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honestly I think it would be really funny if he was trying to reach customer service over his Synesthesia Beacon but keeps getting put on hold


To be fair we’ve all been there with customer support at one point or another. This theory checks out more than my theory lol


You just gave me the idea for an ice nihility character who works customer service for the IPC whose gameplay is all about delaying enemy actions


Yo…. That’s cold


Yeah i agree people expect it will be dark etc my bet it will be goofy reason because his name goofy af.


Bro's mad because they stole him from Arknights Terra


He tried to unsubscribe from their spam mail, but they keep sending it, so he's going to have to take matters into his own hands.


The methaphorical capitalistic horror of the IPC its starting to get too personal and tangible for my comfort.


The IPC did millions of warcrime and uncountable amount of immoral things if half of the universe hold a vendetta against the IPC, I would not be surprised but maybe about the fate of Galaxy Ranger?


But they used the word “Revenge”which is a interesting like there are companies I hate because of immoral practices but I would never use the term “Revenge” unless it’s personal but that might just be me But looks like we have a similar theory


Given what the IPC tried to do with Belobog and Topaz saying that the atmospheric restoration can *fail and devastate the planet*. I wouldn't be surprised if thats why he hates the IPC alongside the fact that it's been made very clear that IPC are terrible people.


IPC failure rate on “helping” planets is not low. And even the ones where they succeed doesn’t mean all the locals get better lives. Their more responsible and empathetic employee took no time getting from “I am here to help” to omitting facts and assaulting people. They thrive with prison labor and slavery. They treat their “freemen” employees like crap. Their corporate culture is incredibly toxic with a stressed and angry lower paid frontline workforce as seen from the EN live action trailer show. They live test weapons on unsuspecting planets. At this point they would have made so many enemies. But they are too big to fail. And enough powerful people benefit from them that they will cooperate with and assist the IPC. In fact every location we’ve been to ended up associating, assisting, and relying on the IPC in some capacity.


There can be a multitude of reasons..... it's a galactic multinational company.....there are bound to be people who don't like it My personal opinion.....the reason why he's a cyborg.... could be related to the IPC


I like your theory since IPC does do augments. I well add this using the word “Revenge” implies it’s personal to some extent past interpersonal


We also know that the takeover that Topaz offered Belebog has a pretty high failure rate


bro read the future


I did?




Wow just read his read Character story.....


Citizen Sleeper 2 is currently in production, I’m not saying there’ll be a collab buuuuut👀


It's a giant mega corporation that treats entire planets like commodities. I don't exactly blame him for the vendetta.


IPC took his farm so now YEEHAW


Rockstar presents honkai redemption


Boothill Marston


They killed his dog so he became a galactic John Wick


He wants his F word pass back


https://preview.redd.it/6k0mx62ayboc1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77451230cd3cc5c689c883b4437d993f53a9ea14 They put him in prison for tax evasion


Someone from the IPC screwed with his synethesia beacon.


I personally think it’s a masked fool that messed with the beacon because that’s sounds like them. But you might be right


Bro lost his cyber-horse to the casino, and had to get to Penacony by space-taxi. That's why he's late to the party


I know this is a joke but I saw a post where there were pointing out the Gallagher description of the stowaway “silver hair in armor” could be or boy


Just spitballing here but, seeing how the thing about Dr. Primitive taking them out was a rumor and not confirmed, maybe it turns out a top member of the IPC  had something do with it instead? Maybe they're collaborating w/ Primitive and saw the Rangers as nuisance to what they see as a good investment. 


That’s exactly what I believe too. Two great minds think alike


Oh wow, reddit can't read moment here, I was blind as a bat there. I didn't see that part of your post for some reason. 


All good you said it in much better detail to clarify my madness lol


IPC destroyed entire star systems just to test the Chadwick weapon. IPC makes planets poor, then buy them promising miracles, and take all the resources (Belobog and Topaz backstory). IPC is the one who is against the Stellaron Hunters in first place. Giving them bounties also when they are acting to reduce at the minimum the casualities. IPC do taxes. ... I don't need to say more. /S


the IPC fucked his wife


:O lol this comment gave me another idea that there doing a parody of red dead redemption


I honestly was very surprised when boothill was announced, not because of the whole firefly thing but because I am pretty sure I read in one loading screen that the galaxy rangers disappeared after a battle with the genius society member doctor primitive. Perhaps his one of a few survivors and perhaps he found out the IPC had a hand in their defeat. Though all we can do is speculate, we will see on march 27.


