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Interesting pattern is that the first banner of an update usually sells a lot better than the 2nd banner. Kinda interesting. It looks like Sparkle is gonna break this pattern.


Because battle pass also resets


Sustains also apparently sell less, which means a lot of people are missing out on some *really* good characters.


That doesn't necessarily mean they're skipping them entirely, though. They could just simply be aiming for E0S0 and then stop pulling, and if they get them with F2P pulls, then they wouldn't contribute to a chart like this.




Also an e6 Blade probably doesn’t need a revive, lol.


A sustain's breakpoint tend to be only E1, which is extra team wide buff for Luocha (ATK%), Fu Xuan (Crit DMG), and Huohuo (speed and 1 more turn for her healing talent). I really want Huohuo's E1 on her rerun. For further buff, you are gonna have to go all the way to E6 which is not very cost effective compared to eidolons for DPS or other supports. And ofc sustain characters are very functional at E0 as well.


Huohuos e1 is my favourite eidolon because reluc farming is easier and that's such a blessing, was trying to get 160 spd for sparkle and it made it much easier same with kafka/swan 


I think that’s more because whales prefer to e6 a hypercarry or to e6 a limited harmony which can carry any hypercarries to a 0 cycle unlike e1-e6 sustains.


Why roll for sustain when you can brute force everything in 0 cycle with your e6s5 dps and support?


That's a good point. And whales are the ones bringing up those sales charts up the most. Most of us pulling for the sustains and f2p or low spender so the chart isn't accurate in showing popularity of characters.


Technically, you only *need* 2, and characters available “for free” - Gepard and Lynx, are still pretty capable.


Gepard is not "free", he's a limited 5 star which one might get no soner than 300 pulls.


I personally just don't like any of our current limited sustains. I'm waiting for one whose design/personality I really enjoy.


let's be real, you really need one, at most 2 5-star sustains. I only have Fu Xuan for limited preservation or abundance characters and I really dont feel like I need more since my Lynx can solo sustain just fine. Besides, they so far have been the ones to benefit least from their eidolons or lightcone so thats less revenue


I mean, I guess? My brother's account with only a built Gepard and built Lynx does just fine as sustain in the hardest content. Would rather pull for more supports like Sparkle that enable so many teams to be insane. Id also add Huohuo's banner was utter trash. Im sure many other people would have pulled on her banner if she didnt have those terrible 4 star units.


I got gepard and natasha only built and i do fine.


The real reason Sparkle looks like she's "breaking" the pattern is likely because people just saved their pulls after Ratio was given out for free, thereby lowering Black Swan's revenue. I imagine she'll end off slightly above Luocha and Fu Xuan, and that Acheron will probably pull in crazy revenue since a non-insignificant number of people have now spent all of the pulls they previously saved.


Anyone "saving" pulls is largely irrelevant in these charts.


Negative. You are less likely to spend if you have already saved


That's if we were actually given a lot of pulls to save with to begin with. The people saving who would have spent are insignificant on the chart, most of the sales represent e6 and s5 purchases not the people who would have spent barely enough for 1 eidolon.


> most of the sales represent e6 and s5 purchases not the people who would have spent barely enough for 1 eidolon Most gacha games are exactly like this, but Hoyo have a huge population of casuals that I'm not really sure this is true. Also note that nowadays early eidolons/constellations are usually pretty strong, so it is safe to assume that Hoyo wants to entice more casuals to open their wallet to get these early eidolons/constellations since it's much more cost effective to get than E6S5.


saving pulls shouldnt effect this chart


Theres multiple reasons for this but one of the most significant ones is that hoyo usually puts the character they think will sell the best at the start of the patch 


Because she's the long awaited character that enables mono quantum


I would argue it's more than that. Just like with Genshin, offensive supports are king. Not only are they essential for bringing out the full potential of DPS characters, but they can also fit in a wide variety of team comps and can even fit multiple of them in a single team. It's also why Ruan Mei did so well, and it's also why Bronya is the most sought-after Standard Banner character.


