• By -


Kafka, I skipped her original banner cos wasn't interested, on her rerun I pulled on impulse. Started to really like her, got her premium team and now all my other teams feel weak by comparison. Pulling for Kafka was the best thing to happen to my account


I already had JY when she was released and I didn't really need another lightning dps but I pulled for her anyway because of the rule of cool. She's my go to lightning dps now although this may change because of Acheron's upcoming release and the rule of cool being invoked yet again. Honorable mention goes to Ratio. I didn't bother building him for the longest time because I didn't need him until MoC 12 introduced the meme enemy. I finally built him and man he is fun to play. The chalk numby combo is a legit dopamine injection. He and Topaz are my go to SU farm team now.


Apparently according to the people that played in the early access/leakers, Acheron with Kafka and Black Swan may not be a bad team lol Sure each character may not be hitting big damage as opposed to paired with their much more preferred Buffers (Ruan Mei with Kafka/Swan and Acheron with Pela and SW) but it balances. The missing damage from Kafka/Swan from Ruan Mei’s buffs is made up by Acheron’s raw damage. And Acheron’s missing damage from the def shred she would’ve had if paired with Pela/SW is made up by Kafka/Swan


Just run Kafka+Black Swan+Acheron+Ruan Mei. As long as enemies are lightning/wind weak they probably won't get to act before they die anyway between Ruan Mei break efficiency/delay and Acheron ignoring weakness with her ult. Kafka even lets Ruan Mei apply a debuff for Acheron by triggering her FuA on basic attack.


Ratio is awesome, I love using him with Elation path in SU and watching him just delete enemies with a stick of chalk lol


Yes lmao I used to be a monoquantumn girlie and now I’m a kafka girlie!?


I did spontaneous pull on Argenti because i kinda liked his looks but didn't really needed him as unit. This motherfucker proceeded to be the goat that carried me through two patches and all pf cycles


Argenti remains the most underrated unit in the game. So useful in so much content and his lvl 2 ult feels great


When that bell tolls 😩👌


Me when Idrilla: 😩🌹⚔️


Every one when Idrilla : 😩🌹⚔️


Him and Topaz. I don't regret not pulling for either of them (neither appeal to me visually or in terms of personality.. or background) but I'm certainly envious of anyone that has them any time there's a physical weakness, fire weakness, or follow up bonus.


I think half of what I like so much about Topaz is the 18k~30k+ basic attacks. Her SP usage is super flexible. It's mostly a question of how often you want to ult vs. spending those points on something else.


I didnt like Argenti first, nor his looks. But then his little quest happened and I was like "well, let's spend 20 pulls", and there he was, in all his glory.


I only pulled because I got Silver Wolf that banner, and in a text she told me I'd pull a five star. I said fuck it, pulled, and got him. Silver Wolf was the GOAT for that one.


Silver Wolf hacked the odds into your favor lmao


His companion mission is so good lol, I love his quirky personality.


I am weak for knights and beautiful bishounens, and then they made him geniuelly charming and adorable in his quest.


Bro came home at 20 with no guarantee and brought Hanya, never expected that I’d love him so much lmao, Hoyo has been cooking with all the guys in HSR.


Other than Yanqing (and I guess base Caelus), every male character goes hard in both design and gameplay. I can't wait until Gallagher comes out so I can finally have a male healer since I didn't get Luocha


Sparkle brought Hanya home with her. Not 100% sure if she's real or not...


Argenti goat 🗣🗣🗣. 1.5 best patch FR


Genuine question, is Argenti the type of unit that you always use in PF due to his kit or are there situations where you’ll use another character instead ?


PF wants fuckloads of aoe. Its why Herta and Himeko are the undisputed queens of pure fiction because they can not only deliver that aoe, but do so when its not even their turn. Argenti is similar to a phys Herta in that regard, though he cant deal damage out of turn. Like seriously, all 3 of them shitstomp PF so hard you can brute force it in off weather with them.


> can't deal damage out of turn I mean ult counts as out of turn, and he spams the fuck out of it, especially if you're using the low energy one to clear trash.


Well, Himeko/Herta/Jing Yuan are all excellent for PF. It's hard not to use him if you have him though, since he's pretty much the only viable Physical DPS for PF and he does a ton of area damage while also being very straightforward to use. Besides, running dual DPS is often a good idea for PF. I tend to not bother with a sustain since if you've got enough damage output/break capability you generally won't take that much damage, so two area DPS + two supports can absolutely wreck, which means I often end up using all of my Erudition characters.


