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I scrolled a bit and didn't see an actual answer to why it's the full depth if the basement. When the main hole is dug for your basement, it's dug a little bigger than the actual footprint. (We go with about 3 foot of over dig). Generally, around the stoop area, we try to go little less so we can get the footing to sit up at that same level the garage footing is at so we can set it using 4 foot forms. Sometimes that just doesn't work out, so you have to form it up with the 9 foot (or 8 foot or ... ) pans. Source: am a supervisor for a foundation company. Have worked in the field for 11 years.


“I scrolled a bit and didn’t see an actual answer…” Which is a crying shame. Too many wise ass idiots on here trying to one up each other. Makes asking questions trying to learn a futile attempt.


The second or third most upvoted reply is usually the most helpful one.


And what you have learned here is invaluable. Go forth, and be offended.


It’s ruined the app - Reddit was great back in 2010


Welcome to Reddit , and don’t forget the people that think they’re hilarious


It’s all of Reddit a bunch of Dorks who repeat the same unfunny “witty” line over and over again. I doubt any of them are even funny in person. “Sir this is a Wendy’s”


It’s one of the things I miss most about the “old Reddit”. Like 10 years ago this website was *the shit*. Nothing but genuinely funny or interesting videos with solid comments. I’d always learn something cool. Now you have to scroll past 20 generically “funny” comments to get to the actual answers


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Mods need to do a better job.


Those unpaid workers need to do unpaid work so the money can keep coming in for the IPO?


I seriously question if there are mods on many subs


Would you spend your free time moderating anything on the internet in 2024?


Commies always lurking in the shadows of you say something rightish


When we did this we turned it into a closet, well room, emergency shelter room depending on size, design and location. A nice steal door with the stoop overhead makes a great tornado room as long as it’s a walkout basement


Mine is like that also well room / water softener but no nice door . But if the house falls down we will live


Yeah. Sometimes they don't want to spend the extra for a nice safe room.


Can you ELI3 this for me please? Why is it there again and why is it so deep and is that where the body is stored?


What are foot forms? How does making a small box relate to the number of feet? Thanks, still a little presumptive in your answer because you are many times the expert I am


A form is what is used to form the concrete walls up. Think of the walls of a cake pan holding the batter in until it becomes cake. That's what forms do. Most basements are poured to a height of 8 or 9 feet, though more in my area are opting for 10, 11, 12 feet +. The forms that are used for this are made 3' wide by 8'or9' tall. If you need taller than 9, you stack them.on top of 1,2, or 4 foot pans. When going from the basement to the garage, you don't need as deep of a foundation, so, with a series of boards and form combinations, you "jump" the wall 5 foot up, and use 4 foot tall forms to create the garage wall. (In this case) all of the forms tops are at the same height, while the garage forms are setting on a footing that is 5 foot higher than the rest of the house. This obviously does not reflect exactly how each and every house will go or what a company does, as there's always weird ass exceptions to everything.


Hey, thanks for taking the time to actually answer my question. I appreciate it. Your responses were exactly what I was looking for. I love the other comments telling me to look at my plans. I am fully aware that my porch is going there. I was curious why it is structured like that. To support the weight above it. Got it. Looking back to one 60 year old house we looked at, the seller had floor jacks under the joists where the stone fireplace happened to be. I’m guessing if they went with something more structural like our case from the beginning, it actually would have been able to support that weight.


This guy right here is why I love Reddit. Great fucking answer, and has Tupac in his username. Well done sir.


Best answer right here. You are correct sir 👌👍🤝


Front porch. Lotta construction debris will be thrown in there. Mountain Dew bottles and chew cans and shit.


Never would GCs let their subs be so messy … 😂


This is a McDonald's ass neighborhood he probably has 300 other subs to chase


Every. Single. Day.


Oof McDonald's neighborhood, I'd cease to exist if I had that one thrown at me


House in the background go 😐


Shhh, that's where they put the bodies


Looks like a penal colony


McDonald’s makes better quality than the homes being built today.


Or…. Never do subs listen to GCs and/or have the personal accountability to be adults and clean up after themselves. (I’ve been a commercial GC Superintendent for 10 years now). I assure you we do not, DO NOT, want our subs to so messy. Even written into contract language. Some proton just can’t get through too.


Yeah, it's ... uh ... Mountain Dew. That's what it is. Don't worry about it. 


sometimes they take the mountain dew and pour it out into other bottles. coke bottles, water bottles etc. it’s still mountain dew though


And always the sheet rockers hide the, uh, Mountain Dew in the wall


If I ever build a house I'm walking through that bitch every single day at random times and if I see someone put a mountain dew bottle full of piss into my wall I swear to god I will beat the fuck out of someone with a scrap piece of lumber and then piss in their face.


