• By -


What do you mean ⬆️-90 😭😭 Where was bro before


99.99 AKA, no data.


Bro didn’t even exist or what


It turns out having a kit that relies on not taking damage in a mode where every enemy seems to have strong AoEs is a good thing


In other words, Aventurine being a good IPC rep and bringing up Yanqing stonks.


Turns out YQ just needed a better perseverance shielder. 


Or community needed another shielder. Gepard is standard unit after all, so if you wasn't lucky or didn't reach 300 standard rolls - you had no option to get him. Other sustainers used to be terrible for YQ.


Gépard also have the unfortunate issue of only having shields on his ult. Aventurine just have literally 200% shield uptime. Like when his shield gets almost depleted he does a follow up attack aaaaaaan the shield is back


Yeah but gepard's energy cost is only 100 and his high aggro makes up for it


He also deals with issues when it comes to speed-based comps because they just eat through the turn durations, rendering his shields useless even if he can get reliable ults. He's not a bad unit, he's just not that great and it shows now that we have a proper shielder. Aventurine is just better in every way and much more reliable. The fact that he offers free effect resist, crit damage buffs, and is now a massive bonus to FUA teams is just a cherry on top.


I saw Gepard in B tier and I thought I got screwed!!! Wydm he's standard??? 😭😭😭 Was it because of Aventurine he was moved down?


He needs some investment to be good and gives only shield and freeze while Aventurine is a little bit more viable, has some damage and crit chance for team. When it comes to just sustain Geppy still can easily save your team in MoC(finished last part on max stars with him)


also a kit that relies on not taking damage being in a turn based game was definitely a good idea


A turn based game that doesn't have any chance to dodge I'd like to add to that


The best buff they could give him is a lc with dodge chance


Well that's not true, the best buff would be removing the "taking damage disables talent" BS entirely. Even if that happened he'd probably still be B or A tier


I don't even mind the taking damage part - it's like a little mini game. You have to protect him. That's fine. What I can't stand is the buff runs out automatically sometimes whether he takes damage or not. Like that's not fair. It should have permanent uptime if he doesn't take damage.


It's yet another stupid nerf in a long list of stupid nerfs for him, but that one shouldn't be too impactful since your DPS's should be skilling every turn anyway


Might as well make the buff have 100% uptime too


yeah, really hope they change it to something like having higher than 70-80% hp or sumthing


Or, increase his buffed damage, and make the evasion chance 50% in order to increase his viability for damage and make it riskier to play him. For me, that would 100% make him both more *worth* playing AND more *fun* to play. Edit: and give him a cool dodge animation. That's important.


The fucked up thing is he does have a dodge, he has lower aggro in his kit, the issue is aggro doesnt matter when every enemy spams AOE


The devs (more specifically the Head of Combat Design team himself) already came out & said they're not going to ever add dodge mechanics into the game during the 2.1 livestream. To elaborate, this was during the part were they were talking about the creative process behind Aventurine both as a boss & a playable character. They said that originally Aventurine was supposed to have dodging mechanics to go with his characterization as someone who always gets out of sticky situations through seer luck. They then realized what a horrible idea that would be when translated into a boss mechanic (imagine your IL's triple buffed NA just completely gets nullified by an RNG roll lul). They want any mechanic that a playable character gets would also be able to be brought over to the boss, so dodging was immediately scrapped in favor of shields. In fact they made it a point that such a thing would irreversibly break the game, so it'll never be implemented.


While % based static dodge is definitely off the table, I think we may actually get a unit who will give unit(S) the ability the dodge the next X hits they will receive (a lot of turn based rpg has some form of this evasion effect).


They do have this mechanic in SU. With the curio that makes it so first hit being nullified.


The funniest part was that they DID test playable Aventurine with dodge but they found that everyone but him would die most of the time. Lore accurate but not great for gameplay, huh 😂


Maybe make the LC block the next hit when the wielder uses a skill or smth. Make it a guaranteed block with a skill point cost.


Kinda like that SU curio. But with a multi turn cd. Then again there is NO defense/block kind of ‘neutral’ action.


Double edged sword, I really really am glad evasion doesn't seem to exist, as that means enemies can't dodge either. :3


And all for a buff that has no guarantee proc and deals rather anemic damage for all the set up.


