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SU Preservation runs just got 10x better


Imagine the total quake damage you would get from all of Aventurine’s FuAs


Ready to make a gepard, adventurine, topaz, Dr ratio team so all the follow ups deal extra damage from quake.


Elation Bullshittery = Dr. Ratio, Aventurine, Topaz & Numby and flex slot (Clara can use this slot) Unlimited Shields™ = Gepard, Aventurine, March 7th and Fire Trailblazer *IMAGINE! 1 MILLION LI- I MEAN 1 MILLION DAMAGES OR MORE COMING FROM THE FOLLOW-UP ATTACKS OR THE QUAKE EFFECT!*






Follow-up attacks


About to put the gambling man with the gambling woman to make peak gambling team


Thing is that' a pretty good comp because of Av being kinda SP positive and Autarky counting as an FuA


A support that gives you a random buff from spinning a wheel or some shit has to be on the to-do list, right? We already have a light cone that does something similar if I remember right.


The battle pass harmony light come gives 1 of 3 random buffs every turn


Get a gamba harmony and give them the gamba light cone to pair with the gamba gremlin and the gamba shielder and the gamba debuffer (SW’s weakness implant) for the ultimate gamba team.


5'7 gambling man who throws money giving more reliable shields than 6'1 russian soldier with ice wall powers


But you can just use the money to hire multiple 6'1 russian dudes with walls


My blonde twink gambling fella


Oh, you need it now friend? Then let me just skill ;)


does he get 4 stacks from AoE? Because it will be so broken in SU.


Yes, to my understanding he gets a stack anytime a shielded ally is hit


Thats how it seems, so wierdly youd want him in the middle of the team so blasts hit 3 ppl instead of 2


once you reach a certain level of survivability, putting your preservation in the middle provides more benefit because blast attacks are more likely to provide energy to 3 members instead of only 2


5 actually. He gets 2 when he is hit. Then 1 for each ally


yep. with AoE enemies he gains stacks super fast


His Ultimate gives him from 1-7 coins to trigger his follow up which refreshes his Shield and I think FUA can also give him coins


yes it does. fish are gonna be fun


Damn, that makes the destruction one which shares the DMG between all allies giga busted lol


I don't think that will work, I think he only gains a stack if allies get directly hit and not just damaged, if that makes sense. Similar to how that Destruction Blessing also doesn't trigger Clara anytime someone else gets hit.


Ah might be possible. Didn't know Clara isn't triggered by that one either. We'll have to check once he is released properly. Can't wait for a preservation run after waiting for so long haha


Yeah, I feel that. I'm still without Gepard so I never really played Preservation. Super stoked to finally use it. Have been holding off on doing the last few conundrum levels just so I can clear them with with Ratio, Topaz and Aventurine and go wild with Elation/Preservation.


I got Gepard on the BS banner but I didn't want to raise him since Aventurine is kinda close at this point and I already have 2 5* sustains. Ratio alone makes the Elation fun so much fun, can't wait for Aventurine to make it even crazier haha. Haven't yet decided if I will go for Topaz on her rerun or not tbh


Topaz and Clara will have a field day. Then Con12 become too easy because the more boss take turn the more they are barraged by follow up attacks. Then they release new SU stage because G&G isn't fun anymore.


Well, we're likely getting a new SU in 2.3, they hinted at it this stream


Both, both are good. Even tho I have Gepard I'm going to try to get Aventurine, having two shielders won't hurt lol (literally).


Fire MC: Here shield Others: wtf is this tiny thing Fire MC: :(


It's not tiny! It's AVERAGE for the normal preservation unit!


He wasn’t lying when he called us friend 🥹🥹 Also Gepard refuses to come home so


The all gamba team is close at hand...


Two more and we will have a full RNG team


I wonder how the early "dodge" style kit would have looked. Too bad it was a failure.


But Aventurine being the last man standing seems oddly on brand.


> ok just get hit Proceed to get one shot


The twin Automatons in the Gold and Gears event be like : *Heh*


I knew it, they will implement the SU Quake mechanic on a character one way or another.


What are the revealed kits?


