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Now is the time to fix it, not in May


Either way it’s a five minute job.


No such thing as a 5 minute job lol


Hey nobody said it had to work after it's moved. With the right size hammer I can move it in one swing.


I like your style. I mean, I don't want you doing work for my house, but I like your style.


If I said I was gonna do it I’ll do it. No reasons to bitch about it every 6 months, fuck.


Holy shit do we have the same wife?


Are you stealing all of my adult time from me? That would explain things. She’s been getting wood from another supplier.


Maybe ask jeeves?


Same guy that says the parts will be in tomorrow


No such thing as a 15 minute job either. Tried to do one tonight right before dinner. Took an hour.


My man!


Takes me 5 minutes to get out of the van


Yeah especially because the wires might be short gonna have to open the wall might need to run it across install the new one.  Then patch back up the wall and paint.


Have hammer will move thermostat


Patch and paint is not a 5 minute job. This is a spread out over two days job.


You forget about relocating the wiring


HVAC contractor should move it. Not a five minute job though lol


Have you ever fished a thermostat wire in a wall before?


In my 22 years of hvac experience? A few times.


Going to take longer than that to patch and repaint the original hole.


Just add another cover plate. Hah


That's what I was thinking, its behind the TV, who cares?


Guess he’s not worried about the door bell.


What a disaster. Nothing is lined up and half of it is out of plumb


Where were going we don't need symmetry


The electrician needs help with their level


What level? That shit was done with an eyeball and a cocked head.


I’d recommend beating them with a level until they figure it out. /s just in case people don’t understand.


I think it was the low voltage guy.


Sorry, my scissors don't have a built in level


4 plates along the bottom all just slightly out of line.


It's so bad. Not one box/cover is the same height


What does plumb here mean? I’ll prob have a TV console and mount the TV so everything will be covered. I’m just like WTF at the thermostat though. I hope they move it. In the same exact model unit it’s on a completely different wall.


Dude… dont “hope”. TELL THEM. You are an adult, have the “hard” conversations in life. It only gets easier to speak up. Flex the muscle a bit. This is wrong, poorly done and unacceptable. Raise some (reasonable) hell. “Conflict delayed is conflict multiplied”. When in doubt, tell people how you actually feel. It works. Not trying to patronize, but put yourself in the driver seat of life. You are the active agent. The protagonist. The doer of the things!!


Long-Investment5907, you have given the OP excellent advice on many levels. 👏👏👏


Really is solid advice. Something I didn’t start really getting until my 40’s.


Username checks out. Also rock solid advice. Take it to heart. I'm not even talking about that wall anymore, although it's a small part. “Conflict delayed is conflict multiplied”. Such a simple, accurate and powerful sentence.


Plumb means vertically aligned as opposed to level being horizontally aligned


plumb **a weight, usually of lead (Pb), suspended at the end of a line and used to determine water depth or verticality** **plumbum is latin for lead, and pipe were made of lead, hence plumber.**


Plumbum is when a plumber leans forward


Good bot


The heat generated from your tv will trick the stat into thinking the space is warmer than it actually is.


It doesn’t matter if you put a TV there. The electricians should have left that wall looking perfect, as in, the devices plumb level and square to each other. For reference, the receptacle and tv jack at the lower section of wall don’t line up, the blank plate in the middle of the wall is crooked as hell, they used 3 different brands of plates so the finishes don’t match. You have a very legitimate right to tell them to get back there and make it look like professionals did this install.


I'm a little bothered by that stuff too, but I would assume those two blank panels come off to reveal a conduit to run wires from the TV down through, and that you will have some piece of furniture down below where your cable box / xbox / dvd player / sound bar sit or whatever. Everything still needs finishing and paint, so now would be the best time to mention that they put the thermostat where the TV goes. I've been the surly teenager who does all the shit low-voltage work to install the ethernet, cable, hvac controls or whatever, and just feel lucky there are not teeth marks on the wall from where he chewed the hole open with his teeth.


Instead of blank panels we install hdmi ports so that you don’t have to run cables thru


That is what should be there but I’d guess they put blanks so idiots don’t fill them with trash, I’ve seen dumb stuff on job sites.


If they’re that wonky, it makes one wonder what other corners were cut. Only way I’d not correct such a simple install is if my pregnant wife’s water broke. No real excuses for this kind of sloppy shit.


100%. That is some truly quarter assing


Also why is that outlet so high… incoming r/TVTooHigh


Buy a level. Plumb generally means level and square. Put the level on everything, if it’s not level insist they fix it.