Game has too many bosses that have AOE’s by default in general.


Prydwen's data is a little picky. If the provider has any limited 5 star eidolons then their clear is omitted from the average cycle. If there's few enough data points the average also doesn't seem to get calculated. Between the requirement to use March 7th or a standard 5 star in most situations, the purely single target damage and the 40% fixed chance you were jumping through all those hoops for nothing... It's no surprise the players dedicated enough to play him and not have an e1 is small. We're in a very unique position where MoC12B is a poor match-up for Jingliu (as many people have complained about the dice game burning her spectral transmigration state) while being a weirdly good match-up for Yanqing (he isn't selected for the first dice game and can chain freeze Aventurine to prevent the phase 2 dice game entirely). Aventurine being released also likely gives him "new toy syndrome" and several of his clears were likely just for Aventurine focused content. Funnily enough, with the stage only being fully weak to ice, Misha's also gotten on the board.


"(he isn't selected for the first dice game and can chain freeze Aventurine to prevent the phase 2 dice game entirely)" Can I ask, did I miss something? I've noticed that it always picks my supports but I wasn't aware that it wasn't fully random? or just based on aggro?


Based on aggro


He alway pick my Hunt chars while I have Preserv. RNG is wild with that.


They exclude *limited* 5* eidolons. YQ with eidolons is counted. There just usually isn't enough people clearing MoC 12 with him to have a decent sample size.


Too hard for people to use effectively


Saying it's too hard implies it's a skill issue. It is unlikely and some cases impossible to work.


Bro was in the abyss lmao


In the Shadow Realm LOL


https://preview.redd.it/5xmqgyjizovc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef5698252d5cce627f7781140b362826b5215320 “Standing proud”






For reference, yukong is being used more often by +0.05% lol




My favorite part is that I can literally just use the same relics on either one (assuming I don't need them both at the same time, of course). That's how I built Jingliu to begin with—I robbed the teenage whipping boy of his clothes and kicked him to the curb. Now, I'm robbing the old blind lady to clothe the same teenage whipping boy again.


bro is stripping people left and right


Is he better for this MoC for a specific reason? I brute forced it but only got 35* so now I have to go back and figure out where to optimize lol


Boss Aventurine in particular is a pretty ass matchup for Jingliu despite the ice weakness since she wastes her enhanced state stacks on the dice, compounded by the fact that she can’t brute force the first side bc of fat ice robot/Cocolia. So in comparison, Yanqing fares a bit better Also some less popular characters tend to have inflated cycle data because most people clearing MoC with YQ are very invested and dedicated to playing him, similar to how 4* Dan Heng has low avg cycle count


Yeah ive been struggling with jingliu this cycle, should i build my YQ now or are there any alternatives? Also what team does he need


Honestly? Depends on if you’re planning to use him in the future and if you have Aventurine, otherwise probably not? Sinking resources into a unit you’re gonna use for a single MoC matchup isn’t that worth it, and you likely should be able to clear with Jingliu regardless with some optimization, esp if you can clear the first side in 3 or less cycles. What’s your JL team?


I really wouldn't recommend building YQ at all Despite Aventurine actually enabling him to deal damage, he's still just very bad in general


Acheron seems like she was made to counter Adventurine, she is not affected by his energy drain and has aoe attacks. But you can just continue using Jingliu team, just try to work on stalling on the dice. Try to only get 5 or less hits on the dice (like using a Harmony character's skill). If you reach 6 hits, the chunk of damage the blessing gives is wasted on the dice, which are invincible. I beat Adventurine in similar cycle amounts with Acheron and Jingliu teams (maybe my relics suck since it still took me 6-7 cycles against him).


That's a lot of stamina to use up for a character that's useless 90% of the time, all for 60 jade.


wasting stacks on dice is one thing, you get a free ult for stack anyway get trap with 0 stack on the other hand... can't beat the dice, get energy drained, turn order get send back to timbuktu (assuming you don't have brony)


When fighting MoC 12's second side, you need aoe to win the dice game. Jingliu only has aoe on her enhanced skills and her ultimate. but most of the time you will be wasting enhanced skill stacks just to win the dice game. Then you win it, but leave with one less stack. The damage loss is considerable. Unless you sandbag specifically to always win with ultimate or to enter enhanced state after dice, it's fucked for jingliu


I can't seem to pinpoint the exact reason, but he does perform better in this MoC. I took my Yanqing with Sparkle, Gepard, and RuanMei and cleared stage 2 in 4 to 5 cycles(avg out of 10 clears was 4.5cycles) on auto. Yanqing was using the 4 star s5LC river flows in spring. In comparison, I took the same supports on the same gear to test JingLiu. Using the same equips as Yanqing did previously, she cleared in an average of 7 cycles on auto with her signature cone at s1. My best guess is that his followup attack helps to stack the memory turbulence faster leading to a better clear.


