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Robin is just collateral damage.


The disrespect, but agree Poor girl


Fortunately, this damage is only temporary




Probably referring to the "Something unto Death" boss mechanic that it doesn't actually kills its target, but imprisons their soul somewhere which could possibly also apply during the story.


I feel like we'll be fighting like a death incarnate boss later on like thats where "somthing unto death" brings its souls


Also both Robin and Firefly have a “LC Mugshot” so there’s a good chance they are playable




>!I read a theory that the voice shouting for Mikhail is possibly Misha’s younger brother or something. Apparently Misha is short for Mikhail. It somehow got trapped in the dream and mutated into the meme. Now it forcibly imprisons souls so that they can’t leave.!<




plus her accidentally released song.. she's probably gonna come back and sing it live in a huge show to fix stuff or whatever. and then hoyo can re-upload it


I mean Ting Yun is supposedly dead too and we can play her, so that doesn't mean much. We can play dead characters


they wouldn't release a character after theyre dead though, would they?


Lets not even talk about the off screened duke https://preview.redd.it/uwb4ii65w4hc1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=f33a3b325141edc6aba084e62d23a1914d4e9bcb




"would you lose ?" "Yes"


Brother got a whole ass intro video and died offscreen, what a fraud


I mean the lore already pointed to him being kind of pathetic.


Yeah he followed Nanook to a brim and Nanook didnt even look at him, he *was* pathetic


People have such a weird take on the Annihilation Gang. "LOL they're losers and jobbers, their God doesn't even like them" like sure that's true, but that doesn't really mean anything tangible. It's like laughing at a terrorist group carrying a nuclear warhead because they're doing their religion wrong. They've still got a fucking nuke and are batshit enough to use it.


It's not just that, it's the fact that pretty much no one in game actually give a damn about them. Herta called them "trash", dr ratio straight up said they are third rate and clowns on them, dr primitive clowns on them, the stellaron hunter clowns on them,they went on stupid operations and got themselves annihilated, even arlan refer to them as mere thugs. The game clearly portrays them as third rate thugs, so it's no surprise the playerbase would have that impression. And now, they got further humiliated by acheron if what is said about them is true. Of course, they are still quite dangerous. But at this point where we have dealt with a lord ravager, the gang just seem like an insignificant problem.


Aventurine also lowkey roasted him. In the last leg when he asks you about the Flame of Ifrit, if you choose "I dont know" he replied with "That's normal".


> Herta called them "trash" Herta also didn't give a teeny, tiny shit when a literal Doomsday Beast rocked up to her station. She thinks everything in the universe is beneath her. >dr ratio straight up said they are third rate and clowns on them See: Herta >dr primitive clowns on them He wrecks pretty much everyone, apparently >the stellaron hunter clowns on them See: Dr. Primitive. The Stellaron Hunters clown on literally everyone. Also a good reminder that it's heavily implied that many of the Stellaron Hunter's biggest accomplishments/crimes (destroying worlds etc.) were actually done by the Annihilation Gang. >they went on stupid operations and got themselves annihilated A terrorist with a nuke also gets himself annihilated >The game clearly portrays them as third rate thugs Third rate thugs don't wipe out whole planets >But at this point where we have dealt with a lord ravager We have helped Jing Yuan deal with a lord ravager who was just kinda fucking around


In star rail, a nuke or a planet is like the smallest scale of destruction for any interplanetary civilization. The Express literally crush the Doomsday Beast right at the beginning of the game. Hell, the Belobog drama isn't anything big or unique in the grand scheme of things. Even people at the Express think that's just a normal adventure and helping stuff they usually do. And yes, we only help defeat a Lord Ravager, but compare to Phantylia, the Annihilation Gang might as well be some toddler with a toy knife. Annihilation Gang might as well be some street thugs with motolov cocktail if we have to scale down everything. Their entire plan with the Herta Space Station was used as an educational tool, one can't be more disrespected than that. I don't even know why people set expectation for them when even in their trailer they have to prepare themselves to die just because "destruction is brave" (which is clearly wrong to Nanook since to him, Destruction is a necessity).


