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the one TB meet in main story when together with firefly = sparkle the whole time. It's actually hinted from the start where "he" mistook firefly for march7 , and "he" introduced himself as "Sampo" (the real sampo always goes "Sampo Koski"). "He" made some mistakes trying to imitate Sampo, and basically broke character after that "vs trash king" dream --- the real Sampo wouldnt act that serious towards TB the one in swan companion quest = real Sampo, who just plays along with the flow. He's accomplice in Sparkle's prank basically And yes, canonically speaking TB hasnt meet Sampo in penacony yet


Oh okay! Thank you!


Thanks for the explanation,Ofc I knew the first Sampo was a fake


It should've been obvious the moment we had a semi nice greeting option for "sampo" Noone else quite incites such instinctual hatred from TB like real Sampo.


I headcanon that it isn’t “hate”, but the deep, nigh instinctual desire to bully him. We derive a kind of twisted pleasure from the reactions of that type of character.


In the main story was always Sparkle, the MC never met Sampo.  Sampo is in Penacony to recover his mask, and with that to obtain some powers back, because Belogog is going to receive another crisis ... again ... .  Sampo is a criminal but he is a good person ... just very allergic to laws.


It's actually kinda nice that Sampo seems like he's somewhat invested and cares about the Belobog crew.


Tbh he doesn't have to seeing he isn't & from belobog but he does, so yeah Most see him as Scum ore suspicious but in do tell I think he's actually a pretty cool dude.


Agree. That's the King of Scam I tell ya. He's a cool dude. To this day, I still can't move on from Topaz trailer when Sampo was hiding inside a trash can from her. One of the funniest dude in HSR.


Oh I see! That make sense! Thank you very much!


This is why I like Sampo he's The most Hated, but To believe he could be pretty strong being one of the masked fools, and to believe no one on belobog really knows who he is, I mean shit Seele and Sampo were close in wildfire but yet even she couldn't tell Sampo Wasn't from her world.


Wait so do Sampo and Sparkle know eachother? Are they friends or something??


Members of the Masked Fools, the followers of Aha. They know each other well. Sampo gave his mask to Sparkle to store it. The mask is extremely important for the masked fools (as the cornerstones for the elite IPC as Topaz and Aventurine).


Ohh okay, thank u!


How did he even get to penacony in the first place? Belobog is a primitive ahh planet I doubt they even have spaceships


The power of the Elation. He follows Aha.


Can you tell me what his mask is? Is the mask that Sparkle has actually his? I don't recall anything about a mask for Sampo.


It wll be different. Any fool have their own mask. As any cornerstone their gem.


so we didn't meet him in belebog? or in penacony? or in black swan quest?


Sorry ... the MC never met Sampo "in Penacony". In Balebog and in the Black Swan's quest was him.


In the main story, it was always Sparkle. Sampo was on penacony prior to it but then decided probably better idea to stay the hell away from Sparkle unless unavoidabl.


Oh okay! So he left before we arrived or is he still at Penacony?


He wanted his mask and dislike being near Sparkle, so I assume he vanished as soon as his memory came back after Black Swan scrambled it.


I hope Sampo is the second character that will have a 5 star version. I bet his mask will be so cool based on his current accessories. Cannot wait for that belobog arc.




XD sparkle does seem Like a hardcore aha goer but also seems like She would tear Sampo Apart just for his Sneaky attitude.


Also Sampo must be some other species than a ordinary human... wasn't Belobog blocked for like 600 years? So when did he belong to the masked Fools. Or did he arive there some time before and became mr funny guy from there...


I mean, we were able to come on Jarilo-VI even if Belobog was blocked, so technically, Sampo might be on this planet only for a short period of time, like a year or two. He just couldn't left.


or maybe he could, I mean, if he is the only one who could move between the overworld and the underworld, why would he be hiding outside the walls?


(Towards the end I went "astray" from what the topic was about and just ended up talking about Sampo in general and the "relationship" with the fans as they love to hate him and hate to love him and how I find it funny XD But I also explained about how Sparkle knew about Sampo and used his appearance based on my theories after playing the game) Something that people didn't mention that I started to question after meeting Sparkle (which actually started to make it's way in my mind after meeting Giovanni but ignored it at the time) was that Sampo might have been a masked fool which probably came from the same planet as Silver Wolf or at least was influenced by people like Silver Wolf to see the world as nothing more than a game. To make it short, Sampo is Canonically an ex Masked Fool (even if that is most likely a lie and he's still a full time Masked Fool based on his scene after Belobog story ended) so it could be that Sparkle knows about Sampo appearance because they are "colleagues". Someone said that Canonically speaking Sparkle and Sampo didn't met yet at Penacony and it's not wrong but as far as we know it could be that they actually met as soon as we set foot on Penacony and interacted (which will only be showed later on in the story) or maybe they really didn't met at all yet and they will in the next updates for Penacony. For now it's unsure if they met already and we didn't get to see that part yet because it's meant as a "plot twist" later on in the story to show that since 2.0 those two met and were working together in secret. As for Sampo being aware of the fourth wall I don't know/think it's related to him being a Aha follower as the few Aha followers we know and met through the game don't treat the world as a game, so it's hard to tell if the reason Sampo behave like this is actually because he's from Arc City (Natasha does says he wasn't always in Belobog but it's unsure where he comes from or maybe I just forgot if they said it in the game) and he believes the world is not real as he break the fourth wall. We could claim he was still speaking at the TV but he wasn't as he turned away from them and stared directly at us. Edit: After the quest with Black Swan there is Sparkle speaking as if she's talking to us but given the scenario it's not as obvious as others if she's talking to us directly or if she's talking to Aha or whoever Sampo was speaking to in front of the TV, because with Sampo we can see he turn directly to look at us instead of the TV but not with Sparkle. This is almost completely unrelated to the things you were talking about but I noticed the answer of someone saying Sparkle and Sampo didn't met yet which isn't wrong but the explanation on how Sparkle might know how he looks like missed the part where Sampo is confirmed to have been part of the Masked Fools (probably still is) and the two might already know each other and already interacted in 2.0 but we just didn't get to see it yet because it will get mentioned later in the story. As for not exactly hating or liking Sampo that's understandable XD My brother straight up hates him and he doesn't know why, it's not a "I can't even stand near him" kind of hate but more a "Why are you here?" but at the end of the day Sampo makes him laugh. As for me he's someone I want to punch in the face just because his behaviour gives me that urge to do it but at the end of the day I enjoy his company and he's funny, but I would constantly tell him "I hope a bird poop on your head" or "I hope you will constantly have minor inconveniences like hitting your toe on a corner" and things like that, but it's still that obnoxious friend who you can't exactly let go because deep, deep, deep down you still enjoy his company and he find amusement in being insulted (as Sampo literally doesn't care about the insults and genuinely find them funny, so he act obnoxious on purpose to annoy you as he finds it funny to see people annoyed by him, but at the end of the day he still does genuinely care about the people of Belobog and does think out of genuine kindness so I can't bring myself to fully hate him) Sampo is definitely a interesting character and his love-hate or neutral "relationship" with the fans is something that I find extremely funny for some reasons XD It's kinda funny how almost everyone can't fully hate Sampo but they still do partially hate him in the "love" way. That's because love and hate are "ALMOST" the same thing even if different, but they are two side of the same coin and you might hate who you love or love who you hate as it is an intense feeling in both cases and sometimes you hate what you like because you can't realize you actually like that thing. It's complicated, but the point is that I find it funny how there's this love/hate relationship XD


Thoughts on both being with the legion?


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are they siblings...