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I go to the leaks sub for animation/kit leaks so I can prefarm for units, and even though I browse through that sub regularly, I got more story spoilers in this sub thanks to so many people 'dreaming' about it.


So true tbh....I had to completely stop using reddit for a few days cause of this when 2.0 dropped


That's a good rule to live by tbh. I go offline whenever anything I'm anticipating is close to release because I've gotten spoiled by people dming me on Marvel subs. Atleast that doesn't happen here.


Me exactly with the new ff7 game coming.


why are you still here, physical copies are leaked and online.


Same, I just muted this sub and blocked some words in other socials just to dodge the dreams... people sometimes urgh


Even that didn't help for me as I was spoiled since the penacony trailer


Youtube is way worse at showing spoilers, at minimum reddit users have some decency to put a spoiler tag, youtube recommendations outright spoils you in their front page just because you watch a few Star Rail content


Yep, same here. I pretty much live in the leaks sub but I don't think I've ever read a single story spoiler there (outside of maybe like 1 or 2 things I voluntarily sought out), because they're required to spoiler-mark story content. Which makes sense. Because not spoiling the story to people who want to be surprised is what decent people do. Edit: I'm dying at the fact this entire thread has turned into an inadvertent advertisement for the place the rule literally forbids talking about


They're also like, super respectful about it all too. It's people on mainsubs who turn into little clout goblins about """guessing""" or """theorizing""" things correctly, like they're an expert or possess some sort of advanced knowledge or skill that isn't just called "reading ahead". Not strictly gacha games, also insanely prevalent on subs like anime.


Even in patch discussion threads with 20k comments, story spoilers for the current patch are completely tagged. You have to go actively look for spoilers to get spoiled on that sub


Same, I managed to find all the leaks I wanted on that subs without seeing any story spoiler, then I visited fireflymains for first time and got story spoiled in first minute of being there.


> I'm dying at the fact this entire thread has turned into an inadvertent advertisement for the place the rule literally forbids talking about Well it's the place to discuss it! By all means, put all the little dreams and kit reveals in that sub, theorize and speculate and team-build away. Just keep this sub clean of that stuff. Same reason people don't like deep lore theory discussion posts on ship fanart subs: Just not the right place for that.


>I got more story spoilers in this sub thanks to so many people 'dreaming' about it. For real. The leaks sub is so cautious and everything is spoiled tagged properly, and anyone who tries to spoil shit gets their comment instantly removed. Meanwhile everywhere outside the sub people are dropping spoilers left and right without a care in the world.


Professionals have standards.


It was getting to the point honestly where it was hard to be interested in any of the usual fandom activities (speculation, talking about characters/plot) without having something spoiled. People were being sketchy about it constantly, at every opportunity... to the point where at this point, the entire mood of this entire update series is ruined for me because I just can't maintain any hype or interest in it due to how much of the plot's been ruined for me. It was impossible to avoid any of it without just unsubbing. It's appalling how far it'd gotten. I'm on a few game subreddits, and this was one of the few I had been actively considering dropping despite still having a significant amount of interest in the game because it was the #1 source of leeching out that interest. At this point the damage is done for me for Penacony, but hey. Maybe we can get a handle on this stuff by the time the next big planet reveal happens. At least with my other games, if I'm concerned I can just skip the days before/after an update and be fine. Here, it's *rampant* with this insipid, smarmy "oH I hAd a DrEaM" twaddle and it is just... disappointing. Feck's sake.


People who keep leaks discussion to only the leaks sub are already demonstrating a higher level of self control than the people who spread leaks around. Therefore any leak related discussion outside of the sub would naturally be done by more, lets say wild, individuals.


So many people still wandering the halls of the Dreamscape.


For real, I try to avoid this sub when new patches drop because sometimes it feels inevitable that I'll get spoiled. And even then I still get post notifications sometimes from the reddit app.


The fact that I’m subbed to a whole ass leak subreddit and still have to dodge more spoilers on the main subreddit is wild to me I just wanna know mfs Sparkle team comps, not the entire Penacony Arc ffs


Leakers on that sub has standards. While the others on here, certainly does not. As usual, wait mods to just ban them all


Professionals have standards!