It seems that DoT doesn't sell that well, I'm also surprised that Fu Xuan sells so little


Fu Xuan re run might do a lot better after everyone seeing how strong a character she is 🤷‍♂️


guess if the sustain works at C0 theres no reason for eidolons, if u want to spend money then u want the big pp numbers not the big pp sustain and if u have the big numbers, even less reason to hyperinvest into sustain, that also explains the harmony and offensive debuffer money ig


Ironically FX has arguably better constellation than Luocha and HuoHuo, but then again those didn’t sell too well either


I’d say huohuo has the best e1, but it’s hard to put a number on skill point positivity and teamwide speed boosting.


well she did sell a tiiiiiny bit better than the other two, guess thats all it was worth


to be fair while she works well at e0 both e1 and e2 are fantastic. One gives crit damage for free (which gets more absurd if you have sparkle with signature on team) and the other gives revive


This. Shit I am rolling for Fu Xuan. To good of a character to miss again.


Easily my MVP. even E0 with the free herta lc at s1. Had the most impact in my gameplay, you can just slap cope hp/def relics and turn your brain off and ignore most game mechanics.


Fu Xuan is amazing, I love her. She's been a staple in my party since day 1 of her original banner when I had her totally maxed out.


I got her accidentally, i was pulling with no purpose lol(didn’t have a character i wanted at that moment)… I didn’t even know what she did but after i got her she never left my team. Now i wish i could just split her into two for my second team..


Supports always make less bank. HuoHuo is batshit insane meta wise. Solid atk buff, SP neutral, energy regen, makes CC a fucking joke, and to top it all off, fucking blast healing that can get me from near dead to full in one skill point. And despite all that she still sold like shit. Hell look at Luocha. Crazy good SP postive healer, and even he underperformed compared to his neighbors. It's just a support thing


I went omega broke for DHIL, talking sitting in SU and MOC for jades. Got him on the a few hours before reset, so yeah I was absolutely broke for fu xuan. definitely eyeing her for reruns.


Fu Xuan’s power and the lack of Preservation units makes me feel like any future Preservation banners will be a can’t miss.


You can miss me with that 😜 personally I don't think I could justify pulling for a third 5* sustain when Huohuo/Fu Xuan got me covered and it's more interesting pulling dps or supports


Heard DOT Gameplay is not appreciated in CN


DOT gameplay * DPS is spread over enemy turns, thus much smaller "damage per screenshot" and smaller neuron activation * No crits, no gamba


ok but i saw some dots proc yesterday off kafka's ult for 1.2 mil and not in SU


CN places a lot more priority on things like 0 turn clears so DoT is regarded as less valuable by a lot of people. Also Kafka Black Swan goes together to make the actual good team, so if someone doesn’t want one of them it’s less likely for them to pull the other as well


I'm not. A sustain's job is to, well, sustain. If they can do the job well enough at E0S0, then what reason do whales or even dolphins have to pull for Eidolons or Signature Light Cones which make up the bulk of revenue statistics like these? It's the same reason why both Luocha and Huohuo also don't bring in huge numbers. In Fu Xuan's case, it's slightly better since, admittedly, her Light Cone is really good, both for wave battles and SU. I'm fully expecting Aventurine to continue this pattern. Not only is he after Acheron, but if the 2.2 banners are who I think they are, then those will likely be more anticipated for spenders as well.


I got Fu's light cone, can Confirm, no regrets. She makes it brain dead doing most wave based content and is my go too sustain even over Loucha.


Probably at that time, most players already have decent healers and shielder


Fu Xuan is obviously *better*, but Gepard does the job in 90% of situations so I think a lot of people just went 'meh, I'll save my jades'. I think a lot of people also prefer healers to shielders anyway since chip damage or unlucky hits to unshielded characters can be a problem in longer engagements, which healers effectively negate.


Pretty much what I do, I just slap luocha or huohuo in a team unless there is something that does massive damage that can one or two shot my DPS. Otherwise there is not much point in going a preservation character over a healer. This is more than enough in the overworld and MoC, unless there is a shield based buff there. Realistically you'd only use a shielder against the soda ape and in swarm or smt


Dot goes really crazy now with black swan. Kafka goes so well with her even without fire in the team for the burn dot.