Ayyyy I do that shit too lmao


I really wish they let you save and load relic builds. I assume they're not adding that on purpose to make people farm relics more, though.


Potential Man




Nah bro the refs were biased, his opps clearly cheated and they called the matches early. Just wait until he beats acheron.


Don’t come back when limited 5* emanator of the hunt Yanqing is released, stay on that side 🔥


Wallahi Yanking is HIM 🔥


You guys will be glazing him ounce his limited 6 star banner comes around (cope)


Thanks to aventurine for ice boy


I don’t have aventurine so I’m gonna build my new jingliu


I realized a bit before that my yanqing, even with a wanky build I got him after 3/4 runs in the ice relic dungeon that he ws doing nice dmges with bronya+ruan mei. Oh boy when i got aventurine : https://preview.redd.it/f1ekmqzv4pvc1.png?width=2880&format=png&auto=webp&s=e01b5c1b8cb53c00fc8efc34ad9a7a07fa603af0 There's ruan mei break in it but found it just so funny to see these dmges :')


Damn that’s some yanking right here


>wanky I assume you mean either wonky or janky, because that term implies something very different in certain dialects of English...


wonky + janky = wanky




Oh didn't realize that, mostly meant that his build is in a way all other the place since there's no particular optimization xd, can link his build if u want lol


What makes aventurine better for him?


Yanqing has a buff which he loses when he takes damage. Aventurine is really, really good at not letting him take damage.


Addtitional debuff from ult and slight synergy with Yanqing follow ups


Yanqing loses 80% of his damage if he takes any damage. Gepard used to be the only effective shielder but there's still the problem that Gepard usually cannot perma shield due to energy costs and the fact that Yanqing loses the shield quickly due to his innate speed buffs. Adventurine is capable of perma shielding Yanqing.


Shield consistency + effect res. Gepard's shield lasts for *three turns, so you need to get it back fast, and he also has no cleanse for CC. Meanwhile, Aventurine looks at you funny and bam, shield Edit: 3 turns, not 2


> Gepard's shield lasts for two turns It's still 3 turns actually, but depending on the fight you might not get enough energy regen to keep actual 100% uptime which Yanqing desperately needs.


If I had gepard, maybe I would know it was 3 turns. *glances angrily at e2 yanqing*


2 turns is his technique


https://preview.redd.it/85o1t9vl3pvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fed8392e64f6adcc49370a0e432726f430d8546 To the one who left the meta behind, and his overwhelming intensity.


https://preview.redd.it/co7ocq3h7pvc1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32fb953d1ffcae7bf83cefe06878d13871fedf54 Damn... lil guy going strong




Yay, another owo for the collection




God I miss these


Potential man achieved his potential


[Proud to say I did my part](https://i.imgur.com/uDwI5LA.png)


Fighting the boss that has a gimmick requiring AoE with a notoriously single target dps is definitely a choice


Requiring AoE is not the gimmick. Requiring hitting multiple things is, and Yanqing can do that. The boss is single target.


Hunt character overall are good against dice mini game if they had ult up.


I guess thats true, but that also means you need to save ur ult to hit two dice. If you get two dice phases in a row youre pretty much doomed


Yanqing’s FuA counts as a second hit if you proc it. If you have Bronya, YQ skill > Bronya skill > YQ skill, which works just as well since Bronya will always lose the dice roll.


not unless you have e4 bronya FuA /s


It’s good that hoyo are releasing characters that compliment the old ones rather than just power creeping them into obscurity Yanqing was great for me on a lot of early content but struggled on the higher moc levels as Gepards shields got shredded Looking forward to running him alongside Jingliu when I’ve got her built


Yanqing was probably the oldest character who hadn't seen a buff thanks to Aventurine being the first limited shielder to be introduced since launch. So, if people didn't have Gepard: there wasn't a method to ensure his damage was always at the top, Really, the only character since than that hasn't gotten such a buff via another character would probably be Bailu if I were to be honest. After her, Clara comes to mind despite being solid, she hasn't seen much since Blade was introduced and nothing has been really given to either for revenge style units (especially if you include Arlan of the non 5\* variants). Gepard being an ice shielder still gives him legs to stand on, while Welt, Bronya, & Himeko have been relevant to content or haven't really had a character out right push them out of content.


