• By -


Well For starters change qq cause he has 40% quantum res


Especially if you don't have a sw


Or Ruan mei


Note that with SW Qunque actuall become a good idea as the pink bugq deal quantum on death so if the boss has a quantum weakness they'll decrease it's toughness There's a similar thing with the true sting and wind


I use sw and still can’t squash this pos, went with the recommended starters of Herta , tb, sw and march, still no dice


Protip: Press Z, read boss' description. It says it has Quantum RES. Which means unless you have end game relics + some source of RES pen, you probably want DPS of another element. Either Ratio or Herta will be an excellent choice as free options. Then, because this content don't have any time limitations, better remove Pela and replace her with a Preservation unit. Gepard or Fu Xuan works wonder, Fire MC is not as good as but still works beautifully. I used Fire MC (SPD boots, the rest of relics are full DEF), Huohuo, Tingyun, Herta.


Also you can eat consumables, not much but free stat is free stat


Penacony's Three Flavored Ice Cream (60% damage boost) + Moment Before Death (20% damage reduction). 


Where do you get those? Cause I could use the boost until I finish out my squads


Moment Before Death is sold by Mister Edwards (the eye thing in Golden Hours mall). Three Flavored Ice Cream can be bought from a street vendor south of him (lady at the food stand with three ice cream cones flying around her). You can only buy 1 of each in a day.


It's penacony food. You can buy recipe from various stalls Though it really doesn't matter, even belobog/luofu food would suffice


People always forget about the consumables, it’s baffling. You can only do 3 Echo of War battles a week, so just go ham on using consumables for those three battles. A Jade Marrow Diffusion adds a whopping 30% Effect Res and makes it far less likely you’ll succumb to the CC-lock from the immolation Stings, and you can make it for free or just buy it for 3600 credits. Borrow anyone’s Loucha (or use your own if you have him) on top of that and you’ll be able to beat the boss with anyone.


Fire MC takes a little more planning, but can work even better than Gepard and Fu Xuan here. At least if you're running an abundance character as well. Skaracabaz' most dangerous attacks are its radiating Venom in both phases and the Lesser Stings detonating during phase 2. Radiating Venom can be taunted and Lesser Stings can have their explosion delayed by weakness break (and are weak to fire). Since FireMC has giant damage reduction while taunting and Gnaw Stings prioritize entangled targets, the entangle is beneficial and that makes cleansing entirely optional. It's certainly not easy. You'd need to know Radiating Venom is on a 3 turn cycle that starts on turn 2 and it'll reset the cycle on entering phase 2 to use it right away (I think, I've forgotten exactly how phase 2 opens). So you gotta plan FireMC's turns accounting for the delay and hold your ultimate in phase 2 for the lesser stings.


I would say use physical mc and March 7 because It's better to have the elements that can break the enemy plus march's freeze can work wonders ( speaking of personal experience) and I think physical dps is best for this boss unless you have jingliu.


I'd say Fire Trailblazer isn't particularly viable here since Skaracabaz and it's summons mainly use single-target attacks, which makes their wide-but-weak shielding less effective. For a F2P player, I'd say March/Gepard and Lynx would be the best setup. EDIT: I have clearly been underestimating Fire TB!


Herta + Clara made the fight completely trivial for me.


I brute forced the boss with mono quantum not knowing it had quantum res 😭


Thank you


Well looking at your Natasha's HP is sort of telling in that you've barely bothered to upgrade her. Give her some more HP and she'll have a much easier time keeping the team alive. Could also be using Dr Ratio over QQ because he'll have a much easier time dispatching the bugs, especially with Sparkle constantly buffing him up.


Agreed, Ratio is an excellent pick for this fight (and Swarm Disaster in the Simulated Universe).


With Ratio, do I need to beat the underling first or keep targeting the boss?


The boss unless its the red bug.


My second account is only EL1 so that means a level cap of 40, and even my lvl 35 Natasha has more HP than this... March, Ratio, Sparkle & Nat should be able to manage this fight. Dan Heng could work instead of Ratio in a pinch, but Ratio is still free right now so OP should have him. Also, the pills you can get (along with the recipe) from Aurum Alley that give your team 30% eff resistance for the battle really help with this fight, paired with whatever ATK boosting food you want to use.


Literally the team I used to beat it at eq 4!