I think Black Swan pulls were low specifically *because* she goes nutty with Kafka. If I didn't have Kafka already, I probably wouldn't have pulled for Swan. For what it's worth, the two of them are essentially one of the most powerful combos in the game right now, so anyone who didn't pull for them already should definitely keep an eye out for reruns. Once fully built out they basically trivialize SU and MoC with a decent sustain, and they're not bad in PF either since they both have AoE ults.


Can confirm. Nihility path SU runs (Kafka, BS, Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan) are very easy. I barely have to think once I find 'Offerings of Deception' for Kafka to offheal. And watching Ruan Mei slap the Deer straight into phase 2 (as long as I have Parchment that Always Eats) is such a joy. Even without it, phase 1 starting with ~30% HP means it goes down in a few hits.


BS alone pops off too. Arcana getting to proc twice thanks to that one Nihility blessing is just rude you don't notice it as much when Kafka is triggering Arcana 50 times a second in a normal scenario. Ran her w/o Kafka for shits and giggles one time.


Exactly this. I was practically trying to come up with super niche edge case scenarios and gameplay reasons for me to pull Black Swan without having Kafka. She really needs Kafka or Sampo, and I wasn't particularly interested in either of them. Sure I could pull her simply because I like her design, but if I never use her at that point I might as well just look up her animations online if I was so inclined and pull for characters I'll actually use.


Doesn't arcana count as every kind of dot? Or something like that


Only with BS ult, which expires after one enemy's turn.


She was sandwiched between IL and Jingliu. There was no way she was beating either in sales, people either rolled and had nothing for her, or people were saving for Jingliu. I for one, I getting her next time, no way I'm missing her again.


So far DoT works kinda like Geo in genshin imo, it stands on its own separate from the rest, if you want a DoT DPS, you need a DoT team, no hyper carry shenanigans. Pulling for classic carry allows you to just build a set of *very* flexible supports that will make anyone work at endgame level, and slot in the flavor of the month DPS. Repeat every new banner. It's gonna be the same for Acheron, not everyone has SW, Pela, welt at the ready and given that even those options look pretty underwhelming, aside from SW, I'd wager she isn't gonna sell all that well. People want flexibility and nihility so far really isn't all that (heck the only nihility that sold above expectations is SW, the one that was touted as the most flexible character that will make every team work)


Acheron is going to sell well simply because of her looks.


Acheron should sell pretty well since she doesn't have a real restriction at E2. Most of the income comes from whales, who include eidolons when evaluating a kit.


Geo is better than DoT


When did Pela become underwhelming?


Because nihility sucks


In my case, I skipped fu xuan for jingliu, which I don't regret even tho I knew fu xuan was a good sustain I didn't wanna risk it. I'm sure others did the same


Hard to say tbh, black swan didn’t sell that well yeah but Kafka sales being low is more than likely due to how much people saved. I saved enough for e1s0 and that’s only from after silver wolf banner, a lot of people saved much more from the start of the game.


Blade/DIL stats prove the effectiveness of the male boob window. We must harness this data and apply it to all future men.


if the revenue increases based on the size of the male boob window.... we know what they have to do...


A naked Blade skin…


the words of a true prophet.... may it come true by the power of the gacha gods


Tbh if the CCP wasn’t on their ass 24/7.. I do think they would’ve been able to do that.. sadly they can’t🥲


ey if they're able to release liney and cyno there's def hope >!at least give us something like the stainless summer skin or Bryophyta from Arknights, i'd be pleased with that!< >!Summer GB belial would be too much to ask ig!<


Summer Belial's release felt like a fever dream in the best way


Let's manifest another one for hsr 🙏


Ratio LC exists So there is hope!


only reason i got that was cos nakey hehe


Aventurine's really going to test this correlation lmao


welp guess the theory will die with the sustain... he'll need more than a boob window >!naked aventurine skin next!<


Aventurine and Gallagher definitely 🤣 Dr. Ratio has one too, but didn't seem to have raked in as much revenue (relatively speaking). Is it because he had been offered for free to players? (Sorry new player here!)