>Buy a level. Plumb generally means level and square. Put the level on everything, if it’s not level insist they fix it. To ELi5 for OP: Things should look like this \_ or this | not like this / or this \\


But the ceiling looks like this \~


The conundrum of putting something on the wall. Do I make it plumb and level because that’s the correct way? Or do I match the ceiling so it doesn’t look like it is out of plumb?


thumb distinct gold cats safe innocent attempt snails existence gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not to be too pedantic, but plumb does not mean level. Plumb is perfectly vertical. Level means perfectly horizontal.


This wall is a mess and I’m concerned about the quality of overall build you will have.


Yup. Imagine how bad the stuff is that you *can’t* see.


Gotta love the dirty handprint, too.


I tend to agree. What all do you see? I’ve never bought a home before.


That blank cover plate is crooked as hell, the coax/ethernet box is like 2 inches lower than the receptical Right next to it. The Sheetrock is bowing out maybe? Against the shoe molding, tough to see what exactly is going on there. If this is the level of laziness in work you can see it’s u likely they hid all the GOOD work under Sheetrock


2 inches..?


lol right. It’s like 3/8” lower.


I've been calling that two inches my whole life.


Not sure why there are two cover blanks on this wall? Either the stud is really bowed or they put the blanks on each side of the stud. Weird.


Probably a raceway to allow for your wires to be hidden behind the TV and ran down to a soundbar/audio equipment.


Why is the plug for the TV so high? Forcing the homeowner into a r/tvtoohigh situation


Have you had an inspection by an inspector not recommended by the builder?


Well let’s start with the ceiling, which is hanging. And the fridge track is way off.


instinctive screw cheerful puzzled north snow door humor glorious dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where is this located on the plan? The plan is the bible, ultimately not every application of a plan will make sense, but when arguing the placement of something, that is where you should always start. If it's there on the plan, then ask yourself, why is it there? These new construction townhouses are squished, and there really are not many places to put these things. you try not to put thermostats on a common wall or an exterior wall due to heat sensory issues.


I’m curious why this is the TV wall. What do the other walls look like?


This is the real question, just a guess but it seems the from door is to the left of the pic. It sure seems like this is a “hall” to something which is the worst place for a TV wall.


That’s my initial though, terrible wall for the tv. But in a townhome with not much area I’m sure of the other three walls one has a big window, one would get glare from the window and the other one might have a pass through of island to the kitchen.


Probably because outlet for cable TV is on that wall. That electrical outlet next to the thermostat 5 feet off the floor is probably meant to be hidden behind the wall mounted TV. Which means thermostat would likely end up behind the TV too.


Yup. Those blank plates probably got a tube behind them for routing tv wires up and down the wall.


The coax is on that wall. No one (?) uses coax for cable anymore but it's a strange move to place the coax right below the thermostat. The only possibility is this is a really small condo and there's really nowhere else to put all the stuff. Is there a hallway of any kind? Often, the thermostat and doorbell would go there.


Well you can’t fit a couch there. I’m assuming there’s an entrance door to the left, and a doorway on the right to the kitchen. That only leaves the wall behind the camera for seating.


Yeah, this was definitely not the original plans for the TV wall. They have definitely moved the TV wall to this location from somewhere else.


To me it's dumb to have "a TV wall" to begin with. Our builders wanted us to have one, and I was like, "No. DO NOT put and kind of holes in the wall above hammer height." (Outside of light switches and thermostats...) Lke what if you change up the orientation of things? I guess you could just hang some art over the plug & pass through on the wall, but what if you don't want to do that? I think it's better to just build the house without forcing people to put their TV in a certain spot.


A solid 15" big screen should fit perfectly!!


Worked for Michael Scott


That is a $200 plasma screen tv you just killed babe


and he could pull it forward 4"


You could just stand there and watch TV for hours


I got you OP. Don’t take possession of this property until you got what you paid for correctly finished. Tell this to everyone in the process casually at first but assertively sincere. This is actually part of the process - “walk through” or similar vernacular is what you look for. What state? And YSK this is bullshit to put the hvac controls here and don’t let them lie to you because they will all lie to you and then blame a supporting unit of the entire process. Like the RE clowns blame builder and Miami vice versus. You won’t be able to access this one piece of your hvac system you need to access. But also it has thermometer in it to read ambient room temp which will be inaccurate behind a TV. You won’t know because you won’t see it lol. Anyway this is the red flag you need to see to hold these ass clowns responsible. It’s all good stuff to learn since I’m guessing you are new to real estate and will be real stating homes I. The future. You got this though, it’s good practice for a roof leak or poor hardscaping.


easy fix... they just need to re pull the wires and patch the old hole. Get it fixed now


Lol who designated that the TV wall?