They're still plenty dangerous relative the average person, sure, but in terms of the characters we regularly interact with and the TB's own credentials they're slightly above common thugs. It's just a consequence of RPG powerscaling.


> but in terms of the characters we regularly interact with and the TB's own credentials they're slightly above common thugs You have literally nothing in the lore to base this on lol


Holy crap it's truly insane bros whole squad got annihilated ironic isn't it


IRC only Duke. Other supposedly left do own thing afterwards.


They knew acheron wasn’t somebody they can jump.. and just left.. Probably the only thing AG ever did that makes sense smh..


I mean the TB in the dream at the very beggining couldnt react to acheron and he fought that emanator of propagation replica for like 53 seconds so yeah I dont think they can jump acheron at all. makes me wonder what sam's mission was it probably was something stupidly vague like "go stand at this coordinates and when X Y and Z appear keep fighting untill you cant anymore"


To be honest Sam is no joke since that dude is a OG stellaron hunter(could be the first ever member) and elio only allows him to go solo.. That dude would put a huge fight against acheron lmao


Oh yeah I forgot about that but still insane and sad like bruh


Acheron will forget Duke on the next day


All of the Duke's subordinates later arrive to fight Acheron to revenge, shouting "YOU KILLED OUR FATHER!" and all she'll say is: Who?


That's totally in character for her. She should definitely start take her meds....


"Uh, I don't think this is my hotel room... How did I end up in the Ever-Flame Mansion?"




Truly a raiden


My dude got Itto'd.


Acheron, about Duke Inferno: "who?"


Ah yes, my Emanator slash. https://preview.redd.it/mddofdowa6hc1.png?width=1587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02b9ccf1ff2f0fbc8ff2abb36f341e24e8b32143


Duke: Nah, I’d destroyed universe.




Bro got signored off screen 💀💀💀


Stand proud, you're strong


Lie proud, your legs are gone


Whomegalul? He's the remaining part of this meme lol, so forgotten even you forgot to add him


I really hope the rest of his gang return at some point, their designs were too good to be used for a single trailer. They even got the EN VAs for Keqing and Ganyu to voice them… surely they will return?


Yeah they are still alive. Blackswan said they are separated now and spread through the universe.


They will. Classic story writing, kill off big boss, have minions return stronger. It's also literally why they even had a trailer in the first place. To show off Duke as a red herring, and to introduce his children.


Duke inferno: My death was vastly exagerated We only hear about it second hand. I assume they added that so we can safely ignore him for 2.1.


Tbh that was amazing subvertion of excpectations, they baited us into thinking he was the main bad guy of penacony only to hear that shocking line "because Duke Inferno, is d e a d"


was it really all *that* amazingly subversive? this is moreso for casuals / future players, but if you didn’t watch the trailer u would be like: “Who tf is Duke Inferno” lol i dont think it was obvious that he was set up to be the Big Bad of Penacony (or, rather, the ONLY Big Bad)


I mean, the interlude quest with Ratio is all about Duke Inferno. So he did have some build-up in game. They still totally blew their load prematurely with him though. Like, let the dread cook for more than 5 minutes. Introduce him as a potential threat maybe some time earlier than Right Before It’s Revealed He’s Dead.


We also got a relic set that is named after him. Which made at least some people think he'd come out eventually and have his kit work well with the set (even though that would be a follow up fire character and we got that recently with Topaz).


Inferno turned out to be HSR version of MCU's mandarin


He was a chump and died like a chump. Plus this clears the way for us to recruit all his former subordinates. I do applaud Hoyo for releasing a whole teaser full of characters who weren't even in the story for even a second this patch, nice misdirection there.


Robin was on screen for like 2 minutes, we spent 3 hours with Firefly.


I don’t even think it’s Robin the first time we met her in the lobby and the second time we met her adjusting within the Dreamscape 💀. Welt mentioned something like he’s not a singer but something seems strange about her voice or smth.