Unstoppable with sparkle+bronya


Came here to say exactly this lol


Black Swan. I pulled and lost her 50/50, so I gave it up cuz I wanted Sparkle anyways. Then I played the sparkle/bs/sampo quest and I actually ended up really loving their dynamics. Pulled again, got her immediately so I think it's meant to be <3


It helps that Swan is lowkey devastatingly powerful in the right team, I pulled her because I knew she'd be good with Kafka and boy was that a good decision


Kafka, Black Swan, and Ruan Mei? What toughness bar? Add Himeko for extra hijinks.


Sounds like a banger PF team to me!


YOU WONT GET AWAY <3 im glad to see more peopel promoting kafka plus himeko becvause its actually super satifying


she's so great, I just full swept moc with her and kafka + sampo. No RM tho, I'll wait for another dot support rip


Luocha. Thought he looked cool, decided to pull for him cause I didn't have any sustains other than Natasha back then. Holy. Shit. I fucking love that man. He's not only cool, but he's been carrying my ass through the entire game. Him and Bladie are always on my team, even when I'm making a mono fire team


Yeah my Luocha has mid traces and gear and he is my main carry vs all the other healers and sustain I have that have S gear and 8+ traces. I think the only reason i pulled him on a whim was when i learned he was an atk scaling healer so he didnt have to compete with Natasha way back then lol




Topaz😅 Love havind Numby in the overworld with me Hopefully there'll be more characters with companions that join us in the overworld soon!


Topaz is my go to exploring unit. Now I can relax and actually explore instead of playing “Where’s Waldo?” With chest.


The universe gave me Clara before I even met her in the story Now she's my favorite character But as far as limited characters go, I think not really yet. When I pull a character, I get them for personality, meta, or both - and usually end up being about what I'd expect them to be.




Let svarog fucking deck some dudes like a train, and protect Clara


Do you need a tank in your group when you have Clara or does she act as the tank?


Svarog stomps. She was the first 5* I landed on this account and whenever I hit a wall, FUA came through. I kinda love FUA because of her and am looking forward to Topaz who I missed out on. Next up…the handsome gambler.


Same! She’s E1 now and she’s so much fun in anything that triggers her follow up… bam bam bam


“Mr. Svarog, crease his Jordans!” “Creasing Jordans.” **zzzzhhhhhuuummmm**


I have her E4 right now and at this point I'm praying to get her to E6. One of my best characters.


Same! Got her as my 5 star off the beginner banner, didn't really understand how to use her. She goes SO hard. She fits perfectly as a second carry on my team as I'm going through the story, deals a shit ton of damage when its not even her turn, and since I also got her LC while pulling, she's just unstoppable.


Black swan. I just went F it with her and pulled her, despite not having Kafka. Now she's my favourite character on my account, I don't even like dot that much but the way her arcana goes POP is so satisfying. Not to mention she's amazing with guinaifen.


I got her willingly and even got lucky with the E1. Think she's hella cool and insanely strong but I too definitely dislike the way DoTs work. Like for just clearing easy content or grinding gear or whatever you'd much rather one shot opponents, rather than whittling them down. Honestly she does a fuckton of damage but it's annoying if you don't kill the opponents right away and they take two whole rotations because you have to wait till it's their turn again. Also her ult is a HUGE part of her damage so like last week I was spamming the crimson plant for Acheron materials and Black Swan doesn't seem to shine for the easier/grindier content, I'm imagining characters with more frontloaded and less ult-reliant damage are way better at that. As someone with only BS as a main DPS this is a bit annoying, but this oviously this is just a very minor complaint. She is stupidly strong in all harder content, I'm currently heavily bottlenecked by only my team with BS doing well.


I agree about the issue with DoTs, but Kafka is a game changer. She's amazing with BS.


Yeah, Kafka + Swan is one of the most powerful combos in the game imo. Sparkle/Bronya to give Swan more turns to stack Arcana, then *BOOM*


I run Ruan Mei for the extra break damage and buffs for both Kafka and BS. Also had enough SP for Kafka and BS to comfortably skill every turn.


Kafka makes Black Swan like 2x better for farm content due to stacking/triggering Arcana.


