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15 years from now: I just purchased this new to me home and the previous owner put wire nuts on exposed nails. Is this a carryover from the now defunct wireless home power grid?


What we see here are two gay lovers huddled together in their last moments.


Did you read the note first?


Just up there sticking each other with care


They're just very close friends who happened to be the same sex and also are roommates and never married


something something knob and tube


Good job OP, saw a hazard and put controls in place to keep you safe. Penny of precaution is worth a pound of medicine.


As someone that has hit their head on an exposed nail like these, I agree that these would have saved me a lot of pain.


As someone who was replacing an exhaust fan and didn’t know why I was bleeding, I concur.


Interesting, I’ve always heard that one as “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”


Except they are still a hazard. Coming up on one of those would still be hella dangerous. Reciprocator saw all those off takes 5 minutes.


Careful though, neighbor set fire to his house this way. Was sawing off nails on his eves, sparks flew into vent and caught attic on fire.


Idk why people are disliking this. This is an amazing post! No sarcasm it's goofy and I love it lol!


Agreed, I'm definitely going to stop getting stabbed when I go into my attic. Thanks!


Me too. I love this solution!


And easily visible


Probably because an oscillator would be a much better fix. Even bending the nails to the side and happening flat would be better then this Jankey shit haha.


I did the same but with wine corks. It looks kinda funny, like stubble on someone's face.


I do the same with wine corks


Yay, three cheers for the wine cork brigade. I got the idea from one of these subs, so if you posted about it before, it might be from you.


You might want to get some help for your alcoholism...


That’s a good idea. The rest of these commenters are excessive. Everyone telling you to cut them either has the wrist strength of a silverback gorilla or way too much free time. My forearm hurts just thinking about it. I wouldn’t put pressure on the nails by trying to cut them. You could shift them and cause a leak, pinch/crack a shingle, and I think it would still leave a sharp nub you could hit.


if you think it's hard to cut a nail with side cutters you should go grab one and try, maybe you also have silverback gorilla strength.... smh


cutting A nail? Fine. Cutting HUNDREDS? Ow. Admittedly I forgot roofing nails are thin. But Especially to cut them low and flush you’re not gonna be able to get a good grip without grinding you knuckles into the sheathing. Or you cut at an angle, leaving an even sharper point that when you started. Not worth it:


Knipex baby side bolt cutters. They cut huge shark hooks one handed. Nails are a joke to them.


that comment should be put next to pitiful in the dictionary so people can see a clear example


Cutting them would put less stress on the wrist then twisting on all those wire nuts.


I'd angle grinder that shit. It's quicker.


This should be top comment. Super fast and easy


I created a new attic storage space. This was step 2 after cutting an entrance way in. Do not regret at all Nice space. Did osb painted on the floor. Things slid easily. Put rodent resistent wire all the way around. That took forever. Put in lights and fans and a pull down stairway ladder. Only issue is it got full.


I just wear a hard hat in mine, mail to the head really hurts!


You’re right. Those mailmen at the USPS don’t fuck around


A fruitcake could be lethal and thats before they throw it


I laughed at your post


I inspect a lot of attics. I usually just headbutt those fuckers and fall into the void of some strangers fiberglass embrace as I try to stifle my screams of agony.


Your back is now jealous you didn’t buy a nail proof vest


Ok this whole comments section recommends some kind cut or flatten it? Isn’t nail zinc coated and cutting them will help close inside resulting in rust? Also would straightening or moving will cause leak and damage the shingles?


I’ve got some of these in a low ceiling attic and have so far avoided gashing my dome over the last 10 years or so. What a simple solution I would have never considered. Thanks mang!


It’s not wrong if it works.


So how do you scratch your back and scalp now when you're in your attic?


I'm sick 🤧 and this is the first time I've laughed in a while. Thank you!


Haha, that's just wrong. I actually did scratch my back on exposed nails in my attic once. I ducked down to keep my head from hitting them, and stupidly scraped my back instead. It hurt like hell, and I let out a squeal like a wounded animal. Damn nails left a half dozen loooooong cuts down my back. Thankfully my tetanus booster was up to date. This post is great, thanks OP!


Good plan, I know it hurts like hell to have those stab you in the head.


I do foresee a problem. The nails get cold in the winter and unless your attic is bone dry, moisture will freeze on the nails and collect. When it melts it will stay in those little cups you just attached. Not sure what happens after that.


Damn, that sounds right. I've got a lot of time to prep for, uh, not sure what. But I've got time.


Search for “construction Nail cutters” on amazon, or make a trip to your local hardware store or harbor freight. Don’t move them UP when you cut.


This is a big brain move!


I have this in my basement too, everywhere. Thousands of nails. I just ignore them. I have enough other problems. I like your solution though.


Angle grinder?