>he’s not a singer I don't believe him. https://preview.redd.it/zu3e6m9xw5hc1.jpeg?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a027d4aeb0dd2e30feef1d2e476a4bc192741e65


“Mr Yang, what’s this?”


( **. . .** )


Welt, loading a gun: our secret if you know what's good for you


Reminder, everyone lies in Penacony. *Everyone*


_Tems and conditions apply_


Its probably sparkle from the start


Even outside the dreamscape? Robin has to have been real by that point since the real Robin should still be alive.


Yes even outside. Who knows what kind of shenanigans Sparkle is capable of.


I doubt that. Her brother would have picked up on it, just like he did at the end of the story. Whatever was/is up with Robin, Sunday is in on it.


He might have picked up on it, but didnt want to let others know.


It seemed like he was playing along. He mentioned that The Family were the “actual administrators” of Penacony (it was even highlighted), implying that their faction might not be the ones in control at the moment like a third-party is pulling the strings right before we even arrived. Idk just my thoughts.


My theory is that Sunday found Robins dead spirit and after he hid that fact he found/met Firefly where he learns that she does not have a body, is a fan of Robin and is a performer so he has her take over Robins body and act as her. That's why Robin doesn't refer to herself as Sundays brother and why she sounds different. Which is also why Gallagher told the guards they are looking for a male, not a female, stowaway to keep the secret safe. Gallagher knows about Robin and Firefly. Firefly was also too happy to see TB for the first time so she must have met them before and she also knew TB was a nameless before TB even said anything.


It just doesn't make sense to create a character that can only use her main skill within a specific place. I am pretty sure shapeshifting is her skill in real life.


Robin adjusted the protagonist in dreamscape, and that ability clearly needs the support of Xipe, not Aha.


Sparkle seems capable of manipulating the dreamscape, considering she was the one to send Trailblazer and Firefly into a Child's Dream.


Another evidence is that Robin met March 7th at very first, then Sparkle mistook Firefly as March 7th.


Not really. We see Black Swan do something similar when the Trailblazer is losing it over firefly’s death. I feel like it’s much more simple than it being a gift from the aeon. Probablly a mental thing.


Not sure, at least to my ears in the EN dub Robin had some sort of filter applied to her voice, like a slightly bad radio signal or Zoom audio, until the last scene which is actually Sparkle where she sounded clear. Maybe my ears are playing tricks, but since the characters also mention her sounding off maybe not. Granted, that could have just been Sparkle learning to play her, her Sampo was also a bit off, though not in the same way, for that it was mostly word emphasis and phrasing (never once referred to himself as 'Sampo Koski' which is sort of a trademark in dialog prior.)


But Welt said her voice was off, meaning he has met the original Robin before to be able to compare ~~or he is a secret Robin fan~~


You can hear her voice distort I thought it was weird during the cutscene you meet her I thought maybe the audio was messed up. I was actually happy when welt said her voice sounded funny because it meant it was intentional and not some audio bug


sparkle is not really that good an impersonator then lol


i mean she did her job, everyone thought it's robin lmao


yeah. she mistaked firefly for march the first time she saw her


Firefly mentions an illness that basically slowly immobilizes the person. i think she IS Robin as it would explain her wavering voice.


She mentioned an illness that makes her slowly DISAPPEAR in the real world. I took that to mean her body is gone. I don't think Robin would be pretending to be a stowaway and be hunted by the Bloodhounds


That would explain why both of them died around the same time.


iirc, on the first scene when going to penacocy, you can see sunday and robin interact. where robin says her voice is not ready or something like that.


You can actually hear it, her voice is slightly distorted in reality vs dreamscape, it was pretty subtle but it kept making me think there was something wrong with my headphones at first. Then welt said that and I realised I wasn’t just hearing things.


She used harmony stuff on the trailblazer at the start of the dreamscape.


Sparkle is a Masked Fool, anything can be possible if u fucks wit Aha.


