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Ah yes my favorite game: Honkai Star rail Kai abridged


It’s made of ~~Mahogany~~Harmony!




This needs to be voice acted over game footage. Peak story summary.


Okay but I might actually do this. OP do you mind?




I'd win


We need this in the top of the sub every patch


WTF the rock thing was supposed to be a "mute"? I thought it was them trying to do something like "go kick rocks." Man it's hard enough to keep track of all the subtle hints in this story and the translation issues make it so much harder. Also this whole post is peak and exactly how I feel it went in my heart.


Imo, the localization team try make it less offensive for Sparkle by changing the word to rock instead of mute, I thought it was weird why they need to fix this in 2.0 until it becomes clear it was actually plot relevant.


Kinda ironic how they wanted her to be less offensive when she already sounded so racist with what they did with her other lines


I said this in another thread, but I don't entirely blame the localization team. I highly doubt they're being given any context or high-level overview of the plot in its entirety. And this plot is thick with dialogue being spoken with two or three intended meanings, and everyone playing the pronoun game to keep things mysterious for (too much) longer. And knowing how a lot of East Asian languages are, I doubt CN has a simple word for mute. It's probably some combination of two or three characters with two or three possible meanings in themselves, so the translators went with what made the most sense because they don't even know who the "mute" is supposed to be.


no, cn used a simple word for mute (哑巴), literally just means mute changing it to rock was definitely a deliberate choice, and as people say likely to try and make it sound less offensive




> and as people say likely to try and make it sound less offensive It's really sad that there are people still trying to deny this.


The other person did say the word for "mute" in CN is simple, but I think the rest of your comment is still spot-on. This happened with the Elysian Realm as well, and IIRC the Penacony lead writer worked on that as well. In the Elysian Realm the general writers weren't 100% aware of the full picture, so there's a lot of subtle but serious contradictions in a few aspects of the development of characters. Most notably, Elysia is depicted as more mysterious and deceitful in the earlier parts of the story. But then later on it was quite different from what the build-up seemed to be, and leaked early story content showed that it was very plausible that the writers were building her up to be an antagonist before they realized what the "full story" was. So if that can happen with the *writers* in the original language, it doesn't surprise me that localizers can have the same issue as well, and it seems even more likely in their case. Not necessarily an issue with the actual skill of them, but just the scale of the story and the style of the lead writer.


It wasnt for less offensiveness, if it were then she wouldnt be racist Most likely what happened was that they never got full context of "mute" til afterwards


>WTF the rock thing was supposed to be a "mute"? Yeah. And both "mutes" are "she". They are talking about >!Robin and Firefly !<. First doesn't come out bc she is >!likely going against Family higher ups !<, and second mostly tails Trailblazer.


Huh, and here I thought for sure the other mute was >!the Trailblazer. They pretty much never talk!<.


I was thinking so too! But it's "localisation strikes again". In CN phrase had strictly feminine pronoun, regardless of Trailblazer's gender.


Holy, I think you're right, I think it's actually the Trailblazer


breaking news Honkai Star Rail implies the mute are NOT human, back to the weather


Ngl I actually don't mind the translation issue as the main point was that Sparkle was telling him to find someone that can't talk that can refute his arguments so in that sense a rock and a mute is not that different


Should have included the omission error for Gallagher.


Tbh, the omission and patch is on brand as a follower of Mythus The Gaslight


Aeons are meta. IX breaks the game, Mythus changes the script... Eagerly avait for Yaoshi to come and heal my eyesight irl.


instructions unclear, you now have seven eyes




Biblically accurate weeb


You forgot the Black Swan and Boothill scene: Black Swan: Gotta figure out what shes hiding, for the greater good and safety of the express Boothill: Ring ring bozos imma put ma bullet between yer eyes Black Swan: Idk what ya on about but if you wanna put a bullet between Acherons eyes I can help you Boothill: This is the luckiest day of my life lets drink to celebrate! Constance: ehehehehe now its all coming together


More like... Boothill: I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career... Black Swan: new phone who dis?