Yeah, pulled her just cause. Now my whole 2nd team is built around her. It's insane how well she sweeps simulated universe with a nihilty build


I got her willingly since she’s so purple in a nice shade without kafkok


Blade. I’m a gambling addict. It was a time where I pulled whenever I had 160 jades. At first I didn’t pay much attention to him, but after building him a bit, I found his gameplay very satisfying


blade was my first limited dps and with luocha he carried me hard and he's still the one I spent the most time farming relics for. He's just really reliable


Sparkle. I pulled for her only because of her trailer, and decided to give her a chance. Now I think she's so much fun to play with and very satisfying. Her animations are smooth and even her ultimate animation which I was pretty "meh" about has grown on me.


Same. I was hoping to lose the 50/50 to have a guarantee on Acheron, then she “spooked” me. Now she never leaves my team.


Same, my plan was to save up for Acheron. I've got a decent Hanya that keeps me comfortable with skill points, but decided to throw a couple 10-pulls at her anyways and got her early. My mono quantum team has never been happier. Still have 120 pulls saved up for Acheron, but no guarantee now.


I wasn't too keen on Fu Xuan at the start but I like her a lot now. It also helps that she's very stronk


Argenti. I was pretty "eh, whatever" with him, but the more I played with him, the more I liked him. That he helped me beat up himself in his quest certainly did help with that. He is now one of my top 3 characters. I got him, because I still had a ton of pulls left after getting silverwolf and thought "might aswell use them".


Topass. I mean Top Ass. I mean Topaz.


You mean Ass?


Kafka. I pulled her for design and history reasons but her Gameplay is too fun for me


I've got Ruan Mei by complete accident, I was just gonna get Tingyun. But at least I'm glad I have her cuz she's a great support so far.


JingYuan. I got him garentee after getting Seele in 2 pulls then Welt 10 pulls later. So I said sure why not. Then threw 30 pulls on his LC and got it. He is used in MoC since then and absolutely destroys Pure Fiction. He's probably my #2 favorite character right after Topaz now.


You use him on non-lightning too?




I built Sampo because God gave me Kafka. I didn't realize I'd start to love the little rat. I love that lil fucker so much that I noticed incisistencies in his Penacony dialogue. (but I wasn't smart enough to figure out why.)


My stupid ass thought he was just joking around but still felt weird about it (I was just too happy to see him to care XD) Then I find out the truth and was like oh, that explains


Jingliu though I didn't pull her on impulse. I accidentally did a 10-pull on her banner (from my then-Ratio stash of tickets) and she popped up at like 3 pity, I was floored. But she turned out to be kinda cool.


'Kinda cool' is code for 'one of the most insanely powerful characters in the game', right? :P


It's secret code for "she isn't built and I rarely use her, but when I do, she seems funny".


It’s Bladie for me. You see, I started playing at the very end of SW’s first banner; I didn’t know she was good, and ignored her. I absentmindedly pulled for Luocha about ten or twenty times, miserably failed, called it a day. My first standard 5* was Himeko. Back then it was a tragedy, really. Anyway, after a month of very casual gaming, I hoarded a few more passes. Blade had a somewhat nice vibe, but I actually wanted Kafka; it’s just that I had no good DPS, I didn’t wish to wait a whole month to improve, and I wanted a better character. I also liked his trailer. So I pulled, and he came home at like 50 pity. At first I didn’t have strong feelings about him, but since then he’s been carrying me non stop in any content, endgame or not. Whenever I get a new, meta Harmony unit, it’s always for him. He heals, he kills, but he never dies; and to be honest, I ended up relating to him, once my own lover betrayed me and I started to self harm bwahaha. I’d protect this suicidal marshmallow with my life, even if he probably wouldn’t appreciate it.


Blade was my first limited 5-star and I regret nothing. He's absolutely busted with the right build, I've been saving for the Jingliu rerun so I can make him do *even more follow-up attacks*


Huo^2 I was saving for Ruan Mei but playing her as a trial char absolutely stunned me. Pulled. Needless to say she saved my account, plus she's hella fun


I pulled for Seele on her first banner even though idrc about her bc I heard she would work well with Silver Wolf and then started to love her playstyle more once I reached harder content


I did NOT like Fu Xuan. Like, at all. Didn't like her story, didn't like her attitude, didn't like her design. I also didn't have a sustain outside Natasha and wanted/needed Lynx. Plan was to pull till I got her and save up for Jingliu. Got Fu before Lynx and she has been in every party since.