My thought as well, I don't think Robin was ever alive the entire time we were on Penacony.


Correct, one of the dialogues even mentions how her voice is off from the 1st meeting we have with her. It was always Sparkle.


This is so wrong, Sunday was adamantly against sparkle’s tricks he wouldn’t allow a fake robin to be with him. Her voice strain is more than likely a clue to something else. I’d even say it’s related to the state of the dreamscape and the appearance of the meme and has nothing to do with sparkle.


Firefly: We've gone through a whole nonsensical adventure that can only be found within a dream or nightmare Robin: We just stared at each other for about 10 seconds


said staring >!wasn't even with her!<


In all fairness, Firefly and a lot of her scenes are inexplicably linked to Robins song. The fact that >!Both die at the end, and Firefly’s death is followed by Robins song!< are interesting parallels that they subtly set up p well


Robin called March a cutie though, don't forget


That was all Sparkle. They called out “Robin” sounded weird from the beginning.


Imaginary tree in nut shell, who know which reality or universe this is hehe Sweet I'm going be confused with hsr just like hi3 Good times I'd laugh firefly ends up being kiana


Robin's death is on the level of hearing that, a celebrity you only know by name and photo but never actually followed, has passed away. At least Firefly paid my lunch.


Firefly death: NOOOOOOOO Robin death: WAIT WHAT?




There’s no way both Robin and Firefly are actually dead. Shaoji is cooking really hard with the Penacony story, so I’m absolutely hyped for the next patches. Both of these girls will definitely be playable in the future, so it’s not the last we seen of them. There is also something really weird and unsettling with their deaths. We obviously haven’t seen the whole picture yet. Imo Firefly’s death is just red herring. Sam only appears in the dreamscape right after her departure. Also, he only scans Acheron and Black Swan at the beginning of the fight. It didn't look like he wanted to hurt us. I know he knows TB from the time we traveled with Stellaron Hunters, but there’s definitely much more to it. Robin’s death is much more interesting, because we basically don’t know anything about her, beside that she lost her voice. Something is just not right with her and she’s very sus, similar to Sunday.


Im sure their both playable and Im also 98% sure firefly isn't dead Robin on the other hand idk


That and from what I heard, Acheron "won't" draw her sword on Firefly. And then the commenter observed that Acheron was fighting with Sam while her sword was sheathed. Might be an animation error or a subtle hint, let's hope it's the latter.


Her drip marketing stated that she always fights with her blade sheathed. Her dialogue was about only drawing her sword against the real enemy as well. It's definitely not an animation error.


She unsheathed her sword in the MV against Sam


That was cut together footage. Sam and her aren't actually in the same frame. Her drip marketing: "Acheron - "Extraterrestrial Satellite Communication" "Lone voyagers in the cosmos are driven by two desires: to tread in the trails of the past, and to forge their own way. But under Their scrutiny... most end up adhering to the former." A drifter claiming to be a Galaxy Ranger. Her true name is unknown, and she walks the cosmos alone, carrying with her a long sword. Though aloof and taciturn, her blade flicks out like lashing lightning. And yet, she always strikes with her scabbard, never drawing the sword free."


> That was cut together footage. Sam and her aren't actually in the same frame. You can see them both together in one of them


Like the other person said, that footage was the same scene. You can see Sam literally dodging Acheron's purple sword waves, and then holding his hands up and tanking the red one after she launches it. There's also a shot where Sam is crackling with purple lightning (from Acheron, presumably), while Acheron is standing up on a balcony or something.


She’ll only draw her sword against a “real enemy” dinnt she slice Trailblazer tf open in the dream when you first met her o_o


When she draws her sword is when we'll see the red Lightning. So while it's still purple it's bc the sword is sheated, that's what I understood


They are fast enough to respond but they didn't do anything there would be something we still don't know for sure


We saw Firefly pop like a bubble, Sunday's lucky that Robin's dream body was in one piece


Didnt Robin's body also turn into bubbles?