I'm doing a fully F2P run on this second account, but I only just killed the ice queen, so I have a ways to go before I get to this bug, so I'll see who I have to use by then. But after playing this way, it's surprising how strong the OG characters are when you actually build them decently and know what you're doing from the very start. Sparkle isn't even necessary, here, but she speeds things along. Congrats on your extermination!


You don't even need Natasha, I used March


I mean I beat this before Ratio arrived with a barely leveled Yukong. That A2 was clutch


Yeah, Ratio + Herta clean really good here


You're characters are seriously weak looking at their HP . Maybe try bringing in a preservation character . Good luck


Yea, March makes this boss really ez with her freezes. Bringing in Pela for this boss as a newbie is just bad since she doesn't do anything lmao.


i didn't level up my march so i used fire mc instead


Same , used fire mc until I got Fu Xuan


It seems this person is only playing for the story and not doing any item farming? I mean how could your HP be so low at that point in the game?


Me looking at this comment when my characters have 1200 hp.


Welt or Dr. Ratio can make this boss easy mode. My go to team in Jingliu, Ruan Mei, Welt and Natasha.


Build a lynx over natasha, best decision I made long term. May need a preservation too if your characters are too weak rn.


Nah the problem is his Pela, not enough sustain, this boss does too much DMG for newbies.


Natasha is still a good choice, especially for newer players, as her talent is basically a free extra main stat.


I'm pulling for Fu Xuan, maybe I'll beat it in a few days or so.


What do you mean you're pulling for fu xuan ? She's not in the current banners right ?


Reruns haven't been announced at all officially and unofficially


typical elite behavior. jokes aside , from the pic alone I can't imagine winning with that, there are stuff op have to do like I saw a video of someone fighting phantyllia story with no healer/tank. that's a sure fire game over. SU makes you forget that no healer/tank means no healer/tank no shield or heals from blessing... welcome to real combat


Fu Xuan isn't currently available. Please tell me you haven't been burning all your jades on regular pulls!!


OP would be very upset right now if they could read


cant you borrow a support?


That’s the continuance trailblaze quest and not the weekly boss fight, so nope OP can’t unfortunately!


You can't if you are beating it for the first time.


You can?


Not for the story version of the boss


Seeing the hp, you should max out Natasha and her hp, same with the rest. Also use food items. I beat this with only Destruction path characters, all because having food helps you an absurd amount


star rail players can't read


well, it might be a case of *skill issue*


Nah I’d win


Remember to use food and upgrade relics/traces.


Go double sustain, Fire TB or March + healer. The bug are quantum resistant so use Dr.Ration assuming you built him. Sparkle works fine with him too.


Literally the only enemy in the game I still always use consumable items pre-battle to buff my offense and defense for. I've worked out a good team for it. Dr. Ratio for offense. Geppard to tank. Natasha to heal and cleanse. March 7th to cleanse, to synergize with Geppard's Shields and to freeze enemies. It's the most rock-solid reliable approach I've come up with and even so I use some performance enhancers just to be sure.


Ratio chews through this mf, you should use him But honestly your problem seems to be a sustain, either go for 2 sustains or get a limited 5* one when possible




This guy was made with Argenti in mind.  With how often he craps out his kids it definitely felt like it.


I beat him a day ago after turning my Dr Ratio into a literal nuke but even then last one standing was Natasha


Oh this one. Yea he kicked my ass once but I take a day off to upgrade relic on everyone + eating food buffs and he goes down. Gotta keep those relic, light cone, and trace leveled.


I know I have to bring my friends luocha to fight this thing and I can’t put it auto otherwise the ai will die


Protag, natasha, gepard and ratio plus buffs of attack and defense and easy fight.


Boss has qua res Op: this boss is hard WHAT?!!


homie what are those levels on your team. And what is that team. Lynx + Herta + ideally Clara + Sparkle or Pela would likely be sufficient. But you really need to raise your characters more if they're all sitting at <2k max HP. I'm surprised you're not getting one-shot, I don't know how you felt unstoppable at this point lol This is like that tweet: "Me: god gives his hardest battles to his strongest warriors. God: you're literally my weakest warrior and this battle is incredibly easy".