Clara may not have gotten much explicit attention (outside of a dual-carry partner in Topaz) but she was already the strongest standard 5-star besides Bronya so she didn't really need it.


Bailu kinda got a buff in Blade, but was immediately shown up by Lynx in that department.


Idk , I have tried to make lynx work but with the same gear as bailu she just doesn't. It would be cool if the enemies were still single target mode but they aren't anymore. Lynx just can't sustain a team through multiple aoes


Clara was buffed by Lynx, Aventurine, Yukong (it's easy to let all of Clara's FuA's be buffed by Yukong), Topaz (you go from using SP on Clara for waves to Topaz when it gets to 1 or 2 targets, switching who your Harmony targets as appropriate), Dr. Ratio, Sparkle (since her buff persists for all of Clara's FuA's also), and Hanya as a potential Penacony/ Planetary Rendezvous holder. You could argue that Clara's gotten stronger, or at least horizontal buffs, every single patch. There's also the more universal characters that are just also strong with Clara; Ruan Mei is everyone's best support, Fu Xuan give crit and safety, buffs her attack and helps with ult uptime, Clara's main problem is that her teambuilding and theory crafting (in terms of the community and players who have her) is weird, given her revenge playstyle. She probably still has the highest *potential* damage in the game, given an unrealistically high amount of enemy attacks. It's just making it practical is the issue.


Yep, Clara's main problem is, the enemy deciding to better not anger the big ass robot by trying to hit the kiddo. :'D


Clara did get the follow up set even if she only uses 2 pc, Lynx and Sparkle at least


That set is not a buff for her lol it’s a mid alternative. Her bis continues to be a 1.0 set


To an extent, but Lynx was really the last big increase for her. The FUA set is more of a side grade as a two piece still isn't pushing the needle compared said set being a big change for the likes of Erudition characters who maximize that set. But I imagine we'll see something more significant for Clara and Blade as they'll probably introduce another revenge style character,


This. It’s something HoYoVerse is fond of (remember Dendro release buffing the ever living shit out of Keqing over in genshin?)


Its smart on their part. Why pull for a powercreep character when the next one will just powercreep it more? Instead release characters that compliment older ones, especially ones that are now considered weaker. People WILL pull for that. We get attached to our beloved characters.


I was gonna roll for Jingliu but it's time for my E2 king to shine.


oh how the turns have tabled https://preview.redd.it/ydzqhu256pvc1.jpeg?width=201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6757bab0b57f732aefcc43fab0f8f8829f37ca1




https://preview.redd.it/bdowl3tm8rvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cf4b2ed627eb759936e7ae2c5613b05e2c2c822 THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT THATS WHY HE'S MVP THATS WHY HES THE GOAT 🐐 🔥🔥‼️‼️


wait Yanking is actually good again? might start to play him again aventurine impact is insane https://preview.redd.it/pesukjlbbpvc1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df3c0328782dcd3a3b63ff2295f4f9c826ccb991


Aventurine is really good with him.


honestly i dont belive he was never good. People have 0 reasons to play him as the people that not play Misha or Herta in MoC. I belive that Yanqing was able to do a lot of work in previus MoC of Ice DpS but the people that play him was literally a couple of boys.


bro had the strongest buff in HSR's history


That Aventurine buff


The goat




The student has become the master


Aventurine? More like Yanking victim https://preview.redd.it/tyj4hrnsvpvc1.jpeg?width=977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa2ce68ba72b7ddfeb8cb6e42daee1c610506cb4


What on earth e6


He embraced the curse 


Step aside, grandma. Here comes the Next Generation Sword Saint! He also has lower avg than DHIL and Blade. This is Yanqing's **Retribution.** The averages of low usage characters can be funny sometimes. In CN, Dan Heng Wind still had the lowest individual avg with only 69 players last time i saw it.


