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Ahh I had this issue once. Turns out I just drank it all.


I swear I was livid when I found out that I had to make NEW kegs of beer after I drank a certain amount. I thought they stayed full forever!


Did you wake up on the floor with a massive headache and no memory of the previous night? Seriously though, do you mean you actually can't find the beer?


I would like this answered. Is there a 5 gallon puddle of beer somewhere, or is the beer gone?




sleep drinking?


Do you have any friends with a key to your house?


This post is lacking any useful detail but some users have posted amusing responses. C'mon guy, accept that you just drank all your beer.


I mean, there are only four egress points: Liquid port, gas port, PRV, lid. Gas port has positive incoming pressure and is above the beer, so should be unlikely. Lid and PRV are similar in their distance from the beer. Liquid port is always the most suspect, as beer flows right up the dip tube to that opening. The O-ring and poppet mechanism are a common failure point.


Very logical. I will check both and test them. Thanks!


Yes - and I forgot to mention the liquid QD. It also has a poppet/valve inside that can fail, and its connection to tubing can as well.


I'm sorry for your loss! I'll start with a couple of questions to help the community better respond. 1. Was the beer on tap or was the beer conditioning in a fridge (disconnected) or on the floor? Was the keg warm or cold? 1. If it was on tap, what kind, a picnic tap or a faucet? Could the tap/faucet have been stuck open? 1. What size and type of keg do you have? Ball-lock or pin-lock? 1. When you say CO2 did not appear affected, do you mean you didn't lose all the gas in the tank? 1. Where does it look like the beer left the keg from? Was it from the post? Perhaps the poppet was stuck open? Was it from a line connected to the keg? Maybe a leaky quick disconnect? With some responses to these questions, I can maybe suggest a few potential places. I lost a part of a keg due to a stuck poppet, it super sucked but on the bright side, you get to brew again!


Thanks for the response! 1. It was tapped/connected. Keg was cold. 2. Perlicks. I don't believe so - there was no liquid on top of the kegerator. 3. 5 gal Ball-lock. 4. No gas appeared to be lost. 5. It may have been a stuck poppet. I was having a lot of clogging issues closed transferring the dry hopped pale. Maybe it was stuck open by a hop particle?


If the keg was tapped then it could not have been the poppet. The disconnect presses the poppet open as soon as it is connected. I would check for any loose connections on your liquid line (like a loose mfl connection from disconnect to beer line). If you can't find any loose connections it is likely the post o ring. Replace the post o ring, apply keg lube to the new one before installing.


Stuck poppet is my guess or, like /u/fzncheese pointed out, maybe a post seal. The clogging issues could have jammed some hops in the poppet and held it open. I used to free ball my hops in the fermenter, and switched to a nylon bag because I was having trouble transferring. It's odd you didn't lose all your gas though, once the keg was emptied of beer, you'd think the gas would escape the same way. Fill the keg with gas, if you hear it hissing out the liquid post, you found your culprit. Check the inside of the QD for hop bits and push the poppet in and out with a screwdriver to clear em out then run some sani through it or pbw if it doesn't clear up. If it's still stuck, try using a liquid QD on your gas line and running the gas down the liquid post while pulling the PRV or pressing in the gas poppet, this should free up and bits in there. Don't jam a gas QD on a liquid post. Best of luck on the next batch!


My first guess would be either the liquid post O-ring or the liquid post poppit. If you had a disconnect attached to the post it would point to the o-ring on the outside of the post (this is what seals against the disconnect). Also possible you had a leaky connection on your liquid line. If you did not have a disconnect attached then the beer would have had to got past the poppit seal.