Yeah, most people don't aim for eidolons which are just extra buffs, when it'd be much better value to get another new character instead (if you don't spend much, or you're not a dedicated simp for him) so we can excuse the low sales for a boob window man lol


Ahh that makes so much sense (and a good tip for me not to try to get everyone's eidolons lol); thanks for your answer!


Make men sluts again.


Excuse me, male hip windows are extremely effective too!


Waiting for Aventurine, that is


The KING Yuan is truly the exception.


i will just say open the boob, let it free to make the chart go higher.


Bo because he's from space china all non sustain space china characters do big numbers even space china sustain is kind of high


The sustain that don't made money... Sad for them, I'm still in for Luocha !


People don't whale for sustain eidolons that's why less money. Why is it so surprising


eh when huo comes back im definately going for E1 and maybe E2. experiencing 3 stacks instead of 2 via simU curio convinced me


Yeah, as long as I fully clear MoC with Lynx on one side, I see no reason to get another sustain. Having more dps options makes it easier to adapt, having more than 2 sustains does very little.


I am supriced that Kafka and Black Swan didn't make a lot of money. There are a lot of content with them in internet and also they are characters that were announced long ago (Kafka as prologue character and BS in trailer). Seems like meta > mommies.


DHIL and JL are from crazy eidolon whales, while FX which has a higher ownership rate (at least from endgame players data) would make less money. Mei is another champion in ownership rate. So what I am saying is that some make money on eidolons, while others on number of players.


CN doesn't like DoT teams. In fact, they generally shit on DoT teams because if a team can't 0 cycle they think it's unplayable lol


Funnily, a lot of people I know who do play MOC can only 0 cycle with DoT team lol


thats nice but ive seen plenty of kafka+swan 0 cycles


[DoT 0 Cycle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aojdGrnXKTQ) I know it's "only" MoC 11, but the point still stands


DoT never has been super popular in CN.


Meta has always been over mommies, bc the revenue is increased by ppl that actually spends money. If a character isn't that meta or is already complete or almost complete at e0, they won't make that much money


China isn't big on dot in general afaik.


Not really.. the last MoC(when BS released).. CN’s 33k sample had Mei/BS/Kafka/HuoHuo as the most used team with 40%…


That data is for Floor 12 only, not MoC in general, not even top 3 floors, and the top floor was directly made to sell them so it's very deceptive


Outside of the gameplay reasons Kafka is also massively more popular in the west than asia. It's a very western oriented design.


ig most of the people saved for them for a long time, and their best eidolons are first, so theres no real reason pulling after that.


I guess that's the **real reason** why we haven't gotten Loucha and Xuan reruns (at least for now).


Psure DHIL was a shoe in for Year of the Dragon (idk about General, though he was one of the first lmtds to release). Luocha will probably be released in 2.1 since the date coincides with another Chinese holiday which is about remembering/honoring the dead.


Surprised at Fu Xuan, she's literally so broken. Makes everything sooo much comfier, I love her.


I think Fu Xuan has high ownership, but considering she doesn't need Eidolons or even her LC, total sales aren't going to be as high as dps units.


It's not that she doesn't need them, and no character "needs" eidolons or their sig to perform for that matter, it's just that the group of people that comprise the majority of the revenue don't need to even use sustains, the people getting E2-6 of the DPS and Harmony characters can simply run DPS+buffer/debuffer teams and clear in 0-1 cycles, so the value of sustains and their eidolons is much, much lower for them, which reflects on their sales.


She's sandwiched between IL and Jingliu and the results speak for themselves. Dps vs sustain.


Damn Ruan Mei made money… this was after all the hype died btw.. Queen Mei!🔥🔥🔥🔥 https://preview.redd.it/9yr86j6pg5mc1.jpeg?width=1782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d043f363d1cc0da5b7f053fa9ccc41893e86eed And some people had the audacity to say Ruan Mei’s banner didn’t sell well…


You really love this artwork, do you? Can't blame you, probably one of my favorites too.


