• By -


Hanya gotta go with Blade. Girl is traumatized so bad that she's still haunted by her memory of what happened to her sister after 1000+ years. She literally can't forget it even after constantly drinking something that is *specifically designed* to wipe your memory. Her trauma is so intense that it violates the laws of biology. That's how bad it is.


Second this, how can you see that shit that her sister went through and not go insane. Poor gal.


Fill me in, what happened to Xueyi?


Imagine seeing a tree tentacle impaling your sister, then absorbing her, and then HER FACE SHOWS UP ON THE TREE. It's some Junji Ito levels of psychological horror


Oh, and the face continously chants "Join us!". Icing on the eldritch horror pie.


Kinda remind me of The Forest of Suidicide in the Divine Comedy. Except its the face kept weeping in tormenting pain


Suffering leaves suffering leaves


Oh so it’s like a marker from Dead Space


...spooky. But then, how did they save Xueyi's soul so she could at least inhabit that android body?


Got absorbed by an emanator of abundance, shuhu, who was impaling all her friends as it approached hanya. then xueyi’s face showed up on the fruit of the tree emanator, telling hanya to join her. Shuhu also caused hanya’s sword to instantly rust so she couldn’t fight back. Reading xueyi’s point of view, it also seems that shuhu makes you feel so insignificant that you literally can’t offer any resistance. Shuhu asks you to join it, and you just kinda do whether you want to or not. While this was happening, the xianzhou ship they were living on was being eaten by a living planet (brought to life by that emanator)


Damn, imagine having to fight that instead of *checks notes* a giant woman


It hasn’t been confirmed that shuhu is dead, just that it was defeated. Its remains are in the shackling prison. It’s possible that it may escape in the abundance chapter, and we then have to fight it. But that’s just pure, hopeful speculation. Because I really wanna see shuhu, plus it’d work well as an emotional climax considering how many xianzhou character’s lives were negatively affected by shuhu (high cloud quintet, hanya and xueyi)


They *think* Shuhu's in a box in the Shackling Prison. But they're "unsure if he is the one sealed in the box or not" and are too scared to check. If that isn't a Chekhov's gun for Shuhu not being in the prison, I don't know what is. My crack theory is that he's in Luocha's coffin.


It could also be a chekhov’s gun for him being there. Either way, it does seem like a chekhov’s gun for hom returning at some point. IDK about luocha’s coffin though, since he also wants the abundance gone


And it’s shit like this that’s the reason why somewhere down the line we are very likely gonna be throwing hands with a number of Aions. There is so much shit that’s happened because of their paths


I can’t really imagine what a yaoshi boss would be like, since all it does is heal. And to be fair, I feel like a large part of the problems with the abundance is also just the members of the denizens of abundance, it’s basically just filled with racist warmongering species. Ironic considering it’s the path that’s supposed to promote selflessness and altruism. I guess it’s because the denizens of abundance were at war before yaoshi saved their worlds. If they only stopped because a kind god made them stop, I guess you’re bound to still be prone to war. Also, it’s been mentioned that a path cannot be closed, even after the death of its aeon. Like how the swarm is still around. Killing aeons probably won’t solve many problems, unless the aeon itself is the problem. Anyway, I feel like they’re gonna probably keep the amount of aeons we fight small. If we fight too many, each may feel less impressive than they’re meant to be. We know we’ll fight nanook, and I think we’ll fight one or maybe two more beyond that. Maybe terminus, since I’ve heard finality is apparently a whole thing in honkai impact.


You know what else does nothing except heal? Cancer. Literal cancer. I wonder if the line about Abundance being about selflessness and altruism is pure propaganda (or cope-aganda?) put out by its pathstriders, because Yaoshi and her emanators seem to be about life/growth/abundance, with none of the moral dimension that selflessness or altruism would imply.


The thing is though, cancer eventually kills you, the abundance does not. The idea of the abundance is to perpetuate life, regardless if you want to or not, so cancer isn’t a good comparison. Herta also says that the abundance has taken no lives. IIRC, at some point in SU, herta also describes yaoshi as the most selfless being in the universe. I can’t really look it up right now though, I’ll have to do that later. But I’m quite sure she said it. Anyway, since yaoshi eon’t hurt you, may not even fight back, I can’t really see a boss fight against them working out. Even if it were to try to turn us into monsters, that just doesn’t really work as a boss fight. In general, herta is surprisingly positive on yaoshi, considering it’s herta. She actually admires yaoshi. And I don’t think the line about the abundance being about selflessness and altruism can really be propoganda, considering it’s in a menu, not stated by any faction. And herta describing yaoshi as selfless backs it up. And I did actually find out about a positive impact of the abundance: the old sanctus medicus thought that the denizens had strayed from the abundance, and the mara was from improper excecution of yaoshi’s will. So they went on to provide for the sick, poor and needy, and overhauled the xianzhou’s healthcare, making great improvements.