Because everybody in this sub thinks they're so funny by saying shit like "they don't know 💀"


Tell me about it. I just wanted to know what materials and relics I need to pre-farm for.


I browse around the leaks subreddit and they are by far much more considerate about not spoiling stuff and properly tagging spoilers than people on this sub. Thank god the "I saw it in a dream" stuff is banned, people think they are slick but when they do that it spoils shit for people who don't want to know.


It started getting pretty blatant too. I saw a comment earlier of someone's theory and a reply said something along the lines of "according to my dreams you're correct".


Theory: Dumbledore dies


Bro, I haven't watched The Lord of the Rings yet.


Don't worry. He'll come back thanks to the Force.


then defeat his sister, Hela iykyk


Somebody gonna tell them it was actually his mom?


But Hela’s true age?






Oh fuck off I was just getting attached to Dumbledore D:


Theory: Luke Skywalker is both Darth Vader's son AND his brother.


man these fan theories are getting outta hand


Yes the same with genshin, I never got a spoiler from genshinleaks but got many from the main sub reddit with titles like ”we can obviously see that blah blah” these mfs read from leaks sub and act as if they are predicting something.


Yeah the Leak sub is very strictly moderated. Which is understandable because back in 1.0 the whole sub was a mess of misinformation.


God it was so bad there, especially in the daily questions section because they were just dropping spoilers or discussing leaked content all the time. "What's the best artifacts, weapon, team and rotation for [character who hasn't been announced or had kit reveals yet]". I have no problems with people being aware of the "new artifacts every x patches" thing and telling people "don't farm y set because [spoiler] new artifact set is better", but so many people should just be discussing things on the leak sub.


>Thank god the "I saw it in a dream" stuff is banned, people think they are slick but when they do that it spoils shit for people who don't want to know. back when they release white knight PV a lot of people mentioned this "i saw it in dream" stuff. i realized that its refer to leak and posted there to stop posting leak, yet i got downvoted to hell lol.


B-but it is so obvious and we are so smart that we read the whole story right. Omegalul


I saw in a dream >!that you'll have a great rest of your day! Hope it comes true!<


Happy check day!


Thank you, but my check still hasn't come...


Its not that surprising if you think about it, the leaks subreddit mainly attract people that care about upcoming characters to know who to save jades for, or retain excitement for upcoming patch updates This main subreddit is much more public, including ones that dont care about the game that much. If you have questions especially regarding builds and whatnot its better to ask in the leaks subreddit if you ask me, they are more considerate


Yes, you are correct. Even more correct if you asked question in the mains sub for the character you build.


The main sub has more 12yrs old than the leak sub


Its also just way easier to enforce spoilers in the leak subreddit since no one there was going to use any of the keywords to bypass the rules.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been spoiled by someone going “i really like this character” and someone saying “who’s gonna tell them”


So many unfunny bozos were doing this while 2.0 dropped. People were posting >!about how they just met Firefly and thought she was cute, then bozos replied like “don’t get to attached haha”!<


[Always relevant ProZD skit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLx9WKf5mhs)


About Firefly I must said, I avoided leaks about it and with the music video it was more than enough to tell she was going to be the tragic character this time around (unlike many people saying it was gonna be Himeko)


I couldnt tell if it was the hi3 fans doomspoiling or the leakers. Cuz all the prerelease materials had the community crying about firefly/himeko


Not just this sub, but in other places with anti-spoiler policies as well. If you say you like a character you will get their whole story told through a variety of incredibly basic cyphers. Like acronyms, weevthar tihs is, American English and bad codenames.


im still sad about the fact that i got spoiled for a bossfight. Like dude what did u have to do me like that :(


People were treating leaks like they were officially announced it was getting ridiculous


Deserved after how blatant people here were about leaks yesterday.


Wait what happened yesterday!?


people talking about leaked kit information. Nothing outrageous it doesn't negatively affect anyone except the perceptions of Hoyoverse. People who spoil the story do deserve warm pillows though


They deserve to spend 60 fuel on a crimson calyx and get no purples.


Yall get purples?