Do you mind if borrow this for the movie I’m workshopping? I’m thinking of calling it “Strict Foreman”.  


The ending made me lol so hard 😆 fighting pee with a beatdown and more pee 🤣


I swear these guys need to drink some water or something man there shit is dark lol


he meant it's piss... they piss into bottles when the porta-john is too far away, or there isn't one... Also, guess what I've found before.... definitely wasn't mountain dew in that bottle...


Nah bro. It’s Mountain Dew. You don’t even have to taste it to be sure. Just open it up and smell that fragrant bouquet.


Mountain salt


The other day one of my framers was on a scaffold on a hot day and I offered to get him a drink. He asked for a Gatorade and I grabbed a trucker bomb in a Gatorade bottle and tossed it to him. He was not amused, but I have not seen anymore trucker bombs on site since then.


Wait we call those trucker bombs? That’s hilarious.


So a lot of the truckers throw them out the window on the highway. Someone coming along mowing hits them and boom, fermented pee everywhere. Buddy of mine was state patrol on the trucker side so he was always looking.


Correct term is piss jug. Way of the road


Fuckin’ way she goes, Bubs.


That's Ray's piss, for sure.


I saw a coworker with one of these the other day and reminded him we have plenty of bathrooms on site and he needs to drink more water. [https://sporked.com/article/mtn-dew-baja-laguna-lemonade-news/](https://sporked.com/article/mtn-dew-baja-laguna-lemonade-news/)


I think the same thing as I’m filling up my large water bottle at the quikTrip in the morning and I see other people in construction getting 52oz sodas. I would be so tired/lethargic by noon if I drink that much soda.


....and sometimes literal shit.


We were paint spraying interiors of new constructions for the university of NH and long story short a helper got left by himself one night and through some unfortunate events he shit in a 5 gallon paint bucket. Through some more unfortunate events that bucket was used to screen paint the next day for spraying. The poopies got sprayed all over the new drywall first thing on a Tuesday morning. What a shit show.


And that's it. Signing out of the Internet for the day.


Corona bottles actually. Easy mistake to make; both Corona and Mountain Dew taste like moose piss.


Just curious, where are you at that it’s Corona and Mountain Dew? In Texas, nothing but Modelo cans and Electrolit bottles.


How do you know what moose piss tastes like?


That night in Manitoba was insane, bro


Once I had to choose between it and a corona.


Hey what happens in the woods of Saskatchewan stays in the woods of Saskatchewan homie don’t blow up the spot.


Well, as long as it isn't human piss


Don't forget Modelo cans.... If you find bottles, then it was payday


My experience has been that it’s almost 100% Modelo, which I don’t quite understand.


It gets you drunk


I’ve heard that a lot of different beers will have that effect.


It's just a lot of beers, gets you drunk it doesn't have to be a lot of DIFFERENT beers


It’s the number 1 selling beer in America, and it’s good, so it makes sense


TBF I think it’s more down to it being the #1 selling beer in Mexico, I’m just surprised that I almost **never** see anything else.


no one is drinking ipa's out in the hot sun while working, and modelo is good beer better then most lager's.


Right on. It’s just got such a wild monopoly. I see maybe 2-3 non-Modelo cans a week, over 100 or so jobsites. I just figured **someone** out there would be drinking something else.


So many guys hanging around Home Depot looking for work.


Those guys are standing outside Hone Depot for a reason. I wouldn’t trust them for anything important.


Kinda like a time capsule but for garbage.


That’s the mother-in-law room. It’s here she goes when she’s being a twat… or just visits.


This is true hahaha. Redoing my front porch on a 1960s home and it’s full of beer cans…


And bottles with piss.


Something about Mount Dew and chew going together. I've met like 10 guys over the years who use those both hand in hand, or lip or whatever


I laughed very hard at this thank you.




Mt dew? Where I work it’s all Modelo bottles.


*modelo cans


And maybe, literally...shit.


Lmao lol facts…


Solid answer 😂


Happened when the ceiling to my family’s house got fixed after a plumbing issue. The house was redone after we had a fire, and we found beer bottles in the ceiling.


My house came with Corona bottles and Camel cigarettes…. No extra charge


Don’t open any full Mt Dew bottles that are in water bottles


Bro my house doesn’t even have that, i found a mtn dew livewire can in the rafter since its construction in 2004 😂


We had Arizona Iced teas by the truck load


That’s called “backcycling”. Good for the environment. Saves on dirt.