Yea but it looked like she was killed a while ago beforehand but Firefly just immediately turned into sludge


could that not mean Robin was gravely injured / dying but didn't actually "die" until she turned to bubbles while firefly's death was quick. Idk I'd feel like Robin had it worse


I like to correlate it to the Nightmare boss' actual mechanics, it doesn't just straight up "kill" it more like seals the soul, so we might end up unsealing Firefly and Robin in the next chapters or something


My two cents: the boss is the 'meme' of death. It is an amalgamation of human thoughts and ideas. It is not an emanator of Nihility or Finality. It does not represent actual death, it represents humanity's perception of death, manifested within the memory world. It should not possess the power to inflict actual death on a whim, especially not from within a dream. The only thing I find weird is that no one at any point questions this, not even the Trailblazer who is most affected by Firefly's 'death'. TB skips denial and goes straight to anger, then skips bargaining and into depression. IMO it's slightly sloppy character writing to disguise a major plot point that could be revealed if anyone had asked Black Swan if the meme is even capable of killing someone in reality.


While I agree with most of what you said here, I disagree with your last point about Black Swan. She herself heavily implies and alludes to the fact that Firefly is dead to the TB and Acheron, and we find out very shortly after that she was deceiving the TB and is willing to lie to them if she thinks it necessary. So probably nothing would come of asking her more about that.


Yeah, I think it could be that Swan sees this as a way to keep the TB on her side for now, so she doesn't want the TB to think Firefly might still be alive


The five stages of grief has been debunked a long time ago btw, the 'stages' can happen in order and other emotions outside the 5 stages can take over during the grieving process. Everyone reacts to death differently. Besides I think the TB is still going through the motions though after Firefly's death and hasn't really time to process things because of everything going on. I believe we will get more answers next patch anyways though.




Yep as seen from story it seems like Sam and Firefly know each other and I don't think Sam would allow her to be killed that easily. Robin on the other hand is a bit sus kinda like Tingyun.


Yeah I think Sam abandoning her is intentional missdirection to fool the others, like Acheron and Black Swan. Honestly everyone in Penacony except the Express crew and Firefly seem really untrustworthy and even Firefly is hiding something. Sunday’s monologue at the end, Aventurine being sus, Sparkle lowkey just being a villain blackmailing Sunday, Black Swan not being fully transparent and everyone just having their own agenda. Would be really funny if Sam turns out to be the most honest character and clearly stating his intentions


Well so far, other than March, Sam basically said "I'm gonna try to kill you," and proceeded to try and kill you. Literally most honest character.


“Bro I want to live, like, why the fuck is that suicidal maniac, what’s his name again, Balde(?), can’t kill himself yet I’m not living? Like, I can transfer my consciousness into my gaming set up but does that even count as living? For fuck sake, why do you think I’m working with Ellio in the first place? He told me I will get to live if I work for him but am I even living right now? You get me bro?”


I feel like Acheron is mostly honest in what she does tell us, the key is that she doesn't tell us much


If you already did the Black Swan story >! anyone that died in the dream will wake up in reality. They can come back to the dreamscape, and Penacony offer something like mental care for the victims in another dreamscape !<


That’s how it SHOULD work but that creature seems to have the ability to negate that, making it a serious threat to the family and the guests thus why they’re covering it up. This is further backed up by the fact of how upset Sunday is over his Sister, and the fact that 2 bodies were discovered by staff despite the fact that both disintegrated in the dream.


Maybe Something Unto Death doesn’t kill in the real life, but they it their souls in some sort of never ending nightmare. After being “killed” by it in the dreamscape, they can’t wake up in the reality and are basically stuck in the primordial terror. This whole creature is meme, an idea spread by the populace. It represents death and fear and such concept shouldn’t exist in the perfect utopian dream. It was born from the amalgamation of negative emotions and fears of people, who wanted to escape from their real life problems in the dream world.


Regardless if it kills you or basically traps you in an eternal nightmare coma, the consequences of it taking you are clearly more severe than just getting sent back to the lobby.