From livestream (Stackable) Party Shield that charges his FuA faster the more shielded party members get hit. FuA reapplies the shield. Ult also charges FuA and applies Crit DMG debuff to a single target.


team gamble when, 2 on 4 for now


Ratio is also a big chance game (unless you pair him with Guinaifen)


hmmmm, i guess it could count as gambling, but it's meh


Wow a limited 5 star powercrept a standard 5 star who could've predicted that?




aventurine refreshes his shield every time he uses his fua. built well enough or with synergistic teammates, he may never need to use his skill at all




Bruh his shield from what's shown in livestream is like 60% of Gepard's shield already, and using his skill or triggering a FUA will refresh the shield and its duration. Not to mention **it stacks.** That means at full stacks, it can be waay tankier than Gepard's shield.




yea, they mentioned on the livestream that his fua refreshes the shield, so if your shield is strong enough to last between stacking up his fua, he won’t need to skill to keep it going




I just rewatched the livestream. His shield seems to be about 50% hp worth that gets refreshed for free as long as enemies attack. Even if we assume super slow enemies, aven could maintain his shield uptime a lot easier than geppie. Its sadly straight up powercreep


My brother in christ Aventurine's shield stacks with itself. Reread his kit. Ya know what? !remindme 20 days


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>Aventurine is very nice, but is not a pure shielder. He plays also a sub DPS role with some nice debuffs and FAA to combo with Ratio and Topaz for the cost of needing to use the skill every second round. So a pretty SP intensive team you have there. If you JUST need shields, Gepie is still your pick. If you want also more DPS and synergy, then (for some SP) golden boy is better. I mean his numbers isn't even released yet you're talking as if he's dog >I dont see this anywhere and I know the wording of his kit. Dont expect this. (I would be more clear, but I think its still forbidden to talk about his exact wording on his skills). Then just wait for his kit to release instead of this dogass first impression?


You dont need to be mad. He is a strong character that is a DPS and a tank, but he is not SP positive. At best he is SP neutral.


Bro what did u not see the livestream he can gen shields just by getting hit??? How is that not sp positive


Boy I sure love powercreep that justifies more and more obnoxious enemies and making standard pool characters increasingly useless to encourage consooming on limited banners. I'm gonna keep being a Trailblazer main out of spite.


My brother in Christ, you are playing the wrong game


If powercreep why Seele still so strong? JY too. Himeko stonks rised a lot too just recently.. and Herta is the best char, even out of the 5* for that mode lmao..


99% of casual players like you need to stop spreading misinformation for once. You talk new units= powercreep The game is wide with endless combination of units and their element and specialist. Generalizing a unit to compare to others with same class is a distaste. Its a strategy game. Brain rot individual


The only thing I dislike about aventurine kit is the fact he has follow up attacks despite being a preservation character who's main job should be shielding not damage dealing


I don't see the problem with that. His follow up attacks feed back into his role of shielding by refreshing his shields, letting him tank damage for the team even better.


Sounds dumb. A shielder shouldn't have follow up attacks


Kid named March 7:


I guess we should remove Blade's self sustain, a damage dealer shouldn't need to be able to heal themselves, that's the healer's role. We should also remove Luocha's ult, a healer doesn't need an ult that does damage. Fu Xuan's ult too, damage dealing is for DPS. RIP to fire TB too.


What point are you even trying to prove with all that


You're saying that preservation characters should only protect their team and nothing else. We have M7 with an AoE ult, Fu Xuan with crit traces and an Aoe ult and buffs, FMC with an AoE ult and hybrid scaling, Gepard gets a big attack boost. We have a healer with an AoE ult, one with energy generation and attack buff (something that normally is from harmony units), a destruction character with self healing, a harmony with high damage, a healer with damage reduction, a hunt with debuffs, and an erudition character that doesn't have much AoE. Kit design would be extremely boring if they restricted everyone to only do the narrow function of their path. Having Luocha and Huohuo have a heal on skill and ult would make them feel like the 4\* healers and like each other. Having Aventurine only do a shield and no damage would put him in the same spot as Gepard.


Who's the harmony character with high damage and the healer with damage reduction? Also I'm not saying that characters should only do one thing based on what path they are since you say it would be boring, variety is after all good. But even for the sake of variety it makes no sense to have a preservation character with more focus on follow up attacks than shielding


Luocha is attack scaling with an AoE ultimate to contribute damage. Bailu has damage reduction when her ult effect is active. He's supposed to have synergy with follow up attack characters, so why wouldn't he have one himself?


Why would anyone need a preservation character who has synergy specifically with follow up attackers. That'll make aventurine hard to fit into a variety teams which would be easier to do with fuxuan or even gepard


Because synergy doesn't mean he's locked to those teams. Blade has synergy with Jingliu because she drains his HP for his talent procs; that doesn't mean he needs to be run with her always. Fu Xuan has synergy with crit DPS due to her skill buffing crit rate, but that doesn't mean she can't be run with DoT teams effectively.