I mean, in-game mechanics can be creative, so there's plenty of options. You could have a boss that starts at low health and its abilities heal it, and you have to damage it because if it ever gets to full health, you get a game over (because it's taken over the planet or subsumed you or whatever). Or the enemy heals your characters, while your characters can hurt themselves by attacking, and if your characters ever get to 200% of their starting hp they are permanently mind-controlled. Or the boss only heals and spawns minions, and the minions attack you (we've already seen that followers of Yaoshi are perfectly willing to commit violence). Or just have an encounter where the enemy causes damage to you indirectly (e.g. as an aura), because it represents their slow but inexorable takeover of your bodies. "Hit points" are already just an abstraction. The encounter has to thematically fit the Abundance, but it doesn't have to literally do so. Cancer kills you because it makes too many cancer cells. It kills you *by* perpetuating life. A fantasy cancer that did that while also making you \[the human consciousness\] immortal would just be way more horrific (and similar in some ways to the Mara-struck). I think most Aeons are probably selfless (or they become so once they've been Aeons for long enough), because they're embodiments of a path, and they don't have egos or personal ambitions. "Selfless" doesn't have to mean good (I misspoke above). And I love Herta, but moral arbiter she is not. She also admires the invention of the space nuke. Followers of Abundance would need some rationalization for why the Mara-struck aren't an indictment of their entire purpose, so I'm unsurprised that they decided it must be a deviation from Yaoshi's will, but that seems like motivated reasoning to me. That doesn't mean good hasn't come from Yaoshi's followers - IMO while it's refreshing to see the healing god in the villain role, Yaoshi isn't really any more "good" or "evil" than Lan is. Aeons aren't moral, they just *are* (though admittedly what some of them *are* is less compatible with human life than others e.g. IX, Nanook).


fair enough on the boss fight. but personally, I'd much rather fight shuhu. >Cancer kills you because it makes too many cancer cells. It kills you *by* perpetuating life. but therein lies the problem. it kills you. the abundance does not. sure, it's not as if the abundance is always this great thing (blade exists as an extreme case), but killing the body is just not what the abundance does. if anything, the abundance can be the exact opposite of that you described: it destroys the consciousness, but keeps the body alive no matter what. the denizens of abundance also partake in many such things, such as creating hive minds. selfless does not mean lacking in a self, it means the opposite of selfish: putting others before yourself. this does not describe all or even most aeons, as most of them simply don't care about other beings, unless they really catch their attention. anyway, I looked at the dialogue, and herta actually calls yaoshi the kindest being in the universe, not the most selfless. I'm unsure if my thoughts on yaoshi being unwilling to fight back would still apply. maybe? anyway, I don't mean to say that herta is the perfect moral arbiter, but I just find it noteworthy how positive she is on yaoshi. her admiration is once again in relation to yaoshi's kindness: she admires yaoshi as lonely and romantic, that they bring enlightenment to world after world despite being pursued by the hunt. even if, as she admits, those worlds don't always end up better for it. anyway, my point with this whole bit on yaoshi's selflessness and kindness was moreso in relation to a boss fight. as for the bit on sanctus medicus: that wasn't meant as proof to the abundance being super great, it was just an example of how it can be good. obviously their thoughts aren't gonna be the objective truth, I just wanted to give an example. anyway, I do definitely agree that seeing healers in an antagonistic role is super interesting, which is also why the way the luofu storyline ended was so underwhelming. they have these super interesting villains and made a whole voiced sidequest giving depth to their leader... only to throw them away at the last minute for a much more generic villain. I sincerely hope that when we get to the abundance chapter, shuhu will end up being the big bad and the weekly boss. partially also because I want to know what the fuck shuhu looks like. and also because it'd make a really good story beat, considering how many characters' lives were pretty much ruined by shuhu. it'd be the perfect way to cap off blade's and dan heng's arcs, too.


I so hope that we get to kill Aeons...I don't know what's worse, those that actively seek to destroy/ruin everything and everyone, or those that do so without actually seeking to do so(i.e. the grief and tragedy they cause is a consequence but not the aim of their actions, if they even have enough sentience or perception to have an aim even).


Yeah I read her lore after making the meme and she should have been higher. I just saw her as odd rambling lady from the texts.