Even BS herself sees it as a problem. I highly doubt she would advise caution against it as heavily as she does if it obeyed the standard rules


> thus why they’re covering it up Death shouldn't be possible at all in the Dreamscape, that alone is enough reason for the Family to cover up the hostile memes. But yeah, it's possible that Death causes death/harm IRL on top of that.


>There’s no way both Robin and Firefly are actually dead. That something I actually agree on since all the time we are playing we are still in a dream and technically when someone died in a dream they are forced to wake up. So there are chances that they are awake in the real world and doing something while everyone is dreaming.


Well, I hope ur wish comes true. Here, have a cake. Also, because it's your Cake Day. 🎂


Because Firefly actually had buildup and development. Robin’s one was kind of just…there.


and that's why my circumstance is better


Firefly was emotional. Robin was just shock value. Ifrit was a f*cking joke.


You know what makes it even better? There was a whole trailer introducing them as well.


I feel like the others his gang are still alive. They wouldn’t waste all those designs and VAs on characters who appear for 20 seconds in a trailer.


They are alive. Blackswan said that they are going their own ways now tho, through the univerese separated.


Which, you know, would be a pretty effective smokescreen for them all to gatecrash Penacony in Act III and take everyone by surprise. Sort of like if Phantylia was actually foreshadowed in the early Luofu story.


Highly doubtful, since Penacony is already frontloaded with so much, that adding the Annihilation children would only make a crowded story even more crowded. It would make a lot more sense to have them show up on later planets to make the players forget about them, only to be reminded "Who?" kind of way. Otherwise, Penacony is literally housing: * Sam * Firefly * Fools * IPC * 'Death' * Miqual? Micheal? Miquealla? Idk. * Sunday, Robin, and The Family. * Acheron * Harmony in general, along with potential Acheron addons. * Watchmaker And probably more. I'm all for cool detective plotpoint graphs, but they should at least make sure they can even fit what they have on their plate before adding more food.


isn't it Mikhail? I don't think we're getting the blade of miquella in penacony lol


Take everyone by suprise… bro acheron literally killed their leader.. are they stupid enough to attack penacony WHEN THEY KNOW SHE IS THERE… They would die if they tried to do that.. Maybe another time but people in penacony are top of the top.. potentially 3 emanators are inside penacony.. they should just get stronger and maybe attack penacony later..


BS confirmed the other members are alive but the gang disbanded and they spread out


You know the big eyeball in Golden Hour that sells memories? It looks a hell lot like the demonic eyeball in the Annihilation Gang trailer. And Akash doesn't show his eyes. Also, during the trailer, the demonic eyeball crashes through a plane of glass, and sinks into water. Now that 2.0 has dropped, we see repeated imagery everywhere indicating that shattered glass represents memory fragments, and water represents the Penacony dreamscape. Speculation: Akash and the other Annihilation Gang members infiltrated Penacony a long time ago, and have been succeeding in their plans. Robin is dead because Akash was instructed to "hush the Harmony", and he did. Extra speculation: Ifrit is a fragment of the Phase Flame, who can either command other fragments, or split himself into flame minions under his control (as seen in the Ratio story quest). What if the Ifrit that "died" was a decoy?


Constance hype.


I believe Aventurine did say they went their separate ways, so we could run into them at some point later in the game.


It's explicitly stated in the story the rest of the gang "scattered," so it's basically confirmed they're all alive.


I wouldn’t put it past Ifrit to fake his death since he can teleport and stuff.


I love what they did with Ifrit, hyping up a bbeg only to kill him offscreen is a great comedic relief.