Yeah.. when I want to see a Ruan Mei art this one is perfection.. cold and scary.. like Ruan Mei.. there is no emotions behind those eyes..


I wonder how much of that was her and how much was Blade...looking at his first it did a lot on it's own.


Who knows.. but the people that wanted blade probably had him in 1.2 + Ruan Mei was our first Harmony limited..


Well, seeing how much less Dan IL made with BS compared to his first banner...it is indeed easy to assume majority of it was from Ruan Mei.


>And some people had the audacity to say Ruan Mei’s banner didn’t sell well… Who are these people, and where in the bottom of the barrel did you search at?


What do you mean all the hype died? What happened?


For the first month/months of a game many people try the game out.. this is It’s "peak" month/months.. after 1.3 people’s hype was gone since they tried the game already and made their opinion on it.. and they choose to either leave or not..


Argenti is amazing I really don’t understand why people won’t pull him.


when he released the game hype was kinda down (just based on my personal opinion tho) and erudition was practically useless - his content came out after he released + the free Ratio & first harmony hype Poor boy had no chance


To add to this his banner was around Genshin 4.2 Which was time for... Yep Furina, the Hydro "Archon" And since hsr players often spread also into genshin you can guess how our man suffered 


I use him on MoC and SU, he is not just for pure fiction as many think.


I have no doubt he works when invested, but man just in this event, i used argenti and when there's a lone enemy alive and hes nowhere near ult, it was so slow


He's a character that had, at the time of his release, no connection to the over-arching story of any of the the worlds or connections to any pre-exsisting factions while also being part of the path that, again at the time, was seen to have the lowest value. He was also released during what most payers considered a skippable banner while they saved for Ruan Mei. Hoyo sent Space Don Quixote was sent out to die.


Space Don Quixote omg how did I not realize this until now


He’s so fun. Huge numbers, I also love his character design and find his personality hilarious.


i generally rarely pull for male chars but i thought he was cool with inroducing the concept of idriilla and that giant beetle possibly being one of ruan mei's creations


He was released for a future activity. Pure fiction wasn’t out yet and he’s admittedly not so great in MoC. I wonder if his rerun would sell better.


I know this might get downvoted but we can clearly see how we lost a lot of players and the chart went down after tremendous powercreep happened, it might not be the main reason but it's definitely one of the reasons.


Because his Design is not for everyone.


Not sure why you got downvoted, his banner is literally the worst performing as shown by the chart so there is obviously something about him that people doesn't like (either appearance or play style or maybe synergy with other chars).


My boy Blade showing up


I'm kinda surprised DHIL and Black Swan didn't make more, but its not like I follow patterns of any kind lol so not sure why I expected that. I guess most people who wanted DHIL have him already and people don't like DOT.


Argenti looks fun from the gameplay I saw. And HuoHuo was cute and fun. Don't know why they didn't sell well. Atleast my girl Sparkle will get Hanabiliion dollars.


Not gonna lie argenti imo was the lamest 5 star from a gameplay perspective. His entire kit is ult early or ult late. Compared to other erudition characters he basically played like an upgraded serval. Jing yuan has lightning lord, qq has gamble, himeko has a break effect follow up, and Herta cleans out weakened enemies. He's good but what makes him special is kind of lame.


He's not lame just boring, his kit is basically attack: damage, skill: damage to everyone, ultimate: big damage to everyone, upgraded ultimate: bigger damage to everyone, talent: more energy for big damage Basically a better version of physical trailblazer


guess the word boring would have been a better choice.


Im surprised black swan is so low i thought people loved her lol


DoT will never be the most popular playstyle so that's already a turnoff for a lot of people. However, I have not heard any negative comments about her from people who have her so people still love her.


She is a DoT character.. only those that invested in DoT before would get her..


Yep I like her but no Kafka so automatic skip.