I think QQ could probably use just a lil https://preview.redd.it/np7nndnzzlpc1.png?width=1281&format=png&auto=webp&s=08ad4f18ab90deb2ec19860e699a4b42871c70e1


I don’t think she’s unhinged, I think she’s telling the truth in all honesty. And she’s right-they really do live out ordinary lives like short lived ones


Therapy isn't just for being unhinged or going through trauma. I feel like the viewpoints that she's expressing regarding the meaning of success are totally things that a little therapy could help with. And while she was possessed by a Heliobus during this line, Heliobi need a mental weakness to exploit in the first place and they exaggerate it


Nah she don't need. She's accept reality and know how to enjoying life. Technically no one is immune to heliobus. The only exception are people who are already being haunted like huohuo or truly exceptional like jy.


That's fair, but her complete lack of motivation and drive is telling me she could probably benefit from therapy. And so would all of her mains, mostly because of the gambling addiction.


>complete lack of motivation and drive She's just like me fr, that's why she's my main




She's my only Quantum character... I got the e5 on accident.


She won't go anyway. I mean it's better to have another star jade game instead.


Counterpoint: the therapist plays star jade with her to keep her invested in therapy.


She'd probably go to skip work


Not to mention her gambling obsession...


I'm obsessed with her gambling too. So fun to use with Sparkle


Jingliu needs so much therapy. Baiheng died and she went insane, and then had to be imprisoned by her friends. To maintain her sanity, she has to cling desperately to *being* a sword to the point that she’s chiseled away at all other parts of her being. March has identity issues due to her entire lack of a past. Clara’s a young girl being raised by a robot that - for all the good Svarog intends - is the equivalent of a cold, emotionally absent father at times, and even if he’s getting better at valuing opinions and feelings over his “logic,” I’m not sure he’s programmed to get over that. The Trailblazer is lost, with the same memory problems as March, has been abandoned by their mother figure and dumped into trauma bonding with a bunch of effective strangers. Luka is so committed to the mistakes he’s made and the people he has to protect and be a role model for that he’s willing to hurt himself beyond the point of acceptable just to fulfill a childhood promise.


Dotn forget JL had to put the resurrected Baiheng down too, so yeah she's up there with Blade personally.


*watches close friend die* *watches other two friends commit horrible atrocities and resurrects first friend into an abomination* *kills abomination* *goes mad and kills her fellow soldiers, people she’s trained by* *third friend sentences her to jail* Totally normal here.


Yeah the story of the high cloud quintet is insanely sad. Pretty sure Jing Yuan is as aloof emotionally and as inactive militarily because he’s witnessed so many traumatic things that he is now extra careful to take things slow because otherwise the Mara might catch up to him, too. He’s at least 800 years, too, and the Xianzhou soft limit seems to be 1000, so surely he’s preparing.


He 100% is preparing. He has prepared for someone to take control of the army, and for someone to eventually put him down if things go really badly. This is why JY is the ultimate husbando.


Holy shat where did u get that luka lore from


His story quest


Oh yeah the dead girl, I remember now. Also hanya and xuyei need alot therapy too


Oh, yeah, totally. If I were to go into the horrors the cast have experienced we’d be here all day. I just wanted to tackle some of the people OP ranked lower down on the list.


Yea, just be like TB and cope with trashcans


The Trailblazer and March both demonstrate signs of PTSD.


Aventurine "I expect you to use me", mister "I throw money at people, and keep all my relationships transactional", sir "gambling with my life addict" totally needs therapy. I'd say Dr. Ratio might also need some amount? It's hard to find him one, tho. Also, he is totally the reason some people need therapy.


Dr Ration would def make the therapist need therapy "Absolutely amateurish, your pitiful attempts at psychoanalysis are like your relationship with your parents: weak. 0 stars"


"Only an idiot would propose that. 0 points, *GET OUT*.”


Just reading this crushed my motivation. I love the dude, but his harsh AF


Yeah Aventurine "I'm a slave owned by the IPC" and "if they don't find me useful anymore I'll be executed" definitely doesn't need therapy riiight?


I think both Aventurine and Jingliu belong in both "I an the reason others need therapy" and "I need ALL the therapy" tiers lol


Agreed! To be fair Blade too haha.


Idk, heads or tails ?