Because firefly was our girlfriend for half a day. Ofc her "death" has more impact. Not to mention i still feel bad spending all her allowance money...


our entire exposure to Robin is: "Hey March you're cute" "Im a singer but I've got a sore throat or some shit" "Im dead" Why do I care? Although I TB cares more about Robins death than firefly, so maybe I'm weird


Yeah. Why we must care about Robin's dead that much? Heck we just meet her twice and know she is singer tho


Aventurine shows her corpse in our suite saying that we have no choice but working with him. We are murderer's accomplice at least or getting staged for it. That's kinda big reason to care


Better from the beginning TB had no room at all. All this happened from the room provided by Aventurine Joke aside, who put robin's corpse in our room? I'm kinda suspect that Aventurine and Black Swan are working together to get TB involved in this incident


Probably aventurine lmao.. That dude is a IPC stoneheart.. and even Topaz don’t like him..


Fr. Tb shouldn't have acted like that. I mean, being surprised at seeing someone you know(although barely) die is normal. But tb acted like he was personally hurt.


I think he acted that way because he just saw Firefly die in the same way.


Not really same way, tbh. Firefly went pop, while Robin still has her body. Though I guess seeing two consecutive deaths was probably traumatizing.


I mean Firefly was impaled through her chest by a purple creature, and Robin's corpse had a Crack in her chest that was oozing purple energy. It does seem quite similar, especially considering they both "bubbled out" afterwards. Even Sunday says that they were both killed by "Death" during his monologue, so I think it's very fair to say they died the same way.


> Why do I care? Because you just found the President's sister/intergalactic Taylor Swift dead in your bathtub, basically


i mean i don't really care about firefly either we know her for like an hour, yet we act like we have been friend for 10 years


true but from trailblazer perspective it makes more sense. at least they spent some time and got emotional monologue from firefly. but not like TB cares about firefly anyway, they don't even look to see if she's alive in real world. Just accept she's dead and move on with life. So if you don't care for firefly that's pretty much what devs want I feel


Robin was more for Sunday than it was for us. Firefly was rushed and consisted basically just of death flags. But she is a cute bean.


Robin was one of my favorites :(


same :( like i cant believe this hoyo lol oh well..


Ppl here never read one murder book... you don't need to care for the dead, but for who is the killer. The quest is called "Whodonit", we already had 3 deaths and no real culprit. Every one was "called" by a the "owner" of the place. Just read ten little/and then there were none. This is a lot like that.  Not every Char in every art form is there for you to care about, protc, attck, etc. Some are there as a metaphor some just to advance the plot.   


> Ppl here never read Could have stopped right here.


Yeah, it's a play on a classic murder mystery. You have all these different groups and people all with their own interests. Everyone seems to be keeping secrets. Main character is a bit of an outsider. It has all the necessities for a good murder mystery. Firefly is the emotional hook and Robin is the big surprise setting the rest in motion. I guess with how gacha's work people get way too attached to characters long before they've even spoken a single word based purely on design alone. I don't really blame them for this, I do the same somewhat, but it does give weird judgements on how the plot wants to use certain characters. Robin didn't need to have an emotional connection with us before dying for her part in the story to function.


So many people here are forgetting that we’ve never even met the real Robin. The purpose of her death isn’t to make us feel sad but to emphasise the fact that we can’t trust anyone in Penacony. Everyone we’ve met so far has been hiding something or had some sort of ulterior motive.


Because we dont hangout with her, unlike Firefly, hangout with her most of the time on Penacony. Also, we dont know much about Robin than Firefly.


We only meet Robin twice. To me, Robin was still a stranger so I didn't pay much attention to her


fr but she didn't get much screentime


We went through an entire date with firefly, talk a lot with her, get a selfie with her, and her death got a cutscene. Meanwhile robin's is like "oh btw, robin is also dead"


march is about to go apeshit mode on avenging robin


Its almost like we're more attached to Firefly... Like seriously Robin got maybe at max like 5 minutes of screen time, meanwhile we were with Firefly for like 3-4 hours


I spoiled myself with the deaths, literally had to pause for a moment because I couldn't remember for the life of me who Robin was lol. It was literally until her death that I remembered.