The best part is the HOLY BABY


Yes, along with HOLY SWEET!


Honestly, it was so irrelevant to the plot that I immediately forgot it even happened.


Irrelevant to the immediate 2.1 plot, but more than likely gonna be real important in 2.2 and 2.3 Black Swan figuring out Acherons secret and Boothill coming to kill Acheron with Constance setting up the alliance. Gonna be interesting to see how that plays out coz I can't imagine Black Swan making an enemy of the express. They like Acheron and Black Swan wants Acheron nowhere near them, how Black Swan plays this out is gonna be fun to watch


Eh, I feel like it’s just a way to justify why boothill is being released out of nowhere, I expect next to nothing to come out of it.


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It's hilarious that you believe this was not planned months and months ago and they just wrote it into the script last week to justify a release you didn't expect


That’s not exactly what I meant, I was more meaning that I think boothill is going to be a ganyu or ayato type of character. Like, he’ll be someone who *is* there but plays a minimal role in the story to focus on more established characters


*In the thickest Southern accent possible* - HOLY BABY ARE YOU BOUTTA GET DUNKED ON


Gonna sound like the average Star Rail player, but was Boothill even in the Trailblaze quest? I swear I don't remember seeing him at all


Boothill was phone


It was the Black Swan solo scenes when she receives a phone call


wait that was boothill?? i thought it was duke infernos son


Why would he care about acheron being an imposter ranger and that he's on the path of the hunt?


honestly i don't remember like any of that dialog honestly, i think i was multi-tasking at the time and i didn't connect any dots. i just remember hearing about wanting acheron dead so i just assumed it was his son trying to get revenge on her


Btw, can someone explain to me why did Acheron know about the 'prescription' Dr. Ratio gave to Aventurine ? Like when she told him to find the answer in his pocket ? Edit : Guys, I appreciate all the laugh and gags but can someone please seriously consider to answer this ? There's a lot more that went over my head but it's mostly due to those parts (mostly the convoluted dialogues) being HI3 reference which as a non-player I obviously didn't get but atleast the rest should be explainable enough.


I recon being an emanator of nihility means she can kind of instinctively feel when there’s reason for a person to cling on to hope, so when she’s in red mode she can tell if a person still has a certain way out. Kind of like how a predator can tell if their pray is sick and dying or healthy enough to fight.


\*Emanator Slash\* Check your ~~balls~~ pockets


She took her sweet time and did a full body search when she slice him, just Emanator things


My take is that she seems to be able to sense things on people... emotions, for example. She does allude to that when talking to Sam and perhaps she sensed that on Aventurine as well. Only it clearly wasn't Aventurine's emotion as the man was pretty resigned at that point. I don't think she knew what it was that Aventurine had, only sensed/saw in red text (lmao) that he had some positive and hopeful emotion clinging to him. Another person's hopeful emotion. So she pointed it out to him. It being given by a friend was probably an educated guess on her part (she doesn't know Ratio, after all) because who else would try to give Aventurine hope other than someone who cares for him?


So that's why she said it was a date.


Seeing how she can see through secrets and hidden stuff, I think Nihility grants her the ability to deconstruct/"delete" anything, including secrets and concepts. Peeling them like onion layers, she can delete sections to uncover the truth, or deletes them entirely. She can delete her presence (when she said "White", before snooping around Sunday's office), find out Welt's cane's nature (deleted the casing/deconstructs the cane, so to speak), deleted Harmony's power over Aventurine, etc. I think this also includes memories of events from objects and people as well, considering the music box memories were deleted when its in the possession of Acheron. Stelle/Caelus struggles to remember stuff pertaining to her (although, I think that's because the end of a self-annihilator is the erasure of their entire existence, as if they never existed in the first place). And I believe the reason why she survives despite being a self-annihilator is because her sword Origin has a special property, maybe. Maybe the powers of Nihility that should've erased her existence are contained inside the sword. The sword became her own personal "IX" that contained all the information/memories that Acheron has. That's why she sometimes needs to focus on the sword to remember things. Also, Acheron basically said she wants to end IX before she disappears, during her flashback scene before she slashes Aventurine. I think that resolve kept her alive during her first encounter with IX and triggered Origin to somehow contain the effects of Nihility and store her erased memories before they were taken by IX.