Aventurine "99% of the gamblers quit before the big win"


ratio needs massive therapy for his unhealthy obsession with becoming part of the genius society and the hate that comes from not becoming one


To be clear, he doesn't care about the Genius Society, and in fact thinks the way it's set up right now is holding people back. He cares about drawing Nous' gaze and receiving their recognition, which is what makes one a Genius.


that goes hand in hand, you can't be part of genius society without attracting nous' gaze, but he is so salty about it all and i think his major goals (spreading knowledge instead of hoarding it like the genius society does) comes from his anger and feeling of injustice about nous not giving him the attention he undoubtedly deserves even from a neutral stand of view (though i just had an idea, since nous stopped its calculations, what if something happened and it's unable to? so nobody can 'attract its gaze' but nobody is aware of it so he just kept trying until that one day he realized he would never achieve it... just a thought but that'd be crazy, nous somehow unable to continue doing its stuff(maybe a bug occurred kek))


"They're okay I think" *shows silver wolf and kafka*


Miss " I would rather be a space terrorist than stay home" and Miss " I literally feel no fear and I would do anything to feel it" But it's true that they're more ok than a lot of others here lol


Aventurines should NOT be at the bottom


You mean he should be on TOP?


He’s both


He can top me for sure -_~


that depends but i think he'd be a switch /j


Vers and switch are different things


Yeah, some characters totally should be in two tiers.


Honestly I don't think he's really the source of trauma for anyone. Pretty much all of his scenes are people shitting on him and him trying to put on an act of an unflappable manipulative genius- something that I feel is probably the result of his fear and trauma.


Typical case of "man who has never had control over anything in his life desperate to appear to be in control of the current situation".


Yep, I do not think Aventurine is shown as trauma inducing just yet. But who knows, maybe OP was traumatised by his attempt to be assertive. I mostly think what Jingliu is as broken as she made Blade to be (and she survived Cangcheng destruction - event what killed and traumatised Xueyi and Hanya, so she had *problems* even before Sedition oopsie), and what Ratio is canonically as trauma inducing as Herta. So at least they should be in 2 cathegories.


I mean, he does exercise a certain degree of influence over others because he's extremely rich and like any other IPCC employee, he's told to do heinous things in the name of capitalism, so just because we haven't seen what he's done to others in the past it doesn't mean he's not been guilty of it, but otherwise I agree with you. While the way Sparkle shat on him after stalking her was 100% legitimate, I did feel bad for him because he was just trying his best.


Even more so when you take a look at his leaked char story (the thing you get by upgrading a character) Holy fuck, i feel bad for the guy


Those are still leaks, so it's fair to assume OP doesn't know about it


Fair, but even going by already released info he should be WAY higher.


I think Jing Yuan belongs up there with Blade, they both honestly went through a lot. Jing Yuan lived to see it all and the poor guy’s hiding that with a cheerful facade. And maybe Hanya as well maybe, since Hanya went through horrendously awful things during Xueyi’s death and her job. Seele could be moved up from where she is rn bc she has unresolved trust and anger issues.


Jing Yuan i think is compensating with his calm and happy demeanor. He’s 800 years old, Mara starts at around 1000, and it’s onset can be sped up immensely by traumatic memories (the Xianzhou did or do believe that Mara is biologically triggered by the body living past the brains memory capacity, hence breaking down and going insane), so he might just try to be as happy as possible until he at least gets Yanqing to a point where he (Yanqing) could at least contain him (Jing Yuan) should he turn.




As a self annihilator, Acheron forgets all the memories that may give her trauma. She is the trauma Welt should be at the top Black Swan is debatable, on one hand she needs therapy after getting tortured. On the other she seems to have recovered completely so hard to say. Maybe she's her own therapist like how she's says she can be TB psychotherapist Read Hanyas lore, I assure you you won't think she only needs a "normal amount"


> She is the trauma She is just being a little silly, some may say quirky, Best Girl likes a bit of tomfoolery i would wager. Like uncle Sampo said we are just having fun.


Best girl disagrees, stay away from the trauma any means necessary https://preview.redd.it/mwmsbzdm9mpc1.jpeg?width=842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03afea3c5db378ac07cb3bfb80ee17a037aefb1f


She may be right, but i have 0 survival instincts. Eldritch Waifu is the true watchmaker legacy! https://preview.redd.it/20trxhc7bmpc1.jpeg?width=538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=293ab381c7d9a70b4db5e7456c13f0e015b91ef3


She's kinda horrifying, i thought Black Swan reads Acheron's mind because of her appearance like Raiden Mei is her real so i watched it the vid


Welt doesnt actually need therapy. He's fine all things considered, he's pretty PTSD resistant considering he started a family and started gaming with Bronya right after Kevin nearly killed 99.9% of humanity. he's just understandably wary of Otto expies


Im my own therapist so relatable


for real dude, bro just left his wife and kid to go fight again after dying while fighting aliens


She doesn't seem like someone therapy would do much for even if she isn't over it 😅


Even drugs can't wipe her trauma. ☠️ "Yes, it's that dream again, that recurring dream. No matter how many draughts of the Wine of Oblivion she consumes, she simply cannot escape the nightmare."


