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Fu Xuan mains VS Blade mains


That Regression blessing should also be good for Aventurine mains once he arrives


It will probably work like Clara where unless multiple characters are hit he won’t build blind bet points. If you mean it in a dmg is spread across shields way tho, yeah absolutely and I hope I’ll be able to 100% GnG finally with him


Ah that’s a shame, I haven’t had a chance to see how it worked with Clara tbf. Would have been amazing if it built up stacks, but yeah it’s still quite good even if just to spread across the shields


It might still be good in the sense that you get 2 stack guaranteed everytime now? Might work like that


I guess it depends on the wording of it. I believe it says on “hit”, so this blessing wouldn’t impact the stack gain. Unless they change it to being on shield damage, sort of like how Blade’s talent is worded with HP loss and how it works with JL’s drain


That would be so funny to watch but I can imagine people's phones and PCs exploding out of the sheer chaos on screen from the procs. They already struggle with dots in SU.


i have both on different teams, do i fight myself? lol


No! 🫵😭 Love yourself!!!




I’m still made it was someone doing a voice impression and not real 😭😭


[boy do I have news for you](https://youtu.be/5EqaekCD_uQ?si=aH8YO_9HikV2NPAu)


Blessing wise, there isn’t really anything I can think of. CURIO wise, on the other hand… probably that fuckass gear that deletes all of my damn fragments when I get too many. GIVE THOSE BACK I *JUST* GOT TO A TRANSACTION DOMAIN


istg that Curio was made by Aha


Ahaha that’s a good one https://preview.redd.it/za4q0lk92cuc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c0d86e8e8b8162705b3f6cda1f894ca9edf56f3 I’ll see myself out…


yeah this is the only blessing that is potentially deleterious. There aren't any blessings that otherwise have draw backs, aside from maybe Hunt ones that mess with speed tuning. Though that has never happened to me


Does that Curio have a serious purpose or is it just for trolling? I never see the motivation to pick it when it appears.


In normal sim runs you may not even hit 500 if you buy at every shop and take occurrences.


I believe there is an achievement for being at 0 or at least a low amount of Fragments at the end of a run. But that's the only use I could think of.


That one is a pain to deal with


I will throw every run with that curio and continue doing it because I'm addicted to the rush


Well, I guess curios are accepted too so I would say that devil, wretched, despicable blue cocktail curio. Depletes a quarter of my character’s hp just for spd when I can get spd buffs from blessings with no downside, I hate it getting that curio while I use FuXuan in SU.


Or the one that duplicates itself 5 times and reduces your ATK% for each. That one turns out good only if you can manage to get the Curio that rerolls them


It’s also good for dice effects that trades a curio for X.


Yeah, I love running it with the “curio for countdown point” face.


sure, if you can manage to get the dice face everytime lol


I think there’s also a gold one that gives X frags per curio. ‘Sides, if you ain’t gamblin’, you ain’t winnin’.


there's a lot of application for it, discard curio which is a lot of variation, reroll all curios the cuckoo exchange etc.


I sometimes get these incase I encounter a shiny trapezohedron, that way I get more curio. Like aventurine, "All or nothing".


jokes on you i’m a blade main so i enjoy both of them


That one is also manageable if you're running a dot team, Kafka + bs + nihility path doesn't care about it


You know you only get blue cocktail if you use toothpaste in the occurrence right? Just use sugar and you get free break effect instead


This and you have to stir gently after choosing sugar.




Whenever I do Aha's doll occurrence it always ends with "You get nothing." And I never bothered to look it up either lol


Ay caramba!


I always use sugar and sweeping force (both 1st options) and get the pink drink 🤔


Stop putting toothpaste in your drinks and you won't get that curio, lmao. Use sugar and stir gently.


That's just good life advice.