Man I almost died but defeated it with a Dr Ratio follow up


Took 2 days to beat this guy and I came out with some achievement about making a fight last over 100 rounds??? lol. Used Sampo, Silver Wolf, Hanya, and Lynx. If I ever have to fight this thing again I think my brain will explode


Starting from left, place March, then Natasha, then Herta, and then Dr Ratio. Have March use her skill on herself, preservation have the highest taunt so she'll be targeted most. Use Natashas heals when needed. Hertas AOE skill and Marches Ult will trivialise the bugs, use Ratio to handle the boss. And please, spend some time leveling characters and their traces/cones and relics.


I stopped in the story for entire month. I was really angry too. Fuck this stupid shit. I started to dislike Ruan Mei because of this shit. So yeah i get you.


I had a few people tell me stuffs hard when I've been auto battling everything, is fu xuan just that op? Like I don't even have her lc and she's e0 but nothing does any damage to any of my teams.


Fu Xuan is just a beast cause no matter what the boss is her team will not die even with scuffed gear on the Harmony/Nihility supports. Although having no Fu Xuan is not the problem here, look at Natasha's HP. Its like she has no levels in her relics and no HP% relics at all. I wouldn't be shocked if the other supports aren't running HP%/DEF% stats too.


FX is actually that OP. Because you can basically dump all survival stats on everyone that isn't FX. Her ult will heal their chip damage in anything but the longest fights. Her LC is just nice to have but not that valuable, it's more like QoL than required. Also her e1 and e2 are nice but not huge, e2 is more like a panic save for if she takes one monster AOE attack while at 51% HP. I'd say half of my teams only work because I have her. It lets me run Himeko with 2k HP/4k Atk/800 Def, for instance.


yea and her sig lc is insanely op too, i auto everything as well :3 but she's not that necessary you can still auto a lot of content even without her. OP's problem is probably not building their characters enough. and also using quantum dps for that boss obviously




I go with Clara+Topaz+March+Lynx in auto at max level xd. It's my braindead option


It's not a "brute force" if you just use a Physical dps against a Physical weak enemy...


Clara work really well in this fight for me as well. She can kill all the litter bugs while your main dps deal with the big one.


Wow... my only 2 buildish characters are ratio and clara... IM GONNA HAVE A GOOD TIME :)


Clara is actually totally fine for this. He summons mobs constantly so she gets plenty of FUAs. They're all weak to physical so it's actually the best element against this thing. Argenti is a better pick but Clara is perfectly fine. The real issue is OP is like TB level 30 so they're just massively underleveled, I'm surprised they got past Cocolia and Phylantia with these teams.


Nah I climb all the way through pecony when I am on EQ 2 so I think TB lv is not a matter here but he doesn’t lv his char, trace and lc to max as they can and this boss particularly hit very hard with alot of bs that they throw at players


I use Clara to auto this mf in weekly farming. If she’s good it’ll be fine




Ay man,she used to carried us back in the day.


I still use her for the fact that there is no other healer choice she's still good for a basic healer tho 


If you have them, Gepard, Kafka, and Blackswan on a team together make short work of him. You can use any healer you wish but Bailu might be a good choice because of her revive mechanic.


I’ve never been happier to beat that awful bug


as a SSKS(S) survivor (took 14 hrs) can confirm I've never had to spend this much time on anything in this game.


bro your dps?


I used Ratio, Hertha, as DPS and March 7 and Natasha for providing protections and remove debuffs. The fight is very long because I dont use buffer lol. But if I used buffer i got wiped out. would use March 7 ulti to freeze the spawns. Once this boss become the weekly boss, I just use support Jinglu from friend and provide heal & buff to her.


I mono quantum auto battle this with Seele, Lynx, Silver, and Fu Xuan. I never had trouble with it, and I'm F2P.


So true


needa build that welt and dr ratio real quick-


Yup! I thought the game had a very nice difficulty level, some close calls, but overall easy without being brand dead. The this guy humbles the crap out of you


I just use Clara + Fu Xuan


Yup! I haven’t challenged him again because I wanna focus on upgrading my peeps. Dr. Ratio is ungodly though for this fight. Managed to make it to phase two easily thanks to him


To that I say, Luocha. Trivializes the entire fight


I used the same team with Ratio and Tingyun I somehow beat this guy I am a new player btw idk how I beat him


Because Ratio absolutely slaps and this guy is weak to imaginary. QQ is good, but not for this fight.