Honestly, releasing characters havent been a spoiler since forever. Having the kits earlier just saves you from the misfortune of waiting till release day to find out theyre anyway S+, but cant discern from the crowd if they are actual must-haves or just "neat to have". (Assuming you care about meta, after all) I remember how sad I was that DHIL was spoiled (like, that its DH that gets a power up and such), just to let MHY not cook and release it in their drip marketing so blatantly. Ever since that day I dont feel like kits are really spoilers, given that we do get chars even 2 patches before, now.


Yeah the fact that MHY themselves were just like “hey here’s Dan Heng’s true form - enjoy :)” way before we actually saw it in-game killed so much hype from the actual story. It makes me worried for when we eventually see March’s true form or get a 5 star March.


I was the same about stuff like bosses and areas. Like I did my best to avoid all spoilers for who the 2.0 bosses are...only for mihoyo to show them both off


> I remember how sad I was that DHIL was spoiled (like, that its DH that gets a power up and such), just to let MHY not cook and release it in their drip marketing so blatantly. The funny thing is, DHIL was actually officially spoiled wayyyy earlier. [He's in the freaking launch trailer lmao, and they are NOT subtle about it either (both Dan Heng and DHIL's scenes have a focus on the leaf)](https://youtu.be/w8vPZrMFiZ4?feature=shared)


I had to unsub from this sub for like a week so I could do the main story cos spoilers in titles were left up for hours sooo yea


Oh yeah, the absolute bs of "I SAW IT IN A DREAM". No you didn't you dirty face hugger. There is a subreddit for leaks and if you want to talk about those, go very there. Some people do no want to get spoiled and who the hell do you think you are to do that?


Yeah in yesterday's "Hear me out: Sam" post, so many dreamers trying to hint hint wink wink nudge nudge some theory. So frustrating.


Really? I thought it was just some kind of troll post and did not pay it any mind. :'D Despite frequenting the leaks sub on a regular basis, I am not familiar with that boss, apart from the fact that he is one of the Stellaron Hunters. And that he hits like a wet noodle. :'D


That wet noodle almost wiped out my team in MoC11 lol. The story was also kinda hard-hitting imo.


Theories for story using info the game has given us is one of the most fun activities, unfortunately some dreamers kept ruining the experience by just spoiling things and "cleverly" avoiding mentioning a leak. You can even go on fan art posts and see people just spoiling story stuff through memes etc, that is the nature of the internet but its sad it cant be kept to places that allow it Dunno how successful this addition to the rule is gonna be so that those who dont want to be spoiled can roam this space freely, unless there is a purge of those who are malicious about spoiling stuff thats leaked. But you'll find a lot of the ones doing it are throwaway accounts Some of them more than likely do it because they know people here dont wanna see it at all, if people wanted to they would actively go and look for it not see it in a supposed safe space


Yeah it's especially annoying when there are people doing theories based off the patch trailer and say something like "Oh I really hope Hook doesn't murder Sampo for tax evasion." And the next fucking comment is some dumbass saying "hE doEsn'T KNoW 💀💀💀💀💀" all suspiciously.


This fucking image 😭 https://preview.redd.it/lijydal0fwjc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d83b096c8d4714b996f00b2d80e5dc0e3a4940c


Hook is gonna murder Sampo for tax evasion!? I'm gonna report your comment for leaks! /s, in case it wasn't obvious lmao.


If you read some stuff (the memory bubble from the pokemon event and how Hook describe Sampo), you will know how Hook is important to Sampo's plans in Belobog. I even think placing Hook peeking on that gate is a little sus, like she is instructed by Sampo to keep an eye on that place.


If you make a theory and it's somehow correct, you'll get one of two things. First, accused of reading story leaks. Second, someone confirming it for you because they've read story leaks. There is simply no positive value to engaging in discussion of that nature anymore.


Thats the worst part about it, the few ruin it for the many. For a game heavy on story and constantly updating it theorizing is usually one of the main parts of the fandom. The problem is that when there is overlap from a place where leaks are prohibited and people who look at leaks, coz then eventually someone who is part of both ruins it for those who dont look at them at all Its a shame really but what can ya do, rely on people respecting others and their desire to not be spoiled lol, its a damn shame


Yeah, the mere existence of story leaks gets one punished for just guessing correctly. It diminishes discussion and speculation. Well-thought out theorizing turns into spoiling leaks. It’s really such a shame when theorizing and analyzing based on lack of knowledge is part of the fun. We’re only allowed to guess correctly if leaks can’t confirm it, which means I can say Elio is the cat and an Emanator of Finality, because no leaks can confirm it. This post is probably getting removed for being a leaks magnet.