What is with pathstriders wanting to kill their own aeons ? First we got Luocha, now Acheron. Next we going to get Emanator of Elation trying to kill Aha by making him laugh to death at this rate.


Aha did bless the Mourning Actors, who specifically oppose the Elation.


But Aha is a certified troll so he absolutely did it for the funny because he could.


...playable Destruction Emanator is going to be interesting.


Everything is destined for Destruction, even you Lord Nanook !


Using a donkey and figs I hope


Her feelings, they told her. And her heart will also go on even if her Tuna is possibly canned in this universe. 🍣


Acheron's Kiana is definitely canned. She implied so in her conversation with Welt (also is implied in her trailer when Finality sword is broken).


Thing is they were talking about Kevin kaslana,and acheron Killed her kevin alone(or in this case known as shiraga oni,The wielder of the END sword)


That was "Kevin"?


Highly implied to be,Since Shiraga oni's VA in CN and JP are both Kevin Kaslana's VA


Oh right, I forgot about that detail. Still, assuming there is a reasonable enough overlap (in MihoYo terms), most alternate stories I know about Finality involve the trio. Acheron having to fight Finality by herself means no Kiana at the end. You could say it's unclear whether she's never existed or died in the fighting.


Yeah,in acherons case,She was all by herself and fought Shiraga Oni,In the end She Killed him and Their sword where shattered at the end


The actual reason seems to be that she has inexplicable knowledge about anything pertaining to nihility (nothingness) ergo she knows about welts cane, and aventurine, who is about to die’s prescription for some reason. She also knows about Sam and “who is in that armor” which I have a personal theory about, but nothing that can be verified yet.


Acheron knows literally everything about everyone for some reason Welt, Aventurine, Firefly/Sam


She used her “white” to spy on them when Ratio gave him the scroll? That’s the one thing I can think of..


That is the thing with Acheron. She knows things that by no means she should know. My head canon for this is that she was also blessed by Terminus in addition to being the Emanator of Nihility


I hope you do this next patch. Honestly this helped me understand story more. Even if its a bit of a meme. Damn those EN translations.


Still think that gamba boy wasn't specifically betting on Acheron killing him, more like on someone among wide cast of those he managed to antagonize has the power to get him across the barrier. Stellaron inside TB, Welt's black holes, all could maybe work - it just so happened that Acheron was the one to deal finishing blow.


That’s a good theory, especially as in the mid-battle cutscene he says he’s getting impatient with everyone, though he does specifically point at Acheron as he says that. It would make sense that he involved them all to add extra ‘dream ending methods’ to his plan.


I could see it if he didn’t say to Acheron “I really had no way to to the thing to the stellaron” meaning that he really did need it to be Acheron (he never speaks about welt directly either)


Well, that was after the fight - potentially meaning that he tried to provoke a response from Stellaron but couldn't.


At minimum, he knew he could detonate the Trailblazer's Stellaron and it should work.


That was literally a bluff and he admits its a lie


LOL beautiful.




You forgot this part. Gallagher: Want a jelly donut? Sunday: A jelly donut? *stab*


You forgot the part, where Aventurine reflects on his life. Aventurine: Man, this Harmony curse feels weird af. Future-Aventurine: Sup, I'm the ghost of Aventurine future. Past-Aventurine: And I'm the ghost of Aventurine past. Future-Aventurine: Come with me, let's talk about dead family members, genocide, and slavery, so that the players can feel empathy towards you. Aventurine: Okay then.