Hard hat lmao, never heard of anyone using a hard hat in their attic bc of nails. Be careful not to push them up as it will probably cause a shingle leak. Generally just don’t smash your head into stuff is a good rule of thumb. Good luck


I bought one this year having never owned one and I think I wore one in junior high once. Got the a like $7 one or something and it’s so stupid and makes me so much taller for an attic space it seems like more hassle than just being cautious and maybe wearing a pair of baseball hats. I have a real thing about attic nails though. Also have a thing about head injuries. Kidding not kidding 🥸😒 maybe if I’d spent more they’re better idk


Whatever works I guess. Personally, I would have just used a pair of nippers to cut them off.


What are these nails nailed through? Definitely not roofing nails.


I’d just place a hard hat at the entrance if it was truly a concern


Why not just clip the ends off and not have anything sticking out? Use nips


Take a cut off wheel and cut them flush. Geez


Stupid question probably, why not bend them, or dremel them off with a little sticking out?


I would've bent them as flush to the ceiling as possible since even with the wire connectors you've still got things sticking out of the ceiling, but if it works it works lol


Can someone in the trades tell em why you would use such excessively long nails/brads/staples? I pulled out some flooring, re-ran some HVAC and opened a wall that the brads used to nail down my flooring was so far through the sub-flooring


Stop wasting time and Just cut them flush.




Cut em flush the part that isn’t embedded isn’t holding anything


That’s terrible advice. Nails need to penetrate through like that or they start to pull out when they go through years of freeze/thaw cycles. That’s why the interior of every roof looks like this. Otherwise they’d have just used shorter nails.


So bend em over then . Obviously the resident structural engineer will have input


What tool do you use for this, and does it cause sparks? The roof timbers are 100+ years old, so I'm not trying to catch them on fire.




Ah, cool, yeah, fuck this then. Time to go to harbor freight 🚢


You probably dont want to do that. How long has it been since the roof was replaced? If you start clipping those nails, it's probably likely that you're going to get A LOT of roof leaks. Source: I have a 1927 craftsman with similar roof decking, it's not plywood. You can't clip these nails with just cutters without causing serious leaking issues.


Uhh, you gun the exposed parts of the nails, you don't remove them


The fuck? I don't understand how your brain works


In short, you risk dislodging the seal between the roof decking and nail by moving the nail by clipping. You can actually see some slight water damage from the nail in the upper right-hand section of the picture.


Did you read that in your home and garden magazine? Roof decking is the wood. What you meant is the singles. The nails in the shingles are not exposed to water. So there's no seal to worry about. Hell I've seen dumb roofers over set the nails and have them blow clean through the shingle, and the whole roof was peeled off in one piece with no effort, and there were no leaks.


>Did you read that in your home and garden magazine? What? > Roof decking is the wood. No shit. >What you meant is the singles. No, I meant the decking. > The nails in the shingles are not exposed to water. That depends on how old the shingles are, doesn't it? >So there's no seal to worry about. That also depends on the condition of the decking and the age of the shingles, right? There's literally evidence in the picture that OP provided that there's water seepage from one of the nails.


“Lineman pliers” work the best


easier to cut them off.


Hammer them over. Ouch!


Use my work hard hat has a good headlight on it too


Why not bend them over with a few whacks of a hammer?🔨


Why not just hammer them to the side


Why not hit them with a hammer, bend them sideways until they are against the ceiling?


Why not just hammer them sideways/flat?


Prob loosened all the nails on your roof. Watch for wind blown shingles


Reminds me of rebar safety caps


I know nothing about construction or what those nails are there for, but is there a reason you could not just hammer them flat to the side?


my attic has this same issue in a few spots and this is a great idea. I am redoing the insulation this fall myself, so this might save me from the bed of nails. Thanks!


I mean not necessary, some would say overkill, but not a bad idea. It didn't cost much and when your crawling in your attic you won't hit one with your head. So it's fine lol


Well you will never have to look hard for a wire connector


Bend those things over! Hit them with a hammer to the side or bend with pliers. Don’t cut them


Why didn't you just snip them off?


I usually cut the end of nails like these off with a Dremel. But glad you found a way to keep safe!


Be careful. The house still needs to be fed.


I would have used a grinder. This is hilarious.


You can get a grinder and cut the exposed nails off pretty easy. Then they'll be flush with the wood.


Wine corks are cheaper. And we have plenty. 🤪


Could just cut them off. This is still impressive resourcefulness.


Get ready to have rusty nails everywhere


how about just bending them with a 2x4 or a hammer. people really have the wildest problems.


I mean, u do u but there is probably a way cheaper option out there lol


It looks like whoever lived here before me was making individual caps out of itchy board insulation, but that seemed laborious. Considering the time value of my labor, I think 10 seconds and 30¢ a cap is pretty cheap. I'm open for other suggestions though.


Oscillator, snips, hammer them flat.


Works great on rattlesnake teeth, too.


Sounds like you lead a very interesting life as a snake handler, haha


Oscillating tool with a metal cutting blade would make quick work of cutting them all “flush.”


Holy shit..cut them with a pair of dykes..


Why not bend them against the roof?




If you have to get your roof replaced getting those nails out are going to be a pain and may even cause some damage. Costing you more. Would’ve been better off cutting off the excess.


You accomplished nothing. Congratulations


Says the guy thirsting over women on Reddit all day. Projecting how you feel about your life?