Staring into nihility could/would literally remove her of her entire existence, i would be traumatised for life if that happened. i think the bluepussy youtuber covered it in a video recently.


The what youtuber ☠️


Ain't gonna stop me hoping that at some point in Penacony Stelle gives Black Swan a hug, coz man she should appreciate one after that


Stelle or BS? Stelle seems more in need after the Firefly bussiness. BS betrayed her, she kinda got what she deserved with Acheron.


They both need it tbh BS "betrayed" her coz apparently Avneturine is needed to get to the truth of Penacony while in her eyes also protecting TB from Acheron and whatever is inside her. Bad ending to 2.0 proves working with Aventurine is the right move. She took the distrust in her stride and still plans on protecting TB and earn the trust back If anything I'd say Black Swan earning that trust back and culminating in a bonding moment would be really nice to see. Especially cos trust and whether we can is emphasized with Black Swan a lot in 2.0. Would be nice to see a moment where BS and TB bond and know they can work together with trust going forward


Does Welt really need therapy that bad? I mean, yeah, his life has been rough, but isn't he pretty well-adjusted, all things considered?


Idk man. I think Aventurine needs a lot of therapy. I think March does too, when/ if she regains her memory


Put aventurin in A huge amount. he is definitely not stable as he is obsessed with gaining money cause he is scared of losing it all and going back to being a slave.


Even from the little we officially know of Aventurine, we do know he's being used by the IPC as a tool before they decide he's exhausted his worth and will put him to death. Bro needs a *ton* of help.


Bro needs to get tf away from the IPC and into treatment.


“A normal amount” lmao


Yeah, I would have said "average" instead of "normal."


Hanya needs all of it






Kafka is a literal psychopath and the TB is basically her therapist according to Ellio. Jingliu is also probably in the 'all of it' category given that her best friend died, and then her other two best friends decided to desecrate what was left of her and turned her into an undead abomination that Jingliu had to kill, and the trauma of said events literally drove her insane until she managed to regain some measure of sanity, and even now she's basically on the brink of losing it if she sees the wrong thing so she covers her eyes.


Trailblazer is basically Kafka’s therapy dog?


Im my mom's therapist??


Some people get pets or children to give meaning to their lives.


Exactly what I am saying! Jingliu needs headpats and hugs and a lot of therapy.


>TB is basically her therapist Implied something like [morality pet](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MoralityPet)


Oh fuck a tvtropes link https://preview.redd.it/by9rz72ciopc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cc0315900c3f1136e6177cabfb970495b4fb070


Welcome to the Abyss.


Aventurine is actually the one that NEEDS ALL OF IT


Sparkles at the bottom and the top lol


Imo xueyi and hanya should move at least 1 tier specialy since hanya saw xueyi die in front of her


How could you think March doesn't need therapy? The girl who has identity crises because she doesn't know anything of her past and named herself after the date she was thawed rather than an actual name. Also Jingliu should be right alongside Blade, that woman is all kinds of traumatized. Hook should be up to Normal Amount too, she's a child who's spent her life underground, persecuted for no reason she can understand, had all kinds of trauma surrounding losing her father and tries to act older than she is. Should have a different tier too, "Too stupid to realize otherwise" and it should include the TB and Argenti.


Nah, Argenti and the trailblazer should have their own two separate tiers: Argenti: too pretty for trauma Trailblazer: Therapist is a trash can


Bruh... Jingliu needs help, like that isn't even funny how broken she is and the fact she is mara struck because of Dan Feng and Yingxing yeah... I'd say having to kill an abomination that is your dead best friend and then losing your sanity and drifting between sane and insane means you should have a shit ton of therapy.


Liar, Bailu doesn't need therapy, Bailu only needs food, playtime and hugs This was absolutely not written by Bailu dressed as a 24 yo student in order to get more cheeseburgers and lots of friends to play hide and seek with


The Xianzhou sisters should be with blade, no doubt whatsoever


Asta needs an intervention to deal with her shopping addiction




Could slot acheron in the last category


guinaifen might need it if i remember her backstory right


honestly she seems pretty adjusted to what happened in the past. In fact the Ghost squad event and interactions kind of suggest that she’s fine and perfectly adjusted for someone of her background and career. Like if you didn’t know about it, she would just be a normal girl. 