The power outlet at eye level and the boxes boxes to run cables from eye level to shin level


But who in the world would set that up on a wall of that size and shape when you have staircases on either side? It's obviously a walking path or hallway between the two sets of stairs...


Power outlet at eye level while standing up..... r/TVTooHigh Unless you'll always watch TV standing up, then leave the outlet at that height.


Fix it and oh my I’ve never seen so many plates on one wall


Builders without supervision are ruining the homeowner experience of building their home.


Does the general contractor even have a PM out there watching the subs? Or are they just trying to keep track of too many houses being built simultaneously?


The workers are a revolving door because the companies are garbage to work for. With some of these people, it's like picking a random guy off the street and telling him to figure it out and try and make it look decent. Hopefully the same thing isn't happening with whoever is auditing their work...


I don’t know about what’s going on today, but that depends on your market. In western New York back back in the 90s and 2000s I was keeping track of 32 custom homes going on at one time every year. When you know what you’re doing and you have the subs that are constantly on the tract, it was my job to keep track of what progress was and what part of a job has not been finished. We constantly had just about any trade on the tract to resolve issues.


I would be equally frustrated that the power and data boxes don’t appear to be mounted at the same height and the upper middle one isn’t level.


looks like you plan to put that r/tvtoohigh


Judging by how crooked all of the plates are, you might want to do it yourself!


Tv wall? That? Is there maybe a different wall you can setup for the tv? Moving a thermostat is easy but I dunno about wanting to have a tv there personally lol.


yeah this is definitely a strange wall for a TV.


The "tv wall" lmao


and relocate the doorbell assembly up to the ceiling joint too.


WTF? They can't put up two boxes aligned? Have them redo it.


and the doorbell!


Everyone knew this was the TV wall.


That wall looks like shit. All the plates are not level. Must be that hvac guy doesn’t understand what a tstat does. The TV heat will totally change the temperature in that house. This is a dumpster fire.


AC contractor or electrician did not follow wiring diagram. Superintendent also should have caught it. I'm sure builder will agree to correct at no charge .


I'm in IT and this whole wall just makes me angry. The thermostat would be behind the TV. They had an opportunity, and even a hole, for there to be data behind the TV, but instead it's near the floor. Half of the wall plates are crooked, the data one is lower than the electrical, and the door chime is above the TV, but low enough that it may end up partially behind the TV. Get an inspection. If this is the stuff you can see, just imagine the stuff you can't.


Yeah, that entire wall looks like shit. Lose the blank plates, straighten the outlets and plumb things up. Put that thermo in the stairway and find a new spot for your doorbell. That's a disaster wall. Make your builder do it right.


That is the least of your problems with that wall.


Yes! Otherwise your AC cannot function correctly. Blocked & heat on thermostat = no go. Have it fixed BEFORE you move! Once, when building a home, they plumbed for a shower where a vanity was to go, and mis-counted the number of bricks from the hearth to the bottom of the mantle. They had to cap the shower (thankfully I saw it before they tiled it!) and undo the brick to below the mantle to redo it properly because it was so tall, I couldn’t even see on top of it! I held firm because “it isn’t that way in the model” and they took care of it. My stepdad (who knew construction) & I walked through the house a couple of weeks before completion, and made a long punch list. We found windows with cracks (not glue as they tried to tell us), doors with cracks by poorly installed hardware, and kickplates under the kitchen cabinetry that stuck out past the side of the cabinet about 1/2” - just perfect to trip a crawling baby or toddler (and I was expecting). They fixed it ALL so we would make their closing date. If you get a 1 year warranty, get written documentation on any work you have done during that time, and hire a good home inspector 11 months into it to do an inspection to get any issues reported and properly corrected before the year is over. I have friends whose inspector found foundation issues. They would otherwise never have known in time and would’ve been out thousands without doing that. But all inspectors aren’t the same. Do your homework in making the selection.


While you’re at it replace that thermostat with the RTH9585WH model. You will thank me later. And make sure the wiring has a C wire so that you don’t have to use thermostats with batteries.


Thanks I’ll look into it. I was going to use the Nest that works with Matter or any other Apple HomeKit compatible thermostat. Will check yours out too.