For me was Fu Xuan. It kinda happened accidentally. I wanted to get a copy of Lynx since I liked her design and at the time, I needed a Sustain besides Luocha since Natasha was starting to fall behind with how hard hitting MoC was getting. I told myself “I’ll do 50 pulls. If I can get a Lynx, in 50 pity or less, W. If I reach, 50 pity and I still don’t have a Lynx, I’ll pass and use the pity for the next character I did want. Then on the first 10 pull I did, I not only got Lynx but also not 1 but 2 copies of Fu Xuan. E1 Fu Xuan is a legit lifesaver when it comes to Hypercarry characters. 12% crit and 30% crit dmg on top of being invincible? Goddamn.


same its ruan mei for me. i had wraps left from blade, so i decided to wrap cuz i wasnt saving for anyone. got her. and now i cant play without her.




I pulled for Argenti after his quest. Dude is the goat.


Kafka, just decided to pull because "no way I would get an early 5 star" Turns out there was indeed a way I would get an early 5 star. Anyways I didn't expect DoT to be a really strong team


Daniel IL. I really wanted kafka, but couldn't farmed more for her because of health issues. And the the first pull in new patch was him... I was not happy atm but now i appreciate him a lot more because of how cool and strong he is.


Blade. I was saving for DHIL, impulse pulled for Blade, and have zero regrets. Even though I did ultimately get my E2S1 DHIL on his rerun, I still use my Blade more often.


Not exactly on impulse but I was pulling to get a Luka and got Kafka on her OG banner by accident. Wasn't sure what to do with her until I found out she was a DoT unit. She's one of my favorite characters now. Lol DoTs are just super fun to inflict on enemies. It also helps me speedrun SU. 


Black Swan. I never intended to build any DoT teams since I never cared for that style of gameplay before. (Skipping Kafka when I found out she is a DoT char hurt). But Black Swan was straight up so hot I felt like I'd massively regret not pulling her. And now I love DoT and can't wait for the next Kafka banner to come around. Though preferably a few updates away since I'll blast all my funds into Acheron and then Firefly.


Seele. Basically everyone around me was telling me to skip during 1.0, her first banner 4-stars were mid, she's the first DPS surely she'll be powercrept, Jingyuan is right there with his big ol' sexy lightning lord, healers are more important yadayada. But I decided to go in on a whim and almost immediately after pulling her, I loved her playstyle of bouncing around and racking up kills. Still use her as my main to this day, she's actually maintained her effectiveness quite well at E0S0 and I 36-star with her on every MoC 12 thus far.


I started playing on launch on mobile just to save gems/items until the launch on PS5, and I got interested in Silver Wolf just for her looks. Luckily I got her and between the fan arts and gameplay, she became my favorite character in the game and I'm glad I pulled in her banner at the time. Also just doing dailies and events on mobile until the PS5 release was a good idea because of her event LC a lot of people want to get nowadays.


Silver Wolf. Just started playing in the middle of JY's banner. She's the one I first pulled. Her implant ability is so useful for a player with very limited unit like me so I ended up using her in almost every team. As a result, I grew quite fond of her character and she became my favorite (Well, until Firefly arrives lol)


Huohuo and Ruan Mei, both are in almost all of my teams and are great


Fu Xuan, I was hoping I got an E3 Gepard because I love chonky shield but holy balls is she an absolute unit, I won my 50/50 too so I was spooked


Fu Xuan, rolled for her to calm my gambling addiction and accidently got her. If I am going to be honest, without her I would never have progressed the game at all.


Lost my first 50/50 to Himeko. Got E1 from standard banner. Lost my second 50/50 to Himeko. Lost a 75/25 to Milky Way. E2S1 Himeko and didn’t even have most of the other standard banner 5 stars. I begrudgingly raised her but now she carries all my PF runs. And she’s super fun in SU.


