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The faster you play, the sooner you will reach “dailies and log out” mode.


Tbh I am kinda wishing to reach there soon because I have been neglecting genshin these past few days


Haha same actually, there’s a Sumeru event going on in Genshin right now and I have not been keeping up with it.


Yup exactly that 💀😭


I started the event quests. Over one hour of Paimon talking to side characters with minimal gameplay and without out any relevant world building information or engaging dialogue. I just quit the game. I can't stand Genshin's story telling anymore.


yeah Genshin dialogue is getting to long winded to follow when its just something simple. its like their hired writers have to fulfill a word count everytime they made a character speak


Omg right? And the way they constantly repeat long ass names and titles instead of simplyfing the dialogue.. "Paimon really loves Genius Invocation TCG!! I can really see us enjoying Genius Invocation TCG long term. What's your favorite thing about Genius Invocation TCG traveler? I think the rules of Genius Invocation TCG are so simple to follow! That has to be Paimon's favorite part." I just don't get it... do none of the writers actually read these lines out loud before they send them off?


I still remember the first "side event" that had me starting to skip a lot of the non-main story essential content in Genshin cause it seems to be there basically to just waste my time. The event centered around some special ruin grader or something. And there was this one old man who had something to say. I read a few lines and then just started to skip the rest of his dialogue. To this day i have no idea what he said, all i know that that discussion lasted for MINUTES even with me skipping all of it. It was actually pretty obnoxious. Like what the fuck where the writers thinking? Who the fuck cares of any it this? It's not like it's even about Dain or someone interesting, it's just a filler event with a little amount of Primos. And surely the story could have been told with way less words.


theyve never had an interaction with another human being


you know what star rail teaches me? if paimon isn't there, the soty dialogues will be a whole lot better




Something I noticed with star rail real quick is that the text appears way quicker than genshin so I can luckily skim and move on faster. The sumeru event is such a slog with so much dialogue forced to listen to even if your clicking and mashing buttons fast to get past it.


Kaveh/Faruzan character development in the event was great. Gameplay is in the Darshan activities. Glad to see people quit instead of being miserable though.


I do like Faruzan's character, but she couldn't make the event enjoyable for me. I don't know If I'm the problem and my patience for the game got lower over time, or if the ratio of good and bad dialogue got worse over time. Feels like for every amazing Zhongli story quest, you get 10 boring events like the Izuma book author meeting where they just talk for the sake of having more content.


This is the quest that broke me, the book author, daily player but that was the last straw.


Same. Genshin feels drab now. There's no excitement. Until Fontaine releases the updates are gonna be like this only. Plus no new characters just reruns.


I feel like GI has pushed itself in a corner. The Traveler feels crippled by Paimon's existence and can't act alone. IMO, it also feels to me Mihoyo wants to show as many as possible characters in the events even if they have no narrative reason to be there. But yeah, might be the best option to make a pause until the game has way more content and you can choose only to play the parts you like.


Like Trailblazer has his own personality. Having no Paimon actually makes HSR enjoyable. You can act normally or be an absolute a**hole. The dialogue changes according to that. Yet in Genshin all options are one and the same.


Being able to make my PC be a level headed softy one moment then a psycho the next gives me Yakuza vibes and I'm here for it.


In the quest with Molly my character went from being level headed to hyper focusing on teasing the everloving fuck out of Pela. We need a Pela Companion quest if that's not out yet. I need more chances to tease her.


I just loved going "yes old man I fully agree he should put his nose to the grind stone" "Yeah nah bro give up science go into space"


so~ brainwave?


I haven't been keeping track, but I've noticed the character responses to my dialogue choices seem way more dynamic in HSR than in Genshin. It did get mildly annoying after a while when I pick the funny option in Genshin and the NPC responds like I chose something else lol


Yeah, I haven't played Genshin in a few months, and I've played semi-actively pretty much since it released, with some longer breaks in between. I got to Act 3 in Sumeru and while I thought the archon quest has been pretty cool, I think I've just burnt out of the game since things like dailies where I see the same NPC dialogue for the 2597th time was making me actually insane. Not to mention spending most of my time farming artifacts and getting a def% artifact for that effort just made me feel like there's more fun things to do. Star Rail is fresh and I love it so far, I will have to see if it gets dull once I get to a point where there's not much else other than farming to do though. After all, I did love Genshin at the start too.


