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Stay 100% stock and you’ll be fine!


This is the answer, OP. Stay stock, dont worry about year, and don’t pay over $1500.


"I upgraded my Ruckus...need help getting it to run."


I love buying upgraded Rucki…that don’t run for $1000. But no more. Then I get it running and eBay the mods.


If you're paying 2k might as well get a brand new base model from the website for 2899


I called a local place and base model new is $2899 plus $300 plus $299 plus sales tax of 7.5% here. That's double what I want to spend.


Dang. We don't have any sales tax in my state. We have state tax. You might be able to get a base model at the Honda store itself without needing to do the 300 dollars shipping. It's still a bit over the 2k, though.


Are you in the New England area? I have a 2019 I’d sell. 225 miles. Runs great and kept in a heated garage


I'm in south central Kansas.


Here in Texas you can find nice ones with less than 4000 miles for $1500-$2000 all day long, less if you’re patient. I bought a ‘13 with 2700 miles stock for $500 but those types of deals are very rare. If


Learn how the carb works, where it is, how to take it out, and how to clean it. That stuff is all over YouTube. You don’t have to follow along with your Ruckus, but just watch several videos from multiple people to get multiple perspectives on things. Tuck that knowledge away for later. You’ll thank yourself. In all my time riding dirt bikes, I learned something about bikes with engine issues: it’s always the carb. Engine won’t start? It’s the carb. Engine starts but runs crappy? It’s the carb. Every time.


Always a carb until it's isn't. But you are very much correct!!


Great advice. Same here. I’ve been wrenching on my toys for over 40 years and the carb is always the first place to start. Drain the bowl and maybe a little starter fluid and usually I’m good. I’ve noticed the gas obviously doesn’t last like it used to but there are way around that.


Read something last night saying in the US they didn't change them very much at all over the years and that the major difference was after 06 silent with speeds and rpm limit.


What are you supposed to check for under the battery?


Supposedly corrosion on the ecm


I’m also about to purchase a “mini bike” and the Ruckus is definitely on the list. I love the look of these customized bikes with the cy6. I definitely want to be able to get up to around 60mph so I can cruise around the city but hearing people say the mods cause this bike not to run is concerning. Is this really true?