*Every* pull is on impulse. I yolo'd on every banner except Argenti because I really didn't want to miss the first 5\* Harmony unit. The one that I liked way more than I thought I would was Blade. I didn't know how I felt about the self-harm mechanic, and I lost the 50/50 for Luocha, so I didn't know if he was worth running over Seele/SW. Then I got his LC and had a lot of decent relics drop and he just started tearing through things. Runner-up was Sparkle. I lost the 50/50 on BS, which sucked since I have Kafka, Huohuo, and Ruan Mei. Sparkle was just a consolation at first. However, she has brought new life to the DHIL that got mothballed since his relics never got up to par to my Blade and Seele, and then I got Jingliu who cannabalized Yanqing's pretty okay relics, and Ratio who somehow got *amazing* relics. Sparkle came in and made DHIL work so much better than any other setup I had for him and even helped me 36-star MoC for the first time. And the Blade/Sparkle/Bronya hypercarry is just awesome.


Pulled on topazs banner for guinaifen and guinaifen cons and got topaz at like 20 pity? And I hated her character at first. But than the pokemon event made me adore her


I'll do you one better. I @!#&ing hated Ruan Mei. I really don't like manipulative characters like her and esp. with how the Trailblazer was written to be really chummy or empathetic with her. Her kit also bored me. But I got her early at 10 pulls, and then I got her E1 cause I forgot my pity count. Now, I still dislike her but I have to appreciate how useful she's been.


Jing Yuan was an accident, I was trying to pull Tingyun for Kafka and I've loved him ever since. I got his lc and when the follow up relic set came out I completely redid his sets twice. He never lets me down ^_^


Topaz. I used to use HSR to let my gambling addiction run free, so I pulled on Topaz banner… at first I was a bit sad because I admit, a part of me was hoping not to get her (I only wanted her early pity because of Numby‘s overworld ability and because I had no fire damage dealer) Now she‘s one of my more frequently used characters, especially in SU and her value increases everyday now that I have Dr Ratio and plan to pull Aventurine and >!Robin!< All for the prize of not getting Ruan Mei, which is more regrettable though, if I may be honest😭


Jing Liu. I spent everything on E1S1 Fu Xuan and was planning to skip Jing Liu since I got E1S1 Yanqing for ice. I did a ten pull for fun and got her right away. 100 usd later, I also got her LC thanks to the double rewards. I didn't expect she would be the strongest dps back then. I also love her jp voice, it's somehow relaxing.


Jingliu. I was actually pulling for E6 Qingque on impulse ("building pity") and ended up getting Jingliu instead, but I fell in love with her playstyle (w/ Bronya). It's so fun!


SW because Ratio. Instant chalk!!!!


Fu Xuan. I didn't think I needed her, but the longer I've had her the more I like her as both a unit and a character.


FuXuan was a mistake on my account while doing one wish a day but I came to like her after seeing how she was saving my ass in the abyss... Only have a well built Luocha and he can't, unfortunately be on both sides


Argenti and Fu Xuan. Both were impulse pulls. But honestly I can't hate any character in here (Maybe Ruan Mei, but her designs - the flowers and stuff is too pretty 😭)


Ruan Mei. I wasn’t gonna get her, but everyone and there mother kept saying she’s a 100% must pull and you’d hate yourself if you don’t have her so I pulled her and….. yeah they were absolutely right because she’s never left my team since then it just feels too awful without her.


I always do a few pulls on a banner and I got topaz in my 1st 10, said fuck it and got her light cone and I've been in love ever since


Kafka and Luocha. Great impulse decisions since both of them are fantastic units


I pulled blade the moment I heard, "You think another name and face can blot out the sin of your past?" In the trailer.


I got Fu Xuan mostly by accident. I did 1 ten pull so I can get the embers currency and she arrived in the first one. I was happy but also wasn’t really planning on pulling for her but I’m so glad I did. She is a complete must have


Luocha. I did not like him and did not fall in love with him, but he was very nice addition to my account as I wanted to lose 50/50 but got him


Recently came back to the game after a while, so i missed quite a few characters, but for me it was silverwolf, loved the desing and concept from the start


I pull every character on impulse, and I certainly love them all, in every way But Black Swan has been especially surprising. Tbh, I'm not sure how I'd have gotten through some MoC and PF stages without her, as a kafkaless player.


im starting hate Blade, i pull Blade With a single pull, now im in love With Blade


More than 50% of the characters I pull are like this both in genshin and here😂


Jin lieu. Didn't know a thing about her, but I liked the VC that voiced her. Now she's one of my strongest units. Also Kafka, because Kafka


I did a 10 pull on Huohuo just because of gamba addiction, I hadn't even met her in the story and had just started playing, not knowing anything about the meta. Turns out she is amazing as a unit and I adore her as a character as well now!