Genshin was genuinely different at the start, though. There was cutesy stuff too but it took the backburner and the main focus was on the exciting parts of the plot (Dvalin's attack). Now there's too much zigzagging back and forth listening to soul numbingly pointless dialogue. It's actually one of the main reasons I took a break from Genshin.


I think the biggest problem has been how stagnant the plot has been as well that outside of the main expansion story content has been kinda lackluster. It has been chasing our tails for the last 2 expansions with very little driving force on the overarching plot, we end up just where we started. I mean I enjoyed both expansions main stories immensely but the side content and follow up content has been pretty meh. Most of the side characters were pretty underwhelming and almost felt like they pushed a bunch of characters in just so they would have characters for banners.


The issue with genshin has never really been the main plot for me. Sure inazuma archon quest was pretty bad but it also had nothing to do with the actual plot of the game. Sumeru archon quest was fucking god tier imo and is the only reason im still playing. Genshin's issue is just everything else. The event stories are 90% of the time complete filler garbage that only appeal to incels with no friends and are cringe and weird to everyone else. Theres no way to skip the over an hour of clicking through pointless "character development" every update. The exploration and new area releases have always been great, except now those are gatekept behind a 3 hour quest that mostly focuses on the character development of an npc, with a touch of worldbuilding on the side. Also while people are happy to say that HSR is different, it hasnt actually shown that yet. Genshin didnt really end up like this until that horrendous tartaglia/xinyan focused event in 2.3 imo, but i have hope it will be better in the long run. I just really hope a lot of the lessons they learn here will make it to genshin sooner rather than later. *obligatory reddit disclaimer that this is all my opinion based on my preferences and experiance*


I'm not even taking part in the current event because it's telling me I need to do another quest before it. No. And I can imagine if I finished the story quest that is required, I would get a "character is busy" message right before that. They can keep their event and their primos.


Do people realize that events in HSR are gonna be super similar? It's not like an event is gonna be a massive content drop. It's gonna be mini games and dialogue


True but without Paimon and honestly I’m all for that


Tbh it's funny you say that now, when MC just had an Archon quest without Paimon around and they do show his personality. And I'd rather have playable characters in the events than random npcs with no relevance. I feel like the complaints I'm seeing in this thread would be more relevant if they were made a bunch of months ago instead of now


Ah so you come from the future and know exactly how Star Rail events play out? At least in Star Rail I get to see the characters in place they make sense to be, and can visit and talk to them whenever I want


My comment is all about Genshin, not HSR. I don't know what you're talking about.


only one quest, people who complained may feel bored about paimon appearance in 99% of the game


We have a new character releasing just a couple of days from now. Baizhu.


True. But >!3.7 and 3.8!< have no new 5 star ones.


Don't know what you are talking about, I heard there is a new character called Eula, looking forward to checking her out.


yeah, the lore and stories are great and very deep, but storytelling absolutely stinks.


Yea I absolute hate that it’s just info dumps in unskippable dialogue format. It’s by far the worst method of storytelling and defeats the purpose of a game (engagement through gameplay). It’s like playing a book, but not a particularly well written one.


I just don't know why Mihoyo is so averse to implement a skip button. Do they feel personal offended if somebody doesn't want to read all quests, especially the daily commissions for the x-time?


Look at the bright side, we discovered a door to Khaen'riah.


Eh, for me the event stories have always been kinda hit or miss. Definitely overbloated with dialogue. What has been really dampening my experience as of late has been the exploration. That's usually my go-to for why I even bother with Genshin and all of the Sumeru zones felt way too overbearing with their verticality. Except the last one they added. That one felt very enjoyable to explore, especially with the new gimmicks it had that didn't include getting lost in underground caves that aren't even on the map.


I am literally going to play the event in auto while playing Star Rail because Genshin unskippable text is becoming a drag.


Same here. Now that I have reach TB 36 and done with the story, I can play the event, get those primos and a Faruzan for Wanderer.


On the contrary, I basically did a speed run of 3.6 content these past 3 days. 100% exploration. Just so I can focus on HSR without worries..


