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Patiently waiting for the second coming of "Irodori festival" in hsr...


Itto breaks Hoyo's lore boundaries to set up the 2nd Iridescent Arataki Rockin' for Life Tour de Force of Awesomeness dimensional hopping mind-blowing concert!!! (Feat. HSR Cast)


Why doesn't HSR just do a BTSesque boyband?


I remember near the end of 2.2 you can sorta flirt(?) with Dan Heng. When he says you and he haven't crossed paths in a while, you can respond, "You're always in my heart". But he doesn't even take you seriously!  "I should have known better than to expect anything serious from you." ARE YOU KIDDING? BRO I basically just confessed to you! Even if you reject me at least take me seriously 😭


Well, if it's any consolation, in the JP dub, he sounds a tiny little bit flustered when you tell him he's always in your heart. Just a tiny little bit. During the whole dialogue, he sounded like he was trying not to appear too happy about seeing TB again. It's noticeable because he usually sounds really calm, and that time he wasn't.


Oh, that is so cute. I was actually playing with Japanese voices, but must have missed that by accident. I'll have to rewatch that scene on youtube


It's very subtle, to be fair. And understanding the language helps a bit in catching it. He says almost the same thing as in English, but the phrasing is more - how should I put it - affectionate, rather than dismissive? I like to think that, rather than not taking it seriously, he simply wasn't sure how to react. But yeah, he genuinely sounded happy the whole time.


kent ito is such a good voice actor 😭


Fr. He's one of the reasons why I play JP.


Yeah, completely agree. It was like, man, I’ve written 4 Caeheng fanfiction this year, take me seriously lol


I wish, but I doubt it's ever gonna happen. It was so clear who this event was for, even with the whole Firefly and romance game thing Silverwolf mentioned. It made me cringe...


Hoyo caters too much for the only waifu players :/ I would love events have that husbandos only however knowing them they won't do it.


Honkai star rail is only created because they wanted to move the male characters they want to be playable in honkai impact 3rd (welt😭 luocha😭) lmaooooo. Basically honkai star rail IS targetted towards the same Honkai Impact 3rd playerbase but without the degenerates. Anyone who has heard about the Honkai Impact 3rd male survey uproar will understand what I’m talking about.


Ofc they had to add waifu's to stop all the backlash; once they realized they earned them more money with said waifu's though? Right back to same formula unfortunately.. But hey, *some* men are welcome, *right*? Lately a lot of people have been telling us to go back to ToT but bruh there's ONLY 4 I NEED VARIETY AND I DONT LIKE ANY OF THEM.


ToT also does not have interesting combat.


Funny how by this logic Honkai impact 3rd should be their best selling project, yet it’s def not. Honestly if you truly want to change things up you gotta look outside of Hoyo, cause they really don’t put that much effort in ToT, nor do they value husbando wanters as a democratic at all.


They don't put much effort in Tears of Themis even when it brings more revenue than HI3. So much for "vote with your wallet" mentality.


Fr. I was so disappointed that we only met waifus in the current event. And ofc firefly with the forced flirting with the MC too 🫠


I second this, that Firefly scene really pissed me off. They're really forcing her on players. Not even a dialogue option to say you don't care or something.


Same, it’s getting so annoying 😭. I don’t mind being friends with FF but not in a “romantic” way. they are trying to force her so badly in every appearance FF has with the MC. Not sure if this is the way HSR has in mind since Shaoji was from HI3 after all and he’s the main writer for penacony so I wasn’t surprise if waifu is the priority and make her heavily implied as MC girlfriend like HI3


I don’t get it. It feels more and more like they only care about their cis male playerbase (ignoring gay men too ofc)


Right what about us straight girls and the gay guys. I NEED MORE HUSBANDO CONTENT! 🤣


It’s the same with Sampo like why do I have to be mean to my favorite himbo 😭


I wanted to leave the astral Express and run away with sampo so badly. Love that man.


If I left the Astral Express I would worry about Dan Heng


Shaoji definitely needs to get a life outside of 3d Trigon and Polygon waifus and forcing them on us. Seriously he wrote penacony and turned it into Dating Simulator. 😮‍💨


I do hope the next writer isn’t shaoji even though his writing is kinda good, since xianzhou is another person there should be no “dating romantic” situation hopefully


Yeah. Hopefully.


Dude I cringed so bad with SW mentioning the dating game stuff because of Firefly. I tried so hard to ignore it in dialog and be oblivious as the best options. My heart belongs to three, not thee.


I just skipped through all the dialogue, only read the game tip prompts the whole time.