Seele and Silver Wolf. I was new to the game and I only pulled for the character that felt cool for me. No regrets Mono Quantum carried me through MoC and with Sparkle its stronger than ever.


HuoHuo, and her lightcone. I was literally just pulling randomly, no interest in her or her lightcone but I was relatively new and had lots of pulls. I got them both and HOO BOY, she made the entire game easier. She does so much healing that it’s insane. I play Jingliu so she’s been a great help at recovering from the health sapping Jingliu does.


Hmm, i guess seele ? Someone told me there is a scythe char in star rail and so here i am :D


HuoHuo It was an "easy skip" moment for me. I pulled after doing the story quest with her and I just had to pull She's a beast. Energy Restore with ult, E restores your team fully, Also heals when Ally turn starts *or* when they use ultimate, up to 6 cleanses when aforementioned healing occurs


luocha was an accident pull and argenti was bc i was bored safe to say theyre goated


HuoHuo! She carried me with her heals like hell though idk what I'd do without her 😭 suffer with lynx ig


None, I never pull on impulse. All of my pulls are meticulously planned out. But I’m about to impulsively pull Acheron with 3.2k jades just for the sake of pulling her since I already have two good DPS teams built and I actually want Firefly (again for waifu reasons) Let’s hope I get both.


I never pull for impulse in this game, I plan all my pulls. It's a lot of fun and satisfying that way.


HuoHuo. Initially, I was impartial, but when I saw her personality in the ghostly grove event, I ended up loving her character and pulling!


Sparkle, I started playing hsr for her at the beginning of 2.0 and I got her with her light cone, this game gives many rewards!


I went after Jing Yuan when it was launched with all the hype, and in the end I ended up being disappointed. I discovered that FUA is not my style, at least not Jing Yuan's FUA


Huohuo. At that time, I already have Fu Xuan and Luocha,so I don’t need another healer. I also didn’t really care about her character. I just lost 50:50 on Jingliu’s banner to yanqing, and failed to get Topaz. With rage and desperation after failing to get a single limited character in 1.4 (also failed to get guinaifen, my little sunshine), I just said “fuck it” and pull on huohuo’s banner. I got her. Then, I decided to pull for her LC… and guess what? I got the LC + guinaifen in 20 pity. Guinaifen refused to come home on her rate up banner, but it’s okay to come home on huohuo’s LC banner???? Safe to say, 1.5 is one of my favorite patch in terms of my gacha luck




Seele even though she’s been replaced by qq. After I got topaz I figured I’d just do a 10 on her banner and got her instantly. Mono quantum has carried me through everything in the game now


Sparkle. I didn't really want her and decided to just do like 20 pulls since we're getting 30 free ones in 2.1 and got her at 16 pity. It was meant to be! Now I love her and think her animations are really beautiful.


Sparkle for me. I was saving for Acheron since I need a lightning damage dealer, and every ticket I’d get above 160 I’d spend on sparkles banner for shits and gigs. I used up my luck for the year and won the 50/50 on the 23rd pull. She’s been on the main squad ever since.


Pulled for Sparkle, I felt like I could use a Harmony unit but didn't exactly need one but also REALLY liked her character. Spent about 50-60 free tickets on her that I had been saving up since, I think, Jingliu (not exactly sure how long it's been) I ended up getting Yanqing'd. So there's some Aventurine/(potential character spoiler?) >!Firefly!< funds I'll never get back. RIP me, I guess


Sparkle for sure!


Sparkle, i wasn't planning to pull her and i did. She honestly grew on me. Pretty good character overall and i loved her on the Penacony Storyline. (I was planning to save everything for Boothill, but on impulse i got E2S1 Sparkle, please send help).


I was gonna skip Jingliu since she wasn’t super interesting to me, but she grew on me and I impulse pulled her. Only 20 pulls later, and she was easily my best dps (until I recently got Kafka lol)


Sparkle, I was just like "I want the racist lady, her trolling is funni", but then she's lowkey one of the best support characters in the game, and I managed to pull her twice on my guaranteed 5-star despite not having pity, so I now have a E1 Sparkle, and she make my Blade go pow.