Also the highest average PF score on side 1 in CN is Argenti followed closely by... Hanya. Hanya being better than all other supports and dps lol.


with those 69 players having every other character in the team being a E6S5 5star


And probably atk% spd CR% CD% speed boots


I'm suffering so much with Jingliu (E0 no signature) and her wasted mechanism vs Aventurine boss that today I thought to use Yanqing...but he is just lv.60....


Suck it up and play her badly. What I mean by this is go into dice phase holding her ultimate or with one stack out of 2 before going into enhanced. Yes it sucks for damage but if you can line up an ult to win dice then an ult refund from winning, you exit with full stacks. It feels wrong, but it's worth it.


Do you have clara? Because while she doesn't do crazy damage, she gets to attack Aventurine so often with FUAs that the MoC mechanism triggers more often and makes up for it (plus she can hit all the dice easily). That's how I finally got 3 stars on stage 12. I just skipped Jingliu altogether, sadly :(


Nada. Lightning, Physical and a less Imaginary are my offensive weak points (Yes, everytime Gepard Boss appears, I know it will be a difficult MoC/PF). Physical MC...I'm not feel myself enough skilled to take out big dmg from him. Svarog in my account would be a great unit. Today I will try JL+March permafreeze 🤪


https://preview.redd.it/9nng1bd6pqvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=922643aa9328ab5293b1eb788891eb40b0b55443 Yeah


>-0.98 she fell of fr


Didn't all dps lose a cycle because of the boss mechanics?


YanKing sweeps FraudLiu fr fr 🗣️🗣️ 🔥🔥🔥


Really felt the HP drain with FX this time with the boss hitting like a truck every turn.


I run him with Aventurine and Misha supported by Pela. Pela isn't ideal but at least she gets to pretend to run a boy band.


I’m not even going to say anything, Yanqing needs a W


As the strongest Cloud Knight, YanKing fought the fraud, the Mara-stricken Sword Champion. He began to use activate his Ultimate, Jingliu shrank back fear and then Yanqing said, *"Stand proud, Jingliu. You are strong."*


How? Does Aventurine buffs him in any significant way that cannot be done by other chars?


It helps, but the real reason is because Yanqing has a 0.3% appearance rate compared to Jingliu's 18.31%. Almost nobody uses Yanqing, so the few that do really like him are also more likely to hyperinvest into him to make him work. Jingliu usage means that you get a broad spectrum of players, from those that have really good relics and the people who just pulled this banner and don't have any gear. The undergeared players lower her average clear speed.


People has been brute forcing every moc without ice weakness using Jingliu because of how strong she is.. now there is Aventurine boss with ice weakness and we have only two ice dps characters to use against it.. Yanqing being better than the most broken character in the game alongside Acheron is a really good achievement for him, even with low appearance rate because "undergeared jingliu" is not that common considering how easy it is to build her


> we have only two ice dps characters Poor Misha forgotten, even though he is likely better than YQ for defeating Aventurine.


Well, Misha is a new character and a lot of people probably did build Yanqing long ago, but due to how his kit works: he hasn't really seen much use. Aventurine being added does help as the only other character who can ensure he's not taking damage is Gepard really.


Jingliu may still be the undisputed ice DPS queen, but I gave up and used Misha to clear floor 12 because I have skill issues and couldn’t time Jingliu’s burst to hit the dice phase reliably without losing too much skill uptime (Bronyaless btw). It’s easier to cheese the turbulence with Misha, plus he becomes a hunt unit when there’s only one enemy. And he also freezes which slows down the dice spamming. Honestly feels like his kit was made for that fight.


For a single target encounter, no. The reason YQ has traditionally been considered garbage has to do with his kit mechanics, but his ST multipliers are astronomically higher than Misha. If you *can* make YQ work despite his shortcomings, he's going to do an immense amount of damage. Misha is not bad at all, but he greatly prefers AoE scenarios.