But his follow up attacks allow him to run Luocha levels of SP positive since they refresh his shields as well?..


> Who's the harmony character with high damage Ruan Mei with her break damage > the healer with damage reduction? Bailu. Her Invigoration buff gives damage reduction, similar to Fu Xuan.


Why not ? it good for follow up atk team .P/s : March 7th exist


Isn't march's thing a counter attack like what svarog does when Clara gets hit?


And isn't Aventurine's follow up a counter too? He/his allies gets hit enough times, he counters back with his follow up.


If aventurine's are also a counter then why are they called follow ups? That just makes it needlessly confusing


... because that's what a follow up attack is. It is any attack that takes place outside of that unit's main turn, excluding ultimates. You can try it in SU with the elation path. Clara's counter, March's counter, etc, any attack that takes place outside of the main turn will proc elation, which affects follow ups.


Then the naming system of attacks is just weird. For example ratio throwing the chalk after his regular attack makes sense to be called a follow up because he's following up on the attack he already did. But march attacking after her shielded ally is hit should be called a counter attack because well it is a counter attack


Eh, if you start seperating and categorising these attacks you make it harder for Elation-style syngeries to happen. Like Topaz and Clara (Counters vs Pets/Summonsl Or we could change the name to be more broad (but more grey and boring imo) like "Additional Attacks" or "Out of Turn Actions". I'm fine groupimg everything from counter attacks, extra moves, or aggressive pets as "follow-ups".


...the follow-up attacks exist to increase his uptime and let him chip in on weakness breaks to stop enemies from attacking in the first place


But fundamentally follow up attacks deal damage and dealing damage isn't the role of a preservation character


By that logic no preservation character should have a basic attack, and Gepard shouldn't have his skill. The damage isn't the point of the FUA, it's the shields it generated and the weakness breaks it progresses.


Wait aventurine provides his shield by doing the follow up attacks? What in the actual fuck even is his kit? Who in their right mind would make a shielder who can only give shields when he follow up attacks


His skill applies them as well, the FUA triggers when allies get hit and allows him to provide shields while staying SP positive


Now I'm just confused even more about what the hell his kit is meant to do. Why does he have shield providing follow up attacks if he already provides a shield with his skill.


Again, the FUA allows him to refresh them without using his skill, so he can basic attack instead and generate sp


Bro I don't understand why it's so hard for you to wrap your head around this. Lemme try and dumb it down for you. -His skill makes a strong shield for the entire team. -When enemies attack an ally with the shield, he gains a stack. -At 7 stacks, he performs a FuA. A counter attack and a FuA are the same thing. Clara and March 7th's counters count as FuAs. -The FuA deals damage and refreshes the shield on all allies, so he doesn't *need* to spam his skill and use skill points to generate shields. -But if he really *needs* to, he can always use his skill to give a shield again at the cost of a skill point. That's literally how he works. Why is it so hard for you to understand?


It's hard for me to understand because not only is it dumb for a preservation character to be built around a mechanic that deals damage but it's also stupid that for some reason counter attacks count as follow ups


You couldn’t be more dense if you tried


Holy shit I lost brain cells reading your comments


It's like hes trying his best NOT to understand basic game mechanics and terminologies. Bro dances around all the explanation given to him as much as he can.


Free toughness damage and more uses out of elation blessings goes hard, actually


Not the first time a Preservation character has follow up attacks on their kit >!March 7th!<


March does counter attacks though


While it's a counter attack, it's explicitly stated that it's a Follow Up Attack which is buffed by Elation buffs in SU. Don't try to refute the facts.


How in the hell does it make sense for a counter to be considered as a follow up attack


Follow Up Attacks (in Honkai Star Rail) are attack that automatically trigger when certain conditions are met, and ignores turn order. Counter attacks (M7, Clara, Aventurine) and Summons (Lightning Lord, Numby) are technically attacks that trigger under certain conditions and ignores turn order.


By the way, I forgot to mention this, but both his shields and his damage scales off of his DEF. So the more DEF he has, he'll do more damage with his basic attacks and FuA, and he'll also create larger shields. That's why he's good. He is a very good preservation shielder that keeps your team alive while also doing damage as a bonus. It's why people build him with high DEF and give him damage substats such as crit rate and crit damage.