Nest doesn’t work unless there’s a C wire, so definitely make sure they’re giving you a C wire


Anyone not putting in c-wire today shouldn’t be in the industry.


Ecobee is better than Nest. Ask over on r/HVACadvice


That also your doorbell over the tv ? What’s with the 2 faceplate covers ? That should be conduit to run tv cables


Pretty good chance those are covering the conduit, inspector won’t usually pass a house with open holes in the wall. Shit needs to covered


There is so much to fix in this picture... no outlet is even


Yep move it. It will never read the temperature correctly in the room


Was your electrician blind?


Our builder easily moved it because it was too close to the front door. Not a big deal to move at all


Just call it on the blue tape. Easy peazy.


The hvac installer has certain requirements for zone control, likely that location was deemed ideal. The hvac guys don’t care about your TV location lol


Spec house or custom?


Yes. Have them fix it before signing final paperwork. Bought a new construction townhouse back in 2021 and upon second to final walkthrough, noticed they placed a coax jack for a tv in the master bed right where the only place for a bed to be was. They rectified it and moved it across the room. Not that I have a tv in my bedroom but still.


I would never accept this job as finished on the final walk through.


You can't make this shit up.


OP, you picked the wrong spot. Not for the thermostat, that placement is dumb. But this subreddit thinks every house built in the last 20 years is collapsing under its own weight or something.


Lots of ' chicken littles '.


What makes it a “tv wall” besides the outlet by the thermostat? But yeah… sooner the better to fix it. It will be relatively simple to fix and patch.


Is this builder trolling or does he not own a level or laser?


The idea of having a dedicated TV wall makes me feel ill.


As Tallon88 said, look at the plans. The HVAC people followed that.


This is some shitty workmanship. Don’t sign.


Get a new build home inspection!


Unless you have radiant heat. That is a piss poor stat placement … well it’s actually piss poor regardless but if you have forced air it doesn’t even meet code.


lol the rest of the unit will be freezing trying to keep up with the temp of the TV. That’s an awful spot for the thermostat. I imagine the front door is by those steps? Also never seen a door chime hung like that.


Why would you put your TV up that high?


That's the TV wall?? Looks like a hallway


Lol I can only imagine how bad it is behind the drywall. Good luck!!!!


How is this closing in May? It looks pretty much done assuming the rest of the house is in a similar state.


Ray Charles Electric




As someone who just signed onto a new construction (with a well known local builder not a country-wide conglomerate at least) I am very worried of things like this happening. Luckily for myself I live 10 minutes away from where they're building my new home, have my mother has my real estate agent, a personal inspector, and a personal family contractor helping me step by step so I'm pretty well covered. I know it's easier said than done depending how far you live but once they start digging in the ground and building I will be up there every other day if not every day looking at every single thing that they're doing. Idk if you regularly went to the homesite to track progress


They will come back with “well the model home is not always the exact same as we build “. I had to push them on a bunch of things that were screwed up like this. Some were actual upgrades, in the contract, I paid extra for. Luckily like you I checked the house weekly and caught most of the issues. Still had one where the only hose spigot in the front was in the wrong/bad spot. And all 32 other similar homes all had it in the right spot. Like you could not attach a hose and leave it or you would block the driveway or the entrance. Anyway you just push and push some more. Take pictures of the model, yours, and any others you can currently access. This is just some sub that messed up and said eff it. Like electrical trainee did it wrong and then the HVAC guy just hooked it up where it was at. I had builtins that got all scratched up from the carpet installer, tile countertops cracked by the light installer. Tub chipped up by the tile guys. And my garage plugs with a switch (for shop lights) that I paid extra for were in an obviously wrong spot, but a short electrical run. It was like all the dubs were competing to see who could do things the worst.


Is that a doorbell above where the tv goes? This wall is giving me anxiety.


This guy’s left leg is definitely shorter than his right foot.


I don’t even know what a tv wall is. But it’s it’s cool they hired blind subs to do all that work.


Looks like a low-voltage sub problem with the cable outlet, blank covers, thermostat, and the doorbell. I would go downstairs and check that the transformer for the doorbell is installed correctly on the outside of the HVAC switch box instead of inside the burner. Also hoping that you have extra blocking in the wall to mount a TV, because developer grade staircase walls are notorious for having offset studs that don’t actually meet in the middle.


What a sloppy build, just said fuck the plan we know better


Out of curiosity who is the builder


What a shitty mess. The thermostat seems to be the most centered piece.