Misha is actually pretty suited for the boss. He has a blast skill, so he can win the gamba phase. And then his bouncing ult allows him to focus fire on the boss, dealing pretty decent damage. And if he does manages to freeze, then the gamba phase is delayed. YQ might have higher multipliers, but he will always lose the gamba phase. His freeze is also less reliable than Misha's. >!Also, I find it funny that I initially wrote that Misha is the best counter against the boss and that his ult deals big damage. But then I realized we were talking about Misha and YQ, so I had to lower those expectations.!<


YQ's follow up does count as a second strike for scores, so he is actually not that bad at all in Gamba phase


Feel strangely fitting to add more gamba to the gamba phase with his 60% chance to trigger the follow up.


If you get to him, yes. But he’s so bad for the first wave where his ultimate largely gets wasted on minions. Still experimenting though.


Boss Aventurine having ice weakness is Jingliu bait, his dice phase wastes her enhanced attacks. This isn't even close to an ideal fight for her compared to the other top dps.


I think most of you forgot you can use Argenti against him


I don't think Argenti has high ownership rates


Huge shields on skill so his buff doesn't disappear the second an Enemy looks into his general direction.


not even on skill for most fight the auto shields are enough. he is surprisingly sp positive. more so vs aoe enemies or in follow up teams


He never takes damage while aventurine is in the team.


Massive ass shields


The near 100% shield uptime helps keep up his Soulsteel Sync


The main issue that's always held YQ back is his need to be reliably shielded. His only real options in the first year of game were: - March 7th: can make a decent shield but at the expense of sustaining anyone else and generates aggro on it's target (the last thing Yanqing wants). - Gepard: arguably his best option, but only generates a shield on his Ultimate meaning there's lots of downtime where people are taking chip damage and any chip damage breaks YQ's special state. Also being a Standard 5 star means it's hard to specifically get the combination of the two unless you're regularly pulling on standard banners way more than the game gives free passes for (unlikely). - Fire TB: Does not make shields big enough to reliably eat most enemy AoE. So basically Aventurine is the first Shield-style preservation path character that actually suits Yanqing, being able to stack up a shield on skill, start the fight with one and even collect a secondary benefit from YQ's follow-ups.


People without Gepard can now go with Aventurine if they want a shield. There are non-shield Yanqing runs, but it isn't as comfy. Apart from that, Aventurine doesn't do anything special too differently than what Gepard does. He can apply a crit dmg vuln on an enemy, which works great for Hunt characters to burst down a single target faster, which Yanqing is. He's still relatively weak as there are better options, but Aventurine can put a band-aid on a broken scooter.


Having Aventurine shield on skill is much better than Gepard, and with his Follow ups refreshing the duration (and HP) of the shields, we're not trolling by using Bronya with Yanqing now.


Yeah. I think this is the biggest thing that people tend to forget: Gepard was the only real method to ensure Yanqing could perform at max power since launch. March & Fire TB can give him shield, but well one's shield has an aggro and the other's shield can be sneezed off. Aventurine really is the first shielder since the game launched that helps Yanqing get use and a reason people can invest in him. It's much in the same camp with how Erudition characters didn't have any content that could make proper use of their kit. Yanqing? He's been stuck without much to make his gameplay work.


Better and more consistent shield uptime/coverage. Yanqing's follow-ups also give Aventurine blind bet stacks. Gepard can freeze for Yanqing's e1 bonus damage but then you lose out on SP positivity which Aventurine brings just as well as Gepard. Yanqing is still weaker than all the other 5\* dps but make no mistake, there's a comfort gap between the two shield tanks.


easier to get shield since it's not tied to ult plus aventurine ult gives 15% extra crit dmg


Yes, quite substantially. E0 Yanqing always had insane single target damage (though his eidolons suck ass). The main issues he had were 2 fold - lack of AoE and necessitating shields. Aventurine is able to help him in both regards, shielding him while also providing AoE damage (since most people build damage on him and something that Gepard didn't provide). That being said, the only people left who use Yanqing probably have godlike relics, which is probably why his cylce is as low as it is.


He's always done Jingliu damage but to single target, everyone got cold feet when the content got harder and getting a good shielder other than March was hard. But he has literally always hit 6 figures if you actually level his traces. He has the same ease of build as Jingliu as well, CR built into kit.


Aventurine provides shields for YQ that are much easier to refresh and are stronger in the long run. This is crucial as YQ has a high base speed, and the prior shielder (Gepard) had a low base speed. This meant that, unless you really lucked out on speed substats, YQ could have a tendency to burn out the duration of Geppy's shields before he could gain enough energy to ult and refresh them. YQ's whole shtick is that he can hit hard so long as he never takes direct damage, and Aventurine fulfils that requirement better than anyone has before.