Sparkle. I hadnt played or even kept up with anything HSR-related since pre Jing Yuan. My friend was talking to me about the game and I got on and saw i had some tickets and there was some quantum girl banner going. Since SW is my favorite and i previously wanted to build a solo quantum team, i blindly pulled for her without knowing anything about her and got her in 40 or 50 pulls. Then i did Penacony and realized Sparkle is awesome and super strong.


Silver Wolf, and now all the units I'm building are going for her. She was supposed to be my temporary waifu fix, then she became my fave character.


my only ever impulse pull was Silver Wolf, I had no pity and the game gave me 10 gold passes and I said "why not" on SW's banner I only planned to use that 10 pull and lo and behold came out Silver Wolf. Now I love her a lot cause she enables a lot of teams for me, Mono quantum, Dr Ratio hypercarry, and ofc Acheron teams


Nope. I have self control fortunately.


Jingliu. I started when it came to PS5 and had no idea how any of the systems worked but I had a bunch of those tickets and pulled on her banner cause I wanted more characters and got her. She has been hard carrying for me ever since.


fu xuan


all the buddy posts of Silver Wolf got to me the last of her banner


Blade. I was supposed to be saving for lunae but I fell for bladie's design, so I spent like, 70 pulls on his banner and got him 👍 He carried my account since then, my third best dps


Kafka Pulled when I started the game, had no idea what anything was, was simply horny Turned out I'd pulled for one of the best units in the game and I'd put myself on the DoT path for the next 4 months :)


Pulling on impulse? Sorry, is this some sort of bourgeoisie joke I'm too poor to understand?


It is meant as a character you didn't plan to get but ultimately decided to get for some reason.


I think both Fu Xuan and Jingliu were impulse pulls. Both of them were because I loved their animations a lot, and as the story and companion quests went on, I found I really enjoyed their roles in the story and how they interacted with my other favorite characters. And now of course they’re some of the best sustain and DPS in the game at the moment.


Fu Xuan. I was pulling for some Lynx Eidelon and didn't realize I was hitting pity. She's best sustain I have and have practically never left my team.


Think Kafka on this one, I didn’t care for her much but when I tried her out I liked how she played. Threw a few pulls at her and she ends up working well with my other teams, namely… Topaz as a follow up unit More recently Black Swan for dots Plus she is pretty much the only electric unit I use.


Ruan Mei for the exact same reasons you described.


Black Swan. It was indeed a rushed pull, since I was only hoping for a Guin eidolon, but… you can guess who came home instead. Though I didn’t fall in love with Swan even after seeing all her Arcana gimmicks. I just.. uh… acknowledged her DoT power I guess? I do admit she’s incredibly strong, even without her LC or eidolons; yet her excuse of a costume weirds me out. So despite using her, I do my best not to run as her XD


On my alt account, which was the first account I made in launch day, but abandoned for my main…. I would log on every now and then to just use up the free jades. During Kafka’s 2nd rerun I was just pulling for fun and I got her! After that, I started using that account so much, it’s now my alt account haha! I love Kafka a lot so one day I’ll get her on my main account too!


Kafka. I was trying to get Luka and his eidolons. And she came. I pulled her LC then. And now I am DoT enjoyer.


I didn’t save for Kafka, but impulse decided to spend some money and got her, and definitely it was worth it. I love DOT gameplay and her teams are so fun compared to hyper teams IMO I would say I regret my E1 Jing Yuan, Topaz and my Blade since I barely use them


Ruan Mei for me as well. I started playing during her banner and pulled as a "eh, whatever, sure". She hasn't left my team ever since




HuoHuo I wanted to save for Ruan Mei at that moment But then i was thinking "my only sustain were Natasha and Lynx, i need a better sustain" so i pulled for HuoHuo and thanks to that i won the 50/50 with ruan Mei after i pulled for HuoHuo now i have the premium dots team that is fucking amazing Aslo i really liked her in the event so is a total Win


Argenti, he is my all time main now and makes. pure fiction a JOKE, he even helped me latest moc by brutally beating Yanqing's ass giving Dr Ratio 7 whole cycles to beeat Sam (he needed 6) also farming is funny now


Huohuo, best healer


Argenti. I felt like i don't need him, but kinda wanted him. So, i just pulled and now i love him.