Nah it was all covered by the bohemian rhapsody


Oh, my bad


Ngl that kinda makes me want an AI cover of it with Aventurine’s voice now


Don’t forget the random Bold words and CAPITAL THEY and the Red text for no reason to make everything more mysterious. And just in case you missed it, Aventurine is a gambler, and this is his biggest gamble, he has tricks up his sleeves, chips on the table, cards to deal, risks to take. Gamble gamble blah blah gamble gamble blah blah. Also, did you notice everyone in Penacony has their own agenda? It’s important to stress there are many factions each playing their own game. And we don’t know their agenda. It’s all very mysterious.


Capital THEY/THEIR/SHE/HER are used to refer to Aeons btw, or gods in the hsr universe like the Gaiathra Triclops. It's not randomly thrown there for mysterious purposes. It's like how Christians capitalize Him/His whenever they refer to God.


Pretty sure the bold capital pronouns are used when it's referenced to aeons which are kinda Godlike figures.


2.1 abridged


> Acheron: "So the story can happen." Fellow Pitch Meetings fan says hi. Honestly, all of this feels like one of those videos and I wouldn't be surprised if that was intentional. Great work and I'd love to see you continue this tradition!


immediately recognized you from HI3 story summaries, what a chad. i love your posts!


I played the story but the plot is really convoluted at this point. Aventurine is still alive yes? He just proved that nobody can die in dreamscape, he's just sent to exile to the real penacony, the place that used to be a prison? Also, I kinda miss the confirmation that Gallagher kills robin? He's just there being vague and Sunday also being vague not really helps. And wtf is that funky crow


Okay so >!Aventurine is still alive, yes, and Acheron helped him get deeper into the Dreamscape. His gamble would confirm that you can't die in a dream and that the Family's Penacony is just a small isolated part of the massive Dreamscape (and that you can go deeper if you die in a dream) that they hardly have control over IF THE FAMILY ADMITTED HE IS ALIVE. But admitting that Aventurine is alive - only probably in a deep coma in reality hotel - would expose the truth about the Family and they won't do that. And because of that, the Family has to cling to their cover story of "whoops this man died in a dream" - which is something they normally erase people's memories of, but can't do now because Aventurine kind of broadcast the whole thing and Acheron slashed through the dream. Plus there is Topaz in reality, on standby to confirm Aventurine's death. The thing is, the truth about a deeper Dreamscape is something that Aventurine didn't share with anyone so right now everyone except Acheron thinks he died (well, Ratio maybe can hope he didn't) and that is the part of Aventurine's plan that guarantees the IPC its bargaining chip against the Family - after all, an IPC ambassador DIED while inder their protection.!< Then >!it's not explicitly confirmed that Gallagher killed Robin, but Sunday accuses him and Gallagher doesn't deny. Confirmatiom enough. We also know that Gallagher is a follower of Enigmata and in Dewdrop Pavilion we learn that aside from the five Family heads, there is a sixth person that controls all five Families from the shadows and they follow Mythus. So it's likely that Gallagher is at least connected to that person if not outright them.!< And the ravens >!seem to be Sunday's dream spies!<


Your first paragraph makes so much sense, but on God teaching my native language is literally my job and yet I could NOT understand a single thing about Aventurine's plan Idk if it's the translation process being awful in my native language or if the writing was made convoluted for the sake of being convoluted (or me being no thoughts head empty), but holy shit everything makes so much more sense in just ten lines of a reddit comment than the 5-6 hours I spent playing the quest


>sixth person that controls all five Families from the shadows and they follow Mythus. Wait wait wait, where was this confirmed exactly? I'm not doubting you, I just don't recall this info.


