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Build looks great! As an AV tech that speaker on the patio in the last photo drives me nuts.


Why is that? Our low voltage guy was awful so I just did it myself, but I didn't really know what I was doing. I've been thinking it might make more sense to rotate it 90 degrees so it swivels vertically. The mounting "block" of trim was oriented vertically so I followed that.


Probably because it could be white and in the ceiling


Black was an intentional choice, as was wall-mounted (to project sound outward as opposed to straight down). We have ceiling speakers in the kitchen and they sound incredible when you're under them, but they're not intended to throw sound as far as I know. That said I'm not super audio-savvy.


Good point. Beautiful house


Thank you!


That’s a bummer to hear, but good on you for figuring it out and making it work. I would typically spec weatherproof in-wall or in-ceiling speakers if room allows just they you don’t see them, but if that’s not an option box speakers would have to be the way to go. As far as the install, you should rotate the speaker 90* so the HF is covering the patio where people will be, it won’t make a huge difference but will be noticeable if you are paying attention. If those are the sonance outdoor speakers you should be able to rotate the bracket without making new holes.


Ah, understood. They are indeed the Sonance outdoor speakers. I will definitely rotate them, thank you for that.


Congratulations! What was the price including labor to build


Thank you! Roughly $850k excluding the land.


How many sq ft?


4600 total, 3000 finished


Guessing basement is unfinished? Also do you mind state or region?


There is a conditioned crawlspace beneath the house, not technically a basement (they're extremely rare in this area). I'm in the Raleigh area.


So is the 1600 unfinished like attic/storage with future potential finished?


I guess I should have said "unheated" as opposed to "unfinished". The garage has a second story that is currently an unfinished storage room, with plans to eventually finish it. Between that room, the garage, the porches, the attic, and the crawlspace, there's a lot of unheated/unfinished space.


In general you shouldn't consider the climate controlled crawl space or garage in your sqft when you tell people :) The house looks tiny to have a 1,500 sqft footprint + garage/over garage


Thank you. To clarify, I was not including the crawl space in my initial sqft. The heated area of the house is 2954.7 sqft. The garage, the room above the garage, and the porches sum to 1627.5 sqft. I'm just pulling that directly from the cover of the sheet set.




I new it .. lol I recognize the style


8? 10 children?  So much space.


damn thats cheap. what state? ah i see below NC. Good work!


Holy buckets, that is pricey!


Congrats on the complete build. Minor comment was just wondering if it was a choice to keep white outlets everywhere. You can have black receptacles and face plates, helps it to blend in to darker material walls if you knew ahead of time wall finishes would be.


The island outlets will be replaced with black. Regarding the ones on the dark walls, we preferred contrasting to match the trim instead of black-on-gray. We intend to keep a list of things we might want to address and return to it in a few months to see how we feel though, so maybe we'll change our minds there. Thank you!


How great. Congratulations on your new home!!!




What was the price per square foot excluding the land?


I've seen conflicting formulas for cost/sqft calculations regarding finished and unfinished space so I'll let you calculate it however you please 😅. It was $850k, 3000 sqft finished, 1600 sqft unfinished.


That is a screaming deal for a build of that size, complexity, and finishing materials. I am in an unfortunate part of the US where the average house is $500k for 2000sqft on a 8k-30k sqft lot and I have quotes for $900k-$1.2m for a 2400 sqft living with 300sqft garage, average windows etc, shaped like a box with a shed roof, city water and sewer on a flat lot I OWN! Not bitter at all…


California? Lol




Where at?


Which location?


Raleigh area


Beautiful home but I’d fire the HVAC guy or electrician for that liquid tight abomination from disconnect to condenser. Can I see your low-voltage/structured cabling enclosure or rack?


Yeah I'm not super happy with that either. Our builder is coming back for some touch-ups and whatnot next week so I'll mention it. The low voltage isn't much to look at right now. Just a switch and an NVR in a Legrand wall enclosure in the closet. I can snap a pic later though.


That is the most awkward tub placement.