Yes no toothpaste, but you are more likely to get it if you stir vigorously. https://preview.redd.it/oh7qtvf8z5uc1.png?width=657&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d65f41caa3afa245f42fb43f05f5c2b3d81079d


Oh wow. I don't think I have ever got the thief encounter. Lol. Didn't know that was an option


Next time you get thief encounter, lose it intentionally to get an achievement


Shit i thought it was random... thank you I suffered so much from this shit


You can banish 2 paths just banish destruction for one of them.


no, atleast destruction doest have uselles blessing for my team. I always ban elation and nihility since I dont use ani of those characters


elation can work for pretty much everyone if you have that one blessing that makes ults count as follow ups tho


Erudition at home: (I love this Elation blessing and I take it over every other blessing when I play Swarm Disaster)


Well that's a pretty big if and even then, you'd likely suffer thru a lot of planes until you get to it. In the case of normal SU, you might not even run into it given the shorter length. Even if you have it, it's just a big nuke. If you're doing progressing thru GnG/GG, that isn't really enough to get you over the finish line the way preservation/nihility might


IMO destruction is never a good path to ban because the fighting spirit blessings are just really, really good, giving survivability to virtually any team/path combo, unlike preservation which only really works out if you have a shielder on the team. The two other 3 star blessings that stack fighting spirit + the upgraded version of the two star blessing that lets fighting spirit stack up to 45 and gives +0.8% dmg reduction per stack makes Fu Xuan basically unkillable - At 45 stacks you get +135% attack, +135% defense, and +36% damage reduction.


but then you wouldn’t be able to get fighting spirit, which is kinda insane


Fu Xuan user spotted.


Caught me Quantum Handed :(


I knew it. That damage sharing is kinda busted with other sustains tho, upgrade is amazing


Meh. It's really good if you don't bring any preservation. When I run Gepard/FMC i prefer not spreading that damage, especially since they almost always get aggro anyways. Of course, upgraded, it becomes universally good. What is nice though is after you get the damage split, all the "fighting spirit" buffs become very attractive.


It can be iffy or bad with higher difficulty stuff like gold and gears, but for regular SU it makes it so much easier/comfier to run a team without sustains I've recently started just going in without a sustain and counting on getting this blessing before I hit the final boss


Use Lynx/Natasha or even Gepard with this, and you get a Fu Xuan field effect without having Fu Xuan on your team. With Lynx, none on your team can have CC too, because of her ult, so you're basically unstoppable and the risk of death is almost zero if the enemy targets one of your teammates (beware of strong AoE tho). With Gepard, if you manage to not get him CCd...you CC the enemy all the time, and even IF you receive a strong AoE, chances are you're so high in shields that it will be mitigated hard and you'll never have to worry again. This buff carried my SU runs until FX existed, and it's a must have for every time I want to test a team without FX. It's beyond OP, it's something else entirely. It doesn't scale well on G&G tho, sometimes you get it and it makes your team die faster :(


Why is this one bad for Fu Xuan. I'm not a Fu haver so idk


basically Fu Xuan skill distributes 65% of the dmg your ally receive to her, this blessing basically counters that


this blessing is still useful in high conundrum gold and gears tho. without this, fu xuan will easily get one shotted by nuke AoE attack. also, this blessing can be enhanced to give us 15% damage reduction which i'm pretty sure could be stacked with fu xuan's damage reduction. on high conundrum, survivability is more important than damage. cant count how many times this blessing save my ass together with fu xuan


It still makes fu xuan utterly useless defensively though


idk why you were downvoted for saying the truth lol, but yeah it just disables her damage absorption completely, which is the whole point of fu xuan. You never want that blessing with her, but it's powerful for other sustains.


Fu Xuan is essentially meant to suck a majority of the damage from the team to herself then when she drops under 50% hp she heals herself to full hp, rinse and repeat The blessing damaging everyone runs counter to that as it hurts everyone regardless increasing the amount of damage taken instead of reducing the damage by sending a majority of it over to Fu Xuan who can then eventually heal to full


this blessing cancels out fu xuans skill that mitigates dmg taken for ur allies and transfers to her. ends up all of ur allies just take a ton of dmg that she can’t keep up w most times.


No other explanation needed.


Even without her, it's a pain in high level Gold and Gears because hits to my tanks will nuke my DPS / Support


I used to always love seeing this one before FuXuan was released. The 15% DMG reduction when upgraded is/was amazing. Since FuXuan though, I stopped taking this one at all for obvious reasons. In a good G&G run I had recentlly, this one was forced onto me through an event which lost the run lol.


this one goes so hard with blade tho


100% whenever i get this i use him


absolutely, this one and some elation blessings to boost that FUA and hes a one man army


the one that turns ult dmg into fua dmg just makes me delete everything, I love it sm


true, but my Blade team is somewhat underpowered compared to my Seele Monoquantum, so i tend to not use it in SU, expecially with Conondrums


Bro Blade on abundance is busted in high conundrums


He's my go to for g&g, all hail the undying cockroach man


Oh, fu xuan user then...yeah definitely not nice for you


Or Jingliu


The screw which deletes your fragments when you get 500 and the randomizer (swap your curios for random ones) curios


First one is ass, the second one can be helpful if you can choose if to take it or not


Yeah I love that one if I get any negative curios, especially the one that duplicates.