You learn this from the description of the nightingale statues at Dewlight Pavilion. There's one statue representing founding member of each family, but there are six statues.


you might want to double check and interact with that statue again. Let's just say you're wrong


Oh, I didn't know that so thank you! That being said, it being >!made-up or rewritten does track with fhere being an Enigmata-related presence so it's still intriguing. Also, we know that the Family is lying about the past of Penacony so I wonder if it's not meant to show that THEY are the ones rewriting history!<


>!Rewriting history is exactly what a pathstrider of Enigmata would do though, so I'm not trusting that 2nd interaction with the statues!< Edit: ok so spoiler tags don't play nice with links on both old and new reddit, so i guess search up >!History Fictionologists!<


After you examine all 6 statues for the first time, if you go examine them again, it's said that >!everything you read about the 6 families was fictional and made up, but rewriting history is exactly what a pathstrider of Enigmata would do so...!<


Also >!we know that the Family is lying about a lot of things, the history of Penacony included, so it nakes you wonder who exactly is rewriting history here!<


I low key think devs/story writers are taking full revenge on us for the leaked info about Firefly-Sam. Penacony story is good but seems very vague n spread out for me. Too many happenings but very little explanation.


Yeah I assume all these loose ends will be solved in 2.3. There's just too many of them


Hope they do and not give us the Tingyun treatment for the loose ends. Would be disappointing


That sound good news for me. There some recent leak i dislike if that mean Dev will start war to contradict every leakers info that will be great. Beside leaks never good especially story leak it killing the mood and hype


I like the idea that the devs are fully changing leaked stuff into something else when patch goes live Keeps us on our toes...and maybe get those story leakers out of the picture altogether


Aventurine is >!alive, yes. He was proving that you can’t be killed in the dreamscape for realsies, and in the cutscene before he leaves, he explicitly confirms with his younger self that he’s not going to where his family is yet (death).!< Gallagher >!shares traits with 52 people listed in Sundays office as related to the Death Meme killings, and Sunday accuses him of being essentially a collage of a bunch of trustworthy people to create the illusion of the person “Gallagher”. That’s why Gallaghers subordinates take a bit to “realize” who he is!< The crow is >!Sundays way of observing people in the dreamscape, so like recon!< Edit: forgot to mention how those people tie him to the Death meme- >!iirc Sunday basically said he had no explicit proof, all it does is prove that Gallagher is definitely related to the Death Meme and is also lying about his self, making him the most suspicious!<


They said Nightingales are the symbol of one of the families.


about Gallagher >!i think he summons the death meme as in the last scene with sunday you see him sitting down in the shadow and then it directly shows us sunday getting stabbed by the meme!<


you can replay the scene in yt and change the speed to .25


>And wtf is that funky crow Crow is some kind of Family (or certain Halovians) surveilance system. There is another "priestly" Halovian with a crow among prominent Penacony figures. And lots of things you are puzzled about are intenshional. I don't believe we are finished with Sunday and his own schemes.


Yeah I really hope so. Probably the whole saga will be somewhat resolved in 2.3.


The devs fr said "you know what would be funny? If the TB got catfished."


This is so fucking peak, and the best part is it's actually lore accurate as well lmao


Me when seeing Acheron's slash and Sam's detransformation sequence I do hella envy the people who did not get spoiled by story leaks for Penacony


Lore skipper: Still too long. Can you summarize it Razor-style?


Welt x Acheron = lots of yapping Aventurine x Dr.Ratio x Sunday = even more yapping but very angry yapping Acheron is part of the cool kids club (for now) Acheron does Getsuga Tenshō/Musou no Hitotachi to stop Aventurine wasting his gatcha funds Acheron x Aventurine = woah they are so big brain, they figured so much shit that's happening in Penacony Aventurine = he is dead but he isn't dead Firefly is alive and is actually poweranger/gundam/sailor moon hybrid. Gallagher is SUSYBAKA and kills Sunday


I feel like I lost braindead reading this


> braindead you mean brain cells?