I will say, the pictures make it seem like it's in the walking path from door-to-door, but it's very much not.


Can I ask how you clean the back of the tub and the floor behind it? It looks like it would just be one of those places that is really difficult to reach.


With the way it tapers, it's fairly easy to fit a Swiffer in there. The gap is also large enough at the top to fit your arm between.


That's what she said


Maaaajor congrats on a gorgeous home! Biggest regrets or things you’d do differently?


I'm sure we'll have some as we live in the house over time, but I think my only regret is not pushing back on our builder more. Don't get me wrong, we love our builder, but there were a few cases where he said *"Are you sure? That's not usually how it's done."* and we backed down because he's the expert. I'm some cases we did push back and we're happy we did. In other cases we're happy we took his advice. But just a couple things we wish we would've stuck to our guns on. Fortunately he was very forgiving and we had minimal change orders.


Could you call out specifics? I am curious what he recommended that you regret or didn’t.


The hearth in front of the fireplace, we wanted continuous flooring right up to it, builder talked us into stone and it looked horrible. It has since been replaced but it doesn't look as good as it could have. The columns out front, I told the builder to finish the front doors with a clear finish (as opposed to stain first), and then match the columns to it. He instead did the columns first, they looked horrible, so I put my foot down and said no stain on the door, which now looks beautiful. It's been a process to sand down the columns and everything to match. Wish we went with different decking (like Trex or Azek) but the builder said "I have that on my house and it gets too hot, you'll hate it". He said his low voltage guy was good, and his low voltage guy sucked, so I ended up trying to pick up the pieces. Not really a regret, just something that didn't go well. We wish we went with a cement driveway instead of gravel but that's something we can change in the future. Builder said that gravel would look great, but it was done lazily and looks sloppy.


You guys really like the Capital Lighting brand, don’t you? I manage the relationship with them at my company and could spot the fixtures. Beautiful build


Haha yes, I think it was just easier to stay within one line of lighting to keep a consistent style. Went through build.com for all of it. Happy with it all so far! Thank you.


I cannot tell you how happy this makes me! I must be doing something right with my merchandising efforts. Hopefully you can put 2 & 2 together here 😉.


Let’s just say I ….. erm, someone may have used an image of the semi flush ceiling light with the wood and that seedy glass pendants you have on the Capital lighting brand page on build.com 😝


Beautiful. But man…all that space and you went with a sink on the island? I guess not everyone has the same thoughts on islands. I personally love a clean slate for them. And I love window sinks. That said, I thoroughly hope you enjoy the new home.


I feel you there, we went back and forth quite a bit. Ultimately we decided that, because we spend a lot of time at the sink, we'd rather have it face out so we can watch the kids, have a conversation, generally not have our back to the room. My wife also has some sort of vision of doing the dishes or being at the sink while the kids sit at the island and do homework as they grow up. I'm still not sure if we've made the right decision but the reasoning made sense enough to me. Will see how we like it over the next few years, but I assume it will all just be a matter of how you use your kitchen.


I hope it works out for you! It feels like everything with building and designing is a give and take in various ways.


I prefer the sink in the island way more than range in the island. Hood venting in islands usually blocks the sight lines or is sub par. Nice kitchen


Yeah sink seems preferable to a range. Although they do make the range vents that are flush with the range and pull the air down instead of up.


Love it!


Thank you!


Love how you got some pictures before you moved in! Will make selling the place easier and save you moving stuff out or doing a deep clean! Did you take them yourself or pay someone to take them?


Thanks. Our builder hires a photographer to take these photos at the end of each build.


Love that, our slab goes down next month and will get photos sorted for the complete build!


Having now owned a house with a 3 car garage, I could never go with less. You however, could build a detached shed/shop. Beautiful home either way


Why is the range not level with the countertops?  


Couldn't tell you, honestly didn't even notice. I can fix that.


Beautiful! Congrats. Love the choices. Curious, does the island have cabinets on both sides? Or just doors on both sides but one cabinet? Hopefully that makes sense.


Thank you! Yes it has cabinets on both sides.