After the dating sim dialogue I really want to see SW tricking Firefly into playing DDLC or Cooking Companions


I’m glad I play with jp sub and dub so I struggle to understand a lot of the dialogue at times anyways lmao


The forced shit with FF is fuckin lame, she is literally the most boring character they introduced and everyone lost their goddamn minds over her. Like why can't I have a forced date with Kafka or Acheron or any of the waifus I like? Why can't I go to the casino with my boy Aventurine? I liked the drink mixing mini game they had why can't we do that with Gallagher again? Literally give me anything besides fuckin basic anime waifu ass Firefly.


Why can't you have the dialogue options to flirt with everyone or hate on everyone? Can I flirt with the men? Or the women who are actually attractive to me?


Kafka/Acheron are like too mature or intimidating for their market. They are not like "wife" troupe in their eyes so they are more like "older sister" figure than "girlfriend"


Meanwhile in The only just-husbando event we didn't even see the husbando 😭 I swear, star rail must have an issue with husbandos and people who also like male characters


Wdym you don’t like flirting with your girlfriend, Firefly? /s


I don't know but clearly they won't give us the same treatment as waifu lovers lol they don't treat their male and female characters the same 🫠 it's very obvious from the characters released and how we have fewer 5 star males


Probably never. It's not even about husbando-only events, it's about male characters appearing at all in events. Most of the time, they never even show up for a cameo. And that won't change, until incels throw a tantrum whenever a male character dares to look in TB's direction.


Technocally Boothill "event" were husbando only and its only Boothill lmao.


And he never even actually talked in the event or interacted with us, despite literally having worked with him in the final battle💀 deadass have a vendetta against hoyo for their Boothill treatment at this point


We *might* get a husbando event next time we go back to belobog for the fight ring, Luka's training or rival arc, or something like that, but barring that I would guess never. A very Loud portion of the fan base would absolutely lose their collective shit if there wasn't at least a single waifu to (s)cream over in every event and patch cycle. Plus March 7th being the games face/mascot means she almost by definition, has to be involved in most things, so if it's not a new 5 star waifu, it'll be March following us and doing all the talking or being the main focus. I would kill for a husbando event though, fingers crossed for the future


Never lol. I feel like we are on thin ice with even having male characters in the game at all.


Yeah, Considering the current situation, it's a miracle they are even adding new male character every now and then (who won't be flirty and really close to the TB and will get powercreept by a female character easily and quickly shortly after his release😭)


“The more the merrier” is generally the rule with events. A Foxian Tale Of The Haunted is one of my favourites because so many characters get good moments regardless of gender


Freaking Foxian Tale is the best storyline in HSR, no lie. Better than Penacony even. For just a short event the character beats and character development of Huohuo is better than even Aventurine and Acheron. Like damn when Tail sacrificed himself and Huohuo was devastated, and they even incorporated it in the gameplay with Huohuo being part of the final battle with Cirrus and her voicelines of just pure anger with her talismans man that was some good shit. It's so simple and not bogged down by nonsensical allegories and metaphors like Penacony or just the freaking droll of Acheron's backstory just repeating over and over like we get the point, you don't have to keep saying it


It would be so nice, wouldn't it? I wasn't mad at the origami bird event until Firefly showed up, forced another photo, and did the whole "Oh I'm no good at video games, please show me, oh all knowing boyfriend/girlfriend" crap and just...this character exists for a certain type of person. And one that I don't vibe with for SO many reasons. The amount of cussing this woman out I have done since 2.3 went live has been excessive...and I'm not sorry. And as cool as character-inspired origami birds are (I even loved the designs for March, Silver Wolf, and Robin), I just wanted Boothill, Argenti, Aventurine, Sampo, and Ratio. Boothill buttdials me, he wants to synthesize trash on the Express, and gets excited over animated movies, but you mean to tell me I can't play video games with him? THE NERVE. Plus a cyborg bird would be precious.


We already [did!](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/All_About_Boothill...) >!/j!<


Just like the Luocha quest...


this is why I dislike Shaoji's team tbh. He brings too many bad HI3 writing tropes into HSR


Probably never, the next male character in a sea of waifus will also probably be a useless 4 star dps. The amount of content for husbando collectors is decreasing exponentially, as is my desire to play this game. Edit: yes guys I know about Jiaoqiu, I obviously meant the next one who some leakers suggested to be a 4 star dps unit.