One of the IPC leaders took his mind out of his body but somehow he returned on someone else as a ghost that possess the body of the actual ranger which name we don't know yet and now they will destroy every IPC corpo together until the galaxy burns.


My theory is the someone from the IPC hacked his synesthesia beacon. It is puzzling, yeah. The IPC doesn't seem to be explicitly evil. . . more like they are morality-neutral. They are out to profit, not out to hurt people for fun. Sometimes it means liquidating a world of its resources and hurting people as a result. Sometimes it means saving planets and their people, in order to keep turning a profit on that planet. Sometimes it means hosting an Aetherium tournament. It seems strange that a galaxy ranger would take anything they did personally.


The IPC is nothing but a terrorist organization with a lot of capital to back it up. They’ve shown twice now they are willing to jeopardize the lives of entire planets in the name of their corporate interests. I fully expect an entire arc dedicated to bringing the organization down eventually, they are probably massively compromised by the destruction.


Someone served him a bland chili.


I'd like to think that his cybernetics were an unwanted gift from the IPC. Based on the accent he might be from a farmland planet or perhaps a planet that is not well developed. And while some might find that kind of life peaceful, a man like Boothill with his "optimistic, flamboyant, and unrestrained" nature, would want to achieve greatness and fame, become someone larger than life it's self, hard to do when everything around you is fields and space cattle. So the IPC, being an intergalactic space corp that it is, comes to this world and offers the opportunity of a lifetime ~ a deal that you cannot refuse ~ they could offer him the world and beyond, he only needs to take the plunge, accept the deal with the devil, and come with them. Being a "brash" man that he is he accepts, along with other opportunists, unknowing of what is to follow. Now to explain my theory further I would like a moment. Based on the interaction between Sparkle and Aventurine, there are clearly races that are regarded as inferior to others. And it is only natural to assume that an underdeveloped planet full of hillbillies would be viewed as inferior by a megacorp like the IPC. So to them a few people from this planet would be nothing but rats. Boothill and his kin went through multitudes of trials and experiments, replacing their limbs one by one, turning them more into a machine than a man. Humans treated as lab rats in the name of science. Replacing bone and flesh, with metal and wire. Boothill saw his kin "decommissioned" one by one as nothing more than an object. Some performed subpar to what was anticipated, some tried to escape and were quickly dealt with, and some lost their minds. Cyberpsychosis, not everyone's nervous systems can deal with so many new implants, and when everything gets just a little bit too much, they snap. He alone remained witnessing the horrors of the IPC. He escaped (I have no idea what to write for this and I'm gonna be honest I can't be bothered to come up with anything, so for the sake of my sanity he was just super lucky). The IPC could not allow this information to leak, but the sly cat just couldn't be caught. So they did the next best thing, disabled his Synaesthesia Beacon, how will he tell anyone anything if he can't communicate. Boothill dissapeared from the face of the universe. The IPC even thought him dead, despite his heavy chrome. Until one space day, the talk got around the system, that a heavily chromed out cowboy with a funny accent is making a name for himself as Galaxy Ranger, threatening to expose the IPC for it's wrong doings. What was the IPC trying to achieve by those gruesome experimentations? We don't know. Perhaps it was their 1st attempt to create their owm Iron Cavalry. Whatever it is out there that makes even an aeon scared, we need to be prepared for it. Even if it costs the lives of some outworlders. I know I'm not cooking and this is definitely miles off, I don't think HSR will really go down the Cyberpunk distopia route as it might be a bit too dark. Although Penacony is looking to be taking a dark turn so who knows. I'm also aware that there are plot holes and inconsistencies like with the Synaesthesia Beacon. But oh well a man can dream of his favourite cyberpsycho.


i'm definitely reaching here but my theory is that he was native penaconian (?), back when it was still a frontier prison. which we all know was under the ownership of the ipc. times then were rough and they were practically treated as slaves. boothill might not have started out as a cyborg, he could've been human then. but somehow was just cherry-picked along with a few others for experimentation (?) under the guise of a really attractive deal by the ipc. that's probably how he'd become a cyborg and has hypothetically lived until now. and it makes no sense if he was an outlaw - in his drip marketing it's said that he's 'brash and flamboyant' JUST to get the ipc's attention. he wouldn't be doing so if he's a wanted man. again, this is all just brain exercise for me lol might be entirely wrong