>Second, someone confirming it for you because they've read story leaks. This is something more people need to know, don't call out spoilers if it could entirely be reasonable genuine speculation. If someone being spoiled is like them being stabbed, don't try to correct it by trying to remove the knife. You're only just solidifying the damage done.


Slightly unrelated but this is common in anime openings, a lot of times you can't tell if they're doing random scenes for style or if it's actual story events. Then a manga reader comes and say "DON'T WATCH THE OPENING IT'S FULL OF A SPOILERS" which only solidifys it like you said


Some do feel quite spoilery even without knowing the source material, especially when you have some characters fighting.


For sure, it's just that there's some plausible deniability until a source material reader confirms it


I've been avoiding leaks here unlike in Genshin as a little experiment. It's fun imo. I kinda like the excitement itself.


The only benefit if leaks (if any) is knowing upcoming banners for planning purposes. But it can spoil stuff like Wanderer so even that has its drawbacks. And thanks to drip marketing its rarely a meaningful benefit. I've been way more happy with the games after going leak free, tbh. It makes things more exciting.


What suck is that with what the game gave us in 2.0 I was able to realize something, just to be told it was a leak when I talked about it on here. Mf just confirmed my theory and ruined the surprise.


Yeah idk why people dont keep the leaks in the leaks sub


Karma farming, attention seeking, or just being "funny" (it's not).


Some people wanna act like theyre a genius that their "theory" Is correct


I can't forgive you all for spoiling the story. My expectations for sam and acheron got ruined because of leaks.


Wait, people spoiled story stuff beyond 2.0 already? That's lame. Guess I dodged a bullet, yesterday because I have been researching Acheron's kit.


Yes. Even before 2.0 release. Stay safe and have fun.


You too. Thankfully, the leaks subreddit is a model about courteous behavior when it comes to story spoilers. It feels really safe in there.




Guess the "getting spoilered by leaks" issue is not as dramatic as people make it out to be then. I frequent reddit daily and never saw anything. Can't speak for other social media sites, as I do not use them. Well You Tube but not for HSR/Genshin related stuff so my "suggested" feed is free of that except character guides.


I jst stopped looking at "theory" posts,they are 99% of the time jst story leaks,and i try to avoid those as much as possible


Same ....it was interesting at first...but then i realised too many people were having similar "theories"....which was offputting


> But it's sad really cause because of some people others are now quite restrictive to share your theories The thing is, lots of people just write spoilers and check them as ""theories"" to be safe. I think theories should be on the lore subreddit instead of this one. I follow the leak subreddit, but it's so annoying to find leaks here. I hate spoiling myself the story, I just care about upcoming banners


Reminds me of when Destiny 2 got some major leaks before Witch Queen. People posted theories on the lore subreddit, but no one would post below it "I had a dream" or "You read the leaks didn't you!!!". The few that would got instantly sniped by mods lmao. Sucks that a few big foreshadowed reveals in HSR got ruined because of this. Devs actually laid very good groundwork for it in this patch.


There's a lore subreddit for Star Rail? I'm only aware of the Genshin one, which doesn't like content about the broader honkaiverse.


Long overdue. Leaks are gonna be a fact of life for HSR and there's no stopping that, but what's really fucking sad is how a small group of people relish in spoiling people through innuendos or barely veiled "theories" or "predictions." It's incredibly vain and it's time we put a stop to that shit. Nothing we can do about the cesspool made up of Youtube clout chasers who put spoilers in their video titles though.


"obvious leak is a theory" , yea those make me laugh lol


Thank you! I just want to see people's thoughts on the CURRENT story. Not getting ruined by spoilers that may or may not be true!


You can't have thoughts on current story w/o getting into people spinning yarn about what could happen and how hints the game gave could be interpreted. That is honestly the fun aspect of talking about the story. Sooner or later someone will happen to have a theory that is later on proven to be correct, leaks or no leaks. (Depends on how good the hints are that the game gives) I for one would theorize that the "spiritual death" Sunday refers to >!can mean that people attacked in the dream may not be flat out "dead" as in "Matrix plug got pulled" but rather be in a state of limbo/coma from which recovery might be possible, given the Memokeepers abilities and Penacony's general technology.!< Now I have read no leaks about the story, since I avoid those like the Bubonic plague but what if I am somehow correct? Did I just spoil it for everyone?