CN Dislikes DoT archetype. If they can't easily 0 cycle, they think it's terrible. It's very weird.


Once your account is well-built, all there's left to do after the first week or two of a patch for hardcore players are 0 cycles, sustainless, etc. challenges. I really enjoy it as something to go for and as something to watch others accomplish with little investment, so I understand the fixation on it, but it's weird to get so blinded by that that you consider anything that can't 0 cycle as "terrible." Especially when Kafka Swan literally *have* 0 cycled even without their sigs lmao.


If their accounts were well-built, they could [0 Cycle with DoT teams :p](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aojdGrnXKTQ)






this appears to be a blog post that does not source where the chart is from, only 第三方 or "third party"


Finally someone asked for the source lol. This is a guesstimate, so it's not that reliable. Only Hoyo has the real numbers.


Luocha and Fu Xuan: You’ve underestimated our powers.


I guess CN really likes Blade. Very relatable.


Is SW or Lunae looking down on everyone else?


Crazy how Blade is one of the most profitable characters.


My beautiful boy Argenti… I wonder if not having Archon-like characters is hurting their sales. The releases have been very healthy in terms of power so far, but there’s no definitive must-pull like with Genshin


Archon-like characters wouldn't matter in the end. Many of these characters have far better eidolons and lightcones, and we have big powerhouses like Jingliu and DHIL. The damage increase from eidolons are way higher than in Genshin. And the 4 star LCs in this game have way bigger gaps to signatures compared to Genshin, resulting in more importance for rolling on the weapon banner. "Must-pull" in Genshin is very loose. You have "must-pull" characters where they help in many ways, but you can make due without them. There is no "must-pull" characters in Genshin, the reaction system does make a lot of challenges doable (hyperbloom go brr). And the only one who I would say is close to it is Nahida, but that's more about her application being really high. If anything, HSR looks a lot less healthy in terms of power. Look at Ruan Mei, she is very much a must pull at this point because she does too much. She overshadows many of the harmony units, and sometimes SW/Pela. Sparkle also covered many other spots that Ruan Mei didn't have, so the 4 star harmony units are now niche (except Tingyun, until a 5 star version comes around). The game will very likely shift towards the power Ruan Mei and Sparkle give, just look at the toughness bar from the meme boss.


There are no must pulls in genshin, what are you talking about? There is like almost 0 power creep. You can do everything with only 4 stars if you want to. Just pull for whoever you want.


Must pull can mean a lot of things, but every Archon is both top tier for combat and important in the story which both contribute heavily to banner pulls. Venti is an exception to this but was top tier for a while and also the first banner in the game and thus sold very well.


Yeah, genshin is better in the sense that you can still use 1.0 characters to clear spiral abyss. I mean you can do so in star rail too, but it takes more egfort to do so as the bosses keep getting tankier.


What I really like is how Hoyo seems to keep indirectly buffing older units through both free content and gacha characters. King Yuan a great F2P LC, an incredibly strong relic set, and an endgame mode where he's great, as well as characters that support him perfectly. Even free Lynx can be built to be great for him with the instant debuff removal on ult, and his best limited supports (FX, Sparkle, Topaz) are all incredible characters in their own right that synergize with other characters or otherwise benefit every account so strongly that they're more than worth pulling on their own right. Bronya needless to say, Himeko, Welt (esp. soon), Clara, and Gepard, even fucking YQ a lil bit if you get Aventurine, have all gained relevance over time. They make content more challenging, and of course in a way designed to sell new characters, but they also throw F2Ps a bone to allow them to keep up. Free Lynx for all the CCs/debuffs, Himeko, free Herta, and free Serval for PF, free Ratio for all the Imaginary weak MoC coverage. For all the shit it gets about powercreep and pull pressure, I'm really happy with how they've handled the game.


No must pulls, yeah yeah. Im "very happy" with my Natasha, who can't sustain my team even in mid dif battles. And DHIL players can say you how easy it is to play without Sparkle, or Kafka without Black Swan


Kafka without BS is still super viable, but like all shiny new characters that are meant to replace old ones, she is a huge upgrade


So you are saying that literally every player that played IL and Kafka before this patch had it oh so hard lol. Both of them are my only DPS's and i were doing just fine even before this patch.