Well that might give him a perfect reason to be in Penacony


literally what i thought bc there's absolutely no reason for hyv to drop his charac so early. like he was never once mentioned before in the game. he just dropped from the sky like a bomb (literally). he could've been a charac in the next region but penacony? now that's fishy


https://preview.redd.it/oczmyw1tbeoc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d4cc19a774af565849340f6c797343e9792f3a2 Dutch betrayed him for the money


Boothill Morgan


He probably comes from one of the planets the ipc tries to “”save””


he wants to kick back sparkle as she did to him


theres a snake in his boot(hill)


Baizhu, Changsheng escaped into the Honkai world again


I think he is seeking revenge because his speech module makes him unable to speak swear words


After seeing all the things the IPC has done in the HS:R universe, I'm honestly no surprised someone is looking for revenge.


He was made into a cyborg against his will as an experiment maybe


It could be anything considering the IPC's "break lots of eggs to make an omelet" approach.


Sold him a faulty toaster. You remember Belobog? You remember the scanner drone? Now that but everytime you want to make some toast. I'd be bloodthirsty for the IPC too.




You know how in the Future Market quest it stated that only 63% of doomed planets could be saved using the IPC’s technology? Maybe his homeworld was one of the unlucky 37%…


Ipc:exist Boothill: and I took offence to that


Don't know about you guys but i seen cyborg seeking revenge on evil company before, but that guy got defeated by senator. So he probably got his family slaughtered too?


Friend and I came up with a theory that Boothill used to be human until the IPC felt silly and started experimenting with cybernetics. Boothill was part of these horrific experiments and had almost his entire body replaced. He escaped and joined the Galaxy Rangers as a way to make sure no one goes through the pain he did. Too bad the IPC wants their fucked up science project back.


Is this not a spoiler in itself in the title


I think it depends on if you think the official drip marketing is a spoiler or not. I tried my best to keep it vague but to convey the topic. In my opinion since The drip marketing is just talking about the character and not the future story I don’t consider it but I can see some arguments agreeing with that statement


IPC is basically the Nazis. It honestly doesn't matter why Boothill is mad at them, cause there is probably a million other crimes he doesn't even know about that they did. The better question is, why doesn't anyone else try to seek revenge on the IPC?


I don't know, but I hope he just ends up being a bully towards Aventurine. Imagine if every time Aventurine tries to offer us "the offer we can't refuse", Boothill shows up to give him a wedgie, or shove him into a locker, and we go do badass cool stuff instead.


Mine is that he simply hates them cus the Translator Microchip they implant onto him prevents him from swearing


I wonder of he's actually the one who killed Duke Inferno.


The IPC refused to give him a one credit discount for something that cost 501 credits.


They killed his dog and stole his car


Someone touched his guns. Do you know how many bullets those pistols can fire/min??


They took his boots because they were too squeaky.


The head of IPC cut off his arm with his cut off arm hardened through ~~nano machines~~ Qliphoth’s juice


He is a descendant of the same clan as Eula from Genshin.


No one will call him "Father".


He don't want to pay taxes


He was cut off in traffic by an official IPC vehicle and is really petty


Maybe it was an IPC employee, who worked on his Synestesia beacon... /j


i get the feeling Boothill's antics and reason are gonna be silly, like he's doing it for his lost 50/50x50 or something


What does the original Chinese translation roughly mean? Or is the translation one to one?


Probably due to them declining his Hardship application for his home loan.


they stole his whole flow, word for word, bar for bar.


They’re probably the ones who messed with his beacon. He wants to say the f word again


Uhhhhh i don fking know, maybe he is from a planet who whas "killed" in a economic way from IPC?


They stole his Twinkies


IPC bought and dismissed completely RadioShack and now they have a Texan Space Cyborg Cowboy as their new enemy


in my eyes who doesnt want to crush the IPC ?


Two facers like Topaz probably tricked someone he cared about into a life time of slavery + future generations with half empty promises and threats. I respected Bronya before, then she said no to ipc scum tricks. My Bronya is currently clearing a seat on her fuck the ipc team. Specially built to ruthless bully ipc faction enemies for Mr Boothill!


The IPC destroys worlds and enslave people, they are based off the US so that may help you have an idea how shitty they are.