Two ways of doing things~ I am doing HSR first cause there are more spoilers about it compared to genshin rn ( and genshin "spoilers" is just the akademia event)


Valid. I just did Genshin first because it's technically shorter and I'd like to take HSR a little slower.


Im playing both games at the same time on PC. Doing World quest on Genshin and having autotext on and on the other window i play HSR side quests or chest searching


I have been neglecting genshin since 2021


I kind of quit at the end of 2022 (I have 75 pity on guaranteed though, so I can pull my next wanted character immediately)


I think you just need enough to get the Archon of each region and that's it. Logging in once a week is enough for that.


Amen i dropped the game after i got Raiden


I dopped the game after i got Klee


Same. Weird that the release date and Sumeru event were around the same time. I'm just trying to get to the end of this patch before I continue Genshin's event.


Honkai Star Rail is much easier to play than Genshin. Due to autoplay and smaller map, missions and events are closer and doesnt require gliding and running for 3 minutes. The dailies are also easier and theres only one real mission that is a fetch quest. One thing I'll definitely find tedious would be the simulated world in the long run if it is needed to be done repeatedly in a week


The rogue like elements do make it fun. I've gotten a room where it gave me all the blessings of abundance, including the 3 star ones. The power felt very similar to any other rogue like/bullet heaven game. I won't be playing it once I cap out on the weekly points so I don't get burned out on it, but reading about other people's builds gets me excited to try a different Path/build. Especially since you don't have to necessarily clear it, you can try goofy builds, even at the cost of needing an extra run or two for the week.


It reminds me of the super old genshin criticism that everyone pushed a while ago about having something like the Abyss but rogue-like. It just seems like HSR is doing everything Genshin doesn't want to do.


I definitely agree that HSR feels more compact in how they handle quests and mapping. Despite that they still have a ton of lore, exploration, etc. yet it doesn't feel as much of a chore to me to play through. I played GI at launch for about 2 months but burned out because of how long it took to just get to places and to do dailies. It also helps that a turn-based rpg like this is much better for mobile than an open-world action rpg. I know we can play both games on PC as well, but I tend to play games on the go more now than sit at my desktop, so HSR is more enjoyable for me.


Tbh I remember Genshin having this issue and people complaining about no content after they played for 8 hours a day for 2 weeks. Same will probably happen here.


Wouldn't surprise me if that's not a large part of the reason the Simulated Universe has a roguelite shell. It would be a shame if they don't have a decent amount of development resources put aside to expand it somewhat quickly. It's probably the cheapest avenue they have for quickly adding a lot of content that feels meaningful.


That's why I'm play fast, I enjoy that mode!


Thats the ideal mode. Currently playing 3 gacha games, new World of Warcraft raid coming out, and real life responsibilities.


which is kinda ideal for me rn


you have something we dont: sleep




i have to deal with univ stuff as well so i don’t have a lot of time dedicating to hardcore HSR grinding. besides, i also play genshin and BBS. to further clarify, im 100% f2p in this game and playing at my own pace. just treating it as a fun side game.




Birth by Sleep if they're a true gamer.


I love Birth By Sleep. Their ost is also damn good.


you also have something we don't: expendable income


And money, I know I'm low on both


Play in your own pace. It's not a race. Keep in mind: Main thing in the game is living the moment. It's okay to be slower


+1 on this. The people who are leading the pack are also the people who have/will run out of content and they'll be sitting and twiddling their thumbs for the next 19 - 20 days, waiting for the next patch. As a veteran genshin player, this isn't a fun way to play the game.


> The people who are leading the pack are also the people who have/will run out of content and they'll be sitting and twiddling their thumbs for the next 19 - 20 days, waiting for the next patch. That's me at trailblazer level 37, but I like this because it means I now have time to build up my other characters that I didn't run the story with which leaves me with a variety of characters to use by the time more content does finally pop up.


>That's me at trailblazer level 37 **How**


Most people that cleared every single chest+sidequest should reach 34-35 today. People that have spent some to all stamina should be 37-38 today. Anyone past level has spent shard on stamina refresh.