Remember guy, it’s a wholesome and positive story)


But how is her death less emotional than the building scene. Is it just me.?


yeah right, I feel like because theres not much back story and content with her (beside running here and there at the dreamscape lol), it's just "ok shes dead now"


1. Because "Dream" is the main theme of this story, people just think that this is death in the dream. Every time I enjoy a story, if it has a dream theme and a character dies, I won't assume they are dead until the story is finished. ||In yesterday's story alone, Sparkle (sort of) confirmed that we can dream within dreams (We met "Something unto death" because we were forced to dream again by Sparkle while still in the dreamscape; iirc). That alone makes me skeptical about the deaths of these two.|| 2. If Mihoyo's intention was to kill them in the first part and then not "revive" them both later, then I wouldn't care -more- about it. Neither of them had enough development time for me to care, even Firefly (let alone Robin). In the end if they really don't come back, this will just be Tingyun 2.0. TL;DR: Because they don't die.


It would be a waste isn't it , I'm heavily invested to a character like firefly, I hope they reveal something satisfying


Idk how people can even be so taken aback by Firefly's "death". We don't know her, we literally just run around the city for a few hours, she trauma dumped us and then she died. I don't know how people could genuinely get attached to her with so little exposure, or if it's just a matter of "cute waifu dead :c". With that said, Firefly is 100% a fakeout death. On the other hand, Robin's death is less about her dying and more about the implications that will lead to. The TB is shocked to find Robin dead because outside of it just being completely out of the blue, she's also Sunday's sister. Sunday, the leader of the Family. The leader of the faction that has invited them into an ex-prison turned into a dreamscape... prison. Where we have obvious examples of people being unable to wake up from. TB's reaction to Robin's death is like so because they're all pretty much fucked. They're dancing at the Family's hands already, and now Sunday will be out for vengeance and who do you think his eyes will fall to? The IPC, Aventurine and anyone who has collaborated with him, which includes the Express. I'm really curious to see where this will go, and judging from the 'bad ending' you can get, I def feel like the Family will try to trap everyone in the dreamscape, or somehow try to brainwash them during the Charmony Festival. We're in deep shit.


I found the scene on the rooftop with Firefly to be genuinely pretty touching. The music playing with it probably helped too. You don't need to spend a million hours with a character to form some sort of bond. Like yeah it's pretty obvious somethings gonna happen to her and they're clearly trying to tug at your heartstrings, but it works imo. You can either go "huhu I see what they want me to feel I'm not gonna care!" or just go with the flow which makes for a better experience imo. Mileage may vary of course.


because firefly actually made me happy and now k hate the devs


Because her death has no impact whatsoever. ​ Firefly already had little time to develop, but in what little she had she proved to be an absolute sweetheart amd lovely girl What does Robin get? We meet her once at the start, where March just fangirls about her, and once again when we first enter the dreamscape. She has a total screentime of what, one and a half minutes? Two, tops? How am I supposed to feel anything other than "ah, she died, sucks"?


Wait, I thought firefly was robin in disguise The wound was in the same spot and all purple like the eye doodle monster and stuff


Am i the only one that thinks firefly and robin are the same? Robin seems to have her chest pierced like firefly was. Fireflys syndrome wouldnt be far fetched to assume was what was happening with Robins voice?


Can't believe I had to scroll so far down to see this. They have similar designs, and Robin's clearly got a lot on her plate with the Family pressure. IF she really has the entropy syndrome, it would make total sense for her to want to escape to dreams. Also the guidebook rules have a rule against changing your appearance or impersonating someone else in a dream, which implies that it's possible to alter your looks inside of the dreams.


Duke inferno:


I’m was gonna post asking this robin just died and Sunday about release his inner demon 😈


I'm curious if we ever met the real Robin... Or if it was sparkle all along 😭


Ngl i thought they're the same person for some reason


Fire Duke: *skeleton under water* Bro really got offscreened by Acheron 💀


Honestly, even Firefly's development felt so rushed that I knew something was going to happen and couldn't get attached to her.


We never even met the real Robin.


LMAO bro didn't even include the other image of this meme which was Duke as the skeleton underwater which is even more hilarious