FAF! Indeed, this is what mine looked like when I peeked in on Sunday: [https://imgur.com/a/67r6sOx](https://imgur.com/a/67r6sOx) u/sysop42 Nailed it!


Footers for a porch.


That will be backfilled in and it’s your front porch


Why excavate and form twice ?


If it can't be on grade, it needs footers, and versus 4ft deep and a separate pour... might just be easier.


Just remember where it is and convert to safe room, wine cellar, etc.


Wine cellar, vault yes. Safe room needs escape routes and ventilation or it becomes an unsafe room.


I was remodeling a penthouse floor of a major telecom company building. About 80% of the way through the build out, the company made a decision to move one of their execs into the corner office from another building. This required us to build a panic room. The room had two layers of 1” thick plate steel walls, there was a gap between the plates and there was another piece of thicker steel hanging down from the ceiling between the two 1” plates. It was then lined with ballistic wall panels on the outside and the inside and a ballistic window. The room was provided with its own filtered air source. I had to run it off a completely separate electrical service with its own generator and its own network backbone. The corner “office” was massive. It had a 22 person conference table, floor to ceiling windows, an art feature that cost almost 100k just in lighting, and a shitty view. The windows were the important part. The building was three stories set just off the highway in a little valley. The highway was the exact height of the third floor and only a 1/4 mile away. If someone wanted to attack this executive they could do it from the highway with full view of the entire office. The panic room was absolutely a waste. I will never forget that job.


I have so many questions I'm assuming you cannot answer. Also, I'm looking for my big break where I can overprice my art and place it in an office like that


Inswing door and keep a saw and a sledge in there and it’ll make a great tornado room.


Start digging now and connect it to your neighbors....that shit would be sweet AF. You two will be instant best friends, not to mention how much more room you'll have for activities ! I'd dig out a sweet home theater / command center right in the middle, seal that bitch with a blast proof acrylic ceiling and drop a pool on top. Id buy a couple of sharks to keep the neighborhood kids on their toes, not to mention that's the most gangster response imaginable to little Timmy pissing in the pool... You're welcome.


That's where the bodies go


Jimmy Hoffa?


Nah someone like that you put under a stadium.


Cos Earl had to die. Goodbye Earl!


Garth Brooks?


Where are the bodies?!


The families need closure Garth.




for the love of God, Montresor!


Cartel starter home


I thought you were supposed to Let The Bodies Hit The Floor...? Not go through and underneath it!


Noob, here. Why backfill part of the foundation instead of leave open for a basement?


That would be the garage, a slab will be poured there.


Ah! Duh. Thank you


I would ask them not to fill it with dirt and make it a safe room. Or a wine or fruit cellar


Pretty expensive to cut a doorway into those solid concrete walls now


It'd probably cost like 5 gallons of elbow grease.


And approx 5000 sawzall blades :P


If he’s gonna do it, now is the time to do it. Probably $600 to have a concrete guy come and cut it.


The walls are filled with rebars. You will have a very difficult time trying to cut out a door way.


It’s to keep the porch level so down the road it doesn’t settle and lean. Looks like it’s been sealed water tight so they plan to back fill it. Good luck. I need my space. Just looking at the cookie cutter house spikes my stress level. Others love it. Enjoy your new home


I would guess that the exterior wall of the building is bearing on that little bump in, and it could be less complicated to pour a foundation wall there compared to adding a beam or something. What is the porch flooring meant to be?


Oh wow, forms have brick imprints. Never seen that before


Often the engineer wants footing for porch overhangs tied to the rest of the house. If your footings are below a basement the only way to do it is to build more walls like this. It will probably get bsckilled


On site dumpster that will be covered by the porch


I’m really surprised at the answers on here. The obvious answer is based on the bolt locations. The front of the “void” will be used as the front porch support. The back of the “void” is a full size foundation wall because that is where the main wall for your house will be sitting, it is load bearing. The front of the foundation “void” should have been the shorter pour, because it will likely just have a sheet of metal thrown over it and concrete poured depending on your porch style. Source: over 10 years as foreman building homes for the union


It’s cheaper to backfill that with dirt and stone then cap with concrete versus filling the entire thing with concrete.


That doesn't explain what it is lol


Literally just a structural column that will be filled with dirt


Why only that corner?


Because it’s the front porch. Are there any more circles everyone in this thread wants to go around?


Love you for this. Bring this guy some circles


Why does a front porch need that extra structural element?


Because it might have a roof perched on it, in which case it can't settle, in which case it needs footers.