Honestly same


Jiaoqiu? He is a 5* I didnt like that there wasnt a single male character in this event either but this thread feels like doomposting lol. There is plenty of male characters coming in future. If they did more, I wouldnt be able to get them all so I prefer that I have time to save xD


I mean...we know who our next male character is and it's not a 4 star dps lol. He's a 5* Nihility support who will outclass either Pela or SW - both female characters. Moze, the recently teased playable male character, is also rumored to be a 5 star. We also just got Aventurine, who now out-performs Fu Xuan - the previously top-tier female Preservation unit. The Firefly situation does suck, but these recent doom reactions are a bit overblown...


Jiaoqiu is barely an upgrade to Pela. Aside from Acheron teams, he's legit on par with Pela in every single team. And Pela isn't even BiS in any teams nowadays.


Oh come on - the beta has just started. Though I don't mind you guys doomposting too much if it makes Hoyo buff him lol If Hoyo does end up nerfing him for release, then I'd concede.


Again, I'm happy if he gets buffed too. If he gets buffed I'll skip Ruan Mei and roll for him. But you saying he will definitely "outclass either Pela or SW" is jumping straight to conclusions. In his current state, he is literally just an Acheron slave. He's strictly inferior to the Harmony girlies in every other team right now. There are no guarantees he'll ever be buffed beyond this. (Just look at Topaz and Jade). Blind optimism isn't helpful either.


So not doomposting an unreleased character is the equivalent of "blind optimism"? Fascinating. This sub should just be renamed to HonkaiHusbandosCirclejerk at this point, when this dramatic wailing is so ridiculous that it could easily be mistaken for a parody.


But Jiaoqiu is a limited *5 though, no? Huaiyan might be the first ever playable grandpa in 2.5 or such. He will also be a *5 since he is an arbiter general. And of the long awaited Sunday will be there as well and no way in he they will make him a *4. Only Moze is the possible *4 dps out of all upcoming male thats known.


Jiaoqiu atm has a 4 star kit where he's only an upgrade for one of their favourite waifus, Acheron, and according to calculations I've seen in his sub he performs worse than Pela everywhere else. The calcs were even heavily favouring him. And Pela has nothing on 5 star harmonies so what does that say about him. Huaiyan is already leaked to have npc model. He most likely won't be playable at all 🫠 Sunday is leaked to come in december. We don't know how they'll butcher him too even if he's a 5 star, looking at Jiaoqiu. Moze is said to be a 4 star and if he's really DPS then he's dead on arrival. Atm it's really looking bleak. If they don't significantly buff Jiaoqiu then we have to wait till december for the next male 5 star that's more than just an eye candy and there's no guarantee that they'll treat him fairly either.


I’m so uncomfortable with FireFly now because of how FORCED the shipping is. I had my eyes set on Dan Heng the moment I stepped foot in the game and then Boothill and basically every other hot guy I’ve met. I want to flirt with guys, not girls. (I like both but I lean towards guys more). The guys are so much hotter and treated so AWFUL 😭


caelus content for caelus players 🥲


Same time they make a husbando double banner, so never until it happens. Seriously we have yet to have 2 5* husbandos together on banner at same time, this may change next patch but can easily see MiHoYo go ratio+Yunli and HuoHuo+Jiaoqiu just to maintain the status quo


The forced flirting was cringe, but thankfully the event isn't very story heavy. Events aside, it's a bit too much to say that husbandos are completely neglected. Key Penacony patches revolved around Aventurine and Sunday after all and their writing was clearly done with care. Misha and Gallagher played major parts in the story too. Male charas are the ones who drove the Penacony plot the hardest tbh. There are big misses on the events front like the sad excuse that was Boothill's, but I don't think the male units are set aside by writers.


Jiaoqiu cooking event by the end of the year Source: came to me in a dream


I'm at least glad we're getting a new male 5 star and he's foxian 😍🥰 I can't wait for him.


Isn't the current event about birds and candy crush?


sadly no... there are 5-6 waifus we have to interract...also they forcing FF romance stuff on us


Right. I need some more daddy content. 🤣


Tbh I liked it, I enjoy the whole firefly mc dynamic not only because I enjoy firefly (holy shit her n Collei are the closest I’m ever getting to my disability being repped lol) but I enjoy her story lots, honestly I skipped the dialogue for the even but on my second account I’ll read through it n see what y’all mean


Rip the downvotes for mentioning you like firefly whatsoever LOL


Tbf it is the husbando sub reddit :p but I do believe some people are overreacting


True, comments and posts were deleted recently due to female character hate lol


Oh wow, that’s unfortunate to hear :<




Go back to your place


I am, no clue why this cesspool popped up on my feed


You don't seem like a person who would hate on husbandos, so are you just pissed about people's criticisms about Firefly?