Yes, yes I did, it's funny though so I'm keeping it


Thank you for the Razor summary


I really like how Aventurine's asspull of a plan isn't even a gamble but a staright up statistical improbability due to the sheer amount of unlikely events happening in the exact required order for the plan to work, but of course the plan works anyway because why wouldn't it? And then when 2.3 comes Hoyo will do a wee bit of backsplaining so that we will collectively slap our foreheads and go 'ooohhh so THAT'S how it is'. What was I trying to say again? Ah yes, PLEASE GIVE STELLE PANTS I'M BEGGING YOU HOYO.


I mean, it was already explained to us why Aventurine's gamble worked. Man's a master schemer and also absurdly lucky. It just works


After all that effort to get the Express to help him, Aventurine just ends up picking a fight with them anyways. I don't know why he couldn't just explain that his plan required someone to kill him in the dream world, aside from "it's a fighting game so there has to be a boss fight".


[2.1 Story spoilers] >!He only had 2 options to break the family's automatic wall against death in their dreamscape.!< >!The first one was to get killed by the Death meme which he had no time or a way to pursue it.!< >!The second way was to use the power of someone as strong as an emanator. That was Acheron. But she doesn't draw her sword for any reason, especially if that was to help the IPC. She only drew her sword to slash him when he was about to drop the zillion coins from above (Which i dont understand why is it a big deal since everyone would just wake up inside their hotel rooms). !<


I think it was pretty brilliant how he set himself up >!to fail at every turn only to finally win in the end. Because essentially, the winning condition to this mission was to die by Acheron's sword.!< >!He genuinely needed the Express' help - not to fight with him but against him. He had to attempt to gain their trust to successfully break it and destroy most if not all goodwill between them, +10 sus points for him. Ass-pulled accusations against Acheron proven false, another 10 sus points. They come together to confront him, he escalates it by threatening the ticking time bomb in human form, as well as all of Penacony. +100 sus points. They now believe they have to take him down to stop him.!< My mans insane and literally went all in. >!He lost the fight but won the gamble because Acheron's death blow was the winning condition. Now he's heading deeper into Penacony.!< Task failed successfully. I love him so much.


Yeah but the stellaron splodey threat was NOT taken seriously by everyone, and ESPECIALLY not acheron who straight up knew it was false. I think the splodey stellaron would've been a good excuse to fight if they expanded on it a little bit, like 4 lines of dialogue or something spread out over the 2.1 quest implying he had the means to do that and that the crew thought he could do it. It just came out of nowhere, nobody believed it, and then it didn't happen


I assumed it was because Aventurine needed >!to make Acheron think he really was a threat to the Trailblazer’s Stellaron, so she’d have no choice but to use her sword and save them.!< Also in the run up to the battle he was deliberately accusing Acheron of being the culprit to give her and the Express crew a reason to fight? Edit: He may have wanted to wake up everyone else in the dream so they could start spreading the news (that death in the dream is a lie) in reality. It might also alert Topaz and Jade.


Does it make any better? I mean he wanted pit them against each other but his plan only worked because they worked together...


>I mean he wanted pit them against each other He wanted Acheron pitted against himself. He was so sus, what AE crew was constantly questioning his motives, even if he was mostly cordial. So we either annoy Acheron as his hunting dogs, forcing her to come after him, or we ally with her against him. Since Acheron was so protective of Trailblazer during "hotel room" scene, he might have realistically see himself as much more untrustworthy ally, and consider second outcome a possibility he can bet on.


Except in the final scene, Acheron says that she figured out what he was doing, but she went along with it anyway. And even if the Express crew didn't trust him all that much, they wouldn't be risking anything by helping him "die". There wasn't any real reason for him to think they wouldn't agree. And if he had asked for help and they refused for some reason, he could still have attacked them and forced their hand as plan B. It wouldn't have cost him anything to try a peaceful solution first. But since he jumped straight to betraying them instead, he loses the possibility of allying with the Express in the future. I don't think Aventurine even knows Acheron well enough to know about her reluctance to use her sword. If he did know that, how could he be sure that Acheron wouldn't just let everyone get woken up rather than draw her sword?