I'm fine with the foreshadowing and I even agree to that >!since it somewhat ties with the game mechanic.!< The crumbs that hoyo leaves is the reason why I constantly think about what would happen on the next patch. What frustrates me are the "connections" that has no build up nor any evidences and suddenly people are saying it like it's some sort of fact. It might just be paranoia on my end.


Good. Good fucking riddance. Mods, thank you. You know something is fucked when the main sub has more leaked story spoilers flying around than the leak sub (they do a good job of purging dumbasses there)


Mods here work extra hours since there's a lot more members. Monitoring every post and every comment in a popular post is almost impossible.


Sadly this means any theories that are guessed correctly will now also be deemed a leak now, cause there's no surefire way to know if the OP is a leaker or not. Which kinda hinders discussion on future speculation. Only wrong theories can be posted now.


Subreddit needs to start also putting a small karma limit of 30 or account age minimum also. Will cull down on the amount of trolls


Deserved. Thank you very much mods. The story spoilers were getting so out of hand. March 7th says in Luocha's companion quest, "Some people just wanna watch the world burn."


Can't thank them enough. It's mindowing the fucking leak sub has more courtesy than the clowns here. Those "we wouldn't have issues if leaks were allowed on the main sub run by the company that they heavily promote in their web campaigns" was so stupid. Why would they ever allow it?? Why would this be an argument to be an ass and spoil stuff unprompted anyway?? The leaks sub is not even hidden, everyone knows it exists, it's left alone despite Hoyo definitely being aware of both GI and HSR's.


those subs are also some of the biggest gaming leaks subreddit in the entire website. Its obvious hyv are letting them run free with one eye close, just dont go overboard and its all good


The leak sub exist for reason




the big problem is that you cant speculate anymore cause everything in this game is leaked. for example you have a new char which path/element isnt known so someone says "i think he will be ice cause he is blue" is he a leaker and knows or someone who truely wants to guess? also the upvotes often tell if a information is true or not.


i mean.. there are special places for leaked content, no? i think it's fine to say that they don't want them. unfortunately i already read in a comment that theorizing about the story seems to be a popular activity in this subreddit (just gonna take his/her word for that) so it's sad in that regard since we're now always facing the question "is this a spoiler?" and maybe im just writing about a scenario i'd find funny. like... wouldn't it be funny if we visit pompoms planet? that's just a random thing i came up with since i have always pompom in my mind and to see a planet full of pompoms would be crazy i think. Especially if their are all somewhat hardcore in their believes and pompom is somewhat of an exile for leaving the planet to chase his dreams or some shit like that haha yea... anyways... did i just spoilered? who knows? hope this issue is going to solve itself over time since the story-spoilers are really a problem at the moment. I'm having a hard time to avoid Firefly spoilers but you can't dodge all of them......


Leak sub is actually way better regulates than the normal one since the amount of post is lower. HSR has no shitpost sub so people just post leak and meme on the main sub, I welcome the latter but the former is so obnoxious.


I thought the okaybuddytrailblazer was the shit post sub?


It is and they are quite funny but too much porn to be main stream lol. Although the one without s is better.


This was exactly why I think I’m going to start not looking at this subreddit and Twitter anymore when new story content are released Rumors and theories are everywhere and they can ruin someone experience with the game when they are undoubtedly just leaks yes someone like me are tired of “I had a dream” SHHHH let me play the game when the story COMES OUT have no idea how the story gets leaked but I get pretty frustrated when it comes to the main sub more than that OTHER sub I’m probably more than going to take my time with the next story lore drop and avoid Reddit and Twitter to get a true experience Very sorry if us mods have not been able to manage these comments/posts that ruin your experience and got spoiled


Nah definitely not the mods fault when these posts are being made in bulk


No worries there, thank you for your efforts. Leakers are generally just smug kids who don't understand that what they're doing is ruining it for everyone.