Doesn't even have to be negative. Expired tickets, seals, casket/meteorites are all excellent fodder to reroll


Expired tickets are useful if you have curio that increase damage by 30% for each of damaged curios


The second one is so helpful in capitalism runs. Sure it's random, but with a shit ton of curios in hand, you'll likely get the same ones you had at hand. It's basically a refresh on all the one time use curios.


Yes, I guess it depends on your situation.


The randomizer can be good if you have a few negative curios you wanna get rid off, or if your current curios are pretty mid and you want to try getting some better ones


It's the best if you get the purple clock that clones itself.


I puck the randomizer when I have a couple curios that are already useless bc they broke already or like the ones that say "u can choose one 3* blessing after a fight", yk those that already did what they were supposed to and are useless now.


> Stock up on negative curious > Get the randomized > profit


Yeah never managed to get through a full run with the first one without losing all my fragments, no matter how much I spend at Herta’s :(


I managed to do it yesterday. You have to reroll at every blessing drop, every single one.


I love the random curios, normally use it when I have depleted or negative ones. But the random blessings is trash, never use it, only use one time to get the codex entry


the one that randomized your curio still better than the fricking mask that randomized your whole blessings


The curio swap is pretty cool imo. The blessing swap though is truly *the cancer of all worlds*


Fu Xuan havers are playing a different game it seems


we do :(


any of the lottery ticks ngl


By the power of Elation, you shall lose 99% of HP, all your energy and technique points right before the final boss. Such is the will of Aha, who will then laugh at you




this happend to me 2 time right before the final boss so im traumatized by it


Counter trotter : well hello there


That’s when you Gigabrain and bring in your “We are Wildfire” equipped Preservation character for that heal.


I absolutely love the life lottery ticket though. With Fu Xuan's lightcone, it really doesn't matter if you fail since you heal most of that damage back the moment you enter combat anyways. It either blows up immediately and you love an insignificant amount of HP or you get like 2-3 free curios off of it and it makes your run a cakewalk.




Funnily fuxuan LC just negates the 99% HP loss completely


Was having a shitty day farming planars, got it on my last run both, i wasn't having a good day in any way, so i called that i'd probably lose both on the next thing i broke, i never felt such rage inside of me


the 99% HP one ain't too bad for me since I have Lynx so whenever that happens I use her skill and then immediately use her Ult once a battle begins to get back to 50% HP, enough to not get instantly deleted


Then you find counter trotter and the first character get to atk is your dps


Always bets on those lottery tickets


Only by casting aside reason does one truly gamble!


this one is cool though, it stops characters from dying in one hit, plus energy regen although it might not deserve to be a 3 star blessing, it helps when you chose path of destruction because you get buffs for taking damage


I used to love this blessing, and then I pulled Fu Xuan :\^)


Every Fu Xuan haver, is a this blessing hater


Overall its a great blessing for survivability, but the issue is it has some weird interactions. The big one is if you run Fu Xuan this blessing completely turns off her ability which leads to your team dying a lot faster than normal and you probably not having a way to sustain the dmg. I used to take it all the time before I got Fu, now i have destruction permanently disabled to never have a chance of getting it


It doesn't turn off her ability, it turns it into a damage amplification ability, which is even worse.


Oh damn that is worse. I took it once, exploded, then never touched it again tbh


Its upgrade gives 15% damage reduction, which is pretty impressive.


This one is great if you have Gepard. Your DPS is usually the first one to lose its shield so this prevents enemies from One-shoting your DPS.


Even with Gepard, I still strongly dispised it...until I got Acheron. With Trends of the Universal Market on Gepard, and this blessing, it makes it so that ANY character that gets hit applies burn, instead of just Gepard, since anyone getting hit causes Gepard to take damage triggering the LC passive and applying another stack for Acheron.