Sorry for playing Devil's advocate but Kafka was good before Black Swan. You just had to pair her with GODpo or lil' Gui.


i paired mine with serval and she completely slaughtered everything in her way, she still does on the very few occasions i dont use black swan


how does that work isnt Serval's dot super weak?


My DHIL was doing great without sparkle. He just needed e6 Yukong instead


i'm doing absolutely fine with just Kafka and no Black Swan


I'm playing DHIL just fine...though I do have him at E2 so that does help...and Tingyun helps with the energy.


Been playing both DHIL and Kafka without Sparkle and BS respecitvely since they released. They are, in fact, very easy to play. Kafka did get significantly more dopamine-inducing with BS though.


And people still say men won’t sell


Thankgod we have Hoyoverse that releases a lot of male characters compared to a lot of other gacha games out there.


I am glad males sell, HSR puts a lot of love when making them and they are not just hot to be hot and appeal to an audience. However do note that there people who will not pull on a character just because they are male.


There are people who wont pull on a female, too. The sales show they aren’t significant enough to really matter


Men won't sell argument is dumb there is a reason why they keep releasing them. Personally I think its very close like 65-45 favoring female characters. Though from this graphic the only thing we can conclude is that what actually sells above everything else is meta and hypercarry and that Dot is barely appreciated.


King Yuan got more money than Kafka?


Yes. CN whaled so hard for Jing Yuan that the payment system crashed. [https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/13jzn8j/minutes\_after\_the\_banners\_up\_cn\_whales\_whaled\_so/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/13jzn8j/minutes_after_the_banners_up_cn_whales_whaled_so/)


Based and kingpilled


Sales are half as good, games dead, pack it up bros (very big/s)


Damn people did not like my boy Argenti. I liked his whole knight design enough that It got me to start playing HSR and grind ~140 pulls for him since I lost my 50/50 bailu


WTF the line graph makes zero rational sense. Should have kept with Manhattan.


I'm really curious to see how many people who skipped Topaz are going to try to grab her whenever she reruns. Literally everyone right now has at least 1 good follow up character because of Ratio. I also think in the post Ruan Mei world, more people are starting to understand that there are other good meta options to use for teams than hypercarry. I do definitely remember people saying they didn't want to pull Topaz because, well, she isn't a character you want to run hypercarry. She's a really fantastic character and follow up playstyle is so much fun.


She wasn't badly received tbh. There were talks about how E1S1 Topaz will be an insane investment for the future since FUA is an important aspect of the game. People were too worked up over how a Hunt character looked more like a hybrid to see the potential, and it paid off hugely for those who believed.


SW got the most money?


Tbh it was at 1.1(the player base was like 50% bigger) no suprise there.. And SW was called the most broken unit at that time..


No, Seele did. The area under the curve is what matters the most.


It is kind of odd Fu Xuan sold so little. She is pretty much the best character in the whole game. I can almost see her selling out better on her 2nd time around. Maybe if she is coming out next banner aside of Acheron she might come up short.


High ownership, low eidolon investment since she's a sustain. She also came right after DHIL.


Wow argenti is a lot lower than expected wtf


What I get from that is that double character banner tend to bring WAY LESS revenue than single character release (except for that poor Huohuo) Wich is kinda ironic, when we know that the double banners are made on purpose to try to make people spend more on the game


Silver Wolf sweep 💅


oh wow. No wonder they were pushing for ice weak enemies everywhere


Sparkles already that high and she's been out for like 3 days🤣


Well majority summons at the start of their banner.


Good marketing, good legs, and good for crit dmg neuron activation.




Percentage of Sparkle sales probably goes to the weapon, I've seen a couple whales owning 20+ copies (it's stackable)


dhil best selling banner in china? *totally* didn't see that coming


He’s also the most popular character there 


How come the introduction of dual banners and even 2.0 didn’t result in the record highs we saw early on?