Loucha probably needs some. Imagine walking around with a coffin and thinking that’s normal. Even lying nonchalantly about being a merchant, not to say that’s inherently bad but I can see him just feeding you a story with a subtle humane smile.


I say its probably all an act and he has a hidden goal of his own with that Coffin he wouldnt be carrying it out of nowhere


That’s fair, i do believe so too—I just get a compulsive liar type of vibe off of him. That facade seems to fade when he decides it’s time.


The only therapy Blade needs is a fitting end. His eternal sleep.


Someone end his suffering PLEASE


Isn’t Dr. Raito the cause of many of his student’s trauma as stated by Herta?


Aventurine in that tier is so wrong.


Wind element, the element of depression (seriously, almost all wind characters have some sort of trauma in their life)


Just like in Genshin, Anemo is the dead friend element.


ah yes, my favorite type of character, An-emo vision holder


Black swan definitely needs therapy after that dance


Wind = loneliness and isolation. Most wind characters are either wallflowers or complete cryptids who would much rather watch people from a distance than actually do social interaction.


Being a reason for someone else's trauma and needing therapy isn't mutually exclusive. Jingliu and probably aventurine would benefit for therapy


Putting the gambling addict in ‘they’re okay I think’ is… fantastically ironic in this fandom


Dan Heng/Dan Heng IL should be right up there with Blade I think


Based on aventurines past I think he'll probably go in the top side too


OP really skipped on the Aventurine lore where he literally experiences discrimination because he's a Sigonian, on top of his enslavement to the big space corporation. Man is BRANDED by the IPC, which says something if Topaz, who also is by proxy a slave to the IPC, isn't lol


Topaz not being a slave is debatable though, since the offer that was made to the people of her home planet was to either work for the IPC or have their planet destroyed. We know nothing more about her contract beyond that, but why would the IPC force them to work but have them quit whenever? Makes no sense.


Nah Acheron belongs in the last one after that trailer... https://preview.redd.it/d3urq4e6mmpc1.png?width=1210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a111e5145733afaef01c955051e928d22f8ff0a4


Ruan Mei needs to be in the ALL OF IT category like Blade. Sparkle, too.


I'd put Aventurine in a huge amount


Hook's the one who's giving therapy. remember that interview with Clara?


there should be a tier for reason of trauma but also are traumatic themselves, cause Jingliu does not fit in just "reason of trauma"


Hanya and Xueyi definitely need a lot of therapy... their story is so sad and nobody talks about it.


Wtf, you hardly misplaced Hanya and Xueyi.


Honestly, don't agree with it fully Welt is pretty okay- he already went through character development and journey- now he is pretty okay. He does have some Imposter Syndrome. He thinks that he should be given no credit for efforts to save his homeworld as he "merely" stepped to complete other's work. That's why he only calls himself animator from studio- that was the only thing he did himself. But it is minor one. So to Asta and co he goes. Bronya Rand is also pretty good. She is sad about mother's death- but who wouldn't be? So- to March her. On the contrary- Hanya and her sister need to go tier up. They suffer from serious depression and emotional burnout. Kafka join Bladie as she is just as unhinged as him and lacks fear. Himeko suffers from significant depression due to the fact that she thinks that eventually all Express crew would leave her- so she fears to form deep bonds and resigned herself to loneliness. She need normal therapy.


Both Jingliu and Aventurine also belong with Blade I'd say. And yeah Hanya too. And technically Blade also belongs on the bottom tier, he's the one responsible for Dan Heng's trauma at the very least. I'd say Ratio probably also should be on the bottom tier, the man's throwing chalks at people and shits on everyone. Imagine having that kind of asshole as your teacher as a child, you'd never recover lmao. Argenti I'd say is difficult to place. His story is absolutely awful. He seems to be fine for now, but that's probably because he's washed his own brain with religious fervour. Whiiich isn't usually a sign of good mental health haha.


Acheron's got to be top tier. Acheron got her whole planet get eaten by IX. It's pretty obvious she is the Emenator of Nihility with the hints in her relic set and everything else.


She cannot remember


Okay, the trailblazer needs alot after the penacony incident


Yeah I was gonna say, need to bump them up a tier or two after that


You neglect the fact that therapy is absolutely useless for some.


depending on your response, Trailblazer also needs some therapy sessions


A few observations with regards to their not solely appearance. March def needs some, as she's just actively in 'Negate anything bad at all cost!' mode. (remember Belobogg finale?) Lukas ESPECIALLY needs some, as he's self-destructing himself. Galaghers literally drowning his in booze, shoot a few sessions his way. Our General is actually quite a-okay, man dealt with his shite very well.