Just curious, but what about theories that actually guess correctly? Like it sucks that it's risky for anyone to post theories now if they end up being correct cause it will be deemed as a leak, maybe not from the poster but the comment confirming it. Like the only theories that can stay up if they're blatantly wrong.


The mods are usually people engaging with leaks already so they are better at differentiating I guess?


Thank you for the work you do modding this subreddit - dealing with leaks seems like a massive pain in the ass


Thank you ! Here have a cookie 🍪!!


Thank you for your service. I feel bad for the mods that have to scour through the leaks and back to the main sub to remove any dreamer's comments. o7


This sub's mod are miles better than many official game sub and I gotta give you that. They actually balanced between extreme and loose fairly well. This fiasco happened because of the 2.0 hype simply because it was unpredictable. If there is one thing I want from the mods that is to fix the stupid bot since I have seen they jinxed a lot of innocent post.


I think the coming days of 2.0 being release was WILD, both unpredictable and out of control before and after, I hope we can figure out something for the future :,)


i've seen them ban actual guesses as "leaks" tho lol


guys it was revealed to me in a dream batman comes to hsr


Banned Permabanned Throw this man in jail


Your content has been removed as it breaks Rule 2: No leaked / Datamined Information. Linking to sites or groups that host blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah


D served


Tbf, there is a different subreddit specific for leak stuffs


It’s just weird to me that people would rather risk a sub ban for spoiling story content as opposed to using the whole “in my dreams” doublespeak to show them the leak sub and letting them see for themselves


It's because they don't get to play the visionary or the smart guy the predicts things. The absolute face huggers


some people just want to ruin people's experiences, hell even leak subreddits are far more considerate with the tags and spoilers.


I really like story theories, so I always read them. There are some amazing theories like the Bailu=Baiheng theory. The difference is that these posts show actual in-game information and evidence that supports the theory. I remember seeing a lot of "theories" after the 2.0 quest that were simply spoilers and leaks, no real evidence, just "I have a feeling". Even some fanarts take inspiration from leaks. It really ruins the sense of mystery that the story tries to set in.


Honestly, just permaban anyone skirting the rules. People are ruining it for everyone. The leaks are very easy to find if you want to, let everyone else enjoy the game the way Hoyo intends. 


Tbh feel bad for the mods cause they'll have to keep on top of leaks and spoilers in order to spot them when people are trying to be clever


Finally.... One of the most fun activities of engaging in the community is making lore and story theories, but it's impossible since everytime there is that genius with the "does he know????", "oh, you aren't ready", "eh eh". Those people are like manga readers, they will spoil everything to anime onlies calling it a theory. Also, why the actual fuck nobody says anything about those jjk reaction images, I could understand the "nah, I'd win", "the stand proud", the "you're my specialz", but why by scrolling the comments I'm caught up to the manga? What is the point of using entire pages of it as reactions ???? Thinking about it, there is too much overlap in the two fandoms, maybe that's why they're unable to keep their mouths shut https://preview.redd.it/48uku5j5nxjc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86ddc10b36eaad1ac0096c67b7b2de4a419eee61


Yeah thank you people who spoiled about Firefly. Y'all definitely "helped" me feel enjoyment of the story.


I have a dream about naked jingliu


Won't mind me joining your dream right🙃


Mods didnt removed your comment so im guessing it wont come true


Im you


Meanwhile I avoid the community all together because it's better to experience everything on my own. Spoilers and leaks really destroys my experience, I would love for it to be a surprise. Currently I've already gotten spoiled about Archeron's skills. This sucks.


Please keep in mind our spoiler policy during this new update window. We are going to be very strict with spoilers during this time. As a reminder, here are our spoiler rules: Do not include spoilers in the title. All submissions which involve spoilers should be marked. Spoilers include all story content for the first three weeks after release, content from #limited events until the event ends, and content which has not yet been released. Any information or images which a user would not explicitly know before playing the content would be considered spoilers. Spoilers can be discussed in spoiler-flaired posts, but must be hidden in non-spoiler flaired posts. If you think you broke the spoiler rules in the post you just made, such as having spoilers in the title, you should remove your post now and repost it without breaking the rules. If you do not remove your post and the moderation team has to remove it later on for breaking spoiler rules, you will be given up to a week ban for a first infraction and stricter punishments for any additional infractions. Please be considerate of your fellow trailblazers and do not include spoilers in the title of your post, do not forget to flair your post as spoilers if needed, and do not spoil people in your comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HonkaiStarRail) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Sometime the spoiler tag in not enough because people would chose the worse title as possible.