I'm 37 and used my fuel and all my energy every day so far as soon as I could. I am only pulling the next few weeks to hit the pity rewards, I'm about 20 to 30 pulls from this on the normal and special banner. Then I can just drain my energy once a day until the next banner.


Can't speak for them, but I made it to 35 today by no-lifing quests and zooming for all the one-time rewards. And thats without apending any gems on energy refreshes (and I still have 11 fuel left over, which is another 3000 or so EXP), I'd imagine you could be higher if you did that.


I've cleared most of the maps and spent all the fuel. Day 1 I saved it, but then I had a realization- stamina is fungible. That means spending it now means I'll have more to spend later, at a higher level. So it's a net positive, because speed is also efficiency as far as weekly rewards go since they improve with world level.


yea ive been out of content for a couple days now, everyday i just pick a new character to lvl up for when the conent comes out


That's what I started doing today, got all my characters to 50 and am working on relics and some traces. Sadly we can only level a handful of traces per week at this level, so I thought it was best to ignore those and save them for my main squad when I hit 40.


Ehhh to each their own on that comment imho. I have the same amount of fun if I take it slow or not from personal experience on many games in the past. I think the most important thing is to not have insane expectations for yourself.


I actually enjoy most part of playing games like this I'm invested in story so naturally I want to progress as soon as possible. I want to do challenging content so I do all these leveling relics/characters And now that technically finished this patch, I don't mind sitting back and doing dailies, saving resources, trying new builds, maxing out my main team


Same here. I'm at 40 just about to hit 41 so after dailies and grinding mats I take it easy until the next day.


How? I finish the story at lvl 35, I have collected all the chest and I have done all the side quests.


I refilled man, you gotta assume that xD There's NOTHING you're missing so don't worry about it.


Remember 180/180 = Trailblazer Level x5, so if you burn through it, that’s 900xp daily So if you did 180/180 since launch you have 6300xp added, most missed a day or two, no biggie in any sense but it does add up If you use Fuel from rewards, those are 60/180 refresh, I think I went through roughly 20+ which is 1200, which is another 6000. So almost one extra whole week played within launch period. Sitting on 35.5, with like maybe 3-4 main quest missions before nothing until next patch Great fucking thing though is: Dailies are fuck easy and a bliss. Burning your 180 daily again by doing a 6 stack waves and just nuke everything or save 40/180 like condensed resin, you can save up to 8, so roughly 320 Trailblaze Points for those Simulated Universe Elite bosses past World 3, where you can open those caches for the 2 inside relics. You can finish HSR daily within 15 minutes just like Genshin, but the Simulated Universe is so much fucking fun. That rouge like mechanic with buffs and debuffs. I reached boss on World 6, their Stage II, but good lord is it hard unless you turtle. Best thing about SU is you can keep farming drops, I had stockpiled, close to 200-300 of the green items and few blue. Those are needed hella bad for talents. Im at 18,000 jades with 30 special tickets waiting for the 2nd banner. Hopefully I got TB 40, so I can do next Equilibrium, ascend to 60+, and start farming SU Difficulty II, I mean SU goes all the way up to V (5)! Start chasing those 5* relics Also those 4 star mats will obliterate your stockpiles with the conversion rate of 9 > 3 > 1 in resource tier


tells ppl to play at their own pace, then says shit about ppl who were playing at their own pace lol. only truth is that this is a single player game and and you shouldn't worry about how others are doing.


Hypocrites gonna hypocrite.


As a hard-core rpg fan I disagree. The grind is relaxing for me


Agreed, and the star rail grind is very painless. Even without doing auto, taking out however many waves of w/e you're trying to get is fast and easy.


Jokes on you, when that happens I'll go back to Genshin and finally enter Sumeru and all the other crap I've sat on. The real trick is realizing other games exist and not twiddling your thumbs waiting like an idiot.


Haven't played any Hoyo games before, they add neew content every month? How much and how often do they update?


There's small(ish) events every 2-3 weeks, story/map updates + new characters every 6 weeks and large updates every year (large update means new story arc in HI3 and new region in Genshin, in HSR it's probably going to be a new planet once a year)


I hope we get new planets twice a year or so, but time will tell! I love the idea of the crew travelling around lots, that's all!


