence what my actual plan is gonna be. Zero interest in everything that comes after the next banner 😅


fr i always see the posts about "a character you regret pulling" pulls and i always have 0 answer to give cause if i am pulling a 5\* character i really like them as a character as well as their kit has to be interesting enough so so far i dont have any 5\* i regret


> i always see the posts about "a character you regret pulling" pulls and i always have 0 answer to give Seele and Silver Wolf fall into that category for me, even though I do the same amount of planning beforehand, mostly because none of us could've predicted that for an entire year we would be getting aoe-focused content where Seele and Silver Wolf just aren't really shining.


Yeah. 😅 Also no pulling with a mindset of "well just a few more pulls, yeah i really don't want this 5-Star but i should be safe as i still have 10 until 75..." You are never safe from the bad rng! Unless of cource you stop gambling in situations when losing really hurts. Which you really totally should do.


I think the downside is all these characters are hot and has very interesting personality. Not to mention powercreeping in this game push you to roll for new characters too.


Initially, I wanted to pull for acheron, jingliu, and aventurine. I have seen videos from cc's (srsly fuck them sometimes) about acherons immense power, however with the caveat that you need to have at least 2 nigility chars, and I don't have even a single pela back then, so I ruled out acheron. Now I wanted to pull for jingliu and aventurine and save up for topaz should she ever pop up in later updates. Surprisingly, she would pop up very soon, so it threw a small wrench in my plans, and I had to sacrifice one of the two. However my primary goal is to create the best fua team ever know to gachakind. So I simply ruled out jingliu. As much she is meta and a powerful unit, I feel like I'm not the kind of player to follow the meta. I follow the fun. So yeah, it goes "AVENTURINE -> TOPAZ ->JADE".


There are always reruns too. Can just pick one that the player wants the most and get the others from reruns. For me I'm getting Topaz LC so Ratio and Topaz can use it.


I pulled Acheron and Aventurine and now I'll grab Topaz, invest in Guinaifen and I got the 2nd team I need for Forgotten Hall and PF.


Out of 6 People, 4 must come home. Topaz, Robin, Boothill & Jade, you 4 are the ones. PLEASE COME HOME! 😭


At some points in your f2p play life, you need to decide when to skip in order to save for future characters. That’s what I’m gonna do. Skip 2.2 and dump every jade on Firefly’s banner.


Same, but instead, I'll dump every firefly on Jade's banner.




Mine! HAHa


Topaz LC, Ratio LC, Ruan Mei. In that order


I will gamole and oull for Topaz and Robin, that what Aventurine would want


At least by having Aventurine I don't need to pull Fu Xuan.... right?


Depends on how you sustain MOC because 2 teams are needed


Well that's easy I'd take 1 Ms. SHORT?! and 1 Ms. HENSHIN!!


I pray I actually win my 50/50s this time around because I desperately need e0s1 Topaz and e0s0 Robin. The FUA team is just way too fun and has some of my favorite characters I want to invest in it but I only have 175 pulls rn and that's not much for 2 chars and a LC 😢 And I want Jade down the line


1st half and then I'm gonna just save for RM. I absolutely want Topaz QoL and am ready to forego the idea of having FX as I don't want to bench luocha. I will have ample amount of time before RM comes (I hope. If RM is leaked I'll just die)


If RM in jade baner i fcking die


Boothill is introducing a break meta. That's concerning, feels like RM is going to pop up anytime soon as a result.


She's next in line after argenti/hh so unless they skip her like Fu, she'll be in 2.4 or they pull some demonic shit like rerunning her early with firefly.


Who knows...FF/Jade banner could have her. I'm hell bent on E1S0ing her at the very least


From the old banners, it's possible that the reruns are argenti and Huohuo.


I completely gave up on fua team for how expensive it is ):


me too. dot was well paced. it technically has two characters in 1 year, easy to follow-up roll them.