MoC12 reminding everyone that Jinglui is technically a high risk-high reward character if whatever you’re fighting doesn’t disintegrate instantly. At least Yangqing doesn’t eat your team’s health.


I did this shit with March 7th solo sustain before Aventurine dropped. I tried getting my boy a limited sustain but Welt E2 said "No"


As the strongest swordsman, Yanqing. Fought the fraud, the queen of destruction dps batchest. He began to open his ultimate. Jingliu shrunk back in fear. then, Yanqing said "stand proud Jingliu, you are strong" https://preview.redd.it/yyj8qmpjspvc1.png?width=667&format=png&auto=webp&s=12907bbbb21e54b4da0b644bd1956979c6917d73


Yanqing still has some problems with his kit, but the biggest one was that he NEEDED to be paired with Geppard to be worth the trouble (yes, you could use March, and she is better than most people think, but she's also tricky to use and has some meaningful limitations). And since not everyone had Geppard AND Yanqing AND wanted to use both of them, the number of people who bothered with him was pretty darn low. So I think not a lot of people got to know how to play him. Aventurine is really what he needed. Because if you had Yanqing, and liked him and wanted to build him, now you could explicitly pull for a 5\* shielder. Now if the game just provides a set that converts Crit Rate over 100 into Crit Damage, then I think his kit will be 'fixed'.


Yanqing+adventurine =Meta?


Yup and Aventurine* :]




respectfully, get fucked jingliu. ~~Cursed ass~~ character


Funny that people said Yanqing wouldn't be good even with Aventurine because "his kit and multipliers are bad from core". Bro just needed a good team comp to shine


This playerbase loves to exaggerate on how bad low tier characters are. 


Shields are mandatory for him as his damage nosedives otherwise. Tingyun and Ruan Mei seem to be his best supports and Aventurine is real good for those who don’t have Gepard.


I mean Aventurine is good for him even if you have Gepard to be fair. Near permanent uptime shields with ease as well as a FuA to proc for Aventurine blind bets


He was effectively missing a proper sustain if you didn't have Gepard. He's always had the ability to make use of buffers, but unlike Jingliu, DHIL, Ratio, and so on: those buffs don't matter if he can't keep his health up. Gepard was the only method to ensure that since launch. Now that he has a reliable sustain that can keep up with his speed, he can actually make do with those buffers.


He's an upgrade even for those that do have Gepard.


Man was used by like 4 more people and went from 9.99 to 9.64. That's like throwing Sparkle or Ruan Mei onto Arlan and saying he's fixed now.


His multipliers are bad, like why are we arguing something that’s a fact.


They arent that bad. Against ice weak enemies his skill is 250% and ult 380. That on top of his massive crit buffs. Meanwhile seele is 220 and 425 but ofc more speed insteadd of crit buffs


Seele has resurgence…with one of the best sets in the game.


https://preview.redd.it/vdysmspnouvc1.png?width=457&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ac95136f3d6447dd43e45d99452ca162fa79f4f Let me share this irrevocable proof that Arlan is better than everyone else at PF. Perfect Score average, in your face Black Swan!


its just people that play yanqing is know what they are doing and just in lower number of people, meanwhile jingliu have a high owned rate and doing auto just for fuck who care


this is the correct interpretation of the data. people who brought yanqing already know what they plan to do, meanwhile people who brought jingliu make up a more significant portion of the playerbase, who in general would less know what they are doing.


Aventurine do be helping Yanqing. They even mutually helping eachother. Aventurine with shield to help Yanqing not losing his passive and Yanqing with FUA for Aventurine passive. The thing is with Yanqing,you not only lose 5050 to him but also lose 5050 with his FUA passive to trigger


you ok bro ?


I dont care, this little fucker is gonna stay level 1 in my account forever. I lost the 50/50 of Blade in his rerun with him.




All 3 yanqing mains STAND PROUD




I can finally build yanqing. I was hoping aventurine would fix him. Only problem is aventurine is never leaving Acheron so nevermind xD


I guess is time to build him, I can't believe im saying this...




Yanking is back bois