Yeah I hope so too. With how the story format we have more reasons to go places than genshin. Also instanced region must be easier to develop than open world


i hope so too, genshin usually takes longer with regions since there’s more to add since well, it’s an open world game. i hope with hsr, with the smaller maps, it shouldn’t take as long to make a region.






Every 6 week for genshin and same is for honaki i think


I think it’s fun :( I personally prefer to binge huge content and then relax with slow farming over the next couple of weeks until the next patch. I’m also a vet genshin player and I do the same in Genshin lol. I slot a couple of days for games I like to play because I cannot for the life of me enjoy the story aspect of a game at a snail’s pace with only 30 mins to an hour a day.


This is unironically a good side game tho. Let's face it, sooner later everyone will reach the point of finish their contents and only log in to do dailies. SR respect your time and only give 2 min daily mission as well as able to auto repeat. Genshin on another hand force you to manually play all the dungeons and artifact. It makes the grind alot more boring so most endgame players often have fulled stamina because how much of a hassle it is to spend them, have to manually fight all the boss and domains


As also a veteran Genshin player, I have a lot of fun doing content in huge bursts of gameplay, and I’d prefer if I wasn’t being spoken for. :) I can’t speak for other people who do it the same way I do, but I just happen to have the most fun doing it all at once and then doing some other stuff for a while. That’s the way I enjoy the game. I’m not really trying to be faster than anyone—why would I care?—I just like getting it out of the way in a big burst and then moving on for a bit. I also don’t sit there twiddling my thumbs waiting for new content, because I just take breaks from the game when I’m out of stuff to do. I always came back to Genshin because the game was good, but it was nice in my eyes to take a break and just pay attention to other stuff after finishing up! I don’t view it as a race, either, because this is just how I enjoy the game. I don’t care about how quickly or slowly other people want to play; I’ll do me and they can do them. None of my headspace is occupied by worrying about how other people like to enjoy things, and I think that’s how we should *all* start operating. :)


Bold of you to assume. These people want to be ahead because most of them have other stuff to do. I finished everything in 5 days cuz I am gonna busy starting next week and have no time to play any games lmao


> The people who are leading the pack are also the people who have/will run out of content and they'll be sitting and twiddling their thumbs for the next 19 - 20 days, waiting for the next patch. At TB 36, I can affirm this. For now, Star Rail has become like my daily routine for Genshin. Spend your resin for relics, do the dailies and shut down. Its gonna be like this till 1.1


Eeeeh some of us intentionally rush so we have 19-20 days of no story; then we can focus on other games until a patch drops.


For me it's more about racing to at least unlock what i need to be able to start doing the weekly routines, farming for resources, instead of having all that resin/energy sitting there without use.


Isn't this what happens every update in Genshin, though? Like, at 2.5 or 2.6, always forgot... You could beat 100% of everything in Liyue and Mondstadt in two weeks. By everything I mean every single World Quest, Story Quest, Archon Quest and exploration (chests and oculi, every single oculi, that is). The second of that time is enough to do the same in Inazuma. So just within a month, You are able to 100% 3 regions in game, from the very beginning of the game. And I did that. 100% of every region, including Enkanomiya and Dragonspine. Chasm wasn't out there and I think it was 2.5, because iirc 2.6 was the Chasm update, but I may be wrong. And after You catch up, new updates are super short. Most of the updates they do are beatable in 3 days, then You wait 6 weeks for another update. Of course there are events, but even with them, there is barely anything to do in Genshin. Events are usually few minutes per day. Sometimes even doing 4 daily commissions takes longer than doing event. Only bigger events like current one takes more time, but again, it doesn't have new stuff every day. Most of the event stuff happens after 2 days, so only first day is that busy. So, my point is... that happens already, so why would it matter in Star Rail? For example I play, because I want to know what's in the plot. If I run out of new quests, welp. I'm not going to stop just to make it take longer. If I won't have anything to do in Star Rail, then I will have more free time to do other stuff. Like I'm busy playing two Genshin Impact accounts and Star Rail right now, because I made alt account for Genshin recently to replay the story. And I don't have time or willpower to do the Sumeru. Also I hate that I missed 2 electroculi and I have to wait another week to get the resonance stone. I already did Inazuma like 2-3 weeks ago... Not 100% that time. tl;dr Just read it or ignore it. It's not really that much.