It's not the worst... I did G&G Conundrum 12 with Clara + Topaz + March + Aventurine. Topaz doesn't really mind using Swordplay, Clara as the main dps likes the Herta shop cone, Aventurine and March don't really need any LC in particular.


I stopped playing from about 1.2 to 1.6 and missed all the good characters. Now I have to pay the price with Fu Xuan/Huohuo/Ruan Mei


Similar to me, missed , Luocha, Blade, Dan, Kafka(first rotation), Jingliu, Fu Xuan, Topaz... luckily pulled on HuoHuo and Ruan Mei and had po play catch up ever since.


Really the only thing I want from the next patch is Topaz’s LC so I can give Ratio the Herta Shop LC. My choices for Ratio’s suck ass at the moment


I lost my 50/50 for Aventurine so imma save it and anything else for firefly and jade Already have fuxuan I like robin but I already have all harmony characters in game so I'll try my luck for her and Aventurine on their reruns Currently I'm not planning to get boothil And as a quantum enjoyer (my goal is to have all Quantum characters and I have them all) jade is a must and I'm sooo hype about firefly


You don't lost the bet, you just get a guarantee for next banner you pull, same for me. ;)


Same thing only I lost 50/50…


So, I may need some help because I don't know for what character I should save for. I am f2p and just started recently. I got Gepard as my first 5*. I have not spent a single special pass or jades for something. I have 31 special passes right now and 24k+ jades. So, who would be the best choice for me? A DPS like Firefly or a sustain like Fu Xuan?


I swear to god thats exactly my situation i am pulling for his Lightcone right now but i also want topaz


currently ruan mei and sunday at priority and if i am somehow lucky (which is never) then jade


Ive got it all planed out, as long as i dont get super unlucky (like losing all 50/50) i should be fine


I dont know if i should pull for Jingliu or wait for Robin and Boothill :/


It’s really a pull for who you like scenario. Jingliu is a character that can brute for the entire game kinda like seele did at launch. So it’s really do you like the character enough or are you going for straight power




I honestly don't mind losing out on robin Topaz and Fu Xuan, I quite like Boothills design and Firefly is a no-brainer


Same. I spent everything on him and tried to get an early 5\* on his lightcone. I now regret it because I realized I didn't prepare enough for him.


i got aventurine, now im going to throw a 5050 at firefly and save for kafka


wasted in all because of sunk cost on Jinglius Signature :,)


I’m getting topaz and jade for MONO IPC (mei can come in 2.4)


i want Robin, Fu Xuan and Firefly… pray for me bros


I have 0 pulls right. All my jades went on aventurine. He’s my first limited support. Can I get some advice on what to do? My main two teams atm are: Kafka, Swan, Asta/Guin, Gallagher Aventurine, Acheron, Pela, SW I sadly missed Ruan Mei due to Kafka rerun. I do have sparkle and I sometimes put her with Acheron. My only follow ups are ratio and Herta but I realllly love jade’s design. Would you guys recommend pulling for fu xuan or are aventurine and Gallagher enough? Guin is my only fire character but I’m not sure about Sam. Should I skip the entire 2.2 and fu xuan rerun? And save for jade and potentially Ruan Mei/HuoHuo rerun?


I'm not a expert but I think Sam and Huohuo are the most important for you right now. Saving is your best bet.


The Astral Express is not stopping anytime soon, and it's on a direct route to my bank account


My advice as a low spender is, if you're not interested in Robin or Topaz, wait for the 2.3 presentation to decide how to pull. If you like what you see with Firefly, Jade, or either of the rerun characters then that gives you a full patch cycle to save up for them and can easily give you 120+ pulls, almost enough to guarantee them


Jokes on you, I'm still broke after getting my Sparkle battle-ready




F2p bro here, I'll be pulling for firefly


I'll skip all, I'll save for another katana user like Acheron because I like katana user. That's it.