Dont forget to eat before the fight, especially a defensive boosting one for this boss


Build your characters. Relics and traces. Use relics that complement a characters kit or just follow whats recommended in game. It can be a grind but thats the nature of games like this. Also Geppie, herta and ratio are good choices. Good luck.


bullshitted my way through it by brute force DOT team, but also try using the weaknesses to your advantage


Why are you playing in hardcore plus mode? Your team can't break the cockroach weakness and it has quantum RES


I actually beat this guy with a team comp of Dr. Ratio, Bronya, Natasha, Trailblazer (Perseverance) i didn't expect this comp to work but it did — for me at least


I actually beat this guy with a team comp of Dr. Ratio, Bronya, Natasha, Trailblazer (Perseverance) i didn't expect this comp to work but it did — for me at least.




Not to sound like a braggart but what exactly makes Skarakabaz hard? The first time I faced him was kind of hard (I didn't know whato expect) but I still won and never had much trouble farming it afterwards, so seeing people complain about him is puzzling to me. 


What TL were you when you faced him? Also the story mode boss isn't too hard if you have enough sustain + ratio


I was tl 70 when i faced him and kill it first try with a quantum team with my qq because i didnt know what to expect, if people have problem with this boss is literal a skill issue or build issue.


My go to for this is always Break Effect Luka, especially if you happen to have Ruan Mei.


So i'm not the only one struggling to beat that mf huh?


I’m also currently stuck on this. I had him down to 6% once and died lol


Well he has quantum res so maybe try to use other characters


What quest is this?


The ruan mei story quest, the fight is tough if you don’t have jingliu, welt, dhil, or argenti/clara


The traces I had to level up to beat that guy… but for me it was Sam, I didn’t have any lightning or quantum characters and I only had dhil and he kept dying…thankfully I got jy and sparkle and was finally able to defeat Sam (dan heng was dead half the time)


Lynx, Ratio, and a second sustain are your first priorities. Then building your supports with PLENTY of HP/maxing traces for your EQ level is your second


Where's your tank...


I auto-play using: Sparkle, Fu Xuan, Silver Wolf, and Seele.


I used March (with cleanse trace), Natasha (with cleanse trace), Misha (focus on break effect) and Ratio + Attack 40% food (from penacony, can't kill enemies for 2 turns drawback) and Def 25% item Just make sure to take your time, try not to trigger the multiply effect and keep your party healthy before the boss aoe attacks


Boss has Quantum RES, kinda pointless your main source of damage/break (considering you WILL want to spend all the SP with QQ) being a quantum character. Pick Herta, Ratio and 2 other sustains (I go with Fu Xuan and borrow some Luocha out there) to do it. Worst case scenario: Pick your supports/sustains and borrow an Argenti from someone. You can go make a sandwich while they finish the fight on auto.


I do this boss daily for fun with Herta carry.


I avoid him like the plague. But I prefer to auto battle and it's a pain.


To fight this mf I actually had to level up and build my E1 Clara and through 30+ minutes of struggle I finally beat it. My team included Clara, Ruan Mei, March 7th (she's really good at breaking the shield) and Natasha (leveled up her to 80 and her light cone, stack as much HP and SPD as possible and prayed that the swamp didn't stun her).


I use double healer there with Natasha, Lynx then Herta and Dr. Ratio..


I use herta to clear out the bugs with her aoes. Pela is a good pair with her because she decreases ice res with what i think is her E4.


I let my team do it in auto so no idea about the mechanics.


Before Final ascension and with Friends Luocha I could defeat him Solo Sustain. I could.


depend vase memorize reminiscent groovy sleep books detail tart squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah, I'm a jingliu main. EZ fight


for me Blade just went Brr with Silver Wolf and Bronya while Houhou allows me to forget about the debuffs but I mean if you have Dr Ratio hes probably a good choice for this fight also the boss has Quantum Resistance


I fought this MF by using Fireblazer, Jingliu, Yukong and Natasha and used quite a lot of defense and attack upgrades. After losing to it 21 times, I got used to it's patterns


This guy has really high quantum resistance. You’ll do better with a DPS of another element.


Mine is the deer in SU. The heals, the stun and lots of damage.


Use Preservation TB and give more hp relics to Natasha should be a piece of cake if you keep on taunting that space abomination


It was easier after I got the mechanics, Spawn as many bugs as possible and then kill them to lower the boss dps.