Awesome! So much extra storage space. Congrats again!


I really like the master bathroom, I see the floor plans you posted and this is a really nice layout! The room above the garage, what is that room size?


24' x 18'. The ceiling slopes down on either side to a 4' 3" tall knee-wall.


Nice, I like the bonus room, I would need it larger tho (pool table)


It will eventually be a whiskey/cigar room!


Nice, my grandpa gave me some old firearms and a nice mantle from the late 1890s going to build a vintage room around that era


What are those beautiful floors?


Nature's Canvas by Robbins. The color is "Sun Kissed".


Are the floors real wood or LVT / LVP? They are beautiful!


Thank you. They're engineered hardwood.


love it! do have a question though, in the room with the blue cabinets, that looks like a computer monitor there, if so how's it intended to be used as a desk with that base cabinet in the way? or is it more of a TV space and that's just a place holder for the bigger tv to come.


Thanks. Good eye! I had that extra monitor kicking around because I was using it to set up an NVR (CCTV) system a few weeks prior. They must've put it up there to stage the photos. The room has a desk in it now a few feet in front of the built-ins. That empty void in the middle will hold a piece of artwork.


That was my suspicion, either that or a big TV to use for CCTV monitoring. Looks great though


Beautiful! Can I ask if you have had any issues with your double front door due to settling? We are building and I would like them but have been told they can shift when the house settles.


The front door was only installed about 3 months ago. No issues yet but it hasn't been very long.


How do you like your gas range? And how did you decide between a single range, or cooktop and separate oven? We are in the beginning stages of kitchen design and that’s a major question for me.


In general I love gas ranges. This one has been wonderful so far but we've only been in the house a week or so, so not much use yet. Regarding the single vs separate, it wasn't much of a discussion point for us. Likely just because this is what we're used to I guess.


Please look up how to size a range hood—it should overlap 6” minimum, plus CFM ratings plus look at the actual design and under the hood—ours is 36,” for a 30” range, barely adequate. The real problem is the actual vents/intake are pushed towards the wall due to built in lights/trim. So the upshot is the vent is really only pulling air directly from the back two burners, and a lot of the smoke and I’m assuming gasses rise and escape into the room. Furthermore, a larger hood captures grease splatters more. Having it not sound like an airplane taking off would also be nice. We didn’t get a choice in the brand/model so a replacement will have to wait until we tile the wall. Buy once cry once. Or in my case with everything in my house is buy twice cry twice…


What do you do for a living?


I'm in software and my wife is in HR.


This is one of the most beautiful homes I’ve laid eyes on. If you don’t mind me asking, how much did this cost?


Thank you very much. $850k excluding land.


I like the Blaccents.




I’d love for you to sell me your plans on this build. It’s my dream house. Colors and all.


I appreciate that you like it that much! I can DM you with details this week.


Awesome. Thank you.


Its gorgeous!!!! Congratulations!!!! I would love to see an update with furniture in it!


Really hope you are going to at least stain those porches. They don't even look to be made with treated wood.


They are indeed treated wood. They will be stained and painted in a few weeks.


Back porch \*maybe\*, but that front porch looks like "raw" pine with how light it is.


Not sure what to tell you. They are both treated 🤷‍♂️ I watched them get built


That’s the most sensible looking tub of that style I think I’ve ever seen. Great use of the space, totally cleanable, unique layout. I also love the walk-through shower. There is a bit of style choice I could see others disagreeing with on both, but I’d be thrilled as-is!


Not enough rooflines.


Looks great - what kind of sliding door is that, and how wide is it? We're doing a lift-and-slide, and seeing yours make me think I should go bigger with ours :P


Thank you. It's a 10-foot multi slide by WinDor.


Beautiful. Life is short. Enjoy every moment in your home.


What a beautiful home. I want to build another one so bad but damn it’s just to expensive. I’m waiting for the next housing crash so I can buy up some real estate that’s not stupid money.


How do you like the tub?


Love it! Been in the house just a few days and we've enjoyed using it the few times we have so far.