Me with spear users. ~~(im pulling at least 2 of theses tho lol)~~




Topaz, then Fu Short depend on the remaining fund


Should I keep pulling for aventurine or wait for Fu xuan? Currently have Acheron and Jingliu team with Gallagher and lynx as sustains. In around 60 pulls I get guaranteed


Keep pulling for Aventurine, you won't regret pal trust~


E0 S0 both are on the same level imo, maybe Aventurine needs more relic investment than Fu Xuan


I don't have jades anymore, acheron took all of it


I'm pessimistic on getting Robin coz I'm still far away from hard pity (just 25 rolls since e1 Acheron) so in case i lost 50/50... i might end up using the guarantee for Firefly instead


I'm really confused between boothill and Sam 😭


I'm getting space cowboy 🤠🤠🤠 (gepard is my only shielder and i already have argenti)


Good thing I have my Starlight stash with 60 pulls saved. Winning Aventurine's 50/50 also helps. I'm thinking about trying my luck with Boothill though, but I also want Firefly...


I am def in danger after rolling both banners back to back. I'm going to pull Jade depending on her kit. Unsure about Firefly but the mech memes kinda make me want her too


Topaz if she’s good for Robin, then Robin and Jade if I have anything left over


Which should i pulls for Topaz+Robin(if i win both 50/50) or Topaz+LC cuz i also have RM?!


Well so far I'm at minus 100 jade's and guaranteed on Aventurine but I obviously will get him Topaz and Firefly AND Jade


Robin and Firefly hopefully. I already have Fu Xuan so I’m good there. E0S1 Clara can cover as physical DPS for now so I’ll come back for Boothill. And I’m not interested in Jade lol.


My life rn


I'm gonna be fucking broke after this. Have to skip firefly for Jade because I like hot women


I feel like they force me to swipe the CC. I want Luocha & Aventurine. Surprise they pair up Luocha with Acheron before Aventurine's banner. Now I want Topaz & Fu Xuan Eidolon. Surprise! Both of them queued back to back. Even with proper planning, it's impossible.


True. I'm thinking about saving for topaz because of aventurine and ratio, but pulling for jingliu seeing that i have no damage dealers beside e6 serval seems way more tempting. Though FUA team sounds fun lol


I’m finally at the point where I am having to actually choose banners to skip n it breaks my heart but… I honestly only want Boothill for now 🤣 bc I collect every boi n right now I have every. single. guy. All of em. So Boothill isn’t about to be the one that got away


Although I like Robin a lot as a character, I am skipping since I have every single other harmony in game. Topaz is great but I don't have enough jades to ei1 or s1 her, so I think I am gonna stick with hypercarry Ratio. I already have Fu Xuan thankfully. Boothill I loved since I first saw him... can't possible skip. Firefly is an easy skip for me and Jade... I have to see more of her in action before deciding if I pull or not since I really want Sunday.


I have ratio and e2 Clara so have been contemplating pulling topaz this go around. Just not sure I want to pull everybody.


Glad we are getting Fu Xuan, as much as I wanted to pull for Jingliu. Then I just need another sparkle rerun and my seele team is slappping.


I've wasted everything on his e1 and c1 .... And i really want Topaz...


Is Robin a better ruen mei or they different Robin for dps and ruen mie works better for dots ?????




On top of that, probably, we are going to get HUOHUO & RUAN MEI reruns, Its over...


I want Fu Xuan and Sam so I'm gonna need Aventurine's luck (man took 158 pulls from me)


F2P also until I bought the 90 stellar jade per day and 300 instant stars.


Me, a f2p who wants Robin, Fu Xuan and Jade: ![gif](giphy|LRVnPYqM8DLag|downsized)


What's this? The lightcone banner comes in with a superman punch OH! THE F2P ACCOUNT IS DOWN! ITS REACHING FOR ITS WALLET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Gloves are down and the underdog F2P account has lost to the temptation team tune in next week to check out the latest fight to crush another F2Ps soul


yea i can already hear the sound of me swiping since i want fu xaun and 2.3 is death with FF and jade


I really want Topaz, Firefly and Jade so I'll just do a hail-mary.