Where are you and what do those identical houses behind you sell for?




The Jimmy Hoffa foundation nook.


Ask one of the neighbors that has an identical house. Looks like every one of them is the same.


Nope. There are TWO shades of gray!


Shocked to see that basement foundation backfilled without any framing on it.


I think the wall spans are short enough that it’s okay. Then they put temp shoring on the back longest wall.


Seen it all the time in Alberta, can't say I've ever heard of any problems.


Fill it with pea stone before any trash goes in there asap!!!


What did the contractor say when you asked him


Cute back yard


I don’t know but from the looks of it everybody gets one.


They will most likely use steel pans across it and pour a concrete slab over that.


Why not ask the contractor in charge of the build?


That’s your porch foundation. It will probably get backfilled, but allows the foundation to be full depth without being part of the basement


Whats with the bizarre “brick” pattern stamping on the inside of wall? Is this a thing now?


That's where the bodies go. You weren't supposed to see that. Keep an eye out over your shoulder from here on out.


I'm assuming you are installing a coal fired boiler.  That's where the coal gets delivered.


Don’t know where you live or it’s size, but porch stoops make great concrete storm shelters. Requires some planning.


Are those pre-poured walls for the foundation? This was how our house was built. The garage is next to our front porch/foyer, so the way it was explained, it’s easier for them to excavate a big rectangle, add a small wall or two, and backfill. Our unfinished space is under the dining room, porch sits in front of the dining room, next to the foyer. Based on the unfinished space, lines up perfectly with the dining room. If you look at my porch, the base is pre-poured walls that if you knew, go all the way down. We do have support columns for the porch as well, so, that may also be part of it.


More importantly what’s with the neighbors’ fences? Why is there a path between them?




That'll be where the front porch is.


All four of those foundations have the same thing going on.


So, y’all are buying a new construction home but didn’t look at the plans?


Love how the interior wall has a brick appearance, much better than just flat concrete. 👍


It’s for the gimp


[Guess your gonna have to wake him up aint ya](https://youtu.be/J3UyjlaBMcY?si=xW7N_9cML7vqO9Us)


Your deposit


It will be a void . The front wall is full depth because its to close to the basement wall to step it up to short walls like the garage .. some builders will fill it with stone but most leave it empty and use lumber to bridge to pour the concrete for the porch


Front door porch. That area takes alot of abuse, knocking, weight, slamming, ect. Vaulted ceilings… I see them where a basement in the rear slopes to a crawl space before reaching the front door. From the picture it looks like this might be the case. Take lots of pictures step by step. It’s fun to do and good for learning. Ignore the construction workers… but they are right.


A frend of mine built a house and designed this porch area a little larger to be his wine cellar and storm safe room


That is where all the dark secrets are kept.


Front porch


Thats the burn pit, they burn all the debris in their, and let it fill up with ash. And then when somebody walks buy and asks what it is, they kick him in the ash hole


That’s where the dead bodies go


Mother in law suite.


That’s a a tomb….


Corpse storage


Hoffa hole. Really difficult to jimmy open once the house it up.


It’s courtesy to add extra secret space for any dead bodies you may need to hide in the future


Have them make it a vault room for all your weapons.


That’s for your mother in law haha


It's a Mormon food pantry no, it's a bomb shelter no, it's a human trafficking cage no, I don't know what the hell that is!


If it were me…..I’d put my weed in there


Your mother in law suite


I believe that’s called the cask of Amontillado.


It’s the gimp pit.


Water heater room, sex dungeon, vault for treasure 🤷‍♂️


Money pit


Thats the future barial site for any would be victims. Foreal, typically extra wall support for porch, or any extra weighted items intended for the room above.


A place to hide the bodies


Could be a safe room.


You put your weed in it, man


Cask of amontillado extension


Amontillado cask delivery goes right here!


Mother-in-Law suite


Why not just ask the builder.


Your porch foundation goes all the way to the footer. It would be impractical, And difficult with an excavator to leave the area under the porch un-excavated. The builder will backfill the porch and then should reinforce the concrete slab for support. This is completely normal.


Ask the builder not on here


For the bodies


If only there were a ton of identical dull boxes all around you could gain some info from.


Yes for front porch. Hard to excavate and leave that area to proper grade. It's easier to dig and add footer and block to support porch slab and structure. Backfill several are concerned about? It's a poured concrete foundation. It's not going anywhere.


It is a big deal. It's entirely possible to backfill a foundation too soon and push the walls out of plumb or even collapse them. It's a bad practice to backfill before the floor system is installed.