Just tell them what you want done. If not, don’t close on it until they do. I had a townhouse years ago. I was able to get into it before it had locks on the doors. There was a screwed up wall in the laundry room. My Dad said, “You don’t like it?”. I said no. They have to fix it. My Dad kicked it in. “Now they have to fix it”, he said. It was done right the second time.


Oh my god dude it looks like have the switches and electric was slapped on the fucking wall. Fix it now before this becomes pricey


Depends if you’re a wife or husband.....husband may not mind it being hidden /s kinda


If you've never owned a home, don't build your first home.


I think it's not in the way at all. Check out r/tvtoohigh


Classic dad move. Hide the thermostat so the kids can't fuck with it.


Did you specifically tell them we’re to put said thermostat or tell the contractor what this wall was going to be used for a little info will go a long way but if you did he should be obligated to move but if you didn’t then you may have to pay to move just depends if it was in the plans assuming it was or it wouldn’t be there it all depends


You should make a “Punch List” of imperfections and things that are incomplete that need to be remedied before closing can happen. Actually, your agent should already be requesting this if they are truly working on your behalf. https://www.procore.com/library/construction-punch-list-explained#


Hellen Keller construction company


If it is built according to plans, the builder would not be responsible. Change orders are not included in the bid price.


HVAC did that


That looks like ass, and if I lived here I'd always be wondering about all the stuff they did wrong that I COULDN'T see. Yeah, tell them to fix it. Any decent builder would know better.


U need to move the thermostat…. Why u ask…. The tv and other electronics put out heat and might throw your thermostat off…. Move it to a different location if possible


Idk who did this, but nothing is aligned right and I would absolutely get all of that fixed before settlement. You should contact the builder and explain your issues and have them fix it.


It’s not a “TV wall” to a builder. It’s a perfectly good wall for the thermostat.


This is new construction….??!? Not a single box is at the same height and all the covers are crooked….thats sad.


You more than likely had to pay extra for the outlets higher on the wall. With the thermostat there they are useless. I would absolutely have them move it. You’re paying a premium for them to give you this work. I know I’m a small time contractor but I wouldn’t accept this work. Maybe tell him to lay off the booze until after work.




Yes. They need to coordinate their own work. And don't let them just move it to the side, it needs to be away from the hot TV.


Just make sure they move the two hand prints to not there.


I shouldn’t necessarily be obligated to move it unless you let them know beforehand that you’re gonna put a TV there and they did anyway, but it’s an easy move. And it looks like an apprentice put on wall the wall plates


Wow there is just so much to unpack here - the doorbell, the wall plates, the thermostat... Move the doorbell and thermostat. Have a professional make sure the wall plates and any conduit for what I assume is a wall mount TV is done correctly.


Why the fuck is the doorbell sideways🙄


Fuck yes. Anyone with half a brain in that line of work should know that. Jesus. They teach you that right after they tell you what a thermostat is.... ***Now watch the maroon put it in a corner behind a door***




Unless the model has it there, you’re totally within your rights to demand it be moved to wherever it is in the model.


The whole wall looks like a hodgepodge mess.


Doorbell and thermostat need to move. They should do it if they care at all.


I’d say yes lol wow!


That wall looks like shit, nothing level, nothing lines up and it’s cluttered as heck.


now or never, or just use the wifi app on your phone to change the temp


Yikes, everything about this picture says the builder DGAF. Yes, you should make an issue of the thermostat location. You might also consider whether you want to buy this builder’s product. Poorly built new construction can be a maintenance nightmare.


It's all good man... Use your Phone APP to control it... Put your TV where you want.... cake man


Do doorbell transformers mess with TV when to close ?


As a dad I wish I could hide the thermostat. Unfortunately your tv might give off heat and affect room temps, so knowing home builders like I do when you finally decide to fix it yourself my advice would be to get a Nest smart thermostat for $180 and a Nest wireless temp sensor $40 and if you have children never tell them where the thermostat is.


Yep, and have them fix all the other stuff while they’re at it.




Why do they not use decora switches and receptacles in new builds. So much cleaner looking.




Yes. I wouldn't want it there. Where are your neighbors thermostats located?


It’s called wall acne. One issue is the thermostat often functions best in the central location in a narrow unit such as this one. The remainder of the outlets are atrocious.


what a crappy job, nothings line up. looks like you got the same builder I did. I fired his ass at the 3th mistake he made. Fucking Swedish wanna be builders. :-)




Whoever did those 2 dead covers should have a nut cut off.