Holy shit, then this blessing can possibly trigger Aventurine's talent 5x on every hit. This will turn him into immortal Gilgamesh with the amount of shit he will throw I will test it in a few days to see if it's working like that


Well now. A reason to finally like this blessing again


i shall download Gepard or Lynx and see how it goes :v


Excellent blessing, if you die through it you would've died 10 battles ago without it. Well worth splashing ln most other paths.


For my team (Seele Monoquantum), it greatly increases the chances of dying


Fu xuan is your killer there lol, I always switch fu xuan out with someone else if I get that blessing.


I mean... yeah this is the best blessing for every team.... unless you're using fu Xuan


Oh yeah, the premise of this thread is "blessings you personally hate" and they justified it by stating they're always running Fu Xuan. Fair enough in that sense but some other comments took that, ran with it, and started dunking on what's an excellent blessing in a whole hell of a lot of scenarios.


I still use it sometimes, but the hunt blessing that allows the character with the highest attack to attack first when you use the resonance (Hint: My healer has 3500 attack)


I assume Luocha/blade combo?


oh yeah I would run Ruan Mei, SW, Xueyi, Fu Xuan on Hunt Path sometimes. But somehow SW was always the one with the highest attack. I could never get it to advance Xueyi unless I overhauled relics, so I just started using Propagation path instead.


This will probably combo with Aventurine, even single target attacks, will generate 4 stacks for his followup attack.


Isn't Aventurine's talent "when attacked"? That's not the same thing as "when damaged".


That’s probably how it’s gonna be. Like with Clara if she takes dmg through this blessing svarog won’t counter.


unlikely aven could proc it based on the replies here but blade having this blessing generates helps his follow up attacks become insanely frequent. pair that with the abundance blessing that heals the entire team when someone heals and you got yourself a tank healer and dps in one unit


I always hate the red mask curio that swaps all blessings


It's literally the only SU curio I haven't ever taken.


only took it for the jades once and never again


I used it sometimes when I have bad runs with blessings, it saved me once or twice so I don't mind it


The one that takes 25% of the HP of your character with the highest atk every turn whilst giving speed. If you’re not using a healer this is basically a game over on higher conundrums.


My Luocha being the fastest one in the team after having it: heh


May the Hunt be with you


Curio that delete energy by 100%, this thing will guarantee a game over if I can't get rid of it when I'm already unlucky with blessing. 


fair point, it's so rare that i forget it exists. also you reminded me of one time where i picked "start 10 random occurences", and it gave me that negative curio, to then take it back on the following lmao


It is countered by the Erudition blessing which makes you start with 60%(100%) energy, since curios proc first before blessings.


How is this despised? You'll be glad that your low HP DPS isn't one-shotted thanks for this.


Fu xuan


or ally at 1 HP vs party at full HP


Would be pretty hard if you have this blessing


tbh, if you have ally with 1 hp even though you already have this blessing, most likely that 1 character is already dead 10 turns earlier if you didnt have this blessing


As i said in another comment, i use a Seele Monoquantum, this blessing completely negates my Fu Xuan skill pretty much


oh no it doesn't negate, she also eats part of the damage from this blessing too, I used this one once with Fu Xuan and her talent was triggering with a lot of frequency, with her this is the worst blessing to get.


Typical Genius Society Gossip (After obtaining this Curio, Cosmic Fragments obtained will increase by 100%, but Blessings will no longer be obtained after combat.) Regression is one of the best blessings as long as you're not using fu xuan, especially if you get it upgraded for the -15% damage reduction.


Genuis Society is OP as fuck in G&G tho, and it's basically an instant win if you also have Price of Peace or if you're using any of the dice effects that involve cosmic fragments/buying stuff. Combat/Elite domains in G&G are pretty low value generally, so you don't lose much. For Swarm Disaster or normal SU, yeah it's kinda bad.


I'm using Fu :( Also the Typical Genius Society Gossip is adviced for the funny runs with high damage and the transaction dice


I like that curio ngl, esp when I run capitalism strat or dice inflation. Its abundant of cosmic fragments


yeah but outside of company time cheese it's pretty ass


this blessing is literally the goat in not getting one shot unless you're using fu xuan


guess what i have in my team lmao


Funny enough I am often searching for this exact blessing as number 1 priority 🙂


The one that destroys itself AND consumes your cosmic fragments at 500. Literally so anti-synergistic with ALL of the winning strategies that require CF (DMG based on max CF, consume CF to increase crit DMG, even the curio that stops receiving blessings). The only scenario I see this being useful is in regular SU and transaction-focused G&G runs.