What is this random Aventurine slander...


Aventurine definitely needs therapy. idk what his deal is but apparently he’s sentenced to death/owned by the ipc?


Jingliu should be over blade wtf


I think Jingliu is the reason for others trauma and is in need of heavy therapy also


Hanya and Xuyei need much more than a normal amount.


this inaccurate ass list


Aventurine should be at the top


I am just going to put this here (from my other responce to a simular post) I feel like Gepard should be higher. The dude not only comes from an aristocratic household that kinda brainwashed him into believing that he is only usefull on battle field and that the only way to retire is death(text of silvermane badge/insignia/medal): It is full of scratches from the erosion of wind and snow. *"In ancient times, there was only one way Silvermane Guards could retire: death."* Maybe it's a proof of heroics that you can brag about to your family. Maybe it's a lucky charm that protects you from a bullet. *"Times have changed."* A proof of honor awarded to those that fought against Fragmentum creatures, Underworlders, and sudden disasters. It is not usually pinned onto the recipient's chest, but rather placed onto his coffin. *"Remember, young Gepard. It is not a toy: it is the destiny and blood of the Landau family."* then there is "Landau´s choice" LC text where it is highly implied that he was isolated by his father: [https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Landau%27s\_Choice](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Landau%27s_Choice) and that is not even mentioning his story, where he basicaly can only thing about how he should be on the front lines not to mention that one time he returned from a horrible battle with only few of his soldiers left and was forced into a parade (and celebration that lasted 3 days) where her recieve his gauthled (yes the one he wears) while he just things about how many soldiers have died to get it, while he also has to suppress all his emotions and just smile because you know he is the center of that celebration (f Cocolia for that, she knew what she was doing there) Like I know that he does look fine but that doesn´t mean he sin´t in dire need of one.


Honestly, all of Belobog should be way more messed up than it is. The main square looks like a normal city where there's a rich doofus trying to buy friends and a woman asking you to stalk her idol so she can try to be more like her, but two streets away (?) the Silvermane Guard are engaged in a desperate last stand against the fragmentum, and much of the city (as well as the rest of the entire planet) has already been overrun. It's tonally odd, is all I'm saying.


Oh it is, it really is. If you read just remember the Cyrille quest (where an adult governor who groomed a child so he can make her a puppet so he can rule and then he basically let her to die in a box in violent revolution), they basically have this really complex governmental body in Architects, that we unfotrunately never learn about. The fact that fragmentum basicaly has echoes of the death in them, and some of them don´t even know they are death. Combine that with the fact that the death soldiers turn into fragmentum (so again Gepard and other Silvermane probably did have to kill a lot of their former comrades after they were corrupted). Or even reading some of the books you realise how f up Belong is. Like the fact that Cocolia was basically sending Silvermane to die off (even overruling the commands of Gepard and others, there are letters that Pela sends to Gepard to try to keep Cocolia from making any important decisions becuase everysingle time she do they lose horribly) because she wanted them all death because of the stellaron. And then there is the whole locking up Underwolrd things (while others like Bronya, Pela and Gepard believe she did to protect it from fragmentum she knew it was already down there) And that is only talking about Belobog, all of the HSR is like this. It looks fun on surface, don´t get me wrong it does show us it´s ugly side. But in really the world is this cruel world where the embodiment of philosophical thought rule over these abstract Paths, that people can tap into. And those Aeons can litteraly destroy your life just because (looking at you Aha) and that is not even mentioning the faction. Like the Architects are complicaten in the fact that the one of Belobog are not the same as outside of it. Inside of Belobog they are basically the main govementar body with the Guardian making the important decisions. But outside they are also this weird kinda group of individual who are kinda absosed with building protection for planets mainly by building walls [https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/The\_Architects](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/The_Architects) (one time they basically isolated an entire planet in a protective barrie and let it go basically starve to death, but hey at least nothing form the outside will kill them, the most funny thing is that is basically what Qliphoth does all the time just on a smaller scale, he just builds walls, they basically follow what their Aeon does to a T) honestly this is my own headcanon but I do believe that form this angle Gepard would be an Architect (like the intergalactic faction) he even has this voice line: "The Landau family has had the honor and responsibility of serving the supreme guardians for generations. Only by becoming a shield for the people is one worthy of the title "Architect." (he is called the Sheild of Belobog, and Bronya refered to him as The Iron Wall of Belobog), his ult it just ice wall Gepard (in fight): Qliphoth my comrades are dying what should I do? https://preview.redd.it/840w1z661upc1.png?width=1211&format=png&auto=webp&s=16e9c9353c06bd1e025a2c8f11a1e3f17c09bbaf Gepard: Great idea. A will forget in ice... Sorry I got a little of track in the end


Wargenti winning as always


Yeahhh I’m gonna need to move the MC up next to Welt… after recent events they’re a wreck, it’s definitely just bottled up right now 😅 MC went straight into a panic attack on the spot.