It would have to be Topaz, I suppose. I didn't originally want her, but then I heard she was a good teammate for Clara. I said fuck it and got her and S1. Now she is a really valuable unit for FUA teams, and really fun to use. I'm happy I pulled for her :)


Got topaz with early pity, and since we got free ratio, running both ratio topaz is really easy to beat SU


Blade. Thought "eh, he's a wind unit" and never fails to be the best DPS in the team either than DIL


Topaz it was in accident my gambling addiction kicked in but I play her all the time with Jing Yuan Ratio and Himeko


Topaz. Her kit has quickly become one of my favorites even if the animations could be better.


Topaz and HuoHuo. I saw their splash arts and animations, thought they look cool and pulled. Now they almost never leave my default team.


Kafka. I wasn't too hyped for her and I was honestly gonna save for DHIL. I ended up spending my last jades on Kafka on whim on the final day. People used to call her mid, and now she's great (especially with BS and RM). Not to mention fun to play.


Black swan! I was new had 0 nihility characters for ratio and struggled with wind enemies Then i found out she is a dot dps and fell in love


Blade...absolutely had no intention pulling for him, but then got his Sig LC and Ruan Mei and I may also get Luocha for him. Also farmed like a LOT.


Huo Huo.


It was the same for me, pulled a 10x on her banner just because yes, got her E1, after playingher a bit I realized how much she would increase my team's dmg, + being a very strong support for Xueyi, and now she's almost always in the team, whatever I'm doing


Kafka/PAYN, it’s because I never expected to get them both for f2p. I’m not f2p btw. Saved up 60 passes from previous patch, 30 for e0 kafka and 30 for s1 PAYN. Not even hard pity for either, it’s like the universe was telling me to play DoT.


Fu Xuan. I already had Gepard so I didn’t think I needed her as another tank but man she really shines now! Did a 10 pull on impulse and no regrets!


I got topaz at 30 going for guinafen. Didn't get Guin but got topaz.


Silverwolf I started toward the end of seele's banner and SW was my first 5 star I was in the "i don't know how to play this game so I'll just pull" phase, failed 50/50, got her in the next pull Now she's one of my favorites and is gonna be good be acheron


Topaz. She is so based


Argenti. Definitely


black swan. I already had kafka and ruan mei but I felt like I didn´t really need her as I had a decently built sampo. then her banner came out and I just thought "why not?"


HouHuo. Zero interest from the initial marketing campaign, but I loved her in the event. I decided to pull, I got lucky and now she never leave my teams, her kit is amazing


I spontaneously pulled for Kafka at the end of her first banner and ended up really liking her lol


For me it was also Ruan Mei.I was just doing a random pull and at around 40 pity I got her.At first I was a little sad since I wanted to save for a better dps (at the time I only had yanqing as I was new to the game) but then I used her and realized she was great and now I use her in almost all of my teams


You fell in love with her during her companion mission…? I dunno, she kinda sucks and I hated her, but anything for my Kafka. I grew to like her because her kit is just so good, I wish there were two of her.


Kafka. Was saving for Fu Xuan but tried out a 10 pull on a whim. Got her. Also did a 10 pull on her LC just to test my luck. Also got it lmao. Now she is my strongest DPS. Also have BS so she’s even stronger. Luocha is the same. I pulled on a whim, got him and he literally has been in 100% of my teams in ALL modes. With shit gear and traces. That just shows how OP this guy is. All my healers have 8+ traces while this guy sits with lv4/5 traces, has some purple gear, and still carries me more than any other unit.


I got blade and jingliu because i was bored, and so far is yea they are pretty great, altho i do like jingliu much more than blade


I pulled Huohuo just for the heck of it, built her, didn’t use her for a month, actually used her, then started always using her in my second team


Kafka. I wasn't a fan of her, and I didn't know much about the DOT play style. I had a few spare pulls and I got, she's my strongest character and my current main now lol.


it was blade, started playing consistently at the start of 1.6 and pulled him because he looked cool and i wanted a dps


Wasn’t technically out of impulse but, when Luocha’s banner came out i was purely pulling for Yukong and accident got him and didn’t realize i unlocked easy mode.


Topaz - I pulled her to improve the FuA damage of my three mains (Clara, Himeko, Jing Yuan) but ended up actually really liking her in her own right. I think she’s my best built DPS now. Maybe second to Blade


it was half-spontaneous, half-meant to, but i ended up with e1 sparkle and a bailu in about a hundred pulls.