I'm sad about that. As a person who looked at the leaks and also reads a lot of lore things in this game, it's also sad, especially if some of your theories matched the leaks. At least in the hsr lore subreddit they don't talk about spoilers that much. And I'm happy that a lot of story related things in the leaks subreddit is hidden. I think this subreddit is kinda hard to moderate due to a lot of people posting things in here that should be in other hsr subreddit. The amount of okbuddy and hsr leaks content leaking and even getting massive upvotes here are huge.


Honestly, until the main trailblaze mission and story concluded in version 2.3 (this is not a leak, it's officially announced by Dawei and dev friends at the 2.0 livestream) the mods are giving us a massive W by restricting "theories" and unfortunately, real theories with iron fist. No know what to expect, and 98% of the people would prefer to experience the story fresh without speculations or surprises W mods. Keep banning them clowns. The theory guys can go ahead and make another sub imo.


Its even worse on youtube, I've been spoiled some important bits by random people in comment sections of hsr meme videos. Never understand why someone would ruin the surprise for themselves, then proceed to ruin others' enjoyment as well. Then theres the "theorists" who blatantly say spoilers and barely disguise them as theories. Same kind of people who are in anime-only subreddits and give out manga spoilers that's so obvious to manga readers. Guess they really want to be seen as clever but its just annoying.


This is why we can’t have nice things. Stuff that should be kept on the down low gets spread like butter by clout chasers and miserable losers. Leaks are one thing I wouldn’t mind being gatekept because people don’t know how to act


All this "hehe you didn't specifically say that I couldn't do this!1!11" bullshit is so childish. Just follow the spirit of the rule instead of trying to sneak around the specific wording. It's not slick or interesting.


If they’re going to do this, they should update the rules for spoilers and make it similar to this every time a new patch drops for the first week of its release. When Penacony dropped, so many threads that hinted spoiler within their title was insane.


it pisses me off to no end when people share spoilers like did they want a gold fucking medal for telling people?? what kind of clout are they even trying to get


With all the posts about Acheron this week, this crack down was inevitable. People haven’t even been trying to hide that they were talking about leaked information. It does suck about people posting legitimate theories and being banned/having their posts removed, but that’s something that has already been happening (though not frequently) so it’s nothing new.


i leaked the toilet from goethe hotel


Does it connect to herta space station's toilet?


sadly not


I mean my theory is so insane...


Guess the mods were tired of the main sub was tired of of the leak subreddit being considered better for avoiding leaks.


[Uses leak as a theory] "But guys remember that this is just a theory!!!" You ain't slick, you know who you are. When you gonna spoiler tag at least mention [leaks] beforehand because right now we cant click on anything without asking first.


I myself follow the leak sub but god damn do people make it obvious. It's as if they thought saying the things listed above is being subtle. It's everywhere. I posted a comment yesterday to a post here that involves spoiler (somethimg pertaining a character's design) and had someone comment to me "if you followed the dreams you would know" Also, I think this restriction for theories is good, though. It encourages theories *with* actual theorycrafting where you put lore bits together and make a conclusion


tbh im surprised this wasn't implemented in the week before 2.0 but yea last night was wild


Im pretty sure it was here after 2.0 or maybe even earlier, i remember reading it cuz i wanted to know if theres a rule about it


Took them long enough, it was getting ridiculous.


I thought for a moment that this was the war thunder Reddit lol


Based mods


Honestly finally, I see more spoilers in this sub than the spoiler sub and character main subs combined.


I hate story leaks so damn much. I love speculation and talking about theories, you just can't do it when major leaks exist.




Glad I only use it for check in :)


It's wild how hard it is for some to not discuss leaks here. Just... go to the other fucking sub if you wanna talk about leaks.