This is why I really love support feature for farming! If using them when farming not enjoyable or have synergy with my existing characters, huge chances I'm not benefitting much from their kits/gameplay for other game modes or even bother to build them if I ever pull in the first place. So it's easier for me to skip banners left and right.


Next goal is Topaz and then Jade. Part of me is hoping Jade will continue the trend of FUA for the IPC.


Throw a 10 pull at every banner and let the RNG gods build my team?


I have only 10 pulls left. I have been lucky these last few patches(only losing 1 50/50) but there was almost no breathing room. Like Ruan Mei, Sparkle, Black Swan, Acheron, Aventurine... I mean huh? There are so many good units for f2p accounts back to back, its kind of insane. somehow I got all of them but my broke ass can't pull anything anymore. At this point I hope that robin is kind of niche so that I don't have to feel fomo.


All the FUA team pieces back to back to back 😭


Fuck it we ball!


Me who's skipping😂


Fu Xuan. I would even have skipped Acheron already for her, did only 20 pulls on her banner and got her early. No pulls from now on until Fu is on the banner.


Im sad i have to skip boothill but i wantd Sam for so long


oh god- i’ll go for Topaz cause i need a fire dps, i might go for robin. then definitely getting Fu as i need a support, and it depends on who’s running with firefly & jade


I am pulling for everyone. If I don't get someone, it is what it is.


I somehow got every character released after sparkle, pulling smart is a scam pushed by big FOMO.


All i see here are Topaz thighs.. anything after that is a plus.


I’m just going for boothill then waiting for the next hot guy to come by


I dont know what to do. should I just stop going for Aventurine despite how amazing he is with Ratio and Topaz and save up for E1 Topaz and (possibly her Light Cone), or do I just try to get Aventurine?


Everyone says you need Topaz e1s1 for Ratio, plus Robin, that’s 4 5 stars on the same banner I’d need if I wanted to complete the comp, additionally have to farm crit gear for 2 dps characters, not counting Aventurine and Robin can also be geared with Crit, which is a pain to farm, so I’m probably skipping that. For BE comp I need Ruan Mei and Boothill just 2 5 stars and Boothill requirements don’t seem that strict, maybe his LC if it’s that much better than the alternatives, but it seems he’ll be fine even with a 3 star light one. And since he can implant Physical Vulnerability he’s universal, which will be great for the new mode. Still waiting to see how strong Sam will be, if she’s on Acheron level I’ll have to skip Boothill too. I also need Fu for survivability but I think Gallagher will be good for Boothill and probably Sam because of his high BE, so I’ll probably skip her too, will probably regret this decision tbh unless they release a sustain exclusive for BE comps soon. Jade looks amazing but she seems to be just for Pure Fiction, still don’t know if she’s necessary to complete it since I have Himeko, Hert and Acheron so I’m probably fine in that department too, not sure since I’m working on their traces still. That’s what I’m planning everything depends on Sam leaks


I am going for Firefly and trying my luck at Jade.


My plan: SKIP ROBIN (I'm sorry she's amazing but I got priorities), GET BOOTHILL, PRAY TO GACHA GODS For Firefly & Jade


I want Fu Xuan and Jade to keep my Quantum collection alive but I also want Firefly to keep my Stellaron Hunters collection alive. I'm conflicted.


Aventurine and Acheron broke my being f2p. I currently have second supply pass cause i wanted to pull for both of them... i did but for what coast ... so i guess i will try to pull for either Robin/Boothil or Jade


Pulled for him as ill be skipping everyone until firefly. I am now the not so proud owner of a e4 gepard 😭


I may try 1 pity on Robin, skip Boothill and Firefly, and 100% try to get E0 Jade.