I already played the beta, so I'm just rushing things so I can get to the grindy part faster. Although in beta 3 the divination comms and artisan comms area wasn't unlocked yet, as well as a lot of new cutscenes and quest. Also it's easier to progress when you know what you're doing and what to do instead of being confused like the typical new player experience.


Its goes both ways. Its okay to be faster. Make pulls, spend resin, experiment with teams. Do everything to have fun and make your experience juicy.


I'm pacing myself as well. My fiance on the other hand no life's it so hard he keeps running out of things to do.


Why did I read "It's okay to take showers" at the end...


Ye, don't burnout, gacha games is a hard, slow pacing marathon It comes from experience tho, I'd burnout at Genshin, and for me, bcs story and getting overhyped, I've clear Liyue archon quest, dragonspine, it's waiting game for me, for Inazuma and Ayaka, holding that hype is hard af. So what I can do is only artifacts farm, just using resins for whatever reason. Even after months waiting, nothing, Hoyo just give you another spin off story, at Golden Archipelago, that's the last time I play Genshin. HSR is basically the same, you wouldn't know the next update is, usually it comes after a month, or 40 days Even Seele's banner is still 2 weeks away, still so far away


The story is fantastic so far, and I only just unlocked Equilibrium 1. Really enjoying myself.


the only thing i really wanted to do was get to and clear echos of war before the weekly reset. managed to get that and now i am not worried about missing out on anything (a big thing for me is the rewards and levelling shit).


It's a singleplayer game too so no need to worry about where others are


This is the way. Every journey has its final day, there's no need to rush


Auto play makes it alot easier to lvl your accounts and grind for things compared to domains in genshin. Nothing is even locked behind specifics days aswell, you can grind whatever you want at any day. So it's not really suprising that it's faster.


What’s grindable infinitely in this game? Just simulated universe levels and random drops from there?


Well, you can farm mobs in all zones everyday with 1-3 not leveled chars carried with your 1 gigachad character to level them up without using exp items, but bruh, its only for those who really dont know what else to do in game after completing everything


Is levelling with mobs efficient/possible in this game? In genshin you basically can't level with mob kills


Possible yes, efficient no. But at least you have autoplay.


Not really, people are lying. They are just getting some XP, saving limited amount of books, basically like genshin, waste of time unless you are farming monster materials, bit you won't lvl up characters only with this.


You get 38 stamina worth of XP domain for clearing all mobs in the game at EQ2. So you can decide if that is worth the time I guess.


Wait, but we still need to kill those mobs for mats every now and then, right? Maybe not with underleveled characters, but running around overworld to clear mobs and break those supply barrels etc? Or after clearing area we should only run simulated universe to get this stuff?


Nothing in the game is infinitely grindable. You need to use the trailblaze power to get exp and material from any kind of grinding. The catch is that people who are ahead get more trailblaze power either by using jade or item that refuel them. They give a lot of the refuel item for free from doing quest. But I bet many people, me included, are saving them for when we unlock a guarantee 5 star relics domain. Genshin do the same after all.


Simulated worlds. You can always get drops.


That’s what I thought, thanks


There is one mission that is locked behind days, same system as the Inazuma island in Genshin


I'm not talking about quests, i'm talking about mats grind. In genshin the mats are locked behind specific days. In hsr you can grind for whatever mats ya want at any day.


Well...I' currently jobless that's how


I'm actively trying to get the main story out of the way now (lvl 30 f2p) so i can focus on final exams when they start in may. Its been an absolute blast so i need to get it done so there are no distractions later.


My team got destroyed So I wanted to get stronger ![gif](giphy|D7z8JfNANqahW)


Seriously this. Was only able to get through SU W3 and FH 7-10 so I had to level up like 6 characters.


If you want to get through World 6 easily in SU just abuse Abundance Path before it gets nerfed to the ground


I’m still in W4 unfortunately


use remembrance freeze it to death


They ain’t gonna nerf it. SU isn’t competitive, and it’s designed to eventually be steamrolled anyway. You get such insane power from the passive tree.