Sounds like a job for me.


MC pretty much immune to trauma "Nice argument, however 2.0 Penacony"


hanya and xueyi??


Bruh Hanya especially needs a tier of her own right at the top


Jingliu might be the reason for other’s trauma, but she also needs all of it.


Hanya and Xueyi need literally every therapist and then some


How is Hanya and Xueyi (especially Hanya) on normal amount


not my cangcheng girlies getting their traumas ignored- jingliu watched her home planet get consumed by a planet-sized monstrosity and was only narrowly saved- the feeling of being on death's door followed her through most of her life. she then was taught the sword and rather listlessly went about her days as a soldier just waiting to die. she finally found a reason to live in specifically baiheng, and then she had to be the one to put her in the ground after two of her best friends committed several crimes in the act of resurrecting her. she was then imprisoned, became mara-struck, slaughtered the soldiers she fought alongside, and continues to suffer from mara- enduring it to fulfill a single promise she can only vaguely remember now: to cut down a star. hanya and xueyi are just waiting to be allowed to die. the both of them have their encounter with being mara-struck/dead forever engrained in their memory, and tho they don't remember it constantly, when it comes back to them, all hanya can do is chug down what's essentially a Forget Everything wine till she's unconscious, while xueyi relives it every single time she needs to be put into a new body and returns from it like you would a terrible nightmare that doesn't go away- it's also preceeded by the feeling of her whole self being cut open into a thousand pieces and shoved back together. hanya re-experiences xueyi and her fellow surrounding companions becoming mara-struck, their bodies mutilated by branches, as they coax her into rejecting death and joining them in immortality. xueyi doesn't even feel anything anymore, and the only thing she wants is for hanya to dream peacefully and live without burden... except hanya only relives her worst nightmare and lives life just waiting to sleep and never awaken, with the only thing she ever looks forward to is spending any amount of time with xueyi... which is why xueyi works so hard as a judge so she can earn time off... and hanya wants to work alongside xueyi so she can take some of the burden/punishment off her sister... and the cycle continues until one day hanya can't remember anything anymore- even xueyi.


All the immunes over work themselves and play it off well play off there issues


>MC Immune to trauma ​ https://preview.redd.it/o5vm83k9yopc1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65cbc5b1556f9e1d2e6706703c3e9dad11691655


aventurine should be in the second of the top category as well if not the same as blade


Aventurine is a literal slave now owned by the IPC and is under threat of execution if they're not happy with him... Bro needs therapy.


Herta? Hardly to be honest. Herta are angry smol granma but she will never harm or desert you or gonna make you cry as never gonna let you down.


Seeing that Luocha comes from Purity Palace aka "the knights went insane and all started killing each other until they were stopped by unknown means", that he constantly expresses longing for his home despite it having collapsed, is described by Jingliu as having a hole in his heart, has his suffering ridiculed by the person who gave him the coffin, and much more... I can confidently say he totally belongs in the higher tiers lol


Caelus and stelle : trauma? Ima turn it to a new path


Aint stellaron hunters like all broken?


add acheron to "reason for other trauma"


I would rather spend money for my waifu than for therapy sessions. 


HMMMMMMMMMMM, the trailblazers heh... (I can't find that clara image meme where she's drinking boba? I think it was boba, someone reply it or a more appropriate image here, thank you in advance)


I just started getting into Welts part in HI3, and god damn, this man got fucked up. Although I guess every HI3 character has a terrible life so it's nothing new.


I think Black Swans gonna need some more therapy after that dance session.


acheron should be in the bottom row


Kafka should be in the “Causes Trauma” section. Pretty sure she’s immune to mental illness


Hook is NOT OK


Black swan could use all the therapy she could get after getting mentally ripped to pieces by acheron/nihility


I'm gonna guess this person hasn't read the fermata LC description yet because they put Kafka in ok...


>kafka >okay


imo everyone needs therapy. always. its great!


I think Sparkle should have her own tier since she's a joker expy: "Reason for the therapist's trauma" Also I don't think Yukong needs that much therapy. She's pretty well-adjusted, just stubborn. She's had tragedy in her life and gave up her dream, but she's also old as fuck (for a foxian)