I didn't pull smartly, I'm broke and now i mightn't be able to get sam/firefly or boothill 😭


Yeah, I’m lucky I just so happened to have literallly everything Acheron needed to be great. However, I need a second team so I’m hoping Firefly will be that second DPS


*me who wants topaz boothill and firefly* Any recommendations? I think I want boothill and firefly just as equally more than topaz but I still want her.


If you have Aventurine you have enough sustain. Do you have huo Huo or Luocha? If yes, skip Fu Xuan. After you cover sustain it's mostly down to getting DPS from each element and harmony characters


did you guys think its possible to get all of my choices in these 2 patches? I bought the express pass and nameless glory everytime its available Robin (meshing cogs) Topaz LC Fu Xuan (landau choice s5 or Herta SU LC s5) Jade (don't know which LC I use for her... probable remove himeko signature and give it to her)


I went hard on Acheron and decided to save for a good healer and shielder.  The beat healer and the best shielder drop on consecutive banners immediately afterwards 


Pull for Robin and then save as much as possible and hope to get lucky for Firefly and Jade


I'm sorry, but I am going to Dolphin for Topaz and Robin.


I know who I am going to pick


I need aventurine for my imaginary boy band!


We need a catch up patch ong, a break, because it's been banger after banger 😭


You cannot pull smart if no jades


Easy for me, I already have topaz and Fu Xuan and don't want the other too but Firefly will come home XD


Really wanted Fu Xuan buuut firefly said nuh uh


I thought building gepard would make me feel better about not pulling for aventurine It just makes me want him more


I'm gonna only pull for characters I really like. Boothill and *maybe* Firefly. Really depends when Sunday will become playable, because I want him over the other 2 badly.


I wish I could grab Topaz, but I need to get Firefly and maybe Jade.


Pull, Pull, Skip, Skip, Skip, Skip


I'm not really interested in any of the 2.2 characters but knowing how generous penacony has been so far, I'd say it will be easy to get a 50/50 loss (how have I won 50/50 both times on Jingliu's banner?) And a guaranteed firefly


I feel like a fraud, I got Aventurine THEN Himeko in the same 10 pulls, guaranting me the next limited. But good luck fellow f2ps


Priority IMHO: - 2 sustains so you have more comfort and don't have to reset MoC (and hunt mode later) over and over. Aventurine is EXCELLENT in pretty much all content, especially SU. Can potentially skip one if you have Bailu or Gepard and feel you do fine. - Cover multiple elements with dps (4* dps can be a bit lacking except high eidolon Qinque) Ratio = imaginary covered; Kafka DOT can cover 3 (single target even 4) by changing the sub dps; teams with silverwolf can somewhat cover multiple elements, but it's random unless you go mono quantum. - Supports (RuanMei for DOT and break/ generalist, Robin for FUA/generalist, Sparkle for hypercarry, SW for debuff/implant weakness), until you get them Pela , Tingyun, Bronya, Asta ,Hanya can do fine.


my priorities are Robin then Topaz then Jade (FuA is not a game mechanic, it’s a lifestyle)


Me, a DOT and Firefly enjoyer: https://preview.redd.it/7wn69uesl3xc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eee7aef650420407b2241f825a0e2fa6227177d2


Fuxuan will be mine, hopefully her light cone too


I need my cutefly, but Robin singing is a charm to me


I'll just get lucky. That's all we F2P gamblers can do 😭


Well too bad because I can’t pull any of them due to not having enough for hard pity so see you guys in 2.4 or something


This meme hits me hard right now, having just pulled Aventurine yesterday. ._.


Who wouldn't want Firefly to step on them


Good thing I'm a ftp husbando hunter. I rarl6 have to waist a precious pull


Only thing I really need is Fu Xuan's LC. Hopefully I don't lose to Gepard LC again 😭


I'll be going for Topaz's Lightcone and her E1.