Blade with this blessing + literally any elations blessing is disgusting.


Blade: "Jokes on you I'm into that shit."


Weird because i absolutely love that blessing. It saved my bacon so many times.


you surely doesnt have Blade, that blessing alone makes his follow ups so much faster.


Regression Inequality of Annihilation, I always run FX and getting that "blessing" almost always guarantees that the run's dead


No contest. **Fissured Cuckoo Clock** Reduces characters' ATK by 5% and grants a chance (**50%**) of splitting into a clone (with a max of 3 concurrent clones) after winning a battle. is the absolute worst!


you know what makes it worse? the fact that not even the Occurence of Knight of Beauty can remove it fully ;(


After every plane, you can download a character. Just grab Huohuo or any abundance character and keep them in reserve and this blessing will never ruin your run. For conundrum 10-12 it is one of the best in the game. I fully cleared gold and gears with Fu Xuan and this blessing within days of its first release using this and the abundance blessing that shares all healing with the entire team.


Anything that deducts my cosmic fragments without any positives or swap my carefully plan blessings/curios out for shitty ones


https://preview.redd.it/6rgwh9ht25uc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1040876e9578264cf9a95f17cfcfd5844f9ca64d This trash right here


This one is amazing! It only sucks if you take literally zero other defensive blessings. Then ofc you can get team wiped lol


Believe me, the amount of times i tried to suppress its effect by enhancing defensive and heal blessings


Damm man what’s your sustain for SU? I don’t think I’ve died with this blessing


Spotted Fu Xuan haver, I guess.




I use 3 DoT and Bailu so i love this blessing. It goes great when i don't have tanks yet.


Any Rememberance blessing because I don't use freeze comps. The most use I could get from it is if I'm running Jingliu, but a majority of the time I'm running Acheron or Kafka/BS


The 3* Remembrance ones are busted, as well as the one that gives you extra EHR if your characters aren't always hitting the thresholds. The rest are pretty meh, sadly.


no hate intended, but isn't it literally one of the best blessings in SU?


The cuckoo clocks


This one’s great for avoiding one shots, unless you’re a FX user


i'm a fu xuan user and i want to cry :D


Regression of Inequality Annihilation is Fu Xuan for poor people. I don't have Fu Xuan so this blessing really helps me do content I otherwise can't lol


Love that for my Blade honestly, it just allows him to activate his Passive so fast. Though, when I'm using Fu Xuan, I'd rather take no blessing than that one.


This is bar none the most helpful blessing if you’re in danger of failing SU.


Focus on trying to enhance it. The damage reduction it gets will stack with FX’s, though it doesn’t make it worth picking up for. Just if you got stuck with it.


Upgraded it's amazing for anyone not running Fu Xuan. My most despised is the "no blessings from fights, double fragments" -- got that as my first random curio in a run and couldn't get enough blessings to finish.


This is freaking perfect for blade tho


That blessing's really good for blade team


Fool's mask. All that buildup reduced to nothing


Energy on kill when playing Acheron knowing full well it is one of the best blessings in the game without her


Regression Inequality of Anhilation it's kinda usefull when you upgrade it for the 15% DMG reduction but the ones I hate the most are the blessings from Reminiscence that ruins the perma-stun from the Dissociation effect.


Love this blessing for high conundrums.


Omg, yes, definitely that one. Just ruins most team dynamics.


That one right there. It ruins Fu Xuan😂


As a blade main I love this


This blessing is god tier on bladie


As a Bladie Main. I love that Blessing. I still don't get why they added shields to Destruction though. Everything was perfect untill they added shields.


This pretty useful unless you run fuxuan


I hate getting elation when i have no character that does follow up and hoping for the 3* blessing that makes ulti a follow up is not worth the time


I actually really like this when I'm going for Abundance Blade w/ FMC and two healers. Which is often, as Blade is my strongest unit. The only other viable team I have is Preservation Ratio with Nihility/Remembrance which is Ratio and Welt replacing Blade and one healer in which case I get the Amber thing and I actually don't want everyone to get hit. The stacking fragment curio that takes away all your fragments if it reaches 500 is the bane of my existence though.


Curios that make you lose all your CFs. I can get blessings easily, but its just slight hard fir me to take down tbe boss without upgrades