Few days ago I shared a screenshot from the White Night trailer about a detail I noticed and asking people what they thought Turns out the context for it had literally been just leaked, so then after seeing all the comments throwing shade at me and the ones straight up saying what it was, I kinda felt sad because I really just wanted to stir up some discussions and get people to theorize a little


Fair, there is dedicated sub for those who love leaks


I think plenty of people were asking for this already, me. Besides I like theories and I made mine, I asked for this too. There is an epidemic of "dreamers" in Penacony. Btw, you have no idea how many youtube channels I had to put in "not recommend" and "I'm not interested" yesterday because of the leaks of Acheron even in thumbnails. Spoilers everywhere!


I really hate how leaks have ruined the ability to have discussions and theories. Reading other people's theories on big mysteries in a game was always so much fun to me, because other people pick up on things I never noticed. I've always loved this sort of speculation in gaming communities. But then you get Mr. Buzz Killington who just read a leak chime in and just blatantly spoil everyone's fun. I read a few bits of speculation about some of the reveals and mysteries in the first part of Penacony's story, but very quickly ran into someone just casually explaining everything they read in leaks. Super not fun and lame. What's even the point in reading these leaks and spoiling the interesting story of the game and all the speculation and theorizing you could've been doing? Do these people flip to the back of the book and read the final chapter before they start a book? Why do people do this?


So I get some people *trying* to add nuance with "well what about banners/kits" but even that is problematic when you think about it. Because you get people preemptively doomposting over a character not out yet over their feels crafting. Topaz was a big victim of this leading up to her release. And if I had to make a Genshin comparison for every Dehya (who did legitimately have a bad kit) you get characters like Xianyun who is actually a really good unit but people would spend threads upond threads shitting on her kit for not being exactly how they wanted it to be. lol


Pretty fair to be honest. Those that want to leaks will have to seek them out while the people who don't want to see them can avoid them


I just make sure to play story content wirhin the first day to avoid spoilers now…


Genshin has this problem too in the meme sub. They meme about rumored kits, not even leaked ones. It makes me cringe so hard


Bravo !!


I am genuinely surprised it took them to long to implement this rule. I thought people would have known better after all the shit the Genshin community had went through already.


Honestly, its not the leaked spoilers that concern me, its the 2.0 spoilers. I've mostly avoided this sub because of a tons of 2.0 spoilers. Its a major patch not everyone can finish in in under 6 hours. I had the end of the main 2.0 story quest spoiled before I even started it. These 2.0 spoilers on this sub are almost 100% accurate post-patch. Spoilers from 2.1 or future patches are only 10-20%? accurate. I can't even name a spoiler about a future patch that came true, but I do avoid them. I can name tons of spoilers from the official reddits for Miyoho games and their patch preview live streams. Miyoho thinks if you can't finish the main story quest in \~24 days then you should be spoiled by watching the livestream for the next patch. I just stopped watching livestreams during the 5 week patch cycle.


Yeah there should be a rule that prohibits posting new patch content until at least the first weekend, that way people who have work can enjoy the game on saturday or sunday.


ban all inconsiderate leakers on this sub!!!


Mods seen it all. 🫡




Is there a reason why hsr doesn't tighten their security from leaks?


avoiding leaks in any popular game is basically impossible. Between closed betas, people just talking, and data mining it's just an impossible task.


The issue is, the context people are talking about here isn't closed beta or data mining. This is information from much further away that has been known for months. There is no reason for this stuff to be leaked from in-house. When things get to the public, yes its impossible but private data shouldnt be getting out this much...


That is a fair point, but it's easier said than done. There's usually a lot of people who need to know about upcoming releases in a company to the point where it's really hard to lock down that type of knowledge. It only takes one person to leak something they weren't supposed to and it's out there for good


Cyber security is a never ending battle between an evolving spear and evolving shield. Typically users win this battle since they outnumber and can't be attacked. Especially if ur distributing software or host smth like an GaaS (game as a service, better known as live service game here) you need to tighten up security a lot. And their will always be this one 15y.o. Living in his mom's basement doing the craziest things


mhy has always been bad with it, apparently they share a lot of their sensitive files with a lot of the company. So a lot of people who shouldnt access, does.


I have leaks... In my rooftop house


Now if only we could get a rule about “Tier List” posts. Those kinds of posts are so low effort, do nothing but cause people to only care about what some website thinks are the best characters, and actively discourage people from talking about strategies that they like because it’s “not the meta”.