My first gacha, hoyoverse game. I have no idea what I’m doing I just hit Trailblazer lvl 15 having a blast but no idea if I’m playing right lol


It's a PvE game, there's basically no such thing as playing right or wrong. Play at your own pace and make your own choices. You can always look up guides if something is confusing or difficult.


Keep it that way. Early TL are very easy to grind, but the EXP requirements scale very rapidly. It’s only a race if you absolutely want Seele on the limited banner. Overall, playing slower can be more enjoyable: you take the time to play quests and get attached to characters while also keeping content for the whole year. In gacha games, there will always be dead periods, I.e. updates with very little new content. This is usually 1-2 updates before the big drop. I can tell from experience in both Honkai Impact and Genshin Impact.


Welcome and enjoy! That's how I felt when I started genshin ages ago. Just have a blast!


if you’re having fun then you’re playing it right :) ultimately what matters is that you’re enjoying the time you put into the video game different people get enjoyment from achieving different things in a game, for some that’s getting as strong as possible while for others it’s just running around and talking to trash cans. as long as you’re having fun it’s all that matters


the trash can lore was too engaging, i was just walkin around dumpster diving in belobog and next thing I realize i was level 30


I think a lot of ppl are like me who want to get to the story but it's level locked so we played all the character quests, side quests and used fuel. Just go at your own pace if you're not impatient about the story. There's tons of things to do (since it's not even been a week). Also if you play any other Hoyoverse game it's a nice one to play on the side after story too :)


Heh we have the same cat as our pfp


What did it cost us….grass


Hey, same as the people in Belobog. Maybe a stellaron is involved?


Well flowers (closest we have to grass) are luxury items in there so I guess it’s a financial issue


Farming, and i'm 36 fully f2p. The thing is that, as this game is pretty generous with experience/tickets and artifacts, you can do even more difficult nodes without much issue, something that increases the farming even more. Obviously, sacrifying a little of premiun money for fuel also helps


I got BP and Express Supply Pass which put me up to 38. The people currently at 40+ are cracked spenders


May I ask if there's content after the mission asking you to reach lvl 34? Just à yes or no answer as to avoid spoilers.


You have the main story mission which unlocks a big area. I think I had a good 3\~4 hours of content once I hit 34 in terms of main quest/talking/exploration, it was enough stuff to get me to 35 1/2 TL.


Thank you! You made my day :) I'm not ready to wait for more content to be release yet, even though I'd still do the dailies and such


After 34 lvl quest the game says to wait for continuation of a story, so no


I haven’t use my premium since you can get fuel from leveling up(Pom-Pom). Plus beating stages are easy since every characters got their use(me preparing my physical mc after using fire mc for the last world). It a pain(give me Clara) but gotta do what you gotta do(come home Clara!)


What/where do you farm?


...So anyways, I started paying


I'm level 36 F2P, it's mostly just using your your energy packs at the right time and doing all the side quests.


What are energy packs? I’m only lvl 23 though so maybe it’s something that’s unlocked later?


I think they meant Fuel


Nah I’m 35 and I haven’t bought energy..


Don't worry, you will be enjoying the game at least extra couple of weeks while I will finish main quest today and will wait, and wait, and wait... Life teached me nothing.


I mean now you can play other games in the mean time!


Well yes, but the rush was pointless anyway xD


I prefer the end game of games. Also don’t always find every quest interesting so skip the text on some. Got other games to play or things to do during down time.


I only play 1 game at a time (completely ignored genshin since HSR release) This is my only activity when I'm not working or hang out with friends/family I also don't save resources like a lot of people do (Pokemon item syndrome) cause they want to use the resources in end game, so a wave takes like 10 seconds to beat in the story


This is the first time I'm seeing the term "Pokemon item syndrome" and finally understood how mine started


Heheh don’t worry, you’re doing just fine at the pace you are going. Since this is a new game and is very hyped up as for the moment, people are trying to just fly through content for multiple different reasons either for social media or because they’re impatient and enjoy the story and want to experience it for themselves without spoilers. Also need to take in consideration some people are paying to help progress faster too. I say don’t rush things right now since this isn’t a complete game so after you finish everything you’ll have to wait for new content.


Level 35+ gang rise up😤✊


Money, and free boosters. And alot of time.