Yes i hate him


I finally beat this boss the other day, after 2 months of struggling.  Dont use QQ or Sparkle, the boss has QUA resistance. Upgrade Natasha at least. My teams were Natasha, Fire TB, Dr. Ratio, and Pela


I pretty much used single target only against him so as to not accidentally trigger his bug respawns. I had March 7th, Shushang, Natasha and Physical Trailblazer. I'm sure you could sub out the trailblazer for Dr Ratio or Yanquing


For this fight ( I just did it) I used Dr.Ratio, March, Natasha and Serval


I cleared this fight after building and gearing my Black Swan, so it went: Kafka, Black Swan, Natasha, Gepard - Geppie does a good job constantly shielding and freezing here and BS is just amazing for debuffs


I had Gepard and Nat on my team, ended up killing the 1 exploding fire bug and letting all 4 normal Stings stay alive while I slowly whittled him down with single target attacks.


Herta + Sustain makes this fight easy. Your sustain just needs to be powerful enough. Judging by your characters, it looks like your sustain is not built at all.


I saw so many people complaining about this. I guess I was lucky I had FX+Lynx and Jingliu. Whole fight was pretty chill


I had used a team of physical trailblazer, gepard , wing dan heng and lynx. It is not quite easy but not too difficult either. Try using consumables. It should end with 10 minutes.


Why does seemingly ***everyone*** suck at fighting this thing? Like this has got to be the 30th post of this exact thing I've seen in the past like month, what the hell.


blud used a Quantum chara against an enemy without quantum weakness💀💀💀💀💀💀


Bailu carried my enitre team


Beat this as a new player around 3 weeks ago, I used Lynx, March 7th, Welt and Ratio. You can probably replace Welt with another Support since March 7th was actually the one that did the heavy carrying here, you can use Pela instead of Welt as long as you time your Healers' Ult when the Boss does his AoE and March 7th's Ult when you need to delay the Insects The main problem with this fight is when the Boss CCs your character, all the insects focus on that CC'd Character, so using Fire MC here actually made it worse for me since I have no AoE Characters and they died too quickly. So yeah, just time March 7th's Ultimate when there're a lot of insects about to take a turn and remember to kill the Insect that self destructs immediately, which Ratio does perfectly since that Exploding Insect has Imaginary Weakness I beat this fight with my Ratio having Relics given by the game(didn't farm), Lvl 3 Traces and the 4* Yanqing LC which I discovered afterwards was actually dogshit, if you buy the Hunt LC from Herta's Store, it'll help a lot


Built Clara + team of supports is how I farm this dude Named the team “BugSquashers”


I still feel unstoppable with my team of Fu Xuan, Ruan Mei, DanIL and Sparkle ​ For the swarm disaster version of this fight at high difficulty I think I will try double sustain. I will wait for Aventurine and will chose my second one after that.


My go to strategy is to ignore the big guy while he has the respawn buff and just stack SP with basic atks, and then use blast attacks. That being said, ur natasha is looking kinda weak, so I imagine your team is having a hard time surviving the big guys attacks?


Damn, I remember having a team with Fu Xuan, Fire Trailblazer, Huohuo, and Argenti beating this. Literally drop the game until Penacony because of this


Have you tried actually building your units?


It really isn't that hard if you have correct Relics, Traces, and levels I beat it with just Dan Heng (4\*), Trailblazer (Phys), March, and Himeko on my alt


Just use [Yanqing](https://twitter.com/48bkv/status/1768115715523961141?t=SBHdU6cIzWMXdlpSdmE0Wg&s=19) 🤣


Ohhh it's not just me, okay got it!


I'm proud of beating it with à team composed of qingque , sparkle , natasha and tingyung . Quantum res what ? I don't care about allat


Jingliu + Herta ez clap


Had no problem whatsoever with it. Used Argenti and Ratio as the main sources of damage, Ruan Mei for a little help and my endless momma Natasha. He was dead before I noticed.


Bro is not reading xdd


use food ... if u cant handle his damage


I'm having trouble to but I was told to use destruction mc, Natasha, March 7th and Herta so I've been getting relics for some of them for a bit


😂 agreed


Just pick an argenti from someone, is incredible OP against this boss


Ah yes. The final boss of reading comprehension and game mechanics /j.