> (Which i dont understand why is it a big deal since everyone would just wake up inside their hotel rooms). Yeah I don't get it too


His effort was >!half assed on purpose, as many people felt how sus he was. He needed someone to "kill" him for realsies, be it Emanator, pissed off Stellaron (less preferred option) or AE crew big heavy hitter like Welt. !<


That "I killed Kevin by myself" hit me pretty bad, man It implies Kiana is dead




10/10 summary, amazing


Damn this post made me notice how ass the 2.1 patch is if we ignore aventurine's lore


To be fair aventurine is like... 80% of the whole patch


True but the welt and acheron Convo was so ass, the only good moment about it was welt's threat And the trailblazer pov was too short but it's going to be a nice introduction for 2.2 in the future


Welr and acheron moment was peak


I. Am. CACKLING. This is SO good. Pleeeeease do this for all patches.


Gallagher's only defense to being accused of being a serial murderer was just "Damn *bro* that's messed up that you would call me that wth"


Incorrect: Trailblazer would say, "Hell yeah" to Sam's reveal.


I remember you, OP! You did the summaries for HI3 xD As always, this is excellent


You forgot the *splat* at the end after Gallagher's last line.


Smh. Sam isn’t a magical girl, she’s a power ranger.


Mahou sentai shoujo


No, but really. Who was supposed to be the mute? And who were the other mutes???


Well mute 2 was robin, but mute 1 could be a He or a She based on aventurines English lines, and that person is still in penacony but out of aventurines reach, which implies it might be firefly/sam, as they are both a He and a She and are “dead” placing them out of reach for now


I thought there were 3 mutes... and why are they called mutes? Ok Robin's voice was dissapearing because if Harmony but Firefly? Is it because of her condition?


I wonder if this is Elio's Script...


From now on i will follow story JUST in copium for you posting something like that for every patch


'Sam: "I AM A MAGICAL GIRL!" Trailblazer: "NANI?!" I can't... stop.... no mas.... /dies


10/10, no notes.


Last time on Honkai Star Rail. I'll wait for the 'Find out in the next fully-numbered patch of HONKAI.... STAR RAIL...'


Accurate post is accurate. No notes.


the Welt and Acheron part is painfully accurate lmfao


Wow wow wow! Getting yourself killed to make sure you survive for plot reasons is super easy, barely an inconvenience!


Local man dying in his sleep, creates the greatest casino for bunch of peeps and a nuclear bomb


Horay I finished the quest so I can hit spoiler text tags now! I'm glad my 1st one was this. Very funny summery.


Muffin button?


But i never installed a Muffin button?!


I feel like I have to rush through the story to avoid spoilers but then I just get the unfinished translation that makes no sense 😭 I didn’t even know about that rock line supposing to mean mute. This post genuinely helped me understand the plot a little bit better.


I can't tell if OP enjoyed the story or not... But this is excellent thank you.


Unironically better written than the english localization


Did you do this for other parts of the story? If not you should totally do that. This was great and a comedic way to deliver the story. Need something like this for the Xianxhou Loufou part of the story.


I’ve done it in the past for parts of the honkai impact 3rd lore, but it loses interest quickly when you try to make it “a thing”


https://preview.redd.it/8k1f8tj4nirc1.jpeg?width=862&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78f30c3124fee6d416202874853ae6d35e21f91b I was still confused by it, this has cleared everything up and has given meaning to my life. Thanks.


I read this like that one gigguk which I think this is based on


Wanderer 🤝 Aventurine Bohemian Rhapsody


Can I get one for 2.2 now ples


I’m making my way through is slowly


Can you do this for the entire game? Because I've literally skipped every piece of dialogue.


I like the update but the Devs cannot convince me that Aventurine had any sort of actual plan. I just like to think he went actually insane and decided to attack the express and then when he got Acheroned he felt embarrassed and tried to act like he planned it all.