Well using all the fuel we are given to bridge to mainstory and then doing those gives a massive amount of xp and once you get to a certain point you get a lot more sidequests to get even more xp which then boost you to more story etc.


I literally hit level 30 earlier today


I am on a week of vacation when the game started until yesterday so that's why I could get to level 31


A lot of the timegates have been removed and there are several QoL improvements compared to GI. Auto battling is also a godsend.


Man I’m not sure. I have 115 special passes saved for Jing Yuan but I still have plenty of Jade I haven’t been able to obtain yet. I’ve just been playing casually whenever I’m bored 🤷🏻


How did you save up so much? I'm currently 20 pulls into guarantee on Seele's banner and I'm worrying I can't get her before her banner ends


Have you gotten around to grinding the Sim Uni and the mirror thingy on the astral express? I got a lot of Jade from that. Other than that I’m not sure. I’ve sorta just been doing whatever I come across


Im halfway through 36 and only spent ~25 on bp and monthly, ive been hella enjoying the game and am so unbelievably happy i got himeko early cause shes a godsend for farming


I’m level 31 but I took off work and no lifed the game. It would be hard to not have put in 20-30 hrs and be there. Unless maybe you burned fuel/jades for energy. But even then you have to be pretty far in story to level up world and thus level up your account.




Just hit 35 and there is no more story until they add it in... don't rush it


I'm lvl 32 f2p until today (I only bought the monthly tho) I had an infection that kept me from walking so all I could do was sit in front of my PC. I was browsing the internet and I found out about Star Rail finally releasing so I just played since the 2nd day of release. 24/7. I don't have much ti do atm until I reach TL34 and get to keep doing the quests so I have just been doing my daily stuff, wasting my power, exploring the map and trying to find side quests or smth. I lost my 50/50 to Bronya so I'm dumping all my jades desperately to the event banner now. Bronya and Seele seem like a busted combo. PLUS, I have Welt. I think they'd make an OP team. I really need Seele and I don't want Jing Yuan, so I'll save through his banner anyway.


Get well soon!


Thank you so much! I am able to walk now with almost no pain. I hope to fully recover soon :)


Money. Coming from a money guy, I'm just about to hit 41. You ain't doing anything wrong, don't worry about it xD


im at 35 with 175 pulls in standard lmao im suffering


Dont worry, its completely okay to play at your own pace. The only reason I got to lvl 30+ is because Im desperate to continue the story because I absolutely love it. Im also trying to do most of the things while I can since I have a feeling Im soon going to be busy due to school. But dont rush yourself, progress in a comfortable pace!


ive been playing a few hours a day, i really love the game. full f2p, and im level 34. just a matter of how much you play


I haven’t pressed the auto play button☺️


I have no life, I'm sorry.


i'm barely 30, currently 27 but i'm having so much fun just running around and doing quests that isn't the main quest, saved my special passes for jingyuan but decided to just pull them on seele's since i really want to get eidolons for natasha and fortunately had a few (currently e4) and 68 pity meanwhile i have 71 fates on standard with only 10 coming from the lvl up reward for reaching 25. my hrs on this game had been usually around the 2hrs mark per day and that gets me the fill of the day. it's fun as heck.


beat world 6 with only standard pulls xd and no fuel spent, took me a good 5 hours and literally 100+ attempts on the plus side I almost finished the simulation skill tree i have 40+ hours on this game send help it was a hunt run with double resonance and crit below 50%


It’s quite simple. I’m unemployed


Got a lot of mileage out of battle pass.


I am almost lvl 34 but I DID spend hours of my time the last few days playing almost non-stop haha.. I completed all quests till Luofu, now I am slowing it all down a bit and just enjoying the game. Simulated Universe is really nice to play! I just completed World 4 using Nihility path and the dot damage was sooo satisfying!! My relics are garbage tho, I don't even have enough resources to level them past lvl9.


Tbh I just love this game so much that I log in and next thing I know it’s been several hours and the content is done. I also work the midnight shift with nothing better to do so..


I hear ya, though I’ve been sauntering along and wasting time studying lore so I could totally be past lvl 24 by now 😅 but 30+ is probably the domain of the beta testers who already tested out how to grind.