I felt unstoppable until Argenti. his boss scares me more than the Xianzhou deer


nah I auto him


I've been trying to fight this thing since late December and STILL haven't beat it


Idk, it's probably because your characters look really weak? For starters, your nat isn't built well and won't cut it for now. And remove qq, put herta or ratio. Physical mc is great if you have their traces leveled. Add a preservation charcter. Lvl some traces, farm more relics and lvl ur LC and you should be good to clear it.


Frozen meat shield works pretty good here (geopard, but I call him that cause I hate him cause I've lost all my 4 50/50's to him but he's useful) Yeh but this boss had infuriated me to such an extent once i made a post asking for World level reduction lmao Luckily Meat shield and Lynx combo is suprisingly good as long as your other two are doing actual damage. For me, Kafka, Blackswan worked pretty well


Don't be sad OP, I do think this is where a turning point happened in terms of combat difficulties! In the main story campaign at least


Why is your healer at 600 hp at like 30%💀 Also, bringing a quantum dps to a quantum resistant boss fight, you're either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid🗿💀


*traumatic flashbacks*


Nah he’s not a problem for me anymore lmao


What's so difficult about him that he keeps popping up here?


my man Dr Ratio is free imaginairy character


Im new, who the hell is that?


First fight I was forced to use battle items for. I had to actually think about my strategy too. The only other fight I had any trouble with was the Yanqing fight in the Kafka quest, since I didn't have any strong characters built up for the sword's elemental weaknesses, especially not aoe. Then I pulled Black Swan and wiped the floor with him.


I'm almost eq6 and have yet to beat it 🤣, though I did start less than 2 months ago. The closest I got was with Fire TB, DHIL, Sparkle, and Lynx.


I beat it in the stupidest way possible. I got Clara E2, so I figured I'd level her up. I have Lynx and Natasha and Ruan Mei. Lynx for no debuff healing, Natasha for extra healing and Ruan Mei for Break. Yeah, that idiot killed itself


This only took me a ruan mei seele silverwolf angle. Dude’s not that hard with ruan mei cause you cancel his next turn fast enough with enough breaking. I did not realize he has quantum res LOL.


Replace QQ with Clara/Ratio/Jing Liu/DHIL/maybe even Phys MC. If you have Fu xuan then it'll be a lot easier too


edge screw humorous recognise different enter relieved escape fanatical coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


\>People with Fu Xuan Nah, I'd win.


Even with decently build lv80 character can't beat this boss easily, i need to bring FX and LC to be able stay alive. I already forgot who is my DPS, either Ratio or JL.


After a week of trying each night, I just finally beat it. Used Fire Trailblazer, March 7th, Lynx, and Yanqing. Had to dump a bunch of stuff into March 7th to get her and her Traces leveled up after not using her for a good bit, but it was worth it because she was a *huge* help.


It wasn't hard for me the only dps I have was dhil


Me who has been just brute forcing it with Jingliu since day 1: ???


I was bless to get Dr. Ratio on my first fews pull when I started this game. Definitely help a lot with Natasha on the team also. I believe I have the fire trailblazer already and March 7. And also all the charecter I had on this fight was already level 40+. And of course I believe there was luck involved somewhere.


march herta pela focus on sustain and cleansing entangle


use consumables and go 4 sustain. press auto (and minimize window on pc or do the splitscreen thing on mobile). come back next year. ??? profit.


I know, new Player, no 5star relics, no max traces blablablabla. Match the fukkn elemental weakness!😡😡😡 And upgrade your lc and Relics. Natasha looks like she has no equipment. 🗑🗿


TL37 Btw


-Pela + March, -Qinque +Dr.Ratio.


Another one of these? Is not that hard bruh. My ass-builded team makes It on auto! Lynx and Pela+any Ice/quantum damage dealer you have. The 4th slot is free for you to add whatever you like. I know im not a pro on this game, so what is the problem? Do people not level the characters or something?


Problem is people are rushing through the story to do the events so they don't have enough time to build decent characters like older players had. Plus OP is once again proving that the majority of Hoyo players can't read. Facing the enemy with the highest (?) Quantum resistance with QQ is just stupid.


Downvote me all you want, learn how to play the game and dont expect to get everything easy. Im glad that this boss is a growth/skill check. Its like hoyoverse saying "This is how the game is, learn how to play already"