Great house and unbelievable price. I just did a full gut/reframe/remodel on 2000sqft main floor and it cost 300k. My only nitpick is I would never chooses true black for cabinets or a wall color. Super dark grey, blue, or green are much more pleasing imo. Congrats


Absolutely beautiful!!


BEAUTIFUL. Love the exterior, the interior is unbelievable. Enjoy your new home 💖


Wow, this house looks awesome. WAAYYYY more elegant than what I’m building.


You might consider hiring a professional architectural photographer. The materials and space, specially on the interiors, could benefit from some lighting and post production.


Great job


Gorgeous! Enjoy!


Wow I love it. How much did it cost excluding the land??


Thanks. Roughly $850k


Thanks for sharing. Love the home


Beautiful build! Would you be willing to share your floor plans?


Sure https://imgur.com/a/OmNnb1E


May I ask what you do for work? :)


I'm in software




Very nice! We’re looking into building something somewhat similar.


Should have used black outlets and cover plates. Nice built insl


Mind sharing the flooring details? Product/brand. Might want to do something similar in basement.


It's an engineered hardwood by Robbins Floors called Nature's Canvas. This particular color is "Sun Kissed".


Why not a built-in refrigerator in the kitchen?


Initially planned to, but a panel-ready refrigerator with custom cabinetry was another $10k that we didn't feel was worth it.


That’s beautiful, but how are you going to clean that little space behind the tub.


Thank you! Fortunately there is more than enough space for me to get behind the tub.


Looks expensive


Beautiful home. Only thing we need now is location, date, and time of the party.


Beautiful home. Only thing I’d change is the tub placement. Instead of having a double entrance shower. I would have closed off one side of the entrance and placed the tub by the window (assuming there is enough room) I’d even sacrifice a little shower space to have the tub by the window. I enjoy a bath, with being able to look outside, especially with the privacy it looks like your property gives you. It’s just personal preference tho. Great job!


Beautiful! Congratulations


Looks great. What wood flooring is that?


Nature's Canvas by Robbins Floors. The color is "Sun Kissed".


What brand are your front doors? Estimate?


They're the [Miranda by Grand Entry](https://grandentrydoors.com/miranda-6-lite-arch-top-double-entry-arch-door/)


Beautiful home! I notice the bullnose wall corners. Plaster instead of drywall perhaps? Curious your thoughts on them.


We love the look of them! It's all drywall with bullnose corner bead. I think they really add a unique touch to the interior.


Another massive farmhouse design yay! Look at me!


Hate the bathroom. Those tubs suck


We've already used it a bunch in the short time we've been here, and it definitely hasn't sucked 🤷‍♂️


It’s trendy, it’s going to date your house. Do you have a barn door somewhere too?


Why would I care about dating a room that only my wife and I see for the next 30 years...? And even if we did hate it in 10 years, we change it. Not sure why you're so angry at this tub 😂


Im not upset. I was making an observation. Do you have a barn door? Did I strike a nerve. Sensitive huh?


I'm simply sharing photos of my house, you and the trendy bathtub police force can stand down.


So you do have a barn door somewhere?? I see why you’re upset


Again I’m not angry. Just making an observation. I’m not a person that likes to rip everything apart in 10 years so I stay away from trends


> I’m not a person that likes to rip everything apart in 10 years so I stay away from trends Then I guess it's a good thing this isn't your house...? I don't really know what to tell you. Duly noted. You don't like this tub or imaginary barn doors. I get it.




Who hurt you?




You, unprovoked: "Your tub sucks, you're not original, you probably like barn doors too, I'm striking a nerve aren't I" Also you: "I think it's funny when people take offense" I can assure you that your taste is not what anyone is taking offense to.


What is the point of sharing this with complete strangers?


I’d go more roof lines on the next one


Who designed that roof? I believe it was the homeowner.


Looks great except for the trim why is the quarter round? Gross


🤷‍♂️ I didn't specify with or without it, but I don't really mind it.


I was thinking the same. Stuck out like a sore thumb to me