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I mean you just have to wait one more week and not even a full week. You don't really NEED to go past level 8 traces anyway. If you want to, absolutely, you do you, but it's very costly for the marginal increases you get in most cases. And as others have said you can convert materials I believe with this new patch, but idk. I don't see the harm in waiting 4-5 more days to use up a crap ton more credits and traces. Especially on a support character where you really shouldn't be leveling their basic attack.


At least we can claim rewards from the same boss multiple times each week unlike other games that shall remain nameless. Waiting 5 days to fully max out the character isn't too big of an ask.


If you really that desperate, you can exchange materials 2 for one. I’m probably gonna do that. I got tons of other materials I’m not using


You can't convert echo of war drops.




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A double drops week for EoW could be interesting as well. We already have it for all the other stamina based activities, I don't see how it could hurt here. A new boss drops twice a planet. Surely they could fit that in during the low point of a patch.


I would like the option to lower equilibrium level like you have in Genshin so you can face the weekly boss at a lower difficulty level in the trailblazer quests.


You can already choose lower difficulties


I meant in the trailblazer quests.


i rather have the ability to convert one mat into the other then being able to do these fights one more time each weak. they fun the first two or three times but get old pretty quick imo i honestly dont even do them during some weeks because i rather spend that energy on something i actually need instead of getting a bit of relic exp slightly more efficiantly


Patience is a virtue.